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Who do you play as?? (Race and Gender wise)


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    SimburianSimburian Posts: 6,915 Member
    I just play with the white to sunburnt type coloured Sims now. Playing black sims now feels like putting on blackface to me after all the fuss about misappropriation, so I've removed all from my games.
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    StrawberryYogurtStrawberryYogurt Posts: 2,799 Member
    Simburian wrote: »
    I just play with the white to sunburnt type coloured Sims now. Playing black sims now feels like putting on blackface to me after all the fuss about misappropriation, so I've removed all from my games.

    Lol youll be fine. I give you an official Black Pass™ to make some 😂😂😂😂
    Just stay off tumblr and twitter with your saves and no one will attack you
    The Sims has currently lost its identity. Bring it back for TS5


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    SimburianSimburian Posts: 6,915 Member
    Simburian wrote: »
    I just play with the white to sunburnt type coloured Sims now. Playing black sims now feels like putting on blackface to me after all the fuss about misappropriation, so I've removed all from my games.

    Lol youll be fine. I give you an official Black Pass™ to make some 😂😂😂😂
    Just stay off tumblr and twitter with your saves and no one will attack you

    Oh if they do I just ignore them. It's my world and I will do as I like. :):):):)
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    Demery27Demery27 Posts: 222 Member
    I'm black and I usually make Sims of all races. I always play with females being the lead sim and then making her fall in love with a sim of a different race, I personally love interracial couples in my Sim games just to see how the genetics will turn out.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited August 2020
    Demery27 wrote: »
    I'm black and I usually make Sims of all races. I always play with females being the lead sim and then making her fall in love with a sim of a different race, I personally love interracial couples in my Sim games just to see how the genetics will turn out.

    Not many options there since the Sim babies only came with three skin tones compared to the adults. I wonder why they didn't flesh out skin tones for babies in the game? Maybe because they were an afterthought just like the teens.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    CynnaCynna Posts: 2,369 Member
    edited August 2020
    I'm a black female. My game is very diverse in gender and race. I spend just as much time creating males as I do females. My stories tend to be told through the viewpoint of the females, though.
    cytnl wrote: »
    I'm white and non-binary. I tend to play female sims the most because I like the CAS better. (Male CAS is too 'bro' for me, for lack of a better term.) However, I do occasionally play men or NB/trans sims. Race-wise, I am all over the place, and I usually pick based on what world I am planning to play in. Since I'm demisexual, most of my sims are LGBTQ+, often asexual (and adopt a child where that is needed) or gay/lesbian. For the most part, though, I find romance play boring and concentrate on family dynamics instead.

    So much agreement about the romance play. It's nearly non-existent.
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    mercuryfoammercuryfoam Posts: 1,156 Member
    edited August 2020
    I'm mixed. My birth country, heritage country, the one I was raised in and current residing country are all different to one another. I'm treated like a tourist whichever I visit and am told I'm not <insert color> enough. I'm constantly made to feel like I have racial impostor syndrome. So the way I choose sims is reflective of my experiences. I simply play with all colors.

    Doesn't matter to me that I don't know the dominant language of people with russet, reddish-brown complexion, or what lifestyle someone of deep ochre with a tinge of bronze has. I'll never experience the sunlight sensitivity that comes to people with jewel undertones under a sandy appearance and a sprinkle of freckles. But in my utopian simworld, my sims are not going to chatise me for not knowing every culture in the world. If I'm lucky enough to meet someone who is kind enough to guide me that I've been representing them wrongly (maybe hairtype or smth), that would be awesome! Otherwise, sims is a safe place for me to appreciate beauty and flesh out my understanding of other PoCs in my own time.

