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Sims 411 - Forum Feedback, May 6th


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    EvieRose269EvieRose269 Posts: 10 New Member
    In Sims 411 sessions it would be good to get more information on upcoming packs and inside looks on pack development.
    With snowy escape expansion pack, with the close knit lifestyle would it be possible to have children toddler babies and pets removed form that as if you have a married sim with two kids, a cat, and two friends then even though they are shy in my gameplay they can't have the the close knit lifestyle which is really annoying.
    I think that get together needs updating for all the new packs like there are no interactions from cats and dogs in the clubs system.
    It would be good to have more community voted stuff packs as those are really fun. For the base game we really need a working memory system like in sims 3 generations or sims 2 and improved babies.
    Farming, generations, and werewolves packs would be awesome.
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    chealsycatchealsycat Posts: 2,974 Member
    7 The last but not the least. In Inside Maxis livestreams I'd like to see people who were creating this awesome game, my favourite game ever - The Sims(1,2,3,4). I'd like to know more of history of the game, about people who we owe the wonderful things in the game. It would be gret to know how The Sims(1,2,3,4) packs were worked on, who should we thank for them.

    Talk to us, listen to us, talk about the future with us, do more polls about our wishes. We are sometimes naughty but we do love you!

    Thank you for everything! Happy simming!
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    elanorbretonelanorbreton Posts: 14,615 Member
    Hello Sims team.

    First of all, I would like to say I've played sims since Sims 1 and version 4 is currently my favourite, I have a lot of enjoyable hours with it, so thank you for that!

    But I would like to ask you why you keep nerfing things that we have paid for and taking them out of the game instead of adding options for them.

    Take Bust The Dust, for instance. I just paid money for this kit and no longer get any dust in my houses because I only spend about 5 sim days per house in my rotation. So now I have hoovers and no dust to use them with, a big waste of money. Instead of obliterating the dust for everyone, why could you not use a lot trait or something so that we can set whether we want a lot of dust or hardly any ever?

    The same goes for so many other things - alien abductions, vampires breaking in (we have a lock on the door to bar them, so why reduce the instances as well?), jealousy, the insane trait, the time taken to eat (how can my family enjoy a meal out together now?).

    So many things we paid for that get taken away from us because others have complained.
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    AppoloniaFondanthAppoloniaFondanth Posts: 1 New Member
    Dear Sims team, I and a lot of other simmers with me think it would be great to have the same color system in hairs as you did with skin colors. Right now the hair colors are very warm toned (except the blue black) and only look good on sims with warm skin tones. I think it would be very nice to have cool, neutral and warm hair swatches as well. I love the new 6 hair swatches you added already btw! I think it's a good start.
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    aisforaccidentsaisforaccidents Posts: 1 New Member
    Issues to fix:
    -if you want your sim to do something while listening to ear buds, you need to cancel the ear bud action. You can still see the music notes coming from the ear buds but I never know if my sim is actually "listening" to it or not (this matters for example when listening to music to influence your baby's gender)
    -if you have a person who is not cisgender (ie can get pregnant and pee standing up and has a masc body frame), your "suggested outfits/styles" in CAS are usually severely reduced or don't generate anything at all - this is obvs frustrating in terms of both actually playing the game and issues of representation
    -why do toddlers take just as long to use the potty after they are already potty trained?
    -the "sentiments" seem heavy handed. For every time you discipline your child (even nicely), it takes countless positive interactions to make them not hate me in their sentiments! (grudge/hurt)
    -if you take multiple children to the Youth festival in the winter pack, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT BLESS ANY OF THOSE CHILDREN, ALL those children will be upset with you AND all the other children in the family/group. I took my 7 kids and didn't bless any of them (cuz then there would be no time to do anything else) and they all hated me and each other for days via sentiments
    -I wish there was an option for my vampire sims to eat and enjoy human food (even if only by using their vampire points or whatever its called)
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    SimmySimianSimmySimian Posts: 357 Member
    edited May 2021
    As a player of the Sims since 2000, the game has meant so much to me, and I have spent countless hours and sooooo much $$$$ on it. Will Wright should receive sainthood (joking, but not really).

