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Knitting Gameplay Questions for the Community!


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    under_sun_and_skyunder_sun_and_sky Posts: 96 Member
    edited March 2020
    Q1: I feel like fame would only make sense if they either sold their items online and/or celebrities wore them.

    Q2: I don't personally mind.

    Q3: I'm not sure how they would tie together, but it would be fun if gradually yarn and other knitting stuff started piling up on it as you used it more.

    Q4: Something like a hat could definitely be done in under a day. I think the more complex/bigger projects should take longer. Maybe it could be similar to writing speeds?

    Q5: I mean, personally I would find that super uncomfortable. Would it be possible for them to sit on the floor, as the user above me suggested?

    Q6: PLEASE tell me this means kids can knit. PLEASE. Please let kids be able to knit I'm BEGGING. Please. Also, yes. Maybe like, kids sitting at their granny's feet while they knit in their rocking chair, and occasionally the grandparent can like, idk, lift up their knitting to show it to the kid and point out what they're doing if the kid is struggling?

    Q7: I've never had an etsy so i can't really answer this.

    Q8: First of all, I think knitting items' quality should depend on what yarn they use, if that's an option. It would be cool if, for example, a sim uses a nice merino and or they go all out on cashmere, and the better the yarn is, the better the buffs you could get from them, and the other way around with a cheap, itchy sweater made from a cheap wool or bad quality acrylic, uncomfortable moodlets that get stronger the worse the yarn quality is. Also, knitting with the itchy stuff is painful too, I've rubbed my fingers raw knitting with that stuff, so maybe uncomfortable moodlets for the person knitting it too?

    Q9: Why did the knitter jump into the sea? To dive for purls

    Q10: If it's autonomous, it should be pretty rare so everyone doesn't start knitting all at once. Maybe it could depend on personality too? Like a loner sim that knits would be less inclined to teach others, while an outgoing sim would.
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    TheRepoManSamTheRepoManSam Posts: 16 Member
    Anyone noticed that Spa Day has two soaks with the same effect? “Lavender Foam”and “Milk, Honey, Oatmeal Soak” that give +2 happy.

    Could Milk, Honey, Oatmeal Soak be applied to relieve itchy/ uncomfortable sims somehow?
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    MyTrueLoveTS1MyTrueLoveTS1 Posts: 32 Member
    edited March 2020
    Q8. Yesss!! Love this idea. I want to see their comfort drop, their embarrassment rise, awkward facial expression, blushing. scratching at themselves and tugging the collar/sleeves, wanting to hide, walking with arms pinned to their sides or covering their face. Some sims should find an “embarrassing” item funny and be playful and silly with it. Also would love to see confident body language and a strut/smile when they’re wearing a quality item.

    ^ I like the way you think!
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    SytrisSytris Posts: 2 New Member
    Q1: Crosspack! I’m planning on making Knitting compatible with things like Get to Work Retail Lots (including Mannequins!), Get Together’s Club Rules, and City LIving’s Yard Sale Table. What else would provide fun crosspack functionality? For example, should knitting provide Fame in some way?
    -Maybe not just knitting but selling it (like with art) could give fame. I also think that with seasons, you could make some items (sweaters, scarves, hats, mittens, blankets, etc) for winter and some things (swim suits, crop tops, etc) for summer and have them wearable in cold and hot weather.

    Q2: If some “Crochet-Like” objects became craftable through Knitting, how would you personally feel? Happy? Enraged? Strong sense of ennui? We can’t guarantee unique animations for crocheting, but I’d like to still potentially provide them as a craftable object for players.
    -I think I'd like to see some of the Irish Lace crochet items... Those would be really beautiful.

    Q3: There’s a cool crafty desk floating around in concept art that you guys may have seen (49 - 52 in the object vote). What would knitting at one of these desks mean to you, if anything? Asking around the office, nobody knits at a desk, but I’m curious if anyone would find value if the new crafting desk tied in with knitting somehow.
    -You could use the desk to store yarn and then have the sims have to go to the desk to start a project and then find a place to sit.

    Q4: I’d like Knitting to actually take some time to craft, something Sims can save for later and come back to. In your experience, how long have some of your knitting projects taken? I’ll try not to make it feel too grindy, but definitely longer than it takes to paint in our game.
    -It took me 10 months to do a blanket. I usually crochet but I've found this: Small projects (such as hats and pot holders) take about a day to get done. Medium projects (like a stuffed animal, a jacket, etc) take about a week to get done. Large projects (like blankets) will take months up to a year depending on how often I'm working them.

    Q5: If your Sim wanted to knit something, but they couldn't find a place to sit, would you be okay with them standing up and knitting? Asking for a friend...
    -I think that'd look weird but I don't think I'd be angry about it.

    Q6: Along with the Mentor interaction, I’d like to include a proper “Teach to Knit” interaction. I’d love to have that moment where the Knitting Master granny teaches their grandchild how to knit. For those of you who experienced similar things, what was that experience like for you? I’m curious what people think this should look like - both animation and story wise.
    -So, when I was a kid my mom tried to teach me how to crochet and I didn't get it and I was easily frustrated (so you might take that into account with kids learning), but when I got older, she gave me my great-grandmother's crochet hook and I learned by watching YouTube videos (So maybe also take that into account and have them be able to learn watching videos of it).

