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One Month One World One Year Challenge 2022


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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Absolutely love how Dylan is gazing at Morgan while both in their werewolf forms. They are so in love!

    Congrats to Dylan for winning his first brawl! Yes, he does look very fierce! o.O

    Ah yes, fated mates, I'm not surprised! Yay! \o/

    Congrats to both of them for finishing the initial aspiration! :)

    Gawd, look at Dylan! O.O He's so freakin' fit! Oh hey! I just noticed you gave him some of the new body hair! It looks good on him. He's had body hair for a long time in my game, but it's CC.

    I figured Dylan would feel obligated to join the Wildfangs. So funny how disappointed he was Morgan wasn't a 'real' bad girl in the Renegades. hehe Makes sense Morgan would join the Moonwood Collective pack since they're much milder than the Wildfangs. Just in case! ;)

    I love the makeover you gave both of them for their werewolf forms. The red definitely suits Morgan better. Great job!

    Thanks about our anniversary! :)

    Go for it with Jon, you're right, it's time he had a new hairstyle! Go ahead and change beards if you would like for all of them too! :) Ah! That makes sense for Melody and Malcom. I can't wait to see them in your game! I should give them makeovers in mine as well. I did give Veera a bit of a makeover last night too. Oh, opps! Yeah, I should've figured that out. All the houses/venues look so similar in Windenburg, I didn't realize it was a restaurant and not a nightclub. No worries. :)

    Oh yeah, I remember Greg lives in a mansion now. I'd forgotten he actually lived in the house he's living in my game now in your game when he was younger. I love the outside of that house so much! I should renovate the inside, I haven't really touched it all that much.

    I think you're right about Cale, unfortunately for him, he's going to need that rental for awhile. o.O

    Oh boy, Sean doesn't look too happy. I'll go check out the link you provided after I'm finished with comments. Curious to find out what fun you had with him. hehe :)

    Baby bump! Yay! Can't wait to find out what they end up having soon! *crosses fingers for twins* ;)

    Thank you about the renovation! I know you love green and so does Cale! It's his favorite color so that's why I've been using it so much when decorating his homes. Lots of teal before, but went full on green this time since I wanted to use assets from the Vampires pack for the build. Glad you like how it turned out and think it matches the world, I think so too! :)
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited September 2022
    June 22 - Welcome To The Pack

    Dylan and Morgan walked over to the Moonwood Collective together.


    When they arrived, they went over to Chiara, who was speaking with Wolfgang Wilder, the Librarian.


    Dylan: "Mom, I'm dropping Morgan off to join the Moonwood Collective with you."


    Chiara: "That's wonderful, Dylan. And what about you? Will you be joining, too?"


    Dylan: "No, Mom, I'm joining the WildFangs. I owe Rory a favor, and she's wanted me to join since I met her..."


    Chiara: "But Dylan...the Moonwood Collective is the better choice. They are all about community, and trying to regain control over the "beast within". I thought this is what you would have be with Morgan here..."


    Dylan: "Mom, I know you don't agree, but I've already talked to Morgan about it, and she supports my decision. It's just something I have to do. I gotta go. Take care of her, alright?" He gave Chiara a hug and kissed Morgan goodbye and he was on his way.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    After Dylan had left, Morgan headed over to speak with Kristopher.


    Kristopher: "Morgan, what a pleasure to see you again. I just wanted to say how deeply saddened we all were that we were unable to cure you last night. How are you feeling?"

    Morgan: "I'm alright. I don't actually remember anything. But I thought I would come over and ask about joining the Moonwood Collective. Mrs. Healy told me that you do good work in the community...and I'm interested in helping out as much as I can..."

    Kristopher: "That's quite admirable, Morgan. We do have a somewhat strict rule of conduct on how to behave in the pack, and we also have an initiation before you can join..."

    Morgan: "I understand. But before we begin, I brought you a gift. Mrs. Healy said that pack members have to contribute to the pack resources, so this is for you..."


    Kristopher looked at Morgan: "That is quite unexpected. Thank you, Morgan..."


    Morgan: "Alright, well I guess I'm ready for the initiation trials..."

    Kristopher looked at her closely, "The first test is quite easy. Do you know how to scavenge, Morgan? Maybe you can show me that..."

    Morgan smiled and showed Kristopher her scavenging methods.


    When she was done, she handed the item she found to Kristopher, "It looks like it's some type of tablet with markings on it..."


    Kristopher: "Morgan...your scavenging skills are excellent! That is quite an uncommon relic that you just found!"

    Morgan: "Really? You know, I've always been interested in history, and I was going to go on an internship to Selvadorada on an archaeological dig, but then...well...this happened," she said shrugging her shoulders.


    Kristopher: "Oh Morgan, we are so privileged to have you here. There is a lot of history in Moonwood Mill and a lot of relics to be found. No-one has ever had the patience to decipher and catalogue them. I am sure that Wolfgang Wilder, the Librarian, would be interested in working with you to create a display for the community. What do you think?"

    Morgan smiled: "Really? Oh my gosh! I'd love to! So, does that mean I am part of the Moonwood Collective now?"


    Kristopher: "If you want to be, Morgan, we'd love to have you..."



    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    After leaving Morgan and his mother at the Moonwood Collective, Dylan headed to the WildFang trailer area. When he arrived, Rory was there.


    Rory looked Dylan over: "Dylan, what happened to your clothes? Why are they all ripped?"

    Dylan: "Well, I am not sure if you heard or not, but the werebies antidote didn't work on Morgan, and she transformed last night..."

    Rory: "Yeah Jacob told me. I'm really sorry my adopted father wasn't able to help her. So, what happened? Did she attack you? Is that why your clothes are ripped?"

    Dylan: "No...she didn't do that at all. She transformed and just looked at me and then ran off. I followed her..."

    Rory: "So, is Morgan alright then? Did something happen to her? Where is she?"

    Dylan: "She's fine. She went over with my mother to join the Moonwood Collective."

    Rory: "And you didn't stay with her?"

    Dylan: "No, I had to come over here. I owe you a favor for what you did for Morgan and I, and I'm here to repay the debt."


    Rory looked confused: " are talking in riddles. What the heck are you trying to tell me and what does that have to do with your ripped clothes?"

    Dylan: "When Morgan transformed last night, she led me down to Lake Lunvik..."

    Rory: "And...?"


    Dylan: "...and I went in and swam in the lake and transformed. And that's how my clothes got all shredded. So, I am here today as a full-fledged werewolf wanting to join the WildFangs. That is, if you'll have me..."

    Rory gave him a hug, "Wow! Dylan I can't believe it! You actually did it! Well, congratulations! This is the best decision you've ever made..."


    Dylan: "I hope so. I do feel pretty good about it now that it's done. So, since you've wanted me to join the WildFangs since we first met, that is how I was going to repay you, by joining your pack..."

    Rory raised an eyebrow: "And Morgan and your mother are okay with this?"

    Dylan: "Well, Morgan is fine with it, but my mother...well...yeah...I know she's a bit disappointed that I am not going to join the Moonwood Collective, but it really is my decision. And this is what I want to do..."

    Rory: "I like that attitude Dylan. Now, about the pack, there are some things you have to do a trial initiation to become a member..."

    Dylan: "Okay, what are they? I'm ready..."

    Rory: "Well, let's start you out with a simple good are you at scavenging?"


    Lou came over just then, "Hey, joining our pack? Cool! I can help you out you know..."

    Dylan: "I appreciate that, but I gotta get in first. Alright, here goes the scavenging...and whatever I find goes to the Leader of the Pack, of course."

    Rory: "Lou, did you hear that? Dylan is going to give me what he scavenges. You could learn a few things from Dylan to packmates....remember?"

    Lou: " there any fresh meat in the trailer? I could go for a sandwich right now..."


    Dylan laughed and began to scavenge and found some wolfium. When he was done, he handed it over to Rory.


    Rory admired it, "Nice, very nice. Well, that was two tasks completed already. Ready for the next one?"

    Dylan: "Sure, that wasn't so hard...what's next?"

    Rory: "You have to spar..."


    Dylan: "Yeah, Lou actually told me we had to do that, and I'm good with it. I guess I'll wait until Lou comes out of the trailer then and Lou and I will spar..."

    Rory: " have to spar with me..."

    Dylan: "Rory, no offense, but I can't spar with you..."


    Rory: "And why not? I am the Leader of this Pack, you know...and I'm telling you that you are going to spar with me. I need to see what you're capable of..."

    Dylan: "But I don't want to hurt you, Rory..."


    Rory laughed and then walked a bit away, and they both transformed. Of course, at that moment, Lou came out of the trailer with some food.


    Lou: "Holy Plumbobs! You're sparring with Rory already? You're such a rad werewolf, Dylan. But you are looking good....Oof! That's gonna hurt..."


    It was soon over, and of course, Rory won.

    Rory: "Good work, Dylan, but you were holding back...I could need more practice with that...let the beast take you over...and you need to get frosty before you spar. But, yeah, I would say that you have what it takes to become a WildFang! You're in!"


    Lou clapped, "Hey Dylan! You did it! Now I won't be the only one that Rory will beat mean spar with..."


    Dylan nodded his head, "Great, thanks. I guess I'm a WildFang now! And I'll get better at sparring. Lou and I will practice. Right, Lou?"

    Lou: "Sure, or we could do a tug of war...that's fun,'s beastly...yeah...really beastly..."



    Lou: "Ah shucks, how did you win that?"

    Dylan looked at Lou, "Luck...just luck. And you know...if you need it, I can mentor you on the weights..."

    Lou: "Really? Yeah, I should work out more..."

    Dylan: "Oh, and I brought along some left-overs from breakfast. You wouldn't be interested in some pancakes, would you?"

    Lou smiled: "You're giving me food as a gift? Ahhh are the best packmate ever!"


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    Although I did put Morgan in the Moonwood Collective, this will focus on Dylan and the WildFangs.

