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What Happened In Your Game Today?


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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,003 Member
    edited April 2020
    @AlwaysAsking Thanks for the mention. Erik will be Erik. He's a guy, you know and they aren't always as tactful as we'd like. ;) Glad you read it. And I do hope you get your body chemistry back on track.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    Well, I finally managed to get several blog posts sorted. I had to clear my browsing data in order to get Blogger to behave.
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,587 Member
    edited April 2020
    @AlwaysAsking Brants mother is very pretty. I like the stories you're giving them all. Nice place Thorne took Don to. Him with Kalila is too cute. Thanks, Ari hasn't been shown before, this was her first appearance. Sylvia will soon find the truth ;)
    @sarabeth2984 Thanks, she get to the bottom soon. :) Salim's dad is very handsome.Nice backstory for Catarina, her outfit looks great too! Will check her out
    The premade agedown project you're all doing is very cool! Really enjoying all your creations.

    "It's about time that Hoskins sent us the money. He has that snobbish attitude, I'll be glad when we're done dealing with him." said Russ. "Yeah, we'll deliver the items tonight and we'll be over with him, gotta admit though, he pays well" responded Tim.vBufhZH.png
    The two headed to their warehouse to prepare the items for delivery.s0SFVNq.pngOnce the moment was perfect they headed out to their clients home. He was happy to see they actually made itfjJZu7E.pngHe paid them extra to set up the items for display, so they set them up wherever he askedZgMQKDs.pngf0xwGHQ.pngHe was quite pleased and couldn't help admire the new items.While he was lost gazing at the stautes, Tim and Russell couldn't help but think,his home would be a good place to hit with the gang Ds91KGg.pngHoskins ready to show off his new decor, set up a party, he invited some wealthy families over to his estate. He wanted them to see he wasn't a joke that Nancy made him seem long ago. When his guests arrived he was disappointed to see, Nancy didn't even dress appropriately. eIJ6VPe.png
    He hired a caterer and I laughed when Sylvia came. We'll just pretend she wasn't the caterer2jghlbq.png
    He noticed Bjorn was the only one to notice his new statues but he didn't even say anything. 2MDLgQ2.pngHe invited them outside to show them his beautiful statue, he was excited to show off this piece6cWKGb7.pngbut then Bella commented it looks familiar to one that was recently stolen, Victor began laughing upon hearing that.k4an7B9.pngGeoffrey was polite and told him it indeed was beautiful but he should report it to the police in case it is stolen.H5osdN3.pngHe sat down with his guest to eat, he hoped he would hear them talking about his party, but instead were busy talking about politics.vEJQkh7.pngHours later, everyone had left, he was angry, it was obvious his party was a failure and an embrassmentfgaDatr.png He immediately messaged Dimitri, he wanted to speak with them. Kq0oC0z.png