    Q7: I’d like to have some Etsy store-like gameplay, as well as donation gameplay with Knitting. For those of you who may have gone down those paths in real life, what were some interesting takeaways or stories you’d like to see represented?
    -When someone promises to pay you and then does not and ghosts you, it's very frustrating.

    Q8: Lets say a Sim is wearing an awful, itchy sweater that they’re wearing only because somebody gifted it for them. What kind of things would you like to see happen to them?
    -Uncomfortable buff or a happy buff (uncomfortable for obvious reasons, happy because they're making the crafter happy), can't stop scratching buff that makes them scratch at wherever they are wearing an itchy thing.

    Q9: I need your best Knitting puns. Feed them to me.
    -I may be a hopeless yarn addict, but I don't share my needles!
    -Why are Christmas trees bad knitters? Because they constantly drop their needles!
    -Knitting takes balls.
    -Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the yarn is so delightful, and since we've no place to go, another row, another row, another row!

    Q10: This is my biggest question, so I saved it for last. Should the “Teach to Knit” interaction mentioned above be autonomous? While this might sound trivial, I feel this is very important for gameplay. I’m interested how people would feel about their level 10 knitter trying to spread their knitting knowledge on others. Let's say you have someone in your family who is a level 10 knitter, if this interaction is autonomous the entire house is going to get a real deep dive into knitting, perhaps constantly.
    -I have mixed feelings about this because yes, it would be cool but I can also see it getting annoying if I only want one knitter in the family. Maybe make it so we can turn it off in the autonomy settings.

    What are your thoughts on potentially “story intrusive” interactions like this, would you be okay to find your family one day all high-level knitters through natural autonomy? Or should this only be user-directed, meaning on you have the ability to choose who gets schooled on knitting. I’d love to hear your thoughts about these sorts of things.
    -Like I said above, I think it should be something we can turn off.


    The early design process is a very fun time for me, and I hope I painted a picture of the sort of questions that get brought up during this development stage. Lemme know what you guys think!
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    beadierturtlebeadierturtle Posts: 295 Member
    edited March 2020
    Okay, I've thought about it some more, and here's my contribution to something to expand the knitting thing while encompassing other additional content...

    When I accepted the duty in investigating the events that took place at the Pancake residence, I thought I had seen it all. Even though I had been warned what I might be dealing with, nothing could have prepared me for the sight I beheld; yards upon yards of strings entwined around chairs, woven through staircase railings, and knotted around doorknobs. It seemed every item in the home was tied to, or hanging from, something else. Every known color was flauntingly represented with every strand that hampered our movements as we climbed over, under, and sometimes had to cut through the chaotic mess.

    Jacobs, my partner, let out a soft whistle and said, "Man, it looks like Raggedy Andy exploded in here. How long do you think it took someone to do all this?", he asked while taking his pen knife to a dozen or so lines that were keeping a window closed, and therefor any light out besides that which poured from the front door. I informed Jacobs, "according to the family, they were gone only a few hours. The neighbors said they saw only one person leave the house." To which he gasped, "one person...did all this...inside a few hours?"

    There's only one kind of Sim that could accomplish this. It was magic, obviously, but it was forbidden, and it was thought to be extinct. We thought we had routed them all out, burned all their books, and erased all mention of their craft.

    "I was afraid we'd see something like this.", I said to Jacobs as I tossed him my phone, "Call it in; we're going to need backup at the cemetery.
    There's a Yarn Witch in town."

    Additions Required: Knitting, Realm of Magic
    Additional Additions Supported: Cats & Dogs, Parenthood

    New Occult Class: Yarn Witch (offshoot of magic class from Realm of Magic)

    This occult class becomes available as a playable class to those with both Knitting and Realm of Magic. While this class will offer powers to those that may find it tempting, and believe themselves strong willed enough to not delve into it's darker depths, it is worth noting that one may find themselves on the wrong side of a pitchfork if word of their habits become known.

    Skill 1 and 2:

    Patchwork Pal (Parenthood required)

    By binding the spirit of an alive toddler or child to an innocent looking stuffed bear, the Yarn Witch can animate the toy who then will play and watch over the child until such time as the child becomes a teenager. The magic then is extinguished, causing the toy to flop lifelessly upon the ground; forever then to be again a simple toy. While there seems to be no negative effect upon the child, and many have reported it a happy experience, the practice of magic upon those so defenseless is looked upon gravely. The animated stuffed bear will play with the child as any other normal child could, will scare away any monsters under the bed, and will bring the child food. The first time this is accomplished must be with a child the Yarn Witch knows very well personally (skill 1. After that, it can be performed with any child (skill 2).

    Skill 3: Patchwork Pet (Cats & Dogs required)

    By binding the ghost spirit of a deceased pet, the Yarn Witch can create an animated stuffed animal appearing to be a typical stuffed toy kept together with stitched patches of dozens of different fabrics and patterns. This animal behaves just like a normal animal of its likeness, except it does not eat or use the bathroom. While it also never sleeps, it will recline in a pet's bed when ordered. It can easily be trained to perform tricks and like or dislike anyone the creator wants, but it is known to not get along with normal animals who all seem to want nothing more than to tear it to pieces. Once the Patchwork Pet is damaged, the spirit is released and a new Patchwork must then be created. Items needed: yarn, fabric, ghost spirit of a pet.

