Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited October 2023
    On chapter four of The Chikamori Legacy (text form) - this is going to be so fun to capture screenshots of.
    “What the hell are you doing?” Haruo groused at a driver who had managed to change lanes only to have to brake quickly to avoid impacting the other driver up ahead who was stopped due to traffic That particular driver ended up locking his wheels due to the snow on the ground and slid about ten feet before managing to stop the car just before he was about to impact the rear bumper of the car in front of him. About an inch of space separated the two bumpers. River was shaking her head at the audacity of that particular driver. Haruo rolled down his window, gave the bird and exploded at the other driver, “Snow reduces traction, ya mental midget!!!” River started laughing at Haruo’s acidic derogatory comment towards the other driver’s driving abilities and his mental acuity. “That idiot nearly rear-ended the other guy!”

    Somehow they managed to get to Metrotown without Haruo completely losing his ~insert foul word of your choice~ over the stupidity of other drivers…

    Sounds like me behind the wheel. 🤣

    Next day update: have got nearly 4 pages of writing done on Chapter 4. Looks like my muse is in full form. She’s giving me ideas I can hardly keep up with along with a roadmap of how I want to depict River’s and Haruo’s years at University. Today I’m working on my HTML coding for the posts in my blog so that I can get these chapters up as I get the screenshots for them. 😳

    Still waiting to be able to get an ethernet cable. Unfortunately due to the distance between my computer and the router, I have to get at least a 100ft ethernet cable and those cost money. 😳🙄
    Post edited by Nikkei_Simmer on
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    lizzielilyylizzielilyy Posts: 4,913 Member
    New update 🩷Chapter Five: Mixed Feelings

    Complicated emotions arise within the band that threaten to rip it apart...

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    BlackSandBlackSand Posts: 2,074 Member


    Sammie knew life at the manor in the Valley with her Mom and Aunt Crystal was different.
    She had access to the worldwide web and could read ... And she was convinced her mother was from the Stone Age.
    Still, it didn't bother Sammie much because she also knew she was safe and in ways better off than many kids she saw online.
    She had been careful not to make any serious friends ... But that was about to change.

    Not so much as a week after her last birthday ... It was time to go to school.
    While one was not available in the Valley ... The District ran a school close enough to still be a possibility.
    Up until now ... It had just been Sammie, her Mom and Aunt Crystal ... School was going to be an interesting addition.
    Sammie wasn't really scared about having to go to school ...But she wondered what everything was going to be like.

    She already knew how to read, knew some math ... And actually liked playing chess.
    Her Mom allowed her a lot of time to play and explore the world ... But also established delegated time for study.
    She had dreaded finding out what that was going to be like when it came to schoolwork.
    It always seemed like Aunt Crystal understood ... But Crystal wouldn't go against Sammie's Mom.

    All this played through Sammie's head as she worked on her new creation.
    She had read they had art classes in school ... And would rather learn how to paint better than read better.
    Sammie wasn't a big fan of the books in her mother's collection ... A lot of adult stories and few she was allowed to read.
    The Classics her mother had were even worse ... Boring.


    I eat pickles on my hamburgers ... MWWAHAHAHAHA
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    CororonCororon Posts: 4,276 Member
    My great-grandsims Jessica and Susanne are having Halloween fun with their first cousin Robin who is also one of my great-grandsims. :smile:


    It's too early to go and ring on doors, so they went Trick or Treat-ing critters in the neighbourhood instead. Some might have candy, you never know.


    It was chilly, so they invited the crab to stay with them for a couple of days. Free food. :smile:

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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited October 2023
    Ok, now that 2023 is done for the Sunset Valley/Lake Onebega timeline, it's time to make another jump again in time and place to the east coast town of Sprottenham, and an event that I was looking more forward too than the christmas... and that is Solvejs wedding...


    ..but before I show you that, I just want to say.. don't do this.. don't do what I do and play rotationally with several households spread over several different towns... just don't, it's a bad idea..

    So.. as a recap, last thing that happened in this town was Solvej proposing to Patrik, whom she had lived with for the past 13 years, and now has three children with.. their son Rune (12 years old) and the twin daughters Silvia and Lilian (1 year, 3 months old)..

    2jieoBB.jpg, since he didn't seem to want to propose, she had to take matters into her own hands and do it herself.. and luckily for her, he said yes..

    Chapter 12.2 - July 2023 – Fireworks in the sky.

