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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    MemoriiValentineMemoriiValentine Posts: 1,911 Member
    So I have been adding sims into SimMeapolis, a slow process for me.

    this is the Kyoung family
    from left to right on the 2nd image is the father Jae Wook Kyoung and the son Eric Kyoung

    from left to right is Anissa Kyoung and mother Manaka Kyoung

    Manaka is a cook at level 8. Jae wook has a science job and is also level 8


    let me know what you think of this kind of introductions. these aren't my main family but just townies that will be in my game
    Happy Simming!♥
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Responding finally to comments.

    Derek is very full of himself.Like he expects everyone
    to have seen one of his movies.XD Yeah, Amber is
    trouble with a captial T lol
    I guess she really hated blues music LOL

    I love Beach City, one of my favorite custom worlds!
    That mixologist is super cute! And Jody's top is adorable.
    Wow! All of your sims are gorgeous!

    Maybe they want stronger handcuffs? Perhaps crimminals
    are breaking free? XD Wow! That relationship went up quick.XD

    Your painter sim is very handsome! He looks like a fun guy to hang with.
    Good golly, the photo of him playing the guitar! :o
    Beautiful photo of Oasis Landings.
    LOL at him being attacked by simbot.Dang sims have to take
    photos of everything celebs do XD

    Aww great photos as always!

    I really liked the poses
    you used in this update for Mary's story.
    Its like a scene out of a mobster movie XD
    Love the face mask he's wearing.
    Is that a real sim in the background in the long
    green dress or is that just decor?

    I think you and I use the same starry sky replacement!
    I love them to, its beautiful.

    Sorry it took so long to get back to you all.I swear I would like to comment more often, but
    I struggle to get through daily tasks because of side effects of covid19.I will try to do better at
    leaving comments.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Page 4364

    Today at work was not very fun, I'm so glad to be home. I've got another update to post sometime tomorrow, but I'm going to relax tonight and just be on my phone. I'll be in a better mood tomorrow, hopefully. I did this page of comments but will do more sometime.

    @Karritz Yeah, it sounds like she was busy.

    @GraceyManor Derek has a nice house.
    Lol at the stranger.
    I'm glad Derek gave that other guy an autograph.

    @Turjan Yeah, that's partially why I'm doing that with the garden.
    Lol, I know. I forgot that Troy was even an elder.
    You're welcome.
    Great update!

    @Silverofdreams30 You're welcome.

    @texansky Yep, he hardly ever does the dishes.
    It might have been because two other Sims did, Daisy and Lily.
    She really did get a lot of tips. The family had a little bit of interaction with Troy in his lifetime.
    I know, I thought so too.

    @Sprottenham Thanks!
    Yep, that means very hot here. It'd be like 36 degrees Celsius.

    @polrbear Great update!

    @bekkasan Yeah, it was a bit sad about Troy.
    Lol, it really would have been embarrassing.
    You're welcome.
    Awesome update on the Disney world.

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member

    Those gameplays are the most fun ones. hehe,
    I have used the hopeless romantic trait a few times.


    Thank you, it's the CCs work, I use way too much cc for all my
    sims games, the most in one of them is 50 GB CC! I had to create a new folder for that game
    version cause it was too laggy lol.
    Great recent updates!
    Beach City is a pretty world.


    Great shots of the sims!


    Enjoyed the gameplay posts recently
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member

    I have had my problems with the game too and created new folders more
    then one time, I have not had any crashes recently though so that's good, not sure why your game might
    be crashing.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    @Turjan Nice job at fixing the house!
    Great update!

    @MemoriiValentine Great update!

    @GraceyManor Thanks!

    @Silverofdreams30 Thanks!

    ***All caught up now, will share the Goth Family update a bit later today as I have some things I need to do this morning, and possibly early afternoon.
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    ShwavyShwavy Posts: 2 New Member
    My sim had 4 male suitors that I created and she has ended up with one. So yesterday I decided that I would make sure everyone got their happily ever after. I merged their households with mine and began the process of marrying them off. The first one married Lala Angelista and I did try for a baby, but it seems she did not get pregnant. The second one married some random npc generated by the game and I turned a regular starter house into a home for them. I also attempted to get her pregnant but that did not work. Then the last one married Caroline Custard and moved to the celebrity hills. They ended up having a daughter.
    Then I went back to my sims household and noticed that they had a baby gnome. I do not have two Mysterious Mr. Gnome only one and I have a Bucktooth Butternut. I was under the impression you need two Mysterious Mr. Gnomes to have a baby gnome. I have been trying to procure one for months to no avail. This was a pleasantly random surprise. It is why I made this account because I was wondering if anyone else had this experience.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth Family, Day 310

    Continuing where we left off, Brandon finally finished meditating for 10 hours, and this made him finish out the martial arts skill.

    Jacob and Christa ate their breakfast together.

    Lily worked in the garden when she got up.

    Yet again, Lily had to clean up the garbage because the racoons can't stay out of it.

    Christa wants to go into the music career, so I probably will just let her do that. She played guitar for now and might also fill in every once in while for Lily's band.

    Lily decided she wanted to exercise, just because she can.

    Random picture of Jacob I took, heading off to one of his last days of school.

    Christa filled in to play guitar for the band this time. She wasn't able to play well at the beginning, but got some better by the time they left.

    Lily and Brandon joined a hot dog eating contest but Aaron Langerak was the one who happened to win.

    Brandon, Lily, and Jacob all sat down together to watch the cooking channel before bed.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Derek: Hey, I know we were suppose to go out, but Peter booked
    me an autograph session.I'd like for you to come though, if you don't mind?
    Elizabeth: Sure, I'll come with you.

    A huge crowd turned up for Derek's autograph session, He
    stayed quite busy for the first hour, so Elizabeth spent sometime
    chatting with the other sims.

    Elizabeth: Derek, not in front of everyone.
    Derek ignored Elizabeth and pulled her in closer.


    the next day...

    Derek: Let's go before Amber or Peter follow us.
    Elizabeth: Where are we going?
    Derek: You'll see when we get there, hurry.

    Elizabeth: They won't find you at the boardwalk?
    Derek: No, because I hate rollercoasters, so its the last place
    they'd expect.
    Elizabeth: That's kind of sneaky.
    Derek: It worked.Anyways, what's up?
    Elizabeth; What do you mean?
    Derek: We're here to talk...So talk?

    Elizabeth: I just assumed you and Amber wanted some alone time
    So I gave it you.
    Derek: What? Why would you think that?
    Elizabeth: Well, Peter said you were on a
    Derek: HE SAID WHAT? I can't wait to see him later...
    That was a lie!

    Derek: I swear, it was a lie and I will talk to him later, that I promise.
    While Derek was in the bathroom, A random guy tried to hit on Elizabeth.
    Elizabeth: Go away, I'm not interested.
    Guy: Oh Come on honey, I'm a great guy.
    Elizabeth: Let go of my hand!

    Derek: The young lady said to back off, so back off.
    Guy: Cool it, I'm just chatting is all.
    Derek: 1...
    Guy: Oh please, what are you gonna do?
    Derek: 2...
    Guy: I'm leaving.

