Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Been setting up my story again.

    The Messiah is also back:


    Some Sims who will appear:

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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member

    Page 3682

    @Steamvarius You're welcome.
    I've had a bit of that trouble before as well. Also, sometimes the road will be there, but it will be blurry and not rendered properly.

    @Karritz You're welcome.
    I see, yeah teens are known to do that. In my town, we had a teen that stole a few vehicles around here. Luckily he was caught but he stole one of my former teachers truck.

    @GraceyManor You never drink something that says drink me, Chelsea.
    Well, I think I know what the potion did.

    @Turjan Looks like a fun time at the lake.
    Is that a deathflower? If so, that could come in handy.
    Love the look on the ladies face playing keyboard, lol
    Really, the burglar was right behind them.
    Great update!

    @emorrill Hope you get some help with your dry eyes, that's not very fun.

    @ZhakiraP Great update, everyone looks great!

    @DillynJames The office looks nice.
    Congrats on Katy reaching CEO!
    Great update!

    @Mikezumi Hope Shannon's bell pepper does well.
    Good thing Kier is burning food now, he should be okay by the time he is a teen.
    Jamming in his underwear, no less. :lol:
    Looks like a fun time at the bowling alley.
    I guess Astrid wanted to meet the guys.
    Keanu sure was having fun.
    Great updates!

    ***Hank and Ava update coming up. Will probably be more pics than text as this update has been sitting on my computer for awhile.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member

    Hank and Ava Update

    I can't remember whose birthday it was the day before, but Hank ate leftover cake for breakfast as he was the first one up.

    Hank stayed at the table to talk to Ava as she ate her cake.

    Hank heading to work.

    Jason is a virtuoso so I decided to have him play with the xylophone. I figured this way he could get a head start on his instruments.

    Once Hank and Ava got home, Hank had his birthday and aged up to an adult.

    After eating cake, Ava headed off to cut some gems, hoping to make more money.

    At home, Ava sat down to read a book while Hank took care of Jason.

    Hank working on Jason's potty training.

    Ava's birthday present for Hank. :lol:
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member

    Page 3683

    @Silverofdreams30 You're welcome.

    @king_of_simcity7 Nice to see everyone from the story.
    You're welcome.

    @GraceyManor Lol, I hate when Sims get that moodlet, I just send them down the street.
    Wow, she's being really rude to everyone. Telling a kid not to cry isn't going to work, lol
    Becky looks nice.
    Chelsea is looking a bit like a fool for taking the potion, she should have known better but we all do stupid things every now and then.
    I hope she doesn't tell her kids that, that would be traumatizing for them.
    Great updates!

    @emorrill Great winter pic of Sunset Valley!

    @Puddinroy Great to hear from you, I don't have too many updates right now, although I just posted one a bit ago today.

    @lisasc360 Great to hear from you!

    @Evalen Lol, I bet that would be a funny fight to see.

    @CursedDice Nice update!

    @Karritz Congrats on reaching video 20!

    @HillyBeth Congrats on the new addition!

    @DillynJames Great job on Rafael Striker!
    Great update!

    Page 3684

    @Karritz Great synopsis for the video!

    @king_of_simcity7 Great to hear from the Messiah again.
    Looks like some familiar faces and maybe some I haven't seen before.

    ***Wow, finally got caught up! I shouldn't fall too far behind now, although I won't be on quite as much as I was. I have another update to post, will have that up shortly.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member

    Hank and Ava update

    More birthday cake for breakfast. It is almost gone now.

    It's been a bit but Jason at least hit level one on the xylophone.

    Teenage Bella Bachelor and Mortimer Goth at the park.

    Last protest before I shut University off. My game handles better with only some of the EP's and not all so I picked my favorites.

    Jason finished his potty training, now he only has two more toddler skills left.

    Hank teaching Jason to walk.

    Ava prepared another meal since there is not much left in the fridge.

    Hank and Ava spent some time together before going to bed.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Darlene crying because dad went to work again.XD

    Becky's first day of Elementary school.Time goes by so quick.

    Ted: This looks interesting, let me make a mess.

    Darren: Chelsea! There you are, you had me scared to death.

