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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited February 2019
    @LegacySims2017 - Thank you. I like that screenie myself! lol
    @VanPelt81 - Erik and his "death" speech? lol I was trying to put myself in the situation where what would trigger having the Director come to the asylum in an emergency, and that one was at the top of my list.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @LegacySims2017 @EuphorialQueen @bmit04 @superkyle221 @Damaro @NextTrickAnvils @Karababy52 @Charliimai @VanPelt81 @Munterbacon @Xantheanmar @Onyeka001 @lisabee2

    Dear Readers - Today marks a special day. It's the 1 year anniversary of Survive The Insanity. I know, and I haven't completed this challenge yet! lol And with that, I bring you a new chapter for The Happy Hollow Asylum. Thank you so much, everyone, for reading and supporting my blog. Enjoy! And suggestions and comments are always appreciated.

    The Happy Hollow Asylum - Gym Visit

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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    SoulGal7 wrote: »
    @LegacySims2017 @EuphorialQueen @bmit04 @superkyle221 @Damaro @NextTrickAnvils @Karababy52 @Charliimai @VanPelt81 @Munterbacon @Xantheanmar @Onyeka001 @lisabee2

    Dear Readers - Today marks a special day. It's the 1 year anniversary of Survive The Insanity. I know, and I haven't completed this challenge yet! lol And with that, I bring you a new chapter for The Happy Hollow Asylum. Thank you so much, everyone, for reading and supporting my blog. Enjoy! And suggestions and comments are always appreciated.

    The Happy Hollow Asylum - Gym Visit



    This image cracked me up. It looks like Toby has the hots for Sonny and Sonny likes it.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Oh Wow, it's been a year already? Time sure flies eh? Anyway, Happy Anniversary! It's been a lot of fun following along with you and the adventures of our 'erratic' Sims. hehe I've loved every minute of it and (God willing) will be here until the end, be that another year or longer. Now, on to the most current chapter...
    What a fun visit to the gym! I forgot what fitness outfit I gave Midge, she does look fierce. So funny how you wrote she might just be trying to intimidate Sonny. I don't think anyone can do that though, he looks so buff! o.O The look on Don's and Louis' faces crack me up! Don looking over his glasses so firm and fierce and Louis is just lost in his thoughts, almost like he's ignoring him. "Hmm, what should I make for lunch?" lol

    Muwahaha! I forget who made Rocky, but kudos to you and the outfits you made for him. This Sim continually cracks me up, he's such a character! Love him in that facepaint trying to impress Bella! Adorable! I agree with @LegacySims2017 it does look like Toby is checking out Sonny. lol Honestly, I can't blame him. *whistles innocently* o:)

    Absolutely LOVE how you used the other residents reactions to Veta being stinky (and her own too) to weave the time to eat and poisoned food plot. I wish Sims wouldn't make food when there's already food made or another Sim is currently making something. It can be so frustrating! Especially when your Sim has limited funds, which is usually when it happens in my gameplay. Silly Sims...

    Uh oh, look out Dr. L’Ernitage, Sunny's on to you. I wonder what she'll do? o.O Love those pop-up work challenges. It's fun to try to pick the right choice. Funny how the ones you picked just happened to play directly into that particular character's personalities. Poor Rocky. lol I've never seen the other one Sonny got before. I'm guessing it's a part of the Get Famous EP which I don't have. I think he made the wisest choice and the most in character.

    Whoa! Why are their bills so high? Sheesh! Very curious where Louis met the paparazzi girl, guessing at the gym when you were concentrating on the other residents? How/Why did he get flirty with her though? Was he trying to charm his way out of having his picture taken or something? Hmm...very interesting, hope you can figure it out and let us know. :)

    Looking forward to the next chapter! <3

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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @LegacySims2017 - Thanks for reading and commenting. I think Toby is wishing he had muscles like Sonny's lol

    @Karababy52 - Thanks so much for all the comments. Woot! Sometimes I wish I could take videos because when Rocky was dancing in front of Bella she actually got up from her workout and faced the workout machine, like she was ignoring Rocky or hiding from him. It was really quite funny. Yes, sims and making or buying food. Sheesh! Well, the next thing Louis is going to make them is yogurt parfait and they better like it! lol
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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Part of me thinks that Rocky's bag steal was totally intentional that he ended up with 🐸🐸🐸🐸 matter. :D
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    lisabee2lisabee2 Posts: 3,708 Member
    SoulGal7 wrote: »
    @LegacySims2017 @EuphorialQueen @bmit04 @superkyle221 @Damaro @NextTrickAnvils @Karababy52 @Charliimai @VanPelt81 @Munterbacon @Xantheanmar @Onyeka001 @lisabee2

    Dear Readers - Today marks a special day. It's the 1 year anniversary of Survive The Insanity. I know, and I haven't completed this challenge yet! lol And with that, I bring you a new chapter for The Happy Hollow Asylum. Thank you so much, everyone, for reading and supporting my blog. Enjoy! And suggestions and comments are always appreciated.