    Derek: Who are you texting?
    Elizabeth: I'm not...a night club just texted me....and said
    I'm singing tonight....they didn't ask me.

    Derek: Ha! Welcome to my world of not having a life.
    Elizabeth: Shut up.

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    KbobsterKbobster Posts: 157 Member
    Oh boy do I wanna share!
    My werewolves are No. 1 enemy and got to growl at trespassing vampires. My 1 sim is hated by some random pack leader, idk who the guy thinks he is. And they have all been having fun hunting, researching, and scaring other sims.

    In another game, I accidentally killed Vlad. My evil spellcaster was mad, so when spellcasters are mad I let set random lots of fire. Anyway, Vlad was in the way and got burnt up, the fool. That happened last night. Now there is no supreme evil vampire to brawl with. -_-
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    KbobsterKbobster Posts: 157 Member
    Kbobster wrote: »
    Oh boy do I wanna share!
    My werewolves are No. 1 enemy and got to growl at trespassing vampires. My 1 sim is hated by some random pack leader, idk who the guy thinks he is. And they have all been having fun hunting, researching, and scaring other sims.

    In another game, I accidentally killed Vlad. My evil spellcaster was mad, so when spellcasters are mad I let set random lots of fire. Anyway, Vlad was in the way and got burnt up, the fool. That happened last night. Now there is no supreme evil vampire to brawl with. -_-

    Oops, this is sims 3!
    Well, in my Sims 3 game, I have 3 roommates. This spellcaster's grandparents went to travel the world and Caribbean and left her the old house. It was haunted by the OG owner, a jazz pianist from 1918 (let's say his new "life as a ghost" wasn't no accident). She was spooked and looked for roommates, she ended up finding a fellow spellcaster! Turns out, he was an evil spellcaster. Also, the ghost was actually cool and all 3 became best least the ghost and good spellcaster thought. The evil wizard just wanted free room and board and planned to eliminate his roommate to take over the house. I'm finally at the point where he is going to turn on the witch and do a duel. I have been building up this story, so I don't know how it will go. The ghost is actually into alchemy, so if I decide to have a redemption arc, he can give a Personality Adjuster potion to evil wizard, if only to save his living friend! I have kind of grown attached to the evil wizard and his friendships with the other housemates. So, IDK. What do y'all think? Redemption arc? Destroy the relationship and possible send the good witch to the same plane as the jazz musician so he can take over the house? Or does the good witch kick his butt and send him packing?
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited June 2022
    Haven’t had much time to post here since I’m doing entrepreneurial research for my own knowledge base. But here’s a little River, Haruo and baby from my “Rebuild Sunset Valley” game which pretty much was on a hard-drive that is now no longer in my possession due to various moves.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    Hey my friends. <3 Sorry I haven't been very present on here lately..... :pensive:*Sigh* Life...oh life. (Anyone else depressed by all the rising prices on everything??? :neutral: ) How are y'all doing in general?

    Anyway, I've been working hard on writing lately to get my "Pelican Town to Sims Town" story wrapped up. Once it's done, I'll be able to spend more time here on the forum. And have more time to play for fun too. :blush:

    Speaking of, I have an update ready already. :mrgreen: This is half of the final couple's highlights before going into the grand finale. :star: Wow...I still can't believe it's ending. Very bittersweet indeed. <3 (This update is a little picture heavy again, sorry to those of you with slow internet. :( I try to not use too many, but some are just too good or cute to not put in. ;) )

    Enjoy everyone! :grin:

    Pelican Town to Sims Town
    Continuation of Chapter 18

    The remaining days of winter soon passed. Little by little the snow melted in patches, revealing new blades of grass anxious to emerge from their long slumber underneath the cold, white sheets. Icicles hanging from roof edges and trees shrank and shrank until they disappeared. Pathways became visible again.


    Different hues of green started popping up everywhere, driving away the dull shades of brown. Life had begun anew. Leaf and flower buds began to sprout on the tree branches. Birds and the gentle hum of bees and hummingbird wings filled the air with music again. Spring had arrived.


    Everyone in the group rejoiced at the arrival of Spring. Mostly because they could get out into the fresh air and do outdoor activities again without freezing their bottoms off! It was a time of new beginnings and their souls hungered for it; each one hoping once again that whatever they would do or learn in this new season of their life…would bring them closer to home. But truthfully home wasn’t at the forefront of their minds anymore.

    Nine months now they had resided in the town of Appaloosa, in the world of Simthaer, and despite being away from loved ones, whom they still missed deeply, they’d never felt happier. Never been happier. It was almost as if even if they never completed the mysterious quest and stayed, perhaps for years on end, in this new home…they were okay with it. Happy with it. Because they had each other. Really, anymore, that’s all that mattered.

    As the Spring days passed, each couple seemed to pair off alone more and more, away from the group, lost in their own world, and finding many enjoyable things to do together. With the exception of Alex and Maru, though the two were growing closer in their friendship as well.

    The arrival of the Spring Festival was the highlight of the season and everyone made sure to go check it out at least once.

    Harvey and Penny were the first to go once it opened and got up early one morning to make a day of it.

    When they arrived Penny gasped at the sight of the blooming wisteria high in the trees and the fallen cherry blossom petals strewn all about the park by the winds of nature. Speechless by such beauty, she held her hand to her heart and Harvey couldn’t help but amorously smile at her. He loved how much she appreciated and found joy in the simple things of life. It reminded him to strive to do the same.

    “Ooh look! Easter eggs!” Penny happily exclaimed, after spotting one resting on the path before them. “I love that they do egg hunts in this world too!” Her heart wished Jas and Vincent were present to join in. Every year since she became their teacher she did egg hunts with them. She gripped Harvey’s hand tighter and pulled him forward. “C’mon. Let’s go find some more!”
    Harvey smiled at the child within his love. “Alright. Sounds fun!”

    As Penny leaned forward to pick up the egg, Harvey once again admired the beautiful sundress she was wearing and the way it showed off her smooth, sexy legs. It was a pleasurable treat to his eyes indeed.


    “Wow! These eggs are huge!” Penny exclaimed.
    “Yeah, the best! Means more candy within! Hey, here’s another one.”


    Harvey couldn’t remember the last time he participated in an egg hunt; he was usually busy at the clinic whenever they were going on in Pelican Town. He found himself enjoying it greatly.


    After collecting eggs, the two happened upon a strange machine that looked similar to those lame fortune telling machines found at most public gathering areas. Upon closer inspection they found it to be a machine that determines the depth of your current romantic relationship. It was called, “The Love Inspector.”

    “Well this oughta be interesting…,” Harvey turned to Penny with a smirk.
    “Yeah,” Penny agreed with a smile, although feeling a touch of uneasiness. “Whatever it says though, we shouldn’t give it too much merit…”
    “Oh of course,” he assured. “But I have a feeling it’s going to confirm what we already know.”
    Penny’s smile beamed.

    The two placed their hands on the machine’s sensor device and watched as the lights flashed up and down on the meter board while it did the scan.


    Their result was:

    Wild: Love Inspector has a feeling about you crazy kids - This could be the real thing!