    Chelsea: Why are you here?
    Darren: Because I love you.I'm worried about you, Chelsea, you gotta snap out of this.
    Chelsea: ......
    Darren: ....Come back to us Chelsea...I hope this works.


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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Thanks! =)
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Schwarze passed away while everyone was at work and school.The family took his grave to the graveyard.

    Chelsea: He was old, he..he had a good life.

    Even Ted mourned the death.

    Darren: Let's go home...There's nothing left to do.
    Becky: -sniffles-
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    TroyTalksTroyTalks Posts: 103 Member
    @Puddinroy Hello

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    Ili82Ili82 Posts: 28 Member
    So I'm a bit late to this thread. I used to document my Sims stories on my old PC but getting back into playing again 😍😍
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 New Member
    edited September 2019
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    Happy birthday to Hank.
    Jason is a cute toddler.


    I hope for sure that hot kiss works hehe.


    Nice updates.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,934 Member
    edited September 2019
    @Brandontaylor thank you. I'm now playing the game with Oscar in Moonfall Island and trying to find a new screen shot to use for the video thumbnail. The thumbnail I'm currently using is from Chocolate Cake Island Boarding School and this new world has a totally different boarding school decor and everything is different. The sims are mixing with lots of new Sims all over town.

    The only issue I've found so far and the mermaids all seem to have become normal sims. They are no longer mermaids. I've started adding their occult state back but I suspect they'll lose it again as they are probably not bothering to swim. It also means I'm going to need the fix their scale colours again or they'll all revert to the default colours of pale blue or purple.


    This is a pic of Percy Koffi as a teen. He is the father of Eric and Susanne. I think he might be an adult in the current game.

    Here are some picutres of the new world - Moonfall Island

    Inside on the ground floor of the boarding school. Harvey plays the guitar while Whilemina and Erica watch.

    Isabel successfully joined the Magician career as was her wish and to help her achieve her lifetime wish. She then started performing for tips at the Performance Park with the proprietor sitting at a nearby seat.


    That's the proprietor sitting on the seat in this pic.

    I've got all the young adults, other than Erica, with jobs around town for the moment. There are no toddlers at the boarding school so no need for them to all be at home all day.

    Erica is back in the gardening career. The others got into careers they had wished for or needed to be in to achieve their lifetime wish.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,934 Member
    edited September 2019
    I've spent a couple of days wondering what thumbnail to use for the next part of Oscar's Childhood vidoes. Now, Bonehilda has been playing hopscotch at the boarding school for a couple of days. I also have Eric and Susanne at the boarding school with Oscar and I was thinking of trying to get a screen shot of the three of the little sims playing together - but that's been impossible so far. It's a bit like hearding cats.

    Then I realised it was very early morning in the game. Oscar was up and about and Bonehilda was playing hopscotch. I suddenly got the idea to tell Oscar to join her in her game. I got a screen shot and think this'll be the one to use for the new thumbnails.


    I hope it works.

    Please let me know what you think.

    EDIT: I fixed the text being too close together - moved the second row down a bit.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @GraceyManor Oh my, they still haven't figured she's under a spell yet. Poor Becky wants comforting and Mom is just being mean.
    Ok....they finally figure it out weeks later! Musta be fun living with her. Becky looks cute.
    Cool picture of them talking with the meteor streaking by.
    I sure hope the kiss works!
    I guess it worked?
    Bummer about Schwarze. Condolences to the family.

    @emorrill So much pretty snow.

    @Puddinroy Hey, hope you enjoy it when you have time to catch up with the story. Ouch, I broke my two last toes on my left foot several years ago and it sure does hurt. :cry: I went to the foot doctor and he re positioned the baby one as it was pointing sideways :open_mouth: and taped the toes so they wouldn't move. Pain was much better after that!

    @lisasc360 Hey! Nice to see ya!

    @CursedDice What a lot of drama! I have no idea why she would suddenly want to eat on the toilet. That is weird, but that is the sims! :lol:

    @Karritz Congrats on finding the video of Tammy as ghost and the ambrosia segments as well. You must have your saves well organized.
    Congrats on getting the video finished and uploaded.
    It is a pain that the mermaids didn't keep their occult states.
    The pic of Oscar and Bonehilda playing hopscotch is perfect!

