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    CherryBerryCloudCherryBerryCloud Posts: 689 Member
    edited September 2020
    Post edited by CherryBerryCloud on
    Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
    I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night.

    Ha'aheo, e hoʻomau i kō kāua aloha, kau a kau.
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited May 2020

    Oh wow! you weren't kidding! This wedding was really fun!! And it was good to hear the little back story there too. She married Jacqes to be rich, but then got rich herself. Yikes.

    I'd say she didn't get that bad of a deal, except she got stuck with Max! lol!

    And didn't the kitty pick a fine day to be sick!! :D I'm glad you had a pleasant first experience at the vet. They can be less than fun sometimes.

    That's quite a prewedding tradition, streaking! Ha! Not something I'd have thought of!

    The ceremoney was really beautiful! Those were really cute shots you took of them! And the look down on her ring is something I've never done! I hope I remember it for the next wedding I do!

    The reception was my favorite part though, A karaoke machine! Brilliant! Why didn't I ever think of that? How fun!

    Julianna is precious here! I don't think she could have had more fun! And all the dancing and bonding was wonderful! I loved it. :heart:


    Ok so, I missed commenting between updates, And I'm afraid I won't get to every nuance today. I am soooo running out of time! lol, but I don't want to skip you!

    This whole beginning part with Peter's haircut is so funny!
    It IS bad! With my previous haircut at least I looked seventeen, but now... I'm twenty and I still look like a kid.
    I never had that problem, but my daughter has had it, and she gets so upset too! lol

    And Morgan sure wan;t helping! Ha! But Peter sure took it best from her! He looked cheered up.

    I can't tell you how surprised I was when Katrina showed up! It was so unexpected! But very fun! Lindsey and Jamie are as cute as ever, and I loved Peter's reaction to their haircuts! Ha!

    All the drama between Morgan and the others was great, and tis was the grreatest!
    "Nooo, they're stealing my daddy too now!!" Morgan cried. "Nobody likes me anymore!"
    Jamie and Lindsey got on Morgan's good side when they agreed with her about her gecko's name Ha!

    And I was happy to hear that Katrina had begun living and loving life, and not worrying so much.

    She and Steve are really very close. I could totally understand why Thor questioned Tony about him being jealous. But I loved Tony's answer. He is right, his gratefulness is well placed. I'm not sure what would have happened to Steve and Peter without her.

    The day at the beach was delightful. I loved the little rivalry between the toddlers and young adults. I'd say the toddlers won! Ha!

    The evening was very special. I love all the close moments everyone had. Again ... very good pose work I assume ;)

    But yes, the wrap up to the Lucas story was wonderful. All those flashbacks, especially his moments of intense sorrow and guilt, the scrubbing his hands, the times he couldn't bear to be himself, despite his husband's love and assurance. It was very well done. I could see how upset he was, how much he hated himself.

    It was beautiful how Tony wordlessly said that he forgave Lucas. I hope that Lucas can find peace now.

    And lol! I really laughed about Lucas looking like Thorne! That was really funny! And yes, I suppose he does, on the outside. But Thorne is such an arrogant ummm plum, that they can't be mistaken for each other!! lmao!!

    As for appearances and haircuts etc. I've never seen a Sim be able to pull off that hairstyle until Peter just did it. It is surprisingly cute on him! I never would have guessed that Tony had been aged up, but then again, I can't see tiny details very well, lol. Everyone looked wonderful to me! Katrina and her kids hair were the best! I've never seen anyone pull off the hair with the crooked bangs either, but Jamie rocked it.


    Ha! Yes, seducing people seems to be surprisinly easy in this game. Which is kind of a shame. But I suppose it mirrors real life in many ways. Many people hop in bed with someone without their "green bar" moving a pixel :D

    But yes, people like J and Don and my Joey seem to have a very easy time of it. Perhaps it is the romance trait. But J didn't have it in my game, and he seduced many people, including Raj and Leo very easily. That could be secret coding in those premades though, you know? He's supposed to be lucky in love, and he is. I hope Lily puts up a bit of a fight. Don found Clara to be quite quite easy to snare. And Nancy is notoriously easy, as far as I've heard. I've never tried with her. I don't want anyone else stuck with her! lol!

    Tee hee, I don't know why Laney makes that face! But she does. Then once she's over it she's all smiles. I don't think Jasper ever gets that look from her, ha!

    And thank you for the idea about partners in crime and the handshake! Do you need a certain mischief level fir that? I've never tried it.

    And holy cow!! I didn't realize that the Dash thing was spontaneous! Holy crud! You could have had a defining moment in your play through, exactly mirroring mine, if Don and he had ever had a first kiss! Yikes! You're lucky he lest! My Dash will stay all night at Don's place. He'll get on the computer after Don and Thorne go to bed, and then leave when he himself has to go to work in the morning! I'm always so mad! lol! I'm like ... I gave you Diego for a reason Dash! Get over Don! Ha!

    Honey Darnell sounds like a really fun famous person. Yeah, the options in Sims 4 are not great, Well, I guess I mean there just aren't very many of them, if you want a name that all Sims players will recognize and be impressed by. You know?

    And oh boy, I don't know whether to be excited for Friday's update, or scared to death!


    Oh gosh you're right with your heading, Sims in one image!

    Geez Morty! The baby is already here! Stop with the pre-parental panic! lmao!

    But wow, you have a really cool looking Mortimer!

    And Tessie is so cute, getting jealous of the baby! It's great that the butler is patient with her!


    Lol, yes, Laney was a bit overflirty that whole trip. Not sure what was up with that! She was flirting with that skeleton so much that her queued up reaction to be scared of it just kept being pushed back to the top so she could continue to "chat" with it. Man, if that's catting, I'd hate to see what flirting looks like!

    And of course! I should have remembered the ships wheel from Get Famous! I've seen it in a ton of acting scenes that have been posted here. Duh. And ok about toddler Peter, ha, yeah, why toddlers can't go to restaurants is beyond me. So dumb. It must have to do with the high chairs. Which I don't use anyway!

    And yes, today I've been sitting here for hours commenting, but that's because the wifi has been so bad in my son's room that I can't do it while I sit in there with him, and that is annoying!!

    I loled, you are right! 160,000 gallery users can't be wrong, right? When I asked you about Fabian, months ago, that's when I thought of using him for this. I wanted to call him Fabian, but it wasn't quite right for the way I wanted him to act.

    Your new update is so cute! I knew that was Diego and Izzy as your profile picyure. I wondered when we'd hear the story, and here it is! Wonderful!

    Oh my God! I can't tell you how amused I was about Lilith and her new husband both being stern with their toddler! Oh gosh! His little face! But it worked? That's crazy! I'm glad Caleb is there to balance the sternness

    The deal with Caleb setting up Diego and Izzy is cute! I've done it successfully a couple of times, and unsuccessfully a couple of times. I;m glad this worked!

    I think the spice festival is a disaster for a first date, with the exception of Dash and Don, because Dash randomly had the spicehoud trait! lmao At least it went much better at Izzy's house! Diego's face the next day! Oh my gosh! Fabulous! (No pun intended!)

    I'm glad it's all worked out, but darn you with that spoiler!!! Honestly!! lol! Inquiring minds need to know!


    I'm so glad that more females have arrived at the settlement! They look like very capable women too!

    And my my, that was a tough ending for the Tomax part of the story with Dora. I mean, I'm glad that Maria didn't harm anyone, but I'm sure that they feel bad knowing that all of it could have been avoided if things hadn't gone so wrong.

    I blame Jacques! lol!