    “Crazy kids?” Harvey asked with an arched eyebrow.
    “Funny it would say that when we haven’t…you know,” Penny shyly expressed, thinking of it in the sexual sense.
    One side of Harvey’s mouth quirked upward. “Maybe that’s why it gave us that result. Cause we've been holding in all that wild energy until we get married.” He grinned.
    “Maybe,” she chuckled.
    “It certainly got that last part right,” he added with loving certainty, taking her hand and stroking her fingers with his thumb. “What we have is the real thing.”
    “Yes,” she coyly smiled. “I agree.”

    That led them to snuggle underneath a cherry tree, talking and dreaming about their future together.


    It wasn’t long after Penny rested her head in Harvey’s lap that the two began to kiss, tenderly. Then long and passionately. Harvey couldn’t help caressing Penny’s leg as he kissed her, his hand gradually wandering further and further up her dress with each rub, but ultimately he restrained himself and just held her tightly to him, keeping their lips close.


    If there was one reason why he was so anxious to return home, it was to gain Pam’s acceptance and blessing to marry her daughter so he could finally make love - and a future - with Penny. He still wished to be respectful in that regard. Because he knew Pam and her temper.

    However he also thought that if he and Penny found themselves still in Appaloosa for well over a year then…that “sex after marriage” rule/guideline between them might have to change. The waiting was becoming excruciating! Because they were practically engaged. Maybe Pam would understand…maybe she would understand now. He just couldn’t be sure and shrugged with a sigh. Guess we’ll cross that bridge if we get there…

    Later, after eating lunch from the concession stand, the two decided to do some dancing.

    They started with a little bit of silly dancing…


    and then on to some slow dancing, following the pace of the songs that would play.


    Loving everything about each other and life in that very moment.


    Of course all their other previous times spent together were just as lovely.


    Penny started helping Harvey compound medicines more than Maru lately it seemed. (Maru had honestly grown a little tired of it and showed Penny some of the ropes.) Harvey was quite impressed with how well Penny picked it all up.


    Naturally with everything blooming under the sun since the arrival of Spring, most of the group started getting the sniffles and itchy, watery eyes. They practically begged the good Doctor for some relief. So he and Penny quickly prepared some one time allergy shots that, according to the Pharmaceutical book, would provide relief all season long!

    So one morning Harvey called each person into the exam room for a quick check-up and then inoculated them all.

    Afterward, all alone in the room together - purposely making herself the last patient - Penny gently pulled Harvey’s lips to hers by the flaps of his white coat and kissed him deeply. He was always extremely irresistible to her when wearing it. It had been a while since he had.

    Foreheads pressed together, Penny sillily sang to him through a smile.

    “‘Doctor, doctor, give me the news, I gotta…bad case of lovin’ you.’” She giggled.
    Harvey chuckled in return. “That’s a good song. I didn’t think you were familiar with it.”
    “My mom has listened to oldies my entire life so…”


    There was a brief moment of silence as she gently rubbed her nose with his. “I feel so lucky to be marrying a doctor,” she expressed. “It gives me so much peace of mind.”
    Harvey nodded, knowing, with a blushed smile. “I know.”
    “Profession aside, you’ve always given me peace Harvey…since the moment I met you. It’s one of many reasons I fell so hard in love with you. I don't have any anxiety when I'm with you. I always feel like myself. I love you so much.”
    Affectionately gripping her waist, he whispered in return through a kiss, “I love you too. And I can’t wait to marry you.”


    With Leah now six months pregnant, and with a very defined baby bump, she and Elliott mostly just took it easy in their daily activities together. They’d snuggle on a couch or their bed and make plans for the baby and their future. Elliott would play piano for her and also read to her some poetry he was working on. They also played board games, chatted with the others when they were around, and went on short walks in the evenings. However one day Leah was feeling somewhat stir-crazy and really wanted to go out somewhere fun. The Spring Festival was the perfect place to go. So she and Elliott went late that afternoon when it would be less sunny and hot. Leah was feeling constantly hot already with the extra weight she was carrying. Thankfully she would be delivering just before the sweltering heat of Summer arrived!

    The first thing the two did upon arrival at the festival was to find the “Love Inspector” machine. After hearing about it from Harvey and Penny they just had to give it a go themselves.


    They were extremely pleased with the result:

    Uncontrollable: Love Inspector never truly understood what love was until this very moment - How can Love Inspector ever thank the two of you?

    “Totally accurate!” Leah exclaimed.
    “Yes! You are very welcome, Love Inspector,” Elliott proudly said.


    Strolling around the festival again, the two spotted some kissing booths. All it took was one specific look at each other to decide that they would forego doing something like that. Their kisses would only ever be given to each other.
    “That guy at the kissing booth is pretty hot though,” Leah had to tease her man. “If I weren’t a taken woman…”
    Elliott just rolled his eyes and tickled her.

    Next they got their picture taken at the photo booth and then decided to ride the Ferris wheel. But for some reason pregnant women were not allowed to ride it, according to the android controlling it. It was disappointing, but they moved on to participate in something else. The egg hunt. It sure was fun searching for the eggs, but Leah found it a bit of a struggle to bend down and pick them up…


    …and she was just as surprised as Penny by the size of them.


    The two hadn’t planned on doing any dancing in that painfully bright-colored dancing area, but one song had such a hot beat to it that Elliott couldn’t restrain himself. Naturally Leah joined him.


    She tired quickly though, so they retreated to the nearby rocking chairs to rest.

    “You know, I want a rocking chair just like this one when the baby comes,” Leah hinted to Elliott.
    “Whatever you wish, my love.” He smiled at her. “They are pretty comfy for not having any padding. The contours in the wood hug my butt quite nicely.”
    Leah chuckled.


    For the remainder of the day the two strolled around arm in arm talking and kissing and just enjoying each other’s company. It was lovely, as always.



    Soon Leah expressed a breath of fatigue and stopped to press on her lower back with both hands for some relief and support.

    “You alright?” Elliott asked.
    “Yeah,” she assured, “nothing to worry about. I think I just overdid it a little today…My back and feet are killing me. But it was fun!”
    Tenderly, he wrapped his arm around her. “Well, let’s head home then. You can prop your feet up and relax while I make you something for dinner.”
    “That sounds wonderful,” she said with a loving smile as they headed for the car.

    Back home when Harvey noticed Elliott cooking in the kitchen, which was rare, he had to inquire as to why.

    That’s when he decided to pay Leah a quick visit, who was resting on Elliott’s bed.

    “I’m feeling just fine Harvey…,” Leah expressed. “Even better now that I’m off my feet. Thank you for checking in on me.” Though honestly she felt like he and Elliott had been a bit overly concerned about her and the baby lately and it was getting a little wearying. However, she knew it was because they cared so she really did appreciate it.


    “You’re welcome. I figured you were just tired after being at the festival. I mostly came in here to inform you...,” the Doctor paused to quickly glance at the date on his watch to confirm, “that you’re overdue for your next prenatal check-up.”
    Leah slightly rolled her eyes with a disgruntled sigh. “Did you have to remind me…?”
    “That’s my job,” he chuckled.
    Playfully, she gave him a dismissive wave as she shook her head.

