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CAW Lane: Getting Underway


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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited April 2011
    Yeah, DD, great picture! It wasn't coming up for me last night but I just saw it. Weird forum issues continue, I guess. At least the forum works now.

    I think I'm about a week or less away from getting my own SOCL up and running. Unfortunately I've run out of time on my short lunch break to do it now but tomorrow I'll be hunting you all down.
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    HappySimmer3HappySimmer3 Posts: 6,699 Member
    edited April 2011
    DD, congrats to you and your son! What wonderful news; I'm sure you and your DH are delighted considering how much you already like her. Here's wishing them much happiness!

    Great pic, too! Yeah, those Grays and Writin boys are good looking! I haven't yet finished setting up my new CAW Lane Longview because last night I had to go check on my TI sims and save their households to my bin. So tonight I will install the new version of TI and can then replace all the second gen sims in it. This was the save that had Brett Fox and Autumn (Strange-Hamm) and their son (who's now a toddler) and I couldn't just delete them! I want to see what their kids look like when they grow up. I won't put any of the second genners in my SOCL games, though. The last time I played some in the same hood, they turned elder about the same time as their parents and actually died first! So I only use them in separate hoods.

    Pary, I've never seen any of those vampire movies but I will try to locate the descriptions you referenced because they sound hilarious. Yes, these movies are just the same old romantic 'knight in shining armour' theme that young girls everywhere are exposed to at a young age. When I was a kid, I remember watching Cinderella with Lesley Anne Warren just about every year. But feminists worry that it causes girls to be unrealistic in their expectations (which really isn't fair to men) and way too passive about taking care of themselves. Maybe that is why, when the knight and princess can't make a go of their relationship, we end up with a lot of single women with children living in poverty because they are unable to support themselves. :?

    But enough about that. I'd rather talk about the sims. :P I'm hoping to get my new SOCL game off to a start sometime this weekend, and start posting some pics. And I'm already getting antsy for my new PC to arrive! Can't wait 'til I can see how this game plays on it. I'll have to start saving my stuff onto my external drive in preparation for the transfer. Oh, I hope it doesn't disappoint me! :wink:
    The Sims 30695923002_cffaca4078_t.jpg

    Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?!
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    aynat134aynat134 Posts: 638 Member
    edited April 2011
    Congrats DD !

    omg, twilight.......lets just say I have a teen, and her friends are teens....and ....uggghhh! lol! I do have to admit, I like the movies. I just dont think I could of read the book! I am a Nicholas Sparks fan myself. He can make me cry with most of his books, but I so love that about him!

    Havent played sims, wish I could. Just cant get into it. I load it up and stare at the town, then exit. Guess a sims break is in order! I will work on my town a while instead.

    DM, love the house!!!!!
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    DarkMirageDarkMirage Posts: 5,998 Member
    edited April 2011
    Thank you! I am glad you liked it. I'm also bored with the game and I am about to start building another house.
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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited April 2011
    HS3, I can't wait to hear about your new PC when it arrives. There is just something so exciting that can make us adults like kids again, when we shop for a new pc. I really hope all goes smoothly for you as you transfer your files to the new one.

    Edited to shorten and fix typo.
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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited April 2011
    Wow Aynat, you sound a bit burned out on the game. I am going to play for about 20 minutes and go to bed late yet again. I am just testing to make sure there are no serious problems before I undertake the somewhat daunting task of rebuilding SOCL onto this machine. But just the quick visit I paid to River View last night brought me a smile. I don't know that I ever got tired of the game, just the fact there were game or town breaking glitches.
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    DOLLDRMS1DOLLDRMS1 Posts: 2,955 Member
    edited April 2011
    Hello everyone! No pics yet today. I didn't get the chance to play yesterday but will today.

    Which reminds me...WR, come out, come out wherever you are :D Sorry, couldn't resist saying that as it's what came to my mind when I went to your page to look at available houses and saw it was hidden?! Are you running your own experiment to see if people find your stuff on the Exchange like what happened with SS86? If so, I hope you make it public again soon. I'm looking for a backup house you've made that I can use for Reggie and Pete. The 50x25 lot is hard to place in a lot of worlds and I just prefer that whatever backup house I put them in be built by you, if possible.

    I run into the same placement problem with DM and SS86 since your houses are on a 50x40. For you DM, I remodeled the original cottage to have 2 bedrooms but you guys may move to the most recently posted house just because I like it sooo much. (There's another one of those sooo's :) )

    Summer, if you have a preferred second choice for a home for worlds that I can't get the 50x40 in, lmk.

