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The Kaufmann family (Decade Challenge is finished)


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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member
    1974 - 1975

    In 1974 Germany won the 1974 FIFA World Cup and Chancellor of West Germany Willy Brandt resigned following an espionage scandal. Swedish pop group ABBA's song Waterloo wins the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest.

    In 1975 the age of majority was decreased from 21 to 18 years, there was also a reform for the family names, which was going to be valid in 1976. Since then couples are able to choose the family from the woman or the man, just if they don't make a decision, the man's names was going to be the family name automatically (until 1994). Another topic was the West German Embassy siege in Stockholm by the R.A.F.

    A new years resolution was to loose weight, and this time with more success.


    Fabian has celebrate his birthday.


    Fast forward to 1975.

    Erika is pregrant again.


    With the new baby and the upcoming new name reform, Erika finally said yes to the proposal.


    It's cost a lot of time for the buerocratic process for a wedding.

    The twins are now old enough to go to the Kindergarten. I downloaded extra Kawaii Stacies education bundle, to have this feature again, and also the SoL base and a few, not so intrusive, packs.
    Tanja, as a curious toddler, can't await to go every day in to the Kindergarten, while Nicole isn't much happy she would rather stay with mom at home.

    Time for playing in the grass and join mum and dad on the camp fire during the summer holidays.

    That's not all. A new home is in working-progess. The family visited the building site.

    Erika isn't happy about the space now with the third child im the womb.

    Fabian, he hates gardening, but he did his duty and plant an apple tree, while the toddlers enjoy the adventure on the building site and got a scolding from dad.

    At the end of 1975 Baby Sandra is born.
    Luckely both sisters are very happy about her new baby sister.

    Annemarie became an elder when visiting the new baby.
    At last, currently I'm a big fan of the knitting activity, since I've discovered that the poor quality products have their own name and looking.

    Brand: We love you anyway.

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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member
    Be warned, it's a huge picture spam, but these 2 years were so fast over, I couldn't stopped, I've put them in spoilers for faster loading.

    1976 - 1977

    History background story:
    In 1976 is a year which is hard to descript or to find something interesting in Germany to tell about: A couple of Millionaire's Kids hijacking happened. The Palast der Republik was opened in GDR. Monday is now the first day of the week. The mandatory use of seat belts in the front seats of passenger cars was introduced, which caused much anger in the society, some claimed their freedom was in danger. Since that year it's easier to get the divorce in due of a change of the divorce rules. 1977 is known as the German Autumn in Germany, that year Germany had to deal with Terroism of R.A.F. and which is count as one of the heaviest crisis in Germany and it ended with the suicides of the terrorism leaders.

    A bunch of sorrows lied on Erika's shoulders. One sorrow were the twins, they had a rough time in the Kinderagarten. Especially Nicole didn't like it, she wanted to be at home, with her mom, in her temper tantrum, after Tanja has teased her, she has bitten Tanja in the hand. Fabian scold them both.




    More pictures are under the spoiler.
    The other sorrow was the terrorismus, which put Fabian as a member of the police in danger.


    The next sorrow was the easiest of all, the relocation, where she needed to do some errands on the flea market.


    Erika find some peace when watching the birds near her new home.


    Fabian tried to spent time with the family and soothing the sorrows, so that the children don't have to fear.



    (The murderer of this snowwoman was Holger)


    They had a beautiful Christmas with the grandparents.
    In 1977 the new house was finished and they could finally move in.


    The sibling has to share one room, but for now it's big enough.


    Erika loves to have birds around her during she was rebuilding the garden, while Fabian always wanted to have a hobby cellar.
    The children loved their new playground.
    1976 wasn't enough time for a wedding, so the big day was in 1977.

    After the ceremony.

    And at last the obligatory photos for every generation.

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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member
    You've captured that brown tone 70s decor and clothing very well.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member
    @Kellogg_J_Kellogg Thank you, I give my best try and currently I let the 80's slowly come in, with tiny steps. The youngest sister of Erika already wears a 80's outfit and hairstyle. It looks so awful in my eyes. I thought the early years would be hard to catch in the style, but now I have to deal with the esthetic which I dislike. The clothes and hairstyles give me questions marks over my head, what were the people thinking? The two iconic items for the aerobic time are unfortunately not in the game yet.

