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Thread for new members to post their Sims 3 game issues (2020-22 version!)


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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    @nonyabusnes - It is normal if either sim has very high Charisma skill and/or has satisfied the associated skill challenges. There are traits and LTRs that allow that to happen pretty quickly as well. There's also the "meet" and "socialize with coworkers" careers tones in many jobs that sims might use when they are at work, but those alone probably wouldn't raise the relationship levels to Best Friend all in one day.
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    Sim6467Sim6467 Posts: 3 New Member
    @igazor Hey! Thank you for this. Someone over there helped me solve this issue. What's happening now is that it doesn't crash when I hit the play button, the screen goes to 4:3 and I get the beachball loading cursor indefinitely. Does this sound like an issue loading from an external hard drive to you?
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    nonyabusnesnonyabusnes Posts: 52 Member
    > @igazor said:
    > @nonyabusnes - It is normal if either sim has very high Charisma skill and/or has satisfied the associated skill challenges. There are traits and LTRs that allow that to happen pretty quickly as well. There's also the "meet" and "socialize with coworkers" careers tones in many jobs that sims might use when they are at work, but those alone probably wouldn't raise the relationship levels to Best Friend all in one day.

    Ah. Okay I was a bit scared it was a bit too easy but this sounds logic. Thanks.
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited January 2021
    @Sim6467 - I would have to give that a qualified maybe? If the latency on an external connection is bad enough, then the game on the external is never going to keep up with the instructions it needs to issue to the hardware, or rather the hardware isn't going to keep up as it depends on how you look at it, at a very rapid pace (as in many per millisecond or whatever the correct units of measure might be). I would never try to run a game like TS3 across an external. I did have limited success with running TS1 that way, but now we're talking about decades ago and of course the games have increased in complexity exponentially since then.

    Did you raise the new question at AHQ to see if anyone else has experienced what you are seeing?
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    CarabooCaraboo Posts: 10 New Member
    Fantastic! I needed this.

    My issue is with CAW (sort of)
    I created a custom world I've been working on for about 3 months. Zero issue with Edit in Game, routing looks great, no inconsistencies. However, in actually playing the game, I find it crashes to desktop without any error message.
    Last time, I tried to measure how long I could play, and it was about 24 in game hours before it went down. This hasn't been tested, but its always a fairly recent thing. Considering I immediately got my sim pregnant and it has crashed 7 times before she even showed, its a frequent crash issue.

    I have my dxdiag.exe, but cannot load atm. (If theres a way to post it before I'm a member, please let me know! However, its a BRAND new computer, so I hardly imagine theres an issue there . (But i've been wrong before).)

    I don't know it its relevant, but I started with a relatively empty world, so most of the homes/jobs were filled with generic npcs. My hope is to create a sort of 'founding family' that is generations along and all over town with distant relatives.

    The crashing occurs in no other world I play.

    I would appreciate any help with this! I was/am so proud of this world!
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    Sim6467Sim6467 Posts: 3 New Member
    Hey All,
    Thanks for the help, TS3 and all the expansions are now working. My girlfriend is now interested in playing with custom content and we're having even more trouble.
    First of all the game doesn't load when the cc is installed. (I figure this is some corrupted files within the cc because when I select the checkbox for run without custom content the game loads and runs fine.)
    Another issue arises with installing (and uninstalling) the cc. I select the content to uninstall and click the uninstall button and then a second TS3 icon appears on the task bar below as if the uninstall wizard window is about to appear. This just sits there with nothing appearing forever until I force quit the application. So basically we're stuck with the game cannot run with the installed cc but the launcher also won't let us uninstall the corrupted cc.
    Any help I would appreciate, sorry for being so needy lol
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    CarabooCaraboo Posts: 10 New Member
    > @Caraboo said:
    > Fantastic! I needed this.
    > My issue is with CAW (sort of)
    > I created a custom world I've been working on for about 3 months. Zero issue with Edit in Game, routing looks great, no inconsistencies. However, in actually playing the game, I find it crashes to desktop without any error message.
    > Last time, I tried to measure how long I could play, and it was about 24 in game hours before it went down. This hasn't been tested, but its always a fairly recent thing. Considering I immediately got my sim pregnant and it has crashed 7 times before she even showed, its a frequent crash issue.
    > I have my dxdiag.exe, but cannot load atm. (If theres a way to post it before I'm a member, please let me know! However, its a BRAND new computer, so I hardly imagine theres an issue there . (But i've been wrong before).)
    > I don't know it its relevant, but I started with a relatively empty world, so most of the homes/jobs were filled with generic npcs. My hope is to create a sort of 'founding family' that is generations along and all over town with distant relatives.
    > The crashing occurs in no other world I play.
    > I would appreciate any help with this! I was/am so proud of this world!