    Skill 4 and 5: Patchwork Peasant

    This abysmal practice is the primary reason Yarn Witches are feared and hated. By binding the ghostly spirit of a deceased person to a man sized stitch-work mockery of it's formal self, the Yarn Witch can enslave another's soul to do their bidding until released by the witch or destroyed by another.

    The first time attempted, the Yarn Witch requires one main component; a voodoo doll tied to a ghost from before it's demise. Typically this would require the witch having known the person when alive. After this ritual is accomplished and the witch graduates to skill 5, the witch can then perform this ritual upon any ghostly spirit.

    The Patchwork is under the full control of the witch. It does not require food, sleep, or bathing, but may need the occasional additional stitch here and there. It never speaks nor ever attempts to communicate to anyone, although it has been reported to give out the sound of a heart wrenching moan. The Patchwork can learn any skill that does not require communication, but it is worth mentioning that care must be taken when ordering the Patchwork to cook, as it is prone to catching fire, which will destroy the Patchwork and set the spirit free. Spirits freed in this sense tend to be rather upset at the witch for imprisoning it, and stories of them tormenting the witch's bloodline for generations are legendary.

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    SimstressSimstress Posts: 5 New Member
    Welcome, SimGuruConor!!

    I have been "Simming" for nearly 15 years, but this is my first time on the Forum! I am excited about the new content and happy to share thoughts about it!

    Q1: Crosspack functionality: I think that knitting would be interesting as part of "Get Famous" perhaps through vlogging and making "YouTube" style videos for an audience, including projects, tips, teaching, etc. I am thinking in terms of a crafting channel or as a topic in the "More Views Video Station."

    Q2: If some “Crochet-Like” objects became craftable through Knitting: I would enjoy this quite a bit. I enjoy "cozy" activities and items, like the pouffe we got in Tiny Living. Making things like afghans and pillows would be a lovely addition.

    Q3: While crafting tables and desks are a great concept, I don't think my brain could wrap around a desk that you knit. :)

    Q4: I have been knitting for most of my life (mostly scarves and small blankets) and projects can take anywhere from three days to three weeks, depending on size. I would say anywhere from 7-30 hours.

    Q5: Standing and knitting is not the most comfortable thing, but it can be done, I suppose. As long as the yarn isn't flying all over, it would be okay.

    Q6: “Teach to Knit” interaction: My grandmother taught me to knit at age 7 and I held onto that skill my entire life and taught my kids. We spent a few sessions together, working on how to do the stitches. I asked a lot of questions and then I would start my own project. When I would run into trouble (i.e.- dropped a stitch) she would always fix it for me. Eventually, I learned how to fix it myself, by watching.

    Q7: I have sold my own artwork on Red Bubble (similar to Etsy) and I enjoyed uploading pictures of my work and writing descriptions and details. Beyond that, I didn't have a very exciting experience with selling online. I am more about the creative process.

    Q8: If one of my Sims was wearing an itchy sweater, I would expect to see them tugging at the sweater, maybe the collar or mid-section, to get it away from their skin when it got too irritating. Maybe a bit of scratching with an aggravated facial expression.

    Q9: Knitting puns: "I literally can knot," "Wool you please let me knit."

    Q10: "Should the “Teach to Knit” interaction mentioned above be autonomous?" --- Personally, I would prefer knitting to be user directed. It could easily take over a family's activities if it is autonomous. Sims can get obsessive with certain actions and run out of time for more important needs, so I might find it stressful if my Sims have one more distraction that is open to their discretion. Don't mean to sound like a control freak. Lol.
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    FunnychiaFunnychia Posts: 3 New Member
    Thanks for the opportunity to give input.

    Q1: Knitting should provide good reputation points. Grandma and her knitting become well-known for cleverness and quality.

    Q2: I would be very happy if objects are craftable through knitting. Animations could include a grumpy Grandma who doesn’t like being interrupted and stabs people with her knitting needles, you know, like Agnes Crumplebottom and her purse.

    Q3: I loved the “cool crafty desks”. No, I don’t see people sitting at a desk to knit. They should be able to knit anywhere though. My hope for the crafty desks is that there are more DIY type hobbies coming. Maybe more development of woodworking? For more craft ideas, you have Youtube and a show that was on a few years ago – Craft Wars, hosted by Tori Spelling. Crafty people have lots of stuff, so storage is very important.

    Q4: I don’t knit. I don’t have the patience. Yet I spend several hours making families and designing homes to play with. Go figure.

    Q5: Standing up and knitting? That’s just weird. Grandma needs to sit on a nice soft cushioned rocking chair. I could also see her sitting anywhere, even on a pool lounger, and pulling a knitting project out of a huge purse.

    Q6: RE: Mentor interaction and “Teach to Knit” interaction. I imagine it would look similar to when the parent helps the child with the school projects, but with needles and yarn. It could happen sitting on a couch though.

    Q7: Others have lots of input on this, I hope.

    Q8: Iron Seagull had some fun suggestions in his YT video.

    Q9: I’ll skip this one.

    Q10: Autonomy would be awesome! That’s what I love most about The Sims! I love it when I don’t have to micromanage every little thing! If people in the house don’t want to learn knitting, well, maybe a new death is in order. Stabbing with knitting needles? Poisoned knitting needles? Maybe an overbearing granny wants to sample the new pufferfish nigiri recipe a family member just learned? That went dark real quick. Or maybe make her a scratchy sweater that she gets to pretend is awesome? That might cure the mentoring. Maybe have a project option called “revenge sweater”, where someone makes a sweater that’s ugly and itchy and the recipient has to wear it.

