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    AdamsEve1231AdamsEve1231 Posts: 7,035 Member
    @Skeilah Hahah. I loved Ella's answers. She's a character! And thanks for the Oliver/ Alison replies too.
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    SkeilahSkeilah Posts: 1,762 Member
    edited September 2020
    @Skeilah Hahah. I loved Ella's answers. She's a character! And thanks for the Oliver/ Alison replies too.

    She is! I liked it too😊

    Side note: You don’t want to know how long I’ve been playing with genetics to get the three of them and Dulce back 😅 I had their CAS-face from my story next to me and I wanted them to look exactly like that again so I just kept clicking until I saw ALL of the facial features😂 At least they’re saved in my library now...😂
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    _sims_Yimi_sims_Yimi Posts: 1,755 Member
    Aw man, I’m sorry I’m so late! xD Here's the rest of them:
    Chapter 1.34
    6. Did you like Alison’s first date with Antonio?
    Yes! I think they’re pretty cute together.

    7. I decided to add Liz her mom in the story. What did you think of that?
    I loved that bit. It gave us more insight into Liz’s background, and the memories were a nice extra to her story. I liked seeing her origins a lot.

    Chapter 1.35
    8. I had some struggles to make a story when Alison suddenly got into a phase. Did I handle it well?

    Eh, teenagers, right? They have mood swings and are just unpredictable like that, haha. I think you handled it well.

    9. Ella and Levi age up! Did they turn out good or bad for you?
    I love how Ella looks! But she’s my favourite so I could just be gushing about her all day. Levi looks pretty good, too. I hope we’ll keep seeing Ella here and there after she grows up and moves out.

    10. Do you think Brent was bullying Levi too much when they met each other?
    Not at all! If anything I think he was being pretty polite. You know, considering it’s his daughter and fathers tend to be a bit overprotective of them when boyfriends show up. At least he’s not the type to really try and intimidate the kid, haha. *flashbacks*

    Chapter 1.36
    11. Alison and her puberty-moments are getting worse. Do you think Brent was doing the right thing the next morning after Alison snuck out to party with Antonio?

    He seems to be letting the discipline fall to Liz, while he plays the caring father figure. That’s okay, as long as Liz agrees. I’ve seen the “fun dad, strict mom” routine before, and it’s not always fair to the parent that needs to be the “bad cop” of the house.

    Chapter 1.37
    12. After everything that happened between Dulce and Oliver, Dulce still decided to visit Oliver once again! Do you think they are a good match?

    At the moment they’re still kids, but it’s nice to see that Dulce is willing to look past weird shenanigans and awkwardness and keep coming back.

    Chapter 1.39
    13. After a lot of muscular Liz episodes, we sadly have to say goodbye to that because she may have an addiction to eating cakes. What do you think about that? Is she too obsessed at this moment or is it just Liz? Do you think she had to put in more effort?

    Aaaaaah muscular Liz. That was the best thing about this generation, haha. I do think she’s letting herself get a little too caught up in sugary goodness, but Liz tends to get super-focused on something from time to time. Like cooking. And baking.

    14. Oliver and Dulce aged up! What do you think of them?
    They both grew up well, though their faces are pretty different! I wonder what their kids would look like, if they end up married and having any. Which, of course they will, otherwise there is no generation 3, haha.

    15. Dulce and Oliver still have some struggles with Dulce’s dad, but I don’t really talk about it much because I want it to be some kind of mystery. Does that bother you? What do you think about Dulce’s dad who’s in the picture but never shown?
    I wonder what the problem there is. We’ll find out soon enough, but until then, it’s a nice little mystery to keep us wondering.

    Overall question
    16. What do you think of Alison, Ella and Oliver’s relationship? Do they seem like good siblings to each other or do you think something else when you see them next to each other in conversations?

    They seem like normal siblings to me. Not thick as thieves, but also not completely disconnected from each other and they do show it when they care.

    Chapter 1.40
    17. After becoming cake-addicted, Liz seems to really lose it. She’s quite absent. What where your thoughts here? Is Brent taking the situation well? Do you think he’s trying to find out what is wrong with Liz, helping her, …?

    Liz definitely seemed to be overly focused on her sugar cravings and baking more sugary goodness. She needs to learn to stop doing that. Brent is trying his hardest without confronting Liz – but perhaps confronting Liz was exactly what he needed to do here.

    Chapter 1.42
    19. Suddenly in 1.42, there’s a piano in the middle of the living room. I had some struggles with it and for the entire time it stood there, I was asking myself if that was a good choice or not. Was the piano bothering? XD Or worse: the plants in the living room (1.46)??? XD

    Haha, it very much looks like the centerpiece of the room when placed like that. But that’s okay – it’s a fancy grand piano. I wouldn’t want to tuck it away into a corner, either.

    20. Dulce asks Oliver out to the Romance Festival! After all these episodes of uncertainty, they finally get it together! They don’t really have.. Answers about the dad part, but at least their feelings for each other are on the table. What did you think here?
    Dulce asking Oliver out of her own accord was adorable. I liked it a lot. Looks like even without your subtle player-guidance, they’re still interested in each other!

    Chapter 1.44
    21. In 1.44 I tried a few panels in manga-style. I actually had fun with it, but how was it for you? Did you like it? Or do you like the previous way of writing more? Should I combine them more often in generation 2?

    I liked them, though the sudden change in style did startle me at first. Sure, bring them back in generations 2! Switching it up is fun. ^^

    22. Did you like Ninja returning in the family? (He’ll stay there as a ghost for the whole challenge, so you better be happy with it :p)
    Yeeeeeeeeessssss ghost pupper is best pupper!

