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How Random is Sims 4 Really?

PenguinFoopPenguinFoop Posts: 1,582 Member
So let me start with a real life example.

I live up a one-lane gravel dead-end road in rural America. Yesterday, I was on my way home from a doctor's appointment when I got to a sharp turn just before my house. I saw the turn was blocked by a mobile home being moved out of our area (random event #1). I pulled into our old driveway from before we built the new house and waited.

After half an hour or so, the mobile home was finally past me so I drove on toward the new driveway when I noticed that our mailbox was flattened. They had smashed it (random event #2).

I turned around and drove out to where they were still slowly moving along, stopped my car in the middle of the road and walked to the truck that was moving the mobile home.

When the driver saw me, he stopped and waited for me to approach. When I was close enough, I simply asked him when they were going to replace our mailbox. He didn't know anything about it because the ground crew (who had been guiding him down the narrow tree-lined road hadn't told him what had happened). I knew they knew about it because the one there at the driver's door described our mailbox and confirmed that it was smashed.

So the driver turned toward the inside of the cab, reached down and then turned back to me and stuck his hand out the window.

"Here," he said, "this should cover the mailbox. Sorry for the damage." He handed me a $100.00 bill! That was unexpected but not really random since they were in the wrong and caused damage.

So this got me to thinking this morning, life is one long series of random events and as I started my game up, I thought to myself how random is TS4 really?

I've noticed in the past that I mainly get the free money events when I'm low on cash and I just recently read that one player always has alien abductions happen at around 10:45 pm when they happen and there is supposed to be a 25% chance of a PFA (pregnancy from abduction) for male sims, though this seems to be broken.

I am a lover of chaos and unpredictability, so now I can't get over this feeling that the game may be more scripted and less random than I had originally thought.


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    MissyHissyMissyHissy Posts: 2,022 Member
    Truthfully, it's not as random as I'd like it to be either. Taking chance cards at work as an example, the outcomes are scripted and will always provide the same outcome. The outcomes from many of the phone calls are always the same and entirely predictable (thinking of the inheritance one from Eco Lifestyle as a prime example).

    All the events I can think of are indeed heavily scripted and specific. There's not really much randomness at all.
    I'm no expert but that's from what I've observed, both from the gameplay itself and from peeking at the code when modding.
    *All my mods can be found on The Daily Plumbob*MiAqoAE.png
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    PenguinFoopPenguinFoop Posts: 1,582 Member
    So I'm not alone in feeling like the game needs more randomness.

    I know that people like stability and continuity but that gets boring for me. Of course those who create story content would probably disagree but if you think of the movies that have been released over the last few decades, when was the last time you said "I did not see that coming!"

    Everything anymore is too scripted and benign. I do however enjoy the random neighborhood events like reading that Judith Ward randomly burned to death while making a sandwich. I laughed loudly at the one.

    Imagine walking down the street I. The middle of the day and suddenly an alien lands in front of as if just returning from the current abduction system. Or seeing two people get into an argument that turns to a fight! A random woman going into labor, like in sims 3! Stuff, random stuff happening.
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    SolomuttSolomutt Posts: 49 Member
    I created two sim families and put them in the homes next to my sim player family. The idea was for the kids to around to make friends with the player kid. I haven't seen any of them, anywhere. (and autonomy is on) I actually forgot I did it because I never saw them and now the player sim kid is an adult.
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    LiELFLiELF Posts: 6,528 Member
    I agree as well. The game feels like it should have random events, but then the design reveals itself to be more linear. The emotion system is a good example of this. In theory, adding emotions to Sims should make them unpredictable sometimes. As they navigate their lives and experience loss, heartache, bad days, arguments and frustrations, they should, in theory, have some unexpected reactions based on how they experience a situation and what their own personality is like. But what we see a lot of is all Sims reacting the same way to the same stimuli, which makes them all predictable. Now there have definitely been some tweaks to traits and systems to change this, and it has helped somewhat, but unfortunately the emotions were designed to be at the forefront to override trait influence, not the other way around, so we end up with samey Sims.

    And I think this is what players of the older Sims games try to refer to when they say they enjoyed the gameplay better of those games. No two Sims were alike in response and reactions, (at least it felt that way) so the gameplay wasn't repetitive and predictable. It would be nice if the devs went back to the older personality designs (but better) for Project Rene. I never once saw players say they were bored with the older games and needed a break, but I see it said a lot about Sims 4.