    This wasn’t asked, but I really wish there were throw blankets. Grandma could knit with one on her lap, and we could have the option of slinging one over the backs of the sofas, like in Roseanne or The Conners.
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    cassandrastryffecassandrastryffe Posts: 418 Member

    Q1: No, knitting alone should NOT generate fame, not unless the sim is streaming it or something. For cross pack functionality...having pets play with yarn, get stuck in the yarn, ruin projects...ect would be amazing. And very true to life. Seriously, watching an african grey parrot and a ferret fight over a ball of yarn was THE best moment of my 2017.

    Q2:. I crochet, but can't knit, so crochet-like items would make me ecstatic! A great deal of my life doesn't really translate to the sims (I'm in a poly relationship, I'm disabled..ect..) so seeing something so important to me would make me incredibly happy. Crochet is actually how I regained most of my hand function!

    Q3: . I crochet at a desk while watching youtube and my girlfriend knits at her desk at work so this would be really cool!

    Q4: . Knitting gets faster with experience, but it is frustratingly slow compared to crochet.

    Q5: YES! I know tons of people who stand and or walk while knitting or crocheting.

    Q6: Teach to knit as an interaction would add more depth than you'd think at first. I know of patterns handed down from teacher to student that you can't find anywhere else. And is would be so adorable to see an elder teaching their grandchildren to knit!

    Q7: I've never done etsy, but I used to craft fairs and I still enter my things in county fairs. It's a good way to fund my yarn hoarding! It's also a great way to meet other people who share your hobby.

    Q8: They should get uncomfortable and constantly be fidgety or scratching. And seriously....taking a shower after taking off that awful scratchy sweater is THE BEST FEELING ever.

    Q9: knitting puns. At least none that are G-rated!

    Q10: Yes please!

    I know from personal experience that if one person in a household knits or crochets pretty soon everyone else will at least dabble in it. I crochet, my husband has crocheted himself a few things for cosplay, our girlfriend knits, both of my kids crochet or knit. My friends mother in law started knitting a few years ago and now all 11 people in the family have at least made one thing and most regularly knit, spin, or dye yarn


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    tottelutottelu Posts: 3 New Member
    I love it
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    invisiblgirlinvisiblgirl Posts: 1,709 Member
    Q1: Toddlers and cats able to make a right mess of the knitting basket. I don't crochet anymore because it was either the cats or the yarn.

    Q2: It wouldn't bother me, but I can already see the complaints: 'They don't know the difference between knitting and crochet!'

    Q3: Not sure about crafting desks. I can actually see some uses, like laying out pieces that need to be attached, or for complicated pattern directions, where you might want to check things off, but that probably more level of detail than the game needs. (I would expect that a knitted sweater would magically finish itself in the Sims, for example.)

    Q4: Months ;) But then, I always crocheted large afghans.

    Q5: Since Sims have bottomless pockets that can fit anything from a key to a tent, I can see this, but real life, it would be difficult, since you need a lap for your yarn.

    Q6: The adult could do some cheering and clapping as the kid gets the hang of it.

    Q7: As others suggested, it could earn empathy for kids and teens. Maybe an interaction in which a Sim could give a knitted hat to a stranger? (It would work well for people who have needy Sims in their game.)

    Q8: Obviously, an itchy moodlet. A mean Sim might be a bit angry, while a family-oriented Sim might get a 'but it's from family' happy moodlet.

    Q9: I am punless.

    Q10: I play with autonomy off, so it doesn't matter to me. I think it should probably be non-autonomous, though.
    I just want things to match. :'(
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    Make sure to watch people knitting before making the animations. German/Scandinavian style and English style could be assigned randomly or chosen, but if you animate only one, more countries in the world have Scandinavian style as their norm, than English. But all knitters periodically raise their arms with the work in hand, every several seconds, to pull more yarn from the ball or skein. If anyone knows an exception to this, weigh in. Because it would be very weird to see knitting without the lift-pull maneuver happening. Maybe somewhere, people know how to wind balls so loosely that even center-wound, the yarn just comes along steadily with no resistance, but I have never seen it.
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    I would say let what style of knitting is done, be the player's choice, because ppl want their Sims to do the knitting they are familiar with.
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    zensluvzensluv Posts: 87 Member
    edited March 2020
    Q1: I'd love to be able to gift all crafted objects as well as yarn and crafting tools. Grandma's going to be knitting all year so at Winterfest she can give a knitted gift to every member of the family. Can you make them different quality levels based on skill level or material/tools quality?
    For Get together, a knitting club needs a new knitting club Icon.
    Knitting while on a lounger.

    Q2: Happy

    Q3: Would be fine knitting at the desk but I'd want to be able to knit anywhere. And I mean, ANYWHERE. My grandma IRL knits literally anywhere and everywhere while doing anything (hmm, is knitting addictive?), and so should my Sims.

    It would be AWESOME to be able to store yarn and other knitting supplies in the craft desk or yarn bins/basket. We knitters tend to hoard yarn. Also then any household member can come, grab some yarn from storage, and get knitting.

    Q4: It would be nice if Sims could get faster with increased skill level. The more they knit -- esp repeated knitting the same things -- the faster they get at it.

