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    AudreyFldAudreyFld Posts: 6,695 Member
    haswh wrote: »
    Those goodbyes with Mickey's family were very touching and sweet. <3 Love the whole butler idea and I can hear Henry/Harry's voice in my head! Well done @LONESTAR2330! :smiley:

    Okay so now I am rethinking the whole Mickey/Nicky thing. Nicky seems to have been talking about him with Dannie and also blushed and was nervous. And Mickey is just from what I can see wanting to catch up but I think he might make a move also.

    Love these two stories all smushed together! It's wonderful and has me on edge to see what's next! <3<3

    I am so glad you are enjoying our little venture into the unknown.... <3
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    LONESTAR2330LONESTAR2330 Posts: 630 Member
    edited July 2018
    haswh wrote: »
    Those goodbyes with Mickey's family were very touching and sweet. <3 Love the whole butler idea and I can hear Henry/Harry's voice in my head! Well done @LONESTAR2330! :smiley:

    Okay so now I am rethinking the whole Mickey/Nicky thing. Nicky seems to have been talking about him with Dannie and also blushed and was nervous. And Mickey is just from what I can see wanting to catch up but I think he might make a move also.

    Love these two stories all smushed together! It's wonderful and has me on edge to see what's next! <3<3

    @haswh Good observation, maybe Mickey doesn't set out to date Nicky but the two sort of just connect, and grow close....the best things in life just happen, we will see how things go with the two of the during the college years.
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    LONESTAR2330LONESTAR2330 Posts: 630 Member
    edited July 2018
    Chapter Thirteen of Sins of the Father is now posted!!!
    Once again I would like to thank my friend @AudreyFld for her generosity and the chance to do this story with her. Also I would like to thank her for doing the extra screenshots for the scenes at C&M which saved me a lot of time.
    It has been a very rewarding and fun experiment so far, and it is only beginning!!!

    Mickey evaluates new muscle for his new crew.
    Mickey takes a job at the Willow Creek B.A.S.E. Investigations offices.
    Blake VS Murdock
    Mickey and Nicky go out on a "real date"
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    Skcaga6Skcaga6 Posts: 3,399 Member
    Mickey and Cole need locked in a room, handcuffed and tied up so they can't hurt each other. They would only be able to talk to each other and work all their issues out.
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    AudreyFldAudreyFld Posts: 6,695 Member
    Skcaga6 wrote: »
    Mickey and Cole need locked in a room, handcuffed and tied up so they can't hurt each other. They would only be able to talk to each other and work all their issues out.
    Haha. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Lol.
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    haswhhaswh Posts: 2,863 Member
    Mickey's choice of new muscle for his crew are both good choices, they know how to fight and defend if/when needed.

    I really enjoy the butler and Mickey's reactions to him! :D

    With the run in with Cole I think Mickey did better than Cole with controlling his temper. Although I could see it was difficult for him his breathing exorcise's are paying off. Cole wouldn't stand a chance against him.

    The date. As you may know I really want this beautiful face
    to be all up close and personal in Cole's face. <3But I can certainly see why Nicky is attracted to Mickey! He has a certain way about him. He also isn't so bad on the eyes. ;)

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    AudreyFldAudreyFld Posts: 6,695 Member
    haswh wrote: »
    Mickey's choice of new muscle for his crew are both good choices, they know how to fight and defend if/when needed.

    I really enjoy the butler and Mickey's reactions to him! :D

    With the run in with Cole I think Mickey did better than Cole with controlling his temper. Although I could see it was difficult for him his breathing exorcise's are paying off. Cole wouldn't stand a chance against him.