    @DillynJames It sure sounds like the relationship had grown stagnant. Hope things work better for him in Monte Vista. Congrats to Kate on her promotion.

    @Brandontaylor Hank really 'got into' the birthday cake! :lol:
    Great seeing Hank and Ava again.
    Jason is a cutie!
    Cute pottie pics.
    Hank is a great Dad working with his son on his skills.

    @Ili82 Hi, hope you enjoy playing again, and share what you have going on. :)

    @meerkattime Sounds like you've had fun while away from your sims. A walk in the woods sounds nice. I'm thinking of a walk at the beach later today if it doesn't get too hot.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    edited September 2019
    Cool picture of them talking with the meteor streaking by.

    There was a meteor? Where? :open_mouth:
    Are you talking about the lighthouse in the background? I don't see a meteor.XD
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    sigh....not enuff coffee this morning and was still half asleep. I see it now was the lighthouse. :blush::lol:
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    NinotoNinoto Posts: 1 New Member
    My male sim got abducted by aliens and came back pregnant.(i didnt even know it was possible) (the alien babys name is John)
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    KattomieKattomie Posts: 1 New Member
    My sim wanted to host a sim via simport but I don't have any actively playing friends right now. Sooo anyone wanna add me?
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    SunnyyesjamsSunnyyesjams Posts: 541 Member

    A student in the school of magic arts has gotten (gasp) preggers! She is an npc roommate so I didn't even notice! On top of that the baby is from is from her ex-boyfriend who is also a student at this school, but he broke up with her because she cheated on him. Her current romantic interest isn't the father :o ! I wondered why there have been so much slapping and yelling lately.

    I'm not sure how to go about this. I know for sure that there has to be some consequence, since they have not completed their studies and is using the academy facilities to do what must not be named! Perhaps I'll send the baby to the holy woman, she's old and will need a heir, so maybe the baby can stay with her and become the next priestess. Anyway, I need to remove both the mother and father from the premises immediately as it is setting a bad example for the other students! (If you guys have any ideas I'd love to hear them)


    How did a resuscitated zombie get pregnant anyways?! This breaks all of my backstory :D .
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    Midnight Hollow, The Ballan Family
    Adam's Quest

    After a long flight the group of friends arrive in Dragon Valley. Alice had arranged a rental home and they quickly unload their suitcases and settle on rooms. Trunks and suitcases are put in the rooms and they meet back downstairs. They had slept on the plane so were ready to get out and about. Jennifer suggests they visit town hall and look at the archives to find out if any Willowisp's live in town.

    They arrive at town hall marveling at the unique architecture only to find it is closed today. They spend some time chatting with some of the locals who show up at the lot. The locals told them about a few places they should visit and enjoy the unique town.

    The group travels to the ruins on the outskirts of town and explore the area. They did not find any relics but it was pretty and they enjoy seeing the historical markers and reading about the town's history. They visit some of the interesting buildings in town. The tent arena excites them and they wonder if jousting tournaments are held inside. Something they will check out later.

    The medieval festival lot was highly recommended to visit and they certainly enjoy exploring what it has to offer. Adam and Marshall race up the rock wall. Wisteria gazes at the Dragon in the fountain. Alice, Dedric and Jennifer engage in an archery competition.

    Wisteria finds a violin and begins to play. She picks a medieval song that enhances the festival atmosphere and surprises the others at how good she is. She hides her talents under that shy exterior.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    Midnight Hollow, The Ballan Family
    Adam's Quest

    Adam slips as he reaches the top and down he falls. "Lets do best 3 out of 5." Adam tells Marshall.
    "You're on! Marshall shouts as he turns and races back to the rocks.
    It was not Adam's day.
    Adam is not a very happy loser.

    They others join Wisteria on the stage and she abandons the violin for another instrument that will sound better with the rest of the group. They had played together at university and Wisteria is able to join the jam session with skill and enthusiasm.

    Hunger begins to set in and Adam fires up one of the community grills and makes some burgers.

    Across the street from the rental is a pub. They decide to visit before turning in for the evening. Jennifer chats with a local family whose boys are doing homework on the floor of the pub. Marshall and Dedric enjoy a game of pool. Alice upgrades the karaoke machine using her magic as it was a bit on the screechy side. Adam and Wisteria enjoy a drink while Alice starts to sing. Jennifer takes a turn while they all shout encouragement. Dedric and Wisteria sing a love song making goo goo eyes at each other. Adam and Marshall sing The Eye of the Wolf and have the joint rockin' with the song.