    Q5: Sure.

    Q6: I think any reasonably ranked knitter should be able to teach another Sim.

    Q7: Leaving it to Etsy folks.

    Q8: As mentioned above, having different level quality knitted objects and clothing would allow Sims to feel different with different moodlets. Low quality would cause Embarrassed, or Uncomfortable. A high quality object/clothing on could provide some boosts to emotion, like Confident (it's my lucky hat!), or Funny (the perfect ugly sweater!), etc.

    Q9: fickle knit picker

    Q10: No... I wouldn't want to miss granny's teaching the grandchild to knit moment while I was currently focused on another Sim on the lot.

    Hey - Maybe one way around the issue of autonomy for "Teach to Knit" is to make the interaction autonomous but dependent on the learning Sim having yarn in the inventory + no skill yet (oh well, if ya didn't want to learn then don't be packin' all that yarn!)

    I'd like to have "Knit Together" or "Ask to Join Knitting" interaction for groups of Sims who have yarn in their inventories. Those knitting should be able to multi task such as knit and talk and watch tv and listen to music, etc.
    Post edited by zensluv on
    Find my builds at #zensluv4real
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    TheGreatGorlonTheGreatGorlon Posts: 382 Member
    edited March 2020
    Q1: I don't think knitting should provide fame, that'd be a bit odd - that said, maybe it COULD add some fame if you had specific objects on public lots be yarnbombable, such as benches, playground equipment, picnic tables, etc. That's the only extent I could see it giving someone fame.

    Q2: I don't think there are objects that are absolutely done through knitting or crochet that can't be achieved by the other with some kind effort, so no, it's no problem if typically crocheted items show up through the knitting skill.

    Q3: Not really, I don't think knitting at a desk is a common thing. Most people either knit while on a couch, in a chair, or sometimes while relaxing in bed or on a lounger chair.

    Q4: I used to crochet a lot, and my mom-in-law knits, but it can take days for larger projects like sweaters and some scarves. Smaller things like socks and caps can probably be knocked out in a day.

    Q5: Yes, standing would be fine if seating wasn't available. BRING BACK MISS CRUMPLEBOTTOM KNITTING ANGRILY! Seriously, she is one of the most iconic characters in the game series, and she would often be seen knitting and leering, with her yarn in her handbag. So maybe have Sims have handbags/totes if they're knitting standing.

    Q6: My boyfriend actually taught me to crochet, and it took sitting together and him showing me the proper motions and way to use the hooks. My grandmother also pitched in a little later, she passed down a few old crocheting books/magazines from the 70s to me to get patterns and learn more of the basics.

    Q7: N/A

    Q8: If Sims are wearing sweaters they don't like, overheating is definitely an option, as well as tugging at the cuffs and the neckline. Also some itching around the arms, and just general uncomfortable misery (this kinda stuff would only apply if the item was crafted by a low level knitter of course - high level Sims would know to use the silky yarns!)

    Q9: Don't needle us. Weave us alone.

    Q10: No. I don't think that the interaction should be autonomous for all Sims. I do think it's kind of iconic if Elders could pass it down, but I don't think any age group beneath Elder should be autonomously teaching knitting to others, no matter how skilled they are. I think that way, it gives Elders more uniqueness to their life state.
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    SimGuruConorSimGuruConor Posts: 16 SimGuru
    Thank you all again for the feedback!

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    BK747BK747 Posts: 174 Member
    This is more a general comment than a specific answer to any of the questions - but please let there be more craftable items than just those included in the vote results! I really like all the CAS and BB items selected, but we need to be able to knit more items than those included - especially HATS, MITTENS, and SOCKS. They are such obvious items to be able to knit and to only have that one bear hat included the CAS vote results really worries me. Please include a few of the other hats options and the ability to make mittens and socks as well! I understand that including scarves as a craftable and wearable item would be a challenge due to clipping on outfits, but hats, mittens, and socks should be an obvious inclusion in the game!
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    ebbalytleebbalytle Posts: 2 New Member
    Q1: Not fame. But definitely make it crosspacked. Someone suggested a university elective. That could be fun. Also, is there a way to add craft fairs to the game? That way the knitter could rent a table and sell their knitting at a fair not just at the flea market. I'd love to see a career in knitting added... the Sim works from home, producing certain merchandise and getting paid by the item. Or being able to have a knitted items shop. I do hope it won't all be about sweaters and other clothing but will also allow for bed covers, lap blankets, and things like that.

    Q2: I actually don't stick-needle knit, but I do loomknit and crochet, so I'd love to see something to do with crocheting added. If the actions aren't exactly crochet-like that would be okay with me, I guess. Loomknitting uses a different shaped tool so it would look odd if it was part of the game without that, but crocheting... well it 'could' have the same action and not look too bad.

    Q3: I agree that it's unlikely anyone would knit at a desk, but they might plan a project, gather their supplies, store their equipment and supplies, etc. I think the desk, for knitting, would be more prep and storage than anything.

    Q4: I tried to knit a sweater once. It took me ages... several months of working it a bit at a time... and I think that time should be part of the knitting actions... maybe a few days of Sim time would be appropriate for some projects, like a bed cover. Other's, like a baby sweater, may only take one day or even a few hours, if the knitter was skilled enough.

