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My "Three Kings" of Christmas


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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member

    and here I thought it was a new story post haha :D

    @Silverofdreams30 Aww, yeah I'm sorry and that. Due to inclement weather taking our power out early this morning, the release of the new chapter will be delayed. :pensive: I'm hoping it comes back on around noon like they are saying. We'll see.

    The power kept flickering last night, otherwise I would've worked on it then and had it posted before this outage...

    Thanks for your patience everyone. <3
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    KevinL5275KevinL5275 Posts: 2,489 Member
    Its all good Emily, you take care of your family first, and we'll wait. :)
    I'm a 49 year old married man, with a beautiful wife, a cat, and a simverted personality.My Sims 3 Pictures
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Thank you @KevinL5275 💜 It was getting a little rough over here for a bit. :grimace:

    But anyway, the power is back on tonight baby! :star: And now I can post the next Chapter! :mrgreen:

    Y'all ready for this ride? :smirk: I hope it doesn't fall into the category of being "too serious" for a Christmas story,'s fine. I worry too much. ;) I've polished up this chapter I dunno how many times and I'm hoping that I did it right. 🤞🏻
    Enjoy! <3

    Chapter 8

    I didn’t know how to feel.

    I was beginning to feel just as lost and confused in my love life as Landon was.

    Dinner that night with Kai felt nothing but awkward, well, at least on my end anyway. I hated it. And I kept telling myself to snap out of it. Nothing happened between me and Aizen. We didn’t kiss, though it sure seemed like Aizen was about to when we were on the snowy ground together there, with his warm breath beating down on my neck and the sensual huskiness in his voice. And the most gut wrenching part of it was…I wanted him to kiss me. My soul was hungering for it. But why? Things were going so well between me and Kai. There was no reason for my heart to so swiftly pull away from him and reach for Aizen. But it did…and it was.

    I just didn’t understand it and I was struggling desperately to figure it out.

    When Kai and I kissed goodnight on the same porch we shared our very first kiss, I couldn’t feel the same desire for him or passion in our kisses like I did before. The ever melodious tune in our kisses fell…flat. Sadly. And it was breaking my heart.


    There were a couple of times when he asked if I was feeling alright - the second being during our parting kiss - and I just assured him I was, chalking it up to feeling tired after a long, cold day. Which wasn’t entirely untrue.

    At bedtime I sat on the edge of my bed, staring at one of the knobs on my dresser, lost in heart-aching confusion. I really thought I had a promising future with Kai, was happily planning for it, and then clear out of left field Aizen swoops in, practically sharing his feelings for me, and creating a massive detour in the road towards my future.


    “Why?” I groaned again, boring my fingers into my temples. “You don’t even really like Aizen…”


    However, after I said it, my heart produced feelings quite to the contrary. Aizen’s rude and standoffish attitude before was such a turn off that never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine developing any feelings for him. (You remember!) But now that this other side of him had resurfaced, perhaps because of me, the man I truly hoped he was underneath all that grief and sorrow was real. And in the background of all our moments together was his sweet daughter, who poured out such loving kindness towards me the moment we met that I couldn’t not give her the same kindness in return. In fact…I was beginning to love her.

    Almost to the point that I wanted to be her mommy, and fill that terrible void in her life.

    I lifted my head as I began to realize…

    The love that had developed towards Amaya is what sparked these feelings within my heart for her father; aside from witnessing such a wonderful change in him lately. And I couldn't disregard how extremely attractive he is! The more I thought about him the more I found myself falling…

    My frown turned upwards into a bright smile thinking about the possible future the three of us could have together. My heart fluttered in excitement over it. And I could see, and feel, nothing but love and happiness in it. That said something to me.

    I had to tell Kai how I was feeling…

    I wasn’t sure how he was going to take it. But he deserved to know.


    The next morning, Kai came over to my house with a breakfast basket for two. Gosh he was so sweet. It made what I needed to share with him all the more difficult to do, and I was struggling to hold back my emotions enough as it was.

    We ate privately in the living room, the coffee table as our dining table, and made small talk. It was nice, but I ate slowly due to my stomach being all tied up in knots. When we finished the meal, Kai tucked the basket away and then rested his elbows on his leg, weaving his fingers together.
    “So,” he said with his cute smile. “I was thinking about how New Year's Eve is almost here and…we’ve got a lot to discuss before we both have to go back home.”
    “YES!” I practically blew out. My eyes closed for a moment, then I opened them with a swallow. “Yes, we certainly do, but…,” I paused, my stomach tightening, “I need to tell you something first…”

    I’ll never forget the look on his face. No one likes to hear those words. “Ok,” he simply said, leaning back into the couch, instinctively taking the therapist's position, and giving me his full attention, which made what I was about to do all the more unnerving. I had to stand up.

    In the clearest and most sensitive way possible I shared everything with him. My feelings and what almost happened between me and Aizen; being completely honest about it all.


    And I stressed that there was nothing he - Kai - did to make my feelings sway. I truly wanted him to know that. Because he’d been nothing but wonderful. I started to cry.

    When I finished, Kai slowly released a sorrowful breath as he stood from the couch and approached me, struggling to meet my gaze. I felt so bad.

    “I’m so sorry Kai,” I expressed with tears escaping my eyes. “I didn’t mean for this to happen…”

    He nodded. “I know…and it’s ok,” he paused, blinking at me a couple of times, “I understand.”


    He scratched at a spot behind his ear before continuing. “I've had this lingering feeling that this might happen…it wasn’t hard to see how close you and Amaya have become. It’s warmed my heart to see, so I can only imagine how much it’s warmed Aizen’s…and how much that would produce affections in his heart for you.”
    “Kai,” I breathed, “really…you don’t have to be so graceful about this…”


    “I know,” he said again, looking down for a moment. “And I’d be lying if I said I’m not sad…or disappointed…”


    I nodded with a tearful sniff.
    “But,” he raised his head, “I know the hell my brother’s been through and because of that…he deserves a good woman like you. Someone who truly loves his daughter and makes him happy. It’s great to know that he’s opened up his heart again. I haven’t seen him this happy since his wife left.”

    Wait...what? I thought.

    Did I hear that right? Suddenly everything in the room felt like it was closing in on me and my heart plummeted down to my stomach. “His wife left him?” I asked with a furrowed brow.


    Now it was Kai who looked surprised. “Oh-,” he stammered for a moment, clearly feeling some guilt. “He didn’t tell you?”


    My heart started pounding. “No. Amaya told me her mother died…”

    Closing his lips tightly together for a second, Kai looked away and opened them up just enough to mumble, “So that’s what he’s decided to tell her…”

    I thought my heart was going to go into cardiac arrest. That didn’t sound good at ALL! “What do you mean by that? What happened!?

    Kai immediately shook his head. “That’s something you best ask Aizen about. It’s not my place.”

    Oh my gosh…, I thought as my breaths started to increase, my eyes darting every which way around the room in impending panic; my emotions scrambling about. Suddenly my initial impression of Aizen and all my fears about him came flooding back, consuming my mind. Making me deny everything I was feeling for him.