    Once werewolves have completed the Werewolf Initiate Aspiration, they have 4 new choices of aspirations they can choose.



    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Even though I have their phones on mute, because there is no cell service in Moonwood Mill, Morgan got a call. Geez! Give it up, Paolo!

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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    September 4th: A beautiful day

    I woke up from my dozing early, and got up to find a quiet activity to occupy me while Kaori slept. There was an easel in our room, so I grabbed a canvas and paints and painted the decorative jars sitting on the coffee table.


    By the time I'd finished I was beginning to feel a little thirsty, so I returned to my fishing spot and threw in my my line.


    I caught a few new fish, so I kept them to add to my mounted fish collection.


    One of the fish I caught was a endangered shark, so I threw it back.


    I was getting thirsty, so the next fish I caught I turned into a plasma pack to sate my growing thirst.


    As the sun began to rise, Kaori came out and joined me and of course we did a little more flirting.


    I swear, we're as bad as a couple of newly weds!

    Koari mentioned wanting to see the waterfall that was on the island, so we walked down the beach until we found it. It was an impressive falls, and we stood at it's base and enjoyed the cool water flowing over our feet.


    Kaori gave me a seductive look and asked if I'd ever wanted to woohoo in a waterfall before. Well, I can't say that I had, but the way she looked at me suddenly made me very much want to give it a try!


    We walked up to the falls and passionately kissed before I backed in, pulling her in after me.


    Yeah, it was good. It was very good!


    After that bit of fun, we returned to our lodging so that Kaori could have some breakfast. We sat outside and enjoyed the tropical breezes as we chatted about what we would like to do with the rest of the day.


    Kaori mentioned wanting to get a bit of a tan before trying out snorkeling, so we found a couple of beach loungers and sat down to enjoy the sun.


    Unfortunatly I was unable to get a tan, probably because I'm a vampire, but at least the sun no longer causes my skin to burst into flames! That's something to be thankful for.


    After Kaori had obtained her desired tan, we grabbed some snorkeling equipment and swam out to a buoy floating nearby.


    It was fun to see all of the fish swimming about, and was quite relaxing just floating in the crystal clear waters.


    A pod of dolphins ended up joining us, but none of them would come up and let me pet them.


    As the sun began to set, we headed back to shore where I took a moment to clean up some debris that had washed up on shore.


    Koari asked if I'd help her build a sand sculpture, so we set to work piling up some wet sand which we then carved into a shark head.


    I added a gnome peaking from it's mouth, because that's where all gnomes belong in my opinion.


    Kaori giggled when she saw my addition, and that just made me want to kiss her.


    Hand in hand we headed back to our place to rinse off, put Kaori ended up pulling me over to a swing-set instead, asking if I'd push her. Gladly!


    As the sun set over the sea, I sent Kaori flying into the air, enjoying my view probably more than she was enjoying hers.


    When the stars came out we returned to the beach to do a little stargazing.


    We sat down where the water was lapping at the sand and quietly filled each other in on more of what we'd been up to while separated. The stars reminded me of my alien half-sister, so I told Kaori about my abduction, and how my mother had had an alien baby before she'd had me.


    Kaori seemed to take it in stride, and I asked if she already knew about aliens. She said she'd always expected there to be other beings from other planets, even if she hadn't ever had it confirmed until now. She explained that after learning magic was real, she'd probably never again be surprised to find out other myths and legends were true too.


    "A mermaid could swim up to me right now," she laughed, "and I'd greet it and ask how the water was without batting an eye!"


    I laughed, but at the same time racked my mind for a distant memory about this very subject. I think one of the other vampires had mentioned something about mermaids and werewolves, but the memory was foggy, so I didn't say anything.


    Our conversation meandered back to flirting after that, and once again we ended the night with a good woohoo back in our bed.


    We really were acting like a couple of newly-weds!
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited September 2022
    September - Day 4: "Gone, but not Forgotten..."


    Cale was back to staring at the Grim Reaper's house after knocking on the door. Apparently, he wasn't home. He wasn't surprised, not really. The guy (demon? beast? angel? What!?) was probably out reaping souls somewhere. It looked like he'd be spending the night in this gloomy, dark place after all.

    (Maybe I should just chug a bunch of Plentiful Needs potions and wait right here for him to come home?)

    As Cale stood contemplating what he should do, he was being watched by Lance. Hades had told him he might find him here, and sure enough, there was Nancy, just standing there like a dolt.

    Lance sped over to Cale and almost laughed at the shocked look on his face once he realized who was standing in front of him.

    "Hey Nancy! Did you miss me?"
    "LANCE!? What? How? WHAT!? How are you here? I made sure you couldn't come back. You're dead! I sent you to Hell!"

    "Do I look dead to you Nancy?"
    "N-n-no, how is this possible? Am I having a nightmare or something? You can't be here."
    "But I am, in the flesh, go ahead, pinch me and see. If you dare, because if you really try it, I'll break your hand."
    "I believe you, no need to pinch, I can smell you. You smell...rotten."

    "Rotten huh? Hmm, not surprised. I worked up quite a sweat giving it to your wife for hours while she screamed. I love it when they scream, makes it even more exciting."
    "What did you just say? My wife? Sandy? That's not possible, you're lying! She's in that house. Well, her soul is anyway."

    "Nah, she's not in there, she's not anywhere...anymore. After I was finished with her, Hades seduced her and had his way with her, then he had me get rid of her. She's gone for good Nancy."
    "WHAT?! You...Hades? You mean, the Devil? Lucifer and you...both...Son of a *BEEP*! YOU *BEEP*ER I'LL KILL YOU!"
    "Pfft, you already tried that once, didn't work. No, here's what's going to happen..."

    Right before Cale's eyes, his formally dead, now alive, again, somehow, step-Dad turned into a monster and grabbed him by his shirt to lift him off the ground.

    "You're going to do everything I tell you to do when I'm finished with you. You won't have a choice. You and I are going to have some fun. Oh yes we are!" Lance said and threw Cale to the ground.

    Cale tried to run when he scrambled to his feet, but it was no use. Quick as a wink Lance pinned him to the spot by mesmerizing him. He couldn't move, was left in a daze, weaving from side to side until Lance grabbed him by the shoulders.

    "I might smell rotten, but YOU smell delicious Nancy. I'm going to enjoy this so much!"


    Cale felt extreme pain when Lance sunk his fangs into his neck. He was screaming inside, not believing what was happening and then he felt...nothing as his eyes rolled toward the back of his head.

    "Wha...wha...hap'and...?" Cale mumbled almost incoherently.
    "Mmm, I just made you mine Nancy."

    "Ohhh Gawd, it hurts, OwwwwwWWWWW!"
    "GOOD! I'm glad. I'm going to enjoy thinking about you suffering."

    "I could've killed you and I still might. But until I do, you're my child now, we're truly family. I'm your Master, your Father, I made you and you have to obey me. Finally!" Lance chuckled and walked a little distance away to watch with delight as Cale collapsed to the pavement, smacking his head.

    (That's gonna leave a mark. HAHAHA!)


    Lance had a little Sun immunity, but not enough to completely protect him yet. He sped away back to San Myshuno and the penthouse.

    A couple hours later Cale woke up and struggled to stand. It wasn't easy, he was still somewhat woozy and dazed. He stood for a moment, trying to remember where he was and what had happened to him.
    (Ow, my head, my neck! Everything hurts!)

    He stood a moment trying to clear his fuzzy head and then it hit him.


    Cale sobbed in anguish. He didn't want to believe it, but the thought of the love of his life possibly being truly and completely gone with no hope of getting her back was unbearable. His heart and soul, his very being had been broken into a million pieces. How could he go on if it was true?

    After standing there in front of the Grim Reaper's house, crying out his pain for what seemed like hours, Cale wiped his eyes with his arm trying to get a hold of himself.
    (What do I do now? How do I find out if it's true? Who would know? Grim?)

    (How do I tell the boys?)
    (You don't. Not until you know 100% that's she's truly gone...forever.)
    (Oh Sandy, Babe, I hope with all my heart and soul it's not true. I can't bear to think about the pain you must've suffered if it is...true. NO! It's not, it can't be...right?)

    (Oh Nooooo! Oh gawd, something's happening to me. What did he do to me?)
    (*GASP* Could I be...could I be turning into a...vampire?)
    "HOLY *BEEP!!"
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my September 4th post above! I'll get started on comments/replies next! Hope y'all had a wonderful day/night! <3
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited September 2022
    Hi Everyone! Comments on your posts coming up. Have a great day/night everyone and happy simming! Just bought the new High School Years gamepack and played a bit last night. It would have been really fun if they could have interacted with other sims during class, like secret messages, etc. I did ride the ferris wheel with my crush and threw up on them! lol So, no messing around in those cuddle cars as yet. :)

    @Karababy52 - I have a suggestion if this challenge goes to next year...that we start with the new high school pack, as I think that they take a month to get through it. I am not sure what happens if they are still a teen after they graduate from Copperdale High, and if they would still have to go to the regular rabbithole high school, though. As mentioned, I just got it last night, so have no idea! lol Anyway, if they do, they could have a few "gap" years then before starting uni. In the new high schools pack, they meet so many new teens from all the worlds. And I like to choose one of the pre-mades as my sim's romantic partner, so this will help immensely. Plus, it's a nice world, and there are some collectibles available. And they can make simoleons on Trendi, although I haven't tried that yet. Anyway, just my two cents' worth. :)

    Edit: @Ellupelluellu is testing, so may still have to do rabbithole high school for first 2 months.

    @Karababy52 -
    Nice build for Forgotten Hollow. I like using that typewriter-computer, too to make things look old. I am surprised that the house didn't come with a pipe maybe it is too big for the build. But the piano is a nice touch. Flooring looks great, too. And all in one color scheme, which makes it easy. And, as suspected, Cale is going to go alone to Forgotten Hollow.