    I also feel that the unpredictability and surprises like burglars breaking in, Sims taking revenge on a bad breakup by knocking over trash cans, stealing your newspaper, leaving flaming bags of poo on the doorstep, or events like alien abductions resulting in unnatural births, were also a part of what made those games so exciting and fun. They were poking fun at life with good humor. I feel like there could have been some great opportunities in Sims 4 to have some of these things too.

    For example, the influencer and social media gameplay should have had a chance for your Sim to choose extra posts they
    could make online, like "try to start a new joke trend", "make a risque comment", "post your honest opinion"... and there's a hidden chance that your following will get upset at you because you inadvertently said the wrong thing and offended them. Now you've lost followers so you have to "post an apology", "repair your reputation", or stand" your ground, and there could be different outcomes of your choice, depending on your Sim's traits or skill levels. A high charisma would be more likely to recover, but a Paranoid Sim might still have a meltdown and cry or tremble under their bedcovers, lol.

    It's all about seeing the humor of life and being able to laugh at the good, the bad, and the unexpected in a simulation game. Real life is unpredictable, as you said, and sometimes the darndest things go wrong. It would be nice to see this reflected in the gameplay.
    #Team Occult
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    Chicklet453681Chicklet453681 Posts: 2,436 Member
    My theory is because of how the game started out.

    It was originally meant to be an online multi-player game. Why would you need to code in random events if every sim in the world was being controlled by a RL human? There would be tons of random stuff happening because you can't predict the behavior or actions of a RL person.

    Then when they decided to scrap that, they had to hurry up and create some type of single player game ...... so they created scripted "random" events that have certain triggers for all sims.

    It's definitely not random. And when they do try to do random, it's turned up to 11! It's either full-blow and annoying or it gets nerfed and never happens again.
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    SweetieWright_84SweetieWright_84 Posts: 4,132 Member
    I feel like the closest two things to random events in my personal game was when my 7D Legacy founder got struck by lightning on day 1. Also, on day 3 or 4, she was abducted by aliens. I honestly didn't see those coming. I mean, I sort of did because I kept yelling at her to go back inside before she got struck by the lightning but I didn't see it coming in that precise moment.

    But I agree, we need more randomness. My gameplay thrives on the unexpected. I'm one of those simmers who doesn't restart when something happens, I roll with it. With the exception of my sim dying fresh out of CAS, which is also highly unlikely.
    It's definitely not random. And when they do try to do random, it's turned up to 11! It's either full-blow and annoying or it gets nerfed and never happens again.

    There doesn't seem to ever be a happy medium. It's all or nothing. Years ago, I had a sim that was abducted 6 times in his lifetime (YA to A because I abandoned that save before he became an elder). Apart from the sim I mentioned above, only one other save has seen any abductions. That was my alien legacy so it sort of made sense though. Ironically, my founder, who is an alien, was abducted.
    Gallery ID: SweetieWright_84--Save File Thread--Youtube Channel
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    StarfreeStarfree Posts: 1,470 Member
    @PenguinFoop I don't know if you use mods or not but there are a number of mods to bring randomness to the game. I think one of the more popular ones is Slice of Life & another would be Lifes Tragedies. At least those are two I've heard mentioned in the past.
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    83bienchen83bienchen Posts: 2,589 Member
    edited June 2023
    There actually is a noticeable difference in coding when compared to TS2. In TS2, programming was heavily based on probabilities. You got a starting point and would go from there with different probabilities for random outcomes.

    TS4's programming on the other hand ist heavily based on tests. For a certain event to happen, specific predesigned conditions must be met. Randomness can be best achieved by creativity in assigning those conditions. There is coding for randomness (called weight), but that has been kind of broken since release and not used as much as probalbilities were in TS2. The game is heavily leaning towards picking the outcome with the least tests and for a lot of events, the same option is mostly picked despite there being other ones available.
    Post edited by 83bienchen on
    Now now EA, don't be stinking up our lovely lavender bath with your shopping fart. - My TS4 mods - Gallery ID: 83bienchen
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    elanorbretonelanorbreton Posts: 14,611 Member
    It seems they are too scared to make it random these days anyway because of people's complaints. They've nerfed out everything that was any good and now they play it safe instead.

    Just take a look at the small telescope and how they implemented the getting hit by a meteorite. That could have been fun but, no, they give you so much warning that it takes away all the surprise.