    Yay an update, I'm glad the meeting between don and his daughter
    went okay even though she really did not want too.
    shes cute, but Don usually gives cute children hehe.
    Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the update! And yes, Don does usually make very pretty children! lol!

    Not yet😂but I recently joined her in makeup artist career_I think this career fit her better than the other jobs_so maybe she saves money to be able to have a little place for her and her son😅
    Ok!! That is really good news to hear! I hope it works! lol!

    Apart from work, my people bought their first Drone and Video Editing Station. True, all it's been is fishing videos. They also became boyfriend and girlfriend. This is giving me ideas of things to record and edit, like prolonged make-out sessions, but also a video of me editing things.
    I must say, these are interesting ideas for videos! I never even thought of fishing ones!! Make out sessions sound fun! But a video and editing videos? That's too much for me! Ha!


    Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the reunion! And Philip was kind of interesting the first day of that trip, I'll say that. :)


    Oh boy! That is A nice looking young man!

    I can see why! He has great genetics there!

    How did he like Foxbury? Is he going to go there?


    Ha! These guys are too much! :D
    " You dare to come here telling ME you are the real Don Lothario?",
    " I tell you the real one is the one talking with fake Thorne over there"
    I really wonder if they are ever going to figure out who belongs there? :sweat_smile:

    C'mon guys! Can't we all get along? Pretend you are twin brothers or something! hee hee hee :smiley:

    I love it when Don looks up in the sky like that! He does it all the time! And I have No idea why!! lol!

    But wow! Under the spoiler I couldn't figure out if blond Thorne is secretly a vampire and was trying to attack Don, Or if it was a kiss that went terribly Wrong! Ha! It's so funny looking!

    Thank you! I love seeing my guys :heart: and they are acting so silly here!


    Lol! This is great!

    I've never seen anyone do Judith Ward in a positive light! lol!

    The cat's eyes! Wow!

    And the pets are very cute sleeping there with her.

    But this made me lol for real!
    "Well, this is embarrassing. Now people will know I have a heart. Oh and Diane, if you keep calling me Juju I'm suing you!" (yes, I call her Juju)
    It's the greatest when people write little things about their Sims talking to the player. They always make me laugh

    And I think I might feel the same way about being called Juju! :)


    Thank you thank you!

    Such a deep analyses of the latest chapter! I really do appreciate them so much! It makes writing them more fun, for sure!

    It's really nice to know that the pictures convey what I want them to convey.

    I was hoping everyone looked properly nervous, and Mary-Alice was very helpful in looking her usual sweet self. I loved how she looked at them hugging.

    I did want to show how much Don and Mar-Alice have grown over this time. But you know what? Don would never have grown like this without Thorne.

    Sooo, Thorne has his faults, and lots of them, but they led to this new improved Don! And I'm proud of Don too!

    I was impressed that you got that feeling too. That Don is good with kids, and kids know he's a kind man, who really likes kids. I think you're right about Thorne. He is much stiffer, and I'm not sure I can change that. Maybe we'll see it in your play through since he'll be the one who is pregnant.

    And yes, like you said, the pictures told the story pretty well, because Mary-Alice wasn't usually that chatty, except that night when Don made the fire for them. But yeah, she had to do that here, and she did it well.

    I love that you caught that guarded hostility towards Don from Philip. I was happy that I thought of adding that line "is it Don?" It said just what I wanted it to say, judging by how you read it.

    I'm definitely making Philip look bad here! lol! We'll just see how the weekend goes. Lol, can't give up any secrets! Ha!

    But thank you so very much, I'm glad you liked it.

    Oh my God! I'm rollin'!
    Katrina’s excited - no one’s taken her out to such a fancy restaurant before. Her previous boytoy was broke and a mooch, so she kicked him out. Thankfully, J came along at just the right time.

    J sure knows how to twist her around his finger.

    This Black Widower update is very surprising!! J is bonding with Alexander? Holy cow! I never expected that! It will be really interesting to see if he's able to break the bond. Or convince himself it was never there. Tucking his in, a kiss on the forehead? Sea monster at the park! Oh dear J, don't develop empathy right now! Ha!

    I love how he can just marry Bella in her kitchen! :smiley: Only in the Sims, right? But oh geez! A baby? Ummm noo, 3 babies! Oh my!

    Cassandra is a tiger! wow! It would be great to think she could follow through on her threat/promise. Lol, that she called him a neanderthal! Perfect.
    ”Is that a threat, Cassandra?”, she mocked. “You’re dumber than you look, sir. Watch your back. And if you hurt my mother…”
    I Love her! Always have! If these Goth kids get him back, in their two separate ways! That's going to rock!

    And now Lily is getting involved, this will be interesting for sure.

    Also, I saw a picture of Gavin somewhere as a preview, I didn't miss anything, did I?

    Ugg, I have to come back to finish these comments better! But, I have to go for a while! This is great! I'm anxious for more!

    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member


    Oh! Ok, maybe Simeon was testing to see if she could see the portal?

    That was so funny that she challenged Simeon to a duel right away after getting her magic 😅 What a gal! 🤣

    And the person she was talking to about duels looked like Morgyn to me. I wonder what all that was about 🤔

    So, is that house where the Charms usually live? Or did I get it mixed up with the acolytes?

    I really love this! Thank you for sharing 😊


    Geez! His friends really should have stayed to help him! I'm glad he could put the fire out himself.

    But the shower helped! Lol, it's always funny when a shower fixes burns And clothes.

    And then they had such a good day in Sulani! That was nice!

    This was soooo funny
    The next day started off with Sean swimming in the pool with his clothes on.

    I just love these silly random things!

    Like the repair lady with the gloves!

    Lol! And you got Gunner to make a perfect pose to ask about the high heels! That happened in Becka28's Art Gallery too.

    The dance party looked fun. I love the group dances!

    And this is great! He'll be done with his last university class soon, right?

    I never see Bella at Planet Honey Pop. I wonder why she was crabby?


    That is such a nice picture of Anthony and Quin! He looks like the nicest guy!

    Yeah, usually MCC leaves my sims unmarried for a while but this was FAST. And no actually, it was Moira Fyres. Fun but morbid fact: I just caught her husband Dominic woohooing in a closet with Candy Munch and he promptly died of exhaustion because he's an elder. So... Moira is single now. 😅

    This is Extremely ironic!!!! :sweat_smile::D


    Nice! This generation is doing very well!

    Does Will make much money selling his potions?

    Those little twin girls were cute toddlers, and now cute kids for sure! I do wonder what they'll look like as teens, if they'll look like one of their parents.

    The puppy sure grew into a cute dog! Wow! I rarely see dogs that are as cute as dags as they were as puppies.

    And now they have a son too! Awesome I have a relative named Lance, how did you pick it out?


    Ohhhh nooo, why don't you think Viv's marriage will last?

    And wow! Aliens are fond of Trey, my gosh :smiley:

    This update is cool, learning things about each family member. My favorites are always the kids. Its cute how you watch them to see what traits they should end up having. Kirk with the spellbook is awesome! :D And the fact that Picard's favorite toy is a dragon just kills me! lmao!

    I also love how you deal with the emotional problems that they get. It sure helped Lucas.

    Was the problem with Gavin a story line? Or was he actually having problems? lol, since I have no mods I never know what's real, and what's story :smiley:


    I hope things are going well for your ultra busy time!

    Hazel's bunny costume is so good! And those poses are darling :blush:

    Lol, I think I remember that bunny costume from when she was a toddler!

    I'm glad you're freezing the aging for a while! I want to see these little girls grow up!


