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Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What Happened In Your Game Today?


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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    All I did this evening was decide that in one of my saves (the one where Wolfgang and Luna's teen daughter is pg by Patchy the Vampire Scarecrow who was also her mother's husband at one point) was go visit Caleb and Cassandra Vatore in their nice homey child-ready expanded Wolfsbane Manor, with their two sons Callum and Vincent, and decided everything was too calm and complacent and picturesque in their lives, so I should make it all explode.

    So I had Cassandra go out and cheat on Caleb with Wolfgang, come back pg, and see where the Reaction to Cheating Mod would take the game. I realized what a jerk I was being, because there was dear sweet Caleb, being the perfect husband and father, serenading her. So I took them to the club so he could watch while she hit on someone. He was too Dazed to be enraged right at the moment, from having had a Barley Bale (I have a tipsy mod) but as soon as that Barley Bale haze wore off, that was it. Enraged, and targeting that Patel gal for Drink Uncontrollably. Another dead mortal at the club. Then I let them go home and have a shouting match in front of the kids, who got very upset due to the Realistic Reactions Mod making it possible for kids to be upset when parents cheat, fight, or divorce. Cassandra even went so far as to tell Caleb that her cheating was actually his own fault because he was lousy in the sack.

    He is always the peacemaker if given a chance, and had the "Forgive for cheating" interaction. But she belittled his fang size, and divorced him on the spot.

    Then I decided not to save, but just exit. There was not a lot of pleasure in wrecking the dollhouse of their pretty little lives. Evil sims being evil and going on rampages are one thing, but nice people making each other miserable and their kids too, just because I forced that kind of game, is not the greatest. I didn't want that little experiment to stand.

    So now I can go back in, and let them do the Perfectly Normal Family thing if I want. I find that excruciatingly dull, but it's kind of funny that domestic tranquility has turned Caleb a little soggy in the middle and soft in the arms. He looks just like you'd expect of a Chef Vampire Dad with two kids, who prefers talking to his plants and reading or chess, to working out.