    23. THE RESTAURANT OPENS! What were your thoughts here? How does it look for you? What do you think of the team (Mizuki, Dylan and Marco)?
    It looks pretty good! I like how the design turned out. The routine of training them up first and then opening the restaurant is a pretty good strategy, it seems. You struggle with this a bit in the beginning of course but that’s normal for opening your first restaurant and seeing what works and what doesn’t. Liz has a knack for restaurant business!

    Chapter 1.45
    24. In the first generation I sometimes post updates about Brant. In other generations I will post updates about Alison and Ella. Do you like those updates? Do you think you’ll like them more with Alison and Ella than with Brant?

    Brant was a blip in the grand scheme of things, but I liked it because he was connected to Brent. Alison and Ella we’ve seen grow up, so naturally we’re invested in them (at least I am) and want to see them do well for themselves, even as NPCs! And more Ella is always good, haha.

    25. What do you think of the Ridley Restaurant Logo? :D
    Love it, and the fact that you designed and made it into CC yourself!

    26. I tried a lot of strategies to run the restaurant. How clumsy was it? Was it fun to read about my clumsiness when I’m trying to find out a ‘new’ (for me) aspect of the game? Or would you rather just stay with the story-part?
    Woops, looks like I partially answered this question above already. I liked reading about you figuring out the game. That it’s a challenge not only for the sim but also the simmer just makes it more fun. ^^
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    SkeilahSkeilah Posts: 1,762 Member
    @ajamkeevin, here are all your questions answered by everyone! Hope you like it :D This got longer than I wanted it to be so that's why this is seperated from the other questions xD
    Liz! How do you feel now that you've completed your goals?
    Liz: "I feel so much better. There's no pressure in this little home and I absolutely love it."

    Are you excited to pass the reins along to Oliver, retire to enjoy your fancy life of cooking flawless food, eating and spending time with your hunky chubby?
    Liz: "Of course a part of me will miss all of the attention, but it's time to stop and give the next person the spotlight."

    Liz: "But I do like the part of enjoying a fancy life, cooking and eating my flawless food and spending time with my hunky chubby."

    Brent, are you proud of how your family has turned out?
    Brent: "Immensely proud! All three of them turned out to be great adults, everyone in their own way. Alison will get a future in San Myshuno with Antonio in that way too fancy apartment, Ella still loves her food and we all love that about her, but now she also has Levi and Oliver will become the best DJ in the whole world. I'm sure of it. We raised our kids well!"

    It must be strange for you, considering that you started out married to another guy at the beginning of your adult life.
    Brent: "Ahh, Brant, yes. You know, now that you mention him... I still talk to him from time to time. He recently bought a new dog that looks exactly like Rosie."

    Is it interesting for you to see where your life has gone, now that you're on the brink of retirement?
    Brent: "It sure is interesting where life led me to. If it wasn't for Liz, my life would have a total different outcome. I still think of that sometimes, but I know I made the right choice."

    Brent: "After all, I have the best wife ever."

    Brant: "So... This is where you went to..."

    Okay... Now it's getting a little creepy....

    Oliver!!!! I have some questions for youuuu!
    Oliver: "Hm?? Shoot!!"

    Are you excited to take over the challenge?
    Oliver: "SUPER EXCITED!!!! I'm gonna party till I can't walk anymoreeeeee!!!!"

    Ajmkv wanted to say he's rooting for you! Andddd... He really wants an invitation for a party at the Ridley Residence.
    Oliver: "I like that guy already! Please give him this invitation! People like him are always welcome at my parties!!!"

    I think I'm getting a headache from this loud music... Let's go to San Myshuno, where hopefully I can get some rest.

    Hey Alison! How is married life treating you?
    Alison: "I'm enjoying my married life together with Antonio. The only things I want to kick out are these siblings of his, but they're still teenagers, so that's no option for now."

    Is this apartment in San Myshuno really that different from the Ridley Residence?
    Alison: "Absolutely, but I don't mind it. I feel like I fit in here better than in the Ridley Residence. It's so peaceful up here."

    Hello Ella! Levi let me in, sorry for... Disturbing you in the middle of eating your sandwich... But someone wanted to say something to you! You've got a lot of fans!
    Ella: "klsdfgjqdkgljsmrgjiqomeg"

    I can't understand that.

    Ella: "Wait.... Gimme a minute, but please, tell me all about it. "

    Ajmkv wants to know when you're going to become his best friend! Basically he just wants to be gluttons together at all the best places. He really loves you!
    Ella: "Ahh, that's so sweet of him! Well, if he wants to come over, I'll be glad to go eat something with him in all the best places! Let's call it a date!"

    Levi: "So you're going on a date with somebody else already?"
    Ella: "Oh, not romantic of course! A food date. As common gluttons!"
    Levi: "A food date... Only you can come up with something like that."
    Ella: "Heheheh. I know."

    Ahhh. Time to head out.

    Skeilah: "Since there's also a question for myself..."

    How do you feel now that you've completed Generation 1? Do you have any feelings about moving forward?

    Skeilah: "I actually feel good about it. I'm ready to move forward with Oliver, Dulce and later the rest."

    Skeilah: "But before I REALLY end Generation one...."
    Liz: "Hey! I finally get to see you?!"

    Liz: "Oh man, you look way younger than I thought you would be."
    Skeilah: "And you look way more beautiful in real life. I should've visited you sooner! Did you enjoy it?"
    Liz: "Absolutely. I thank you for everything. I couldn't do this without you."
    Skeilah: "That's so sweet of you, but really, you did most of it. I just watched and made the story into words. Thank YOU."
    Liz: "Ahh, you're so sweet. Take care of my little Oliver and the rest. And make sure he gets a daughter for Generation 3! I hope I'll get to see my grandkids."
    Skeilah: "Will do! I hope you'll get to see them too, but I'm sure of that. Well, I'm going to head back to the other world. Bye Liz, it was nice to meet you!"
    Liz: "Thank you for stopping by, Skeilah. Goodbye!"
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    Questions 27-32
    27. The first floor got a massive make-over in 1.46. What do you think of it?