    Yeah, I gave you that hint about Laney being able to paint in cae you want someone else to just do a couple of paintings for Don. She can't get a fancy easel like Jasper does though, she didn't go through the career, but I think you had Jasper using the regular easel anyway.

    I hope you'll continue until Don is as old and wise as Nicolo :)

    And ... as much as I'd love to make tons of drama between Philip and Don, it would be contrived, because nothing more happened! lol! I'll give it a whirl, but I make no promises. The whole Danni visit is drama free. I can't terrorize Danni

    This is just too funny! And he wasn't even in a french maid's uniform? That makes it so much better. Idk, I give the guy a break. I know from experience that you can't get a wink of sleep in that apartment with all the mice ;)
    I was like "SALIM, YOU ARE CANCELED. F tier, you're dead to me, first on my hit list, I hate your face."

    Jamila sounds like a really nice name for Salim's twin. I won't worry about it sounding like Salim if it means beautiful.

    Yeah, maybe cheerful would be fun for Jude, and he and his sister can get together and be all opposite! lmao

    Tee hee, I figured that Dr Cahill would be a heart extractor. But did that Thorne shoot eye lasers at him for the rest of the delivery, like my Thorne?

    Gotta love this too:
    "awww, I bet Thorne is very warm and cozy and smells like expensive cologne and that's why she's so comfy and looking like she's about to fall asleep in his arms..." Ahhh I'm such a nerd. I want a mattress like that. :(
    Yes, if only... I could definitely sleep like that! But... remember when I mentioned that I'm allergic to hamsters? I'm allergic to almost all perfumes and colones too :sweat_smile: Hopefully he has nice smelling deodorant, because that doesn't bother me! I really love that in real life. Such a pleasant association of being close to my rl SO :)

    And yay! Its a toy not a hamster!

    I think you need more children, my proffessional opinion is that you need more children to use the toddler slides etc. ;)


    Anastasia is pretty! And she looks good in the colors you chose. That's cool that Red is for Strength, Passion and Love, and black is for Protection.

    Her sleepwear is adorable! That's the first time I've ever liked bunny slippers on anyone.

    I cannot wait to see how you are going to make Granny Hex! because Zoraida is Scary looking!


    I totally agree with all of this!!
    I like the updates about @AlwaysAsking and
    her man Thorne they are indeed cute together.
    Ah, they had a cute daughter, but yeah he seems to give nice children.


    Ahhh, I've fallen behind again. I've had a hard couple of days.

    But... here we are at Johnny Zest's place!

    I have to wonder if
    Hali'a was mean but has learned to chill since being with Johnny.
    meant a quick trip to CAS? lmao

    At least mccc fixed the promotion problem

    As for it being named the duck house I think the answer is there in the washing machine! ha!

    Johnny is oddly ripped in this save, he's usually pretty spindly ha!

    Goodness, Geoffry is miserable here! I almost don't feel nad for him, because he let Nancy do that to Johnny. But .... I still do feel bad for him. He's such a nice man to be stuck with her!

    I changed my Nancy, I don't remember what I did, but I did something. And she quit her job. lmao. That's a different save though, that I haven't played since October.

    The finality of this is a riot
    Yes it does he's still a teen so he aged up alone and he's gonna be alone forever.
    Poor Malcolm! Go get Peony from my gallery, despite his leanings, they have been perfect together in two peoples games so far! lmao (although she's still a teen too. That's what CAS is for, right?)

    This is cute:
    Spotted a wild wandering waddling
    as is this:
    And I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee freeeeeee fallinnnn

    Oh wow! Such silliness with Anya and fam. Yes, Leon, come on man! You can order flower bunnies around, but not swim in a pool? lol! sad!

    And yeah, the shower steams up pretty darn quick. I got a pic of Ian and Lawrence too, but haven't caught anyone else in time :(

    My gosh! The silliness continues! Now Leon is pregnant! It is rather nice that the men all get to suffer in your save! ha!
    And .....
    Still have to stay in shape..

    Even if it's now a circle.
    I'm dyin' again :D

    Oh my gosh! You're right! Man! That's far to many boys! I lived that life! It's not as fun without a girl!! But do they even have a spot left for another child? lmao

    The tots are all darling, and I'm glad Max is so close to Anaya.

    But this ... this is gold!
    Liberty...yes Lee the one from the BFF household, is his step mother and I'm not sure how she got roped into this but they make it work...I think.
    Clearly she has the patience of a saint! Well, it won't be long before woohoo does him in, then she'll be rich. Maybe it's worth it?

    It was super awesome to see you and your guy in that post to KiniHokulani! So, now I have a picture of you in my head when writing to you! And your guy looks like a really nice guy! Even if he does forget to lock the door sometimes! lmao!


    This is a cute little update about Dante and his mama! She's really good with him!

    I just love the animations for giving a toddler a bubble bath! They are some of the bast in the game, I swear

    Does Caleb ever come over to help out?


    Holy moley
    I revisited a Sim I hadn't played in a while, annnd she froze to death in the snow. I moved her back in as a ghost and used the wishing well to restore her to life, only for her to die WITHIN THREE HOURS of hysterical laughter. The wishing will had given her a get-out-of-death free pass, though, so she's still among us.
    That is some crazy stuff there! I'm not sure you're going to keep this Sim alive! She seems a bit unstable!

    Does she still remain among us?

    I'm THAT lucky 😉

    Yes, it is very scary. A servo dying, means he's gone forever. No ghosts or anything. So I'm highkey paranoid every time it rains 😀

    I'm pretty sure Ambrosia always stays fresh, no?
    I put them behind fences, so my sims wouldn't autonomously eat it all.
    Wow! I don't blame you! I'd be paranoid too!

    And... I don't let my sims die, so I've never had a need for ambrosia. :D

    My cupcakes never go bad In those display cases though.

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    Amj1995Amj1995 Posts: 4,068 Member
    @AlwaysAsking - Thank you!! Yes he went with his friend and actually had quite the time 😏
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @AlwaysAsking I was so worried that Dannie wouldn't give him a chance he's had it so hard it's nice seeing them get together and just be father and daughter. That's his little girl alright she makes herself crazy on a Don level way, it was nice of Mary-Alice to try and pave the way to some relaxed moments for them. Maybe Danni will understand when she's older and maybe never but at least while a kid it's probably better this way, smooth sailing and then 'he didn't know why he was sad all the time. ' Thorne is so checked out man needs help to, I keep waiting for Don to just get a break and be happy then Thorne has an actual meltdown that he can help him out of cause I feel like he's not ready and he's not going to work himself out on his own.

    I'm sorry things aren't going well dear I hope things pick up for you soon,

    A trip to cas to change something? Me? Why I never do that lol , yep that's why alright I left some ducks but I'm not sure I found all the really hidden ones. I had to make him look a little healthier things are going so well for him. Geoffrey certainly chose his side now he must deal with the consequences but you know I guess we can feel a little badly for him. I would but I think this time around he's gonna be one of those bitter people that never changes so that's his punishment mmhmm. I just thought I had more time, yeah I mean sims world they must all suffer together yes..yes. Hmm I think they have room for one more baby. yeah really I just like having it a little more split but they were just given a lot of boys, it is cute how things have worked out and I'm glad all my silliness made you laugh cause sometimes I'm just looking for something random to say, and I know what you're thinking, if I looked how it is random?


    Yeah and then some I don't know I think they'll be okay but I mean hard to say, Liberty does like to change people around, or however she'd say it but also he does have money maybe she's gotten over the bad sides.