    I'll do something with Gaston and Caleb (and Lilith) in that save, some other time.
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    DinowCookieDinowCookie Posts: 951 Member
    @AngeliqueAdelaide wow, Morgyn is intense as a woman ;o he indeed looks more like his daughter as a guy. And the dude-version looks better too overall, I think. 😅
    Visit me on the gallery! 😊
    EA ID: DinowCookie | No-CC Households & Rooms
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    Demery27Demery27 Posts: 222 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Fellow Simmers 😁 after Derek and Sade passed Derek's Daughter with his mistress aged up into an young adult. Derek and Sade's son Brock got married and had a baby girl named Brielle. Imara (Sade and Derek Daughter) aged up into a young adult as well. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 and Dirk and their Son Dirk Jr. Are enjoying a vacation in Granite Falls.
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    Hey all! Happy Thanksgiving! Or day after Thanksgiving lol!
    Ok here is my latest gameplay!
    Well we are well into summer and everyone has been getting sick! Poor Hipster Vlad has been so dizzy lol
    Off course everyone has been dutifully doing their homework and term papers but who wants to see that...some surprising things happened instead
    My Brindleton Bay Coven
    Oscar has formally asked Luna to be his girlfriend. So now they are official!
    Cassandra has turned into a catty little witch (literally). She’s apparently proud to be a Britechester alum and likes to taunt the Foxbury students about it.
    I wouldn’t mess with Jo if I were you Cassandra
    She did the same with Darling and then told a gross joke. It apparently upset Darling quite a bit
    So Joanna asked Darling to be her bestie to cheer her up. Also Joanna finally calms Cass down
    I have it so that there can be multiple best friends via MCC :)
    I think Cassandra is used to growing up in a very privileged home and isn’t liking dorm life as much as she should lol. She complains to Wolfgang. They were upstairs in Darling’s and Joanna’s room
    Then she goes downstairs. She was angry at this point! She had an angry moodlet because there were catscratches on the furniture (they guys used to have a cat).
    Joanna has the emotional control and compassionate traits so she nips this tantrum in the bud
    Cassandra is feeling better much to Wolfgang’s relief!
    A few sim hours later and I hear Vlad’s organ playing. But he was at his finals! Who’s playing it? Look who it is!
    Cassandra autonomously started practicing!! Looks like we’ll be selling the piano and buying a pipe organ instead at the Goth mansion!
    Vlad poofs in and he’s got a good grade on his finals! He’s happy someone is interested in playing the pipe organ and decides to mentor Cass.
    Wolfgang meanwhile has been diligently working on his presentations.
    Having witches in the house comes in handy when things need to be fixed or meals made!
    Cassandra repairs the sink via Repairo. Vlad was impressed
    Joanna can now cast grand delicioso!!
    I missed the screenshot for this but she had been practicing for hours and got overcharged. She had to shunt magical charge.
    Luna has been a doll as usual and likes to cheer everyone up
    Even Vlad!
    Oscar and Marcus have discovered the downside to playing the soccer. It kills their hygiene!
    Marcus-. “Dude you smell like bad sushi!”
    Oscar- “I can’t help it. My scales are drying out. Besides you smell like deep fried bat yourself.”
    This next bit of gameplay got a little wild.
    Marcus is definitely crushing on Joanna. He likes to practice soccer with her a lot. She recently joined a soccer team.
    She seems to be developing feelings for him too. Who wouldn’t if he constantly compliments you?
    Of course it doesn’t help because she is a hugger like her dad
    They are listed as lovebirds. No first kiss yet though. They are high enough that the “ask to be boyfriend/girlfriend” social pops up. I haven’t selected it because I want them to do it on their own. He follows her everywhere she goes. Joanna is dating Hugo, but he’s been hot and cold with her. She’s smitten with him and all her romantic whims are usually centered around Hugo when he’s around. But he literally ignores her. Case in point.
    Joanna was doing homework and Marcus came in to talk. A little flirt on his part then she complimented him
    Right after, Hugo walks up and knocks on the door! Joanna flies down and invites him inside.
    He says a few words to her and then walks by her to talk to his sister Luna.
    He ignores Joanna the rest of the time. She flies back upstairs with Marcus and talks a bit
    Then goes down to the basement to play a game. She’s a bit energetic and flits around everywhere. Marcus flies down immediately to join her. He decided to do some homework. Like I said, he follows her everywhere
    Then they got up and he holds her hands! I was so excited. What’s going to happen next!! Is Hugo going to walk in on them? Is he going to kiss her?
    Meanwhile I hear the proposal chime!! I’m like what?! I pan upstairs
    Wolfgang is proposing to Cassandra!!! I have MCC set to autonomous proposal!
    Really Wolfgang? Your proposing in this dank living room?
    She said yes!
    Lol. Vlad was grabbing a book.
    Of course Cass launches herself into Wolfie’s arms. The look on her face. “He finally popped the question!”
    The look on Wolfie’s face. “What have I done?!” The Klumzee Sisters movie was playing in the background! XD I promise Cass I’ll make sure your wedding is much better.
    And Vlad- “Lol. Good luck with that”
    Meanwhile Hugo walks out the door. So I join Jo and Marcus down in the basement. Some more handholding and then she whispers something sweet in his ear.
    I thought some more was going to happen but they were off to soccer practice! Did I mention they are on opposing teams?
    Till next time!!
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    @LehmanLegacy such a sweet puppy!

    @DeafSimmer oh dear! Not sure what's scarier for the kids - a possible murderer around, or feelings.

    @Koteyka poor li'l Peter!! I'm glad he was able to talk to Steve about what happened, and that he was able to cheer Peter up!

    @DoloresGrey a kitty!! I love his weird smooshy li'l face!

    @sarabeth2984 thank you!! Wow, those are some dance moves XD Raylan is doing Language and Literature, I figure he's probably read a lot over the past couple of centuries XD

    @DinowCookie adulting is hard. I definitely recommend sticking to salads until level, like, four or so ;) Also I love how Patrick is like, "Yeah, I might be dead but I'm still gonna party."

    @AngeliqueAdelaide there's a weird bug where his eyes go all tiny, too! I feel bad for your Caleb, why isn't he on good terms with his kids? Morgyn looks great, those eyes are amazing! Would vote, yeah!

    "You are soo hot... for a senior citizen." OooOOOooh XD And hope you have a quick recovery!

    @Nushnushganay not gonna lie, I'm glad you reverted that save :( Poor Caleb! Nothing wrong with being a Chef Vampire Dad who likes plants, books, and chess XD

    @sarabeth2984 man, that taunting about rival schools thing has ruined so many relationships XD (Got a mod to stop autonomous taunting. Guys please!) I can understand why Cass isn't pleased, that room looks pretty grungy! Oh dear, bad sushi and deep-fried bat, that's a charming combo XD And wow, so much relationship happenings!

    Back to Raylan! He's settling in to uni, trying to work out if this actually is the right place for him, and starting to get closer - a lot closer - to Morgyn.

    Raylan and Morgyn have worked together to decorate their dorm! (Between them, they have... a lot of cosmetics!)
    Academically, things are going fine.

    And he thinks his music is definitely coming along.