    Sep 4 - Ugh! Lance is back and rubs it into Cale's face that he has "been" with Sandy. And then changes into his dark form and bites Cale. Well, this can't be good, especially since Cale's stomach is turning purple. Oooh...and Lance doesn't have sunlight resistance...maybe he'll burn to death and we'll finally be rid of him....oh please...let's get rid of Lance...

    @RememberJoy -
    Sep 4 - I love how Adam and Karori are on a 2nd honeymoon here. And of course, they are smitten with each other all over again because...well, it's been awhile for both of them. Love that waterfall woohoo...and their day is just perfect together, building sand sculptures, swimming, meeting some dolphins, and, of course, talking about mermaids. Too bad about the suntan on Adam's part, yes, but at least he's not burning to death! hehehe Really liked this update, such a romantic and fun day together.

    @LegacySims2017 -
    July 3 - Nice that DJ goes off to visit Robin and re-meets her Dad, too. Nice way to get some fruit for planting from Robin, and, of course, to give to Paige for her upset stomach. Of course, DJ has to share his "possible" news with Robin. Oh yeah, Robin, Paige is expecting! :)

    July 5 - Alright! A little bump for Paige!

    @Ellupelluellu -
    I went to your other post to see your renos to the Copperdale School...nice work. That high school really does need help.

    Day 15 - Nice build in Windenburg. Finally that dragonfruit grew. I love the build restrictions that you have in place. Oh yes, and Sakura is there at the Narwhal Arms as a DJ. Nice seeing her there! lol Oh and Josh and Malcolm, too. Josh, of course mentored her in fishing and she caught that great salmon. Malcolm looks really good. And Oona off home again to her new house. I liked the location in the town, too, because it was close to the bar and the cafe. Last year, Sakura was on the island, and it really was isolated, with no venues to go to, unless she took the ferry (ha!). So, with Dylan, I decided to do something a bit different, and it worked really well.
    Post edited by SoulGal7 on
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,196 Member
    edited September 2022
    @SoulGal7 , about that highschool, I personally would do that as last teen month, as graduation happens when your teen ages up to ya, if not graduate early and miss all festivities. So I would go rabbithole school first 2 months, like oona is doing now. just my pennies.

    edit: i really dont know what happens with this graduation early- thing, but I assume they have no party then . i test it out :P so i dont talk wrong things :P

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,262 Member
    One Month, One World, One Year Challenge: The Adventures of Dash Joseph Faireborn
    Table of Contents
    July 6: Hero!

    Special Appearances By: Robin Keyes & Emmett Keyes ( @permanentrose )
    There were only two days left of D.J. and Paige's honeymoon. Tomorrow night he would be heading home hopefully with a newborn in hand. He really wanted to have his child born on Sulani.

    Paige was sleeping when D.J. wakes up. He makes his way to the kitchen to find something to eat. He remembers the fruit he brought home the other day for Paige. She had eaten a couple bananas. The other fruit he couldn't identify was still on the counter. He figures that should satisfy his hunger for a small breakfast.


    Paige sees D.J. and can immediately tell something is different about him and gives him a strange look.

    "What?" D.J. asks.
    "I don't know. I just sense something else about you. The same thing I sense about Robin and Estelle when they were at the wedding and at the University." Paige replies. "I've been learning a few things after you left Glimmerbrook. I believe Robin and Estelle are mermaids."
    "Mermaids are fairytales." D.J. says chuckling. "And now you think I am one?"
    "Haven't you felt something different about Robin and Estelle when they are around? I believe as Spellcasters, we can tell that other Sims are a bit different, like we are. I can sense you are a Spellcaster, but have the same sense as Robin and Estelle as well."


    "I assure you I am not a mermaid, or would that be a merman. I am still a Spellcaster, though." D.J. says as he performs a bit of his magic.


    "Should I go swimming to show you I don't have fins?" D.J. asks a bit disgruntled at the thought.

    All of a sudden, Paige bursts out in pain.

    D.J. runs over to Paige. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you."
    "I think I am in labor." Paige winces.


    "Oh, no. I never thought about where there's a hospital around here." D.J. panics.

    D.J. calls up Robin on the phone and explains Paige is in labor and looks like she's going to have the baby. Robin puts Emmett on the phone and he gives D.J. instructions and he'll be right over. He tells D.J. he not an official doctor, but has helped deliver other babies before, such as his own daughter, Robin.

    After listening to Emmett, D.J. hangs up and takes Paige to the bathroom where he fills the tub with water. He then instructs Paige to get in the tub and helps her with breathing exercises.


    About fifteen to twenty minutes later, there is a knock at the door. D.J. shouts it is open. Both Emmett and Robin appear. Robin gives D.J. almost the exact strange look that Paige did, but then focuses back on her dad and Paige. D.J. is a little embarrassed to have Robin and her dad see him in his boxer shorts. He only assumes that is why Robin gave him that weird look.


    "Let me through." Emmett says to D.J.

    Emmett smiles at Paige and tells her everything is going to be fine.

    "I need you two to stay out there." Emmett tells D.J. and Robin as he closes the door.

    As Emmett is helping Paige in the bathroom give birth, Robin approaches D.J.

    "How is it that you're a merman?" Robin asks D.J.
    "Paige thought the same thing!" D.J. exclaims. "I'm not a merman. I'm a...."

    D.J. hesitates to tell Robin about being a Spellcaster.

    "D.J.! I always knew you were a Spellcaster. But I can also feel that you're a merman. As if you're a hybrid. How did this happen?"


    D.J. becomes angry and gets into a defensive mode.

    "I am not a fish! Never have been, never will be! Got it!


    Soon after, Paige and Emmett exit the bathroom. Paige is holding a baby in her arms. D.J.'s demeanor quickly changes as he smiles at Paige.

    "It's a boy." Paige says. "He's so beautiful."
    "Just as beautiful as his mom." D.J. responds. "What should we name the little guy?"
    "I think he's our little hero coming into the world."
    "Then Hero is what he'll be named."
    "Yes, Hero Faireborn!"


    Behind D.J. and Paige, Robin talks to her dad and was distraught. Emmett grabs her arms trying to console her whispering to her.


    Emmett thinks D.J. and Paige should be left alone with their newborn. He leaves with Robin and returns a little bit later with a bassinet for Hero to lay in.


    Throughout the day, D.J. continues to grab a glass of water to drink, feeling dehydrated.


    Side Notes:
    • Found out Sims cannot have a baby while on vacation. So did a little behind-the-scenes cheating for it to happen. :grimace:
    • I use a Hybrid Mod which works great (thought it would be broken with the latest updates) and now D.J. is a Spellcaster and Merman. Next daily image and chapter will show D.J.'s merman form.
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,262 Member
    September 3rd Comments:

    I agree. Those canoes are fun to watch Sims sail around in. I did laugh that Pickle was more friendly than Pepper. Pepper is the more cautious dog I guess. My latest daily image chapters gives away what you're waiting for. :lol:

    Yeah, the pale green works well with the house. It looks really nice.

    So, I couldn't find the Paige Matthews I downloaded. I uploaded the latest one I have in-game. Just go to my Gallery and it should be in newest. Click on the 'custom content' button as well. I also hashtagged you #Karababy52 on it. Let me know when you grab her, and then I'll remove her since she technically isn't my creation.
    That is a pretty scenery. I like the overlay you did. The whole image has a vampiric feel to it.

    Congrats to Dylan for winning that werewolf fight. But he did catch the other one off-guard. :lol: Glad Morgan didn't pick a fight with another werewolf. I like the fact that Dylan and Morgan are going into two different packs. Will be interesting to see.
    Yup! Nooboo is here! Another D.J. to run around and cause mayhem! Ha, ha! :lol:

    Will be fun to see D.J. pop up somewhere in your Multiverse. :smile:
    Sean looks sad in that daily image. He should be happy. He's got a drink in his hand. :lol:

    Ha. Adam thinks they're alone when he woohoo's with Kaori. Did he forget about the island spirit? Ha, ha. Island Spirits got to watch Adam do the 'Bow chika wow wow'. :blush:

    September 4th Comments:

    Morgan will fit right in it looks like. Especially preserving the history of the Cove. Then you'll have Dylan on the other side having fun and being free to be a werewolf. :lol: I wonder if eventually it'll clash. And the phone call... ha ha ha. More like, "If you decide to dump Dylan, I'm here for ya babe!" Paolo is definitely jealous.

    Here's to hoping Adam and Kaori meet a mermaid. Maybe even a werewolf. :lol: With all this woohooing going on, I think Carol is going to have a younger sibling soon. :joy:

    Poor Cale. But Lance might have done him a favor by turning Cale. He just doesn't know it yet. Hopefully Cale finds Sandy soon. Maybe she'll be a vampire too and they can kick some Lance Bass. ( see what I did there? :joy: )
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited September 2022
    June 23 - What A Day!

    After Dylan gave the packmate gift to Lou, he went over to the weight machine and started working out. Rory watched him for a few minutes and then walked over to speak with him.

    Rory: "Dylan...aside from working out, sparring, and contributing to the pack's resources, there are a few other things that you will need to do..."


    Dylan looked at her wondering what else was expected of him, " what else is there, Rory?"

    Rory: "Well...the WildFangs like to go out and let sims know we've been there..."


    Dylan: " you want me to talk to other sims in town?"

    Rory: "Not need to mark your territory..."


    Dylan looked surprised, "By marking my territory, do you mean what I think you mean?"


    Rory looked him straight in the eye, "You know it.... I mean, do you see a restroom on the lot?"

    Dylan: "Oh, I thought there would be one in the trailer...because of which...I really have to pee...."


    Rory spread her hands wide, "Be my guest...just be wild and free in the great outdoors, Dylan..."

    Lou came over then and heard the conversation, "It's alright, Dylan, we've all done it. Believe me, you'll never have to worry about finding a restroom again...go ahead...we're used to it..."


    Dylan looked at both of them and then went over to an area on the lot and squatted down and "marked his territory."


    Rory shouted out: "Way to go Dylan! You are a true WildFang now!"