    I felt so deceived.


    “I have to go,” I swiftly declared and headed for the door.
    But Kai stopped me by taking my arm. “Approach it carefully,” he cautioned me. “In fact I would wait until you’ve had a chance to relax and think things through before–”
    “There’s no time for that,” I countered, jerking my arm out of his grasp. “I’m going to find Aizen.”


    “Malai, wait!”


    Kai followed me the whole 200 feet from my parents door to his parents door, quickly giving me some sage advice on how to approach Aizen from all his counseling experience.


    I think I picked up only about 10% of it. I was too emotionally charged. I couldn’t believe it…my heart just couldn’t believe it…yet I had to know the truth. But at the same time I was terrified to learn it.

    Regardless of my emotions I still had a level head on my shoulders when we entered the Yamamoto home. Kai tenderly patted my back in support of my decision before retreating upstairs. Little did I know that once he got up there he was texting Aizen to inform him about our breakup. Guess he figured it would be helpful.

    “Is that you Uncle Kai?” I heard Amaya ask from the living room, her little footsteps coming towards me. “Did you bring - MALAI!” she joyfully cried, running to me and throwing her arms around my waist.

    Oh Amaya, I thought as I held her tightly, my heart clenching. Dear sweet and innocent Amaya. I hated to think about how whatever might happen between me and Aizen would affect her. It made my soul ache all the more. I had to fight back the tears as we broke our embrace. “How come you always make me feel so special?” I asked her.
    “Because you are,” she simply answered. “And we’re buddies, remember?”


    I smiled, my heart clenching again. “Yeah. We are.” I stroked her hair and added, “And always will be.”
    “Even after you leave?” she asked with sadness in her eyes.
    I nodded. “Yeah. I promise.” And there was nothing in the world that would ever make me break that promise, not even her father. “Where’s your dad?”
    “He went to the park across the street, said he needed some fresh air. Which I dunno why because it’s freezing outside!” The way she said it was so cute.
    “I think I’ll go join him.”
    “I’ll go with you!”
    “No!” I stopped her, then quickly changed my tone. “I mean…I need to talk to him in private, sweetie. Okay?”


    It wasn’t hard to find Aizen at the park, it was pretty open. He was looking out over the frozen pond, near one of the benches. I figured he was taking in one last breath of fresh air before leaving. The short distance I walked to reach him felt like a mile long. I was still feeling so nervous about approaching him, but I had to know. I had to know everything.


    Hearing my footsteps, he turned abruptly in alarm, but his eyes lit up with a smile seeing that it was me. “Hey,” he greeted me with such fondness.


    The dimple I never saw on his cheek before was flashing brightly and oh gosh how sexy it made him look, but I pushed the thought aside.
    “Hey,” I greeted back, trying to smile, as we slowly approached each other.


    We exchanged glances in silence for a few seconds, wondering who would speak first. Aizen did.
    “I was beginning to wonder if I would ever see you again.”
    A lump already started to form in my throat. “Oh? Why is that?”
    He inched closer. “Well…I feared I might’ve scared you off after what I said at the Festival and,” he paused to pull his cell phone out of his jacket pocket and held it up, “I just got off the phone with Kai.”
    Oh no…
    “He told me you two decided to part ways. I’m sorry to hear that,” he sincerely expressed.


    Whew… I thought, closing my eyes in relief. When I opened them, I found Aizen giving me an inquiring look. My breath halted.

    “I’m also curious as to why,” he continued. “You two seemed pretty serious.”

    Ugh, I couldn’t have this moment get any more complicated. I lightly shrugged. “We just weren’t sure if dating long distance was going to work,” I lied. “We’re both pretty set in stone with our jobs where we live and…we can both get pretty busy.”


    Aizen gave me a look like he didn’t believe me. “Somehow I think you two would’ve made it work.”


    I shrugged again, my heart speeding up. I didn’t know what else to say.

    However, he inched closer to me and said, "Or is it have the same feelings for me?"

    I closed my eyes again. Yeah. Maybe…, I thought; almost said. Next thing I knew he was stroking my hair. So gently; the tips of his fingers grazing my cheek.


    Oh how I could’ve melted right into his arms, or a kiss, but I couldn’t hold myself back any longer.

    “Aizen, why haven’t you told me about your wife? And what happened between you two?”

    Instantly, Aizen’s expression hardened. Clearly recognizing that someone - most likely Kai - revealed to me his biggest secret and I could see the fire starting in his eyes.
    “I didn’t feel it necessary,” he tried to brush off, stepping back from me a bit. “It was a long time ago.”


    “Look, I know it's a sensitive subject,” I started with a shiver in my voice, “but I just want to know what happened.”


    “What do you think happened?” he sharply asked.
    Uh? Why the hey was he asking me that? With my hands spread apart, I replied, “I dunno Aizen, that’s why I’m asking you.”
    “You think it was all my fault don’t you?” He folded his arms, back on the defensive.
    “You have that look on your face like you’re convinced that whatever happened was all MY fault!”
    Ok…maybe I was assuming that.
    “Assuming…,” he continued, as if hearing my thoughts, “just like any typical feminist would…”


    Now THAT made my gasket blow. “Excuse me!?” I spat back at him. “Let’s get one thing straight, mister,” I waggled a finger at him...


    “I am NOT a feminist! I am a strong, independent woman in my life right now, yes, who worked her tail off to get where she’s at in her career, but that doesn’t make me a feminist! I recognize the need for a man in my life; I WANT a man in my life!” I emphasized by holding a hand to my heart. “Have you not been able to see that this past week? Now who’s making assumptions?”

    Aizen looked away guiltily. And as he should! That was a real jerky thing for him to say, to put it mildly. And it hurt.


    But even so, my heart still yearned for him, desperately longing to know the truth. “I just want to know what happened...,” I tenderly repeated. “Because I’m hearing two different stories from Amaya and Kai.”

    Aizen heaved a sigh while pinching the bridge of his nose, realizing that I knew more than he ever realized and it produced another guilty blow. There was no turning back now. No more hiding. “Have you ever thought that it’s something I’d sooner forget? Spare my daughter the pain from the ugly truth?”

    No, maybe I hadn't. Until now. “Aizen,” I lovingly addressed this time, stepping closer to him while swallowing, “whatever happened…you can tell me.” I hoped he trusted me.


    Dropping his hand down to his waist, he rested the other on his hip and shook his head. “Well contrary to popular belief…,” he paused with a huff.
    “...The woman was at fault in this case.” Then his tone softened a little. “Though I’m not so proud as to not admit that it was the direct result of one of my faults…”


    My brow narrowed as I arched my head, encouraging him to go on.

    It took him a moment, but eventually he spoke.

    “I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life Malai, most of them when I was in college,” he began. “I partied, I drank, I did drugs, I got tattoos,” he stopped to point at his arm, “and I slept around. Basically everything I was ever told not to do, I did - once I was on my own. And it’s painfully true what they always told me, ‘bad choices lead to bad consequences.’ I just didn’t want to believe it. Or thought I was smart enough to prevent it. Because I was an adult, and I wanted to do whatever I wanted to do.”