    Cloudy days, too, are a blessing!

    The main issue is, well... other people. Have they never heard of bathing?!

    (Unexpected sunshine also isn't great!)

    He's becoming a hermit out of sheer irritation, really.

    Spending a lot of time in his and Morgyn's room.

    If it was just schoolwork keeping him isolated and the social aspect was fine, he'd be a lot happier, but...

    (Also, plasma packs are just not the same. They're not nearly as fresh!)

    Time to hit up the local pub, then.

    (Build is STUDENT PUB by lily-12-10-2008, available on the Gallery here.)


    *aggressively plays foosball*

    Okay! Better. He'd better not feed - the girl is friends with Morgyn and it'd definitely get back to them - but he can at least socialise. He does, after all, have fairly high social needs.

    And, just quietly, he's pretty pleased to hear that they're just friends.

    Meditation is helpful. Meditation helps him not, y'know, eat his dormmates.

    Hot showers also help, even if he can't help but be revolted by the... other uses his dormmates use them for. Is that even sanitary?!

    The balcony is a lovely place to practice.

    ...and less smelly.

    Unrelated: this guy living the uni life.

    You know what else the balcony is for? Flirting with your cute roommate.

    Which seems to actually not be going too badly!

    It's a nice, clear night.

    Morgyn, much to Raylan's delight, is quite happy to stargaze, and regales him with arcane information on them.

    Raylan is... a little infatuated. He's not fitting in with the other dormmates, that much is certain. Aside from their frankly disgusting personal habits, he's also significantly older than these messy, smelly children.

    Morgyn, though?

    There's something about them. He doesn't know what it is, but there is the suspicion growing that Morgyn is more than just a Communications student with an interest in the supernatural; that they are far older than they look, that there is more than meets the eye.

    He's intrigued. Fascinated, even. So much of Raylan's life, university included, has been done due to boredom. His life for the past two centuries has been to settle in somewhere, live alone. Go out at night for company and to feed. Move on. Repeat ad nauseum.

    University was meant to be a diversion, something he hadn't got around to doing. He hadn't expected to find something - someone - that would actually capture his attention.

    And Morgyn has definitely captured his attention.

    And when he puts on the charm...

    ...they have, so far, reciprocated.

    He's even willing to put up with sometimes smelly human food!

    Because when it's accompanied by good conversation, it becomes bearable.

    Just flirting so far. Nothing too dramatic. He's even abandoned the idea of trying to feed off Morgyn (even if the idea does sound particularly delicious).

    Which he sorely needs, because the rest of dorm life is... disgusting.

    Have these kids never been taught to tidy?!

    And he's pretty sure he's getting sick. Lovely.

    Sleeping off illness is not his favourite way to spend a day.

    Especially when his other dormmates invade his room.

    Especially since the first term is coming to an end and he actually has to be sufficiently 'with it' to do his work!

    On the plus side, he's fairly sure he's aced one of his papers.

    And Morgyn continues to be good company and a grounding rock.

    He just...

    ...wishes it was slightly less packed.

    Doing homework at Morgyn's desk for once...

    ...because weird strangers are dancing at his.

    That's better. Morgyn sleeps more than Raylan does, so Raylan is happy to watch them while he works.

    Intermission to play violin along to S-pop. What, like you don't?

    Autumn is progressing; soon it will be winter.

    And he can't help but think that Morgyn looks adorable in this get-up, and is happy to say so.


    Phone numbers exchanged!

    Raylan is pleased.

    Yeah. He'll keep bearing it.

    And, vaguely unrelated, some of Morgyn's fabulous random outfits!


    I actually really dig the second one, solid black eyes notwithstanding!
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,237 Member

    @DinowCookie , YES! I did saw your pictures, I was going to mention them but forgot, sorry :) As when I was making Donna, your picture and Abell came to my mind, as you got feedback he looks a lot like Don.. why your pic came to my mind was when I was making Donna, my first tought was "Oh, she looks like Bella!" XD Not too much, there are big enough differences, but Bella was the first what came to my mind :)

    @sarabeth2984 , Heh yep, Bloodvein it is :) I call him Vlad2 , and the grand master himself as Vlad1.. as I am too lazy to type the "Vladislaus" everytime , for their names would not be the same :)