    The 60's and 70's really made fun to play around with the colors, even with the brown and orange tones as base colors.
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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member
    1978 - 1979

    In 1978 the first German, Sigmund Jähn, from the GDR was in the Space. Most of the western german citizens doesn't know his name, meanwhile all former GDR have heard from him. He was a humble person and didn't liked the attention. At the end of the year one of the worst snowfall and cold began to start and stayed the whole winter, it was a nation-wide catastrophe in both states. In 1979 Heinz Erhardt a very famous comedian in Germany died. At the end of 1979 the NATO made Double-Track decision, which caused the biggest demonstrations of the peacemovent in the following years.

    A red rose for the birthday child, Erika became an adult.


    Then the family made a trip with a nice surprise for Erika.


    The twins also had have their birthday and they got a bunk bed. The oldest twin sleeps above.


    More under the spoiler.
    And now it's time to explore the world and make new friends ...


    ... or become partners in crime.


    Playing all the time.

    Sandra made also new friends in the kindergarten and invite Thomas and Charlotte over.

    At the end of the day the family sit together with the evening meal.


    Side notes.
    Sabine became a punk and moved to Berlin in to one occupied and decaying residential buildings.


    Hedwig lives in the past more and more and enjoy to talk with her late husband.


    This behavior concerned her son.

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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member
    Nice to see the Kaufmann extended family in this one...and the punks look accurate for that time.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member

    Mostly I spent my time with the rest of the family, to arrange marriage or decorate their homes/style for a new decade, but sometimes I play them too for a short time, but I have to keep an eye on the main family, because I like it when the children are trained enough and get a advanced headstart for their life too.

    I think I keep the background section short this time, because further down I have to explain a hot topic a little bit more specific

    1980 - 1982

    Main event beside the demonstation and massive unemployement was the Constructive vote of no confidence in the Bundestag 1982, where Helmut Kohl won against Helmut Schmidt. Helmut Kohl had promoted a conversative change of morale. What ever he meant with that, his Party is well-known for corruption and scandals, in my opinion.

    Waiting for Christmas


    This time no one was disappointed with their gifts.



    More under the spoiler.
    Sandra has had her Birthday and is now a child.


    I gave her and her parents a makeover.


    Hans retired from his job at the age of 63 years. He was sad about leaving his work.


    By a request of mightysprite I've focussed on Sabine Kaufman, the sister of Erika, for a while, who became a punk and moved to Berlin. I have to explain why I did this, but I need some time to tell why. It is a topic which still has an influence until today. Berlin was always tenant city. Every citizen of Berlin has a right to live in a home by law.
    Berlin in the 1980s was a morbid place (okay, it is still so), real estate speculators left houses vacant and dilapidated. The local goverment wanted to bulldoze these and wanted to build standardized and anonymous houses, of which the local citizens weren't happy about. A small group of punks became squatters to rescued these old houses and they repaired them as far as they could.


    At first the squatters were peaceful and had the support of the local citizens. But with the time and an agressive police behaviour more violence came into the city, like young and bored teenagers too. The policed and justice threated everyone, who doesn't fit in the scheme, hostile, because many of them supported a right politics, they give the racists a low verdict and harder verdicts to lefts and other minorities. We mostly say in in german that they are blind on the right eye. These occupied houses have been cleared by the police. On one day a young punk died through one evictions, which left the people speachless about the brutality of this death and the reaction of the police comissioner. The local goverment change their opinion. Many squatter became legalized and got a real lease contract. The cruel fact nowadays: today a worker with a normal income can't afford especially these homes anymore in due of the high rents from real estate companies, who squeeze out the tenants like a lemon for more yield. Tenants who have lived there for decades are forced to leave their known environment, because they can't affort the rent anymore.

    Back to Sabine. She fit in very quickly in to the house comunity. As you now Hans and Annemarie are very conversative andgave rigorous education to their children. Sabine, too late for the hippie era wanted to break free, she didn't care about having a job and capitalism. She saw no point in mindless shopping.



    With the time they have founded a band together, new members joined them.

    The Punk have changed over the year and was divided in several subgenres.

    The band has their first gigs ...


    and is observed by the police. Maybe Erika just have asked Fabian to look after her sister. I don't know?


    It was not much, but they have earnt money when they got a contract with a music label.