    The date. As you may know I really want this beautiful face
    to be all up close and personal in Cole's face. <3But I can certainly see why Nicky is attracted to Mickey! He has a certain way about him. He also isn't so bad on the eyes. ;)

    She really is gorgeous.... so still shipping her with Cole? Hmmmm… A fight over the fair maiden! :p
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    LONESTAR2330LONESTAR2330 Posts: 630 Member
    @Skcaga6 Yeah I hope it doesn't come to that. Mickey and Cole are soon going to have some interesting college years.
    @haswh The butler was an add on but I am really having fun with him. He will likely be joining Mickey in his new home in Brindelton Bay. I know you want Cole and Nicky, but I think there might be something special there between Mickey and Nicky,But there is A LOT of story to tell so who knows what could happen.
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    LONESTAR2330LONESTAR2330 Posts: 630 Member
    edited July 2018
    Chapter Fourteen of Sins of the Father is posted!!! Once again I would like to thank @AudreyFld fro her generosity and allowing me to use her wonderful characters for this event. Our little crossover experiment is still going on and will continue for the most part, through the college years and possibly beyond. This chapter parallels @AudreyFld story 2.32 Goodbyes

    Mickey and Nicky's relationship continues to blossom
    Duncan and Mari arrive in San Myshuno
    Party at the Bluffs
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    haswhhaswh Posts: 2,863 Member
    That was a sweet chapter! <3 So romantic at the end! I am worried about how Nicky will react when she finds out what he really does. We shall see though.

    If I didn't want Nicky with someone else I would be rooting for these two. They are so nice together and I can tell they both are falling for each other!
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    LONESTAR2330LONESTAR2330 Posts: 630 Member
    edited July 2018
    haswh wrote: »
    That was a sweet chapter! <3 So romantic at the end! I am worried about how Nicky will react when she finds out what he really does. We shall see though.

    If I didn't want Nicky with someone else I would be rooting for these two. They are so nice together and I can tell they both are falling for each other!

    @haswh Yes they are very good together, we shall see if Nicky ever finds out about Mickey's "secret" and how she reacts down the road, but for now this ship is sailing. Might be time to switch ships :smile: At least for now :smile:
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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Love how Mickey was able to get Nicky to do what Cole couldn't. That will add fuel to the fire for Cole & Mickey's eventual fight, which might go like this...
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    LONESTAR2330LONESTAR2330 Posts: 630 Member
    @VanPelt81 You might be right, lol. Mickey did something very simple, he TALKED TO HER!!! He didn't brood and wonder he just pulled her close and said "talk to me" Mickey making Nicky feel safe and loved, is what made the difference.
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    LONESTAR2330LONESTAR2330 Posts: 630 Member
    edited July 2018
    Chapter Fifteen of Sins of the Father is now posted. As we go into the college years at Brindelton Bay, there will be two parrel stories running, the first continues Mickey's saga, and the other we get a more intimate look at Nicole "Nicky" Savage, who most of you know from @AudreyFld great saga New Beginnings

    As the make the journey to Brindelton Bay, Mickey and Nicky discuss their relationship.
    Mickey moves into the Blake Family beach house in Brindelton Bay
    Nicky moves into the BU dorms....
    ....And meets some new friends.
    Mickey meets with his crew for the first as as the new Brindleton Bay Outfit Boss.
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    haswhhaswh Posts: 2,863 Member
    If I didn't already know Nicky I would really like her with Mickey he is so kind and caring when it comes to her! :) I do think that his 'job' will cause some problems when she finds out though. :/

    I like how Mickey is taking control and he's really stepping up very well! Him separating his personal life and his job is a really good idea. But how long will he be able to do it remains to seen!

    Great chapter! :)
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    LONESTAR2330LONESTAR2330 Posts: 630 Member
    @haswh Thanky you. Mickey is so good with her, he is crazy about her and she is crazy bout him. The "job" will undoubtedly cause an issue down the road, and despite Mickey's best efforts, he will not be able to keep it from Nicky forever. For now though he is going to try, and she will be busy in her own little arc as well. We will also be seeing Cole pop up again very soon. So we will see where things go.
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    SimTresaSimTresa Posts: 3,279 Member
    Wonder if Cole would warn Nicky off...
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    haswhhaswh Posts: 2,863 Member
    @TresaofPern I think this might very well be how it goes down!
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    LONESTAR2330LONESTAR2330 Posts: 630 Member
    @TresaofPern Oh if he knew he would jump at the chance to scare Nicky away from that arrogant, no good, Cowboy Hat tipping jerk
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    LONESTAR2330LONESTAR2330 Posts: 630 Member
    Chapter Sixteen of Sins of the Father is now posted!! This entire chapter focuses on Nicky!!! Something we will be seeing happen a lot in the upcoming weeks(We will also be still following Mickey's story as well) I want to thank @AudreyFld once again for her generosity, with her time and characters. Without her I don't think I could do Nicky's story justice.