    @Nushnushganay , Thank you :) I honestly do not know what happened, when Ted lived at Oasis Springs, it was same way, only knocking the door and always when he was awake, they did not even knock when he was at sleep. When I moved Ted to an apartment, I got 3 in a row! And 1 failed attempt. (Vlad Bloodvein, Elle Di Vampiro and Kat Cave. Lilith came too, but failed.) When I moved Ted to another apartment, only Caleb shows up uninvited, to watch the darn TV. So yes, I am again back to no break ins. If I get none in near future, I may test and move him back to that first apartment, he has to deal with mice and roaches, but that was so far the only place I had break in every other night.
    About the picture from ground level, when you are going to take a picture, press Tab-button, it will take you to free cameramode.. use keyboard keys to move the camera. Q= down E=up Z=zoom in , and if I recall right X=zoom out. Arrow keys and the mouse also move the camera regular way. Press Tab again to exit back to regular camera :) (my keyboard is scandinavian, but those letters should be at same place in every keyboard)
    ETA: naturally if you play with console, then I assume you cant?

    So, back to gender swapping. Next set of sims. This time under spoilers, as more pictures.

    Liam and Cayla Vatore



    Hell, Cave, Crow
    Mister hell, Tiger Cave and Marla Crow

    Mister Hell

    Tiger Cave

    Marla Crow

    Joni Zest

    Joni dreams of beeing a famous comedienne, but she also wishes prince charming to show up and take her away from this trailer!

    Deanna Lobo

    Deanna is rich and famous AND feared critic. Someone who is important. However, she herself is second guessing her own decisions. Like her hair, she cannot deside if to dye it to blond again or not.. she is also a bit lonely.

    Jaqueline,Luke, Hulda and Maxine.

    Jaqueline , matriarch, who controls everything.

    Luke, eldest child, heir, a dreamer, so much sadness in the history it has its marks on his face forever.

    Hulda , positive one, who simply does not give a 🐸🐸🐸🐸 about anything! Most of all about calories!

    Maxine, as long as she can sneak out of school and have time at the pool, she is happy! (+prank all the neighbours!)

    Huntington III , Patel , Kalani , Richards
    Jane Huntington III, Michelle Kalani, Gabriella Richards, Joey Patel

    Joey Patel, unemployed, likes to tell funny jokes (funny as his own opinion), and chats all days with sims at simscord.

    Michelle Kalani, she loves her plants.

    Gabriella Richards, she takes everything seriously, relly, EVERYTHING. After a lowsy day at work, she is making a drink, and rans out of imagination, water?

    Jane Huntington III , prettyest and richest of them all, who pays the house, actually. She loves sports more than partnership, with commitment issues, maybe she is single forever. Absolutely hates the idea of "prince charming", never say never, Jane!

    And after taking vampire shots I had to play my tester sim (this time Tessa Tester) , to get next morning again, better lightning for pics.. she lives at empty lot, I sent her to night club at Willow Creek:
    Mike and Carlos were there.
    No idea why Carlos was so worried, maybe Bonnie had denied the use of simolcholol from him, he just had orange juice and so badly wanted the drink Tessa was having?
    Well at least Karl, Georgia and Donna had fun!
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,552 Member
    Fattening, dormie provided food leads to overweight sims.

    Overweight sims lead to exercise.

    Exercise leads to sore muscles.

    Sore muscles lead to massages provided by 1st term students.

    Life at University, fantastic.

    "Are there any more cookies left?"
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @AngeliqueAdelaide I would totally vote for Morgyn after the makeover. However, Bjorn would like to add that he doesn't appreciate the digs at his dress sense or his age ;)

    @ryttu3k am loving Morgyn and Raylan. Raylan at university needed to find some Morgyn in his life didn't he! And Morgyn's tartan look is to die for. (the other looks are good too).

    @Koteyka poor peter - he knew something was up but made the wrong guess. I am glad Ellie tried to help him -I hope he'll trust her in future. And an episode full of Steve is always appreciated.

    @sarabeth2984 Loved your latest update - awww Wolfgang autonomously proposed, he is a softie underneath isn't he. I like how you havemade him over - this is my current Wolfgang and I don't think he is as half as nice as yours...
    I am enjoying Joanna and Marcus -it is always sweet when sims seem to automatically fancy each other - can they automatically ask to be boyfriend/ GF in the game? I am glad Luna is sweet in your game - in mine she is both a grade A clinger (beware if you let a male sim speak to her even once) she constantly phone spams both Bjorn AND Edvin Ollie asking them out all the time plus she seems to go in for passionate kiss without much beforehand ( she did it to Bjorn and she did it to married Johnny Zest in front of his wife in one of my games where Johnny was the main sim - he had done funny introduction back when they were both teens and that was all).