    The Happy Hollow Asylum - Gym Visit


    That pic of Don .. I am rolling
    New readers can visit here first: In-a-NUTSHELL
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @lisabee2 - I know, Don looks like "get with the program" and Louis is staring off into space and looks like he's thinking about what to make for dinner. lol He was watching the cooking channel. hehehe
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @LegacySims2017 @EuphorialQueen @bmit04 @superkyle221 @Damaro @NextTrickAnvils @Karababy52 @Charliimai @VanPelt81 @Munterbacon @Xantheanmar @Onyeka001 @lisabee2

    And now an up-date for The Circle Asylum. The Farewell Party for The Happy Hollow Asylum. Lot traits are set to Romantic Aura so who knows what will happen? Will more love blossom between Barbie and Rocky? Who else will the love bug bite?

    Survive The Insanity: The Circle Asylum - Wk 2 - Saturday - Let's Get This Party Started

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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited March 2019
    @SoulGal7 Yay! Another great chapter! I agree with @EuphorialQueen, I don't want it to end! :) Some thoughts on this chapter in the spoiler.

    I wonder what Vivianna will put on The List as a request and what the other residents will ask for too. Absolutely loving the romantic triangle going on. Wow, I had no idea that Sunny had a crush on Rocky. I love the back story of Sunny's previous love (and I suspect "The Hulk" IS Rocky)! Looks like poor Barbie has some competition! o.O She looked soooo sad. I wonder what was said between them that caused the romance to dwindle down.

    Speaking of Rocky, man I love this Sim, he looks ridiculously hilarious, yet adorable in that face paint. lol I love all his wacky outfits. I felt sorry for Vivianna too, what with everything breaking down before the party. Looks like it didn't affect much though, everybody had a rocking good time dancing at least. Congrats on the Silver medal too!

    I hope they all get everything they wish for in Selvadorada, but I have a feeling they won't and are in for some big wake up calls. Good luck to Vivianna making her escape too. Oh and I cracked up over that shot of Erik running with the trash bag, so funny!

    BTW. Dr. Doolittle was one of my favorite movies as a child, thanks for the memories. I have that song stuck in my head now though. lol Oh well...

    Looking eagerly forward to the next chapter! Will they be in Selvadorada?
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @EuphorialQueen - Ah, thanks. I know this has been going on for so long, but soon, soon, they will be heading back to the jungle. I have been playtesting another sim with the jungle pack, since I really didn't play it too much when I first got it, and I have to say that no-one is safe in the jungle. Even just standing around, something can happen to you. I think I may have to look up that ambrosia recipe in case anyone needs to be resurrected. lol

    @Karababy52 - Oh thanks so much for the great comments.
    As far as Erik running around with that trash bag, that was indeed funny, because all of a sudden he got this speed surge like he was The Flash and was running around with the trash. And yep, I have no idea what happened with Barbie and Rocky but no more pink in their relationship, but Sunny doesn't have any pink for Rocky in hers either. Strange, just strange. It all started when Barbie was going to give Rocky a hug and he refused it. Maybe because she needed a shower? Barbie was very stinky for much of this party. Anyway, things can change again. lol
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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Didn't realize that Rocky was such a player. So hilarious that Barbie & Sunny are fighting over the insane missing link.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @VanPelt81 - When I go in game again I will have to check Rocky's relationship status to see what it is with Barbie and Sunny. Just did and well, Sonny from Happy Hollow still has a bit of pink in his relationship with Barbie. Barbie has no pink with him but they are still romantic interests. Sunny from The Circle Asylum is just acquaintances with Rocky as he is with her. Sunny from The Circle Asylum has a bit of red in her relationship with Penny Pizzazz. lol And Finn has a lot of red (Disliked) in his relationship with Max Villareal. They must have met at the park. Everyone else is all green, except Louis with the bit of pink in a relationship with a mystery female sim named Anaya.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @LegacySims2017 @EuphorialQueen @bmit04 @superkyle221 @Damaro @NextTrickAnvils @Karababy52 @Charliimai @VanPelt81 @Munterbacon @Xantheanmar @Onyeka001 @lisabee2

    Hi everyone! Another chapter is up for The Circle Asylum. Yes, I know they just had a chapter, but Viviana had the day off, so double Circle Asylum it was. Enjoy! Comments and suggestions are always appreciated.

