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"Soon" = Lack of Respect Toward Customers

I think it's so disrespectful to the customers to string us along with this "soon" stuff. It would've been much more useful if the SimGuru had said "it's not coming out today" rather than "it'll be here soon."

Yes, we're being impatient. We would be decidedly less so if you'd simply give us an accurate release date.

Really. We're paying your salaries. Show us some respect. This type of attitude toward customers is part of the reason piracy has become so widespread.


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    linds2010linds2010 Posts: 477 Member
    edited December 2009
    I completely agree, on one thread the guru said it will be soon. But what does that mean, why couldn't she have said not today or yes today, tomorrow, something other than soon
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    roflmaoxsarahroflmaoxsarah Posts: 4,132 Member
    edited December 2009
    If you actually try to forget about it, it will come sooner.
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    JillieLunaJillieLuna Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited December 2009
    ^she's right. i do think they should at least tell us if it's not coming out today or tomorrow so the boards aren't flooded with all this speculation
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    MissEJF4MissEJF4 Posts: 69 New Member
    edited December 2009
    Yes, but the point isn't to make customers forget it. Ideally, wouldn't they want to release the tool to a large number of willing customers in order to make their product more valuable?

    There's no reason why they can't officially confirm or deny its release. If it's not going to be released today, just tell us that today's not the day instead of pulling out this "soon" rhetoric over and over.

    I've been a loyal customer of the Sims brand for years, and I find this sudden disrespect toward fans and paying customers incredibly rude.
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    iSiriusiSirius Posts: 1,289
    edited December 2009
    If CaW's not ready to be released yet, it's not ready to be released yet. I'd rather for EA to take their time than to release CaW and not be able to upload.
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    roflmaoxsarahroflmaoxsarah Posts: 4,132 Member
    edited December 2009
    When did they even tell us that it was coming out today anyways?
    Plus, I agree with iSirius
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    SquidVonLipwigSquidVonLipwig Posts: 50 New Member
    edited December 2009
    Lack of respect? Or maybe the Gurus don't actually know when it's coming out. Patience is a virtue ;)

    (Edit - I can't spell today for some reason)
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    pentameterpentameter Posts: 655 Member
    edited December 2009
    Maybe they can't be more specific because they don't know when it's coming either. :wink:
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    iSiriusiSirius Posts: 1,289
    edited December 2009
    People thought today after IGN's preview.
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    FrostAliasFrostAlias Posts: 150 Member
    edited December 2009
    Really. I posted earlier that I wouldn't mind the wait as long as I was given a concrete date. And also how it's a pet peeve of mine to be canceled on and how I hate non-descriptive words like "soon" or "couple." Right after I posted that, Hydra posted on the thread "Hi guys. It will be here soon" just to bust my chops. Sigh...
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    doodlesamdoodlesam Posts: 6,365 New Member
    edited December 2009
    You know, I actuelly agree with you.
    I mean them stating on the site it will be released soon is okay.
    But on a thread where there are pages and pages of simmers begging for a release date. And then a guru comes along and answers them by just saying "It will be released soon" is pretty annoying. It would be nice if they could at least just comfirm wether or not it will be released today. :)
    "Soon" tells us nothing. What is "soon" anyway? Today or the 31st? Oh how I wish they would just tell us...
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    N003KN003K Posts: 1 New Member
    edited December 2009
    Could it be that they're TRYING to get it out ASAP, but they just aren't sure WHEN it'll be possible, hence "Soon" so if it comes out today, everyones happy, but if it doesn't no-one complains "WHY DID YOU SAY ITS COMING OUT 12/15 IF IT ISN'T!?!?". Or, alternatively, if they said it WASN'T, then people complaining how they were told it WASN'T coming out, when it was thus blah blah blah....

    It's not a lack of respect, it's either they aren't sure when it IS coming out, aren't 100% sure it will launch when EXPECTED to launch, or intent to build suspense to attract more people to it so the launch is more popular.
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    Kaitlyn123454Kaitlyn123454 Posts: 181 New Member
    edited December 2009
    THey didn't. I agree with the first poster BUT they shouldn't reales it untill they are ready we dont want it full of bugs?
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    EtherealMemoryEtherealMemory Posts: 128 New Member
    edited December 2009
    EA doesn't like keeping their player base updated. At first I was trying to be optimistic, but "soon" is starting to feel like days now. Isn't it simple enough to say "It won't be releaed today"? Anyway, I'm going to assume it's not going to be released today. Then again, "soon" really has no definite time frame :roll:.
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    MissEJF4MissEJF4 Posts: 69 New Member
    edited December 2009
    My issue isn't with the fact that it hasn't been released. If it's not ready, it's not ready.