    I like it, it's very modern with the graffiti (?) on the wall!
    28. What do you think of Julia and Cassandra, the new team members in the restaurant? You can read further first and then make your assumptions. What do you think of the team in general? Is it a good team?

    I really don't have opinions on the team. I like Cassandra in general, I don't know if I'd see her working in a restaurant, but it could happen. It's an eclectic bunch anyway.
    29. Oliver and Dulce keep getting closer and closer. They even are having secret meetings at home when Liz and Brent are working! Or yeah, secret… They both seem to know already. Are you ready for Oliver and Dulce to take over???? Or more important… Are you ready to say goodbye to Liz, to see her less often…? Will you miss her? And Brent?

    Not quite ready, no. I wish they could stay in the house. It does feel weird for them to leave the house they renovated to Oliver to just go and live somewhere else. I know I wouldn't want to leave my home! I'm hoping they'll visit often.
    30. Do you think Alison and Ella show up enough after they moved out?

    So far... Yes! Alison more often than Ella, I think, but I like that they call and you let them come over. I hope that will still happen when it's just Oliver.
    31. Oliver and Dulce got an actual wedding! Did you like that? I’m not going to give weddings for non-heirs, but I will go through the trouble with heirs.

    I like weddings! They feel realistic. I wish it was more of a party with their family attending instead of a quickie, but it's a step up from Liz and Brent's. :D
    32. To end, you may ask questions to everyone you like (even my Simself), but I won’t have pictures of everyone because ehmmm… I forgot to upload everyone but Liz in my library :D I’m so sorry. I can try to recreate them because I do have Brent and Liz, but I have no idea how I’m going to make Antonio, Levi or Dulce. I’m so stupid sometimes, forgetting these things xD

    I only have one question for you actually. Do you use any CC? I don't think I've seen any. Actually, I might have another question. Are you planning on putting some makeup on the ladies in the story? I don't think they can grow up with makeup on, although I'm not sure.
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    SkeilahSkeilah Posts: 1,762 Member
    Ajamkevin (everything)
    1. Luckily, he’s not really gone then ^^

    3. Hahaha! What is so awkward about teenagers? I personally don’t see much changes between teenagers and adults, but maybe that’s just me…

    5. Haha! Noted! xD

    7. I had a lot of fun inventing Kristin! I also imagined Liz her father, but I didn’t make him. Her father would probably have Liz’s face shape, because Kristin’s face is totally different, and I think I mentioned the dad having dark brown hair…

    8. Haha! I was spared of having such mood swings, but I’ve done weird things too hahaahah. Good that I’m not the only one!

    20. I love how everyone likes the ‘wingman’ thing xDD I guess the poor guy just needed some confirmation to actually do something. Hehe.

    23. Hahahaha, I just didn’t make her a work-outfit. Guess I forgot, hehe.

    24. For Ella and Alison I’ll mostly update everyone about kiddo’s, if they are born. Buttttt Oliver will visit both of them sometimes and they will walk in the house enough! They are still key holders of the Ridley Residence.

    27. Totally off-topic, but what? You have a tree in your house?? XDDD

    29. Ahhh, they won’t be really gone! They will just become more of a side character, but there will still be some Liz and sassy Brent xD

    31. HAHAHAH I laughed so hard with Ella’s eating picture. If I had known, I would’ve made a Kevin-child-version for her! xD

    Mercury (from question 21 to end)
    21. Hehe, I read on Tappytoons :P I think it’s quite the same from webtoons. Got my inspiration from there xD

    23. Oh yeah, skill polishing def! It just took me a while to figure out how to do that xD I struggled a lot.

    26. I think it did! But yeah, Liz her team started to dance on it too, indeed. xD Well, can’t have everything. The last strategy of mine really worked well! So if you ever want to try it yourself, use that strategy!

    27. Ehhhmmmm, not particulary, no.. XD Don’t pay attention to it too much, it will change again ahahahahahahah

    29. Yeah, at first I felt sad to for leaving Liz behind like that, but then the story continued and I had even more fun!

    31. I was not intentionally going for it, but it all came together well indeed^^

    Duvelina (from question 21 to 26)
    Thanks for your input! I only wanted to say this on your latest questions hehe:

    22. He’ll be around with Oliver, so you’ll see more of him eventually :D

    Yimi (from question 6 to 26)
    Hehe, I don’t have much questions to answer on, but thank you for your input! It helped a lot!

    13. So true. I loved it for the time it lasted, but yeah, you can’t expect a cook who loves food to stay like that xDDD

    14. Heheheheh I hope you’ll like them! Of course there will be kids (more than one, hehe, spoiling much).

    17. I think he just doesn’t want a punch in the face xD
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    _sims_Yimi_sims_Yimi Posts: 1,755 Member
    Hi, guys :) I think it’s my turn this week.

    But to be honest… I have no questions for you guys at this time, haha. You’ve given me a lot of really good feedback, and I’m pretty confident about where I want to take the rest of this “chapter” of ToC. To make you guys dig into the fine details even more might be slightly overkill at this point.

    So instead, lemme ask you all… how have you been? How are you all holding up with, y’know, everything? Are you guys doing okay? We're almost in October already. What's new with everyone? :blush:
    Hosting D&D sessions on the side. Interested in playing through some fantasy-themed shenanigans? Send me a message 😘
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    I'm honestly so glad you're saying this, @_sims_Yimi. I love being a part of this reading club and it's such a source of joy for me, but ever since my master's started at the beginning of September, things have been tough. Especially yesterday and today I have been feeling the weight and pressure of it all. There is so much never-ending work, it's hard to find the time to play let alone write my story. Even though the days are hard, the evenings when I can spend time with my boyfriend are a relief and still give me a lot of happiness so it's not all bad. :) We've just finished Dragon Age: Origins for the first time and started playing the DLC, Awakening, last night and it's such a good time. Also, the Dutch version of Love Island is pulling me through it all. :D So yeah, some fun and some tough stuff. I'll get through it, though. It definitely felt good to be able to cross answering questions off my list, haha!