    It’s a fantastic game for exploring emotions, relationships, consequences and different approaches to living. As an introvert who is vulnerable to long bouts of depression, i play the Sims for a chance to relax, decompress, get creative, laugh, and find some peace in this crazy world (and also to plan how I’m gonna rearrange the furniture in my IRL house). I wish it had been around in my childhood. Even my therapist has acknowledged the benefits of the game, and she recommends it to many of her clients.

    My main concern is if the game (TS5) becomes “online only” with no option to turn that on or off, I will absolutely stop playing new versions of the game. And that would bring me so much sadness.

    I can’t imagine life without the Sims and its humor, music, and customizable gameplay. Please keep the original play style intact.

    Oh, and please bring back the open world.

    Thank you 🙂
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    Yatzel30Yatzel30 Posts: 1 New Member
    Sul Sul!

    I have a suggestion. I would like the community to be included in the development of the packs, and be more open in saying what they are working on (Then we break our heads in an attempt to deduce it) and can ask the opinion of the simmers through surveys u^u

    I usually play with large families, so it is very important for me to know if something is being done to improve the autonomy of the sims and to solve the lag that a domestic unit with more than five sims implies.

    I would also like to say that the idea of testing the packs seemed very good to me and I will be delighted that there are more in the future.

    This was my little contribution, he waited and is taken into account •^•)/

    Postscript: I am a Spanish speaker and I had to use the translator.
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    ratman18ratman18 Posts: 1 New Member
    Thank you Sims team for doing this! My biggest concern right now is [b]PRONOUN CHOICE[/b] <3 Please, please address this so the community knows you care and aren’t ignoring such an important issue.

    The rapidly changing emotions really throw me off and can be annoying when a sim passes away and their spouse is excited over something completely irrelevant. Personality is another thing my sims lack, so the trait improvements and lifestyles are helpful to an extent. However these things don’t seem to impact the game in a meaningful way.

    - More challenge + surprise in game
    - Less recolors of existing objects, more new activities
    - Continue to consult & employ mod creators

    Above all, [b][i]PRONOUN CHOICE[/i][/b] !! This is vital. It is clear that the team has received overwhelming feedback about this on twitter and twitch, and every day it isn’t addressed it seems like the team is avoiding it. I assume this is something that is being worked on, but please give us updates! Thank you to the sims team for all you do, and don’t let corporate interests crush your spirit :)
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    iDarquesseiDarquesse Posts: 228 Member
    Hiya, thanks for the opportunity firstly.

    Question 1 - Flare Features and Lore
    I was just wondering what the thought process was behind the gradual erasure of typical "Sims Franchise" flare features and lore?

    By this I mean things like babies being "objects", Classic NPC characters like Social Bunny, Therapist, Mrs Crumplebottom, Bigfoot, Unsavoury Charlatan, Pollination Technicians(etc, etc) - Or the severe downgrade of the classic Sims 2 Plantsims to what they currently are in TS4.
    But also things like meaningful story/lore related to the in game characters - the memory system from TS2 was an amazing example of that, and I feel like with the introduction of sentiments and lifestyles in Snowy Escape it would be a perfect match to create that slight bit more "meaning" and "connection" with players and their sim families.

    I can't speak for everyone else, but personally I've always found it extremely hard to "connect" to a family I create in Sims 4.
    Was that intentional or just something that sort of.. Happened?