    Even though every prenatal exam after that first initial one still felt a little awkward, Leah found herself becoming more and more comfortable with Harvey as her Obstetrician. In all honesty, there was no one else she trusted more with her care and the life of the baby. She wished she had never doubted him. I still hope to deliver the baby back home though, she wishfully thought with closed eyes and clasped hands.


    For Shane and Emily, every day felt like a gift, especially for Shane. Once his life hung in the balance by a fraying thread shortly after they all landed in this world, just about to snap into the hands of death. He had finally overcome his addiction. Any thoughts related to alcohol were practically non-existent now and he never imagined he would ever get to where he was at today. He got his life back. He got love and friendship back, and he owed it all to his dear Emily. And yes, Harvey too. Every night he prayed he'd always be good enough for her…and never lose her.

    He wasn’t sure if ultimately it was a good thing or a bad thing, but he finally convinced Emily to play video games with him. At first Emily didn’t find much fun in it, like she figured, but as soon as Shane started issuing challenges and making the play more interesting, she began to enjoy it. Eventually they got highly competitive with each other.


    It was so intense sometimes that they’d play for hours trying to beat the other person and become the victor, expressing many disgruntled frustrations in the process. Then afterward…they would release all the suppressed tension in the bedroom at night.

    One brisk afternoon while everyone else decided it was the perfect weather to go out on the town, Shane and Emily decided to stay home and take a dip in the hot tub.

    “Hey,” Shane smirked at her, after she bid the other’s goodbye, “you wanna skinny dip? Since we’re the only one’s home now?”


    Emily’s jaw dropped at his suggestion. She’d never gone skinny dipping before, but there was always something a little tempting about attempting it. Most likely in this case it was just her incredibly sexy and irresistible boyfriend. “You are naughty,” she playfully accused, “but…what the heck? Let’s do it!” she shrugged, getting ready to take off her shirt.
    “Woah woah woah,” Shane rushed over to stop her. “Allow me.”

    “Oooh, this feels nice,” Emily breathed after getting in, leaning back and lacing her fingers together behind her head.
    “Oooooh yeah…,” Shane agreed, doing the same.
    “Now I’m feeling naughty,” she snickered.
    “You are naughty.”


    It didn’t take long for one thing to lead to another…




    When the two eventually made it to the Spring Festival, they decided to try out the “Love Inspector” just as the others had to see what result they would get.


    Burning: Love Inspector declares that you two have found true love - Hang onto each other.

    HELL YES!” Shane declared in a victorious tone. “One hundred percent true!”
    Emily squealed with glee. “Wow! I didn’t think it would be that accurate! WOO!”


    “Even this silly machine knows we’re the best couple out of them all…,” Shane said, leaning into her with a smirk, “...and the one’s that are gonna make it ‘til the very end.” He kissed her neck.
    “Oh you,” Emily expressed, loving his words and gentle kisses. “I think the others are going to make it too, but yes, you are right in that we are the best couple.” And she kissed him.

    After enjoying a long ride on the Ferris wheel…



    …they passed by the kissing booths. The female android attending the booth for the males was greatly beckoning to Shane with blow-kisses to which he and Emily swore they could see clear as day floating in the air towards him.


    “Looks like android girl wants me to kiss her bad,” Shane turned to Emily with a smug grin.
    “Who doesn’t?” Emily came back with a smirk.
    “You mind if I show her a kiss unlike any she’s ever experienced before?”
    “Go for it!” Emily grinned, folding her arms over her chest. “I gotta see this…” He was indeed an incredible kisser.

    The android woman seemed positively thrilled that Shane finally approached her. (Maybe they were programmed to react that way; no one really knew.) Because her eyes went as wide as a child’s when getting their very first puppy.

    With an alluring expression, Shane gently stroked her chin with his fingertips…


    …and lured her in closer with his luscious, tempting lips…


    Once their lips met…


    …some burning loins must’ve developed within the android woman - if that was even possible - because one kiss from Shane just wasn’t enough for her. She wanted more. She moaned and gripped the hair on the back of his head, surprising him a bit, pulling him in for another, stronger kiss. Then another…and another…

    Shane gave in. After all, he did say he was going to give her a kiss unlike any she ever had.


    After what seemed like a world rocking make-out session to Emily, the android woman blissfully sighed when the kiss was over, resting her elbows on the table and chin within her hands as she gave Shane the dreamiest of looks.

    “Farewell my dear lady android admirer,” Shane said in parting.

    All she did was sigh again.


    Shane then turned to his love and said, “You may kiss hottie android dude over there now if you want. Fair is fair.”
    “I think I just might. But first…,” she stopped, gripping his shoulders and pulling his lips towards hers. She wanted to get a taste of that hot kiss he gave the android woman.

    And maybe let her know who Shane really belonged to.


    The android man giving out kisses was indeed attractive. In fact, the most handsome one Emily had ever seen during their whole time in Appaloosa. Her heart fluttered a bit when he blew a kiss at her.


    Despite that though, she stepped forward and gave him a short, very sweet kiss.


    Then promptly she turned back towards Shane and mumbled, “That’s how a kissing booth kiss is normally supposed to go.”
    “Yeah yeah, you’re just jealous,” he teased.


    They didn’t do much at the festival after that, they found most of the activities to be pretty boring. When it was dinner time they grabbed some food at the concession stand, ate, and then played a round of horseshoes.



    Overall it had been a pretty nice outing and just another day in their personal paradise.



    More to come! :blush: Stay tuned!

    Author's Notes:

    -The two sims at the kissing booths were - for the ladies - my personally created Jensen Ackles sim :love: and - for the guys - @bekkasan 's simself. :mrgreen: For as much as Bekkasan loves my Shane, I just had to do it. Hee hee!

    -If any of you are curious about/unfamiliar with the song Penny was briefly singing to Harvey, you can give it a listen here:

    "Bad Case of Loving You" (Doctor, doctor) - Robert Palmer

    Would it be possible for the music we enjoy here to also be music that's around in the Stardew Valley world? Well...yes...I'd like to think so. 😜 👍

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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    edited June 2022
    Derek stormed into the kitchen, grabbing Peter by his arm
    and spinning around.He did his best to control his temper, but
    just looking at this man made him lose it.
    Derek: What the plum is wrong with you?!
    Peter was taken back by Derek's greeting.He took two
    steps back, putting space between him and Derek.
    Peter: Temper, Temper.What might the trouble be?.

    Derek: Are you trying to Sabotage my relationship with Elizabeth?
    Peter: What are you talking about?
    Derek: Why did you tell Elizabeth I was on a date with Amber?!
    Peter: Who told you that?
    Derek: It doesn't matter! Answer me.
    Peter: I don't have to answer anything.

    Derek: I'm releasing you from your position as my manager.
    Peter: You can't do that!
    Derek: I can and I am.I will find someone else to handle my business.
    Derek turned around and left.Peter stood contemplating the events that
    just took place.
    Peter: You'll regret that decision.

    Derek: What are you saying to her Amber?
    Amber: I'm just talking to her!
    Derek: I know you and Peter were up to something.
    Amber: What has gotten into you? What did that pip-squeak say
    about me?