    I am a bit worried about the increasing number of sick people in The Netherlands and the measures that might be taken because of it. I really don't want to go back into lockdown or be restricted again but it seems like it's coming up.

    How are you, Yimi?
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    _sims_Yimi_sims_Yimi Posts: 1,755 Member
    @Duvelina Aw, I’m glad that I was able to lift some of the weight for a week, then. A master’s is already tough even without everything that’s going on in the background at the moment. I’m glad that you get to relax in the evening at least. :)

    Oooh, Dragon Age is great! I really enjoyed playing Inquisition. Definitely give it a try if you have the chance! :mrgreen: And I feel you on the incoming second lockdown that we’re probably going to get. The way things are going, it’s definitely starting to look that way.

    I’m good. :) Had a rough moment a while ago, but I went into the woods and spent the afternoon gathering stuff like a deranged squirrel, and I feel a lot better now. I’ve been trying to convince myself to take dancing lessons and sign up at a games store to get out more and start meeting people again, but, well, I guess that will have to wait a bit longer. :sweat_smile: I’ll get out of hermit mode at some point. Eventually.
    Hosting D&D sessions on the side. Interested in playing through some fantasy-themed shenanigans? Send me a message 😘
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    _sims_Yimi wrote: »
    @Duvelina Aw, I’m glad that I was able to lift some of the weight for a week, then. A master’s is already tough even without everything that’s going on in the background at the moment. I’m glad that you get to relax in the evening at least. :)

    Oooh, Dragon Age is great! I really enjoyed playing Inquisition. Definitely give it a try if you have the chance! :mrgreen: And I feel you on the incoming second lockdown that we’re probably going to get. The way things are going, it’s definitely starting to look that way.

    I’m good. :) Had a rough moment a while ago, but I went into the woods and spent the afternoon gathering stuff like a deranged squirrel, and I feel a lot better now. I’ve been trying to convince myself to take dancing lessons and sign up at a games store to get out more and start meeting people again, but, well, I guess that will have to wait a bit longer. :sweat_smile: I’ll get out of hermit mode at some point. Eventually.

    We're planning on playing through the trilogy! I played the second one on my own before and I loved that one already, so I'm super excited to get to Inquisition although open world RPG's are something that will never not overwhelm me. 😂

    I get you! I had made plans to hang out with some friends for the first time since the whole thing started back in March, but I might have to cancel with the way things are looking now. It seems we can only have four people over at home soon, so our little party thing has too many people on the guest list (about 8), so I don't think I entirely feel comfortable in going anyway.
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    AdamsEve1231AdamsEve1231 Posts: 7,035 Member
    I'm looking forward to reading Tales of Camelot. I feel like I always say I'm busy so I'll say I'm slowly catching up on work projects. :grin: I'm a bit tired today. Trying to sell an old car and buyers keep flaking on us. *sigh*

    I'm still setting up TS3 for my next Kass story. I'm making progress. Lots of custom lots and townie/ character makeovers.

    Good luck with your masters program, @Duvelina. I remember how demanding it was in grad school. I haven't played much Dragon Age. It was challenging for me at the time when I first tried, mostly because I had never played that type of game.

    I'm dreading the second lockdown here. It's already tricky with my work as is. We are considered essential so if we do have to shut down, we will simply close the office and everyone will work from home, but our main worksite will stay open. That's the up and downside, I guess, of human services. I'm not worried about working from home, just not being able to ever go out to a restaurant, or to see friends and family.

    @_sims_Yimi that's cool that your local games store has groups. Ours does too. We also have a makerspace for all kinds of artists, gamers, science and tech projects. That's how I met my best friend actually. I have no idea what yours is like but it worked out for me. :)

    I liked your fall project that you shared... when you were "squirrelling." Yes, I just made up a word. Ha. I wish I lived a bit closer to fall colors. But there are some in my workplace town. I'm just outside in a fairly newish neighborhood so not too many trees. I lived on the eastern coast of the US for years and got spoiled by autumn color changes. I miss it.

    @Skeilah, @mercuryfoam, @ajamkeevin how are you doing?
    With these forums closing down, stay connected.

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    _sims_Yimi_sims_Yimi Posts: 1,755 Member
    @AdamsEve1231 Just keep at it! People are skittish at the moment, but I’m sure someone will stick and buy it eventually, if it’s a good car still. :)

    Heh, now I want to give the games store idea a try even more. It will have to wait until after things calm down. Half of our office is being sent home again, it seems. I might just escape that dance this time around. Not seeing friends or family for long stretches of time is still the worst, though.

    Squirrelling is now totally a word. :mrgreen: there aren’t all that many autumn colours here either as it’s mostly grey and rainy in autumn, but I remember being absolutely amazed at the seasonal changes in Japan and I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. Maybe that’s why I like the seasons pack so much. That, and the holidays. Harvest fall gnomes everywhere :D
    Hosting D&D sessions on the side. Interested in playing through some fantasy-themed shenanigans? Send me a message 😘
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    SkeilahSkeilah Posts: 1,762 Member
    _sims_Yimi wrote: »
    Hi, guys :) I think it’s my turn this week.

    But to be honest… I have no questions for you guys at this time, haha. You’ve given me a lot of really good feedback, and I’m pretty confident about where I want to take the rest of this “chapter” of ToC. To make you guys dig into the fine details even more might be slightly overkill at this point.