    @Simburian , as a PoC, I highly encourage you to explore and play with whatever color you want. People tend to forget that appreciating one another has to start with exposure and curiosity. Only then can we truly appreciate and understand, and with understanding comes love. The fact that you're conscious of misappropriation enough to take action is amazing. That action shouldn't be limiting yourself because of some who see the worst in every situation. Your sim, your world. :)
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,145 Member
    I know I'm walking on a thin ice now, with answering here. I'm very pale and getting sunburnt after 10 minutes in the sun, so I tend to play mostly the latin type sims with their healthy looking skin, while I'm looking more like a corpse or drained out from a vampire. In my usual gameplay I don't care about the skin color from the sims. If they have good traits, then they are the perfect match for my sim, who was looking for a partner. I create PoC and play them like my white sims too, there is no difference between, they get the highranked job and leadership in a community, the best education for the children and high quality food. I don't like it when my sims suffer too long with the red bars.

    Unfortunately I haven't much asian looking sims in my game, because they barely exist in my society, so I don't have much role-model about them. And I refuse to create them after typical stereotype image they were pulled over, because I know many of these poor asian people are mistreated, misused and are hold in a work-slavery for western companies for more profit. That's a situation which makes me angry.

    However (now the thin ice-part) in my current gameplay, a decade challenge based on the history of my country, I have to create a lot of white-looking sims or have to whitening sims, because almost all my npc were created as PoC from my game. That simply doesn't fit for a white society from 1910, where PoC were seen as exotic (to say this in the nicest words from then). And especially the university addon is very immersionbreaking when my Sim has to use computers in a modern-looking environment and all his fellow students and clubmembers are PoC. A few sims, or even the half would be okay for me, but not all, that's not what can be called diversity when everyone has the same skintone. However in a few decades later this will be no problem anymore, and I'm more than happy when I don't have to change the skincolor from my sim-npcs ever again. It cost too much time and it is annoying, and it just felt wrong to me.
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    elemmeleelemmele Posts: 689 Member
    edited August 2020
    I'm a plain-jane white gal (like...blindingly "oh my gosh is that a ghost??" white), but I play with Sims from all different backgrounds. I will admit, however, that I do tend to create mostly female/feminine Sims (see my signature has zero, count 'em, zero dudes), but there's no particular reason for that. I'm an artist as well, and I tend to draw/create feminine characters much more frequently. It's just what I'm comfortable with, I guess!

    That being said, I'm always trying to push myself to create all different types of Sims without focusing too much on their race or gender. Sure it's a part of who they are, but it's not what defines them. Because at the end of the day, that has absolutely nothing to do with who they are or how their stories unfold. In my world, everyone is loved and accepted...unless they're like...a real meanie, y'know? Not to mention that I imagine my own personal Sims world to be an "alternate universe" type deal. So...their "countries" aren't the same as our countries. Not sure if anyone else plays Apex Legends (and/or Titanfall), but I think about how those characters represent different ethnicities in a way, without outright being any real ethnicity, but fictional ones instead. Yes they're based on reality, but they're also separate from it...if that makes sense? That's kinda how I see my Sims!

    CAS is where I spend most of my time in-game, and I tend to look at my Sims more from a "character design" standpoint rather than a "creating real people" standpoint. Just my own personal preference, o' course! So I'll focus more on trying to create different shapes, and experimenting with different color palettes. I like to see my Sims as little cartoon folks, because it makes my game feel much more lighthearted~ And also it lets me get away with some more wacky story lines that I love to play around with!

    TL;DR: I just make Sims and play with them. How they look on the outside doesn't effect their stories. Only their personalities and how they respond to the world around them can do that~ ✌

    (Edit for self-censoring lol. Those darn flowers!)
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    ElderSimChildElderSimChild Posts: 38 Member
    edited August 2020
    I love all aspects of the Sims, and I especially enjoy creating Sims. I tend to make a fairly equal amount of both male and female Sims. Probably most of my Sims are white, but I like variety and have several Sims who are of varying degrees of color. I also have some gay Sims as well. I play rotationally, so there are Sims for whatever I am in the mood for. :)

    For the record, I am white, female, and getting old quickly.
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    ChampandGirlieChampandGirlie Posts: 2,482 Member
    I play male and female sims basically equally. I find I can empathize with both. I avoid stereotyping in my game. Every character has a unique personality and back story. When I play a household, I pay attention to all of the characters. The male sims usually take paternity leave and are good dads. There are a few divorces or single parents but those are just based on how specific characters play out.