    Dylan wasn't quite sure what to think. No sim had ever been excited about before. He looked at Lou and challenged him to a spar.


    Dylan: "Lou, I'm ready for that spar now. What do you think?"

    Lou: "Yeah, sure, I'll take you on. But I want to show you another place where we can spar. It has a bit more space. It's called the Sparring Grounds."

    Dylan and Lou walked over to a spot close to some porta potties near the water.


    They stood apart and then charged as they started to spar.



    Dylan and Lou battled it out...



    ...and Dylan realized that Lou was actually stronger than he looked...


    ...and sadly, Dylan lost another spar...


    Lou was a good sport and came over and shook Dylan's paw and gave him a bro hug.


    Lou: "I can see what Rory meant by you holding back. You're strong Dylan, but you gotta let go..."


    Dylan nodded his head, "I don't know if I can Lou. It kind of scares me a bit...and I'm nervous about what might happen..."

    Lou: "You nervous? Wow! I would never have thought that,'re like this crazy, rad sim who dares to talk to Greg and spars with Rory in the initiation! I mean, I'm in awe of you,'re who I want to be..."


    Dylan shook his head, "I don't think you want to be like me, Lou. I've done some things I'm not proud of...and, I don't want to do them again..."


    Lou: "I get it...and you think by letting go in a spar, whatever happened, will happen that it?"


    Dylan: "Yeah, that's it, Lou. I let go once when I was a teen, lost control is more like it, and it ended...well, let's just say it ended badly..."

    Lou was silent for a moment, "Geez,'s alright...but Rory isn't going to be happy you know. I already know she wants you to be her "right hand" wolf. And to be that, you've got to get promoted. And to be promoted, you've got to win at sparring."

    Dylan: "Yeah, well, I may not get there then. And what about you, Lou? I thought you were her second-in-command?"


    Lou: "Nah...I don't think I have what it takes, Dylan. I know I'm a bit of a slacker when it comes to the WildFangs...."


    Dylan: "Well, maybe I can help you change that...and then the heat will be off of me, too..."

    Lou: "You would do that for me, Dylan?"


    Dylan: "Of course!'re better than you think you are. Remember who just won that spar?

    As for me, I'm only a werewolf because Morgan got bitten. I only swam in that lake because of her...because I didn't want her to go through this alone. If she hadn't been bitten, I would never have gone into that lake. I had wanted to leave with her on the morning we found out she was bitten. And, I only joined the WildFangs because I felt I owed Rory because she had talked to her adoptive father to help find a cure for Morgan. I know it was tough for Rory to do that, and even though he didn't find the cure, I feel I still owed Rory. I'm just a pack member and will do my best, but I don't have any desire to be second in command of the WildFangs."


    Lou: "Dylan, I'm not taking back what I said. I still wanna be you, dude. And Morgan...she must be real special for you to have done that. I don't know what you did in the past, bro, but you are a good guy in my books..."

    Dylan: "Oh gosh! Don't let Rory hear you call me that! Remember, I'm a bad boy. And now...aren't we supposed to mark our territory around town? Come on, let's do this!"

    Lou chuckled and together they headed off to do the deed.



    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Meanwhile, Morgan was trying to be a good werewolf ambassador for the Moonwood Collective by attempting to gain werewolf sympathy from sims. Nancy Landgraab just happened to come along, so she stopped to talk to her.


    Nancy: "Werewolves? Blech! What do you think this is? A Teen Wolf movie or something? No...werewolves are not good...almost like those vampires. One bite and something happens to you. They will never be accepted into society!" she said dismissing Morgan and continuing to walk down the path.

    Um, that was an epic fail. Don't give up Morgan!

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    After spending the day with the WildFangs and doing more sparring practice, Dylan was ready to head home.

    Dylan walked into the yard and saw Morgan watering the garden, "Honey, I'm home!"


    Morgan turned around, "Oh look a bit injured..."

    Dylan: "Nah...not should have seen the other guys..."

    Morgan: "So, you won at sparring?"


    Dylan: "Nope...lost every one of them...but I did win at tug of war with Lou..."

    Morgan laughed out loud, "Oh Dylan...are you sure it's a good idea to be part of the WildFangs?"

    Dylan: "Yeah, sure, I love it...just my body isn't loving it too much..."


    Dylan then proceeded to do a little dance for Morgan, " you know any ways to make me feel any better?"

    Morgan walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek, "Yeah, I could think of a few. Now come on inside and I'll find the first aid kit..."

    Dylan held on to her and looked into her eyes, "It's in the bedroom..."



    Morgan looked at him, "What is?"

    Dylan: "The first aid kit. I figured I might need it if that "bad" girl ever made an appearance..." he replied winking at her, "I've been thinking about that all day..."

    Morgan shook her head, "Oh are sooo bad..."

    Dylan: "Oh really? And just last night you were telling me I was sooo good...." he smirked.

    Morgan blushed, "You are unbelievable! It's a good thing your mother isn't home right now to hear you talk like this..."

    Dylan perked up, "Mom's not home? Well, what are we waiting for then?" he laughed and grabbed her hand and they ran into the bedroom together.

    Dylan: " know...maybe we could be our "wild" selves...!!"

    Morgan: "Dylan...are you making wolf eyes at me?"

    Dylan: "Oh yeah..."




    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    Morgan won't be taking a pregnancy test to see if she is pregnant or not. Apparently if she is, a moodlet will appear 24 hours afterwards, so we will all find out then.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    There are two types of ranks for werewolves. When you belong to a pack, there is a pack rank, and to unlock the tier abilities, there are werewolf ranks.

    When Dylan joined the WildFangs, he was an Omega rank. There are four pack ranks in both packs, which are Omega, Delta, Beta and Alpha. There is only one Alpha in the pack, which is the leader.

    There are five werewolf ranks, which are Pup, Runt, Prime, Veteran and Apex.

    As soon as Dylan went on the weight machine he became a Prime werewolf. He now has another Werewolf Temperament, Hungry Like a Wolf. The werewolf ability he needed was Territory Marking, so he could complete that part of the WildFangs Aspiration. And he also got Cursed Bite, as he needs this for the aspiration, too.


    After his spar with Lou, he was promoted to Delta in the WildFangs Pack and also received the Werewolf Empathy dormant ability.

    Post edited by SoulGal7 on
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,196 Member
    about your sims, as I do not have/desire tio have their lifepartners I(not even Morgan in this save anymore) , unles you really want your sim to be with their spouses in my game too, is it okay if I let Mccc find spouses for them? or would you rather see them as singles?

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited September 2022
    @Ellupelluellu - quote : about your sims, as I do not have/desire tio have their lifepartners I(not even Morgan in this save anymore) , unles you really want your sim to be with their spouses in my game too, is it okay if I let Mccc find spouses for them? or would you rather see them as singles?

    It's your game in an alternate universe, so whatever works, go with it. :)
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    September 5th: Tragedy strikes in the deep

    After refreshing my thirst with some fishing, I left a note for Kaori saying that I'd taken the canoe to go free-diving in the deeper waters, and headed out.


    I found a buoy designated for free-diving, and jumped in.


    Although I dove a couple times, I came up empty handed both times and was about to head back when I saw Kaori sailing my way in her own canoe.


    I waved and she jumped in to join me. As she swam towards me, I thought I saw fin glide by not five feet away, but when I looked again it was gone.


    Maybe it was a dolphin?


    I shook my head and returned my attention to Kaori who I now noticed seemed to be glowing blue intermittently. She explained she'd found some glowing spirits around our place when she'd woken up, and that they'd blessed her with the gift of not needing to eat for a time.

    Alright then. At least they're friendly spirits.

    I challenged Kaori to a diving contest to see who could stay down the longest, and we both dove down.


    I managed to stay down a little longer than her, and gave her a good victory splashing when I found out I'd won.


    Someone had made off with her canoe while we'd been down there, so I told her she could sail mine back and I'm just swim.


    But that's when things quickly went south.

    I'd only gotten a few strokes towards shore when I felt something brush my leg.


    I looked down and could just make out what looked to be a large fish. Oh dang!


    It was a shark!

    Suddenly I felt it sink it's teeth into my leg and pull me down. I cried out and flailed my arms about trying to fight it off.


    Kaori heard me and jumped in, frantically swimming towards me as I was pulled under.


    But it was too late.


    The beast pulled me down and I was lost to the deep.

    Grim arrived to reap my soul, leaving only an urn floating in his wake.


    Kaori later reported that she was in shock as she scooped up my urn and sailed back to shore.


    Fortunately she'd continued in her magic studies while I'd been gone, and had managed to learn a very useful spell.

    Placing down my urn, she magically summoned my spirit to her.


    I gasped as I returned to consciousness, still feeling a bit rattled over my little shark encounter.


    Kaori explained she'd learned a spell that could bring back to life someone who'd recently died, and asked me to hold still.


    With a flick of her wrist she shouted her spell and with a cry of surprise I felt my physical body spring back into being.


    Kaori let out a sob and pulled my into a hug.


    "Adam!" she cried, "I thought I'd lost you for good! I was so scared!"

    "I'm sorry," I soothed, patting her back, "but you managed to save me Kaori. I owe you my life!"


    We stood there for a moment wrapped in each other's arms, when I realized my little death meant we were no longer married.

    When I explained my revelation to Kaori, she shrugged and said that as far as she was concerned we were still married, but it didn't sit right with me.

    "You know," I said in a sultry voice, "I always kind of wanted to get married on the beach. What do you say Kaori? Will you do me the honors?"


    She giggled and took my offered hand, allowing me to lead her down to the beach.

    With a show of drama, I got down on one knee and asked if Kaori would once again by my wife.


    She grinned and took the ring I offered her, dramatically placing it on her finger and admiring it.


    As the sun set over the sea, we renewed our wedding vows and regained our married status once again.


    It was truly beautiful.


    Of course now that we were once again officially newly weds, we had to have a bit of fun.


    We returned to the hot-springs and got down to business.