    There ought to be a random toggle so that those of us who want a bit of risk and surprise can have it.
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    SheriSim57SheriSim57 Posts: 7,014 Member
    I see some randomness in my game when I’m not micromanaging which I tend to do a lot because I see sims being specific ways for the most part, and control them.. I’ve seen things, like a grandmother sim sitting down on her granddaughter’s bed with her granddaughter and talking to her. I see a grandfather dancing with his grandson after eating. I see someone coming up and slapping my male sim because he kissed his wife in my movie theatre ( the sim had a pink bar with the male sim and slapped him ( the pink bar was not there because I had played the male sim that way.). Sometimes if you change households you will see you sim is at another lot that you didn’t send them to…….I see these as all random events. In fact many people complained because they didn’t like their sims flirting with people and getting a pink bar when they weren’t playing them.
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    logionlogion Posts: 4,756 Member
    They did try to add randomness over the years but as people have said, it felt like they could never really balance them. This caused a lot of discussions in the community where people felt that these events happened too often or never happened.

    People wanted to play the game differently, some people wanted something random to happen to their household and some people wanted everything to happen a certain way and the game could not offer many options for those players to customize it.

    It seemed to be difficult to achieve a happy medium so a lot of events are triggered by the player these days. You increase your chances of getting abducted by aliens by being in the scientist career and talking to aliens for example.
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    SimmingalSimmingal Posts: 9,134 Member
    edited June 2023
    yeah idk really where i stand with this

    I feel like sometimes its tad stale n boring that nothing actually random happens

    like how vampire attacks and aliens etc are super rare and we don't even have burglars and all the deaths throw you warnings first so I really have to scheme for my sims demise

    but also the game can't ever be truly random tbh and the so called random events will start to feel repetitive themselves

    also i feel that it sometimes gets in the way of what i actually wanted to play so there should be toggles for when you don't want them
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    NetzspannungNetzspannung Posts: 2,456 Member
    It seems they are too scared to make it random these days anyway because of people's complaints. They've nerfed out everything that was any good and now they play it safe instead.

    This is definitely part of the issue. Take what happened to vampire break-ins. When I got the pack back then it was a feature I really enjoyed. It was an event I couldn't control and my Sim would be completely exhausted in the morning and I had to figure out how to deal with them the next day. There were so many complaints about this feature that it was severly nerfed to a point, that vampires do show up at night, but just stand in front of the house. Staring, waiting, possibly contemplating the futility of their existence. And then they shuffle off, beaten by the front door. But I guess I do understand the complaints to some degree. If your main goal is to tell your story or you like to play The Sims like a cozy game, randomness can mess a lot of things up. On the other hand, those of us who want to play a life simulation are missing this key ingredient. Life is both terrible and wonderful because it is random. Not from the day you were born, but from the moment you were conceived, really. Our first random life event is the genetic lottery - some win, some lose and some just break even. Living life means dealing with randomness every single day. So if you remove that element, you're left with a virtual doll house. TS4 has very few events that feel truly random and the predictability of it certainly makes the game less enjoyable to me.
    If I just posted an outfit you like, I have good news - there is more where that came from!
    Twitter: NetzspannungTS

    we all try ...
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    83bienchen83bienchen Posts: 2,589 Member
    Previously, the players had get mods If they didn't want (some of) the quirky randomness that was an integral part of former Sim games. Nowadays, those features get watered down by default. They're right in the face of the players after release and then they're pretty much gone, because it seems to be too much work to give people a toggle or at least some dort of chaos mode.
    Now now EA, don't be stinking up our lovely lavender bath with your shopping fart. - My TS4 mods - Gallery ID: 83bienchen
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    SheriSim57SheriSim57 Posts: 7,014 Member
    edited June 2023
    Yeah, I have to admit I prefer to be able to micromanage my sims rather than have too much randomness happen in most cases. I do have one sim that a vampire likes to come after, if I forget to lock their apartment door, my one sim is in trouble. I’m not sure why they prefer certain sims to others. I like playing my game with only the rare abduction and the rare vampire draining, I like that I don’t see my witches, and especially townie witches flying all over town, that mermaids aren’t all over the ocean and that werewolves don’t show up in other town ( unless I’m playing them and want that to happen ). I think that when occult appearances are rare that it actually seems more real to me. I don’t want my secluded witch to be found out by everyone. I already don’t like the idea that I feel like I can’t have comedians because they are likely to die of laughter. I don’t like that death. I feel like it’s a stupid death….. unlike death by anger, or death by fire, or death by shark drowning. I never saw anyone in real life die of laughter…..that is something I wish I could toggle off in my game. I do like that there are certain things you have to follow and do for an active job, like the scientist and doctor careers. I do like that little random things do show up occasionally. I tend to notice those things because I have to take a double take. I like using fhe simple living trait with most of my sims because it makes life a little harder for them. I wish we had a simple clothing trait where we had to buy clothes to open up each piece of clothing and accessories for them too. I don’t cheat often, except with money cheats for the sims that are supposed to be super rich like the Landgrabbs, and I cheat some with my Goths and Callientes too. Some of them own Businesses because we can’t set businesses up like we can Restaurants where we don’t need a household to set them up. Most of my sims are self made. I do cheat about aging as I usually keep it off. I like to play rotationally, so I rarely send a sim to university, and I do dislike seeing my sims that I play, but are not playing at the moment show up and do things out of character, like wearing the wrong costume to a costume party or geek con. I want a costume category like the categories for hot and cold, so they show up in the costumes I have them set up to show up in, instead of a random ones. One other cheat I will use is testing cheats like cheating a lifestyle away that my sims were not supposed to have developed, and I now use the plant cheat because bugs cause dirt piles. I also use move objects and stuff like that occasionally too. I don’t use Custom Content or Mods, so toggles are important to me.