    Elizabeth: You didn't know he was spreading rumors about you
    and Derek dating?
    Amber: What?! Eww, no. No offense Derek, you're a nice guy,
    but so not my type. Where is he?! I have a bone to pick with him.
    Derek: I fired him.
    Elizabeth & Amber: You what?
    Derek: I'm not putting up with his bull.

    Amber: That explains why Elizabeth kept her distance from me
    when I tried to be nice...I swear! I'm not up to anything.You have
    my word.
    Elizabeth: Somehow, I believe you.
    Derek: If Elizabeth trusts you, I will to.
    Amber: I want to know where that pipsqueek went, I have
    a few choice words for him..
  • Options
    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    @Turjan Alright, I see. The moodlet affects behaviour in a positive way. Might be benificial then to cheat the moodlet into place for sims sent to university (if I know they have been together for a long time..). :P I have been feeling a little tired every now and then lately, so I may have been slow to catch on to things. :P

    That's a cool looking house, but the open floor plan might be a little wasted. :P The giant windows looks more like they are there to give the neighbour up on the hill a good view inside the house. :P

    That Hunter guy doesn't strike me as someone that would be the boss of a hospital in any way.. :P

    @emorrill Oh, I don't think there's a need to excuse oneself for not posting on the forums every so often. Everyone has things that happen or can get in the way from time to time.

    Yeah, of course, it's not cool when prices on everything seems to go up, but hmm... I don't know. :/

    For me the amount of pictures is no big deal, and you have nice looking pictures anyway. ;)

    Hmm, that park looks so vibrant and colourful, are you sure that's Appaloosa Plains!? :P

    Oh, hehe, personally I wouldn't be to surprised if Harvey and Penny would no longer find themselves able to hold in that wild energy. ;)

    Oh, that was Bekkasans sim. She looks nice. I'm sure the boys going to the kissing booth will appreciate that. :P

    Looks like everyone had a pretty good time in the park. ;)
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    @GraceyManor I'm so glad Derek finally stood up to Peter. :star:
    This dialogue here was great! :mrgreen:
    Elizabeth: You didn't know he was spreading rumors about you
    and Derek dating?
    Amber: What?! Eww, no. No offense Derek, you're a nice guy,
    but so not my type. Where is he?! I have a bone to pick with him.
    Derek: I fired him.
    Elizabeth & Amber: You what?
    Derek: I'm not putting up with his bull.

    emorrill Oh, I don't think there's a need to excuse oneself for not posting on the forums every so often. Everyone has things that happen or can get in the way from time to time.
    ^I're totally right. And @bekkasan tells me that often too...Sigh...then why do I still keep excusing myself? :confounded: Maybe it's because I feel bad...and I've always been someone who apologizes too much. :p
    For me the amount of pictures is no big deal, and you have nice looking pictures anyway. ;)
    ^Aww, thanks. :blush:

    Yep, they are in Appaloosa Plains. I was trying out a new lighting mod. :) And some pictures were a little dark because of the tree shadows so I lightened them up with the computer's photo editor.
    I don't think Harvey and Penny will be able to hold back that "wild energy" much longer either. ;) Hubby and I only had to do that for 2 months before we got married and that was LONG enough!! :joy:
    Thank you for the sweet comments. <3
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    MamaSimTeeMamaSimTee Posts: 963 Member
    @emorrill I really think you do not need to apologize for not posting regularly. Look at me, I am the least consistent with posting and you and some others still tolerate me!

    Yesterday, Hubs and I were watching the new Rescue Rangers movie. Don't judge! We've had a rough week! (if anyone is inclined, lots of healing vibes to my MIL is appreciated, she just had a huge surgery to remove skin cancer from the top of her head). So we're watching Rescue Rangers and the duo is at a Con and the My Little Ponies (from the cartoon) go galloping across the screen and it made me think of you @emorrill
    <insert inspiring comment here> :)
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited June 2022
    MamaSimTee wrote: »
    @emorrill I really think you do not need to apologize for not posting regularly.

    Exactly put, @MamaSimTee 🙂👍.
    @emorrill, We all know that real life has an unpleasant habit of interrupting our simming time; sometimes you might have struggles (we understand -I struggled too before the doc told me forcibly to take my d-mn’d medications). I miss my sims but before meds, I’d be climbing the wall and family always comes first before any leisure (sigh)

    So take your time, do only what you feel, you can do. Those of us who understand…truly do understand. Those who don’t understand your situation can take a particularly long stroll…off a rather brief escarpment. 😁

    I’m not going to have much time left over for simming since I’ve chosen the entrepreneurial track. For the next three years I have to devote to getting my business researched, time put in to go online and start producing sales. That isn’t going to leave me with the time I used to have for Sims.

    But my choice is: a) continue the way I have been, (broke and unable to replace things that I need (such as a computer), or put adequate food in the fridge) or b) work towards getting my family in a position where they don’t have to work for someone else (financial freedom).

    I know my Sims would understand. 😁
    Post edited by Nikkei_Simmer on
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited June 2022
    * phew *

    Well, here is my next update. It has scenes at the hospital, and I think because of the topic I should put a warning here that it might be somewhat upsetting.

    Also, I apologize in advance for any medical terms.. I really didn't know anything (almost) about this topic before I had to make this chapter, so I went on to read and watch youtube videos about it, taking notes and learning a lot. :P I suppose I didn't focus so much on "great writing" here, I was more concerned with getting it right, the way I think it would really happen. I had to do that, because I feel this can be a sensitive topic to some. Of course, I'm not a doctor, and so far I have hardly set foot inside a hospital, but still...

    So I'm posting it now, before I start looking at it to much and begin with the nitpicking... I don't want to spend any more time on this. :P

    The chapters beginning overlaps a little in time with the ending of the last one. We are now in the hallway of Deepak, Laranya (and Nityas) house, with Deepak just having gone to the toilet after playing a guitar jam for Laranya.

    Chapter 17.6 - Bewickton, December 2022, part II: Falling

    Lacuna Coil - Falling


    "I kinda liked his little jam" Nitya said to her mom as Deepak closed the bathroom door behind him. "It might not fit for your movie, but he could definately make a song out of it, don't you think...?"

    "Yeah, there's probably a song in there, of course, I didn't mean for him to scrap it. It's just that it won't fit with the.. it won't be what I nee-"

    A thumping sound was heard from behind the bathroom door...


    "What was that?" Laranya said without delay, the concern in her voice was clear.

    "What?" Nitya asked as she shook her head to get the last piece of rainwater out from her ear.

    "It sounded like something fell down in the bathroom." Laranya said as she turned towards the bathroom door.

    "Maybe papa just dropped something, you know what he's like when he goes into his creative mode..."

    "No... I don't think so, this sounded like something heavy falling..."


    Laranya suspected the worst as she ran towards the bathroom door. "Deepak, honey? Is everything ok in there?"

    "Mom..? You don't think that he...?"