    Tim was at home watching tv, he was expecting a package to be delivered. He had ordered something he wanted to gift Sylvia. Dimitri sat next to him and told him he recieved a message from Hoskins that he wanted to meet with them again.Kq0oC0z.png
    Tim got excited, he asked if Hoskins wanted to make another deal so soon. Dimitri didn't know, but the said he could arrange for a meeting that night.wz2uI6y.pngThey were prepared in their warehouse and were waiting for Hoskins to arrive to let him in. Tim and Russell were telling jokes when Dimitri recieved a call that Hoskins was outside.wvPdLYq.pngThey got up to greet him, but the second he walked inside he shouted at Tim,"I want a refund!"yo1pwnD.png"They didn't work as planned, I want them out of my house and I want my money back" he yelled.eu4dE9f.png"There are no refunds, buyer beware, Hoskins."Tim told him.He sat down with Tim and Dimitri and tried to reason with them. "You have to understand, I'm not pleased with them. they didn't serve me properly and now some suspect they were stolen. You can take them back as long as you return my money". cJC4CgN.png"No, thats the risk you took, you knew they were stolen. It's not our problem they weren't enough to impress your friends.yfAuPFi.pngHoskins was upset he had no other options, so he said as a bluff "I'll report you to the police then, I'm sure they'll be quite interested in the operations you and your little friends have here"B49vpl6.pngTim called his bluff, "You do that Hoskins and we'll have somg big problems. My pals and I know where you live, we can pick up our inventory and leave this town tonight if we pleased, you on the otherhand wouldn't have anywhere to go"tHqj7O3.pngDefeated and angered Mr. Hoskins was getting ready to leave, but before he did, he told Tim, this wasn’t the last of him.czRTwkl.pngThe following day Tim went to visit Sylvia. He gave handed her a gift, he told her he had recieved a raise at work and wanted to get her something.IZFqSfO.pngHe took her out on a dateuwaSeYz.pngAs it was about to end, he looked across the restaurant and saw an acquittance.HIPx9gg.png
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,587 Member
    Bruno Hoskins stared at his empty fireplace, he decided he wanted to get back at the thieves since they weren't going to give his money back. He decided to hide his valuables in his vault in the basement and would file a police report, hoping they would deal with the thievesCgLXXGz.png
    He spent hours moving his belongings into his vault, but he was willing to do anything to make sure those thieves got paybackAh8Eluf.pngHe was angry he had to waste more money to hide the door leading to his vault, without it he couldn't file any police report. SgAM74L.pngA week passed before he was finally ready, he sealed the door with some floral decorations, when he called the police Sylvia arrived to take his complaint.0PXqzjW.pngHe told her how priceless the items robbed wereaFFkiP3.pngHe described a statue that resemebled a womans face and a hand. Sylvia began to think back, she recalled investigating a robbery from the musuem of statues similar to his description.HKNHdW0.pngHe described a statue with a tophat, he told her he recently bought it along with the other items. He told her it was quite elegant9ZZul8z.pngSylvia was getting suspicous, that top hat statue she also recalled being stolen.She asked him if he had any proof of purchase regarding them and he neglected to answer.E3QYQGR.pngShe went to explore the house upstairs and saw a painting that was definiftely stolen from the musem from Del Sol Valley.A1xKVMN.pngHe realized she was beginning to suspect something was up when he yelled at her, he told her to focus, he's the victim and she should be helping him, not accuse him of any wrongdoing.DXmZQRC.pngBut as she was yelled at, she a picture hidden underneath the staircasev88NHqH.pngSomething was clearly not right, she was sure these items and the one's he claiming to be stolen were in fact originally stolen, by the gang that kept eluding her too.4IfrdPC.pngHe took her outside to keep her from finding anything else but a certain statue met her gaze, she knew there was no denying this statue was stolenLcDqTaE.png
    He slipped away to cause a distraction to get rid of her, he set his grill on fireguRZuBf.png
    She exstinguished the flames and was going to tell him, she had lots of questions, but just as she was about too, he asked her to leave. He said she has wasted a vast amount of his time, and if she had any information regarding his stolen things to notify him, but not for anything else.VtxOLoc.pngAfter she left, he was relieved she atleast didn't discover his basement doorxR1qQOv.pngSylvia wasted her whole day there, so instead of heading back to the station, she headed home. She looked up past new articles on the items he claims were stolen, and sure enough, they were recently stolenyZGtY6e.png The following day she searched on the police database to see if there were any leads on who originally commited the robberies and found it was suspected that the gang of those masked theives. zZs6FH9.pngSylvia had enough, she went to confront Mr.Hoskins.DgmQm74.png"Look Mr. Hoskins, it is unfortunate your "belongings" were stolen, but there's proof they were orginally stolen, and your attitude is leading me to believe you knew" He tried his best to act surpisedTTuYgNV.pngShe told him if there's evidence he knew, he would be facing charges, as soon as he heard that he changed his attitude. He said if the police turned a blind eye, he could offer them some very useful information.zPX71tW.png"What could you possibly have to make us ignore your crime?" She asked himd3oZieE.pngHe told her, he recently bought those items, so he knows the theives hideout and can negotiate another deal to set them up, but only if he wouldn't face any chargesomJ4i9T.pngShe told him she would have to see with her boss about that before anything could be negotiated, he was overjoyed.EJQ5IL2.pngWhen she went back to station she told her Chief what she found out.She wasn't so sure she wanted Mr. Hoskins to be let off the hook but the Chief felt otherwiseekFdA1V.pngThe Chief told her regardless if Sylvia agreed with it, they would greatly benefit from his offer. They had wanted to catch these thieves for a long time now, and it might be their only chanceoMG9We2.png
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    Zimz4Zimz4 Posts: 354 Member
    @sarabeth2984 (Page 660) Thank you. Your teens looks awesome, especially Catarina Lynx. It's difficult to make teens look like teens in this game, but I think everyone who is helping out ryttu3k is doing a really good job at it.
    @AlwaysAsking (659) That's a great idea to have an in-game photographer taking pictures of your aged down family creations. (page 662) I love your take on the Hecking family and totally agree that Colin, even as a random roll, is a keeper. Brant just has some good genes going on in his family :) .
    @ Everyone else. I'm not really a commenter, but I've been spamming a lot of likes and awesomes for your stories ;) (mostly awesomes – I can't do likes and awesomes for the same posts at the same time).
    @ryttu3k Three down, only one more from the Roomies premade to go. I liked the idea of Mitchell coming from a family of gluttonous overweight sims so his young adult Roomies premade version, while still being on the chubby side, is him actually having lost weight since moving out of his family home and living a healthier life.

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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey guys, so some of you may remember my elder household, and a sim I've been posting about called Rinaldo.

    I just realized today that his name is actually Ramiro.

    I have posts in this thread calling him Rinaldo going back to last May.

    I'm struggling with this. I'm not sure I know what's real anymore, lol.