    It's the behavior of the staff that I take offense with. SimGuruHydra posted in the "Dec. 15th" thread and simply responded by saying "it would be released soon."

    What the heck does soon mean? Would it have been so hard to say "no, that was a rumor and it's not going to be released today" or "I can confirm that today is the release date?"

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    roflmaoxsarahroflmaoxsarah Posts: 4,132 Member
    edited December 2009
    If it actually came out today, some people would complain about glitches and be like "EA! EA! Fix it please!"

    They are taking more time on stuff now so everything can work perfectly. :P
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    camimhcamimh Posts: 3,297 Member
    edited December 2009
    It's a free tool. They don't have to release it at all. They said it would be in the month of December, which is only half over. Stop holding your breath.
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    linds2010linds2010 Posts: 477 Member
    edited December 2009
    Well then the least they could've done was say "no not today" even if they don't know when, which is ridiculous, I'm sure they know if it's ready or not or when it will be ready, an hour, 2 days or a week, you know.
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    MissEJF4MissEJF4 Posts: 69 New Member
    edited December 2009
    Once again, Sarah, I don't have any issue with the fact that it hasn't been released yet. I have an issue with the behavior and rumor-encouraging tactics of the staff.

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    roflmaoxsarahroflmaoxsarah Posts: 4,132 Member
    edited December 2009
    Well yeah.

    Some people have seen "fake" release dates for CAW on other websites.
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    VexingQueryVexingQuery Posts: 2,180 Member
    edited December 2009
    I imagine "Soon" translates to "Not Today". I've never heard of "soon" meaning "later this afternoon" when it comes to a product release.

    If they gave us a release date, even with a disclaimer of "estimated", but for some reason were unable to make that release date (due to, say, working out some unexpected bugs), we'd be waving pitchforks at them for giving us an inaccurate date rather than simply a vague one. :wink:

    I imagine they keep saying "soon" because they mean "we're working on it, but we don't know exactly just yet".

    Patience... 8) I've got it even worse than you, they're not releasing the beta for us Mac users at all! I don't think anyone has any idea when the finished product will be released, and I haven't heard confirmation that there'll even be a Mac version of it at that!
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    MissEJF4MissEJF4 Posts: 69 New Member
    edited December 2009
    Camimh, please read my response to Sarah. I will reiterate once more that I created this thread to air out my grievances with the disrespectful attitudes of the staff toward customers, not the fact that the tool itself hasn't been released yet.

    A simple and official denial of a rumor would prevent the creation of so many hopeful and redundant threads in the forum.
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    JillieLunaJillieLuna Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited December 2009
    When did they even tell us that it was coming out today anyways?
    Plus, I agree with iSirius
    IGN posted a review of Create a World yesterday & in it they said it was coming out today. that, plus the 'i accept EA terms' checkbox magically appeared on the CAW page. & there's a new forum section for CAW (that only some can see). & there's a new section in the exchange for worlds. so, all of these things together made people pretty sure that it would be coming out today. i think it'll probably be up within the week. i think they're just being extra careful with this because of all the bugs people keep having with things
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    doodlesamdoodlesam Posts: 6,365 New Member
    edited December 2009
    camimh wrote:
    It's a free tool. They don't have to release it at all. They said it would be in the month of December, which is only half over. Stop holding your breath.

    Yes, but they also said it would be released on the tenth and the fiftenth. Yep, those weren't rumours. Ea comfirmed on the 6th that it would be released on the tenth. Then on the eleventh said it would not. And yesterday IGN comfirmed it would be released today, and they were told that at an Ea fan event.
    So its not suprising people are getting worked up about it... :)
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    MissEJF4MissEJF4 Posts: 69 New Member
    edited December 2009
    "If they gave us a release date, even with a disclaimer of "estimated", but for some reason were unable to make that release date (due to, say, working out some unexpected bugs), we'd be waving pitchforks at them for giving us an inaccurate date rather than simply a vague one."

    This logic hasn't stopped them from releasing a estimate date before. Do you not remember when The Sims 3 was supposed to be released in February and they pushed it to June? Yes, people were mad, but at least they had a concrete date to look forward to.

    "Soon" is just ridiculous and disrespectful. We're not children. We understand if something needs to be pushed back because it just isn't ready. Just don't give us this vague "soon" stuff.
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