    Okay, the audience doesn't really fit in. :D


    Not all things went well. One ob the biggest problem for Punks are the fascists and racists next to the police, who are threatened them. In the 1980s Skinheads were a part of the punks but in Germany this part of Punk was taken over very soon by the far rights, who hates them.

    Sabine told this young man to mind his own business, just in not so friendly words.

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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member
    You've captured the punk era very well. I can see Erika's side of the family going down the whole 1980s pastel pink design route.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member
    Haha, I hope not for pastel pink route for all, but yeah Barbie in pink dresses for girls at a holiday, since my Erika hasn't any sons who could start with video gaming. :D Sometimes it's fun to play with the clichés, like twins same outfit, but I'll try to avoid it as long as I can, because today you are going to find only pastel pink for girls and pastel blue for boys in the shops, it exists rarely alternatives, but somewhere it had to be started 🤷.
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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member
    The thing I really like about the decades challenges is how the colour palette changes from decade to decade. The 50s is very red/blue/green: Primary colours. The 60s is black/white/vibrant colours all mixed, the 70s is Yellow/beige/brown and now the 80s is pastels. The 90s will start black, then go brown, then grey, then purple....
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    I love your family. Thanks for the link! :) You've done an amazing job.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member

    Well for the background I pick just one topic. In this year the fake dairies from a certain infamous person, which name is censored here in the forum, were published and had produced one of the biggest scandal for the newspapers. The reputation from this magazine dropped into the void and went worse a few years later.

    Part 1 Hedwig
    It's time to say goodbye to the last child of my founders.

    Friendly talks with her son about the future and on last hug.


    And the she left the realm of the living.


    Part 2 Hans

    I did a renovation on the house and gave them an updated look. Holger with his wife Marina and only child Karl Hans lives also under the roof of Hans and Annemarie.
    This is Teenager Karl Hans playing computer.


    Hans and Annemarie enjoy the freedom and Pension life now.
    Also Aerobic became popular and was shown in the tv.


    Hans fulfilled a long-standing wish to see the Selvadora once again.

    He met an old friend again.


    He travelled with Holger only, because the other didn't wanted to travel, nor could because of the compulsory school attendance. They made pictures from each other.


    Checking Archaeological site


    Time to visit the temple again.


    Try to open a treasure chest.


    And enjoy the time together.

    Then they went home and my game chrashed, all treasure were gone, but I was not really sad about, I had made my pictures.

    Part 3 Erika
    It's wintertime and christmas season.


    Watching TV together


    Baking together.


    Of course Homework were monitored by the parents.


    And suddenly was Christmas day again. They went to the church and watched the children nativity play, when they came home it was time for the celebration and gifts.

    It was cute, when Erika suddenly make a picture from her family by her own will.

    Delicious food and family dinner.


    And then it's playtime again.


    Sandra loves play violine and gave a concert.


    And so ended the Christmas Eve.

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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member

    I'm sorry for the long break, but I had some struggle with playing my challenge, because I don'treally get in touch with the 80's, playing a familygame is quite boring again and at last my rl is quite stressful at the moment, most of the days I'm so tired after my work. However like we say in Germany: Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen (literally translation: The squirrel feeds with difficulty). Hours by hours I made it through the next two years.

    1984 -1985

    1984 the first Forest Status Report show that the trees in the forest are heavy damaged and will be die, which leeds us to the famous German Angst. Most of the germans love forests. They played an important role in our history. 1985 President Richard von Weizsäcker made his important speach about the 8th of may 1945.

    The twins had celebrate their birthday and are now teenagers. I had to redecorate the house.


    The before and after photo.


    Well, both girls do what young girls do when they became teenager.
    At the beginning watching tv together with parents in the evening.


    Practising kissing on a mirror.


    Getting the Nails done!


    Dancing and listening to the latest music.


    And hanging around with friends and party


    After this this point I've decided to start a new family. It's now 1985. These years marks the highest point of immigration of germans from the GUS-states, mostly from Poland, Romania or the Sovjet Union. These people faced discrimination because of their german ancestry, beside living since centuries in the area, speaking german was forbidden and so on, so they resettled to Germany. Where they were unfortunately not seen as real germans at all. Most of them choosed the assimilation, to avoid attracting attention.

    So meet Jerzy and Katarzyna Weishaupt, a young couple from poland. Well their weren't really religious there, but they were remembered on their heavy heritage when arriving in Germany.