    Q5: Women have knitted while standing up, moving around, cooking, cleaning, etc. for centuries, although not so much today. It was imperative throughout history that clothing was put together and knitting could be done a bit at a time. Women would have a bag or big pocket or something to tuck their knitting into if they had to tend to something else, then take it out and continue. And men who knit, I'm not being prejudiced against you. It's just that men generally didn't knit openly in the past, like they can now. This sort of activity was left to the women. Also, women had to make the yarn before they could knit something, but that's a whole 'nother pack. ;)

    Q6: I learned to crochet from a book. My mother knitted and she tried to teach me. I think that learning from another person who knits would be realistic as long as you factored in the frustration of learning. There's a difference, for instance, between left and right handed knitting. Also, there should be a way of learning that doesn't involve an older person who knits or the ability to learn it from a neighbour or friend.

    Q7: I've never had anything to do with online stores like Etsy, so I'll leave that to other. Donations, however, are something that would be good in the game. There are many people who make hats for newborns and children in hospital and donate them. I've made scarves and hats and mittens for the homeless and donated them to shelters. Women's shelters can always use these types of things as well. There are others who donate their time to teaching their crafts to others. This could be interesting if added to the game.

    Q8: Doctor visits because of rashes that then need a prescription cream to 'fix'. Having to give the sweater away and then tell the person who made it (or to decide not to). Perhaps even yelling at the person for making such an awful gift (if the Sim has a 'mean' or 'angry' trait). Burning the sweater on the campfire or tossing it into the trash. Deliberately washing the sweater in hot water to shrink it so it can't be worn.

    Q9: I need your best Knitting puns. Feed them to me.

    Q10: No. Knitting should be a choice for the player, not something that everyone in a family 'gets' by osmosis. It should involve several sessions and practice to get to high levels and I think there should also be a chance of failure on items produced. I never could knit properly. I know the movements, but I never did do well with it. My grandmother said "if you knit well, you can't crochet well... and vice versa". My mother knitted lovely sweaters but I never was able to knit the simplest item. I tried... I tried often and a lot... but I never did well. Also, there are many people who have no interest in knitting. It should be something that a Sim has interest in or they don't do well with it... IMHO.
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,688 Member
    edited March 2020
    (Had an idea, but figured it was better to start a new thread :)
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    Gingasnap27Gingasnap27 Posts: 98 Member
    Q8: Lets say a Sim is wearing an awful, itchy sweater that they’re wearing only because somebody gifted it for them. What kind of things would you like to see happen to them?

    Did anyone ever watch "The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 8"?? This is the episode where Sheldon make Leonard where an itchy sweater to prove a point essentially...Leonard was so red and swollen at the end with these huge hives!! It would be hilarious for this to happen in the game. (pictures below)


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    pinkishpinkish Posts: 693 Member
    edited April 2020

    Q1: Crosspack! I’m planning on making Knitting compatible with things like:

    I would like to see it in Island Living I send all my elders there and they could knit on the beach on the deck and all around town.

    Q2: If some “Crochet-Like” objects became craftable through Knitting, how would you personally feel?

    Happy, Some clothing scarves (not hats your hats never fit the head right) afghans and blankets you could put on the beds or couches.

    Q3: There’s a cool crafty desk floating around in concept art that you guys may have seen (49 - 52 in the object vote).

    What would knitting at one of these desks mean to you, if anything? I have never knitted or croched at my desk, but using the desk to look up patterns on the computer would work really well.

    Q4: I’d like Knitting to actually take some time to craft, something Sims can save for later and come back to. In your experience, how long have some of your knitting projects taken? I’ll try not to make it feel too grindy, but definitely longer than it takes to paint in our game.

    The time frame for each project should be according to size and level you are on. I have projects that have taken me months to complete.

    Q5: If your Sim wanted to knit something, but they couldn't find a place to sit, would you be okay with them standing up and knitting? Asking for a friend...

    No you can't stand and knit, unless you have more than 2 hands.

    Q6: Along with the Mentor interaction, I’d like to include a proper “Teach to Knit” interaction. I’d love to have that moment where the Knitting Master granny teaches their grandchild how to knit. For those of you who experienced similar things, what was that experience like for you? I’m curious what people think this should look like - both animation and story wise.

    When teaching others they usually sit next to you on the couch or a chair while you show them the steps.

    Q7: I’d like to have some Etsy store-like gameplay, as well as donation gameplay with Knitting. For those of you who may have gone down those paths in real life, what were some interesting takeaways or stories you’d like to see represented?

    I have never used an Etsy store or paid for patterns, I learned a lot from youtube videos so watching them on the computer or TV would be great.

    Q8: Lets say a Sim is wearing an awful, itchy sweater that they’re wearing only because somebody gifted it for them. What kind of things would you like to see happen to them?

    Layer clothing and scratch a lot, maybe even break out in hives.

    Q9: I need your best Knitting puns.

    You could have someone get angry because they had to 'frog' a project.

    Q10: This is my biggest question, so I saved it for last. Should the “Teach to Knit” interaction mentioned above be autonomous? While this might sound trivial, I feel this is very important for gameplay. I’m interested how people would feel about their level 10 knitter trying to spread their knitting knowledge on others. Let's say you have someone in your family who is a level 10 knitter, if this interaction is autonomous the entire house is going to get a real deep dive into knitting, perhaps constantly.