    Ha glad you liked them, I had a time picking things out the originals are fairly old and we haven't updated them in a while I don't think we had seasons or laundry...we didn't have much when we updated them last. Lol he's been doing better with locking the door though I did come home from work and find the swamp cooler left on....ah well baby steps.
    @ryttu3k isn't he though :smile: this is what he clings to, he just can't help him.
    @KiniHokulani ooh that Blond doesn't know who she is messing with, the way he examines the girl amuses me so much like she picked a good day to be Now as we get what he is really thinking with his actions it reminds of people that would be actual victims of stuff like this, not quite the murder but just fallin' for the wrong person. it's easy to say, oh they should have known but the bad guys are often smooth or at least there is a reason it wasn't obvious what they were doing. Yeah Cass J needs you to take care of him my stick is not doing any good it's just threatening as all get out lol. It's sad seeing Alex I am feeling something of an anti-Robin, anti-Batman sort of deal. The one person J could feel sorry for, would be someone he trained to take his place because he's never going to take responsibility for any baby that would take much too much time. I just see so much happening, now Lily I often enjoy ruining her life I don't think I've ever let her be happy..

    Mmkay I think I'm all caught up, still tired and moody but I don't want to throw away my free evening so maybe I'll sim tonight.

    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    Imagine my surprise when the first Lottery Day comes around and I let Lucy participate for fun. She ended up marrying someone had about 9 times less money than she did. I was lucky the wedding happened before the lottery because the whole golddigger aspiration I downloaded would have become obsolete. I didn't know anything about the Villareals until I started playing them. Boy, Jacques and Max are hard to get along with autonomously with their Erratic and Evil traits!

    I was a little scared the wedding wouldn't happen because Lucy and Brook had to wait their turn for a while. Other sims kept skipping the queue with their pets and went first. The whole wedding thing wasn't planned on my end anyway. Lucy originally still had to work that day and I was planning on doing it the next day when she got a day off, but I planned the social event the wrong way (via the phone) and suddenly we were having a wedding that same exact day!

    Streaking isn't my cup of tea either, but it did seem in character for Lucy so I'm not too worried about it. Although I don't think I've ever seen her streak before.

    The ring apparently has this pinkish colour because of light reflection! Never would have known if I hadn't looked. I paused in screenshot mode every couple seconds because I wanted all the cute pictures.

    For the karaoke machine, I actually wanted a DJ booth instead but I couldn't quite make that fit in the tiny space and leave enough room for sims to dance so I bought a tiny stereo and a karaoke machine. There was still good music to dance to and everyone could screech as much as they want. And screech they did!

    The autonomous bonding was my absolute favourite. I think more party-throwing is in order to see the family socialize and see where it goes. I love getting huge amounts of sims together and see how they interact with each other. Might lead to some fun stuff! It wasn't included in the update because I forgot to take a picture but Max actually beat up another guest and they walked around with a shiner before the ceremony even started. Tragic.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    Thank you for the comments.
    Yeah it is a very silly save that one *lol*.
    Even I was surprised at them doing that, I was like Hey stop that you


    Poor Bellas children, they have no clue what J is really up too.
    Great update.


    I enjoyed the recnt update.
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    Allyson's Birthday

    For Luna’s daughter Allyson’s birthday, Hugo was invited. He raised Allyson along with Luna for the first years of her life when he was also in college and living with them. He was especially a big help after Luna’s husband Layton died. Since Hugo is the cook in the family, he offered to bake Allyson a cake so she could have the best birthday possible.

    To pass the time until all birthday preparations were gone, Hugo played some ping pong with his stepmother Lucy. They differed about fifteen years in age, so it was more like he was hanging out with a friend than with his mother. Luckily, Lucy had never tried to take his mother’s place although she eventually did pick up the pace and stepped in when his father suddenly and unfortunately passed away.

    Soon enough it was birthday time! Lucy offered to help Allyson blow out her candles and Luna decided to let her. There was a time when Luna and Lucy were best friends. That was until Luna discovered that Lucy was trying to get to her father through her. It has been cold between them ever since. Their relationship still is not what it used to be, but the ice is thawing. Luna needs all the help she can get and another person in her daughter’s corner is always welcome. Even with all the tragedy in little Allyson’s life, she never had to miss out on anything because someone would be there for her. It led her to become a happy, well-cared for child.
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @sarabeth2984, page 709.
    Thank you!

    @Koteyka, page 710.
    Ahh, happy endings!

    @Becka28, page 710.
    Heh, it takes timing to get it right! Glad you're still enjoying it!

    First screenshot!
    A helping hand
    Maluc Tsoc called Benjamin over to his house:
    'What's on your mind, Maluc?' Benjamin asked:
    'I think I like Aurora Carmona, but I'm worried that she doesn't feel the same way about me' Maluc replied:
    'Hey, don't worry. Take it nice and slow, and you'll be fine!' Benjamin said, encouraging him. 'Is it ok if you could come over to her house with me?' Maluc asked. 'That's fine, Maluc, anything to help a friend of the Furystrykars!' Benjamin said, beaming. Later, Maluc and Benjamin went over to Aurora's house. 'Aurora, I have a friend that might be interested in you!' Benjamin said, waving:
    'Oh, who might that be?' Aurora said, raising an eyebrow. 'Go on, Maluc, you can do it!' Benjamin whispered. Maluc shyly produced a rose from behind his back:
    Then he tried flirting:
    Aurora found this to be sweet. Later, when both Maluc and Aurora were in the house, Maluc kissed Aurora's hands:
    And then Aurora did the same:
    After saying goodbye, Maluc went back to his home in Oasis Springs. He sent a flirty text to Aurora:
    The proposal!
    Benjamin fed the cowplant for a change:
    And then he and Shine went over to Maluc's house:
    Benjamin shook hands with Maluc. 'Are you ready?' Benjamin asked. 'I'm ready!' Maluc replied:
    Maluc called Aurora over, and when she saw him, Aurora embraced Maluc:
    'Ever since we first met at movie night with Kelly Brook, Roddy and Chloe Furystrykar, I haven't been able to get you out of my head! There's something about you that tells me, you're the one' Aurora said, smiling:
    Maluc blushed...'Well...I....'
    Meanwhile, Shine and Benjamin were having a moment of their own:
    Aurora shyly smiled at Maluc:
    And then she had her first kiss!
    Maluc didn't know how to respond:
    'Maluc, want to take this relationship to the next level?' Aurora asked:
    'Well, if you're game, I'm game' Maluc replied. At that moment, they had become boyfriend and girlfriend:
    They then embraced again:
    Aurora knelt...'Aurora, what are you doing?' Maluc asked, confused:
    'Maluc Tsoc, will you...won't you...will you join the dance?' Aurora said, producing a ring and offering it to Maluc:
    At that moment, Maluc's eyes widened. 'Yes, Aurora Carmona, I will join the dance!' he said, accepting the proposal:
    The Wedding
    The wedding venue was Princess Cordelia Thebe's manor, more specifically, the chapel. The Furystrykars were invited:
    Aurora Carmona and Maluc Tsoc took their places at the wedding arch. 'Maluc Tsoc, this is going to be the start of a beautiful journey together. I'll do my best to help you when you feel sad and when you feel happy. I'm with you!' Aurora said, holding her betrothed's hands:
    'Aurora Carmona, you're beautiful, inside and out. I think we're going to enjoy life together, and we'll support each other through the good times and the bad' Maluc responded:
    Aurora put a ring on Maluc's finger:
    'As the Llama God as our witness, we now begin a journey of love and kindness' Maluc and Aurora said in unison. The newlyweds kissed:
    The pair then embraced:
    A cheer arose from the seats. 'CONGRATULATIONS, MALUC AND AURORA!' Aurora and Maluc waved. The Furystrykars went back home, as did the newlyweds.
    You know what comes next!
    After the wedding, Maluc Tsoc and Aurora Carmona had their first woohoo as a married couple:
    Bees and sunbathing
    Benjamin tended to his bees:
    And then he joined Shine in sunbathing:
    After a while, the clouds came...'Oh well, maybe next time' Benjamin thought.
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    Okay so I have about 80% of a plot for my dystopia/cyberpunk story! Uh, will not be on the forums for Reasons, when I finally start it I'll let people know and you could PM me for the URL. Also, man, EL is going to be pretty good for the aged-down save, since I'll be using it for the Runaway Teen Challenge with Johnny. Guess who's going dumpster diving!