    The german jewish community was small and became old, but they helped them and integrate them into the society. Especially in the 1990s after the fall of the Sovjet Union.
    Both were able to get underpaid jobs in the restaurant industry.

    Katarzyna became pregrant and startet to knit for her first baby.

    Unfortunatly the old lady couldn't live alone without any help longer and moved to Israel to her brother.
    Meanwhile Sabine Kaufmann and her boyfriend Atze slowly left the punk scene and started a new, more normal, life together. They became good neighbors and friends with Jerzy and Katarzyna.

    Sabine became also pregnant at the end of 1985.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member
    Hello and I apologize for being absent from the challenge so lately, I didn't expect that the 80's were such a hard bone, difficult to digest, it's doesn't really make fun right fun, so the storyline is quite viscous. And reallife strikes hard at the end of the year, too much work too little time. :)

    1986 -1987

    1986 the chernobyl disaster stroke Germany too, and the fears about radioactiviy were rising into the sky. Parents were frightened to let the children play outside. Mushrooms and wild (game) dishes (like boar or deer) were avoided, no problem since the game doesn't offer any boar or deer dishes, in due of the radioactivity. at least nuclear power became more and more unpopular with a lot of demonstration against power plants. So we are, either we ignore every danger or then we exaggerate excessively. /facepalm

    1987 marks the 750th anniversity of my hometown Berlin, it was celebrated in both parts of Berlin. Unfortunately I was too young to remember these festivities.
    Here the family see the bad news.

    Later that evening, the movie was so boring, Erika fell asleep.


    Grandma Annemarie came to visit.


    The kids play inside the house, they were forbidden to play outside.


    Nicole and Tanja, tried something new. A trend from the usa, thanks to the movies and series, attracted the young girls. It's called Halloween. But it isn't so much accepted then. But nowadays more children celebrate Halloween. However, the party was succesful.

    1987 christmas time

    Then Sandra had her birthday, time to start a party, again.

    Um, no no no

    That's better.

    Sandra relaxed in her slighty new decorated room.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member
    1988 -1989

    Okay, in 1988 some interesting and bad things happened, but to be honest I'm too lazy to write them all down. In 1989, you will probably already know this and once again I'm too lazy to write all down, was the fall of the berlin wall. The early opening happened by an mistake and this marks the end of the separation of Germany. And later it became clear, that not only the gdr vanished, the old west germany vanished too. The following years will be unruling and disappointing for many eastern germans, who will face an uncertain future.

    Growing up in the eighties Sandra spent her time outside and with doing sports.


    Her Dad trained her in self-defense.


    Nicole and Tanja instead enjoy the music television, and "left" the school for their job training.

    But Sandra still goes to school and spent her time with her friends and family.

    RIP little garden gnome , A thunderbolt destroyed him later.

    Nicole loves playing guitar.

    First crushes and kisses.

    The children are now old enough to have the first loves interests.


    Thomas felt in love with Tanja, but she denied him. Later became the boyfriend with Charlotte.


    Meet the family, Erika isn't so happy about the boyfriend of her youngest child.


    Nonetheless, Sandra doesn't care about the opinion of her mother.


    Time for The Talk.


    Nicole found also a boyfriend during her job training.


    At last, now I made it through 100 years, so here is a family picture from the current family.

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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member
    Yeah, the fashion will repeat. Now in the 90s I have the "modern" croptops. Luckely I was a teenager in the 1990s, I can take these things as far as I can remember them or look at the Spicegirls fashion. Then, my favorite spice girl look was this from victoria beckham. I loved the classic posh (black, white and beige/brown) look of the rich and famous then. Which I still find at best in these days. :D
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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member
    I remember my 90s look: I had the short, combed forward haircut as worn by Noel Gallagher from Oasis, the shirt worn loose but with full sleeves not rolled, straight leg trousers and suede shoes. Essentially I dressed like the young man on the cover of Oasis' "What's The Story Morning Glory" album.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member
    My style, if you could call it a style , was more divided during that decade. I wore Baggy pant and hoodies, women t-shirts from esprit (different colors but same design) and comfy checked pants or cordpants or ripped or bootcut jeans with lumberjack shirts (when I had my Nirvana phase). More like Avril Lavigne. Later then all black or black with white jeans, somethime I wore the burgundy blosson and a burgundy mini, if I wanted to be a little bit classy with white sandals. I'm guilty of the fast fashion then, mostly H&M, but I wore many of those still later and mourned after they didn't fit me any more or fell apart.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member
    edited December 2021
    1990 -1994

    I was busy with rearranging th background families and building new location and playtesting them, so the time flew away. However it is still a big update. I waive of the backgroundstory this time and I guess in the next couple of years, too. :)

    Let's start with the twins Nicole and Tanja, they have celebrated their 18th birthdays with a big party. Actually it should be at home, I had already prepared everything, but then I clicked on the false location without recognize the mistake.