    With a nod I held his gaze, already knowing where this was going. Or so I thought.

    “In the dorm where I was living there was this girl…Keisha.” He stopped, a name that was obviously painful for him to utter. I instantly remembered it being the name Amaya told me was her mother’s name. “She came from a pretty awful and impoverished background and wasn’t a college student. She just hung out with the college kids. When a few folks in the dorm found out she was living on the streets, they invited her to live in the dorm with them. Thankfully the college never found out…But anyway, she was hot and cool. One of the girls all the guys wanted. We found ourselves in the same social circles and often going to the same parties. We macked on each other a few times for fun, nothing serious. And then one night at a rave party we got crazy drunk and high and…need I say more?”
    I shook my head.
    “After that,” he shrugged, “I saw her maybe three or four times while hanging out with friends and then she just…disappeared.”
    My brow narrowed.
    “It had us all worried because we weren’t sure if the college found out about her living in the dorms and called the cops, or if she decided to live in a homeless shelter, or if she was dead…none of us knew. She didn’t have a cell phone.”
    I inhaled a breath and folded my arms as I continued to listen, my body remembering the cold outside, but my mind had long forgotten it.
    “Anyway, we all just moved on with life. Summer passed and the next year rolled around. I decided I was going to try and get my life in order so I could better pursue a degree. I even started dating a really nice girl, unlike any of the girls I had previously dated.”
    Well that’s good, I thought.


    “Then one day, out of the blue while I was driving to work, I got a phone call and it was Keisha. I have no idea how she got my number, but that aside she was crying and pleading for me to come to the hospital because,” he drew in a breath, “she was in labor, and scared, and didn’t have anyone there with her so she called me.”
    My eyes widened.
    “I didn’t want to be rude, but I was like, ‘Why me?’ I hadn’t seen her in months. And then she told me something that would forever change my life: ‘The baby is yours…,’" he paused. "And she continued to cry and beg me to come over and be with her.”
    My chest tightened.


    “I-I didn’t know what to do…,” he stumbled, hands spread apart and his eyes darting around in the same panic he experienced in that moment all those years ago. “All I knew was…there was a girl in the hospital who was having my baby and…I needed to be there. I didn’t have time to think about anything else. So I turned the car around and headed straight for the hospital, missing work obviously. They actually fired me for it later, but that doesn’t matter,” he dismissed with his hand.
    I held my hand up to my lips and gripped them. I could hardly believe what I was hearing.
    “I made it to the hospital seconds before Amaya was born. Keisha lost a lot of blood and it got pretty serious there for a bit. When she regained consciousness we reconnected a little, came up with a name for our baby, and tried to figure out what we were gonna do next. She was still homeless and I was still in college. Everything happened so quickly…,” he trailed off, staring at a tree behind me in a trance-like state. “I asked that a DNA test be done to confirm that Amaya was my child and of course, yes, she is.”
    I nodded.

    “So at that point my parents greatly encouraged me to do the right thing and marry Keisha…that would get her off the streets and we could be a proper family. I mean, it really was the right thing to do. I kept telling myself it’s what a good man would do in that situation. And I wanted to be a good man.” It warmed my heart to hear him say it. “Even though Keisha and I didn’t love each other, let alone know each other, we did it for Amaya’s sake. She was an innocent little victim in all this.”
    I nodded again.
    “And so that’s what we did. We had a lame marriage ceremony at city hall and tried to make a life for ourselves. I dropped out of college and got a job - that’s how I got started in construction - since Keisha didn’t have any job experience and…refused to work anyway,” he muttered with an eye-roll. “She ended up being a lot more selfish and stubborn than I remembered and…we fought all the time. I was barely holding it all together. But,” he swallowed, “I really tried to make it work…because I needed to accept the consequences of my actions.”
    My face fell again.
    He drew in a breath before continuing. “We were married a little over 3 months, until one morning I woke up to Amaya crying and Keisha wasn’t in bed next to me.” I noticed his emotions begin to heighten. “In fact she wasn’t anywhere in the house…or outside of it. Our car was gone…and so was our emergency money.”


    My eyes widened at the revelation and my mouth gradually fell open. No…


    “I called her cell phone, she didn’t answer. I called again and again and again and there was never an answer. I even called some of our friends to see if she was with any of them. Nope. It didn’t take long for me to realize that she had enough of me, and being a mom, so…she left…just like she did before. Disappearing without a trace. And I’m not kidding,” he stressed, “she left no trace. The cops were never able to find her. No one ever found her…”
    Oh…my…gosh…,” I thought, flabbergasted. I guess in a way she is dead.
    “I was furious!” he hissed, stepping closer to me with his nostrils flaring and tears forming in his eyes. “And heartbroken! Not just because she selfishly abandoned me and Amaya, but because she took away my LIFE! I sacrificed EVERYTHING for her and that’s how she decided to show her appreciation!?”


    I lowered my eyes from his fiery gaze, my heart breaking just hearing about it. He certainly had every right to be angry.

    “So there I had this newborn baby that I had to raise ALL by myself, when I’d barely been around to learn how to take care of her anyway and…I lost it,” he choked, his tone lowering. “I was alone and frightened and…I couldn’t move. I could hardly think. All I could do was cry. I felt so betrayed; thrown out like garbage. All for doing the right thing. My life ended that day.”


    I licked away the tears that rolled down my cheeks and onto my lips. I just couldn’t imagine.


    “My parents had to come and get us and take us home to live with them. And they took care of Amaya because…my brain had literally shut down, becoming catatonic. So I was committed to a psychiatric hospital for a couple of weeks. The psych Doc there put me on some medication and deemed me fit to return home. I still wasn’t able to go back to work until 7 months later and even then I still struggled to stay on my feet every day. Some days I still do. And I’ve tried to get my life back, tried to find another woman to share my life with and to be a mother to Amaya. But every time they learned about her and all the 'baggage' that comes with that, they ran. Just like Keisha did…”

    More tears fell from my eyes.

    “She not only took away my life, she scarred me for life. And all the women after her have left scars too. And it hasn’t been very easy to heal from. So forgive me Malai for struggling to fully trust women…,” he concluded.


    Sniffing, and not bothering to wipe the tears away, I tried to figure out how to properly respond to all of that. I really had no words…

    “I’m sorry all that happened to you Aizen," I finally spoke. "What Keisha did to you, and Amaya, was horrible and inexcusable and I am truly, truly sorry.”


    I hoped he could feel the genuineness in my condolence because I couldn’t read much in his facial expression through the tears in my eyes and the falling snow. He only nodded.

    “But I’m not that kind of woman.”
    “I know you’re not,” he somewhat interrupted, his gaze shifting.
    “Then why do I still feel some reservation from you?”
    He struggled to answer, clearly not wishing to hurt me, but not wanting to be dishonest either.
    But I already knew. “Because you don’t fully trust me either."