    So what happened in my game today is, I changed Ramiro's name to Rinaldo to save my sanity.
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    Zimz4Zimz4 Posts: 354 Member
    @Daephene I guess that's easier than going through all your posts and edit them :D
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    ChrinnieChrinnie Posts: 982 Member
    I'm actually going to be as brief as possible right now. I seriously messed up my blood sugar and sleep this weekend. A combination of steroids and Easter food. Anyway, I drift off every time I try to write. Which would be why I've just been working on aged down families 😅 so please don't be offended if I don't say a lot


    Thank you! I'm glad you like Summer's family. 😊

    And yay! You got your motherboard early!

    Did it continue to work? As in, are your crashes fixed for sure? I hope so!

    Hey, you are still saying a lot, just not to one person. I don't know how you keep up with it all! LOL

    And yes, the issue has been fixed... whether or not it was the motherboard or a corrupted driver... I will never know because I went straight to replacing the motherboard (because I really wanted to get a Z390 motherboard anyway). It would crash mostly in CAS and during loading screens, sometimes in the middle of simming. I was able to putz around in CAS for 45 minutes yesterday just creating random sims testing and then I was putzing around randomly traveling around various parts of the Sims 4 Universe with my sims to see if it would happen and so far, so good.

    And I am going to start working on moving Sergio DePalma about and trying to see what good or no good he can get up to! :lol:
    Author of: The Rossi Legacy | The Inheritance
    Philadelphia raised, Las Vegas living, avid Sims 4 fan, all around nice guy (if you ask me LOL)
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    Hey y'all! Hope everyone is well! Just catching up on the thread. I didn't get through all of it but I will tomorrow! (I'm working night shift and 40 hrs a week in full PPE so I've been a bit tired lately-so ready for this stuff to be over and back to normal lol).

    @simesmerized -Welcome to the thread!! Your Seamus and Lorena have a vibrant family! :)
    @nushnushganay -I absolutely love the name you picked for your story line! It's perfect! Soupe de Sang. Blood Stew/Soup according to google? That is so fitting!! Especially considering how Caleb the vampire is so passionate about food and cooking. I am looking forward to the next installment, especially after the teaser the you left!
    I started adding the aged down tag too. I didn’t know how to tag them, I think it might be easier for everyone to look them up just in case:)
    @march306 -Lumen has such cool looking freckles! Which CC is it if I may ask? I like it!
    @ryttu3k -I am really liking your teen Johnny Zest! He looks awesome.
    Awesome! Its the BB2020! That looks like such a fun gameplay. For whatever reason, I love that photo of Morgyn laughing wholeheartedly (so like him). I know Johnny got booted out, he looks happy about it XD
    I really like what you did with the Partihaus people! They look awesome! I agree, Eva looks awesome with curls
    Judith Ward looks fantastic!
    @dust_bunny2010 -Don’t you love it when the game writes itself! I used to try and plan my storylines out, but there have been some awesome randomness that offerred more interesting results!
    I am glad that Renata and Lillian are bonding really well. The girls are precious. Is Dino and Luise’s relationship improving? I hate to see them moving apart from one another.
    Renata is a gorgeous child. I like her wardrobe choices! It shows her personality:)
    @beardedgeek -Yay! Vanessa moved in! She and Alejandra are awesome together. I was laughing at Alejandra running around inte buff lol. Congrats to Vanessa for heading into college!
    @daravi -The inside of Rangatiri’s house is awesome! I love the stonework. Lovely Winterfest photos! And I am also happy that Dora and Rangatiri are in a relationship now!
    @mercuryfoam -Oh wow! I absolutely adore that photo of you mermaid with the dolphin, and then the turtle! That was an awesome picture!
    I know the cat ears hairdo drives me crazy lol! I had just downloaded a more updated version of MCCC so unfortunately all of my blacklisted items were deleted (I love that tool in MCCC, its awesome). Now I have to start over lol. I think about half of my guys are strutting around in high heels, with cat ears and the eye ring; and all the ladies look just as bad XD!! Slowly getting those items blacklisted again....
    @cheesysimslover I feel for Dakota! She looks awesome though and kudos to her for working out and eating healthy! I am looking forward to seeing more of them!
    @simrue -Sounds like you have a pretty cool family created. Have fun!
    @chuchuexpress -Shine and Benjamin’s snowball fight was too cute! Hope you had a wonderful Easter Sunday!
    @angeliqueadelaide -I really liked your Ernest and Charm families! They look awesome!
    I was cracking up at your comment on the cat ears!! XD Furry indeed. I have no idea why they thought that was a good idea to put in the game. I downloaded an updated version of MCC so all of my old blacklisted items are gone. Yay. I blacklisted it via MCC but apparently it didn’t apply to sims at the festivals. I have so many men running around in high heels, cat ears and eye rings. Its awful lol! XD
    I was so surprised at how awesome Salim looks! I pretty much kept him as is, I deleted his beard and gave him a slightly shorter hairdo. His dad is awesome too. I have been playing their family much yet, but I am sure Salim has someone special in mind for his dad. :) I’ve always had a soft spot for Catarina too. You are right! She’s actually very attractive with a hairstyle/wardrobe makeover. And she also learns quickly too. I’ve taken a hiatus from my main save and I’ve been playing Aunt Felicia and Catarina. They are a hoot! I noticed Salim and his dad are frequent walk-bys so maybe a chance meeting may happen ;)
    I am sure Vlad has collected quite the number of enemies lol! That uncontrollable hissing can really get in the way lol! Fortunately he’s a loner XD
    So is Max two-timing Laena with Elsa? He better be careful lol! Although, I think he and Laena would be much happier together XD
    @floridameerkat -Sounds like the aliens really like your family! XD I am sure they were happy with the new arrival though!
    @calaprfy -I was laughing so hard at the Public Enemies gathering!! XD They look they are straight out of a 30s gangsters movie lol!!
    @galactigal -i am glad that Luise agreed to go back on her meds again. Hopefully she actually follows through. I am sure it must have been difficult for Erik to have that conversation with his mother. And someone needs to slap him upside the head! Why would he think Tamela is cheating on him? Was he that unaware of all the weird texts and threats she was getting?
    Ok, I am glad they made up. And that was an awesome Winterfest, Graduation, and Grad party!
    @drakharis -Your sim children and toddlers look so precious! Its sounds like they each all have unique personalities too:)
    @doodlydoofus -Yay! I missed your sims!! LOL at all the urns XD Poor Grandma. That’s a lot of grandkids due soon!
    @godzilla166 -Looks like Diego is doing really well for himself! He’s come far considering he’s started with so little!
    @lucy_henley -Jenny and Sue have such a cute family! I am glad they are doing well. MCC is an awesome tool! Its probably the only mod I absolutely must have in my game:)
    @busufu -XD I was laughing at Morgyn transforming the Renegades! Too bad they didn’t learn their lesson
    @alwaysasking -I really liked what you did with the Heckings!! They look amazing! And their families have such cool personalities too:)
    @ellupelluellu -Evie is so cute! Looks like she’s having an awesome time exploring the jungle! Except for the occasional skeleton XD
    @daephene -I really enjoyed your latest update! Bruce and Walker look so happy together:) The new puppy is precious!
    @deafsimmer -I was worried for Astraea! I am glad that Kai was able to step in and recue her in time! And she was finally able to cast a spell. What was causing her powers to be drained like that?
    @kotekya -Poor Peter, and also poor Steve and Tony! Its never good when families fight. Peter has been under so much stress lately, he’s not quite himself. Hopefully they can all gather together and sit down and bring everything out in the open. Are they considering going to a counselor?
    @doloresgrey -Blanka is so cute! Your daughter’s comments were precious too! :)