    "Deepak...?" Laranya said as her hand turned the door knob to open it. As it was only them in the house (and perhaps because he was so focused on his little jam), Deepak hadn't locked the door so she was able to open it to find him lying on the floor, his head tilted to the right and his mouth half open.


    "Deepak!? Deepak, can you hear me, are you ok!?" Laranya said as she sat down next to him, immediately checking if he had a pulse.

    "Yes....." his voice was slurred as he tried to speak.

    "Mom...? What's going on? What happened..? Oh god! Oh no! Oh god! Mom!? Dad!?"


    "Deepak!? Talk to me! What happened? Can you raise your arms for me?" Laranya could feel his left arm twitch as he tried to lift it, but it hardly moved from the floor.

    "No... yes... no... no..." he mumbled as he struggled to keep his eyes open. "Yes.."

    "Mom! Mom! What's going on!?"

    "I don't know! I think he's having a stroke! I don't know! Call an ambulance! We need an ambulance!"

    Continues in spoiler:
    Time since onset of stroke: 3 minutes.

    "Yes, yes, it's my dad! He fell on the floor, and he can't.. he can't speak or move his arms!.... No, mom is with him.. she thinks he's had a stroke! You must come quickly!"

    "Stay with us, Deepak! An ambulance is coming to take you to the hospital!" Laranya said as she did her best to hold him in an upright position in what seemed like a small eternity before finally sirens was heard approaching and Nitya rushed to open the door for the ambulance crew.
    "He's right there! He's in the bathroom!" she shouted in panic as they ran inside to put him on the stroller and take him out to the ambulance.

    Time since onset of stroke: 11 minutes.
    I stand, looking my hand
    I talk with these lines
    That's not the answer (...)

    And now the beat inside of me
    Is a sort of a cold breeze and I've
    Never any feeling inside
    Around me...
    I bring my body
    Carry it into another world
    I know I live...but like a stone, I'm falling down


    Ambulance driver 2 (Emil Molund, calling the hospital from the ambulance): Hello, this is ambulance S-2. We're on our way with a male, 69 years old, with what appears to be a large occlusion stroke. Patient is conscious, but disoriented and lacks speech function. Expected arrival in 5 minutes.

    (...) I see that another day is gone
    I don't wanna die…

    Please be here when I'll arrive..

    "Don't die.. please..."


    Time since onset of stroke: 22 minutes.

    At the hospital nurses were already waiting in the reception hallway and he was immediately brought into the emergency unit. Nitya and Laranya followed quickly as they had gone with him in the ambulance holding his hand all the way to the hospital.


    Laranya ran into the emergency room with Deepak, the ambulance crew and one of the nurses, where she was greeted by one of the doctors.
    "Hi, I'm Dr. Adnan Skjelbred, I'm one of the ER providers here" he said as he took out his hand, his voice annoyingly calm "you're his wife, I understand?
    "Yes, yes, I'm Laranya, I'm his wife. Just get him.. what's gonna..?" she said, trying to catch her breath.
    "So, what we're gonna do now is a quick first assessment and then a CT scan to locate the stroke and its severity." he continued in a monotonous pitch as if this was all just a routine exercise.


    "O.. ok.. you think.. you think he will be okay?" Laranya wasn't immediately trusting this man. How could he be so calm when her husband was lying there with a deadly stroke?

    "Since you got him here so quickly there's a good chance, though he may need some care and time in the hospital as he recovers." dr. Adnan replied, his voice still flat and seemingly unaffected.


    The other doctor in the room had sat down by Deepak to introduce himself. Deepak was lying on the bench with his eyes closed, but visibly breathing as his chest moved up and down.

    "Hello, Deepak. I'm dr. Arnt Jevne, I'm a neurologist.You're showing signs of a stroke, so we're gonna do a quick exam on you, and take you to radiology to do a CT scan. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

    " yes, no..." Deepak turned his head and opened his eyes to look at the doctor, doing his best to give an answer.

    "I understand.." dr. Arnt said, before he turned to the radiology nurse that had just walked up beside him. "Patient is alert, score 0. Severe aphasia, score 2 on language, I think we're gonna have to mix t-PA (1)."

    "Alright, I'll call pharmacy and have them ready." the radiology nurse responded, before she took out a phone and gave a call.


    "What does that mean? Is it bad? How bad is it?" Laranya didn't like the sound of what dr. Arnt had said to the nurse.


    "Well, its likely a heavy stroke in his brain that can be treated with an injection called thrombolysis (2) to dissolve the blood clot, but to make sure.. that's why we're gonna have to take him to the CT scan first if that is alright by you." dr. Adnan explained to her in his usually distanced doctorly way.


    "Oh, just do whatever you have to do so I can get my husband back!"

    First floor/ground floor overview.

    Out in the hallway nurse Lisbeth Ølberg had sat down with Nitya on the couch, just outside the X-Ray room.


    Time since onset of stroke: 26 minutes.

    : Why is this happening? What are they doing in there? I just want papa to be ok..

    Nurse Lisbeth: Your dads in good hands, the doctors are gonna do an assessment on him to find the best treatment, and then he will... he will probably gonna have to get a CT scan and some...

    Nitya: Are they going to do surgery on him? Is he going to.. is he going to make it?


    Nurse Lisbeth: Well, I have to be honest with you, I don't know yet, but depending on the severity of it, he might... but since you were so quick to call for an ambulance there's a high chance he will recover.


    Nitya: And then.. do you think he can come home with us for christmas?


    Nurse Lisbeth: Well, we're probably gonna have to keep him at the hospital for a while to make sure he recovers, so I can't promise anything, but eventually if things go well he should get to go back home with you.

    While Nitya and nurse Lisbeth is talking on the couch, the doctors, the radiology nurse and Laranya exit the emergency room with Deepak and heads for the X-Ray across the hallway. The radiology nurse and doctor Arnt stay behind in the X-Ray room with Deepak to perform the CT scan while Doctor Adnan waits with Laranya out in the hallway.


    Laranya: Oh, I just hope its not to serious..

    Dr. Adnan: We all do, that's what we're gonna find out. I can promise you that we'll do our very best to get your husband back on his feet, and once again just to make sure, he's not on any blood thinners or the like?

    Laranya: No, no, he's never been on any medication his whole life!


    Dr. Arnt: We've got clear signs of an ischemic stroke with a hyperdense MCA (3) on the right side, most likely location of the clot. This one looks big, I think we're gonna have to do a thrombectomy (4).

    Radiology Nurse Gøril: Alright, we'll take him back to the ER and begin administering thrombolysis and get the catheter ready...



    Back in the emergency room Dr. Adnan explained to Laranya what they were going to do, to give him a shot of medicine they called alteplase (5) that would help dissolve the clot, as well as possible risks and complications of the medicine, but that due to the size of the clot, they would also need to remove it with a catheter. Laranya confirmed once again that he wasn't on any medication, and gave them the go ahead to continue.


    "Ok Deepak, how are you? We located the stroke on the right side of your brain, so now we will give you some anasthesia, so you might feel a little sting in your right arm." Dr. Arnt said while getting the anesthetic needle ready. "Then we will give you the medicine to help dissolve the clot before removing it. Do you understand what I'm saying and is this ok?"