    @Ellupelluellu thank you for the further genderbent characters - I love the entire roomies household. Joni Zest was as good as I hoped. Cayla Vatore is extremely pretty. I love Deanna Lobo and we are both having the exact same hair dilemma LOL It will be easier to fix as a sim though.Luke Villareal is sweet and Hulda is adorable - Maxine looks like her personality hasn't swapped any hahah. I borrowed your idea and did 16 Maxis made sims like the Newbies, Noah and Kurt Lumberjackson - I now have a good set of original townies for background characters without too much work - I used hairs and clothes I typically don't so they look even more original in my game - after 6 generations of my drifters some of my library is starting to repeat. Thanks for sharing what you've done

    Well Lucas Munch lost his opportunity to be a leading character in my game. He managed to sneak up into young adult before I turned aging off and ran off and got himself pregnant to this young man (thanks MCCC). Oskar Nils will have to look elsewhere and get over his crush.

    This is Sophia and her daughter - I hope Tiffani and this girl aren't ever in the same place together as it will be blindingly obvious that Tiffani is a Bjergsen.

    I switched over to play Jade and she was enjoying an afternoon with Sergio.
    Jade has a pink romance bar with sergio because when she was pregnant with Tiffani and I was playing Bjorn and Jessica, she automatically came to the bar, saw them kissing, got sad and then flirted up a storm with Sergio (who is not very loyally married to Luna).

    Jade continued to make bad romance choices (nooo Jade I have someone nice for you to meet!)

    I gave in and let her kiss him - she was into him and feeling happy for the first time in ages.

    Tiffani came out and Sergio reacted in disgust (thanks hates children trait) and left. Tiffani inadvertently saved her mother from making further terrible romance choices.

    A date that goes well without glitches.
    Tiasha and Terrell are just so cute together. I have forgiven MCCC for forcing them to be parents as they just seem so right as a couple.

    Dessert at Tiasha's brother Kendrick's bakery (yes billboard guy is hot and is a baker, as well as a model- what woman could resist him.)

    Then a romantic stroll ... Tiasha did not runaway - Cassandra please take note!

    Terrell had something he needed to ask.


    I switched over to play Diego - I quite like his career - I have never played that before. And Diego is just fun to play as he is a pleasant sim whose hotheaded trait is easily diverted. @AlwaysAsking using him in her game inspired me to give him a go (especially after she made him over).

    Hmm I wonder who the singing lady he is painting is? Could it be Jessica? (he has level 2 painting skill - don't judge him - although he WILL judge you and your art skills.)

    I wonder what he wished for when he flicked his coin in the fountain?

    An awkward day at the park - they wouldn't even autonomously talk and laugh like usual.

    And awkward smiles in the selfie. Plus an awkwardly placed blossom causing a purple smudge.
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    HejixHejix Posts: 1,056 Member
    I want to play ALL the premade families! One day...
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    Who's come over for a chat? Ramin Aleman!
    And then he chats to one of the pineapple plants:
    Looking after the plants and bees
    Benjamin checks on his bees:
    And it's mite killing time!
    And then he bonds with his bees:
    He then picks the flowers from his greenhouse:
    And he picks his pineapples outside:
    Afterwards, it's back inside for Benjamin!
    Silus Bergmann pops round
    Perfect night for a vegetarian vampire to visit! Silus Bergmann visited Dianthus Hall, and Roddy said hello to his friend:
    Benjamin Furystrykar hadn't got a photo of Silus, so he teleports to his photo studio:
    Roddy's also gonna have his photo taken with Silus. Because why not?
    Commence the silliness!
    At last, Silus and Roddy were in position! Let the photos begin!
    High five!
    Boop the snoot. Snoot the boop. (Something I do with my sister's cat, Willow.)
    Silus said goodbye to Roddy and Benjamin:
    And he left. It was the right time, too, as it was getting light out:
    Princess Cordelia visits
    Princess Cordelia visited the Furystrykar household. She gave Roddy a big loving hug:
    And a big smooch on the cheek:
    And then Roddy talked to the princess for a while:
    Photo time!
    Benjamin took photos of Roddy and Cordelia together:
    And then Benjamin took photos of just the princess:
    Afterwards, Roddy and Benjamin said goodbye to Princess Cordelia and then Benjamin teleported to the living room:
    Bonus Pictures
    Even though I have my game's graphics settings set to a comfortable level, it can still pull stuff like this:
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    New panelling!
    Valentines Day
    Valentines day had arrived. Roddy gave Shine a flower:
    Shine gave Roddy several big smooches on his face:
    Hamish then gave Shine a flower:
    Shine gave Hamish several big smooches on his face:
    And lastly, Sophia gave Shine a flower:
    And Shine gives Sophia several big smooches on her face:
    And Benjamin gives Shine a flower:
    Meanwhile, Roddy, Sophia and Hamish's faces were covered in big, shiny, bright pink lipstick smooches. They looked at each other and laughed!
    Roddy handed two of his makeup removal wipes to Sophia and Hamish, and the three siblings removed the lipstick smooches from their faces with them:
    Then Shine left for her last class of the term and the final exam:
    Wendy and Tiffany celebrate Valentines Day
    I think I'll let the pictures do the talking here. And to remind everyone who's who, Tiffany's in red, Wendy's in pink.
    Final exam over, back home for some Valentines lovin'
    Shine gives Benjamin a flower when she gets in:
    Benjamin gives Shine another flower:
    And then Shine passionately smooches Benjamin, and gives him lots of big smooches on his face as well:
    'You're a smooching machine, my fair maiden! HUBBA HUBBA!' Benjamin said, his face covered in big, shiny, bright pink lipstick smooches:
    Later on, the pair go up to their on-suite bathroom:
    Commence the woohoo!
    And here comes the finale!
    'Hoo boy, that was awesome!' Benjamin said, after the best woohoo session he'd ever had
    'You said it, honey!' Shine replied, giggling:

    And what about Chloe? She doesn't mind being without a boyfriend or a girlfriend, or a spouse, for that matter. She just enjoys being with her niece and nephews:
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    No gameplay today - I was working on replacing all the lots in Britechester (in my main save, not the one Raylan is in) with gorgeous Gallery builds. All listed here! Still haven't worked out how to get rid of that Big Closet quirk Morgyn rolled, but I did save all of their Everyday outfits with MCCC so I can switch them back easier. Here's uni!Morgyn's full lookbook!


    @Ellupelluellu Cayla is gorgeous, and Joni is adorable! Hope she gets the good life she deserves!

    @CK213 I mean, 'freshman fifteen' is a known phenomenon, after all ;D

    @Becka28 he's developing quite the story! And I'm lowkey obsessed with that tartan outfit, it came out so well!

    Good job, Tiffani! I mean, kind of sad for Jade, but still. Happiness should come her way eventually! Lovely date, and poor Diego, that did look a bit awkward!
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    @AngeliqueAdelaide Loved your shares! And if you are trying to give Morgyn a more virilized face, he needs a masculine bone structure, as in, a broader, more defined jawline and chin. I can't wait to get RoM, because I want to play around with virilized and feminized versions of Morgyn.
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    DinowCookieDinowCookie Posts: 951 Member
    Previous posts index
    Esmé got to purchase the Florist Shop I set up for her earlier. It was quite the investment, it cost a total of $47000 to purchase the shop and first items in stock. Which cost all-but-$1000 of the families savings! This better be a success. 😱


    Luckily the first few days went great. Locals are loving the bouquets Esmé is offering and she made enough money just-in-time to pay a $4000-something household bill. Unfortunately, she did need to skip a day due to falling ill...


    She soon was able to hire an employee. She chose a young woman with a cheerful appearance, she doesn't have many skills yet but that also makes her wages affordable. Her name is Corinne Hile, a sim I downloaded from EA ID ultraspagh_c856 on the gallery. Her best skill is sales, which is just what Esmé was looking for; someone to answer questions and enthuse customers while Esmé works on new bouquets in the backroom!


    She didn't start off well, looking on her phone the entire time. After Esmé berated her for doing so, she soon got to work and enthused so many customers that Esmé had a hard time keeping up with ringing them up! 😃 So Corinne seems to be the right woman for the job despite bad first impressions.
    Visit me on the gallery! 😊
    EA ID: DinowCookie | No-CC Households & Rooms
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    DinowCookieDinowCookie Posts: 951 Member
    @sarabeth2984 congrats on Wolfgang and Cassie's engagement! Having them done autonomously must cause some interesting situations every now and then. 😂 Also "I thought some more was going to happen but they were off to soccer practice!" I thought more was going to happen too, bummer! 😅 Oh well, better luck next time. 😜

    @Ellupelluellu Joni sure is adorable. Johnny Zest is one of my favorite premades, and he's the 'founder' of my current played family. You definitely did him/her justice as the opposite gender. I hope someone will come to save her from trailer life. 😁

    @ryttu3k loving the lookbook for Morgyn! A perfectly coordinated mix of feminine and masculine clothes. 😊

    @DeafSimmer I love the look of your sims Natalie and Elizabeth, they have such unique faces! Did you create them in CAS or was she born in-game?
    Visit me on the gallery! 😊
    EA ID: DinowCookie | No-CC Households & Rooms
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member


    Now that Carly is a YA it's time for her to get married.