    As far as diversity goes, I'm open to it. All of my sims have backgrounds and back stories. One of the largest families in my game has the last name Lopez. Siobhan Fyres is in my rotation as are her children. Raj Rasoya's children are also in my rotation. I'm including the Sulani natives as their own tribe with their own laws. Diversity is one of the themes in the save.

    I just have a lot of different characters and I let the game play out. There are a lot of interracial or intercultural couples in the game.
    Champ and Girlie are dogs.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,778 Member
    I usually start out with a white male or female but then I'm open to them being with anyone regardless of color. I don't really do the LGBTQ+ thing but it doesn't bother me if other people do. I just want to have a fun time playing so I don't really care about color or gender unless I'm basing a Sim off of someone.
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    CharityCodesCharityCodes Posts: 56 Member
    I'm a white female, but I mostly play random sims. I like building structures, the game mechanics and story telling more than sim creation. I will correct ridiculous outfits, but I don't usually change skin tones or hair color. I tend to play more female sims than male, but that's a habit from other video games. I always choose a female avatar if available.
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    charmed4life4charmed4life4 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm a darker tone black woman and I mostly create black women from light to dark tones. Sometimes I'll add a boyfriend/husband sometimes their black and other times white. When I play with single female sims usually they end up with a lighter toned sim as I am not a huge fan of how genetics play out when both parents are darker in game. I'm hoping the upcoming updates for the skin colors addresses this.
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    charmed4life4charmed4life4 Posts: 178 Member
    > @MorinGlory23 said:
    > @Krueger Since you make females more often, have you noticed that you spend more time making them vs their male counterparts? I know some players complain that the female sims tend to get the majority of new CAS content while male sims get far less or just conversions of female content.

    I tend to play more with female sims as they do have better CAS content. I find myself getting annoyed with the male options and struggle to find the "perfect" look. I end up randomizing male outfits, but will spend hours making sure the female's outfits are just right.
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    AnnLee87AnnLee87 Posts: 2,475 Member
    I am an older white female and I play with gallery Sims of all ages, races and genders. You would not believe how many Sims I have saved. A lot of players just create what I call cover Sims. They have a cute everyday outfit and a back story sometimes and that's it. The creator just left them with what the game gave them for the rest of the outfits. Oh, and all the toddlers who have had plastic surgery so they have puffy cheeks and big eyes. They get a parent or two and I am there to fix then when they age into a kid and have to go under the knife again.
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    1upMushrooms1upMushrooms Posts: 183 Member
    I like playing around with the random Sim generator; I randomize two adult Sims then play with genetics (picking a random number on a generator), then click that many times until I land on the offspring. Then I delete the two adult Sims and touch up on the new Sim. They usually look racially ambiguous, like me (I'm half Asian and half White). As for male or female, I'm a male so I guess I like playing 75% male sims and 25% female sims, both young adult to adult (never played an elder before); but, I normally play Sims to build stuff anyway :smile:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,676 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    I don't "play as" any Sim. I like making a Sim and playing the game with it. I think of them as Sims and not a human race.
    I make either gender and pick a color, usually what the game starts with or which goes with the face I create. Most of the the Sims I make are not what some would call "normal."