    @DeafSimmer man, kind of unfair for Cassiopeia to play favourites, given that she didn't like Zelda doing the same to her!
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @ChuChuExpress congratulations to Maluc - any girl that proposes using Lewis Carroll is a keeper :)

    @ryttu3k Enjoy the runaway teen challenge with Johnny i Used him in my runaway teen challenge and he is awesome - he is such a hard worker and driven to succeed. EL just looks awesome for challenges and I feel this might be an EP I can't wait for a sale for.
    Thanks for coining Fabulobo - I love it! I will definitely want the link to your story.
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    CherryBerryCloudCherryBerryCloud Posts: 689 Member
    edited September 2020
    Post edited by CherryBerryCloud on
    Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
    I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night.

    Ha'aheo, e hoʻomau i kō kāua aloha, kau a kau.
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    DarkAngel1994DarkAngel1994 Posts: 771 Member

    @sarabeth2984 - Iris trusted Simeon since he was friends with her mother.

    @ryttu3k - You may have seen the blond woman in my main story, but just a reminder, this is from a different game file. Don't want it to be confusing.

    @AlwaysAsking - Simeon had mentioned that Iris was familiar to him, and Iris looked a lot like her mother, Sarah. Even though Sarah gave up her magic, he wondered if Iris was born with magic. He's right about that when he met Iris in the Magic Realm.

    The blond woman takes a lot after Morgyn. The advice she gave Iris was what her father had done when he first started his magic journey.

    Created the family tree when testing out the challenge: The Bradley Coven

    This is the Charm Family's house.

    And here are the Amicable Acolytes.

    Thanks! :) As much as I like the mafia legacy, I wanted to start a new story, but the main focus is magic.
    Not only does Iris had to gain magic, but she also has to deal with selling stuff she found around the town to earn some simoleons.
    She did had enough to have a tent to sleep in.

    The next day, Iris opened up a sale event. It didn't go well since not much people visited. Maybe it's best to try it at the park, next time.

    Simeon paid a visit and was quite surprised at her living condition, but Iris was alright with what she had and had to work hard to get an actual roof over her head before winter comes.

    Another visitor showed up, and it was L. Iris knew her as the Sage of Mischief Magic. Remembering the blond woman's advice, Iris challenged L. in a magic duel.

    It didn't go well for Iris.
    "You think you were a bit too harsh on her, L?" Simeon asked.
    "Oh she'll be fine," L replied. "Although she needs to work on her defense if she were to go against us."

    To get out of gloomy Brindleton Bay, Iris and the two Sages went to GeekCon, where it was nice and sunny at San Myshuno.

    Iris got a call from a teen spellcaster, Leilani Kelekolio, for a magic duel at the dueling ground. The only audience they had was Darrell Charm.

    Iris got her first win! :)

    SB: "Heard you have an apprentice? You're not crushing on her, are ya, buddy?"
    Simeon chuckled at his friend's text.
    "She's a daughter of a dear friend of mine. I don't think it would be appropriate for that."
    SB: "You never know. :wink:"

    Iris told Simeon about her first win, and Simeon was proud of her (if Sarah was here, she would be proud as well) and commented that she'll get better and would learn new spells to use against others.

    The next day, there's a new Sage of the Untamed Magic in the realm. His name is Isaiah Haynes.
    Iris wondered what happened to the previous Sage, and Darrell and Grace said that they retired and moved on after getting married to another friend of theirs.

    Feeling confident, Iris challenged Untamed Sage, but was defeated in an instant.
    "Maybe you should think twice before you go against me," Isaiah said sternly.

    Iris went for a short walk around the realm and went to Caster's Alley when she met another Spellcaster, Enrique Di Rossi, who was just starting his magic training and wanted to test it on someone since his sister would mock him for being too weak. Iris offered to help him out.

    For someone who's new, Enrique defeated Iris and was proud of for his first winning.
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    CherryBerryCloudCherryBerryCloud Posts: 689 Member
    edited September 2020
    Post edited by CherryBerryCloud on
    Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
    I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night.

    Ha'aheo, e hoʻomau i kō kāua aloha, kau a kau.
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    CherryBerryCloudCherryBerryCloud Posts: 689 Member
    edited September 2020
    Post edited by CherryBerryCloud on
    Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
    I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night.

    Ha'aheo, e hoʻomau i kō kāua aloha, kau a kau.
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    Simslover163Simslover163 Posts: 2,833 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Always got to love random things happening in our games, right?

    I was surprised to see Bella in a crabby mood. No one will know why she was like that.

    I have an update for you all.

    Gunnar's Last Day of Class
    Tommy, one of Alex's friends, came over to the penthouse for a workout.

    Sean came to see what's going on.

    Gunnar will work from home before he goes to class. One of his tasks was to get to know people in the Art District of San Myshuno. He meets Erion for the first time and Erion enthused him about something.

    Feeling hungry, Gunnar went to get some food. He ordered an Ensaymada, which is a pastry. Strangely enough, this girl on the right took it.

    Trying the second time and he was able to get an Ensaymada without something grabbing it.

    Final grade for his class is a B-. Although he was late to class, he was able to do both his HW and term paper well.

    That concludes Gunnar's university career and this calls for a celebration. The boys decided to hang out at Planet Honey Pop and participate in the karaoke contest. They also met some new people.

    Gunnar gave it try despite that he has a low singing skill.

    Same with Alex.

    Rita right here was the winner of the contest. Good for her.

    Gunnar's Graduation Ceremony
    Here's Gunnar at the graduation ceremony.

    We made it! - Graduates

    Sean and Colby were able to walk with Gunnar! I noticed that all three of them got their portraits, but only Gunnar got his diploma. Looks like only played Sims are able to get their diploma.

    Other Happenings with the Boys
    Alex had a whim to meet someone new and I thought we would go meet some of the neighbors in his neighborhood.

    Meet Trevor and Callum! Trevor is the one in the red and yellow sleeveless hoodie and Callum is the one in the black and white jacket shirt. I've seen Callum walk around the city and at times, he has either a drink or food in his hands.

    Later, Callum went to take out the trash and Trevor and Alex chatted for a bit. Alex found out that Trevor's a critic, a bro, creative, and active. They're going to get along great.

    Trevor left for work and Alex and Callum talked for a bit.

    Both are bros and just like any person, Alex will get along with him.

    Callum: I didn't know you were neighbors with us. Sorry I didn't come over to your place to say hello.
    Alex: Oh, that's okay. I completely understand.

    Later that day, Colby's friends, Olivia and Giselle, invited him out to dinner.

    When I moved Colby into Alex's household, he and Olivia are already friends.

    Colby: It's been long, Olivia! How are you?
    Olivia: I've been wonderful. Me and my girls

    Olivia: Wow, this restaurants has lots of good options!