    Tangie, like you I have a hard time putting 2nd, and now 3rd, gen sims in with ours. It's really fun moving them to their own little world for us to see if the progeny produce the good looking kids we've been able to get with our original sims.

    ETA: Thank you all for the good wishes for my son!
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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited April 2011
    hi DD,
    I'll have to check the size of the lot I made for the Halstead Wise house in Winter Wonderland. Right now that's all I've got as far as premades go. I think the remake of the Cohen house in Mesa Valley ended up on an even BIGGER lot than what it started out in Longview.

    I've indeed been thinking of remaking the Cohen house in a much smaller lot for ease of transfer to different worlds. But I definitely can't do it on the Mac. I can't control very well with this swipe pad. I need a regular mouse. If you want to put the Cohens in any other house, especially something small and easy to maneuver in like DM has been making, do feel free. My husband and I lived most of our lives in smaller houses and someday that's what we'll be returning to.

    I have to do more testing but I'm having some trouble running Sims3 on Mac. Last night I noticed my sim just standing there as queued actions took a long time to activate. It was odd. I am fiddling with some settings and hoping for the best. I gotta run.

    WR, if you're experimenting with your studio let us know. I'd love to know what you find out.
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    DarkMirageDarkMirage Posts: 5,998 Member
    edited April 2011
    Edit: Never mind. I get the message.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited April 2011
    Alas, poor post, I knew him well.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    HappySimmer3HappySimmer3 Posts: 6,699 Member
    edited April 2011
    Good morning everyone! Er, it's morning here where I am, anyway. I suspect for some of you it's getting closer to noon! :P

    I am still working on putting together my new SOCL hood. I have moved Rflong to one of the beach lots so she can get to work on time, and Clayworld is now located out in the farming district in my 'hood(I thought her green house would fit in well there, lol). I also placed a lot across from the gym and Pary was nice enough to build a Sports Bar on CS3 that looks great in that spot. I also put her Blackcat Club behind the big fishing park - can't think of the name of it, but it's the remodeled Plumpuddle Park lot that Rflong placed near downtown. Anyhow, things are shaping up and I should be able to start a game soon. I think I've got us all placed except for Rukaya's sim. I guess I need to reinstall her lot and sim because they aren't in my library.

    From reading the posts I guess there was some kind of issue with WR setting her Studio to private? WR, if you are upset over something again, I hope you feel better soon. No one is trying to insult you just because we state opinions that differ from yours; I do hope you realize that. If that's not what this is about then whatever it is, like I said, I hope you feel better soon.

    I am glad that you are figuring out your Mac, Summer! I would be equally lost on one of those. I use a mouse with my laptop, also, I agree that it's soooo ( :wink: at DD) much easier to navigate with.

    Well, I have some more sites to check and then some housework to do before I can play, so I better go get busy. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
    The Sims 30695923002_cffaca4078_t.jpg

    Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?!
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    DOLLDRMS1DOLLDRMS1 Posts: 2,955 Member
    edited April 2011
    HS3, you made me laugh at your comment :D

    WR, I guess you've got your comment page turned off, so I hope you read here. I've sent you a pm on the CS3 forum, please read.
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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited April 2011
    Lose weight fast! Delete old posts!
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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited April 2011
    DD, this is the house I was talking about, it's on a 20x20 lot and I made it for Winter Wonderland.

    I may end up using that house instead of rebuilding the Cohen house. It looks a lot like a house my husband and I tried to buy once.

    I apparently no longer have the Cohens! :shock: I have to go back to my PC and see what happened. They didn't seem to get packed up for the transfer.
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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited April 2011
    Removed ripoff link.
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    DOLLDRMS1DOLLDRMS1 Posts: 2,955 Member
    edited April 2011
    Ack, that is a ripped off lot! Here is the link to the one you want: It's by CK213. Darn, the nerve of some people!

    I like the house you did for WW. That would work well because 20x20 can be placed on larger lots if one wants to do so.

    I have the Cohens in their original lot saved in my CAW Lane folder. Do you want me to zip them up and post to my MediaFire account? If so, just lmk.

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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited April 2011
    OMG! :shock: I am so glad I decided to check before downloading! Thanks so much, DD! I remembered the description being what was posted on the ripoff but something about the upload didn't quite match my memory of the original source. Thanks again.

    I've got Longview loaded in. I do still have the Cohens on my p.c. Some reason I didn't upload them for transfer. I had too many files I was juggling, I guess. But thanks for offering DD. I do think the little colonial will now be my official Cohen House, DD. I'm so painfully out of practice with the house building that it will be a long wait otherwise, waiting for me to redo the Cohen house from scratch. Though someday...I still plan on doing that.