    The way I said it made his face fall all the more. “I - I want to…,” he choked in his answer. “I’m trying to,” he added with tears glistening in his eyes.


    Curling my upper lip between my teeth I emotionally nodded in acceptance, so horribly conflicted as to how to feel about that response, even though he bore his entire awful story to me. I knew it all now; everything. Why he is the way he is. So I should’ve been more understanding, but all I could feel in that moment was a dagger being thrust into my heart. All my hopes shattered.

    “Well you can trust me,” I declared, with all the feeling left in my heart. “and if you can’t ever believe that…then this,” I gestured back and forth between us, “is never going to work.” Then my lip quivered and shoulders shook as I sobbed all the more while adding, “No matter how much I love Amaya…”


    Through blurred vision, I watched as Aizen’s eyes widened in surprise, piercing me with his gaze as if he had no idea. Maybe he really didn’t. “Malai…,” he whispered, stepping closer to me.

    But I pulled away. I couldn’t look at him anymore. It had been such a depressing day and I couldn’t take any more. My world had caved in on me and I was finding it difficult to breathe; and think. “This was a mistake,” I sobbed. “All of this was a mistake.” Every decision I made that Christmas felt in vain and I wanted it to be over. “I’m going home to New York in the morning…”

    Aizen’s shoulders fell abruptly at my numbing declaration, his eyes imploring me not to go, but I couldn’t recognize it in the emotional state I was in.


    “I’m sorry Aizen…Goodbye…”

    I turned away from him with my wrist held below my nose, trying not to burst out in an ugly cry, as I headed for home.

    I was kinda hoping he would’ve run after me, to say something. Anything.

    But he didn’t.

    And I guess I knew why.



    A/N: I know it's not a Christmas song, but I could totally picture this song beginning to play as Malai tearfully walks away from Aizen.
    (If this were a movie. :lol: )

    Speaking of songs...listening to this one in particular helped me put a lot more feeling into writing out Aizen's sad story. It's another goodie that's not a Christmas song. :p

    Guess the Final Chapter will be coming either later today (Christmas Eve) or later on Christmas day. We shall see. :mrgreen:
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    Ninja-Dan22Ninja-Dan22 Posts: 117 Member
    I don't think either Aizen or Malai know what a feminist is :D But it was nice to hear the full backstory! Of course Aizen doesn't trust easily if he's experienced being abandoned :( Even though it's sad Malai left at the end (although I'm sure they will be re-united) they both need a little time to think, especially since running into relationship with Kai didn't work out so well. I don't think it's too heavy for a Christmas story though!
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    meerkattimemeerkattime Posts: 262 Member

    Looks like the magic with Kai is gone :frowning: . I guess they were rushing into their romance too fast.
    This is going to be a very sad conversation with Kai...
    Hmm, I hope this won't make Kai hate his brother. I mean, Aizen kind of stabbed him in the back there in a way.
    Well, Kai seems to be taking this in a very mature way - I guess being a therapist helps :wink: .
    Interesting to hear the rest of Aizen's story. I can see why he's so bitter... And finds it hard to trust women :/ .
    Poor Malai. It's like she had to go through two breakups in just one day.
    I doubt Malai will tur her back on Amaya though, so she and Aizen will still keep hearing from each other even if she really leaves in the morning. We shall see :wink: .
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    KevinL5275KevinL5275 Posts: 2,489 Member
    Oh boy, what a wild ride that is!!! Malai gives up sure and steady and goes for the bad boy, and then it blows up in her face.

    Now what is she going to do?
    I'm a 49 year old married man, with a beautiful wife, a cat, and a simverted personality.My Sims 3 Pictures
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    texanskytexansky Posts: 1,347 Member
    edited December 2022
    Waiting patiently for the next update. Love your storytelling!
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    I truly enjoyed reading this chapter, I feel so sorry about what Aizen has been
    through in his life, and also understand it is difficult for him to talk about. I'm glad he told
    Malai his story.
    I did not really feel any spark between kai and Malai, so I hope Aizen will be end game, they have so much

    Great job, enjoy your Christmas today!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member

    ***Final chapter is coming in an hour or two.*** :star: I know it's super late in the day - so it will mean the 26th for some of you - but...had to do what I had to do with the winter storm taking a day away from me. :confused:

    I can't WAIT to share! :mrgreen:

    But first, reply comments to your sweet comments/thoughts. <3

    I don't think either Aizen or Malai know what a feminist is :D
    ^Perhaps not. :lol: I think there's many different definitions for one out there...
    I don't think it's too heavy for a Christmas story though!
    ^Thanks. I'm glad you've been enjoying it and have appreciated your comments. 💜 Guess we'll see what happens. ;)

    Looks like the magic with Kai is gone :frowning: . I guess they were rushing into their romance too fast.
    ^Maybe. But there was definitely magic there it's just when Malai figured out she carries more feelings for Aizen, the magic for Kai fizzled out.
    Nothing could ever make Kai hate Aizen (in my mind.) <3 They are close brothers and love each other very much.
    Well, Kai seems to be taking this in a very mature way - I guess being a therapist helps :wink: .
    ^Absolutely. ;)
    Poor Malai. It's like she had to go through two breakups in just one day.
    ^EXACTLY! (*ding, ding, ding!* :mrgreen: ) You hit the nail on the head girl. I was hoping someone would pick up on that. ;) That's why she was so emotionally compromised and reacted in the way that she did towards Aizen bearing his life story. Both were emotionally compromised so they said and did things that they didn't mean... Guess we'll see what happens. :smirk:

    Malai gives up sure and steady and goes for the bad boy, and then it blows up in her face.
    ^Pretty much... :cry:
    Now what is she going to do?
    ^That is the question now isn't it? :smirk::p

    Waiting patiently for the next update. Love your storytelling!
    ^Oh hey sweet lady. :smiley: Thank you so much! <3 I'm glad you're enjoying it. :blush:

    I did not really feel any spark between kai and Malai, so I hope Aizen will be end game, they have so much chemistry.
    ^Oh is that so? :smirk: (bekkasan basically told me she felt the same. :p ) Guess we'll see. :smirk:
    We had a lovely, relaxing Christmas. Thank you. <3
  • Options
    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited December 2022
    Allllrighty everyone here is the 9th and final chapter of the story. <3

    Enjoy! :grin:

    Chapter 9

    When I stepped into the house crying, my parents took immediate notice from the living room.

    “Malai?” my mother addressed with concern.
    “What’s wrong?” dad asked, lowering his book.

    “It’s nothing,” I sniffed, heading for my bedroom, “I just need to be alone.” After I closed my door, I could only imagine my parents giving each other greatly puzzled looks. No doubt my mom would be calling Mami pronto for more information. (How I wished she wouldn’t.)

    I cried into my pillow for a long while, mourning this wonderful Christmas break and everything that could have been…


    If all my choices had felt so right, then why did they all leave me heartbroken?