    THANK YOU Re; Trait Updates

    And I do want to quickly say thank you for the updates adding quirky things to sims personality traits, they've been a great addition so far and I've really enjoyed seeing and discovering new things with different sims in game, it makes them more unique - so that's something I'd LOVE to see more of, and that I think you've done really well in improving, just please don't stop there! :)

    Question 2 - Further Expansion on Traits/Aspirations

    Lastly, I also still feel like traits/aspirations have been severely neglected - I love how some traits are being addressed, and I'd really love to continue to see that expanded upon - So my final question is; Will you be looking into making current aspirations more meaningful at all?
    As of right now, they're mostly just tutorials for each new expansion - And following from that the reward traits as well could do with some improving.

    Traits and aspirations in general need a bit of a overhaul. Is that something on the radar or that's already being looked into? Or is that something that could be put on the list?

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    Alex_13Alex_13 Posts: 3 New Member
    Sul sul,
    Thank you for creating this section where players can express their thoughts!

    There are too many things I could ask or comment, but for now I will only address the one that concerned me the most recently.

    I would love to learn and have a better understanding about the gameplay testing the team does on a new pack before releasing it. What is this process and what are the possibilities of things to go wrong in the launch despite testing ?
    I am asking this because honestly I was quite upset after purchasing the bust the dust kit. The only feature of the kit was vacuuming and it literally made the game unplayable because the dust system was very unbalanced.
    I completely understand that when making a big pack some things may go wrong, but a pack with just one gameplay feature being that faulty made me skeptical if I should trust buying more kits in future.
    Should we consider kits as releases of features (gameplay, cas, build/buy) that were made by the team in the past but didn’t make it to a full pack and you decided to sell independently or are they new stuff you are currently developing?

    Thank you again for your work and for making the effort to get our feedback :)
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    KaioSimmerKaioSimmer Posts: 2 New Member
    [b]The game in consoles is broken![/b]

    I play in PS4 and The Sims 4 is the unique game who I have problems with performance. The loading screen in consoles is terrible too, looks like The Sims 3 loading screens.

    I have a lot of friends who play in PS4 and Xbox One and they agree with me: The Sims 4 in consoles is super unoptimized...

    I love The Sims 4 and I fell me very sad with all that.

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    Charlie_WCharlie_W Posts: 1 New Member
    As much as I love the sims franchise as a whole the sims 4 has seriously been lacking in gameplay. Many influencers have called it a young adult simulator and I agree entirely. There’s no gameplay for younger generations or elder generations that separate them from the rest. I also don’t mind the animations being recycled a bit but they get stale over time. And as far as diversity goes the sims 4 has definitely gone much further than any other sims game however, there’s still not enough gender inclusions, sexualities and relationship options.
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    LastationLastation Posts: 2 New Member
    Do you intend to update and bring more items to work with off the grid? I find it strange to not be able to open the bed that came with Tiny House manually or to clean the dust kit dust without using vacuum cleaners.
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    freyaplaysfreyaplays Posts: 5 New Member
    I would love to know if the staff actively play the Sims 4, and if they try out popular mods etc. or if not, whether it's possible they could either do so or watch modded let's plays on youtube as research for what we want the most
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    TheSpotted_CTheSpotted_C Posts: 293 Member
    Hello Sims team - thanks again for this opportunity. Big fan of The Sims 4.

    One of my favorite things about The Sims franchise is the fact that there are so many different ways to play and how you try to accommodate us all. So what goes into deciding which features can be optional (like weather or fame) vs. unavoidable (university progression or lack thereof, plants being in and out of season)? How do you balance making sure that players like me, who want ultimate control, are able to play that way while also trying to take care of players who like the game engine to guide them?

    Along similar lines, what goes into pack integration? For example, I love that the rock climbing wall from Fitness now has more purpose due to Snowy Escape and the Rock Climbing skill. I think it's always good for the team to be thinking about ways to make new packs mesh with everything that's come before rather than conflict in ways that might frustrate players.

    You put out a survey asking what older packs people would like to see improved. Can we get the results, or at least some insight into what packs were commonly mentioned and how you plan to move forward with this information (or not)? I think the Sims team has done a great job with some of the newer packs in particular and I'm excited to see what more could be done for less-robust packs released earlier in this iteration of The Sims.