    This should be like all the mentoring skills, the master (level 7) should ask someone if they would like to learn, and the student should be able to ask a master to teach them .

    What are your thoughts on potentially “story intrusive” interactions like this, would you be okay to find your family one day all high-level knitters through natural autonomy? Or should this only be user-directed, meaning on you have the ability to choose who gets schooled on knitting. I’d love to hear your thoughts about these sorts of things.

    I prefer the knitting should be taught not inherented


    The early design process is a very fun time for me, and I hope I painted a picture of the sort of questions that get brought up during this development stage. Lemme know what you guys think!


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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    @ebbalytle actually there's no difference between left-handed and right-handed knitting, in Continental/German/Scandinavian style (the style used also for knitting with several yarns/colors at once). There's also no need to stop and wrap every stitch. You just slip it from one needle to the next.
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    SimsILikeSimsSimsILikeSims Posts: 1,634 Member
    edited April 2020
    Okay, I've thought about it some more, and here's my contribution to something to expand the knitting thing while encompassing other additional content...

    When I accepted the duty in investigating the events that took place at the Pancake residence, I thought I had seen it all. Even though I had been warned what I might be dealing with, nothing could have prepared me for the sight I beheld; yards upon yards of strings entwined around chairs, woven through staircase railings, and knotted around doorknobs. It seemed every item in the home was tied to, or hanging from, something else. Every known color was flauntingly represented with every strand that hampered our movements as we climbed over, under, and sometimes had to cut through the chaotic mess.

    Jacobs, my partner, let out a soft whistle and said, "Man, it looks like Raggedy Andy exploded in here. How long do you think it took someone to do all this?", he asked while taking his pen knife to a dozen or so lines that were keeping a window closed, and therefor any light out besides that which poured from the front door. I informed Jacobs, "according to the family, they were gone only a few hours. The neighbors said they saw only one person leave the house." To which he gasped, "one person...did all this...inside a few hours?"

    There's only one kind of Sim that could accomplish this. It was magic, obviously, but it was forbidden, and it was thought to be extinct. We thought we had routed them all out, burned all their books, and erased all mention of their craft.

    "I was afraid we'd see something like this.", I said to Jacobs as I tossed him my phone, "Call it in; we're going to need backup at the cemetery.
    There's a Yarn Witch in town."

    Additions Required: Knitting, Realm of Magic
    Additional Additions Supported: Cats & Dogs, Parenthood

    New Occult Class: Yarn Witch (offshoot of magic class from Realm of Magic)

    This occult class becomes available as a playable class to those with both Knitting and Realm of Magic. While this class will offer powers to those that may find it tempting, and believe themselves strong willed enough to not delve into it's darker depths, it is worth noting that one may find themselves on the wrong side of a pitchfork if word of their habits become known.

    Skill 1 and 2:

    Patchwork Pal (Parenthood required)

    By binding the spirit of an alive toddler or child to an innocent looking stuffed bear, the Yarn Witch can animate the toy who then will play and watch over the child until such time as the child becomes a teenager. The magic then is extinguished, causing the toy to flop lifelessly upon the ground; forever then to be again a simple toy. While there seems to be no negative effect upon the child, and many have reported it a happy experience, the practice of magic upon those so defenseless is looked upon gravely. The animated stuffed bear will play with the child as any other normal child could, will scare away any monsters under the bed, and will bring the child food. The first time this is accomplished must be with a child the Yarn Witch knows very well personally (skill 1. After that, it can be performed with any child (skill 2).

    Skill 3: Patchwork Pet (Cats & Dogs required)

    By binding the ghost spirit of a deceased pet, the Yarn Witch can create an animated stuffed animal appearing to be a typical stuffed toy kept together with stitched patches of dozens of different fabrics and patterns. This animal behaves just like a normal animal of its likeness, except it does not eat or use the bathroom. While it also never sleeps, it will recline in a pet's bed when ordered. It can easily be trained to perform tricks and like or dislike anyone the creator wants, but it is known to not get along with normal animals who all seem to want nothing more than to tear it to pieces. Once the Patchwork Pet is damaged, the spirit is released and a new Patchwork must then be created. Items needed: yarn, fabric, ghost spirit of a pet.

    Skill 4 and 5: Patchwork Peasant

    This abysmal practice is the primary reason Yarn Witches are feared and hated. By binding the ghostly spirit of a deceased person to a man sized stitch-work mockery of it's formal self, the Yarn Witch can enslave another's soul to do their bidding until released by the witch or destroyed by another.

    The first time attempted, the Yarn Witch requires one main component; a voodoo doll tied to a ghost from before it's demise. Typically this would require the witch having known the person when alive. After this ritual is accomplished and the witch graduates to skill 5, the witch can then perform this ritual upon any ghostly spirit.

    The Patchwork is under the full control of the witch. It does not require food, sleep, or bathing, but may need the occasional additional stitch here and there. It never speaks nor ever attempts to communicate to anyone, although it has been reported to give out the sound of a heart wrenching moan. The Patchwork can learn any skill that does not require communication, but it is worth mentioning that care must be taken when ordering the Patchwork to cook, as it is prone to catching fire, which will destroy the Patchwork and set the spirit free. Spirits freed in this sense tend to be rather upset at the witch for imprisoning it, and stories of them tormenting the witch's bloodline for generations are legendary.