    Ok. I am halfway through page 662. Here’s what happened in my game today!
    I’ve taken a break from my main save (although I played that one a bunch and have some awesome screenshots which will be coming soon) and started playing around with some of the aged down premades! I mostly gave Aunt Felicia and Catarina’s house a major overhaul. I divided the upstairs into 2 smaller rooms and enclosed the upper floor into a sun room/art studio. The house is on the Gallery as CatScratch Cottage. (my EA ID is sarabeth6701d)
    Aunt Felicia really likes it ChmH5sk.png
    The views from the wharf is awesome! NF9MDe2.png
    More under the spoiler
    The kitchen has a 70s vibe to it (cool kitchen pack). Catarina is learning how to cook TqcMbHs.png
    She likes her bedroom. I had to divide the upstairs into 2 smaller bedrooms but they are cozy. She loves writing in her journal DhExc6z.png
    She actually just finished her first children’s book and published it!
    They don’t have enough room for a dining room, so they eat outside under the porch. Its covered so they are protected from the weather :)FQtpZf1.png
    I really like their living room. Its a bit crowded but they manage 151qqgC.png
    I actually aged Felicia down to a Young Adult for my current save. I like her either age F9CifXt.png
    Aunt Felicia quit her job as a painter. She wants to open up her own gallery. She’s been having to hustle to bring in enough to support the both of them but they are managing. They are going to have to really save to buy that studio.
    She loves her backyard. They just started a garden. She’s been bonding with her bees and building her magical knowledge 7Zv1kP4.png
    Her backyard also gives her some outdoor time when she wants to paint. I am not going to lie, I am becoming obsessed with Aunt Felicia! XD 2sIt8on.png
    They have been traveling a lot lately! Felicia and Catarina recently visited Oasis Springs qBo9MIb.png
    She painted the lighthouse at Magnolia Promenade. It was a masterpiece! HEpvZZz.png
    The girls also went on a trip to Sulani XTnDnKS.png
    I made an aged down George Cahill! He's on the gallery now. He kind of looks like Burt Reynalds…
    George is not retired at this point and is an officer in the military (I see him as in the Air Force)
    OG outfit wmpdIuy.png
    More under the spoiler
    He should be wearing this get-up most of the time rH0oOhc.png
    He’s got a few scars from missions in the past. He also has a different personality than as an elder. That plane crash really changed him. He’s still hot-headed, but he’s now ambitious and loves the outdoors. He wants to attain the rank of General before he retires so he’s all about furthering his career. He loves the outdoors and likes to travel, so I guess he’d be flying Ol’ Penelope all over the place. As a matter of fact, he flew out to Brindleton Bay for some sightseeing and visited the bar at the wharf. It was ladies night. 3cyPRcN.png
    Felicia needed some non-teen, single lady time so she sashayed over to the bar a few hundred meters away lol. She plunked her rear down in the chair and ol’ George immediately introduced himself enchantingly lol XD 6c7WITO.png
    I had her order her favorite drink and it was Barley Ale. Good choice!
    They talked for a bit. She got his number since he had to skedaddle EaUzDuR.png
    He was definitely interested! Jko9S8J.png
    She went home after that.
    I played them one more day. No phone calls from George yet, but Amir Benali, Salim’s dad has been a frequent walk-by. At least 3 or 4 times a day. He’s a doctor and has a great personality. I think he might be a better match….hmmm. tM91lyT.png
    What do y’all think? :)
    I will be posting the Roswells and Fengs tomorrow!
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    CheesySimsLoverCheesySimsLover Posts: 258 Member
    edited April 2020
    @AlwaysAsking: I'll decide their majors the next time I play likely. Bri's school performance has never been good, so her options will be limited. I can see her being a style influencer or owning her own fashion shop. Dakota has interest in the piano, so they might both end up in Fine Arts.