    Quick summary:


    It's july and it's the day of Solvej and Patriks wedding. For that reason, they are visited by Solvejs parents, Mona and Rolf, that have travelled all the way from their home in Freetown Ciani Tharis where Solvej grew up.


    Their happy to meet and play with their grandchildren, especially the two youngest ones Silvia and Lilian.


    ..and of course, Solvejs wedding. ;) Her uncle Hans-Tore and her aunt Victoria are also in town, along with her two brothers August and Sylvester René. Everyone attended her wedding except Victoria.. She was invited, but since she has always been the most childish and inappropriate member of the family (much to Monas annoyance.. she never really got along with her husbands sister...), she was probably distracted by one of the playgrounds in town... but the wedding and the party was a big success anyway though. ;)

    Todays artbreeder photo:


    Solvej Rasmussen (32 years old).

    Born and raised in what is known as Freetown Ciani Tharis, a small distance outside the county capitol of Wad Nahadau, just some miles to the northeast of Sunset Valley. She grew up in a hippe-esque household with her two parents Mona and Rolf, her uncle Hans-Tore and her aunt Victoria, as well as her brothers August and Sylvester-René.

    She early on picked up an interest in flowers ( ;) ) and gardening from spending time with her mom tending to the plants in the backyard. In general she enjoyed a very carefree and relaxed childhood, before she decided to venture out and explore the world on her own, first spending some time in an apartment in the nearby city... but she could never fully deal with city living.. so she terminated the tenancy on her apartment, packed her most important belongings in her van, and took off to live a few years on the road...

    More text in spoiler:
    That went well for a while, until one day her car broke down in the middle of nowhere as she was travelling across the Appaloosian mountains from west to east... and that's when the tour bus of a certain football team, the Sprottenham Totspurs, became her saving grace..
    The team was returning from a match they played against Cyme Ixotic United (and lost....) and was now headed towards the city of Anilam where they would spend the night in before continuing their journey to their hometown of Sprottenham.
    She was first only set to hitch a ride with them Anilam to find help to fix her car and continue her journey on her own.. but as they didn't arrive there until late on a Saturday night and every car repair shop was closed, she ended up spending a night on the town with them instead to "celebrate their victory" as one of the football players, a young rising star by the name of Patrik, told her....

    She learnt from the other guys that this wasn't true, it was just something he said.. Patrik was the womanizer of the team, and she didn't really like him much at first... the next day they parted ways as she was able to locate a car repair shop that could tow her van into town and have it repaired.. She continued her journey eastwards later that day until she encountered this hitchhiking bum with a backpack along the road.. He said his name was Gaute and that he'd spent the weekend climbing in the mountains, and was now headed back to the lowlands.. She asked him to where he was going.. He said Sprottenham, where he was currently squatting in an old abandoned house, but anywhere she could drop him off along the way would be fine..

    Solvej agreed to drive him all the way to this town though, as she "was just going where the wind took her". Gaute thanked her very much for this and said he had a spare bed if she wanted a place to crash for the night.. it wasn't much, but it was probably better than sleeping in her van..

    The house that Gaute talked about was an old dilapidated brick house that went under the name of "Gufo Triste" by the locals, and it just so happened to be located on Greenacre Road, right next to a house currently occupied by a local football player, Patrik C. Jensen...
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Hey howdy hey everyone. 🖐🏻 <3

    I'm still here...just haven't had much time lately to comment on posts or post anything game related myself, but I've been enjoying reading all your story/gameplay shenanigans. :blush: I wish I could comment on them the way that I used to...

    It's slowed down quite a bit here :( and I hope people will want to play their Sims 3 game again soon and share. Heck, I hope that for myself right now... :pensive: Life is crazy, and with the holidays coming up we might see more of a decline in posts...

    That being said, if any of y'all feel like sharing some festive photos from your game, like @Cororon just did, I (and others on here I'm sure ;) ) would love to see them.

    At this point it's looking like a very slim chance that I'll be able to produce a Christmas story this year - especially with not much of an audience on here anymore. :pensive: When my time is limited the way it is these days, if I put in precious time to write one, I need an audience to enjoy it.
    Don't want anyone to feel bad by me saying that, I'm just saying. :kissing_heart:

    What I might do is re-post my "Aurora Skies Christmas Romance Tale" on here for those of you who missed it back in 2018. 👍🏻 I've actually renamed it "A 'Christmas Carol' Romance Tale." :blush: I even went in recently and touched it up a bit so now it's better. Hee hee. ;)

    Y'all mean so much to me and I have cherished our interactions and the friendships I've made on here since 2015 and will hold it always in a very special place in my heart. <3