    Meanwhile, unbeknownst to me, Aizen walked into his home with a crestfallen look on his face which caught the attention of his mother too, and Kai. Mami stroked his arm and asked him the same question my father had. He just shook his head with closed eyes. At Kai’s suggestion, the three of them retreated upstairs to Aizen’s room to talk.


    After a good cry, I pulled myself together - for the moment anyway - wiping all the tears away and blew my nose. There was something I absolutely needed to do before I went back home to New York, and I was not going to forget! I called Amaya on her basic flip phone.

    I painfully informed her that I would be heading home in the morning, which I could tell was making her tear up. I got teary-eyed too.


    I promised her that I would keep in touch and that if she ever needed anything she could call me anytime. She appreciated it. We had a nice little chat about her artwork and how fun this Christmas break had been getting to know each other and then…we said goodbye. After hanging up, I held my hand to my mouth and sobbed again.

    It was then that my mother lightly knocked on the door.

    “Come in,” I tried to say normally, quickly brushing the tears away and sitting myself down.

    As she entered my room she wore a loving, yet sorrowful smile on her face and sat down beside me on my bed. “Oh my dear Malai…,” she consoled, putting her arm around me. Yep, she knew everything.
    I leaned my head against the nape of her neck and sobbed, feeling lower than I had ever felt before in my life. Even worse than when Landon and I broke up all those years ago. “I feel so lost right now momma,” I sniffed, “and I feel like I’ve ruined everything in my life.”
    “Shh. You haven’t,” she hushed as she rocked me.


    “I’m sorry the plan didn’t work out like you and dad had hoped…and I’m sorry to always be such a disappointment to you,” I cried more.
    “No. No no no no,” she countered, looking me straight in the eye. “You are not a disappointment, Malai. Your father and I have always been so proud of you! And the amazing woman you have become. We’re sorry for pushing you so hard to get married…it was never our intent to frustrate you with it.”
    I appreciated hearing that and let her know with a heartfelt smile.
    “We just want you to be happy,” she expressed, “no matter what. Single or married. You know what is best for you.”
    “Well I’d prefer to not be single for the rest of my life,” I declared, with a hint of a chuckle which made her chuckle too. I’m sure she was greatly relieved to hear it. “But how will I know if a person is the right one, momma?” That’s what I struggled with the most in all my relationships. “How will I truly know?”

    My mother thought for a moment and simply replied, “You’ll just know. It will hit you quick, sometimes when you least expect it. Not always like a bolt of lightning, but oftentimes through strong feeling,” she paused, pressing her hand to my heart, “and you’ll never be sure of anything else in the world. There’ll be no doubts.” She smiled.

    I nodded. “Thanks momma,” I tearfully smiled in return. “I’ll remember that. And despite everything that's happened, I’m really glad I came home this Christmas. I love you so much!” I squeezed her.
    “Love you too sweetheart.”

    That evening, I couldn’t help wondering what was going on - or being talked about - at the Yamamoto household…


    Around bedtime, Aizen knocked on Amaya’s door to wish her goodnight.

    Amaya barely uttered a “goodnight” to him in return, looking down sadly at her favorite stuffed animal she was stroking in her lap on her bed.

    Aizen held back a sigh as he approached her, not oblivious at all as to why his daughter was feeling so sad. Truthfully, she was mirroring his own emotions.


    “Malai called me and told me she’s leaving in the morning…”
    “I know…,” Aizen sorrowfully said. “That was nice of her to call and let you know.” It warmed his heart, yet made it ache all the more. Filling it once again with regret.
    “Of course! Cause…,” Amaya stopped, her lip quivering, “we’re buddies.”
    A lump formed in Aizen’s throat.

    The little girl leaped from the bed towards her dad and threw her arms around his waist. Aizen crouched down to her level and held her just as tightly and emotionally in return.

    “I don’t want her to go,” Amaya cried, “I’m gonna miss her so much!”

    A tear escaped Aizen’s eye. “Yeah,” he whispered. “Me too…”




    It never hurt so much to leave my hometown than it did that New Year's Eve morning. I wasn’t entirely sure why. But no matter the reason, the break was over and I had to get back home and return to work. Return to my life. My super awesome, albeit lonely life. It sure never felt so lonely now…

    As I packed up the rest of my things into my suitcase, I got a text from Kai saying,

    Have a safe trip home, Malai. ✈ I had a wonderful time with you this past week and…I’m sorry things didn’t work out. :( On both accounts. I wish you the best in all your endeavors. 💙 And don’t be a stranger. I'd love for us to keep in touch. 👍🏻

    It made me smile and filled my heart with warmth. A part of me wished I could take back everything I told him and we could continue going where we left off, do the long distance relationship, but another part of me knew it most likely wouldn’t work. And I kinda got the vibe that Kai felt the same. I needed some time to myself right now. To reevaluate my future. Maybe we could pick things back up someday, maybe not, but if we did, that would mean seeing Aizen again…when I didn’t know if I could. Or even do that to him.

    Of course I informed Landon - via text - that I would be returning to work soon and gave him a watered down version of everything that had transpired. Not long after Kai’s text, I got a reply from him saying:

    Gosh I’m sorry to hear that Mai…That really su’cks! When you get back, let's eat a tub of ice cream and wallow in our depression together. ;)<3

    I chuckled. Totally! I texted back to him. Thanks buddy. <3I’ll let you know when my plane lands. See you soon!

    It was a tearful goodbye with my parents on the front porch; the cab came quicker than expected. I took one last look at the Yamamoto home with mixed feelings before slipping into it and closing the door.


    Goodbye Maplewood Falls. Until next year. Maybe…

    I clutched the handle on my suitcase the entire way to the airport, staring out the window, feeling so sad and heartbroken. I thought I felt convinced that leaving was for the best - because I had to return to work, of course - but mostly because I couldn’t build a future with a man who couldn’t trust me. That really stung my heart and soul. So I should’ve been feeling validated and satisfied with my decision…but I wasn’t. In fact, I was only feeling worse. Why?


    As I went through airport security all I could think about was Aizen and everything he told me…everything that awful woman put him through. A guy like him didn’t deserve any of it, no matter what kind of mistakes he made in the past. Sometimes life is just so darn unfair! The fog in my mind was clearing over the whole situation now. How could I fault him for struggling to trust women after such a traumatic experience? And that’s the thing, it was a legit traumatic experience, one that he was still healing from. Throwing up all his best defenses to make sure it would never happen again! Totally understandable! And yet somehow…my pride, and hurt, had overshadowed my better judgement towards him.

    Kai likened his older brother’s pain to hell and really…hell it had been. In more ways than one. My heart began to ache all the more as I proceeded to the terminal.

    I only waited about 10 minutes before it was time to board the plane and as I did I began to feel a giant pit in my stomach.

    Looking out the small plane window, in the direction of Maplewood Falls, my chest grew heavy, tears pri’ckled behind my eyes, and my heart began pining more and more for him. Aizen…


    I couldn’t leave him. I just couldn’t leave him. It didn’t feel right. It wasn't right.