    Oh yeah!


    Despite the rough start, this day had ended up being one of the best days of my life! Talk about making lemonade out of lemons.


    We ended our impromptu honeymoon by cozying up around a fire and drinking in each other's presence.


    What a crazy beautiful day!

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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited September 2022
    September - Day 5: "Someday when the pages of my life end, I know that you will be one of the most beautiful chapters..."


    Cale's body, heart and soul ached. His body craved food, making him feel he should eat something. But his overwhelming heartache made it taste like dust. He sat staring at a pot of flowers, thinking about Sandy's fate and his own.

    The beautiful blooms had been cut, taken from the soil and sunshine they needed to survive and thrive for the selfish pleasure of others. They looked alive, kept that way when given water. But they were really just prisoners, doomed to die.

    Except, these flowers were fake, dead, decorations that were never alive at all.

    Sandy had been his flower, blooming, living, thriving with his love and the love of their Sons and friends, sharing her beautiful soul. Until she was cut, her bloom kept alive for the deviant pleasure of others, then crushed, destroyed and discarded. Just like these flowers would've been...if they were real.

    Throwing away the food and tossing the plate to shatter in the sink, Cale wandered into the living room. He thought about playing the piano or guitar, maybe it would cheer him up, but rejected the idea. He didn't feel like being cheerful. Instead he perused the books in a massive bookcase and found a set of encyclopedias on vampires. He grabbed volume 1 and went upstairs to read up on what he should expect.

    He wasn't a complete noob when it came to vampires, he knew a lot of them, even called some his friends and family. What more could there be to know really? Vampires need blood to survive, they had inhuman powers including shapeshifting into a bat or mist along with other powers, feared the sun, which was the only thing that could kill them (except maybe a stake through the heart), hated garlic and...was that it? What else could there be? Wasn't that bad enough?

    He couldn't concentrate though and realized he'd read the same paragraph over and over before he slammed the book shut. The photo he'd brought of he and Sandy in a nightclub in Windenburg before they were a couple caught his eye. He immediately choked up with tears streaming down his face.
    "Why? Why is this happening? Sandy, my beautiful Sandy. I'm so sorry. What am I supposed to do now without you? Where are you?"
    (She's gone, Lance said-)

    (She can't be gone, she just can't! Our souls don't die, they're eternal, immortal, right? She has to be somewhere. Her spirit is still alive!)

    Cale suddenly felt more weary than he'd ever felt in his life and decided to try to get some sleep. He crawled into bed and lay staring at the ceiling for awhile before giving up and going downstairs to try to eat something again.

    (EW! Gawd! It tastes horrible. I can't eat this!)

    Cale threw yet another plate of food in the sink and went back upstairs to get dressed again.

    Still believing there was hope the Grim Reaper had Sandy's urn, Cale jogged over to his home again and knocked on the door.
    (Please be home, I need you to be home!)

    No one answered the door, so Cale tried the door handle. It had to be locked, right? But maybe...

    The handle turned and he opened the door a couple inches. Did he dare?
    (What do I have to lose?)

    He went inside and stood looking around, then called out "Is anybody home?" No one answered.
    (Maybe he's upstairs and can't hear you.)

    Cale went up the staircase in front of him and knocked on each door, calling out again, but was met with silence each time. Until he tried the last door upstairs and a female voice said "Why are you knocking Babe? Just come in."
    (Grim's a female?)
    (Maybe it's his wife? Can Grim marry, have kids and all that?)
    (Her voice sounds familiar.)

    Cale opened the door and saw...

    "Cale! What are you doing here?"
    "I was going to ask you the same thing. Are you related to the Grim Reaper or something?"
    "You could say that."

    "He's my husband."
    "Your husband? Oh, okay, I guess the Grim Reaper can get married then. I thought his last name sounded familiar. Now I know why."
    "Yes you do. Alright, so we've established why I'm here, what are you doing here? Did Greg let you in? Or Cordelia, one of the boys?"

    "No...I just walked in when nobody answered my knock on the door."
    "Why would you do that?"
    "Let me explain..."

    Cale shared what had happened to Sandy and why he'd come to Forgotten Hollow looking for her. He left out that Damon had told him to come here by his request and she didn't ask.

    He was in the middle of telling Veera about being ambushed by his former Step-Dad and subsequently bitten after Lance told him what had been done to Sandy, when Grim *poofed* into the room in a black cloud of smoke.

    "...he said Hades got rid of her after he was finished with her. Supposedly she's gone forever now. That can't be true though, right? Souls are eternal. He's a liar and I'm hoping the Grim Reaper still has her urn so I can bring her back."

    Greg was completely shocked by Cale's words. Why would Hades do it? Why was it necessary to eradicate her?

    Greg insisted Veera leave the room, he needed to speak to Cale, alone. She started to protest and usually would win such arguments. But this time, she saw something in his eyes that made her stop. He was firm in his words, but she saw a quiet pleading sadness in the eyes of the one she loved. Veera softly nodded and left.

    Cale bowed in respect introducing himself to the mighty Grim Reaper. He didn't know what else to do.

    Greg asked Cale to tell him everything he had told Veera, starting from the beginning. Cale's legs were feeling a bit weak and rubbery, from exhaustion or perhaps from more than a little fear to be in the presence of such a powerful being. He sat on the bed, hoping it wasn't disrespectful and began again.

    Greg listened intently as Cale again shared about the death of Sandy which had led him here to find him when he'd been told the Grim Reaper had taken her urn.

    "I don't get it. There's ALWAYS an urn or a tombstone left behind, always! Why did you take Sandy's urn? Actually I don't care why, I just want it back. She was my wife, I have a right to have it. I NEED it to bring her back. Without her urn, I can't cast a spell to summon her ghost, her spirit, to dedeadify her. Do you have it still? Where is it? Please, I'm begging you."

    Greg listened with despair in his heart and quiet sympathy for the man sitting on his bed. He knew now why Hades had wanted Sandy's urn, or one reason anyway. He still didn't know why he'd done what he was sure he'd done.

    "I do not have your wife's urn anymore. I gave it to Hades at his request."

    "That's what Lance said. So he wasn't lying. But why? She was a good woman, she never hurt anyone, was so sweet and had such a loving soul. Why didn't you guide her soul to God? What did she do that was so bad she'd be sent to Hell?"

    "I was originally instructed to guide her soul to God, yes. What you believe is true. She was not meant for Hades. The Grim Reaper is ruled by no one, I am charged with guiding souls to their final destination as instructed by Hades and God on my tablet without question, period. However, Hades insisted I bring your wife's soul and urn to him instead of God. I obeyed."

    "Can you get her back for me? Is that possible? I know under certain conditions you have brought souls back by your own decision. I have many Death flowers I could give you or anything else you want. Whatever it takes, please, just tell me. I'll do anything. could...take my soul to give him in trade for her? Is option?"

    "It is not my decision to make. I do not take souls, only guide them. I do not kill despite what some might think. However, I believe it's too late for any kind of deal you might make with Hades to bring the soul of your wife back to the mortal realm...or anywhere."

    "Hades, or Lucifer Morningstar, which is his formal name, is in possession of a very powerful knife called Azrael's Blade. It is capable of eradicating a soul from existence, never to be recovered by God, Lucifer or anyone. This soul is simply gone forever. I believe from what you have told me Lucifer used this knife on your wife. I can sense the souls of all and your wife's is gone. I also know where these souls are located at all times. I can not see her soul anymore."


    "Normally, this knife would only kill a human, leaving their soul behind. It was made to eradicate the souls of Gods, Goddesses and others born with magical abilities...including Spellcasters like your wife."

    "I have told you more than I should have, but I have been struggling myself to understand why your wife's urn was taken in this way. I tried to question Lucifer, but it angered him and I did not wish to get between him and God and left believing the two of them would come to an agreement. I do not know his reasons, but I suspect your Step-Father might have made a deal with Lucifer. I am very sorry Cale."

    "Yeah, I'm sorry too. You're probably right about my Step-Father. He's evil and mean, a monster. I thought a meteor took him out and I destroyed his tombstone so he couldn't come back. At least that's what I thought would happen. I don't know what to believe anymore. It doesn't matter now anyway. Sandy's gone, forever... and...I will soon be a vampire."
    "If you need a mentor, I will help you all that I can to understand how it is to be undead. I am certain Veera and my sister, Cordelia, will help you as well."
    "Thanks...I guess..." Cale said and jumped up from the bed. "But, I have to go. Forgive me if I am being rude, but I just can't be here anymore, I don't want to hear anymore. I can't take it..."

    Greg only nodded as Cale left the room.

    Cale walked down the staircase in shock, numb from all that he'd learned from the Grim Reaper, or 'Greg,' as his friends and family called him. Whatever...Sandy was gone, for good and soon his life would be taken. However, he would go on, undead.

    At least he still had his soul. Unlike Sandy who was...nothing, just gone, gone leaving nothing behind but the memories of her in the hearts of those she loved and loved her in return.

    (At least those could never be taken away... wait... those too.)
    (What reason do I have to live anymore? Nothing I do or don't do matters.)
    (Don't worry, you won't. Not for much longer anyway...)
    (Wait, that's wrong too. Maybe as soon as I can I'll run out into the sun.)
    (Sandy wouldn't want you to do that. Do you really want your Sons to suffer losing both their Mom and their Dad in less than a week?)
    (No...I won't do it. But, it would end my misery.)
    (Would it though? Would it really? Think about where you'd go if you did.)
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,262 Member
    One Month, One World, One Year Challenge: The Adventures of Dash Joseph Faireborn
    Table of Contents
    July 7: Merman!

    Special Appearances By: Robin Keyes & Emmett Keyes ( @permanentrose )
    D.J. suddenly wakes up yearning to be in the water. He sits on the side of the bed and looks over at Paige sound asleep. Little Hero isn't making any noises, so D.J. can only assume he is asleep as well.