    Survive the Insanity: The Circle Asylum - Wk 3, Sunday - Let's Go Fishing

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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    This was a nice surprise, another chapter! Some thoughts/comments:
    I always seem to have bad luck with the weather whenever I want to go fishing too, but Oasis Springs has never let me down. I'm surprised it was raining, never had that happen. I wish there was some way could know the weather of other worlds before our Sims visit them. Glad they had good weather for Magnolia Blossom park though. Cool that Erik caught some frogs in the pond. I didn't know uncontrolled Sims would do that. That back fishing area is actually one of the absolute best in the entire game. Well, at least the middle spot of the three there, it has rares!

    I love Mowgli, he seems so sweet and innocent talking to the flowers that remind him of home. I think I might have a thing for quirky, big guys with long hair or something. lol I don't know why, but I just knew Finn would just want to play with the children. He's a sweetheart too!

    I just KNEW the shower was broken again when everyone looked so filthy/stinky. That shower sure breaks down a lot. Too bad Viviana doesn't have time to upgrade it, might help. She probably doesn't really care much though since she's plotting her escape anyway. I got a good laugh out of all the residents requests on 'The List.' Especially Mowgli's. hehe Poor Viviana, on one hand, I hope she does make her escape, but on the other, I don't. If she really does manage to disappear, what would happen to all the other residents? o.O

    Anyway, great chapter, looking forward, as always to the next one! :)
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @Karababy52 - Thanks so much for reading and commenting.
    Eric was catching frogs because it was part of the club activities, as was fishing, chess, being friendly and being funny. Those club gatherings are great; however, I think needs overrides the activities sometimes, as I didn't see Toby fish or try to catch frogs. His hygiene needs were really bad.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @LegacySims2017 @EuphorialQueen @bmit04 @superkyle221 @Damaro @NextTrickAnvils @Karababy52 @Charliimai @VanPelt81 @Munterbacon @Xantheanmar @Onyeka001 @lisabee2

    Good evening everyone! A new chapter is up for The Happy Hollow Asylum. The time for leaving for Selvadorada is close, maybe too close for Louis. Read all about it here. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated.

    Survive the Insanity: Week 4, Monday - Two Days?

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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Not sure if the rest of the inmates should trust Rocky doing the laundry since this is his first time he's ever done the laundry.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @VanPelt81 - Yes, I was surprised he autonomously did the laundry, too and in the cold weather. I see he already lost a
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited April 2019
    Sul Sul simmers! A new chapter is up for The Circle Asylum. This is the last chapter before they head into the jungle, and I am excited...and a bit nervous for these sims. Anyway, I hope you have a fun read and enjoy! Have a great day everyone. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

    Survive The Insanity: The Circle Asylum - Wk 3, Tuesday - Confusing Thoughts

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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Great chapter! Loved the joy on Finn's face while enjoying his list request. I don't blame him, I love that object too. Mowgli too! I love how these two Sims with their child-like sense of wonder get so much joy out of the simple things in life. :)

    Poor Vivianna, I can see how she'd be confused and now her plans have been foiled. Unless she can figure out how to get rid of that. I am so curious to see what Barbie ordered, what she thinks will be good for a Jungle 'vacation'. I know one thing for sure, I bet everything will be pink! lol

    Have a great rest of your weekend! <3
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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Great new chapter. Also, does Barbie now have a 6 pack?
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @EuphorialQueen - Thanks for reading and commenting. I know, poor Viviana. So torn in her thoughts, and just when she convinces herself that escaping in Selvadorada is the best solution, her plans are foiled.

    @Karababy52 - Thanks for reading and commenting. When I made "The List" I went back to the descriptions that were provided and also their aspirations and thought about what they would put on that list. Since Finn's aspiration is Friend of the Animals, he wanted a pet. But I couldn't add a pet to the household as it was already at 8, so had to come up with something creative. So that's how I chose the birdfeeder. Mowgli's swing came from his monkey drawing, and I tell you, Mowgli really likes that swing. No-one else has used it, except Mowgli. I thought it would be fun for Barbie to be in charge of the household's vacation budget, and got some ideas from some glamping websites on what she bought. Maybe not the best choices for the jungle. lol

    @VanPelt81 - Thanks for reading and commenting. Yes, Barbie has a 6-pack from all the basketball she has been playing. She is at level 6 fitness. All of those residents are in great shape, with Viviana the lowest at Level 2 fitness.
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