    Thanks again. I know that this community and the internet at large is full of complaints and rage, but I did want you to know that some of us fully enjoy the game even now while we're happy to see improvements.
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    CatzillaCatzilla Posts: 1,181 Member
    I wanted to say that I really liked the expansion of skin tones, it's a great start, but I really wish the team had included all tones in the expansion. Not all POC are very dark skinned, some have different tones and some are in the mid to light range and the non-POC could also stand to be included in the expanded skin tones. Some POC and non-POC are of of mixed heritage as well. I hope to see more groups included in the expanded range of hair, skin and facial features as well for better inclusivity and diversity. Please keep including and expanding.
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    HolidayHoliday Posts: 682 Member
    bizuktag wrote: »
    I wish your team - SimGurus, other official sources, etc - felt like they paid as much attention to this forum and other sources of player discussion as they do to Twitter. Focusing so much on Twitter, and the game changers on there, really narrows the discussion and feedback you're getting.

    I would like to second this.

    Although SimGurus may be reading these forums, we, "the community", barely see any SimGuru accounts posting here or any interaction from them. I understand the development team have other priorities and that Twitter is a pretty quick way to communicate, however I am under the impression we have a community team including a SimGuru Community Manager, who seems to have become elusive on this official community channel. I think that having more of a SimGuru presence around here could completely boost the levels of engagement.

    Perhaps I am just comparing to how it worked with previous CM's, I understand the role has probably evolved a lot since then. We really just need more official engagement on the forums before it starts slowly rotting away.
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    CicconeSimsCicconeSims Posts: 22 Member

    Restaurants are in need of an overhaul. There's to much back and forth on outfit selection and I'd like the option to use the base game uniforms. Menu items should have a description up date similar to the new grilled and food items, and what pack expiation they come from.

    Mostly I miss the 12 pane window that is on the other houses in world.
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    KvistenKvisten Posts: 1 New Member
    Hello The Sims team!
    Last year, we got a survey asking us what packs we would like to see improved. Are you actively thinking about doing this? Could we see improvements to already released packs in the future through tweaks/additions?
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    MilaSimmsMilaSimms Posts: 2 New Member
    Sorry post again but now i write in english

    I feel that the game has great potential, yet it looks half dead. NPCs have interesting stories, but you can't see this happening, as they are apathetic. The world is very beautiful, only it seems that the family that is being controlled is the only one really alive in this world. I'm not asking for an open world mainly because in the current settings it would be a very heavy game and with a lot more bugs. However, I see that he could still look more alive. It's great to see that the strokes are starting to be more consistent, but it still hasn't been enough. I love the franchise, I played from the first and I passed from my childhood and adolescence until now the adult phase. And of all the games I feel that this is the listless mood. The gameplay is so easy that it becomes sickening, interest is soon lost. Which is sad because I know it has a lot of potential. I really wanted the game to be more challenging to the point that I lost hours and hours in it and didn't even notice! Something that currently does not happen. It is necessary to fill it with mods so that the game becomes minimally alive.
    I believe in the potential of the whole team and I sincerely hope that I will not lose interest in the game series that is part of my life.

    That's what's going on in my head.
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    Buzina25Buzina25 Posts: 1 New Member
    Sul sul,
    I am here to say that we want Ukrainian language in The Sims 4.
    It would be fair because Ukrainian is one of Simlish "ancestor" languages.

    Thank you for such a great game and have a nice day.

    P.S. we have our own twitter hashtag #theSimsУкраїнською which was in trends in Ukraine back then in December 2020.
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    chuckjaymoorechuckjaymoore Posts: 60 Member
    I would like The Sims 4 to be more accessible for non-builders or anyone who is bad at building. There are a lot of empty lots in The Sims 4. It wouldn't be a problem at long as I can fill in those lots with one from My Library. I would like to place lots that fit well with the neighborhood I place it in. For example, the Duplantier Dwelling haunted house residential lot that was shipped with Paranormal Stuff fits very well in Pendula View, the neighborhood where the Goth's live. Unfortunately, I have to do a scavenger hunt all over the Gallery to find good builds to place on those empty lots. How a build looks from manage worlds is very important. When one thing doesn't look like the other, it can throw everything off.