    D.J. assumes he just needs a nice long bath. Tonight, he would be going back to Del Sol Valley with his wife and little baby boy. He goes to the bathroom and draws water in the tub. Slipping out of his boxers, he settles down. The bubbles soothing on his skin. Yes, this is what he needed.

    But no later than the soothing sensation started, so did his legs begin to hurt. He watched in horror as his legs melded together and started to change color. His feet began turning into large tail fins. The bottom portion of his body was becoming scaly. Paige and Robin were telling the truth. He was a merman.


    Freaking out, D.J. rolls himself out of the tub and onto the tiled floor, fins flapping. He yells for Paige while trying to sit up. Soon after, she is at the door looking on in shock. She knew it but couldn't believe it.

    "You're a merman!" Paige exclaims.
    "I KNOW!" D.J. yells.

    Baby Hero can be heard crying now.

    "What am I going to do?" D.J. asks.
    "We need to dry your bottom half off." Paige replies.

    Paige grabs a nearby towel and puts it over D.J.'s body.

    "You dry yourself off and I'll take care of Hero." Paige says.


    All dried off, D.J. enters the room where Paige is holding baby Hero.

    "I can't believe I'm half fish." D.J. says frowning.
    "I thought you looked pretty cute sitting on the floor with fins." Paige responds with a small chuckle.
    "Stop it. I can't take a bath or shower anymore now. I'll turn into a....merman every time. It will drive me crazy."
    "Now do you believe me Robin is a mermaid? Maybe she can help you cope through this."
    "She also knew I was one. When you were giving birth, she confronted me about it. I kind of yelled at her."
    "Now's a good time to apologize as well, then."


    Afraid of getting his feet wet taking a boat to Robin's home, he calls her up again to invite her over. He apologizes over the phone for his actions and asks she come over to help him. Upon arrival, D.J. notices Emmett is with her.

    The four sit down at the main entrance table.

    "I can't believe mermaids are real." D.J. starts.
    "We are." Robin replies. "I was born a mermaid. Both my parents were one when I was conceived. So, when I was born, I had the genes."
    "You said parents were. Not anymore?" D.J. asks.
    "No. My wife, Jules, didn't want to continue to be one. You see, we weren't born as merfolk." Emmett responds.
    "There is a way to reverse this, then?" D.J. continues with questions.
    "It depends." Emmett responds. "How did you come about to be a merman?"
    "That's the thing, I don't know."
    "Did you go swimming and something happened out at sea?"
    "Did you eat or drink anything that didn't come from your own fridge or the food lodges around the island?"
    "No. Our fridge was stocked, so I didn't have to go shopping. I guess it was a renter's perk. But I suppose we should restock what we ate before we leave tonight."
    "Oh, I'm sorry to tell you that you're probably not going to be able to leave tonight. Not unless we figure out what caused your merman form and how to remove the effects." Robin cuts in.
    "What do you mean he won't be able to leave?" Paige asks with a concerned look.
    "The island won't let him leave now that he's one of the merfolk of the island." Robin replies.
    "You did!" D.J. exclaims. "We went to the University together. And you attended our wedding."
    "Did you notice on both occasions that myself and Estelle had necklaces on the whole time? Those allowed us to leave Sulani."
    "So, give me a necklace!"
    "It's not that easy." Emmett says sympathetically. "There's a whole ritual behind it. I think it would be easier if you extend your stay here and allow us to figure out how to remove the effects of becoming a merfolk."
    "For the rest of the day, let me ease you into what it's like to be one of us." Robin cheerfully says to D.J. "I think you'll enjoy it."
    "And, after you get used to being a merman, which hopefully only takes a few days, we'll get to work on figuring out how you got to be a merman and reverse it. You'll see there are a lot of merfolk on this island than you would imagine." Emmett concludes.


    D.J. phones Jake and tells him that the honeymoon has been extended for an indefinite amount of time. He uses the excuse of Paige conceiving a baby and they don't want to have the baby experience air travel just yet.


    While Paige entertains Emmett with baby Hero, Robin escorts D.J. to the beach outside the rental home. She undresses and is soon naked in front of D.J. who looks away while blushing.

    "It's okay D.J. We're not shy about showing our bodies here on the island. We don't judge each other how we look." Robin comments. "Plus, it will be easier if you de-clothe yourself. Otherwise your shorts and sandals will end up floating in the sea somewhere and could be lost. Plus, I've seen you naked already if you remember the dare we did at the University."

    Slowly, but surely, D.J. removes his clothes and is standing nude alongside Robin.


    As Robin enters the water first, her bottom half turns into a fish tail similar to D.J.'s. Robin's is bright colors. D.J. thinks it's a beautiful sight.


    Robin instructs D.J. to go into the water and just let the transformation happen. To focus on swimming when he gets in. He tries to as requested. As he enters the water and the transformation begins, he loses his balance and falls backwards into the water.

    Robin swims over to him chuckling and helps him afloat telling him he needs to use his fins as if they were feet in the water.


    Robin spends the next hour showing him basics of swimming as a merfolk. She says he'll need to practice on his own, but he'd get the hang of it after awhile.


    Side Note:
    Oooo, can see D.J.'s tan line from his shorts in his nude form. :joy:
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my September 5th post above! I am so sorry I didn't post comments again. We had been gone all day yesterday babysitting for our Son so he could take his wife out to celebrate their wedding anniversary. I guess the Grandkids wore me out more than I thought. Anyway, then I had a bit of an unfortunate incident, all my fault. I made the mistake of trying to use UI Cheats Extension to remove some 'happy' moodlets Cale had from 'nicely decorated' and 'excellent food.' They were overpowering his sadness and making it hard to get the screenshots I needed. Well, I accidentally canceled out his moodlet for the vampire turning progression! o.O I hadn't saved for awhile either, such a noob mistake! So I lost all gameplay progress as a result. Rather than Cale being close to turning, he's right back at the beginning again.

    Thankfully, I had these screenshots already for the update, but will need to play for some length again to get to where he's ready to turn again. As a result, I might have a very short update later for today, or perhaps only a daily post pic. I do have a few screenshots, but not enough for a full update. Lastly, I would've just played more today, but we're still trying to fix our plumbing problems and I was busy with that and did not have time to play again until now. It took a long time to write this update too, hard one for me... :'(

    We're finished with the plumbing for the moment, need more parts and the store is closed to get them until tomorrow, so I'll do comments now and if I have time, I'll play again to progress and get more screenshots for today's update. Sorry for all the delay lately. Real life just keeps getting in the way. I'm sure y'all understand. Hope everyone had a wonderful day/night! <3
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    September 6th: Going into town

    While waiting for Kaori to wake up, I went out and idly searched the beach for shells, managing to find one in good condition.


    I tucked it away when I noticed a couple of glowing figures near the candle making station.


    Curious, I jogged over to get a better look, and cheerfully greeted them.


    A sudden surge of energy overcame me and I swore I could hear a distant "Well met," as the figures faded away.


    It's nice being in a house haunted by friendly spirits for a change.

    Feeling suddenly energized, I spotted a nearby cave and decided to go exploring!


    I took a quick look around, but it seemed safe enough, so I boldly entered and started to look around.


    Having vampire eyes probably helped, but I did manage to find a sparkly object sitting on a shelf of rock a couple of meters above my head. Using my rock climbing skills combined with my vampiric strength, I was able to scale the wall and snag the treasure! Score! It was a strange six-sided silver coin and I couldn't wait to show it to Kaori.


    She was still in bed when I returned, but sat up when I entered the room. I told her I had a gift for her, and pulled her up to give her a quick peck on the cheek.


    Pulling out the coin, I presented it to her and she excitedly examined it, saying it was an Eye of Sulani; common, but still beautiful.


    She kissed me and descended to the main level to put the coin on display.


    We then sat down and chatted a little about what we'd like to do that day. Kaori suggested going to a nearby island that had a town, as she admitted she was getting a little stir crazy being stuck in one place.


    I agreed it would be good to get out, so we got dressed and teleported over.

    We landed at a nice looking beach equipped with a slip-and-slide, so of course we had to try it out!


    We had a blast taking turns showing off as we slid down the beach.


    I even managed to flirt with Kaori during one of my turns.


    As more people showed up, we left the slide to others, and introduced ourselves to some of the locals.


    After a bit of chitchat, Kaori pulled out her beach towel to get a little sun, and I headed over to a water zip I'd been eyeing up since our arrival.


    I got to say, the people of Sulani really know how to have a good time.


    Once I'd finished showing off, Kaori and I walked over to a fishing dock to try our hand at catching some of the local varieties.


    We both managed to catch quite a few, and I ended up mounting most of mine as I'd unfortunately lost all of my previous collections when I'd died the day before. A bummer really.


    As the sun began to set, we strolled over to a bridge near a waterfall and took some selfies together.


    There's just something out this place that brings out the romantic in me.


    We returned to our place after that, and sat down on the swings to enjoy the evening.


    We began to swing, daring each other to go higher and higher, when Kaori suddenly jumped from her swing and ran inside.


    I quickly followed and found her in the bathroom heaving into the toilet.


    I grabbed her a glass of water and asked if she was alright. She just groaned and said the swinging had just upset her stomach, and that she just needed to lie down and take it easy for a bit.


    I led her upstairs and we climbed into bed to cuddle together.


    As I gently stroked her hair I hoped her stomach issues were just from swinging. I'd hate to have her coming down with something.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Of course Dylan's Mom is disappointed he won't be joining the Moonwood Collective. At least she somewhat accepts the idea once Dylan says he has Morgan's support.

    And also, Morgan passes the initiation, Congrats! Oh good idea about how to explain the collection display. :)

    Tsk, come on Rory, you'd have to figure out what happened to Dylan. I'm sure it's not the first time you've seen someone wandering around Moonwood Mill in ripped clothes. hehe

    hehe I like how you're portraying Lou as a bit of a loveable laidback freeloader, in a way.

    Ah of course, ever the gentleman, Dylan doesn't want to hurt Rory and holds back when they spar.