    Shortly after they moved out and moved in to their boyfriends. Tanja became pregnant very fast, while Nicole got an unexpected proposal. So Sandra became the big bedroom.
    Sandra's first boyfriend came and went.

    Sandra became a young adult

    During her last year in school, she finally decided what she would studying, Law. Because cause of the numerus clausus of this study direction, she has to learn hard.

    Sometimes the stress is too much and she needed some distraction, while complaining about her life.

    She became obsessed with the idea of studying in Havard, so she applied there.

    And her wish came true.

    It was a huge sum, the tuition, in 1995 the student fee was around 20.500 Euros per year*. Her parents had to swallow when they heard the sum and urged them to apply for a sholarship on student foundation, which was granted to.

    *I found this sum in a magazine about the USA which I've bought in 1995.
    Meanwhile Fabian solved a crime.
    It started with the death of of a colleague during his shift.


    On the way back to home he found two little children wandering around the street. They lead him to Peter Frankenfels.

    But something wasn't right, Peter behave stranged and nervously when Fabian asked him about the children.

    Peter became aggressive and started an attack on Fabian, but he lost the fight.


    Then it became clear. He had kidnapped a woman. Fabian rescued her. Instead of her, Peter is now behind the bars for a very long time.


    Sandra's first day in Havard, exciting times, get to know each other.
    Calming downing a tensed friend.

    Joining the debate club.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member
    edited December 2021
    Merry Christmas!


    I summarize the time I spent with Sandra on the university. She was basically learning, doing homework, eat, clean and going to the lessons.

    So here some pictures from her rare free time with her fellow students.

    Annemarie and Erika came to visit.

    During this time period Hans and Annemarie passed away.


    Being far, far away, and not being able to travel home made Sandra feeling very alone.


    The big day came and Sandra finished the university with the excellent degree (*sigh* I can't use the latin phrase thanks to the filter).

    Before leaving the students hall she applied for a job and was checking for a new home.



    She loved it.


    Time for a new attire.


    Sandra in her cubicle.


    She became friend with her mentor with Phylicia Burke and met her two sons Brayton and Darius.


    Her Boss Jason Landgraab (married) invited her to a formal dinner with clients and they came closer.


    Too close.


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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,154 Member
    edited December 2021
    2001 - 2003

    Sigh, the love life was so much easier to tell about in the old times. This will be a picture spam again, I'm so sorry in advanced. Well, before we start with the drama, Sandra discovered in 2001 her new favorite game: The Sims.


    The law firm, where Sandra got her job, was able to get a quite famous politician as a client. Sandra and Phylicia were obligates to support the candidate John Merks in legal matters during his campaign. Both did really enjoy the job.

    Sandra tried to get informations about John Merks before she met him and his wife.

    She was impressed of him and found him very attractive and vice versa.

    And so one after the other came.
    Sandra still worked with him until the labors came (we are still in the usa, so no maternity leave for Sandra) and they kept this love as a secret.

    Baby Amelie was born in 2002 and was proudly present to John.
    John couldn't get enough enough from Sandra and visited her very often, even when her dad came to visit.
    But he and Sandra became careless and got caught in the act by his wife.

    They got the attention of press too, and the scandal made it into the public.

    John, faced with the choice, either saved his marriage and career or get a fullified love life, decided for his career.


    Sandra was blamed for everything and presented as the sole culprit and destroyer of a marriage. The bad publicity, and her boss was personally offended too, was too much for the firm and Sandra got fired.

    Deeply hurt, her american dream was shattered, she moved back to germany, back to her parents, there were no other place where she could hide.

    More bad new for her, she wasn't allowed to practise as laywer in germany and so she has to go to university again. And she got pregnant again, somehow the proctection didn't worked.

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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member

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