    I told him I wasn’t like all those other women and yet what was I doing? Running away. Just like they had.

    Oh my gosh…, I gaped as the realization set in, a tear escaping my eye.


    Instantly every moment I shared with Aizen that past week played back in my mind. Ending with him saying,

    “I’m trying to…”

    Those three words were saying he felt I was worth it. Worth it enough to rip down all his strongest defenses and actually allow himself to love again, for the first time since his life “ended.” Oh how my heart started to sing.

    It was then that I knew - like momma said - without a shadow of a doubt.

    “I have to get off this plane!” I voiced to the person sitting next to me. Just saying it made my heart jump for joy and conviction, beating that terrible weight off my chest.

    I stumbled through the people in the aisle lifting their carry on bags into the overhead bins, frantically making my way to the exit. The flight attendant stopped me and asked what I thought I was doing and…I wondered if I should give a full explanation or just tell her I changed my mind about leaving?

    I might've given her a watered down version of the situation which somehow brought in an audience of other passengers. Talk about feeling like you're in a Hallmark Christmas movie right at the ending climax!


    Aizen was actually working on the day of my flight, he and the other crew members were putting walls up on a home foundation in a new subdivision.

    It didn’t take long for me to find him. Maplewood Falls is a small town and of course the Yamamoto clan were a huge help. I loved how overjoyed they all were to see me, especially Amaya. The feeling was mutual.

    I parked a little ways back from the building site, walking in anticipation towards it to surprise Aizen. Butterflies filled my stomach. And I had no clue what I was going to say, but I knew my heart would guide me.


    The moment my eyes found him I stopped, still a few feet away, and watched as he finished securing a section of the wall to the foundation. Once that was done he jumped down onto the ground, picked up a few two-by-fours from a pile and heaved them up onto his shoulders. His sweat heavy bangs bounced as he did so. I won’t lie, I kinda wished he’d been doing that shirtless, or heck, even while wearing a tank top, but…it was winter after all. Darn.

    As he made his way towards the ramp, he casually glanced in my direction and then did a double take. Stopping. I smiled as our eyes met.

    Carefully he lowered the two-by-fours from his shoulders and onto the ground, not breaking eye contact. The look on his face was initially one of disbelief, but soon the corners of his mouth turned up into a smile of pleasurable surprise as he shook his head. I could almost hear him thinking, I don’t believe it.


    I stepped closer and so did he, our affectionate grins never fading. We stopped about a couple of feet from each other.


    “Isn’t there a plane you’re supposed to be on?” he playfully asked.


    “Yeeeah,” I played back, “but…there was this certain guy I couldn’t get out of my mind and,” I paused, my emotions building while holding his gaze, “I suddenly realized that I was inadvertently doing exactly what I said I would never do, or be, and,” my voice choked a little, “I didn’t want to let him down. He’s been through enough of that.”


    His smile beamed.


    “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions,” I continued, inching closer, “when I should’ve been way more understanding. But I really want you to know that–-” I was interrupted by him throwing his lips on mine, kissing me so gently while cupping my cheeks in his hands. And you bet I kissed him back! Oh it felt amazing!


    “Shhh, you don’t need to say anything more,” he whispered, stroking my lips with his. “Your return has already told me everything.”


    With profound happiness I grinned, causing his lips to bump into my teeth which made us laugh.


    Then we kissed again, wrapping our arms around each other, drinking deeply from our affections; no longer suppressed.


    “I’m so glad you came back,” he whispered to me again, pressing his forehead against mine. “I thought I scre’wed up for good this time--"
    "You didn't sc'rew up," I corrected. "I did."
    His eyes beamed with appreciation. "Gosh you’re some kind of wonderful Malai…and I'm falling so hard for you." Then he swallowed emotionally. "I don’t ever want to lose you.”


    With a swelling heart, I nuzzled my forehead against his. “Well you won’t,” I assured with my eyes, “because I’m falling in love with you too.”


    He smiled. “Love huh? Are we there already?” he teased with an arched eyebrow.
    I grinned. “Well, I love your family and I love Amaya so…,” I trailed off with a playful shrug.
    “‘Nuff said,” he grinned in response before kissing me again, oh so passionately.


    Never had I imagined that I would find my one true love over the course of one week, but hey…if something feels right, deep within your heart and soul, and you both know it, then why wait to take the plunge?

    I’m so glad we didn’t.


    You should’ve seen how excited Amaya was when her dad brought me home, with my hand in his, and popping a kiss on my cheek. There was never a happier little girl. And that evening the three of us watched the fireworks light up the night sky together, ringing in the new year. And a new future. In a way, we already felt like a family.



    Aizen and I courted long distance (talking on the phone, texting, and FaceTiming) for a little over four months. Then one day, he and Amaya surprised me at my apartment complex in New York just as I was coming home from work. And before I knew what was about to happen, Aizen knelt himself down onto the disgusting New York pavement and proposed to me. Cherry blossom petals were blowing all around us. It was so romantic! And of course I said, YES!

    We got married at the church in Maplewood Falls and it was the best and happiest day of our lives. So romantic, and so perfect.


    There was never a set of happier parents in all the world at our wedding. It was adorable. Especially hearing all their bragging to the wedding guests about the part they played in bringing us together.

    Kai came to our wedding with a very sweet girl he met in Montreal named Katie, (who is also a therapist) and Aizen and I got the feeling that wedding bells would be ringing for them soon too. Which ended up being true.

    You’re probably wondering if things were ever awkward for a time between me, Aizen, and Kai. Honestly…no. Because what happened was meant to happen - orchestrated by a higher power. We all knew it and we were all ok with it. It was truly a blessing.

    Ryu and Tara are still dating. We’re not exactly sure what the plan is there: if they’ll get married, move in together, or what. But everyone is different when it comes to relationships so we’re just anxiously waiting to find out what they’ll do!

    Landon and I are still best friends, of course. And yes, he’s still my boss. (Aizen intimidated him a little at first, but now they are good friends.) Through his soul searching, he discovered that he’s bisexual, so he’s been going on dates with anyone he feels a strong connection to. Right now he’s dating a sweet woman named Nicole and seems very happy with her so I’m happy for him.

    Together, Aizen, Amaya, and I decided to make our home in a fairly quiet suburb just outside of New York City. I was definitely willing to find a job closer to Maplewood Falls (to also satisfy the grandparents), but Aizen wouldn’t hear of me giving up my dream job at CM Magazine. He’s so incredibly sweet, unlike how my first impression was of him. I (we) still laugh about it to this day. As far as his employment goes, he takes up whatever construction jobs become available in the city, but for the most part he’s a stay at home dad. And he admitted to me just the other day that it’s become his favorite job. I love him.

    Amaya is enjoying school, making good friends, and really delving into Art. Her artistic abilities will surpass mine one day; I’m sure of it. I feel so blessed to have her as my daughter. To call her my daughter. She has made my life richer than I ever imagined and inspires me to always be the best person - and parent - I can be. The first time she called me Mom…I’ll never forget it.