    Giselle: Gotta do my homework.

    While waiting for the food, Colby decided to rest in this bed on the second floor of the restaurant.

    Here's a better view of the second floor of that restaurant.

    The food has arrived.

    Giselle: This is great!

    Next day, I send three of the boys to do odd jobs. Gunnar had a beach cleaning odd job in Sulani.

    It was raining there, but it didn't stop him from completing the job.

    That feeling when you have done a good deed at the beach!

    After the cleaning up, Gunnar decided to embarrass himself again by singing low quality karaoke.
    Sims 3 Blog | Tales from Veronica L. Hopkins High | Camellia Treasures (Coming Soon)
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member


    Lol, he was done with college by the time I had a chance to respond to you! Yikes.

    This game can move fast sometimes

    Except when you're waiting for a baby to be born. Then it takes forever 😂

    Did his degree help him start a job at a higher level?

    One time someone in this thread had their Sim graduate and still started his job at the bottom rung. That seems frustrating.

    In glad he and his friend had fun 😊


    Lol! Good! I'm glad you were happy that Don didn't face any disasters in being able to spend time with his little girl.

    I figured he deserved that at the least.

    Lol, "she makes herself crazy on a Don level way" Poor Danni, has to be as high strung as Don! Except I don't think Don was this high strung until Thorne happened to him.

    Tee hee, you think Thorne should know why Don is sad all the time? "Checked out" is a good description.

    I like the last line you said, except I'm not sure which "he" you mean. They are both a mess 😄 so when you say "I feel like he's not ready and he's not going to work himself out on his own."

    And thank you, things are improving. The only thing now is that I broke out in hives from the stress of the last 2 days! (I always do, which is why I think it's funny that Don and Diego both break out in hives when they are stressed out too).

    Good point, a happy Johnny is a healthy Johnny. And I suppose you're right. In some saves Geoffrey should deal with the consequences of his actions. I should play that out sometime. Try to resolve the issues in that family without resorting to trait changes in CAS. That could be interesting.

    Good! I'm glad there's room for a girl! Maybe they should adopt so they know for sure it's a girl! Lol. That's what my husband and I did 🤣

    I'm crying here "I know what you're thinking, if I looked how is it random?"

    Somehow you still manage to do that! 😅

    If Liberty can make over Jacques, she is a miracle worker.

    I haven't updated my family since I got zillions of new packs either. I should do it too. Then we can compare our new improved selves lol

    And ok, what is a swamp cooler? Now I have to know. 😂


    Wow! You'd have lost the aspiration challenge if she'd won the lottery before she got married. That's funny. Good timing.

    And you didn't know about the Villarreals? That explains that 😄 Did you just know he was rich and single?

    More than you bargained for, that's for sure 🤣

    And yeah, that's what I meant about the vet visit. There have been times that I take a dog in at about 7 pm and at 2 am they weren't seen yet, and if you play without cheats, you have to leave because your sim will be so far in red in energy they will soon pass out. So I'm glad that didn't happen to you!

    And yes! I made that same mistake with the phone, but I'm pretty sure it was a birthday party, not a wedding. Either way it's phrased very badly in the phone. It should say "start the wedding" not plan it!

    And ok, cool about the ring!

    Yeah, there are no little dj booths. I noticed that myself. I think your solution was probably better. With a dj you have the whole mob right in front of the DJ holding up their phone flashlights and jumping like fools.

    None of that nice autonamous bonding would have happened. 😊

    More family parties would certainly be great.

    And I lol for real when I read that Max beat someone up before the ceremony even started! Omg! Only you Max, honestly 😅

    Allyson's birthday went really well! It was great that Hugo helped out so much!

    I like getting more information about the back story too. I didn't realize that Luna and Lucy were friends and that's how Lucy got to Jacques. Very tricky of her. I think I'd be really mad if I was Luna too! But the ice is thawing between them. That's good 😄

    Why did Layton die? How nice that Hugo was helping to raise her while he was in College.

    This is a nice and helpful update! Thank you!


    Oh my God, I just freaked out for a minute! I thought you said you wouldn't be on the forums, but you meant your story.

    When does that new expansion come out? You're going to wait until you have it, right?

    And yes! It will make the runaway teen story much more authentic. And a story I've wanted to write about Diego Lobo's dad too. That I've never written because I couldn't figure out how to make a gritty enough environment for the story.

    This all sounds great! I hope you're having fun with it all.

    I have teen Thorne's family pretty done. I finally have a plan for Don's, I still need to do the Delgatos, and Octavia, but I'm not sure if I signed up for anyone else. I should probably look, lol.


    Ok! So Simeon did want to check Iris for magic! Super cool!

    I'm going to check out this family tree now!

    So, that family tree is about Morgyn's family. And the blond woman is his child. It's cool how you can tap on the picture to see more info. I didn't know that plum tree did that.

    I love this update! Iris is determined to do this all on her own. That's pretty cool.

    Lol, I think she should stop dueling sages for a while 😅

    I heard that if you lose 3 duels in a row you get a curse. So I'm ultra careful with my spellcasters.

    Which could be why they barely make any progress 😅

    The new untamed magic sage looks cool. When new sages show up for me they are in horrible outfits. And even though I change all of their clothes in CAS they still come to the realm in situational outfits with eyeball rings and bright red glasses! Oh man, it's annoying!

    This new guy looks pretty cool! Enrique. I'm looking forward to seeing if he's part of the story, or just a random guy she wanted to duel.


    Ha! That's really funny that the guys were even shocking and surprising you!

    "Hey, stop that you guys!" 😄🤣😅

    Lol, maybe they should try to get along, and go out to a restaurant or something 😂 They aren't getting anywhere by arguing 😄

    I think if I had two sets of mine try to interact it could get interesting. 🤔


    Another great update!

    Gunner has graduated! With a B average. That's great. Now will that help him with his job?

    I loled when the girl took his food at the food stand! Geez!

    And that's great that they tried Karaoke even though their skills are pretty low.

    At least they had fun.

    And the neighbors seem like cool guys. That will be fun to have more people to hang out with.

    Do you like the odd jobs option? I haven't tried it yet. That beach one looks fun. Maybe I'll have someone try it. 😊


    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    edited May 2020

    Haha. I might do a post like that sending them out to a restaurant and just see what happens * lol*.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    Wow okay I was gonna hop back in game to finish my post but it's already too long and I have some things to reply to lol.

    @Silverofdreams30 I'm glad to hear it :)
    @KiniHokulani Ha it's like he's saying "but we've been together before babe." "Nope no Idea mister keep your all of you to yourself."

    Lol, Hmm that's one way to get rid of a pain in the backside hostess, yeah we all know the bad guy song and dance okay fine maybe not all but those of us that do know what I mean. Oh yeah I can see that Alex is kind of back and forth but I can see Cassandra pushing him over the edge this is too much too soon and then he decides which side he'll stick on. I don't know I'm good for whatever happens but with characters like J in this situation it seems if there is any hope negative or otherwise it springs from the first show of emotion. I'm all sorts of curious.

    I bet it it Octavia or someone framing her because they know it would be a clear choice blame her for what happened eitherway I can't see her being happy that Thorne is happy, especially without her. I was also distracted by how hot Diego looked there lol.