    One thing was painfully apparent when I was playing Riverview. The EA worlds just aren't very easy to use with all the latest expansions. I couldn't see any easy way to fit in the clubs and pubs and other EP related buildings. Custom user-made worlds are pretty much the only way to go in my opinion. Longview offers a lot of versatility. When RFLong first released it, it seemed daunting to fill in all the blank lots. But now? Good grief thank goodness she laid it out the way she did.

    I guess that's enough yakking for now. I am actually cooking dinner at the moment. Seafood. Fish fillets, crab cakes, shrimp. I gotta go back. I like having my computer near the kitchen.

    Oh, should I edit my post and remove that link or leave it up so you all can see the thief?

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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited April 2011
    Ooh quick question if I want BOmmer Sooner III by DM but don't have at the shattered mirror from the store, will I end up with a filet of fish?
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    ParyPary Posts: 6,871 Member
    edited April 2011
    LOL @ fillet of fish.
    Edit - oops, too fast to post again - Yes you might end up with fish fillets. I just built a sports bar that Tangie downloaded, and she didn't have some of the sports decor and ended up with wall fish.

    I found the same thing with Riverview & the new late night lots. I just converted that empty warehouse near the science lab into a dance club, and their Hangout juice bar place into a Dive Bar. After that I just plopped down one 20x20 lot and stuck the Black Cat Club on one of the corners, down the road near a bridge and left it at that.
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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited April 2011
    Well I'm here downloading our SOCL characters. WR's studio is accessible and intact so I was able to get everyone so far but the Kerr's. DM's studio is intact and accessible but John and Shelly are dead links and not in the studio. I will get them off of my pc when I go to upload the Cohens (without their house). I can't believe I'm finally able to do hubby will help me with the kid's playroom tomorrow. LOL--at the moment he is playing Barbies with our daughter. We had a late dinner so yep, she's still up.

    Oh my Pary, I forgot about that warehouse. Back before we had real bars I turned it into a community rec center.

    I guess I'll be seeing the filet o fish in Boomer Sooner 3.
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    DOLLDRMS1DOLLDRMS1 Posts: 2,955 Member
    edited April 2011
    If nobody gets at least one fillet of fish in a download, something must be wrong :lol:

    Pary, where is the sports bar? I've looked through the CS3 lot downloads twice without finding it and it's not in your studio. As much as I like the BlackCat lounge, I would love to get a look at the sports bar.
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    HappySimmer3HappySimmer3 Posts: 6,699 Member
    edited April 2011
    Hi everyone!

    It occurred to me Pary, and probably to you too, that you should move the link for your lot to the downloads section so that others can see your newest spiffy club. In the meantime, DD, it's located in a "where can I find" thread. I asked if anyone knew of a good sports bar and the next thing I knew, Pary built one! (Hope it's OK to share that, Pary.)

    How cool was that? I placed a lot directly across from the gym, which I thought was a good second choice for it considering the land is too hilly around the stadium. And I have since bought the sports clutter because I finally saw a need for it, so no more wall fillet of fish. :lol:
    The Sims 30695923002_cffaca4078_t.jpg

    Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?!
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    ParyPary Posts: 6,871 Member
    edited April 2011
    Yes, I was thinking about taking some proper shots and putting it in a thread of its own in the right place. I'll do that later. Until then dolldrms, be warned there is an area hogging trophy case in the middle of the floor in the bar that you might want to destroy.
    I was messing around with the sports decor, and left myself a bit short of room for dance floor, or things like... you know, adequate walking space ! :lol:

    Tangie you haven't run into any issues with it have you? *crosses fingers* As I said, I hadn't playtested the lot, and just uploaded it quickly before my kiddo's got home from school, and I had to referee about a million fights over who's turn it was on the computer first today :roll:
    Sims 3 Household Exchange - Share your households!
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    Devolution of Sims - a once customisable open world sandbox which has become a DLC Party catalog in a shoebox
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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited April 2011
    Yada yada yada. Erased.
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    SummerSong86SummerSong86 Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited April 2011
    Oh p o o, I always forget to ask the questions that swirl around in my head. Clayworld's studio she has a really cute new elf girl. I want that sim, and though it says no CC is used, how is Clay able to get the picture of the sim to show up with elf ears? Are the ears CC or some sort of slider hack? I was thinking of using her new elf as her SOCL character. It's such a lovely elf and would look cute paired up as BFF's with RFlong7's pink haired sim. I definitely can not have CC on a Mac. I'm told CC doesn't usually work well on a Mac, even the safe stuff. It doesn't consistently show up.

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