    I think I may have fixed this issue!
    I removed all the ports, and I had two distant terrains (for the bay, and the distant islands.) I deleted the islands and I have officially played a full 24 in game without crashes. I am very excited!
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    nonyabusnesnonyabusnes Posts: 52 Member
    Sooo... some sims turn up in the wrong outfits. Not wearing their career outfit.
    An officer came catching a burglar in her bikinis, I bet this burglar secretly bursts into laughing.
    A waitress just wearing a casual shirt with a very weird looking pants, if I was dining in a restaurant I wouldn't want to be served by this gal.
    What are they doing? I changed the waitress's outfit with Master Controller > CAS but there is nothing I can do about the police officer.
    I also checked the officers traits, she doesn't have the insane trait.
    I changed one of my active sims' career outfit, for she was wearing some weird pants with her shirt, but later she showed up in that same pants.

    Hoped that this still could be answered, I find it very disturbing that a police officer comes to break up my teens party in a skimpy outfit. I bet she just wants to join the kids...
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    CarabooCaraboo Posts: 10 New Member
    > @Caraboo said:

    > I think I may have fixed this issue!
    > I removed all the ports, and I had two distant terrains (for the bay, and the distant islands.) I deleted the islands and I have officially played a full 24 in game without crashes. I am very excited!

    Not fixed. u.u Still having random crash issues.
    Anyone familiar with CAW know what could cause error-less crashes to desktop? I've made a few worlds and never had it happen before.
    I really don't want to start anew.
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    @Caraboo - I don't think we have very many (any?) heavy CAW users who frequent the Tech Issues board, which is probably why you aren't getting a response here. Speaking for myself, I have never even attempted to use CAW though I have much respect for world builders as I know it takes a LOT of dedication and patience to work through. I think I can spell CAW correctly, on a good day.

    Perhaps posting over on the TS World Builders sections of this forum, once you gain full Membership rights to do so (I can start a thread over there for you to add to if you like) or on the CAW section of ModTheSims (MTS) would get the attention of those who might be able to help better.
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    CarabooCaraboo Posts: 10 New Member
    > @igazor said:
    > @Caraboo - I don't think we have very many (any?) heavy CAW users who frequent the Tech Issues board, which is probably why you aren't getting a response here. Speaking for myself, I have never even attempted to use CAW though I have much respect for world builders as I know it takes a LOT of dedication and patience to work through. I think I can spell CAW correctly, on a good day.
    > Perhaps posting over on the TS World Builders sections of this forum, once you gain full Membership rights to do so (I can start a thread over there for you to add to if you like) or on the CAW section of ModTheSims (MTS) would get the attention of those who might be able to help better.

    It couldn't hurt! I appreciate the offer, please, if you could make a thread for me, I would deeply appreciate it!
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
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    steepsteep Posts: 2 New Member
    I have my own problem. The red roof texture, such as the one that can be found on the base game Alto mansion, is replaced with another. Any houses with the red roof texture show the distressed shingle roof texture. The house preview (in select a household and map view) do show the red roof, but once the lot is loaded, it appears as the grey one. It's not a gameplay glitch at all, just a cosmetic one. I just want the Alto mansion and other houses to look right. Any fixes?
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    mojhamojha Posts: 4 New Member
    After installing Late Night, the game tells me my graphics card isn't recognized and my towns show up white/gray; I can play everything else just fine with no freezing or crashes (the mirrors even reflect!). I reinstalled TS3 and Ambitions, which ran perfectly, so I think the problems might be coming from Late Night. I saw a few threads (on this site and others) about other players having very similar problems, but I unfortunately couldn't get their solutions to work for me. I also don't know if I should tack my problem on the ones on this site in case other people have similar problems
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    MadelinStarSingerMadelinStarSinger Posts: 2 New Member
    I posted this once here already, but it apparently got buried, so I'm posting this again: I purchased the Prism Art Studio ages ago but recently, I discovered I can no longer access the jewelry that you make with the glassblowing station. I can MAKE the jewelry, but if I try to wear it, nothing happens, and it doesn't show up at all in CAS. Has anyone ever had this issue before or know how to fix it?
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    JohnnyMachiJohnnyMachi Posts: 3 New Member
    Hello! I'm hoping someone can help me. I tried looking up "s3pe" in the search bar and didn't find what I needed, so I'm hoping I didn't just miss it.
    I'm having a problem with opening up "package" files in s3pe. I saw a video of someone opening up the properties of the file, going to general, and changing "opens with" to s3pe. But my computer isn't registering that s3pe is on my computer or something? I click the "opens with" option and my computer says "you need a new app to open a .package file" and the only option I'm given is to go to the Microsoft store-- Didn't see anything in the store that I thought could help, by the way.
    I have Net 4 installed.
    I also tried resource>import>from package (doing import>as dbc always results in the error message at the bottom of this post), and got a bit further by being able to at least open the package into s3pe. Unfortunately, the "import files" menu with the "replace duplicates" and "reject duplicates" is as far as I can get. I either get the error message "Could not open [insert whatever package I try here]. Expected major version(s) '2,3'. Found '1'." with only the options to "skip this", "skip all" or "abort" -- nothing imports with any of these options.
    Or I get this error message:
    "Could not import all resources - aborting.
    (RK: 0x034AEECB-0x00000000-0x04127F3D77B52D41)