    Nicky bonds with her new friend Beth
    Nicky and Mickey grow closer...
    ...but will Nicky need to fight to keep her man?
    NIcky performs for the first time in front of an audience
    Nicky and Mickey bump into Cole and Landon

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    haswhhaswh Posts: 2,863 Member
    edited July 2018
    I love that you are a doing Nicky's point of view! <3 That song for her was perfect! I think she might still have feelings a bit for Cole. Still pinning for him after all this time and she even is when she has a boyfriend. :o

    I think Jenny is going to be bad news for Nicky and Mickey. Watching and waiting to see if anything happens there. ;)

    So Nicky is not happy about Mickey's show of ownership. But she kinda did the same with Jenny. So I guess fair play.

    I do agree with @Skcaga6 and what she said on word press about trust. I also liked your answer to that though @LONESTAR2330.

    Great chapter! <3

    Edited to add that I think Nicky saying to herself she would never sing in front of Mickey says a lot about how her, now, boyfriend and how she feels about him!
    Also I am glad she found her voice and sang in front of people. Shows she is gaining a bit more self confidence. :)
    Post edited by haswh on
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    AudreyFldAudreyFld Posts: 6,695 Member
    edited July 2018
    I couldn’t agree more with @haswh - I love hearing Nicky’s story and see how she is beginning to blossom. Thank you for taking her and giving her a voice. <3

    Edit to pun intended!
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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    After reading the last chapter, part of me wants to know more about the back story of "Jenny the Succubus". Also, I thought that picture above the fireplace was a 2nd TV for a moment. I didn't know that Nicky was a singer/songwriter. I do think it's funny how Mickey & Nicky both did the same thing at different points when thinking someone else was swooping in. Overall a great chapter
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    LONESTAR2330LONESTAR2330 Posts: 630 Member
    @haswh Thank you for your praise, I am glad you are enjoying this journey I am taking with Nicky. She is a bit of a challenge just because I am so worried I won't do such a wonderful character justice. @AudreyFld has been very generous with her insights and encouragement as I take over one of her most loved characters.
    I don't know about pinning for Cole, it's possible though. I think more than anything that first relationship and the fallout from it affected her in a profound way. Then just as they began to rebuild their friendship Mickey comes along, which puts tension on an already fragile friendship. I think Nicky needs that friendship though, yet at the same time, she needs the close relationship with Mickey that has helped her come out of her shell and gain a bit of confidence. Jenny could be bad news if Mickey or Nicky allow her to be. Mickey saw what was happening with that episode and I think his "show of ownership" was more a playful dig at her and also to push Cole's buttons. Mickey I think has tried to be patient with Cole for Nicky's sake, but I think that patience is reaching it's end. Nicky not sharing her music with Mickey is telling, for sure. Whether it has to do with their relationship or Nicky just up until now guards such as something all her own, remains to be seen. Speaking from experience as an artist myself (I draw.paint and of course write), art can be a very private thing for a lot of people, because it can shows a vulnerability we are hesitant to show to the world. Nicky is still very much insecure, I hope this newfound freedom with her music helps.

    @VanPelt81 Ah Jenny "The Succubus" I am not real sure of her back story. She doesn't strike me as a very in depth person, but you never know. We will see. She no doubt wants Mickey, the handsome rich cowboy, for herself. What girl wouldn't? I have to thank @AudreyFld (once again) for the picture. She did several of Mickey, Mickey and Nicky and of course the family portrait you saw. She also did the ones of Randy we saw in the funeral scene and on Helen's fireplace mantle.

    @AudreyFld It is I who should be thanking you fro the opportunity. Nicky is a real challenge because she is a character already established, and being so beloved, I am in constant fear I will not do her justice. But, I am definitely going to do my best by her. Her saga is definitely going to be one filled with joy, tears and growth.
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    haswhhaswh Posts: 2,863 Member
    @LONESTAR2330 I think your doing a fabulous job with this story and Nicky too!! <3<3

    @AudreyFld is wonderful!! <3<3
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