    Poor Bella looks so miserable I must find a copy of them somewhere and give them the world, yeah Alex has a point J played his part but it's not all his fault no matter how you look at it, it's always all parties involved. It's almost funny though seeing how happy he is about his meal after seeing the argument I don't know it reminds me of that woman from Get Out if you weren't interested I could say the woman is a total nutcase and flips the switch on who she is and there is a scene where she's just sitting in her comfy clothes peacefully enjoying some fruit loops (one at a time, dry) and then sipping her milk. I don't know it's like that lol, there are some interesting names there, she really wanted his children to stand out as opposed to Nina and Dina...hehe. Now the baby comes, panic, fake happy, and boom goes the dynamite he's just I'll leave it at that but that is rough oh Bella my poor baby...I used to hate her so much back in the day now it's like....well...shoot.
    @AlwaysAsking Yeah give the man a break...he's cute, cute people get breaks still right? lol, yes I suppose that's true but you know me I've probably had Don just as high-strung and not even know why it just happens. Well sure, he's done quite a bit Don isn't going to heal like he wants just cause it'll be in and out but Thorne is just being Thorne I guess. The line I was still talking about Thorne, oh sure thing, I'm glad ugh I know how that is it's the worse sometimes I'm not even sure what I'm stressing about I have things to be concerned over but it can all just collapse into itself mmhmm. They take after their watcher? That's highly amusing (read in old time-y announcer voice.)

    Lol, Hey now I like trait changes, but I didn't actually change their traits I just altered their relationships because it fit more this time around, both Nancy and Malcolm are snobby and out for themselves it was just right heh. Yeah they might have to adopt but I really want their genes mixed together on their girl we shall see, worse to come to worse I'll pretend they got a girl and just change the last baby. Yep yep it's a thing.

    Well thanks I so work to be random (long doggo face) see?

    She really is, someone get that woman a medal, well I'll be looking for that make over when you have time.

    To be honest I don't know the specifics, it's like an air conditioner but it's cheaper and the one we have here cools really quickly so no good leaving it on all night when no one is here to use it.

    Okay I was random bouncing around so I'm gonna post again right after this with my rotate.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    So first I opened up this as I couldn't decide what house to play, @AlwaysAsking and @KiniHokulani They just party with me it seems lol
    'I don't know why I was having such a good day, I just was.'

    'It got better when Thorne came to spend time with me, I don't like boyfriend, I don't need a label...people with labels leave, always happens...I don't want him to..ugh I sound like Nina and I hate that cow...plant.'

    'I thought I could just get over thinking of her until my good day was trash again, Thorne was going to work..when had I come to depend on him being there? I didn't like that, but then I guess that meant I had the whole house to myself time for a mud bath. Oh and cake, do we have any cake? Guess I'll make one, yes I'll make one for Thorne and he'll be happy to come home to it. Even if he's not my boyfriend.'

    'I think I out did myself he doesn't even know I can cook he just puts it on himself to do it, like a little homemaker, but with a job, I guess it would be okay if I had one piece..'

    'So I did, after a spa treatment and some working out...only to have some more, nothing wrong with it...has it only been a couple hours?'

    'I worked out some more'

    Thirty minutes.

    'Had some more cake.'

    Ten minutes...

    'No text from Thorne...he must not even be on his lunch break yet.'

    'I give...I miss him...I need some more cake and I'll eat it in the tub...what else am I supposed to do?'


    After that I switched saves, so this is only part of that update but I'll get to whatever else I think of another time.
    Now to anyone who remembers and liked my servo family, let's start with Brittany being abducted..for no reason while one of their dogs just watches reminding me of Kevin Hart's stand up.

    "I'm not a fighter...but I'm a witness, I SAW everything!"
    I don't know why this little fluffers was all excited he kept running in circles so I let Jaxon give him a hug....he then continued playing whatever game he made up. ah well.
    I still like tiny houses but I decided that Brittany and husband D17-X would have saw reason to expand a little, if anyone is interested this is Vin I uploaded before the expansion not too long ago today.
    Life is good <3 now...sometimes
    D17-X woke up in a bad mood, which is really sad he's sort of moody he is learning to appreciate human emotions for the sake of his wife and children but he's quite ornery too.

    He walked into the kitchen where Jaxon was finishing his breakfast before heading out and sighed, he was confident for like a second then the mood came back.

    "Moring time Child unit.." he mumbled.

    "Hi dad, what's the matter?" he asked curious about the face he had loaded up.

    "I believe I have a case of the...oh what is it? The Monday blues your sister bot will leave as you will the pets will slumber until it's time for food and your maternal unit has work too, I do not like to be alone." Jaxon felt badly for him but he still smiled because that meant he was becoming less a machine and more a part of the family like he was supposed to be.

    "Why don't you....." he stopped himself from suggesting he get a job he knew Brittany hadn't yet gotten the parts she needed so D17-X was incomplete and couldn't work.

    He very literally didn't know how to do anything outside the house even walking the dog was a hassle for him he would stall and freeze.

    "What? Do you have a task for me?" he asked, maybe a little more hopeful than thinking like a computer.

    "That is if you can do it with detailed instructions?"

    "I think so...the winter weather is much easier on my processor, what should I do?"
    (the back, doggo "that's my friend"
    He told him every little step he could think of to get him to take Bubblegum to the vet, and requested a detailed report after school, D17-X couldn't help but feel frustrated he was thinking he had done it but he wasn't sure, Bubblegum seemed fine but then he couldn't help but think he had done something wrong, no one was looking at him but maybe they were being polite? He's a rather particular robot maybe a little neurotic too? You tell me
    Moving on...

    Troy finally sees he's pregnant and is worried Anna won't be there for the's hard to live a double life he knows it's silly, it's beyond silly he can't just let her go. Though he loves her every time he thinks he is going to break down and give her a piece of his mind he's just happy to see her, happy to see that the kids still love her and want her around, it's conflicting or maybe hormones he's still thinking about it. At least he has two angels to keep him busy when the big kids are in school.
    my other random family, Joe had run out to greet his father he really adores he still doesn't know they moved to avoid the reality that before adopting them his father had a hand in his mother's death by sabotaging her bed...yep.
    Stop it, can't you see who the Professor really is? No?...well alright then.
    And another no reason abduction, ha.

    "That's right dear put that part here and glue here..."


    "Yes dear?"

    "Dad just flew into space."

    "He'll be back."

    So my last bit for a couple surprisingly happy I remember changing his traits this time around, anyways this is the family that Raj has with Dina Caliente. While she enjoys some time with him his mother is naturally impossible, Raj tries to keep the peace but he can only do so much, and it doesn't help that Geeta is very vocal about her disapproving view on their family. What with Katrina marrying again to their step father and having a third child while becoming a grandmother again after Nina adopted a teenager..mostly to have someone to shop with. Family is rough you see. I also saw a billboard or advertisement I never noticed that I really like. Raj is excited to get ingredients to try and make both of them happy, Shepard's pie for dinner, his mother's favorite and banana cream for dessert which he's sure his wife will devour.
    "I love you."

    "I love you more."

    "Raj! My foot bath."

    "Coming mother.."

    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    LoanetLoanet Posts: 4,079 Member
    Both my Sims became World-Famous celebrities. Ironically the Comedian became one later because he wasn't publishing two books every day.
    Prepping a list of mods to add after Infants are placed into the game. Because real life isn't 'nice'.
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member


    Ok, as I have 3 things of yours to respond to, you will get your own comment, lol

    Lol, now that you mentioned it, I do kind of remembering you saying that Sim!Kini was not the best. She didn't have enough charisma or something. Well, she did pretty good in the end, and got her J, so that was all good.

    I've never played my Simself as single. Even when I had The Sims and Sims 2, because I was already very married by that time!! Like 12 years. Ha! Maybe I'll use my pseudo Simself, Emmaline (that you noticed in my gallery) and play as my Simself. Except I was pretty boring ... but at least I could hang out with my 80's friends who are there!