    Risin' up, back on the street
    Did my time, took my chances
    Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
    Just a man and his will to survive
    So many times, it happens too fast
    You trade your passion for glory
    Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
    You must fight just to keep them alive
    It's the eye of the wolf, it's the thrill of the fight
    Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
    And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
    And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the wolf

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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    Hi. It's been awhile. You know the novel 'The Metamorphosis' by Franz Kafka? That's how I wake up every day. :tongue:

    Anyway, I've been mildly worried. Haven't gotten any messages from you guys for awhile now, so I thought I'd check in. Everything seems alright, so I guess it's just me. :lol: I understand. I'm an unreliable friend to myself, so I can't imagine what I am like to other people. I have a hard time deciding whether to drop in when I haven't been playing The Sims, but I've told people a lot to do things for themselves and not for the approval of others, so I've decided I'll just post any non-sims stuff anyway. Though, under a spoiler tag for those who don't care. :lol: Because I'm still a people pleaser at heart. :tongue:
    I compiled what I thought was a cute little pic of some characters I made. I guess they all exist in the same universe and I have like backstory ideas and such, but like most things I do I'm not sure if it'll ever be anything more than the stories exist in my head and I make cute pics to appease the stories in my head. :lol: I know that doesn't make sense, but that's just how it is.

    Anyway, here's the pic. I'll list their names under it.
    From Left to Right: Haruka, Kenshin, Akechi, Shingo, Yuka, Hiromu, and Kouta

    They're all students except Kouta who is the school's tennis coach and physical education instructor. :tongue:

    I tried to show their personalities through what they're doing as well as sprinkle their stories in there a little bit. Ken, despite his outward appearance, is a but.thead. :lol: He's very aloof and is generally in a crummy mood. As he keeps to himself a lot, he likes to get lost in video games. It's hard to see, but he's playing on his phone in the pic. Haruka, looming over his shoulder, is ditzy and oblivious to the fact that Ken wants nothing to do with her. :lol: But she's too optimistic to ever accept that he doesn't want to be her friend, so she forcibly glued herself to his hip until her kindness breaks his cool demeanor. :lol:

    Akechi, all forlorn, peeking at Haruka and Ken is very shy, especially since he just moved back to his hometown recently. He and Ken were best friends in grade school, but the two lost contact after Akechi's family moved away. He isn't sure what changed and hoped Ken would be glad to see him again, but it hasn't been so.

    Shingo and Yuka became friends over their immense love of anime and manga, despite being polar opposites otherwise. Yuka is very prim, proper, and a bit pretentious. Normally, she would hate someone like Shingo. And she did, at first. Yuka felt that Shingo was annoyingly pleasant and kind, to the point where she thought he was the fakest person she'd ever met. But he grew on a fungus. :lol: She would never outright admit it, but she actually enjoys his company these days. Especially when they get to talking about the newest volume of Mecha Oblivion: Zero Hour. :tongue:

    Hiromu is the type of person who makes everyone else happy just by being his fun-loving, sweet self...but, Emily, he doesn't look that way in the picture. :lol: Well, you see, recently Hiromu's home life has taken a turn for the worse. He is very close to both of his parents, but his father, a lawyer, was recently caught embezzling money from his clients. He was fined and is serving a 10 year jail sentence. Meanwhile, Hiromu's mother, who has been a stay-at-home mom for the last decade of her life, is having trouble keep ends meet while coping with the stress of her husband's crime, the fine cutting into their household funds, and trying to keep her children happy in such an environment. Hiromu's mom chose to not disclose the nature of his dad's crime to him, which has his mind running in circles. His sister, Reiko (not pictured, but I did make her :tongue: ) knows, but is afraid telling her brother would make life more stressful for their mother. In the meantime, Reiko is just trying to be both mother and sister for her brother, keeping an eye on him and making sure he stays in a good state of mind. But she can't be with him 24/7. Because of this, Hiromu ended up seeking solace from his tennis coach, Mr. Natame (Kouta).
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Got some new clothes for Michelle :smile:







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