    HAHA! Lou! Talking about beating up, er, sparring with Rory! ;) Cool Dylan beat him in tug-o-war, then Lou geeks out over getting pancakes from him. hehe I see a fast friendship between these two. :)

    About using HSY for teens in the challenge next year. I have absolutely no idea how HSY works except from what I've seen in LPs since I don't own the pack. Personally, I don't have much interest in it except for the world, build/buy and CAS. Plus, my teens usually don't attend school at all. Well, Essa did for awhile, but not at first and Cale never went to high school.

    I'll probably get the pack at some point and check it out at least once with my Sims. But I can't see sending my challenge Sims there every day, especially since they start Rags to Riches. If others want to use the pack for their teens, go for it! However, I don't think I'll have it as part of the challenge next year for my Sims...if I do this again. ;)

    Thanks about the house renovation. Actually, the original build did come with a pipe organ! I've been having Cale do the musical aspiration though after each month's challenge is complete and would rather he play the piano. Plus, his story involves him playing the guitar as well. I took the pipe organ out and added his piano and guitar.

    All in one color scheme? Hmm, well I suppose it is mostly green, black, dark brown and white. But it wasn't easy at all to do. I struggled with the woodtones the most, trying to find things that matched. But thanks for saying that though, it's a compliment! I guess I did a good job getting the woodtones as close as possible. :) Makes it worth the struggle. Thanks!

    Lance is one of those characters you love to hate, if that makes sense. At least to me. I just had to work him into Cale's story somehow again. Had plans for this to happen since he died (planned that too), that Lance would come back as a vampire, just wasn't sure how to go about it until I got an idea featuring Lucifer. ;) At this point not sure when he'll finally be gone for good. We shall see... hehe

    hehe Go for it Dylan, literally 'go' for it! ;) So funny how excited they get for him when he marks his territory. I think he enjoys the attention. hehe

    Ah, sparring grounds, I forgot about that spot. Aww, Lou, he has such a Bro crush on Dylan! How cute is that? He's just a big 'ol gorgeous teddy bear! Aww, man Dylan! He still thinks of himself as a killer doesn't he? Or is it his klepto tendencies he's talking about? Probably both. Regardless, Lou doesn't care and is thrilled that Dylan wants to help him be second-in-command. It'll be interesting to read how you pull that off since Dylan must defeat Rory and takeover himself. I hope Lou doesn't feel betrayed when that happens. I'm sure you'll figure out how to handle that scenario though when the time comes. :)

    Pfft, not surprised Nancy turned down Morgan asking for sympathy. She's such a snob!

    Ohhh my, bow chicka wow wow! hehe Love their entire conversation about the first aid kit and the result. Very spicy, er, I mean Wolfie! Rawr! hehe

    DJ! Gah! I wondered when he'd finally eat that. hehe Oh boy, Paige knows right away what DJ doesn't about himself. He's in denial and angry about it. Wow! Hope that attitude changes soon. And of course Paige goes into labor throwing all worries about being a Merman out the window. hehe of course Robin knew all along DJ was a Spellcaster and now knows he's a Merman. Aww, little Hero, love the name, very sweet reason for it! Robin's face, poor girl, she's so hurt right now. So glad she had her Dad there to console her.

    Yay! So glad the mod for hybrids is working! Excited to see DJ's Merman form!

    Yeah, Pepper is just more protective maybe? Both are beautiful though. Glad you included them, been missing seeing those sweethearts. Oh man, I read this last night and meant to get Paige then, but ended up going to bed. Hopefully I'll get a chance to download her later tonight! I'll send you a DM when I do. Thank you!

    Love your joke! hehe Unfortunately, you'll know after reading my updated post for the 5th, what you wish won't be happening. Sorry... :/

    Whoa! DJ transforms in the bath tub! Love it! Poor guy is freaking out over it, the baby's crying, etc., very dramatic moment for his transformation. Of course Paige thinks he looks good as a Merman. hehe Good idea calling over Emmett and Robin to help DJ understand what it's like to be a Merman. Love the explanation about the necklace and why they can't go home yet!. Very cool lore for your merfolk! :)

    Um, a couple of very fine looking butts on display. hehe Despite DJs protest at first, he looks very nonchalant and confident standing there naked with Robin. Perhaps it's just Bravado to save face. ;) Oh dear, poor guy fell in, but of course Robin comes to the rescue and helps him until he's feeling more natural in his new form.

    Yep! I noticed that tan line right away. Not that I was looking there anyway. o:)
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    September - Day 6: "No more tears..."



    No story mode for this update. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back on track again. I'll either show Cale's transformation or do a bit of a time jump and skip it. We shall see how it goes... <3
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,262 Member
    One Month, One World, One Year Challenge: The Adventures of Dash Joseph Faireborn
    Table of Contents
    July 8: Sand Sculpture!

    Side Note:
    • No storytelling for this daily image. Used the the in-game day to get ready for the next in-game day fun and to work on some skills.
    • I love this sand sculpture of a sea turtle!
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited September 2022
    Great daily post pic! Love how they have the bassinet nearby. The Spellcaster bassinet is my favorite. I use it whether the baby is a Spellcaster or not. The base game bassinet is just so plain in my opinion. Love all the sand sculptures, the turtle is one of my favorites too, but I also like the gnome in a shark's mouth and the plain old castle. By the way I have Paige now! Do you have a preference where she and DJ should live? Let me know. :)

    EDIT: One question, what asset does Paige have from HSY? I do not own that pack yet and see that she has something from it.
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    September 7th: Sharing some big news

    After grabbing something to drink, I returned to our place and picked out a book to read.


    Nights were kind of lonely when you didn't need to sleep, so I tried to keep myself occupied while Kaori rested.

    I was just finishing Lord of the Swings when Kaori came down rubbing her belly.


    "How ya feeling Sweetie?" I asked, concerned she might still be feeling sick.
    "Adam?" she said, gesturing to her stomach. "I think I'm pregnant."


    I just stat there staring at her for a second processing what she'd just said.


    "Pregnant," I repeated, before a huge smile spread across my face, "Are you sure!?"
    "Yes," she said, "I just took a test and it was positive!"


    "Oh my goodness!" I shouted, feeling excited and scared at the same time, "I can't believe it! Are you feeling alright!? Do you need to sit down!?"


    She laughed. "This isn't my first pregnancy Adam. I'm fine. But things are going to get a little more hectic around here in the next few days. We'll have to set up a nursery and baby proof the house if we're going to stay here."


    I pulled her into a hug. "Let me worry about the details," I said, "I want you to be comfortable and worry free for the extent of this pregnancy. I regret not being with you for Carol's birth, and I want to make up for it this time. I'll set up the nursery and anything else our little one will need."

    Kaori nodded and we held each other for a minute before she went to find something to eat.


    After making sure she had food and a comfy place to sit, I jumped into action and cleared out one of the spare rooms. Teleporting to a nearby store, I bought everything we'd need for a nursery and quickly set it up in the now empty room.




    As I finished up, I heard a familiar voice calling out in greeting. I exited the nursery to find Carol had come over for a visit.


    "Carol!" I grinned, pulling her into a hug. "Have we got some exciting news to share with you!"


    Carol gave me a searching look, but I told her that I wanted her Mother to be the one to tell her.
    Kaori came down and gave Carol a hug and Carol asked her what was going on.


    "Sweetie," Koari said, "You're going to be a big sister soon!"


    "What!?" Carol shouted, "You're pregnant!? I'm going to be a big sister! That's awesome!"


    I then told her the story of how I'd died, been resurrected with magic, and remarried her her mother all in the same day.


    "I guess in all of the excitement we forgot to use protection," I grimaced, "but I'm actually kind of glad! I always did want to have more kids after you Carol, but with my father on the loose I didn't want to risk it at the time."


    "In fact," I continued, winking at Kaori, "with him now out of the way, perhaps we should keep going after this one!"
    "Let's just see how this one goes," she laughed, patting her belly. "I'm a little older now then when I had Carol, and it could make things a little more difficult."
    That sobered me up, and I volunteered to go fishing with Carol to give Kaori a chance to take a nap.

    We fished for most of the afternoon, catching some pretty interesting specimens, most of which I mounted for my collection.


    I then took her to see the waterfall, and we splashed around and took a couple selfies together.


    Before she left for the night I gave her a key for out place.


    "Feel free to stop by at any time Sweetie," I said handing her a key.
    She took the key and laughed. "You just want me to come over and help out with the baby, don't you?"


    "Well," I laughed, "the thought did cross my mind, but I also just want you to feel free to stop by whenever."


    She hugged me and said she'd come often before teleporting home.


    Just then I received a phone call from Kaori.


    "Your friend Sofia's here," she said. "You'd better come home quickly, she looks pretty upset."


    I'd meant to touch base with Sofia after Daniela returned her home, but in all the excitement I'd totally forgotten to do so! As I ran home I desperately hoped she'd forgive me!

    "Sofia!" I said, running into the house. "I'm so sorry! I meant to come see how you were doing, but things got a little out of hand and I totally forgot! Please forgive me!"


    "Adam!" Sofia sobbed, rushing into my arms, "I though you'd died! Nobody came to explain what happened after I escaped, and I assumed the worse!"


    I patted her on the back and apologized again. "That's on me," I said quietly. "Can you ever forgive me?"


    She sniffed and nodded her head, "I'm just glad you're OK," she said, "but I'd like a full explanation to what's been going on. The last time I saw you Adam, you were a Spellcaster traveling to StrangerVille to get some answers from your Mother. Now I'm assuming you're a vampire? Did you find your Mother? I know you found your Father," she shuddered. "He drank from me every day I was held there and loved going on about how he planned to kill both of us. It was not pleasant."


    I scowled angrily hearing this. Death had been too good for that creature, but he was gone now.

    I pulled Sofia into a hug and helped ease her emotions which seemed to help calm her down a bit.


    "I'll explain everything," I said, "but it is a long story, come sit down."

    I brought her into the sitting room and Kaori came over and gave her a hug.