    A lot has happened in my computer the last couple days.

    On Easter, my Sims had a house party. Dakota and her mom, Celina:


    Long story short: Todd started dating Karlie (his nephew's ex). They hooked up once ... and she dropped a huge bomb on him: She's pregnant! Even though he hates kids, he stepped up and took responsibility. He proposed! He loves Karlie; she makes him feel different ... maybe having a child of his own will change his view on kids? I'm likely going to change his trait.


    She said yes!


    Karlie and Todd had a beautiful beach wedding. They wanted to hurry up and get married before the baby came.


    Before the wedding, Karlie thought long and hard about her life:


    Tara (Brianna's little sister) was a beautiful flower girl. Also: Has anyone else had an issue with Sims wearing the right wedding dress? It kept changing between the CC one and the Maxis one. This isn't the first time I've had an issue with the wedding dress not appearing correctly. I believe I had the same issue with Celina's wedding, which was over a year and a half ago IRL. I didn't have CC wedding dresses back then.


    Everyone had a blast:


    Especially Todd, who didn't hesitate changing into his swim trunks immediately after the ceremony:


    Dakota seemed really annoyed with Todd during this conversation. Jenna came over to check on her:


    And this weird chick crashed the wedding ...


    Dakota had a good laugh with her friends - Jenna (her step-cousin) and Janice (her second cousin).


    Dakota and Brianna were supposed to wear the same bridesmaids' dresses, but Dakota decided she would rather wear a swimsuit.
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    MisslizardMisslizard Posts: 162 Member
    @AlwaysAsking I honestly didn't start it as a legacy save or anything to be honest, I just started with the intent of having a son or two to make sure the Caliente name didnt die out. After 7 girls however you could definitely say I was a bit determined to get a boy and ended up with two. The kids names are: Phoebe, Eve, Brandi, Marisol, ....I have missed a girl in here....The twin boys- Isaac & Dimitri I think is the second one's name and now Samual Caliente. All the kids except for Samual are joaquin's and Samual is Don's. Now we also have Dina's granddaughter Chaya because the daughter had gone back into the marriage pool as her husband died.
    We will see what happens with the story....I may want to change something eventually because otherwise i get bored and delete and start again- It's a repetitive habit for myself. The furthest I have ever got with a family was in TS3 with Morgana and Thornton Wolff and they had 5 kids and I got bored and deleted.....Got to keep to keep it fresh. I never keep the elders in a house in the world's, I always move them in together but out of the town. So when Dina ages up in 15 days I believe....We will see who take's the mantle of the Caliente name and legacy to continue further.
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    mercuryfoammercuryfoam Posts: 1,156 Member
    @BlueSeaWaves Wow I enjoyed immersing myself in their adventures! I can’t wait to see what happens to Hopkins, the thieves and Sylvia.

    @Deafsimmer oh they defeated Storm! Poor Astraea, Storm really frightened her.

    @Daephene I have to say, changing the name is a smart move. I’m going to keep that tip for my own use too!

    @sarabeth2984 Yeah I was so excited to see the little turtle swim up to her. I didn’t realise I put her exactly in its pathing so it felt like real life when little fishes bump into you in the ocean and its so darn cute! Ah so that’s what happened to your MCCC! My condolences you have to set your lists all over again. That sounds tedious already! I really like how you changed Catarina. I never played her in my saves because I couldn’t connect with her at all (her cat hair, my cat allergies), but she looks relatable in yours!

    @CheesySimsLover Honestly I love the random faces sims make when they’re conversing. Dakota’s expression is just GOLD! I’m having fun coming up with all the possibilities of what Todd could have said to her to make her look at him with such judgement! Did he use a weird pick up line? Said something insensitive? Complained they weren’t eating grilled cheese? Talked about University rivalry? :P


    So… My teen sims finally confessed their feelings for each other and shared their first kiss <3 so I celebrate their moment for them by sharing it! Wow I sound like I have no respect for privacy when I put it like that. But it's all because I’m so excited and they’ve been through a lot to get to this stage.