    Keep calm and Sim on my friends. :star:
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    @emorrill Yeah, it's pretty slow when, except for yours, there are no new posts here since yesterday... I think I said something in a comment earlier that somehow went missing about not pushing it when it comes to making a christmas story.. it would be nice to read one, but if it feels like to much work to make one, then don't... I don't know about anyone else, but I'll understand. :P

    And of course, as you also pointed out, there doesn't appear to be to much of an audience either.. I don't know, I'll probably just keep on doing whatever I do at my own pace regardless, because once I have started I kind of can't just stop.. but knowing that things actually get read will be a motivational factor to share things, and perhaps sometimes put more effort into it as well, not going to lie. :P

    Wouldn't mind seeing more people sharing things directly into this thread, and not just linking to their blogs, even though I'm guilty of the same, and though I'm not gonna change anytime soon.

    ..anyway, for some reason I started thinking about the first pose that I made, and given the season we're in, I just got an idea for another one.. taking it more into the direction of Halloween... ditching the chainsaw for something else, and making it much more sinister... however, the idea is (probably) not looking very forum friendly, so if I finish it and post it, it probably won't be here..... but, anyway.. want ketchup with that? >:)

    Also, I added a family photo and a wedding photo to the blogpost I shared up there. I meant to do them yesterday, and I wanted to have the family photo on the same lot as the wedding, but then the game crashed to desktop, so I just ditched that idea then and made the post instead.
    That's why the family photo instead is taken in their backyard, right in front of Solvejs greenhouse. :P


    Back row: Silvia (held), Victoria (Rolfs sister), Rolf (Solvejs father), Mona (Solvejs mother), Lilian (held), Hans-Tore (Monas brother)
    Front row: August (Solvejs brother), Rune, Solvej, Patrik, Sylvester René (Solvejs brother)


    Wedding photo.
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member

    Hugs, it is a bit slow on here but might pick up again,
    I haven not been motivated to play Sims 3 and have been engrossed in my other game.
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    texanskytexansky Posts: 1,347 Member
    edited October 2023
    I've been busy building Sea Horse Estates for the Cape Albacore collaboration.

    It's a working farm on a 60x60 lot with cows, chickens, bees, Grandpa's Grove tractor, a horse corral, and a play area for the kids. The house includes 5 bedrooms, a nursery, and 2 baths. It has a large country kitchen complete with a wood burning stove and Grandma's canning station.

    It's available for download on The Exchange here.

    I have been lurking in the background reading everyone's stories. I should take the time to comment to let all of you know how much I enjoy them.
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    TurjanTurjan Posts: 1,717 Member
    I'm also still here and reading your stories quite regularly. I'm mostly busy with a different game though, and although I fire up Sims3 from time to time, it's that sporadic that I don't think anyone would know what I'm talking about if I posted some update every two months or so.

    But yeah, it got pretty quiet here. It's the way all things go. I don't think Sims3 will die anytime soon, though, given even Sims2 still has its avid fans.
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    PuddinroyPuddinroy Posts: 4,451 Member
    @emorrill: I'm still here. Just been busy.

    @Turjan: Hello.

    @Silverofdreams30: Hello. What other game are you playing?

    @texansky: Hello.

    @Nikkei_Simmer: Hello.

    @Sprottenham: Hello. Pretty pictures.

    @Sims4MagicalTales: Hello.

    @lizzielilyy: Hello.

    @BlackSand: Hello.

    @Cororon: Hello.

    @lisasc360: Hello. How is your birdie doing? My hunny bunny (King Henry) is doing well.

    @Karritz: Hello. I enjoyed your latest video.

    @PalmArrow: Hello.

    @all: Thanks for letting me read/comment on your stories/videos/pictures. :)
    :) Smile!

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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,355 Member
    Hey there @Puddinroy... :) She's doing great, she's just being a spoiled little birdie... :smiley:
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    Still waiting on that ethernet cable. ~insert thumb twiddling gif~
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member

    Baldurs gate 3 * waves*
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    scribbly_simsscribbly_sims Posts: 61 Member
    edited October 2023
    I've been slowly continuing my Bachelor Challenge and I've just finished typing up Episode 6! Check it out here!!

    ~ Read my blog here!
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    @Turjan It's nice to see your still reading, but..
    Turjan wrote: »
    (...) although I fire up Sims3 from time to time, it's that sporadic that I don't think anyone would know what I'm talking about if I posted some update every two months or so. (...)

