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The Plum Tree Family Tree Tool: Developers Wanted


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    ThePlumtreeThePlumtree Posts: 119 Member
    So as many people may have noticed I haven't been on the forums for a very long time to answer questions, feedback or anything really. So before I go into anything a quick sorry for that and to the people I haven't been able to answer.

    With that done I would like to get to announcing The New Overhaul of The Plum Tree 🎉🎉🎉. Though reading back a little some of you have already spotted this coming :)

    I though I would post to give a little background on the updates, why I've been quiet for so long and what's to come in the future.

    About the new update

    So the new look you now see on the plum tree is not just a pretty new face. It's a complete rewrite with some new tech under the hood. This new overhaul has lots of benefits but the main one is easier maintainability of the code so new planned features should be easier to add.

    Most people will have already seen the updated look which also comes with this update. This is of course still a work in progress and feedback on the new look, what works what doesn't will help to develop it further.

    Why I've been quiet for so long

    A few reasons for this, the generic life has been busy at the moment plays a little into it. I work on the Plum Tree as a side project in my spare time and very often I don't get much of that.

    I also shelved work on the Plum Tree for a while in favour of other projects to help pay off hosting costs and while not completely gone they are at least a bit more manageable now thanks to those other project paying towards it. At this point I would also like to thank those who have been able to drop donations toward the Plum Tree as it's really helped keep the costs down and the project wouldn't still be running without you.

    Finally I've been quiet because rewriting the Plum Tree from the ground up has been a long process. Hopefully the time put into the rewrite proves worth it and new features will start to see the light of day.

    Future plans

    The first plan is to weed out any issues with the new Plum Tree. While it should be mostly stable I'm sure as a human I made some human errors in the code here and there so if you spot anything weird let me know.

    I also plan to try and keep up to date in the forums again and check back here on a more regular basis. The best way to reach me though is via email as listed on the Plum Tree support pages.

    There's a huge backlog of feature request I have so I'll be prioritising those and then getting to work on them. Once I've done this I'll post an update to try and give timeframes for some of those features :)

    That's all for now, Happy Siming
    @ThePlumtree (Tobias)
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    NhimSimNhimSim Posts: 316 Member
    Awesome - Thanks for all your hard work :)
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    TurquoisePapayaTurquoisePapaya Posts: 318 Member
    Thank you so much for this amazing tool! It makes playing long legacies interesting and fun, being able to see how far my sims have come! <3
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    ThePlumtreeThePlumtree Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks @Onyeka001 and @TurquoisePapaya the kind words are always great to hear 😊
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    LadyTigressLadyTigress Posts: 183 Member
    I just found this, and I am using it for my legacy or I will be.

    Question: Will you be adding the new aspirations that came with Get Famous and Strangerville?
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    ThePlumtreeThePlumtree Posts: 119 Member
    @LadyTigress did a release not long after your comment that added these 🎉 there's been a few requests for it so I finally got around to it :)
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    AquaGamer1212AquaGamer1212 Posts: 5,417 Member
    When it says Partner, that means boyfriend and fiancé right? Are you going to be adding specifics in the future?

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    zefronzefron Posts: 157 Member
    When it says Partner, that means boyfriend and fiancé right?
    I use partner to refer to any romantic relationship that didn't result in/from a marriage or abduction. so any boyfriends/girlfriends (current or former), fiancé(e)s, & one-night stands are all considered partners to me.

    not so berry family tree
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    floridameerkatfloridameerkat Posts: 1,190 Member
    edited March 2019
    zefron wrote: »
    When it says Partner, that means boyfriend and fiancé right?
    I use partner to refer to any romantic relationship that didn't result in/from a marriage or abduction. so any boyfriends/girlfriends (current or former), fiancé(e)s, & one-night stands are all considered partners to me.

    I'm the same except, if the couple are no longer together, I label them ex-partner.
    Post edited by floridameerkat on
    Gallery ID: floridameerkat
    Family trees:
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    ThePlumtreeThePlumtree Posts: 119 Member
    @AquaGamer1212 as @floridameerkat said you can specify a partner type such as ex-partner, married or alien abduction which will show different symbols in the tree. There's no plans right now to add others though that may change if there's demand for others to be added.

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    CaityTrinaCaityTrina Posts: 555 Member
    I'd really appreciate the ability for multiple root nodes, thus I guess multiple trees on one page. Like my current kid sims have grandparents, great, and great great grandparents on both father and mother sides but I could only include the grandparents of whichever parent is set as the node, not the partners
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    ThePlumtreeThePlumtree Posts: 119 Member
    @CaityTrina multiple root nodes is something that many people want but I still have the limitations of how tree rendering works in The Plum Tree that means this isn't possible. The only workaround is linking trees but I know that's not the most intuitive solution.