    She's going to marry Duane from Island Living. They dated as teens.


    I was worried he'd say no because they both got the non committal trait :(


    BUT he said YES!

    (The game added a bunch of crazy accessories to his outfits... I didn't do that)

    It was raining on their wedding day :(






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    DarkAngel1994DarkAngel1994 Posts: 771 Member

    @ryttu3k (p. 511) - Good idea about the fence around the Cowplant, in case anyone gets the cake. The only access would be Atlas and Dylan.

    @AlwaysAsking (p. 512) - Next time the game tells me to make a flirty serum, I'm going to either ignore it or make it and give it to someone else in Curtis's workplace.
    Dealing the quadruplets are quite a handful, but thankfully it's not the first time having quadruplets.
    That's the reason why I love the Cowplant. Let it eat the ones you don't like. :)
    I didn't want to do too much pink for the girls, probably Calista would have a pink room. As for the other girls, Nyx a purple room, and Autumn an orange and yellow room (kinda like a fall color).

    @Daephene (p. 516) - Having a single baby is rare in my game. It's always either twins, triplets, or quadruplets.

    @sarabeth2984 (p. 516) - Thanks! :)
    Updated the house into a two-story once the toddlers age up.

    Dylan came back from home and was surprised to see the Cowplant, Betsy, fully grown.
    "Is this what it supposed to look like?"
    "Yup. She makes a great pet to fend off the nosy neighbors."
    "Ok...Make sure she doesn't get the kids and the cat."

    Atlas got a call from his mother to have a magic duel at the Magic Realm.

    He was getting the hang of it...

    ...but it didn't end so well.

    Atlas wasn't happy about it.

    Unlike Andromeda, he knows how to fly a broom (his first time).

    Before heading back home, he went fishing. He didn't catch anything, but the bundle of seaweed (is that what it is?).

    I was hoping Sims react to a snake slithering by. Would've been funny.

    Back at home, the kids ate some dinner before heading to bed.

    Calista, being the stubborn one, wanted to stay up to play with Duchess.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @LehmanLegacy It's really sweet how close the family is I love to do that, I'm a softie who gets attached to families so even if they move I mean clearly it's a rule to still be together in some way lol.
    @Koteyka That's just sad, I had some things to say about those sim kids but I'm glad Petey has one father close by for times like these he needs a much better friend. She warned him but maybe it would have been better if she couldn't say anything to just play with him, spend some time talking hoping his dad would have to come get him elsewhere it's not her fault just a thought.
    I liked it all the same though.
    @sarabeth2984 cool I'll look for you so I can snag him, I have some ideas but we'll see how it goes when he's in my game and which save I plop him in thanks. Oh yeah that reminds me I don't think I've given everyone a makeover, since the main start of that save was Bella falling a bit for Andrew but they have more to go through so it's time to shift to more characters which is my update today ha. Wolfie is just cute and I might have started calling him that after rewatching Swing Shift Cinderella if you haven't heard of it I might be able to get a link later where I am the net is a little too slow to find it now. Yeah that's why I like using the premades off and on it's always fun to see what others do with them, I love the family history there. She does make a nice mermaid though, so I guess he lucked out.

    Oh and I have ideas for Vlad's next no reason makeover moving on to your next post.

    Vlad is literally a sick hipster...wait do hipster's say 'sick' in that way? No I cool before it was cool yet? lol

    Ah student life is so busy I don't take pics of everything for that reason but oddly enough I like it, I like them needing to put in extra work in their schooling while relaxing at least a little on the weekend some of my sims won't go to uni I've decided though I haven't decided how many will still take classes. Nice that we have either option huh? Loner Vlad hisses at bystander while hipster Vlad rocks his classes he's got so many faces. Cass being catty amuses me so much, As far as smelling like bad sushi well we'll leave it to them, I can't keep Cori away from her soccor ball and I popped into cas to edit one of her outfits for later and saw she has a nice sixpack while her man is just skinny he's gonna need some equipment to bulk up me thinks. I didn't even know you could set autonomous proposals I always worry giving them too much freedom offers too much cheating in relationships which I know you can restrict played sims from so I'm not sure how strong it is now. I had a different mod for that.
    @Becka28 I love Diego too, one of my better uses of him was when I gave him a makeover and let him build a life with Cassandra Goth they were a cute couple till a glitch killed her "years" into their marriage. Which I think I shared on this thread.

    Mmkay awesomes out as I can't use this net much longer (hotspot to laptop) without it slowing down more on me, this is a short update which is weird cause I feel like I was playing awhile. This is Bella's save but I have moved from her main story a bit to give a little more with a few around her cause I'm odd and just like to do that. No one new just the pancakes.