    == START ==
    Source: s3pi.WrapperDealer
    Assembly: s3pi.WrapperDealer, Version=1402.22.1843.33692, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    Could not find a resource handler
    at s3pi.WrapperDealer.WrapperDealer.WrapperForType(String type, Int32 APIversion, Stream s)

    at S3PIDemoFE.MainForm.importPackagesCommon(String[] packageList, String title, DuplicateHandling dups, Boolean compress, Boolean useNames, Boolean rename, List`1 dupsList, AutoSaveState autoSaveState, IList`1 selection)
    == END =="
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited January 2021
    @JohnnyMachi - Let's start I guess with your installation of S3PE. You have obtained it from Simlogical and have fully installed it so that it is within your system's Program Files? And have verified that .NET 4 is not only present, but also activated within Windows (turn Windows Features On/Off)? Perhaps an uninstall and reinstall of a fresh S3PE download might be in order.

    Moving on from there, you don't really need the automatic Open With setting. The program can only fully open (as opposed to import resources from) one package file at a time. What happens if you launch the program, try File > Open, and point it at a package file? Note that the package file must be intended for TS3. Other games, such as TS4 for example, use the same file format but the editor won't be able to open those package files. To see if there might be anything wrong with the package files you are trying to work with, can you open them in NRaas Packer? (just a thought if all else fails)
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    JohnnyMachiJohnnyMachi Posts: 3 New Member
    > @igazor said:
    > @JohnnyMachi - Let's start I guess with your installation of S3PE. You have obtained it from Simlogical and have fully installed it so that it is within your system's Program Files? And have verified that .NET 4 is not only present, but also activated within Windows (turn Windows Features On/Off)? Perhaps an uninstall and reinstall of a fresh S3PE download might be in order.
    > Moving on from there, you don't really need the automatic Open With setting. The program can only fully open (as opposed to import resources from) one package file at a time. What happens if you launch the program, try File > Open, and point it at a package file? Note that the package file must be intended for TS3. Other games, such as TS4 for example, use the same file format but the editor won't be able to open those package files. To see if there might be anything wrong with the package files you are trying to work with, can you open them in NRaas Packer? (just a thought if all else fails)

    I kept messing with it last night until I uninstalled the version from Simlogical and ended up reinstalling s3pe from SourceForge. I think it's a newer version. But anyway, I've gotten it to work now. I even downloaded Delphy's PackMultiInstaller to change sims3pack files into package files. My only problem now is when s3pe finishes merging everything and sometimes pops up with a "manually merge XML files". I'm not sure what that means, and I wasn't sure if it would affect my game. So I went into the game and went into a previously saved game. It worked perfectly fine-- until I went back to the main menu and tried to start a new game. Now my game crashes right at the end of loading into the town. Do you think maybe this has something to do with the XML files or possibly some bad cc? I moved all of my cc plus merged files outside of my games folder to give it a go. I think maybe I'll add a couple of things back at a time, find what works, and try merging them together as I go. I'll have to come back in a couple of hours to see how this works-- load times are a killer, haha.
    Thank you for your help!
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    So I went into the game and went into a previously saved game. It worked perfectly fine-- until I went back to the main menu and tried to start a new game. Now my game crashes right at the end of loading into the town. Do you think maybe this has something to do with the XML files or possibly some bad cc?
    This is a really bad thing to do under any conditions.