    As much as I would like to I don't have a good enough answer right now on how I would build it to have multiple roots as on a technical level its a tough nut to crack elegantly.
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    SimmermartySimmermarty Posts: 44 Member
    My tree linked under me. I have a question, how do you zoom in and out??
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    ThePlumtreeThePlumtree Posts: 119 Member
    @Simmermarty you should be able to zoom in and out by scrolling up or down when the mouse is over a tree. On a mobile device such as a tablet or phone you should be able to pinch to zoom in and out.

    If you can't do this it may be your browser doesn't work as expected for the Plum Tree in which case you can let me know what browser you're using and I may be able to look into it and see what the issue could be.
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    draculusa2003draculusa2003 Posts: 46 Member
    Unfortunately I'm having trouble signing up for an account :( I keep getting an "Unknown error occurred" message, no matter what browser I use.
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    ThePlumtreeThePlumtree Posts: 119 Member
    Hi @draculusa2003 - I tried breaking the signup page a few times and looks like when I created an account that already exists the site didn't handle it too well and I got the error you saw. That's one guess why you're seeing it but the error message is one of the generic errors shown when the app doesn't know what went wrong so it could be something else.

    If a different username doesn't work let me know and I'll keep digging see if I can figure out whats happening.
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    SimmermartySimmermarty Posts: 44 Member
    How do I zoom out to get a good look at my family tree? I am not on a tablet and I'm on a laptop with no mouse, just a key pad.
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    ThePlumtreeThePlumtree Posts: 119 Member
    @Simmermarty I guess the laptop you have has a trackpad. It differs between laptops but many can scroll by moving two fingers up and down on the trackpad. Doing this over a tree should make it zoom in/out though like I said it depends on how scrolling is setup on your trackpad.

    To be honest I may just add some zoom in/out buttons to trees so the feature is more visible but you'll have to give me a little time to get around to that.
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    HelenlefabHelenlefab Posts: 2 New Member
    Hi, I love this program and use it often, but lately I've been having issues with photo cropping. I can upload just fine, but when I go to crop the photos, they never crop where I want them to. They always end up cropping to only show either part of their face or none of their face, and are way more zoomed in. I'm not sure if I'm the only one with this problem but I just noticed it in the past few days and it's irritating.
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    zefronzefron Posts: 157 Member
    Helenlefab wrote: »
    Hi, I love this program and use it often, but lately I've been having issues with photo cropping. I can upload just fine, but when I go to crop the photos, they never crop where I want them to. They always end up cropping to only show either part of their face or none of their face, and are way more zoomed in. I'm not sure if I'm the only one with this problem but I just noticed it in the past few days and it's irritating.

    this has been happening to me too. my solution for now is to crop the photos before uploading them.

    not so berry family tree
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    HelenlefabHelenlefab Posts: 2 New Member
    > @zefron said:
    > Helenlefab wrote: »
    > Hi, I love this program and use it often, but lately I've been having issues with photo cropping. I can upload just fine, but when I go to crop the photos, they never crop where I want them to. They always end up cropping to only show either part of their face or none of their face, and are way more zoomed in. I'm not sure if I'm the only one with this problem but I just noticed it in the past few days and it's irritating.
    > this has been happening to me too. my solution for now is to crop the photos before uploading them.

    Same, that's been how I've handled it
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    HowGreatThouArtHowGreatThouArt Posts: 1,663 Member
    Helenlefab wrote: »
    Hi, I love this program and use it often, but lately I've been having issues with photo cropping. I can upload just fine, but when I go to crop the photos, they never crop where I want them to. They always end up cropping to only show either part of their face or none of their face, and are way more zoomed in. I'm not sure if I'm the only one with this problem but I just noticed it in the past few days and it's irritating.

    I'm jumping in to say that I have this problem too! And it's random. Sometimes it crops correctly, and sometimes it doesn't. I don't know what causes it.

    But thank you for this neat app! :)
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    ThePlumtreeThePlumtree Posts: 119 Member
    Hi @HowGreatThouArt @Helenlefab and @zefron . The cropping issue is a known one and has been an issue for the past 3 weeks but I've not been able to fix it as I've been away getting married and honeymoon. I got back last night so I can start looking into what's causing the cropping issue and hope to have it resolved soon. Sorry to those affected :(
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    HowGreatThouArtHowGreatThouArt Posts: 1,663 Member
    @ThePlumtree Congratulations! I hope you two had a great time.
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    Booworm9012Booworm9012 Posts: 3 New Member
    I've been having a problem where my nodes lose their parents. So when you click on them, you can't see who their parents are. Adoptive parents still show, fortunately, so I can figure out who parents are rather easily, but still...
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