    I don’t know what the future has in store for our little family of three. But I know that together we’ll weather any storm, no matter how challenging it might be, and cherish and relish in all the good times God blesses us with. Aizen and Amaya are my everything and I can’t imagine my life without them. I never realized just how happy and wonderful life could be.

    I must admit, I’ve been feeling awfully nauseated lately…

    Not sure what’s going on there… *wink, wink*

    And that concludes the story of my unforgettable Christmas with the “three Kings.”

    ❄❄❄ The End ❄❄❄

    Author's Closing:
    I just wanted to thank y'all again, from the bottom of my heart, for reading this story and for all your sweet and humorous comments about it. 🥰 They were - are - always a joy to read and have warmed my soul. <3 I seriously have the best support group here on the forum! :star: Y'all encourage me to keep writing and to pursue the thoughts I've been having for a while now about publishing these short Christmas stories. Perhaps someday. ;)

    I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎉
  • Options
    KevinL5275KevinL5275 Posts: 2,489 Member
    Yes, its exactly like a Hallmark Christmas special on the airplane, hahahaha nice work. :)

    And good thing Aizen's boss was ok with this :mrgreen:

    "You had me at hello." :wink:

    Glad to hear Kai found someone closer to him, and Landon too.

    Feeling nauseated, huh? Uh oh!! Something in the water? :flushed:

    Beautiful job on their wedding and her dress looks awesome. Did you happen to take any more pics of it? And I'd like to know how you got the airplane window pics, too.

    Awesome job Emily!! :heart:
    I'm a 49 year old married man, with a beautiful wife, a cat, and a simverted personality.My Sims 3 Pictures
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    Beautiful ending to a wonderful story, as always your writing skills
    is top-notch!

    Great job!
  • Options
    meerkattimemeerkattime Posts: 262 Member

    Poor Malai. I'm glad her mother is so understanding and sweet with her.
    Ooh, I love Amaya's unicorn plush! So cute ;) .
    Poor Amaya. Poor Aizen. This is not right - this can still be fixed!
    That was a sweet message from Kai. I'm happy for Malai that Kai is not bitter about how things went between them.
    At least Malai has her best friend waiting for her in New York... Ice cream therapy is more than needed now!
    Yeah, Aizen... I think Malai should give him more time. You don't learn to trust someone in a day if you have bad experiences in the past :( .
    She's not leaving! :smiley: I'm so happy to see that!
    So romantic <3 ! Love those pictures of Malai and Aizen. So happy for Amaya too. That must have been an awesome New Year's Eve for her.
    I love this happy end you wrote for everyone <3 . All of this was just meant to happen.
  • Options
    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Yes, its exactly like a Hallmark Christmas special on the airplane, hahahaha nice work. :)
    ^Why thank you. :blush:
    Yes, Aizen's boss had no problem with Aizen macking on his lady for a little bit on the job there. :smirk:
    "You had me at hello." :wink:
    ^Yessss. <3 (A perfect song for the story actually! :smiley: 👍🏻 ) Now you're gonna make me link the song aren't you? ;):p Yep, I'm doing it:
    Beautiful job on their wedding and her dress looks awesome. Did you happen to take any more pics of it? And I'd like to know how you got the airplane window pics, too.
    ^Thank you. <3
    I did take a couple of other wedding photos, here's a further away shot of the close up photo I added to the story so you can see more of the dress (and her shoes. :blush: )
    Here's a front shot of the dress as well. I didn't add this photo to the story because I didn't like the way Malai's eyes looked and then there was the clipping with Aizen's arm melding with her hair and stuff like that. It's still cute though. <3 (You can see a little bit of the ring Aizen gave her too. ;) )
    I really love the dress too, and its exquisite detail, and I'm sorry I can't remember where I got it... :( Off the top of my head it was either from TSR or ArtSims.
    But anyway, thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed this story a lot too. 🥰

    Beautiful ending to a wonderful story, as always your writing skills is top-notch!

    Great job!
    ^Thank you so much. <3<3 Glad you enjoyed it.

    @bekkasan Thank you sweet lady. :kissing_heart: I had a feeling you would be happy with the ending and I'm glad you enjoyed it. :blush:

    @meerkattime I always love reading your detailed thoughts. <3
    She's not leaving! :smiley: I'm so happy to see that!
    ^Hee hee. :mrgreen:
    So I gotta ask: Did you have the thought, when Malai told Aizen she was going back to New York, that she was totally leaving just like all the others had? I'm curious. ;) Cause you're so intuitive. :blush:
    So romantic <3 ! Love those pictures of Malai and Aizen. So happy for Amaya too. That must have been an awesome New Year's Eve for her. I love this happy end you wrote for everyone <3 . All of this was just meant to happen.
    ^Thank you so much. <3<3 And yes, it was all meant to be. 🥰 I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

    💜 Thank y'all again so much for reading and for your support and kind words. 💙

    There were some outtake photos that I was supposed to post! :lol: Whoops!
    Later. ;)
  • Options
    Ninja-Dan22Ninja-Dan22 Posts: 117 Member
    That was so sweet, lovely ending! Thank you for sharing your story :) And of course I'm glad she ended up with Aizen haha, good choice Malai ;)
  • Options
    meerkattimemeerkattime Posts: 262 Member
    emorrill wrote: »
    So I gotta ask: Did you have the thought, when Malai told Aizen she was going back to New York, that she was totally leaving just like all the others had? I'm curious. ;)
    I wrote you before:
    even if she really leaves in the morning. We shall see :wink: .
    Sooo, nope, I didn't think she would be leaving :mrgreen: . And I'm glad she didn't :blush: .

    I love those pictures of Malai's wedding dress. So detailed!
  • Options
    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    I wish my family was into Christmas as much as Malai's family. Would love
    to wake up to the sound of xmas music in the morning. Yeah, gotta be careful
    with diabetes. Its no walk in the park.
    Are you using the NYC world for your story?(Just asking cause that world is HUGE)
    Her facial expression at seeing the young men. XD What pose is that?

    I love her top in this photo. Do you remember where you got it? And her face is adorable!
    dinner with this kind of eye candy displayed all around me

    :D:D This was priceless.