    I mean, it shouldn't be. But there is a flaw with TS3 whereby retreating to the Main Menu does not always release the contents of RAM from the prior session, and then some of the contents of one world/game save can get superimposed upon another. We see this happens with more regularity when the NRaas Traveler mod is installed, but it also happens to players without it and those who have no mods at all,

    I know long loading times are a pain, but it's always best to quit all the way back to the desktop (or Origin if relevant) and reload the entire game in between different world/game save sessions.
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    JohnnyMachiJohnnyMachi Posts: 3 New Member
    @igazor Ahhh, I get why people say to exit the game completely in between loading screens now. I never understood that before, but it honestly makes a lot of sense now. I've noticed from previous times I've played TS3 and not reloaded the game before switching saves that my mod settings would stay from the last world into the new world.
    I hadn't done it before for some reason-- only God knows why, but I just made a backup of my whole TS3 file (completely blank of mods saves and cache), just in case something goes wrong. I mean I've got the physical CD's and I prefer using them as opposed to Origin. Worst-case scenario I uninstall everything and start over again. That's a viable option, right? It won't corrupt the CDs somehow?
    I'm really curious because I'd like to look into making some mods of my own one day, but I don't want to ruin my actual game by messing with things I shouldn't.
    I know I'm taking up a lot of your time on the forum, but I really appreciate your help! :)
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited January 2021
    @JohnnyMachi - CDs are a read-only install source. They can't be corrupted except by physical damage like becoming scratched or broken (a few minutes in a microwave on high might also do it, kids don't try this at home!). :)

    It should never be necessary to reinstall the game, unless one is working with a new hard drive/computer, recovering from a damaged drive, or has been fooling around with the Program Files. Installations only deal with the game and packs' underlying program files, they have nothing to do with the TS3 user game folder in Documents where user added content, mods, and game saves are.

    The entire TS3 user game folder is expendable. If a fresh start is ever required, one only has to pull out or rename this folder for safekeeping and the game will spawn a new, no added content folder to take its place. Mods are "installed" into and run from this folder at this level, they don't affect the underlying program file installations. There are some things we also call mods that do get inserted into the program files, HQ mods that some players deploy to generate very high definition poses for screen shots and movies would be examples of these, but those aren't really of the everyday garden variety of things and are technically more like game file reconfiguration utilities.
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    DoodleBloopDoodleBloop Posts: 1 New Member
    Hello! I did lots of searching around and haven't found my particular problem, tried some solutions for other problems but they didnt work.

    One of my Sims won't complete an opportunity because he says something is in his way. He needs to attend a seminar in a bookstore (doesn't really matter) but there is nothing obstructing his path. I moved him around the house, off the lot entirely, some random places around town, he still wont go. I tried making him go to the street in front of the bookstore, he wont go there either.

    I havent editted any buildings in this town other than the house they live in, it's a completely fresh save. No mods, completely vanilla. He can go to work just fine, other sims go to school. They can visit every single lot around the bookstore. I see sims that arent in my household in and around the bookstore.... But none of MY sims will go to this building or the street directly in front of it... but I see no reason they can't go.

    -- related note. I got the sim to go to the lot (just by chance, i didnt do anything special,) but he had to rubber band through my lot twice, sprinting through the entire house without colliding with any objects or walls, before he could leave. Two other sims that were just visiting did this as well when they tried to leave, but this does not happen every time someone leaves. What the hickity heck is going on here?? As a note, whatever caused that may or may not be related to the issue preventing him from pathfinding to the bookstore, since i had him leave this lot and try to get there from various points around town. --
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited January 2021
    @DoodleBloop - It sounds to me like world routing has somehow become broken in that game save. Which world are you playing?

    There are things that we can do with mods to help fix and prevent that kind of thing, but without all you can really do is save (as), quit, clear the caches, reload, and hope that the routing fixes itself on the next game session. If not, you may have to declare this home lot and/or this ongoing game a loss and start over by placing these sims first perhaps on a new home lot (and get rid of the first one) then if still no good possibly in a new game/world.

    But here is one thing you can try -- retreat to Edit Town, evict your entire household to the side of the screen, copy their uninhabited lot down to the bin, bulldoze, replace with a copy, and move everyone back in without having left the screen. Does that help reset the world routing for this household?
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    Vic2Point0Vic2Point0 Posts: 16 New Member
    Does anyone happen to know a way to disable alien abductions (brought in with the Seasons DLC)?
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    @Vic2Point0 - Yes, with mod usage. That can be arranged by way of a tuning mod, bluegenjutsu has one up on The Sims Asylum. Or by way of NRaas Retuner -- do a ctrl +F type of find for "alien" on this page.
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