    My story has a dark theme to it. Something to consider before unhiding the spoiler. It’s not too prevalent so I decided this small section is still safe to share on the forums. I checked the forum rules too. Everything seems to be in the green. Be warned if you don't like romance genre, this might be torturous for you :wink:

    Story in spoilers


















    Context: This is a very valid threat since Athena is a closeted spell caster* :p

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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    @CheesySimsLover Good luck to Todd and I hope you change his trait bc no kid deserves a father who doesn't want them. And only in a game like this is it possible to have a happy ending when a woman get pg by a guy who hates kids, then hopes he'll feel better if it's his. But for some strange reason it's a common theme irl: she gets pg "accidentally on purpose" hoping to make him marry her or make him change his mind about kids, and it's like the surest way to guarantee unhappiness for all involved. Gals, if you want marriage, dont waste time with someone who doesn't, hoping they'll change for you, and if you want kids, don't do the do with a guy who doesn't. Guys who don't should also proactively keep it wrapped at all times because of the above. Rooting for your couple's happiness once you transform him with the power of a Simgod. 😄
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    BusufuBusufu Posts: 1,970 Member
    edited April 2020


    Oh my gosh! Lol, that's really funny!

    Why did you change them back though? 😅

    After some time they change again by themselves :) .

    If You play the leader of the Renegades, You can change the activities of the Club. Then resume playing your household again.

    Thanks for the tip! I ended up deleting the Club :D
    Sul Sul!
    On my blog (German) you'll find two completed vampire stories 🦇 and an ongoing ghost story 👻.
    I'm also posting about my I'm surrounded by idi🤪ts! - challenge, in which I've now reached gen 9.
    Thanks for stopping by! 👋
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited April 2020
    @sarabeth2984, page 663.
    Thank you! Yeah, we had an enjoyable Easter Sunday. Until Mum and Dad took part in the virtual singer's night using zoom. Google was not happy with that!

    Good morning! My goodness, my fingers are raring to go! So what's the first screenshot this time?
    Social media and Sixam!
    Chloe posted an update on social media:
    She then donated to 'No Sim Left Behind'.
    Shine changed into a spacesuit and prepared to leave for Sixam:
    When she arrived, Shine called Roddy over. Roddy got collecting:
    Afterwards, Shine and Roddy went back to earth.
    Del Sol Valley
    Chloe and Roddy went over to Del Sol Valley. As usual, the paparazzi were taking photos of Chloe:
    Once Chloe and Roddy were inside, Brytani Cho greeted her. 'Been a while, Chloe!' she said, hugging Chloe:
    'Yeah, I've been taking it a bit easier, so I don't have an adrenaline attack' Chloe replied:
    After catching up, Chloe teleported onto the roof of Studio PBP. Roddy teleported, too. 'Beautiful' Chloe said, looking over at the scenery. 'Indeed, Aunt Chloe' Roddy said, smiling:
    Later, the pair went back home.
    Shovelling snow and magic duels
    Roddy did some snow shovelling:
    Afterwards, Roddy and Hamish bro hugged each other:
    And they played with the football:
    Wendy and Benjamin had a duel:
    After the duel, Benjamin checked his bees:
    And Shine gave her cowplant some attention after feeding it:
    How to deal with paparazzi, the spellcaster way
    Chloe and Benjamin hugged each other:
    'Do you mind?' Benjamin said, annoyed at the paparazzi sim, bothering Chloe. Vivaan took no notice. Benjamin sighed. 'Sorry, but I have to do this' he said, walking over to the paparazzi:
    'MORPHIATE!' Benjamin shouted, casting morphiate:
    Turning the paparazzi sim into a rabbit:
    'Thanks little brother' Chloe said, giving Benjamin a big loving hug:
    And then she went inside. Shine got the mail:
    Chloe had got two new outfits:
    After the photoshoot, Benjamin dealt with the mites:
    Oasis Springs and out and about
    Roddy went over to Oasis Springs, and had a coffee:
    And then he cheered up Roderick Sumner:
    Later, Roddy went over to Judith Ward's house, where he chatted to her:
    Judith gave Roddy a big hug:
    The pair then caught up with the goings on in their lives:
    Judith then gave Roddy a cuddle:
    Afterwards, Roddy went to the overlook and took in the view:
    Roddy went back inside. Judith gave Roddy a big smooch on his cheek:
    And then she gave him a big hug:
    Roddy waved goodbye:
    And went to his next destination.
    Wait, who's this?
    Roddy went to Oasis Springs once more...and was surprised as to who had moved into Rio Verde! 'Wait, KELLY BROOK?' Roddy's jaw dropped. He was not expecting that at all! Roddy regained composure. Kelly gave Roddy a big hug:
    Roddy gave Kelly Brook his autograph:
    Roddy and Kelly went inside, and the pair chatted to each other:
    Afterwards, Kelly gave Roddy a big smooch on his cheek:
    Then it was back to chatting:
    Roddy gave Kelly a big hug:
    And then he said goodbye:
    Roddy went back home:
    Bonus Pictures
    Advarius, Laura, Chloe, Benjamin and Wendy sitting in the living room:
    And a rare makeupless photoshoot of Roddy!