    The tiniest pancake member, Julia who was recently born..yeah still age up babies immediately lol, loves Pixel when she sees her. She's not really the cuddly type and regularly runs outside for her own little adventures though she's brought back feathers and is currently well behaved. Only scratching her posts that is, we'll see how long that lasts.
    Bob sees Eliza changing things up, she never says a word but cleaning up after him she's gotten a nicer makeover, one it took him a while to notice she doesn't even complain about his dirty clothes. To some that would be a dream, though he notices he has some clothes hiding behind the toilet and realizes for him it's not anymore. She only spoke to him to let him know she was going to continue proper education she would stay here to better herself. What did that mean? He was sure she'd leave him. hit with a sudden bit of insecurity he really wasn't used to as a happy disconnected slob he hated his reflection and went for an unhealthy way to clean up. telling Eliza he applied too, they could get better together after all.
    They weren't the best results and he felt even worse, she was accepted into Britchester for communications and he landed a distinguished degree in culinary, hearing her ask him to bring Julia down while she worked on homework first he felt a little embarassed. Wondering what else was passing him by, he went to work but he kept to washing dishes and cooking as little as possible he was the most active lazy person you could find he felt she had to be ashamed of him, getting her time away from him was valuable but now she never went out with her usual group to watch Julia instead. With her outlet gone he was sure his time was numbered, though Eliza didn't feel the way he thought she wouldn't know what was going on in his mind. When was the last time they had a real conversation? They both agreed they wanted a baby, had fun together but he could act with the best of them and she wasn't as observant as she liked to think she was.
    While he tries to play happy father, a little down over the fact that she had nothing to say...if he was comfortable she guessed it was fine, but he wasn't her Bob. Why would he do that to himself?
    As they make the most of what they have we see....well what happens when you don't talk.

    And yeah I'll fix the post if the pics don't load but that's where I am and I think I have makeovers to finish.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    DoloresGreyDoloresGrey Posts: 3,490 Member
    Benjamin was watching a movie
    And Ben was taking a nap. Actualy he was taking naps. Many of them.
    -probably just playing Phasmophobia :p
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    at first he was going to be preppy then I changed my mind, just some of Vlad's new what am I going to do with him? No idea it was doing that thing where it says there is a disallowed word so I saved him as the count and uploaded him that way which seemed to work. If anyone wants him.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    KimmerKimmer Posts: 2,402 Member
    I really enjoy the stories and screenshots here. It's great to see how differently people play this game and what kind of stories they make. :)
    Here's a little update on Stanley's University experience.

    Getting started on his day.

    Play time after class.

    Stanley went evening swimming and he obviously forgot to change his swimwear off while biking home.

    The next day he went to restaurant with Maya and his roommate. He and Maya really seem to get along. :)

    He had his first party and got "juiced". Too bad Maya wasn't there. Stanley invited her to the lot, but she never came.

    He wins all his debates, he won this one too, but he didn't win the competition.

    He got a photo with Britechester mascot.

    This was unexpected. He showed up at the UBrite commons wearing these clothes. I don't know why, I haven't given him this outfit. I didn't even recognize him without his helmet. Lol, I guess I can believe that Maya game him a makeover. He looks happy, but I'm sure he missed his helmet and felt uncomfortable wearing tight jeans. :D

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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Pizzazz Hunter
    Amanda study debate & research to prepare for university.

    Hannah & Ida did their homework at the library in Britechester, while Amanda continued to study debate & research.

    Adonis baked a cake for Jacob & Kendra's upcoming birthday.

    Adonis & Amanda had a work out date.

    Amanda expected to get into one distinguished degree. She was very surprised to discover she got into all the distinguished degrees.
    Amanda was a A student in high school and got positive caracter value traits. Probably the reason she can pick the distinguished degree she wants to study.
    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    @DinowCookie man, that's some investment! Hope the flower shop pays off! And thank you! My Morgyn is genderfluid, so I was going for that mix :)

    @March306 good luck with the next generation! :D

    @DarkAngel1994 can't recall if you can lock gates like you can for doors, but you can set it to be locked for everyone, and only unlock it to feed the plant? Just for extra insurance. And I don't blame Calista, Duchess is so fluffy <3

    @RedDestiny92 man, I wish Jamie's cat Sage would bring back feathers! I still need to complete that collection! Poor Pancakes, I hope they're able to find some happiness. And wow, that's some makeover for Vlad!

    @DoloresGrey must... smooch... kitty belly...

    @Kimmer such a sweet bean <3 I think the tee (and maybe the outfit) is from one of the clubs?

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