    Yarn witch? Nah. Toddler or mischievous kid with way too much time on their hands pulling a prank (also a variation of TPing a house but with yarn). Maybe they could have a spider thought bubble while doing it (spinning a yarn web). Not that giving Sims the option to TP houses wouldn't be fun given the current TP shortage here in the US. Speaking of pranks, then there's the time I papered up a doorway of a friend on my dorm floor with newspapers taped together and to the doorway. Magic would be animating knitting needles in the air to knit something for you at skill level 10 without even touching the knitting needles, but perhaps gesturing toward them and chanting something. Also, I do like the idea of a child/toddler attaching to a stuffed animal and an imaginary friend coming out of the stuffed animal like a ghost. Or, the option of knitting voodoo dolls. Not to mention the mischief that could be done with say, "The Loom of Fate". Speaking of kids and knitting, maybe kids could max out at level 5 for knitting skill until they become a teen, so that they could do smaller projects (hats, potholders), but not the big ones.

    By the way, I would still LOVE to see functional newspaper boxes in the game as an object, for those of us who miss newspapers. Some magazines can also be sold from those. I used to glean lots of recipes from newspapers, along with doing crossword puzzles, reading Comics (I seriously miss the comics - it was the best part of the paper), and later on, Sudoku puzzles. Also, they sometimes had weather forecasts, as well as front page news, business news, sports news, editorials, and classified ads, as well as color or black and white print ads for various area businesses. The classified ads, by the way, went online as Craigslist in modern times. Newspaper information could be done from the notices at the upper right from the screen, once the player has their Sim read a specified section of the newspaper. Read newspaper could bring up a new interaction menu, including "put newspaper down" if the player wants to cancel out of the menu. When folded right, newspapers also used to make great hats, as well as large paper airplanes.

    Coffee table magazines and books would also be great: especially magazines like say, Knitter's Digest (yes, I just pulled that one out of thin air so I have no idea if it exists or not IRL), or various books on knitting, which could also be put in the bookshelf or read for knitting/crocheting skill. Some knitting items could even potentially be unlocked with books/magazines, like Sims 3 had unlockable recipes.
    I have been playing The Sims since 2001, when Livin Large came out. My avatar deliberately looks like Chris Roomies from TS1.
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    crocobauracrocobaura Posts: 7,416 Member
    Coffee table magazines and books would also be great: especially magazines like say, Knitter's Digest (yes, I just pulled that one out of thin air so I have no idea if it exists or not IRL), or various books on knitting, which could also be put in the bookshelf or read for knitting/crocheting skill. Some knitting items could even potentially be unlocked with books/magazines, like Sims 3 had unlockable recipes.

    I think it's a given that there will be the 3 levels skill books for knitting, same as with all the skills. I also miss the magazines and newspapers from TS2. Skill books are just not the same.

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    ExtoriumExtorium Posts: 3 New Member
    Q1: I like the whole crosspack idea! Actually i think it could be really fun if its for the fame pack as well. Like maybe the sim is poor and have to earn his/her way towards fame in selling the items to be able to pay for a movie audition or something like that.

    Q2: It give's a grandma vibe and i like that. It reminds me of my grandmother because she was always so busy with it

    Q3: Its not usual to knit at a desk but to have option is really nice. Plus why should you not be able to dont do other stuff there like draw the items that youre want to be knitting at a later point

    Q4:It should take some time. Knitting is a proces.

    Q5: Nahh who stands knitting? maybe they can sit on te ground?

    Q6: I love the option. Cant tell for myself though. Im lefthanded so my grandmother was never able to teach me.

    Q7: I just like the idea to have the option to sell them for a living.

    Q8: That they would start scratching everywear but still keep on smiling because it was gifted

    Q9: I need your best Knitting puns. Feed them to me.

    Im sorry i dont have any

    Q10: I like to have my sims skills build individually
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    lovemy4slovemy4s Posts: 153 Member
    Q1: I would absolutely love this! It makes it much more worthwhile if you can make profit from your creations. I think even a selling online feature would be cool because a lot of knitters and crocheters sell predominately patterns online.

    Q2: I'm a crocheter myself but not a knitter. The crochet community does not like to be called knitters but game wise I would love to see it because a lot of the creations are similar. I actually convert some knitting patterns into crochet patterns so this seems perfectly normal to me.

    Q3: No one knits at a desk but we do love our yarn bowls. I think a desk would be nice if it is functional for other things besides knitting; otherwise, it seems pointless.

    Q4: I like this idea. It depends on the project as well. A blanket can take up to a week, 2 weeks, a month; it all depends on the size really. Gloves and hats can be done within a couple of hours and amigurumi can take a couple of days.

    Q5: It's a little difficult to do this while standing unless you have your yarn in a bag but if I had to do it while standing I would.

    Q6: I like this. My stepmom tried to teach me but I didn't pick it up until I was older and used youtube tutorials. I think it would be cool to have that included and as for animations, just a simple showing correct hand position would suffice.

    Q7: Yes!! Like I said in Q1, most of the patterns or items sold are usually online so this makes so much sense. There is also a huge part of the crochet/knitting community who make hats to donate for preemies and cancer patients.

    Q8: Animations that make them itch and squirm; Maybe show red splotches on neck and body. Also an angry/ uncomfortable moodlet.

    Q9: I got none.

    Q10: I don't want it to be autonomous. I think that would be somewhat frustrating and take away from the retail aspect of it.

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