  • Options
    KevinL5275KevinL5275 Posts: 2,489 Member
    I'm already eagerly anticipating Emily's next story. :mrgreen:
    I'm a 49 year old married man, with a beautiful wife, a cat, and a simverted personality.My Sims 3 Pictures
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    meerkattimemeerkattime Posts: 262 Member
    KevinL5275 wrote: »
    I'm already eagerly anticipating Emily's next story. :mrgreen:

    Me too!
  • Options
    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited December 2022
    @Ninja-Dan22 Yay! I was waiting for you to chime in. ;) 💜
    That was so sweet, lovely ending! Thank you for sharing your story :) And of course I'm glad she ended up with Aizen haha, good choice Malai ;)
    ^You're very welcome and thank you for reading it and sharing your thoughts with me. 💜 I really appreciate it.
    Hee hee, yes, Malai made a great choice in my opinion too. ;) I knew you would love the ending. :smirk::mrgreen:

    I wrote you before:
    ...even if she really leaves in the morning. We shall see :wink: .
    Sooo, nope, I didn't think she would be leaving :mrgreen: . And I'm glad she didn't :blush: .
    ^Oh, Lol! Guess not. :lol:
    I guess I surprised you there. :smirk: I love it! :mrgreen:<3
    I think I need to go hunt down Malai's wedding dress and provide a link for y'all cause yeah, it's gorgeous! :love:
    (See below :grin: )

    @GraceyManor No I didn't use NYC world for this story. I mainly used the world of Hylewood (it's small and loads quickly. 👍🏻 ) I did use Bridgeport for the first Chapter when she's in "NYC." ;)
    Let me see...that pose is: Smile! It looks good on you - By Skylar
    Direct download link:
    And that top I got from TSR:
    Merry Christmas girl. :blush:
    dinner with this kind of eye candy displayed all around me
    ^I'm glad you liked this. :mrgreen: I wondered if I was projecting too much of myself into that comment, but I couldn't not include it after I typed it. :p

    I'm already eagerly anticipating Emily's next story. :mrgreen:
    ^Awwww, you are too sweet. 💜💙
    Don't tempt me though! :lol:;) I need a break. :p (Plus I gotta get Tara to you. ;) )
    But I'm already thinking up some new story ideas. :blush: Especially when I have supporters like you and many others here on the forum. 🥰

    OMGOSH! So Malai's wedding dress IS from TSR! :smiley: Pleasant surprise because I totally thought it was from another site! (My brain has not failed me this time around. :lol: )

    Kevin, meerkat, and anyone else who wants it, here it is:

    This creator (April) has other exquisite dresses for download so go check them out while you're there! :star:

    Thanks again everyone. <3
  • Options
    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited December 2022
    :mrgreen:OUTTAKES :mrgreen:

    Throughout my journey of staging and taking pictures for this story, the characters (Sims) did a few humorous things that I had to capture. (Or I just caught them at the perfect moment where they happened to be doing something funny. :lol: ) I even took some adorable shots as well. :blush:

    Note: The Director dialogue in italics is Me of course. :p

    Enjoy these "behind the scenes" photos everyone. :mrgreen:

    Chapter 1:

    I took these pictures of "New York" in Bridgeport and the moment I was just about to add them into the story, I realized it needed to be winter. :grimace: They look nice though. :)



    Scrapped photos of Malai and Landon for their Ch 1 portraits:



    Because the ones used in the story were better. ;)

    Aizen was not liking the idea of being stuck in the garage - neither were any of them actually, see poor Amaya's expression? - until it was their turn for "filming." :p The Reataza's Garage was the staging area. (Don't worry, I mostly had their needs Static the whole time so they weren't suffering too terribly. 👍🏻 )


    Chapter 2:

    Director: "Alright boys, it's time for get serious for your first meeting with Malai." :lol: Kai!! :joy:


    After un-posing Malai many times during that first meeting, her eyes kept fixating on Aizen. :smirk:
    (Note: that did not have any effect on how this story was supposed to turn out. I actually wrote the story before taking the pictures for it. :) )


    Chapter 3:

    Director: "Cut! Too much feet in this picture." :joy:


    Overly tired excitement from Ryu ("Yaaaay") over "filming" the next scene (where he and his brothers chat about their opinions of Malai. :) )


    Landon striking a pose with the phone accessory in his hand. :lol:


    Chapter 4

    Here's a delicious (wow, did I just use that word? :lol: ) picture of Aizen wearing only a towel. :love:

    That smile! <3

    I actually used a different towel in the story pictures, one that would allow me to use a more "sculpted" bare torso on him. :smirk: I think y'all would agree with me that the photo from the story was better. ;)

    One moment in the kitchen, Amaya wanted to play rock-paper-scissors with her dad. :blush:


    Chapter 6

    Kai contemplating the universe or something upstairs (I sent him up there to get out of the way and this was what I found him doing when I needed him again. :lol: )


    Chapter 7

    During the staging for the karaoke scene, Aizen struck this pose!! :love: 🥴


    When he and Malai sang "Everlong" together, they sounded so good! Beautifully in sync with each other. <3 (Almost like it was meant to be or something. :smirk::p )

    Afterward, while taking a break in "filming," Aizen turns his head and gives me this look like, "Can I have her Sim Goddess? Pleeeease?" <3<3 My heart melted! Not just yet my dear Aizen...Patience.


    There were a couple of times during "filming" that Aizen got excited when it started snowing...


    Trying to catch a snowflake on his tongue. :p<3


    Chapter 8

    Aizen: That's all the change I have in my pocket?
    Malai: Hey Aizen! Ready to shoot?


    So these two while trying to stage and capture this very dramatic scene...they would not stop SMILING at each other! :neutral: (As adorable as it was, it was making taking pictures a little difficult) I mean seriously, they wanted each other SO bad! :grin: And y'all know what I mean by that. :smirk::lol:



    I'll admit, I totally loved watching them in their affections. <3 But I needed them to get down to business! :grimace: lol

    They be like: "Oh we wanna get down to business alright..." :smirk::joy: !!!

    Chapter 9

    Director: "Well, that's a wrap for My 'Three Kings' of Christmas everyone!" <3*sniff* 🤧

    Aizen: Would you like a shoulder rub after all that Malai?
    Malai: Oh yes, please. That would be wonderful!


    Malai: Oooohhh, yeeeeah, that feels good. Ooooohh...
    Aizen: ... 💖 ...


    Aizen: Better?
    Malai: Oh yes, much better. Thank you.


    After that, they were kissing all over each other...


    And suggesting things...


    (I want to quickly add that I almost used this photo in the story...)


    So I finally sent them back to the Reataza household to fulfill their desperate wish. :smirk: It was overdue. :p


    PHOTO DUMP! :love:






    Can I get a WOO HOO everyone!? :joy::smirk::p





    It was "Risky" so...we'll see what happens. :mrgreen:

    I hope y'all enjoyed these outtakes. Have fun simming! :blush:
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    Ninja-Dan22Ninja-Dan22 Posts: 117 Member
    Awww Aizen looks so sweet smiling instead of his grumpy face we're all used too :D Risky huh...interesting :* perhaps Amaya will be getting the gift of being a big sister haha
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    KevinL5275KevinL5275 Posts: 2,489 Member
    Oh my, I love the outtakes, thank you for sharing. And those last outtakes could totally be used in a naughty romance novel. o:) Although I would expect she would be wearing less. :mrgreen: And I love that you ladies admit you drool, too. :blush:

    Thank you for the links to the clothing used, we appreciate it.
    I'm a 49 year old married man, with a beautiful wife, a cat, and a simverted personality.My Sims 3 Pictures
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    Lovely outtakes, I especially enjoy those of Aizen,
    he's just so handsome <3
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