    One thing about the sims is everyone likes to play differently. And I think the Devs should cater to that as much as possible. Please give me a toggle for the base game to turn off death by laughter.

    And like someone else mentioned…… I never got bored with Sims 2. Sims 3 I stopped playing early because it had too many rabbit holes for me. Even restaurants were rabbit holes in the beginning of sims 3, and you couldn’t enter work places, they were just shells. And, sims 3 tended to crash a lot on me. Sims 4 doesn’t!
    Post edited by SheriSim57 on
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    crocobauracrocobaura Posts: 7,532 Member
    83bienchen wrote: »
    Previously, the players had get mods If they didn't want (some of) the quirky randomness that was an integral part of former Sim games. Nowadays, those features get watered down by default. They're right in the face of the players after release and then they're pretty much gone, because it seems to be too much work to give people a toggle or at least some dort of chaos mode.

    They annoy people because they happen too often. Even if they are not completely random, if they just decrease the frequency then they wouldn't be quite so annoying. In all my years of playing sims I've had exactly one alien abduction. It was a female sim who wasn't even in the science career, but she did investigate the Strangerville plant mystery at some point, so maybe that was the trigger for this event. That was definitely unexpected, and I wouldn't want an alien abduction to happen in each play session or with every sim. Like the phone calls sims get nowadays about getting married or squirrels in the power lines, those happen too often. I mean, what are the chances of squirrels in Oasis Springs or even Strangerville? Also, how many long lost relatives are there for a fresh out of CAS sim without a family? Sure, vampires could visit more often if you live in Forgotten Hollow or next door to a vampire or your sim is friends with one, but there shouldn't be a vampire waiting outside your door every night. A toggle wouldn't work, because the frequency of these events is set too high in the first place, to make them stand out probably on release, and it would be a real chaos if all events were enabled at once.
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    83bienchen83bienchen Posts: 2,589 Member
    crocobaura wrote: »
    They annoy people because they happen too often.
    I agree.
    Tuning something to have a decent frequency is much harder than making it happen all the time or not at all. It needs much more time and effort.

    Now now EA, don't be stinking up our lovely lavender bath with your shopping fart. - My TS4 mods - Gallery ID: 83bienchen
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    PenguinFoopPenguinFoop Posts: 1,582 Member
    Starfree wrote: »
    @PenguinFoop I don't know if you use mods or not but there are a number of mods to bring randomness to the game. I think one of the more popular ones is Slice of Life & another would be Lifes Tragedies. At least those are two I've heard mentioned in the past.

    I'm a second-class simmer. I play on console and we are not deemed worthy of mods. Also, it shouldn't take a mod to have random events happen in a life simulation. We have vampires, werewolves and guys that can get pregnant for crying out loud, but no randomness?
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    RoseQuartzRoseQuartz Posts: 164 Member
    Ah, the old Sims 2 & 3 randomness....Classic.

    I would LOVE a "chaos mode" toggle for more dynamic gameplay.
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    PenguinFoopPenguinFoop Posts: 1,582 Member
    edited June 2023
    SheriSim57 wrote: »
    I see some randomness in my game when I’m not micromanaging which I tend to do a lot because I see sims being specific ways for the most part, and control them.. I’ve seen things, like a grandmother sim sitting down on her granddaughter’s bed with her granddaughter and talking to her. I see a grandfather dancing with his grandson after eating. I see someone coming up and slapping my male sim because he kissed his wife in my movie theatre ( the sim had a pink bar with the male sim and slapped him ( the pink bar was not there because I had played the male sim that way.). Sometimes if you change households you will see you sim is at another lot that you didn’t send them to…….I see these as all random events. In fact many people complained because they didn’t like their sims flirting with people and getting a pink bar when they weren’t playing them.