    " ..yes, yes..." Deepaks voice was still slurred, though his eyes were now focused intently on the needle in front of him. Deepak was already starting to get unconscious from the anesthesia when the doctor got the second needle with the alteplease ready, and was completely knocked out by the time the catheter was ready.. Laranya didn't want to watch this part, and had by then been guided out of the room to wait in the hallway with Nitya and nurse Lisbeth.


    When the procedure was done and Deepak showed signs of waking up again, dr. Arnt had gone out in the hallway to allow Laranya back in so that she could talk with her husband.

    Laranya: Hello, Deepak, sweetheart, can you hear me?
    Deepak:.... mmmyes... yes, I can... I can h-hear you..


    Dr. Adnan: Hey, Deepak. I'm dr. Adnan, nice to see you. We just removed your stroke. How are you feeling?

    Deepak: I'm.. I'm fine.. I'm a.. little tired, but fine..

    Dr. Adnan: That's good news. You're doing really well already, but just to make sure you will be transfered to the ICU – the intensive care unit - atleast over night, and by tomorrow we will do a reassessment and possibly have you moved to the rehabilitation unit. How does that sound?

    Deepak: Fine, I guess.. how long..? When do you.. when can I go back home..?

    Dr. Adnan: That depends on your progress. Your speech sounds good already, so tomorrow depending on the reassessment results we will make a plan. It's possible you may need some physiotherapy, but so far I think.. you should be well and ready to go home after a week or so.


    At 1:30 in the night and about four hours since the onset of the stroke, Deepak was once again of good health, relatively speaking, so the nurses put him back on the stretcher to carry him out in the hallway to take the elevator one floor up to the intensive care unit...


    Second floor overview:


    Everyone, Laranya, Nitya, the doctors and the nurses, was happy to see that he had improved so greatly within such a short amount of time, as they all followed him one floor up to the intensive care unit.


    "Looks like I might stay here for a while.." Deepak was still a little groggy from the anesthesia, and a little sorry he couldn't go home yet.

    "That's ok sweetheart, we'll be here for you.. you just relax now, and everything will be ok.." Laranya was relieved she could talk to her husband again.


    "I'm sorry for not being able to.."

    "Dad! Don't be! We're just happy you're still.. we're.. we love you dad!" Nitya interrupted him.

    "I.. I love you too, but... I'm still sorry for having to stay..."

    "It's ok.. it's ok, I won't leave you.. " Laranya squeezed his hand tightly "I'll stay with you for as long as the doctors allow it..."


    Nurse Lisbeth: I'm so sorry, but normally it's not allowed for relatives to stay overnight at the ICU, but we will be here to monitor him and do routine checkups to make sure everything is going well. You can stay at the hospital if you want, in the waiting room or the cafeteria, it will always be open, but I would recommend for both of you to go home and try to rest and come back again tomorrow morning.

    Laranya: ..but, I promise, I won't be in your way..

    Nurse Lisbeth: I'll uh... I'm really sorry, I can't allow that, but if you choose to stay at the hospital, we'll keep you informed.. how does that sound?

    Laranya: I guess.. I guess that's fine.. I'll be.. I'll be in the cafeteria..


    Nitya: Mom.. are you sure you don't want to go home? Because if you're staying, I'm staying too...


    Laranya: I uh.. I'll be fine.. you go home and get some sleep, and I'll see you in the morning..

    Deepak: It's.. it's alright, I think the doctors and nurses have.. things under control.. you can.. you can go home. I'll just be... I'll just be sleeping anyway..

    Laryana: Deepak, darling? Are you sure?

    I'm sure.. I'll go to sleep now. I'll see you.. I'll see you both in the morning.. good night..

    Nitya: Good night and sleep well, dad, I'll see you tomorrow...


    Laryana: Ok, sweetheart.. we'll come back first thing in the morning, I promise.. good night...


    Laranya (talking to Nitya): Looks like we're going home then.. I'll call for a taxi..

    Nurse Gøril: You can rest safely, we'll have everything monitored. Good night and take care..


    Laranyas notes:
    It's not that I didn't trust the doctors and nurses, I mean, they managed to do the miraculous (to me at least), to bring him back, so I'm sure he was in good hands, but.. no, I just didn't like leaving him at the hospital like that. Alone in that room and that bed that wasn't his bed. I made a promise when I married him, you know. Through thick and thin, and that I would never leave him, so it just didn't feel right.


    Oh, but thank goodness we have all been blessed with good health so far in our lives. I guess I should have known that something like this would happen sooner or later. It still came as a shock. I mean, both of us have lived pretty healthy lives so far, we have never smoked, and pretty much never drank and you know, eaten healthy and so on, but I don't know..I guess nothing can last forever, but I don't feel.. I feel as though it's not now.. It's not our time to.. It's not our time just yet, oh.. oh.. I feel like we still have.. plenty of moments with our.. grandchildren and.. you know...


    I didn't realize how much time must have passed when we left the hospital. The ground was already covered in snow, and it was still snowing quite densely. When we walked towards the taxi.. dragging my feet through the snow had never felt so heavy. Every bit of me really wanted to turn and go back. I didn't want to leave.


    I think we both cried a little as the taxi turned away from the hospital to take us home. I'm pretty sure we did. I could see it in the reflection of Nityas face on the window as we passed under the street lamps. I held her hand for the rest of the way home as we both sat there in silence.


    With only me and my daughter in the house, I knew this christmas would be one unlike all the others.


    It was hard and strange going to bed alone that night. Normally I would have been out like a light, but this night falling asleep at first was next to impossible as I kept lying there, wide awake, and thinking about all the what-ifs and about what would happen tomorrow...


    (1) t-PA = Tissue Plasminogen Activator – enzyme that helps dissolve blood clots.
    (2) Thrombolysis is a procedure used to break up abnormal blood clots that restrict blood flow in veins and arteries. tPA is a form of thrombolysis (chemical thrombolysis, the other being mechanical, but I won't go into that....)
    (3) MCA = Middle Cerebral Artery.
    (4) Thrombectomy – removal of clot in brain artery by use of catheter.
    (5) Alteplase is a medicine to dissolve blod clots causing stroke, a so called thrombolytic medication.

    Also, this may be my last update before my summer holiday begins and I become absent until about mid july, or something thereabout. My watcher is going to save my game and send me off to travelling to the other end of the country to visit family. Hopefully without any sudden and unexpected hospital visits...