    I got Kelly Brook off the Sims 4 Gallery. The original creator is salvatori-1977, but I tweaked her facial features and body a bit.
    Post edited by ChuChuExpress on
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    edited April 2020
    Well my 100 babies mother finally became an elder - she has 5 children left in the house 31 and 32 - children of Dominic Fyresand 33 and 34 children of Simeon Silversweater

    and the heir .... child 35 Venetian Jabari who will be the heir and carry on towards 100 children.


    She is the daughter of Thomas Jabari - one of the elders that come with DU and I think quite good looking for his age.

    @sarabeth2984 none of the elders have been in danger because aging is only on for the main household - so they aren't at that point where woohoo is a danger for elders as yet.

    Dominic Fyres daughter is called Tangerine and she aged up to have Tangerine hair - she is sooo cute. I was tempted to stop having children so she could be the heir - but it felt cheaty.

    Rose Hecking aged up beautifully. I love this challenge as it has given me plenty of new interesting sims I wouldn't have made for myself (no way would any of my sims want to go near Jacques Villareal and his son was lovely.)

    And finally a blooper ... when one set of twins aged up the tumbling babies remained stuck in the air for 20 - 30 minutes while the toddlers were walking around (much like the hovering plates or toddler ipads get stuck in midair). Found it quite funny.
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @Becka28, 663.
    Leviosa! :D
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,156 Member
    @AlwaysAsking @sarabeth2984

    welcome back. I was a little bit worried since the absence of your comments, but you both are alive and brought wonderful stories/cheer.

    I loved the design of the hotel.

    And the age-downed families do have their own wonderful stories.

    For my own story I'm a little bit clueless which path I should take, because it's stressful for me to play with more than 4 characters, but I don't want to loose or hurt my characters aswell. :(
    Since I've two families now I'm going to split the story this time.

    New life or A turtle made it into the water! (scnr)

    Part 1

    Maria and Tomax

    It took a few month until all emotions are calm again. Tomax has needed a few weeks but he still was grumpy, so he has written a guide "How to destroy elementals", which was a success in the realm of magic. Since Dora and Maria weren't spellcasters they didn't know anything about it. After he has written this book, he felt much better to make the call and apologized for his behavior. Dora accepted the apology but declined to move back in to their house. Well, but even when Tomax has called her late, she already knew that Maria was pregant. Maria invited her one afternoon, when Tomax was at work and Dora visited Maria and picked up some of here belongings.


    "Your belly is huge. Are you sure that there aren't twins in there?" Dora asked.


    Maria giggled: "For sure. The doctor told me that's a girl."
    "When is the estimated birthday?" Dora asked.
    "In 2 weeks. I can't await until it's over. My back hurts, my feet and fingers are swollen."
    "Poor thing." Dora replied.

    They had a pleasant afternoon, Maria has enjoyed the near of Dora. She had missed Dora, just the talking and laughing. But when asked again Dora still declined to move back. "My life is with Ranga now. Even if Tomax has apologize to me, he didn't take back what he has said about Ranga." she answered. Maria was disappointed and sad but accepted the decision. Before the sun set down Dora went home, not without giving Maria a long hug and best wishes.

    A couple of days later, during the night, of course during the night, Maria felt a heavy pain suddenly.

    "Tomax the baby is coming!" she said.
    "What? Now? I'll call the ambulance." Tomax was in panic. The Helicopter arrived 30 minutes later and transported them to the hospital.


    He was still yet in panic but he managed it to fill out the all forms somehow, while Maria went to the maternity ward.


    As soon as he was finished with all required forms he run after her.



    The birth was quick and without any problems, luckely.

    When she took this little baby in he arms she was stunned and happy.

    "Welcome in to this World, my Emily."


    Since the weren't any problems with Maria and Emily, all were healthy, the checkout was very fast.
    At home there stood already a crib.


    Now I'm wondering, if the black spellcaster crib does mean anything?
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited April 2020
    Aged-down save people, you're all doing fantastically :D This is the most involved part, but I also want to eventually place a lot of different builds, since some of the original Maxis ones are, uh, not good. I have a ton of Gallery builds saved, but if anyone has specific builds they want to share for it (like I have a Wolfsbane Manor version with two teenager's rooms), drop me a link to those too!

    @Koteyka ngl the faux-defence of Quentin is weirdly hilarious. Like I'm reminded of someone who keeps talking about how well-behaved and sweet their dog is while said dog is literally shredding the curtains or something XD

    Followed your Insta! My username is... predictable XD (If you want to check out Caleb's account, it's linked in my bio!) Also I'm dying at Stanley's bio.