    "It's good to see you again Sofia," she said. "Before Adam goes into his story though, I just want to share that I'm pregnant!"


    "Congratulations!" Sofia beamed. "I've got one of my own back at home who's my pride and joy, maybe we can get together and have a play date someday?"


    I then sat Sofia down and told her about finding my Mother in StrangerVille, fighting off a large sentient plant, finding out Darius was my father, becoming a famous yoga instructor, and finally how I'd struck off on my own to find and destroy Darius Lord.


    It was a lot for her to take in.

    "So you used yourself as bait?" she groaned. "Why am I not surprised?"


    "Hey," I laughed, "a bit unconventional I know, but it did end up working. Not like I thought it would, but I did manage to take him down."

    Sofia got up and stretched. "Thank you for filling me in," she said, "but I should probably be getting home. Maybe we can meet up again later and I can fill you in on what I've been up to."


    We exchanged hugs and Sofia teleported away.

    It was getting late, so I accompanied Kaori upstairs and sat next to her until she was asleep.


    What an eventful day!
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,262 Member
    September 5th Comments:

    I guess D.J. needed another reason to visit Robin, besides just finding out where she lives. :grin:
    Loved the marking their territory bit. Was funny. Dylan will get better at sparring. Just takes practice against those who are veterans at it. Werewolf woohoo :joy: !!

    I'm okay with however you want to have D.J. be in your multiverse. Can be single. Can have a partner. Can like either gender. Whatever you come up with, I'll be okay with it. Will be fun to see.

    Wow. I've never seen that happen. Poor Adam got eaten by a shark. Ha, ha at Grim in a scuba gear outfit. Yay for Kaori knowing a spell to bring Adam back. Weird that their marriage was nullified because of it. Good to see they got married....again.

    Dang. This is just saddening. :frowning: I feel bad for Cale. His life or undeadness is crumbling around him. I think he should be with his two boys for now.

    September 6th Comments:

    Looks like Adam and Kaori had a fun time at the beach. I'd expect nothing less from Kaori at the end. I mean, sad to see her have an upset stomach. But I think we all know that all that woohooing is paying off. :joy:

    When D.J. becomes bitter, he really becomes bitter. :lol: And all that he's seen and felt, you'd think he'd be more open about other worldly beings. But nope. Like you said...denial. He has to see it to believe it. During his nekkidness with Robin, I thought it was funny he still wouldn't look in her direction in-game. He waited until I she went into the water and transformed into her mermaid form.

    It's very heartbreaking with Cale. You're doing a good job with it. Throwing al these emotions out on the reader as well. :bawling:
    I like the title, "No more tears." It's like his sadness has now turned into anger in the daily image. He's going to be out for blood. Lance's blood...maybe even Hades'.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited September 2022
    September - Day 7: "At this point, I don't even care, I'm just going with the flow. Whatever happens, happens..."


    It's been almost four months now since Cale came to Forgotten Hollow looking for Sandy. After he'd learned her fate, something inside of him died. He became emotionally numb and told himself he just didn't care anymore, about anything. Except survival.

    Cale had transformed alone in the rental house without anyone there to help guide him. He spent two days locked inside the house suffering from the need to feed. The thirst was unbearable, but he refused to bite anyone. Could a vampire die if they didn't feed? He had no idea.

    Veera came knocking on his door, yelling for him to let her in. When he ignored her, she broke in and found him curled up on the floor clutching his stomach. He hissed at her, telling her to go away, "Just let me die." She'd scoffed at him and said, "Not on my watch Buddy," before grabbing him and making him get up. He tried to fight her off, but was just too weak. That's when he got a whiff of the plasma packs she'd brought along, knowing he'd be hungry.

    The thought of sucking down blood like a child's juice packet, disgusted him, but the overwhelming thirst and aroma won out in the end. He sucked down a few of them as Veera talked.

    Since then he'd been learning and training with the entire Connors family all pitching in to help him understand and accept his new undead life. Damon would occasionally help too. He spent his days inside reading the Vampire Encyclopedias, playing piano and sleeping. Gradually he gained strength and knowledge, but he still had a lot to learn.

    The boys had taken it hard learning of their Mother's fate, and his own, once Cale finally answered his cell. He should've told them sooner, the last text he'd gotten said if he didn't call or text them back within an hour, they would come find him there and take him home. He didn't want them there, it was too dangerous and he told them so. They tried to argue, saying they were old enough to take care of themselves. However, Cale won out in the end with the promise of coming to the factory once he was stronger and not in danger of biting anyone when his thirst went out of control. He hadn't learned to manage it just yet.

    A month later, he made good on his promise and spent a weekend at the factory with Joe, CJ and Jacob. Jacob was his friend, but he still didn't seem to stay around much while Cale was there, it saddened him, but he understood. After another month, Cale contacted his landlord to ask if perhaps the rental was for sale. He told them he'd pay anything, money was no object. The landlord was indeed eager to sell so Cale bought the house.

    He had no desire to go back to the apartment and see all the memories of his life with Sandy. He asked the boys to just pack everything up and put it in storage. He'd come get what he wanted...someday. The last month, he'd started to become lonely. He had friends, but, he needed more than friendship. He had needs that only a woman could satisfy. Cale had started going out at night to hunt. There seemed to be an endless supply of females coming to Forgotten Hollow lured by the romantic notion of vampires from movies and books.

    It was easy seducing them and then sending them on their way afterward. It was just sex, nothing more he told himself. He wasn't looking for love anymore, what was the point? He hadn't intended to use them for food, but slowly, his nightly hunts for companionship, turned into a two-fold satisfaction activity once he bit one of them. The taste of fresh blood was so much better than the plasma packs he'd learned to make. He became addicted to it and a routine was born. One that was easy for Cale since he was well versed in the art of seduction.

    Tonight he'd met a girl in the commons area. He liked to sit and play chess and just wait. He'd learned by experience it wouldn't be long before what he sought found him. Sure enough, Lilah walked by him as he played until he smiled at her and asked if she'd play a game with him. She sat down and they had a friendly game filled with lots of flirting and innuendo jokes until he invited her to come home with him for a nightcap.

    He followed her inside and when she turned around, he took her in his arms and kissed her. He smiled inside when she didn't resist and melted into him.
    (Oh yeah, never fails. Let the games begin!)

    "Why do I feel as if I know you?"
    "I don't know, I don't think we've ever met before."

    "I know I'd remember you if we had, your beauty and scent is intoxicating, far more than this rose. For you!"
    "Oh! It's lovely, how did you know I love roses?"

    "I didn't, but I once... knew... a girl who...loved roses and she said all girls love to get flowers so I took a chance you might like it."
    "So sweet, thank you."

    "I am so glad we met tonight. Once I saw you, I knew I had to have you. Did you feel it, the connection?"
    "Yes..." Lilah whispered as Cale stared into her eyes, making sure she could read the lust in them for her.

    (How is it I'm sure her eyes are purple behind those sunglasses?)
    (How could you know? You've never met before.)
    (Then why does it feel as if we had met.)
    (Maybe she was one of the women you had...before?)
    (Maybe, it doesn't matter.)

    "What do you think about getting naked and having some real fun. I know you want me."
    "Ohh, you are a naughty one aren't you?"
    "Is that a yes? Would you like to find out just how naughty I can be? I promise you won't be disappointed gorgeous."

    (Flowers, kisses, sexy looks, cheesy lines and she's mine.)
    Aren't you even just a little ashamed of yourself? You're using them.
    (Hey, I really don't care. I get what I want and she gets what she wants. Simple.)

    After Cale and Lilah had some fun in the shower, she dressed and walked out of the bathroom saying she had to go home, it was late and she had work in the morning. Cale watched as she closed the door behind her. The feeling he knew her was even stronger now. He stood in a daze for a moment trying to remember if she'd been one of his conquests but of course he couldn't.

    It looked like Lilah was going to get away without being another kind of snack for Cale since he was in a daze at the moment. He snapped out of it after a few moments though and hurried after her. Would he catch her before she disappeared?

    Perhaps she might've escaped Act Two of Cale's plans for her, if she hadn't paused a moment to shiver, swoon and coo over her time with him. I guess she liked what he had to offer more than just a little. But she did, which gave him just enough time to catch her.

    "Hey, we weren't finished yet."
    "We weren't? But you... and I... we both...I mean..."
    "I can't let you go without tasting you."
    "What!? I don't understand."
    "You will..."

    Cale quickly transformed and cut off the scream he could see in her frightened eyes ready to burst out by mesmerizing her.

    (Gawd, I never thought I'd crave blood the way I do.)

    (Especially when they smell as tasty as she does.)

    Looking at Lilah after he'd had his fill, Cale had a momentary twinge of guilt, but it quickly disappeared.

    "Wha-what...happened? I feel so weak." *GASP* "You're a vampire!"
    "Of course I am, come on."

    "You had to know, or suspect. You came here looking for me, didn't you? Or any appealing male vampire so you could play out your fantasies with them, am I right?"
    (Why do I even ask? I know it's true, she's not unusual or special. Just another vamp groupie. )
    "I was just...just going for a walk. You seduced me! I didn't come here looking for a good time."

    "Why lie about it Lilah, I can see right through you. It's okay, I don't mind, I was in the park looking for someone like you too. We both got what we wanted. Period. Say goodnight now."
    "Good night? Oh yes, I was just leaving...oh, I...might......f-ff-fain-"
    "Of course you do."

    *Sigh* (Another night, another conquest. Too easy.)

    Cale transformed to his 'normal' form from his dark form while looking around to see if anyone had saw them. He didn't know why he bothered. Nobody cared that lived here, they were all probably doing the same thing.

    Just in case, he stood over Lilah where she'd passed out and waited until he saw signs she was waking up and went back in the house.
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my September 7th post above. Unfortunately, it's late now and I need to get some sleep. I'll have comments/replies for y'all later this morning/early afternoon. I hope everyone had a great day/night! <3

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