    So instead, lemme ask you all… how have you been? How are you all holding up with, y’know, everything? Are you guys doing okay? We're almost in October already. What's new with everyone? :blush:

    Hehe, what a nice question xD School started again for me this week and I'm already feeling like pudding. You know, like I need to walk to school and I feel like my legs won't work with me anymore xD The lectures self are okay, but sitting in a class with that stupid mask and nobody near you is no fun at all... I also play saxophone in an orchestra and if I have practice it's just the same: everyone is sitting so far from each other, it's so weird.

    Besides that, I'm actually doing fine! I do need naps sometimes because I'm not used anymore to use this much energy, but that's okay. Sleeping is nice. :P Negative point is that I have no time anymore to actually start writing generation 2 for my story because of all the sleep I need when I come back from school, but I'll figure something out. :3

    It's nice to see everybody is doing well, although life is being pretty rough.
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    Skeilah wrote: »
    _sims_Yimi wrote: »
    Hi, guys :) I think it’s my turn this week.

    But to be honest… I have no questions for you guys at this time, haha. You’ve given me a lot of really good feedback, and I’m pretty confident about where I want to take the rest of this “chapter” of ToC. To make you guys dig into the fine details even more might be slightly overkill at this point.

    So instead, lemme ask you all… how have you been? How are you all holding up with, y’know, everything? Are you guys doing okay? We're almost in October already. What's new with everyone? :blush:

    Hehe, what a nice question xD School started again for me this week and I'm already feeling like pudding. You know, like I need to walk to school and I feel like my legs won't work with me anymore xD The lectures self are okay, but sitting in a class with that stupid mask and nobody near you is no fun at all... I also play saxophone in an orchestra and if I have practice it's just the same: everyone is sitting so far from each other, it's so weird.

    Besides that, I'm actually doing fine! I do need naps sometimes because I'm not used anymore to use this much energy, but that's okay. Sleeping is nice. :P Negative point is that I have no time anymore to actually start writing generation 2 for my story because of all the sleep I need when I come back from school, but I'll figure something out. :3

    It's nice to see everybody is doing well, although life is being pretty rough.

    You actually have to go to class? We're not allowed to go anywhere here in The Netherlands. 😂 My college is completely shut down and we have to do everything remotely.
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    SkeilahSkeilah Posts: 1,762 Member
    Duvelina wrote: »
    You actually have to go to class? We're not allowed to go anywhere here in The Netherlands. 😂 My college is completely shut down and we have to do everything remotely.

    Yup😂 it’s 50% on campus and 50% online here.
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    AdamsEve1231AdamsEve1231 Posts: 7,035 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm so sorry. I didn't have internet at home this week and I was in the process of switching to a new phone. I hope you're all well. I know this is a busy season for many of us. Just wanted to check in and say I'm still around. :)
    With these forums closing down, stay connected.

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    _sims_Yimi_sims_Yimi Posts: 1,755 Member
    @AdamsEve1231 Hi! I hope your new phone is a good one. :mrgreen: should probably switch at some point myself.. the glass is completely shattered, haha. Good to hear you're doing good!
    Hosting D&D sessions on the side. Interested in playing through some fantasy-themed shenanigans? Send me a message 😘
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    Thank you for a very relaxing week, @_sims_Yimi!

    Here are the questions for Too Good at Goodbyes. It shouldn't be too hard to catch up. We stopped at 43 last time so we'll discuss 44 - 49 this week. Feel free to skip questions you have no answers for at this time, like the predictions, unless you have new ones, of course.

    Discussion questions


    What kind of feeling does my story evoke?

    How would you describe the general vibe of the pictures in the story? Did you notice I edit the filter for my pictures to the feeling I want to portray? For example, in chapter 48, it starts out with more muted tones and continues to become brighter as the chapter goes on.

    Whose style (in terms of hair/clothing/accessories) is your favourite?

    In-depth (spoilery)
    What are your feelings on the Sofia/Luna relationship and how have they developed throughout the story? Do you think Sofia should tell Luna about Hugo’s son?

    Did you expect the situation between Hugo and Luna to go down like that? Did Luna approach the situation in the right way? What did you think about Hugo’s reaction? (46)

    What do you think about Fatima? Will she be a nice addition to Allyson’s life, based on what we’ve seen so far? (48)

    I asked about Veronica’s influence on Max last time, but how would you judge Max’s effect on Veronica. Do you think it’s a positive one? Or more of a bad influence?

    What was your favourite moment in the chapters you have read?

    What was your favourite picture in the chapters you have read?

    Did your opinion on any of the characters change (in a positive or negative way)?

    Did your past predictions for the characters come to fruition?

    What are your predictions for the characters’ storylines based on new developments?

    Do you have any questions for the characters and/or me?

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    SkeilahSkeilah Posts: 1,762 Member
    Ah man, I’m really not feeling like writing with all these school assignments going on... I’ve been slacking my own story and I barely check the forum because I just want to sleeeeep... But I’ll catch up soon with your story @Duvelina and force myself on those questions😂
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    Skeilah wrote: »
    Ah man, I’m really not feeling like writing with all these school assignments going on... I’ve been slacking my own story and I barely check the forum because I just want to sleeeeep... But I’ll catch up soon with your story @Duvelina and force myself on those questions😂

    Thanks! I get that it's hard though because college is killing me slowly too. 😂
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    mercuryfoammercuryfoam Posts: 1,156 Member
    @Duvelina There's only 5 for now because I need to reread the rest. :lol:
    Whose style (in terms of hair/clothing/accessories) is your favourite?
    Luna! I can’t get enough of comfortable, yet elegant styles. She’s the right combo of sophistication without arrogance or overly conservative. She’s the right balance for me. Though imo, girls need variety in their closet so I’d probably want everyone’s clothes.