    Yes those are sweet little, I mean little, random moments with the grandparents, and relationship-altering events like having a pink bar that shouldn't be there would be bad. But what I mean is well, less unicorns and rainbows and more reality. Life is messy complicated, sims should be too.

    A joke I've made before is:

    Sim 1: Hi, how are you?
    Sim 2: I'm good.
    Sim 1: You single?
    Sim 2: No, I'm married to Sim 3.
    Sim 1: Wanna have a baby?
    Sim 2: Yes! Let's go!

    In the course of a few Sim hours, you've convinced some rando to have an extramarital affair and baby. It's predictable and rather boring.

    It shouldn't be that easy to have an affair.

    Of course one random event that happened back when Get to Work first came out was when my male sim (a scientist that worked with his father) was at home with his twin boys and a little girl knocked on the door. I checked her name and they had the same last name. That was odd but oh well.

    I later went into the simology of one of the boys and found out that that little girl was his dad's half-sister! My main sim's dad had cheated on his family-oriented wife!

    The disturbing thing is that the whole family had just accepted it with no problems; unicorns and rainbows. I mean, I was more upset about this than the family-oriented wife!

    Oh! I forgot my point! Lol

    Now it seems that any sim you meet has to check in and get your permission before they do anything! Like your sim has become their overlord. No random surprises. Boring.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,954 Member
    edited June 2023
    I miss the randomness of Sims2. I didn't use mods at all during that time. I was far too new to video gaming, and quite frankly the thought of even using Boolprop had me scared witless. (Go ahead and laugh, I know you're dying to.) I was totally gobsmacked when I had a young couple who had a set of twin toddlers and another baby on the way. The castle was haunted, the husband's inheritance from several hundred years of ownership. They had his parents move in to help with the wee ones. Grandma refused to eat, even after I sent her to, and she starved to death. :open_mouth: Now, that's random. But, then just after the wife gave birth, the ghost chose to scare her. She wasn't over the first fright before he scared her to death. I couldn't fathom a couple of males, let alone Vulcans able to handle identical twin toddlers and a brand-new baby, so I deleted them to try again.

    Missing the randomness, in both Sims3 & 4, I confess to experimenting with a mod that seemed to promise a certain amount of the randomness of life. Well, it was too much. It wrecked my storyline, killed two of my top characters, and the kidnapped one I had to use cheats to get her back and then she couldn't get into the lot. :open_mouth: Cue the Restart Music.

    There has got to be a happy medium here. Somewhere between dull, boring, nothing ever happens in my life, to outright everybody's got to die and now! I now this game and the one prior are geared for the younger players but come on. Most of these kids have seen and done more than I have in my 68 years of life! Perhaps, the older players can be appeased with an EP, let's say, that is rated M Adults only. I'm not suggesting anything of a woohoo nature, if you get my drift, just some of the random happenings. Somebody backs their car into you Sims' new fence knocking half of it down, that sort of thing. Frankly, if and when your Sims even happens upon good ole Mrs. Crumplebottom while out on a date, she's at least likely to give the offending Sim a good whacking with her purse.

    We just need a little more whackiness. unpredictable stuff to keep the player on their toes, you know?
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    PenguinFoopPenguinFoop Posts: 1,582 Member
    @GalacticGal you've hit it right on the head, there needs to be more randomness but not life-ending, story-wrecking whacko stuff bit just random events that make you say "I did not see that coming!"

    One thing that happened in this save but before infants, I had my male sim get abducted, when it was confirmed he was pregnant, I had hom and his wife try for a baby. That worked out to get timing ( it was a spontaneous decision I made without thought). However, what I did not expect was for his wife to have triplets half a day or so after he gave birth! Essentially quadruplets! That was random as they did not use fertility treatments or anything. So yes, there is still some randomness but just not enough out of the blue, as you said, neighbor backing into your fence type.of stuff.
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    Bren91Bren91 Posts: 308 Member
    It could use more randomness that’s what I loved about the sims 1 and the sims 2. Sims 3 and 4 lack randomness which adds spice to the game. Although I will say the sims 4 feels more random than it use to be, it needs more chance cards and more random positive and negative things
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    83bienchen83bienchen Posts: 2,589 Member
    Sims 4 would really benefit from a Long Term relationship bar.
    Now now EA, don't be stinking up our lovely lavender bath with your shopping fart. - My TS4 mods - Gallery ID: 83bienchen
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,072 Member
    83bienchen wrote: »
    or at least some dort of chaos mode.

    @83bienchen Chaos mode! :o

    (Is there a chaos mode?? like in a mod somewhere)

    (I would definitely play chaos mode)
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