    I don't think that should be what keeps you from posting.. Nobody will certainly know what you're talking about if you're.. hmm.. not talking about it.. and who knows, I might remember some of your characters even if it's a long time ago.. I know I did last time I saw you posting something.. Once in a blue moon is better than nothing (as long as you want to share, of course... you don't have to, but it would be appreciated if you did...)

    @Puddinroy Well hello there, and thanks. Got something else to share, or did you just pop in to say hi? ;)
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited October 2023
    Next one:

    Chapter 12.3 - August 2023 – Wheat bread with honey.. and tiny little football players...

    Quick summary:


    The Rasmussen family goes to enjoy a day at the summer festival before her parents, aunt, uncle and brothers leave to go back to their hometown. This time her aunt VIktoria showed up, but not her uncle Hans-Tore, though he was invited..


    ..but who stole the show I'll have to say where the toddler twins Silvia and Lilian, as they did something I didn't know toddlers where capable of.. as reflected in the title.. so this update put more emphasis on (trying to) see the world a little bit through the eyes of a toddler than I otherwise would, because I have no idea how a toddler thinks...
    Post edited by Sprottenham on
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    PuddinroyPuddinroy Posts: 4,451 Member

    Say hello to Luna and Rainbow Comet Butterfly.

    It's from my family I have been playing with.
    :) Smile!

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    CororonCororon Posts: 4,276 Member
    Puddinroy wrote: »
    Say hello to Luna and Rainbow Comet Butterfly.

    Hello! :smile: Very rainbowy.

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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited October 2023
    Busy…in between working on JAGfic and Simsfic.

    ~sigh~. Still no ethernet cord 🙄 yet. So no going into my game and being able to get screenshots.

    Chapter 4 of The Chikamori Legacy has Haruo and River in Victoria browsing through a jewelry shop. 👀 😳
    Haruo just kind of sidled over to the engagement ring section while River was looking over at necklaces. Haruo looked over at River. “Hey…come take a look at these. Wow, these are nice, aren’t they?”

    River was even more curious as to what Haruo was doing loitering in the engagement ring section. And Haruo watched her look over them with an enigmatic smile as a saleswoman came over, “Hello, how may I help you?”

    Haruo grinned at the saleswoman, “Are these the only rings that you have?” That question jolted River’s head up and she was looking at him kind of funny; an inquisitive look on her face, What exactly is going on here? She thought
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    CororonCororon Posts: 4,276 Member
    Didn't play my game today, but downloaded these super cute Halloween toys/decor from Around The Sims 3

    I will have use for the jumping spider plushies :lol: The real ones are among the friendliest critters in nature
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    CharlieBleuCharlieBleu Posts: 177 Member
    The chapter 'Children and Fleas' is complete now.

    Today, the Bleu house finally gained an extra room, the house was getting pretty crowded.
    Feel free to add me to your Sims 3 friend list! I'm DMCharlie2017
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited October 2023
    I didn't think I would get to post this one here today, as the forum appears to have had some trouble lately, but here it is... :P

    Chapter 12.4 – September 2023 – Life skills and satisfaction.

    A (relatively) short and simple chapter that doesn't necessarily reveal to much new information.


    Solvej tries out planting the Wolf Bane seeds she received as a gift from her mother.

    Then Patrik has something to show to the toddlers given that they were so interested in playing football when they were in the park. ;)


    Rune wants to hang out with his friends Leo and Samira, but unfortunately they turned him down because they were busy... him hanging out with them was what I wanted to focus on for this one, but since it didn't happen... maybe next time..

    Todays Artbreeder photo:


    Patrik Clements Rasmussen (née Jensen).

    Patrik is the only child to parents Nils Ivar Jensen (13.02.1946 - 16.09.2012) and Gertrude Jensen (née Myrvoll) (14.05.1948 - 18.11.2021). His parents were proud farmers from the nearby town of Warenford, and one day had hopes that Patrik would take over their farm, but unfortunately he had other ideas and instead wanted to pursue a career in sports playing football, hoping to win the national championship to gain fame, money.. and women.. of course! So... after finishing high school in his hometown, he moved out to the nearby slightly bigger town of Sprottenham to join the local team, much to his parents disappointment.. and since they had noone to take over the farm, they found it necessary to sell it when the time came for them to step down and retire...

    (His full profile/background may contain a trigger warning, so I decided to remove a part of it here.. but it's still gonna be up in the "Sim profiles" section on my blog.)
    Post edited by Sprottenham on
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton

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