    What are your feelings on the Sofia/Luna relationship and how have they developed throughout the story? Do you think Sofia should tell Luna about Hugo’s son?
    I think their relationship is very supportive and caring. I was initially very worried as they came together when Sofia is in a rough spot, so I was wondering if Sofia would be distracted by the relationship than focus on her own growth, but they both handled it very well. Luna is very accepting of Sofia and encourages her to grow past her addiction, Sofia has mentioned that she would like to get to know Allyson better. I’m rooting for them to overcome their obstacles and come together as a lovely family. (Also rereading 45 made me have all sorts of sweet butterflies for them. D’aww! What a sweet moment <3 )

    Did you expect the situation between Hugo and Luna to go down like that? Did Luna approach the situation in the right way? What did you think about Hugo’s reaction? (46)
    I think Luna underestimated the depth to which she had hurt Hugo. I also thought that she could’ve been a little overeager in getting her brother back and excited to share with him such a huge development in her life. She reminds me of the type that has no boundaries with her loved ones, automatically sharing herself openly without judgement, hence she didn’t make a judgement of her words whether it was the right time to share about her and Sofia. I didn’t think Hugo’s reaction was over the top or anything. It would sound like betrayal to him. Considering how he was unhappy with her flirting, he would definitely not be happy to know they were actively dating.

    What do you think about Fatima? Will she be a nice addition to Allyson’s life, based on what we’ve seen so far? (48)
    I certainly think so, Fatima has such a cheerful, positive outlook on life and a clear head to provide some much needed perspective for Allyson. I love her gratituous trait and how she has some similarities in home situation with Allyson. I think these two can become fast friends, best buds even. Finding commonalities with peers is precious.

    I asked about Veronica’s influence on Max last time, but how would you judge Max’s effect on Veronica. Do you think it’s a positive one? Or more of a bad influence?
    So far I thought it seems pretty neutral until 49. Imo Veronica joined Max/Brody’s gang on her own accord so she had that mischief bone in her already, only that she’s less confrontational than Max and seemed like the type that doesn’t like to stand out. In 49, her admiration for Max might perhaps light a fire under her to become more ‘active’/ ‘aggressive’ / ‘assertive’ than the passive personality she had before, which to me isn’t really a bad thing. Given the nature of their field, Veronica developing a bit of a harsh side is impeccable if she wants to stand up on her own without relying on Max or other stronger personalities.
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    @mercuryfoam Thank you!
    Whose style (in terms of hair/clothing/accessories) is your favourite?
    Luna! I can’t get enough of comfortable, yet elegant styles. She’s the right combo of sophistication without arrogance or overly conservative. She’s the right balance for me. Though imo, girls need variety in their closet so I’d probably want everyone’s clothes.

    Same! Luna is so fun to dress up. I love her bigger body type and picking out clothes that are flattering for her. It also helps that her face is pretty and so many hairstyles look amazing on her.
    What are your feelings on the Sofia/Luna relationship and how have they developed throughout the story? Do you think Sofia should tell Luna about Hugo’s son?
    I think their relationship is very supportive and caring. I was initially very worried as they came together when Sofia is in a rough spot, so I was wondering if Sofia would be distracted by the relationship than focus on her own growth, but they both handled it very well. Luna is very accepting of Sofia and encourages her to grow past her addiction, Sofia has mentioned that she would like to get to know Allyson better. I’m rooting for them to overcome their obstacles and come together as a lovely family. (Also rereading 45 made me have all sorts of sweet butterflies for them. D’aww! What a sweet moment <3 )

    I'm so excited to have Sofia meet Allyson in a formal capacity. They clearly have met each other before since Hugo used to live with Luna and Allyson back on the Britechester campus. Allyson doesn't know Sofia as her mom's girlfriend though, so it'll be interesting to see them interact. IF Allyson is on her best behaviour, that is. 😬
    Did you expect the situation between Hugo and Luna to go down like that? Did Luna approach the situation in the right way? What did you think about Hugo’s reaction? (46)
    I think Luna underestimated the depth to which she had hurt Hugo. I also thought that she could’ve been a little overeager in getting her brother back and excited to share with him such a huge development in her life. She reminds me of the type that has no boundaries with her loved ones, automatically sharing herself openly without judgement, hence she didn’t make a judgement of her words whether it was the right time to share about her and Sofia. I didn’t think Hugo’s reaction was over the top or anything. It would sound like betrayal to him. Considering how he was unhappy with her flirting, he would definitely not be happy to know they were actively dating.

    I think Luna definitely means well, but she should start to filter herself a bit more. She should have thought over her words and the potential (realistic) consequences. Hugo's reaction would have been very imaginable if she had only taken a moment to think through what she wanted to say. Not to say it's not a good thing to have trust in others and being able to share so much of herself with her loved ones, but if her words can hurt them, she might need to take a step back.
    What do you think about Fatima? Will she be a nice addition to Allyson’s life, based on what we’ve seen so far? (48)
    I certainly think so, Fatima has such a cheerful, positive outlook on life and a clear head to provide some much needed perspective for Allyson. I love her gratituous trait and how she has some similarities in home situation with Allyson. I think these two can become fast friends, best buds even. Finding commonalities with peers is precious.

    Absolutely. I normally don't decorate houses, but I completely redecorated a house in Brindleton Bay for Fatima and her dad and I'm in love with how colourful it turned out. I'm hoping for an Allyson/Fatima play date in the future so the colours can pop off the screen.
    I asked about Veronica’s influence on Max last time, but how would you judge Max’s effect on Veronica. Do you think it’s a positive one? Or more of a bad influence?
    So far I thought it seems pretty neutral until 49. Imo Veronica joined Max/Brody’s gang on her own accord so she had that mischief bone in her already, only that she’s less confrontational than Max and seemed like the type that doesn’t like to stand out. In 49, her admiration for Max might perhaps light a fire under her to become more ‘active’/ ‘aggressive’ / ‘assertive’ than the passive personality she had before, which to me isn’t really a bad thing. Given the nature of their field, Veronica developing a bit of a harsh side is impeccable if she wants to stand up on her own without relying on Max or other stronger personalities.