    No debug, no MOO and pack-restricted builds make EA builds my go-to.

    The builds from EA may not be the greatest but the developers can come up with a good lot name for each build and good descriptions/backstory for the lot which are both very inspiring. I'm also very OCD on lot names I see in my worlds after placing a lot from the Gallery. To see a lousy lot name like Base Game Family Home leaves me with a +2 bored mood let. This is why I like The Sims 4 design team working with EA Game Changers to build the lots while The Sims team comes up with a good name and descriptions (backstory) for the lot.

    MOO can cause a lot of simulation lag that can cause my computer to freeze. By The Sims team working with EA Game Changers to build the lots for the new worlds and packs is a win-win for all. We need more collaborations like this. This would also be great for promoting some of the older stuff packs like Luxury Party and Nifty Knitting. Styled rooms are okay but it would also be nice to have a house or venue shipped with those packs as well. The Sims 4 My Library only has half as much as The Sims 3 lot bin which makes My Library feel very empty. Patching more lots in My Library would be really nice.
    Gallery ID: 1mooresimmer
    YouTube channel:
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    chloeessimschloeessims Posts: 1 New Member
    From a builders perspective

    Fixing things that have been broken for a long time ie. stair railings through walls and discolouration, floor trims blocking stairs, floor disappearing with island living glass floor/glass roof

    Would love to see:

    Matching foundations to wallpapers

    All wall height windows, doors and curtains

    A favourites section of the catalogue would be useful to keep the most used things in one place especially items from debug and live edit

    An update to the gallery. The ability to reply to comments and change the default gallery image.

    More roof and building details eg. Tiles, paint, elaborate trims, spandrels

    Base game assets update. Textures look very poor compared to recent objects

    Continued cohesion cross packs.. the latest packs have done this very well

    Inclusivity ie. Pronouns and more/better accessibility features
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    brinjenbrinjen Posts: 5 New Member
    The Sims 4 is my favourite all time game, it has to be, I have literally spent more time playing it than any other game since I discovered PC gaming back in 1993. I love the quirkiness and building tools of the game. The graphics are incredible, even though the game is now nearly 7 years old and hold up well.

    There are areas I wish were a little different, the main being the sims feel too isolated. They're very unaware of actions of other sims behaviour even when actions are right in front of them. Even the smaller details, such as sims moving about and cuddling while asleep. They did those things in previous games, but not in 4. Not a deal breaker, but still missed.

    Would love to see werewolves added to the game... just putting it out there.

    I also realise that life simulations should really be an entire genre of games, not just one game and this is not EA's issue if they're the only ones interested in catering to this market (with only one exception which is years away from completion). I don't think that fact is acknowledged nearly enough. One game will never please everyone no matter how good it is.
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    SimSwim2SimSwim2 Posts: 2,481 Member
    Please consider making the teens more like teens and not young adults. This means better clothes for teens that are not the same thing YA, adult, and elder sims wear. Also, have more events for teens such as ability to attend prom and high school graduation. Also, more stuff for elders too! Mobility items such as wheelchair, canes, walkers, adaptive tubs, etc. Also, possibly nursing homes. I feel like these two age groups get ignored. I don't really play elder sims because there's not much available for them. And of course better babies and not what we have now which is a downgrade to TS1 babies. Please make a generations style GP!

    Also, more instruments such as drums. A bands or battle of the bands GP would be awesome!

    Last, please bring back cars! A car kit would be awesome! Even possibility of building your own car and an auto mechanic career would be great!
    Origin ID: StripedRainbow
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