    Happy summer vacation for those that have it when they have it. :P
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    I get it to.I'm not the best at leaving feedback and stuff for people.
    I went back and read some older stories of mine and found comments
    from a few people who were pointing out that I was just posting and not commenting.
    So like it makes me feel like I have to force myself to comment on every single person's post.
    Even though I'm fighting medical issues and work.So I totally get you.
  • Options
    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    I played the Goth family the other day but the wedding between Christa and Jacob didn’t get saved because it crashed just before. I’m going to try to play it as close as possible again and the update might be a mixture of both since I had some nice pictures.
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    MamaSimTeeMamaSimTee Posts: 963 Member
    @GraceyManor You do what you can hon. Also, to anyone, especially those I think of as friends on this board, please feel free to DM if you need someone to talk with, to listen to you or to rage at. We have ALL been thru some stuff, especially these last 2 1/2 years.
    I know for me, I play this game as an escape. There is something comforting about returning to familiar towns and families in these games. SIMS and us players are a community.
    I love coming to these boards and seeing all the creativity each and everyone of you share with us. We all play our own way and we shouldn't ever feel the need to justify absences or why we don't comment on every single thing shared. I remember in the past I felt like I wasn't a "good community member" because others implied that posting to every single thing was the proper way to do things. I finally got over that. For me, I can't remember everything because I can do days/weeks/months without playing and it's just too dang much!
    SIMS is the FUN time. For me, escape time. I hope you all play for the reasons why you all love it.
    Now, before the MODS get ticked at me for this long post, a quick update what I'm doing in game right now.

    I was messing around with the Jill of all trades challenge. But the founder wasn't quite drawing me in. I don't think the plan I had in mind was working. I had created a SIM destined to be her spouse and found, "oh dang, for a SIM he's kinda cute".
    So I took him, and started a traditional legacy (not that I'll make it, we all know I've tried and never made it past Gen 2. LOL). I'll see if I can upload some pics to show you what I mean. I think when I was creating him, I had my RL BFF in mind. LOL

    Lots of gamer hugs to everyone and Happy Simming all!
    <insert inspiring comment here> :)
  • Options
    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    edited June 2022
    @Sprottenham @Nikkei_Simmer @GraceyManor Thank you for your kind words regarding the excusing myself from regularly posting. It's made me feel much better about it. <3
    In all reality
    <--- this girl here,
    just worries too much. :p

    @MamaSimTee Thank you for your sweet words as well. <3 And lady, no judgement at all! Life has given all of us so many personal challenges lately and we all do what we gotta do to survive and keep us sane and happy as we're getting through each day. :star: Prayers to your MIL. 🙏
    and the My Little Ponies (from the cartoon) go galloping across the screen and it made me think of you emorrill
    ^Awwwww <3
    That made me feel so happy when I read that last night. :blush::kissing_heart:
    I know for me, I play this game as an escape. There is something comforting about returning to familiar towns and families in these games. SIMS and us players are a community. I love coming to these boards and seeing all the creativity each and everyone of you share with us. We all play our own way and we shouldn't ever feel the need to justify absences or why we don't comment on every single thing shared. I remember in the past I felt like I wasn't a "good community member" because others implied that posting to every single thing was the proper way to do things. I finally got over that.
    ^Lady, amen! 100% that!! 👏 {{{{Hugs}}}} As you can see...I'm still working on getting over it...

    My friends, I want you all to know that this thread was never meant to turn into something like that...create feelings of obligation to comment on every single person's post in order to be accepted or be a "good community member" on here...and I apologize for the people in the past who made it as such. I'm so glad it's all better now. <3 Back to being the wonderful "play and share" thread that I originally started.

    It's all good now. And I thank each of you for reminding me of that. 💜


    Sprottenham *clap clap clap* to your amazingly dramatic story update there! :grin: The Hospital is so realistic looking and the poses were perfect! :star: As well as your writing. 👍 (I must know where you found all that hospital content and the poses! Are they Sims 4 to 3 conversions? Cause a few I don't have. Thanks. :) )
    And I think you did very well with all the medical terminology, even though I myself don't know much about it either. :lol:
    I'm relieved that Deepak is ok. Strokes are scary! :flushed:

    I felt like adding a little snippet more to my previous story update. :blush: Here it is:
    Even though every prenatal exam after that first initial one still felt a little awkward, Leah found herself becoming more and more comfortable with Harvey as her Obstetrician. In all honesty, there was no one else she trusted more with her care and the life of the baby. She wished she had never doubted him. I still hope to deliver the baby back home though, she wishfully thought with closed eyes and clasped hands.

    *In spite of her wish though, they still prepared for the most likely outcome by setting up a nice nursery area in Leah's bedroom. It pleased them both when it was finished, and got them all the more excited for the baby's arrival.


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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member

    No worries, we all have busy real life and post when we have the time.
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited June 2022
    @emorrill Oh, you're welcome. (Is that what you say when you're being thanked for something..? Haha, I have zero social skills! :P Haha, I've never really liked the "standard phrases" like that, they feel so hollow, even if they probably aren't. :P I would much rather drone on and bore people to death in paragraph upon paragraph about what I'm actually thinking... ;) )

    ..but seriously, though, you're not the only one that worries to much. I remember when I was new to this forum, when people were commenting and all that, and I felt really welcomed, much more than I expected, and I was like wow... I felt like I had landed on soft pillow cushions! :P

    And of course, with time, one learns the rhythm. I have never seen anyone say it outright to anyone - that you have to comment (maybe that was before I came here) - but nonetheless, I got the feel that it was the thing one was supposed to do, and I can see why...

    ...heap of text incoming...
    ..the issue with that, of course, is has already been pointed out... we all have lives and issues outside of the screen... and in particular for me, as I touched upon already in the beginning.. when I make a comment or reply, I don't want it to be just some random phrases of politeness just to say something, I want them to be genuine and come from somewhere that is true.. and then it becomes a problem of capacity, I can't do that all the time! I would like to, but I can't... and then you start to feel the pressure, and what was initially meant to be a positive thing, can turn into a bit of a downward spiral.. atleast in ones own head...

    Sooo.. I think I should reach a conclusion.. One should certainly not expect to have everyone comment on everything all the time, that's just not possible! :P I think... as long as one gets a little bit of feedback from those that can (not from everyone :P) , really, even if I have high standards for what I want to deliver, it doesn't have to be all that much, just a small pat on the back or something, or just say whatever you feel like. Sometimes you're allowed to come with a bit of constructive criticism too, if you have something to say, but in that case make sure it's worthwhile before you do. ;)

    Reply to comment:

    Oh, thanks about the hospital and all that! It's much appreciated. ;) Well, some poses and some objects didn't fit together like I wanted, but... that was what I had to work with... :P
    I considered photoshopping in handlebars on the trolley, so that it would look more like the nurses was actually carrying it, but I refrained from doing so, because it might have been to much effort and chances are it wouldn't have looked convincing anyway... :P

    Also, there was no way I could have Deepak dying.. I play with aging on, so everyone is set to die at some point, but it's not gonna be by my design! :p

    What I find a little bit peculiar (and what inspired the hospital update) is how I got a message that his time was soon up, when I was playing another save then the one he is in. Yes, there are relations between sims across saves, but still.. I didn't know the game kept track of someones age in a save they are not in, if you know what I mean?

    Ah, yeah, some of the things were sims 4 to 3 conversions, and again they come from our good friend "Around the sims 3":


    I also used this:

    From this one you can also make a room for newborn babies to make a more complete hospital. Not shown in my update, because noone was giving birth. ;)

    Some objects are from here:

    Hospital signs:

    Small useful signs:

    Ambulance - it's in file "MSPoodle cruddy bits" along with some other things.
    Original post that links to ambulance download:

    And probably some more other stuff too, poses etc., but I think I'll stop with the links now... ;)
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton

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