    That's a lovely perspective! I hadn't thought about it that way. It is a good thing if Veronica gets more of backbone and manages to speak up for herself. That's certainly a positive influence.
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    SkeilahSkeilah Posts: 1,762 Member
    What kind of feeling does my story evoke?
    Your story feels pretty realistic to me, because everyone is having his/her own problems, and that's how the real world works.

    How would you describe the general vibe of the pictures in the story? Did you notice I edit the filter for my pictures to the feeling I want to portray? For example, in chapter 48, it starts out with more muted tones and continues to become brighter as the chapter goes on.
    I don't particularly pay attention to the filters in the pictures, but the pictures have always been pretty shiny in my eyes.

    Whose style (in terms of hair/clothing/accessories) is your favourite?
    Sofia for sure. She's pretty basic, but that's how I like it xD

    In-depth (spoilery)
    What are your feelings on the Sofia/Luna relationship and how have they developed throughout the story? Do you think Sofia should tell Luna about Hugo’s son?
    I do think they are cute together, but I also feel a little weird towards Hugo, knowing that he and Sofia have been together for such a long time. It's like I would go out with the ex of my brother. Imagining that, I don't think my brother ever wants to do something with me anymore. So yeah, it's a weird feeling here.

    I do think that Sofia's role in the story with Hugo's son is over. She told Hugo, and I don't think she should tell Luna because those two are having it difficult already. That's not going to help anyone and maybe Hugo will be angry at Sofia for it.

    Did you expect the situation between Hugo and Luna to go down like that? Did Luna approach the situation in the right way? What did you think about Hugo’s reaction? (46)
    Yeah, I did. I thought Hugo was taking it TOO well in the beginning, but I forgot that Luna didn't mention Sofia's name at first xD I don't know if what Luna did is the right way. I don't know if there is a right way. In my eyes, it's something that had to happen, and it happened exactly as I thought it would happen.

    What do you think about Fatima? Will she be a nice addition to Allyson’s life, based on what we’ve seen so far? (48)
    I like Fatima :D I do think she will be a nice addition to Allyson's life. I actually hope we get to meet Fatima's father someday!

    I asked about Veronica’s influence on Max last time, but how would you judge Max’s effect on Veronica. Do you think it’s a positive one? Or more of a bad influence?
    I don't know... xD Sorry, I am blanking out on a good answer on this one.

    What was your favourite moment in the chapters you have read?
    Fatima's introduction ^^

    What was your favourite picture in the chapters you have read?
    Ehhhhhhhhh. I don't really have a favourite picture, sorry xD all pictures are good!

    Did your opinion on any of the characters change (in a positive or negative way)?
    Hmm, no. Everything stayed the same from last time.
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    @Skeilah Thank you for answering. :)
    I do think they are cute together, but I also feel a little weird towards Hugo, knowing that he and Sofia have been together for such a long time. It's like I would go out with the ex of my brother. Imagining that, I don't think my brother ever wants to do something with me anymore. So yeah, it's a weird feeling here.

    Absolutely. I'd be the same. I don't even want to think about dating one of my siblings' exes. :D
    I do think that Sofia's role in the story with Hugo's son is over. She told Hugo, and I don't think she should tell Luna because those two are having it difficult already. That's not going to help anyone and maybe Hugo will be angry at Sofia for it.

    I think you're right. Sofia is doing a good thing in staying out of it, but I'm not sure Luna would see it the same way.
    I actually hope we get to meet Fatima's father someday!

    Yes, Fatima's dad will show up whenever Allyson visits Fatima's house. :)
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    AdamsEve1231AdamsEve1231 Posts: 7,035 Member
    finally got a chance to answer your questions from this week. Hope school is going well. I'm sorry. I had these written yesterday and then I got called away from my computer suddenly and never came back. :grimace:

    Discussion questions - General
    What kind of feeling does my story evoke?
    Part of what makes your story interesting and unique is the lack of dialogue. Everything is told through exposition. While dialogue is one of my favorite things in most stories, I do appreciate the matter-of-fact way things are presented. I also like how you get right to the point. I have a tendency to be verbose. Haha. In spite of the different writing style (than I'm used to and I prefer), I really care about the characters. I'm invested in them. I want to know what will happen in their stories (at least for the mains). You have a way of evoking strong emotions in the exposition like when Allyson made a friend at the park. I could feel her sadness and her frustration with not understanding why she was sad, and struggling to understand her emotions in general. And it was beautiful how caring and accepting Fatima was. Definitely one of my favorite chapters thus far.
    How would you describe the general vibe of the pictures in the story? Did you notice I edit the filter for my pictures to the feeling I want to portray? For example, in chapter 48, it starts out with more muted tones and continues to become brighter as the chapter goes on.

    I did notice the change! That's partly why it's one of my favorite chapters. The muted tones really conveyed Allyson's depressed and confused state, her feelings of being so alone, that no one understood her. By the end of the chapter, the pictures and Allyson's mood was so much brighter and beautiful. She really blossomed because of Fatima's kindness.
    Whose style (in terms of hair/clothing/accessories) is your favourite?
    Hands down Luna. I love how beautiful she is. I love that she's representative of a different size than we usually see in Sims. Size tends to be unrealistically skinny or grotesquely large. I think you do a good job with size representation in general (height as well as weight). I love that she can pull off multiple looks - different hairstyles (up and down), pants and blouses, jeans and tee shirts, and dresses. I think my favorite is here...
    She is positively radiant in the soft roller rink lighting. I love the soft whites and golds. She looks so happy here. So maybe it's less about the clothes and more about how Luna is rocking the look and her style. :smiley:

    In-depth (spoilery)
    I'm combining these two questions because they're related.
    What are your feelings on the Sofia/Luna relationship and how have they developed throughout the story? Do you think Sofia should tell Luna about Hugo’s son? Did you expect the situation between Hugo and Luna to go down like that? Did Luna approach the situation in the right way? What did you think about Hugo’s reaction?
    I'm still not a fan. While I do like Sofia and Luna better together than Sofia and Hugo, I'm still not sure either one of them is in a healthy place in their life right now for a relationship. Luna is crowding her daughter, and Allyson clearly has some issues she needs to work through, and needs support from her mom in a different way than her mom has been giving her.