    Aww man it was cute and then it got painful for poor Peter, and I just read the post with his adoption and am ready to fight that woman. Poor kid needs a hug! Oof, not cool taking it out on Morgie, but I'm glad Peter finally got out what was worrying him? ...Okay, yeah, that conversation could have gone better ;_; God they all just need a hug.

    @Beardedgeek ooh yeah I made that mistake with Raylan XD I do kind of wish they kept the Mon-Fri thing no matter what day you enroll. You can use the time to catch up or something!

    @DoloresGrey what a cutie!

    @DeafSimmer well, that's a dramatic final battle! I'm glad Astraea was actually able to fight for herself, too! Yeah, I can see her eventually getting into conservation, protecting the islands from the land while Kai protects them from the seas. Heh, I feel Astraea smelling like the ocean wouldn't bother Kai, he's probably very used to it!

    @AlwaysAsking oof, I hope you feel better soon!! Get plenty of rest!

    Ooh, pretty resort. Was that Windenburg? It is the most 'European' location. And honestly, I still really don't know what to make of their relationship. At this point I kind of feel like Don would be justified in going, "You know what, I actually don't trust you given how you actively tried to ruin me and only stopped because of your own feelings, so I'm taking my daughter and leaving." I don't know if that's unforgiving or what, but Thorne did a really horrible thing, and the entire basis of their relationship is based on revenge and a lie :-\

    I figure she's not quite as entitled and jaded as she is in 'present' time? Like by then she's used to being treated as Del Sol Valley royalty, so she's a bit more chill at this point. Still Mean and a Snob, but not as bad XD

    I hadn't got around to it at the time (priority was for the already-uploaded ones), but yup, everyone should have individual cells now! Got three for the Kealohas in case someone wants to do something different with Duane, can delete the extra one if necessary.

    Thank you for your comments on everyone else! Eva has curls in my main save too :D Man, believe it or not, that's Marcus after I toned down the muscles! Yeah, Paolo's original hair is pretty dire XD I changed it in my main save too. Yeah, no snobby kids :( Hopefully Johnny can influence him enough to mitigate the Evil trait? I have a mod that lets teens develop their parenting skills from Parenthood to help with character values, so maybe if he has majority positive values by the time he ages to teen, I can change it?

    On to BB! Heh, it's actually Caleb staring at the fish! (He's on the other side of the tank, I was trying to be artsy XD) He does like that tank. Possibly because he's Materialistic and it's expensive XD And your guess is as good as mine for why Morgyn and Don were sharing a bed, honestly! Every other one was free! Yup, Malcolm is gone, and everyone has rejoiced. He was also literally the only one in the household who hadn't played Monopoly at least once XD

    @ChuChuExpress glad you were able to get everything sorted! Yeah, sometimes there can be stuff in your cache that just... breaks stuff.

    @Zimz4 the Kalanis look great! Are you going to do any more after you finish the Roomies? Still plenty more to do! :)

    @Daephene oh man, I think you got caught by the Mandela Effect!

    @sarabeth2984 hee, other way around ;) Malcolm was the one that got booted, which Johnny is happy about because he doesn't have to share a house with his literally-Evil brother. And thank you!!

    Ooh, a house! Saved it, I can definitely use it when I start assembling everything :) And added George Cahill to the spreadsheet! They all look really fun, and Amir could be a good match! Looking forward to the Roswells and Fengs :D
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    LehmanLegacyLehmanLegacy Posts: 176 Member
    I am loving everyone’s updates, though there’s so much I need to catch up on (again) so I’ll need to read back to get context on current situations.

    I’ve spent my entire game time today setting up a world (save) with new lots and families for when I take a crack at a rotational save.... EEEEEEEK.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,156 Member
    New life or A turtle made it into the water! (scnr)

    Part 2

    Dora and Rangatira

    Life goes on. People came to Rangatira when they are sad and seek for solace. Like Nalani.


    She didn't told what was happened but she wasn't sad anymore after Rangatira gave her comfort. Nalani was also happy to see Dora again.


    When Spring arrived the news of hatching baby turtles make the round.

    Rangatira wanted be the first at the beach.


    Dora was cold, but Rangtira warmed her up.

    More and more people arrived.

    They were all excited. Rangatira took notice that someone was a little bit too friendly to Dora, but she convinced him, that there was nothing (thanks to the potion), so he calmed down and watch the little turtles again .


    When all turtles were hatched. They visited Maria and Tomax and the newborn baby.


    Tomax, as a proud father, has forgot his rivalry with Rangatira and invited them to see Emily.


    In the evening and at home again Rangatira and Dora discussed the eventful day.


    Both were agreed to try for a baby themselves one day when Sulani is saved again.

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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @ryttu3k, page 663.
    Yeah, when Blogger throws up that accursed error message 'Upload failed - Server rejected' I'm like 'Blogger, Y U NO HAVE RETRY BUTTON?'
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,156 Member
    I was curious how Emily looks as a toddler. She came after her dad and is a spellcaster too. Surprisingly I was okay with her style and didn't need to change much. No story about her yet, just pictures. :)



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