    Ok, thanks! You've inspired me! Lol! Because your Simself used to be the player type.

    Now... The deal with Jasper and Laney. Laney was created for Jasper to be his housekeeper, and painting model, because he was in that career at the time. So, she has the neat trait, and the non-committal trait. That was supposed to stop her from falling in love with him. But, Jasper has that certain je ne sais quoi, so.... it didn't work ... *sigh* LOL! And do you want to know something? Well I'm telling you anyway! lmao, She Never once pulled that "discuss non committal blah blah with Jasper until after I had Thorne and DON living with them for awhile! The man is contagious!! (this is my spare set, they have no baby and Thorne doesn't torture him, so I can be mad at him if I want too! lmao!)

    So yeah, This is the one and only time she's done it to him, and I feel like smacking (fake) Don for it - because it's clearly his fault! :D


    But yeah, 2 seconds later

    So, now they are stuck together, and neither ever did any dating around. Luckily Ellupelluellu plays him in a couple of her saves, so I've gotten to see how amazing he is as a father and boyfriend, and as a single dude. So I'm super happy knowing he is just as cool in her saves and yours!

    Nobody has played Laney though, and that's probably good! Yay, a female Don Lothario, although she isn't romantic, so that helps. But that's cool that you cheated the bf/gf thing. They will be fine together. They are very happy together all the time, neither of them ever does that boring reaction, and he does everything to keep her happy, it's fun to watch.

    I have seen those little pop ups that say whether someone is attractive to someone else or not. The best one I saw was someone being attracted to Grim! So hilarious! Man, if there was a gauge on that thing, like how much someone liked someone else, that would be cool to see, I swear Dash's would go to 105% for Don. His infatuation/ obsession is pretty odd. But yeah, it's nice to not have random flirting going on with a guy as volatile as Thorne around. Ha!

    But oh my God! That reminds me! I have to show you this! Uncle Joey's Thorne, who freaked out about J and Joey being together, did this to Joey autonomously last night when I was playing!!

    He started coming on to Mitchell! lol!


    Which made Joey Very sad!

    And of course Mitchell wants nothing to do with him

    So Thorne started in on




    And that made Joey flip out! lol

    But he's such a cutie that he tried very hard to cheer Joey up


    It didn't work, Joey went and cried in his bed!

    But .... of course .... who can fix it?

    Shocking, right? :D

    Anyway, Joey can dish it out, but he can't take it!

    Ok, this isn't supposed to be about my gameplay last night! lmao! Soooo moving on:

    That's too bad that Thorne is the same way with he and my baby, I sure will be interested to see if he's different when he carries it. But Don is Wonderful with Danni, and while he is really her biological father, Mary-Alice was the one who was pregnant. So it doesn't matter for Don in that case. He's just a great guy in this save.

    It is quite strange that J bonded with Alexander. I never see J choose to interact with a child. Of course Alexander asked him to talk, but he sat there and listened. Do you have parenthood? I can't remember, because I was going to ask if you had the option to set J as Alexander's caregiver, and if so, did you?
    Thankfully, his empathy won't affect his primary mission much at all - but it is supposed to show that J isn't as evil as one thinks. :) The complexity behind why J is doing what he's doing and who he is will come to light in future updates. He's not as cut and dry as he's making out to be right now.
    This Really intrigues me! "Who he is" ? Goodness, are we going other worldly?

    And hmmmm, the babies.. Make an orphanage perhaps? Lol, I'm trying to think of the most motherly people, who aren't females, because they will all be dead! Ha! Idk, Wolfgang is surprisingly good with kids ;)

    And ok!! I really hope this comes to fruition for Cassandra!
    She's definitely going to play a bigger part later and will 100% try to enact those threats

    Now ..... onto my mini saga!

    Holy cow! I have to wait until Monday to see more of this? Arrggg, no! lol It's so great!

    I was totally freaked out when it started and Diego was there looking through the tabloids and several pictures and story go by without knowong if Diego is a good guy or bad guy.

    This is soooo funny:

    Oh my goodness! What.. what is this? This has got to be a ‘shop, a fake... But it looks so authentic..

    There’s... There's images, Thorne. Images of Don posing and dressing in ways no one but yourself should be allowed to see him in.

    “Get the hell out of here. There’s pictures of Don, too? Wearing what?!”
    Anyway, thank goodness it turns out that they are friends! Good job Diego, warning Thorne, because apparently my "Handsome Man" Darius Sisko is really messing up! Ha! I laughed so hard! Did you choose him because of his snazzy shirt and tie, or because he's in the internet entertainment field? Or just for his pretty blue eyes! lol!

    And ... biggest question, are the pictures real? and what was Don wearing?? Lol, I'm not patient enough for this!

    Man! Thorne's dialog, his gestures, his wayyy over the top drama queen theatrics, lol! All of it is so great!

    Those are poses, right? Where he's scratching his head and then slumped on his ottoman. They are awesome! Poor Thorne, waaa, don't be mean to him!

    I can't stand it! My Thorne deserves to be tortured, not yours! :D

    And he doesn't want Octavia brought into it for both their sakes right? He's sick of everyone saying he stole her songs, and he doesn't want her to suffer from this? I say that because he mentions "She’s not that kind of woman." which makes me think he doesn't want his ex, or their son, to be involved in anything nasty.

    This part is cute, (though not to Thorne! lol)
    Of course I had to know he didn’t have such an innocent past. I should’ve checked for that before we got serious...
    Sorry honey, too late for that!

    And man! If we get to see this conversation .... oh to be a fly on the wall
    “Don needs to see the pictures, Thorne. He needs to confirm if they’re real. You have to show him. If they are, then maybe we can spin a reason why he did them, and find out who originally took them so we can pinpoint who might’ve sold them to ZMT.”
    Knowing Don, I really doubt that the pictures are fake! Ugg, can you imagine if his mom or sister sees them!! Lord help us all!

    Man! He really let's Siska have it, doesn't he? Well, Darius, pull yourself together man!

    Uggg, who did this? (Cassandra Goth? ... lol!)

    Ok speaking of Cassandra Goth.... Black Widower part 4! Wow!

    Well, I've witnessed my first murder. Kinda scary, I have to say!

    It's very good! So much emotion! (well, J is fairly emotionless, at least the thoughts in his head are. Like you said earlier though, he's quite good at faking that he cares).

    But Cassandra and Alexander. Oh, I feel so bad for both of them. Cassandra knows who he is already, I can feel that. And it would be frustrating to not have your sibling understand. At least she understands that it's because he's just a kid. But J standing there in the doorway, listening to them, he's just creepy. really creepy, and then when he thinks that part, about how Cassandra is right, yuck, he's just .. I don't have enough words, honestly.

    Bella, poor Bella, she's a wreck the whole time, Crying over Morty, then going into labor, and then that fun part... when she discovers that her husband is a cold blooded killer.

    Oh my God ...
    My dear Bella. You were always so beautiful in red.
    That is something right there! Brilliant on your part, and sooo cold blooded on his, yikes! That man!

    When he tells her that Morty was the only one who loved her, Ahhh, horrible last moments for her! Because Yes! That's quite an evil face he's making there!

    Man, Cassandra is going to flip!! If I was him I'd be long gone before she came home! But, I suppose he wants to see her pain too.

    He's kind of twisted, yup, kind of twisted for sure.

    Funnest part? Katrina's kids names!! And I wouldn't have even got it except that you just told me a couple weeks ago!! Lol


    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL

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