    In my opinion, Luna has some issues of her own, with thinking Hugo would just be there for her always. I feel like she's clinging to him like a support system instead of standing on her own and being confident in her own decisions without the need for affirmation from others. I think she takes advantage of Hugo like in her line "Hugo tried to understand every viewpoint and was a solid beacon in dark times. Luna didn’t think this time would be any different." Of course, it's different because she's dating her brother's ex, and she kept it from him for weeks? months?

    Hugo's breakup was painful and he still needs time to work through things. Don't get me wrong. I don't think she needed Hugo's permission, but the courtesy of a phone call at least to say she was exploring the option of dating Sofia would have been respectful. I said over on your blog but I do believe their messed-up home life with their parents complicates adult relationships, friendships, and intimacies. A distant father, the death of her mother, and a very young stepmother certainly doesn't inspire confidence or healthy intimacy.

    I'm super proud of Sofia for resisting the bubbles, but she's still so fresh outta the bubbles addiction, that I would like to see her take some more time for herself. Jumping into a relationship with Luna feels too quick, especially given Luna is Hugo's twin, but this is the Sims so fast is expected. And honestly, jumping into relationships when you're not ready is common in real life too.

    No, it's not Sofia's place to tell Luna about Hugo's son. I don't even know why that would cross her mind as an option. With how precarious Hugo's relationship is with Luna now, Sofia definitely shouldn't tell Luna. It's weird that Sofia's involved, and I can understand wanting to tell a trusted friend or partner so as not to feel so burdened, but maybe she should tell a therapist, a neutral third party, and not Luna.
    What do you think about Fatima? Will she be a nice addition to Allyson’s life, based on what we’ve seen so far?
    I loved Fatima. Her appearance is one of my favorite chapters so far. I loved how accepting and non-judgmental she was, and how she seemed to understand, even if her situation isn't exactly the same. I want to see more of Allyson blossoming. She really does need a trusted friend her age. :) Fatima seems like a good fit.
    I asked about Veronica’s influence on Max last time, but how would you judge Max’s effect on Veronica. Do you think it’s a positive one? Or more of a bad influence?
    I think they are a good and bad influence on each other. Veronica shouldn't feel afraid to leave her home. I can understand how she may feel like an imposter in her home, given how she acquired the home, but she should be able to come and go as she pleases. I did think it was funny how they made fun of the tourists. At the same time, it wasn't the nicest thing to do. Were the tourists snapping photos of the house or trying to catch a glimpse of Veronica? I can't recall. I guess that would make me feel uncomfortable too. I think Max helps Veronica relax and be more of herself, but I keep expecting their choices to catch up to them. Eek!
    What was your favourite moment in the chapters you have read?
    I said it already above. Fatima and Allyson meeting and playing together in the park. :)
    What was your favourite picture in the chapters you have read?
    I also shared this above. It was nice to see Luna rocking her confidence and look at the roller rink and having fun with Sofia. That photo is among my favorites. I also love this one for obvious reasons.
    I have a hard time writing children, and child friendships and relationships. Can I do it? Yes. Do I like to? Not really. I'm not 100% why, but I always feel like an imposter. Haha. Of course, I was a child once, so it shouldn't be that hard. I've even worked with children in my past jobs. But I'm never quite comfortable with family-style gameplay. So when I come across a chapter that warms my heart featuring children, it's a rarity. This entire chapter was a pleasure, but I particularly loved watching the two girls embrace. Allyson needed to feel better about herself and accepted by a peer, and what better way than a beautiful hug shared after messing around and playfully shoving each other. :heart:
    Did your opinion on any of the characters change (in a positive or negative way)?
    I've seen Hugo struggle with self-confidence, but now I really see how Luna does also. How she subtly and inexcusably takes advantage of Hugo's good nature. I wouldn't say I dislike her or him, and I understand why they are acting and thinking and feeling the way they are, but I do think both of them need to work through things like appropriate expectations, boundaries, respect, and adult intimacy.
    Did your past predictions for the characters come to fruition?
    Oh I'd have to look. Okay, I looked. I predicted a rift between Hugo and Luna (since she didn't handle her dating relationship with Sofia well and didn't inform Hugo out of courtesy). Max and Veronica are continuing to spend time together, but I wouldn't call them a power couple yet. Haha.
    What are your predictions for the characters’ storylines based on new developments?
    I'd love to see more friendship moments between Fatima and Allyson. I have a feeling there will be more misunderstandings, but hopefully the girls can develop a rapport and work through things. I think Fatima has the potential to bring Allyson out of her shell and help her process her emotions in a healthy way.

    I fear more drama on the Hugo-Sofia-Luna front. Luna needs to work through her inappropriate expectations of others, but that's not an overnight fix.

    Hugo's son will come back and potentially complicate things for him and Nelson (and the rest of his family).

    Lucy will continue to live in ignorance that her kids have issues and think everything is wonderful when it's not (I really hope this one isn't true). :grimace:
    Do you have any questions for the characters and/or me?
    Did you plan for the bubble blower to be at the roller rink and be a temptation for Sofia, or was it unexpected?
    Where do you see the story going? (I know this has the potential to be spoilery, but are there any things you'd really like to accomplish in story that you're willing to share?)
    With these forums closing down, stay connected.

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