    I, too, create my own Sims and while I do see them as human, in most cases I do add a certain Vulcan to one of my game saves. ;)


    I also don't play as my Sim. It's hard enough just being me, let alone trying to play as somebody else. ;) Although, I do get a great deal of satisfaction when my Sim, Erik Cantrell becomes a Rock Star. Now, if he could just win that coveted Starlight Accolade for his music …

    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    davina1221davina1221 Posts: 3,656 Member
    edited August 2020
    I'm white. The sims I play with depend on who catches my eye when I'm in CAS. It can be anyone, but usually it's either black or white. Probably mostly white, but no where near exclusively. The sim I'm the most proud of making is in the Sims3. Rich Mistique is a black man and I have used him in a many of my games. I recently made a black female sim that I played a few days ago along with her husband and I made them so I could use them to adopt children. I really love adoption in the Sims4 over the Sims3 because you get to see who you are adopting. I go in and find kids that I think are cute and I always have a mixed household when adopting. It just turns out that way. Some of those toddlers are so cute.

    I have wished that they would add more Japanese/Chinese part to the game. I loved having premades to makeover from China.
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    TamakiSakura84TamakiSakura84 Posts: 543 Member
    edited August 2020
    I'm a white female of what The Sims would call "Adult" life stage. ;) Most of the time, I start my games by playing a YA female. I tend towards Asian and mixed race households, but I play everyone at some time.
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    SmellincoffeeSmellincoffee Posts: 963 Member
    edited September 2020
    I play as anything but aliens or supernaturals. Not a conscious choice, I just don't care -- in the game, skin color is as relevant as hair color to me.* I've tried to make subcultures within the game before (a distinct Sulani culture, or a medieval cosmopolis with Christian/Jewish/Moorish quarters), but those require more energy and focus than I have these days. :D

    * Actually, less relevant. My sims all love redheads. Maybe a bit of player influence. ;)
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    alliehuealliehue Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a white female. I'm a mother and I have children they're grown now with children of their own that means I'm a Grandma LOL.

    I make all colors I have yet to be green so mainly white and black I'm partial to dark complected because I am so fair and I burn easily and I know how uncomfortable that is so I don't want make my Sims that way LOL. And I also play as a male or a female. It depends on what I want to do in the game. So if I'm going to build a family actually I play as both genders male or female

    I just recently created a male archaeologist and he's into mischief and so it's hilarious to think that he says and does that I would not have done otherwise. I caught myself laughing at my family the other day loudly it's just so much fun
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    catitude5catitude5 Posts: 2,537 Member
    I'm a white woman, but my favorite family is hispanic. I have all races.
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    adduapinaadduapina Posts: 556 Member
    I play... umm.. like everyone I guess except occults. Ofc I have some of them, but I tend to get bored with them quite quickly, sadly.

    I am rotating on some 80ish sims atm (pets included) and they range from pale to dark brown, baby to elder, single, married, straight, gay etc. The population in my worlds is diverse and I love it.

    Main focus for me is still family centered playing, usually my sims have children at some point. Biological, adopted or I go for "foster homes" some times if it feels right for the story.

    I love to play with extended families, I want my sims to have relatives who to go visit and who come visit, so when I make a new sim in CAS I usually make them at least 1 grandparent/parent/sibling who I then move out and make them a NPC.

    But honestly, I am playing my sims as personas. Their "race" for me is "a sim". But gender wise I guess I'm old-fashioned as I have never created a sim who isn't fully male or female (as in females give birth or so).

    origin ID: adduapina
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    nanashi-simsnanashi-sims Posts: 4,140 Member
    • For TS1 my main families were Japanese as I played an anime that I was watching way back then. Of course, then my Japanese sims would give birth to blond white kids... that was always funny.
    • For TS2 my main families are Black, White, Ethnic Jewish/Romanian and my hood sims are a mix of Black, White, Latino, Japanese, Pacific Islander, and Greek. (I play with empty hood templates and create all of my sims myself)
    • For TS2 I play Black, White, Japanese, Selvadoradian (Hispanic-esque?), and European sims. I haven't played the Islanders yet.

    I don't know if it's just my game, but in TS4 my world sims always generate as Asian or they generate as white, brown, black with a common Japanese name and surname... is this normal? I don't like that and tend to delete a lot of sims.
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