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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    A bit o’ feedback:

    Thank you all for the feedback! :smiley:

    @Karritz , My husband is learning Blender for fun, he hates all things Sims but thought me learning it for Sims use would be motivating.
    **I like the idea of an outtakes video!

    @emorrill , I don’t own the whole store, about 3/4 of it but don’t really need the rest, it’s all stuff I would never need.
    **poor Pearl, she has a bunch of crud going on in her love life in ST...(it’s in her bio) maybe she should wind up with Paulo...but that would break the story.
    **Jamie and Jared will last a while...Connor and Belle however, I have more plans for Connor, not huge plans as the story is shifting more towards Jared and Claire...they are “end game” as the kids are saying these days.
    **Nice shots of Sam minus shirt!! Some of his expressions... :lol:
    **seems like just yesterday we were celebrating 1,000 pages!

    @coco , Jared’s true personality is starting to develop...he needs to start being the mean spirited butt we all know and love (well I sure do :wink: ) some nice “character building” chapters coming up. >:)
    **Jenni cheating on Joe was a great way to un-relate Jared and all his siblings, as I kind of regretted half sibling them in the first place, it made no sense to a new SV save. i just wanted Joe to be a super man ho... :wink: at first, I mellowed him considerably from what I originally wrote for the character. He was going to sleep with *literally* half the town! Even Judy Bunch was on the list...eep!
    **Near is bugging me, I finally fixed his nose yesterday will get a face shot up for you soon.
    **the goal is to have Matt and Mellow at some point too.
    **Light is taking up some of Connor and L’s stares!
    **I may have posted the just changed shirt and not tweaked yet screen of Ramone... (I have a feeling I did, by mistake) oops! :blush:

    @Nikkei_Simmer , I think if you are careful with sliders you can take a pudding townie into CAS and tweak the pudding put of them while still leaving them recognizeable as the original Sim. My Jared and Connor are strategically tweaked sliderwise and look better than their originals (in my eyes) but are still recognizable as Jared and Connor. haven’t looked at Jared but Connor in his original form is very much pudding boy. You have to go easy on the sliders and not change any original eyes, lips or noses, or face shapes, just tweak them a bit. :smiley:

    @imdragonit , Awwww! your female Dwarf is so adorable, I love how her ears stick out of her hat.

    @Mikezumi , Near and Jamie would actually make a great pair. Similar temperments.
    **Still tweaking Maxxie and his wonderous shape changing nose!
    **now I want pancakes, they sound really good right sbout now!
    **hope you are feeling better and had a nice nap, now go get some juice! Feel better!
    **look at that view from the boys lounge chairs! Gorgeous!
    **Greg and Cid!! :heart:
    **I swear some days I spend half my play time redressing townies!
    **Never saw a slob Sim eat...I take it by your comment, I don’t want to see that...

    @king_of_simcity7 , The Osborne House seems so magical, like a time machine back to the elegant past! Love the pictures.

    @lanlyn , I had tons of fun with dew! It was great discovering all the reactions to the different color, though the barfing was a bit ewww!
    **The sunrise!!
    **Their house is lucious! :heart:

    @Silverofdreams30 , Now see I’m always saying I need to play other worlds more as I don’t know their townies that well, Roaring Heights has some awesome back stories on the Sims there.

    @plushtrap_107 , Do you have the SP mod? I would get peeved if my Sims divorced while I was playing another family! (i’m modless).

    @bekkasan , Maxxie is gorgeous on the show, wish I could capture his true killer smile and innocence.
    **LOL! that was my first thought about Ramone, that is why he got the name Ramone and not Ray. :wink:


    More in a few. :smiley:
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited May 2018
    @Nikkei_Simmer You really do need the country life,I see deer often and lately a bunch of red fox hanging around.The bad though is I cater to lots of birds with feeders and houses which attracts the hawks.See it sometimes actually happen and others see the pile of feathers in spots in my yard.Same with squirrels the big red shoulder hawks snatch em up.Two winters ago just in a small area had like 30 friendly squirrels that would walk right up to you and feed from your hand etc to this year like four.

    That sim has Bratz doll features but kept her still normal looking.Gave her the eye shape and trademark big bratz lips but scaled the eyes down to a normal looking size.



    @coco You should have YA Lola,she looks cute at that compared to adult.Loses all the face lines and stuff.Would look cute cause like what you did with her.

    @bekkasan That pic of him with the baby,he looks drained.That is the face I would make watching a kid.He wants to escape and go play video games.

    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,222 Member
    edited May 2018
    @Charlottesmom Roaring Heights is a great world, im now in Riverside its
    has the best of both city/country side.
    Its a bit big also already populated city but I have added sims from other worlds too .
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @coco Cute makeover of Lola!
    Great pics of Clarissa and Clark, so cute together.
    Well bummer that she didn't get a prince, but, maybe that means Clark is her prince!
    Congrats on the tiberium!
    Love the new house! It looks like a great size for two sims! :wink:

    @Vincent_Vengeance Great pics of your sims Vince and Shellie. Opposites attract and work well together sometimes. Should be interesting. :)

    @king_of_simcity7 Congrats on your sims aging up. She looks better with the new hair.

    @venusdemilosims Hi, thank you! I hope they can fix it for you. Got the withdrawal symptoms yet for missing your sims?

    @jxnnie Thank you. I was surprised about the alien snowman when she made it. Congrats on the marriage and I am sure it was a great honeymoon in Shang Simla. Good luck with the baby wishes.

    @Silverofdreams30 Godzilla? hehe looks like he is falling apart in a few places. Your townies look great!
    Love the shots at the pool and dancing at the pub.

    @TinySpaceFox Good luck with your studies. :)

    @TadOlson Great update.

    @emorrill You hair looks terrific! The tulip is beautiful!

    @wrenstales Sounds like fun! No pics?

    @CravenLestat hehe, I imagine he just wanted some sleep after birthing those boys and losing that massive weight, but, being a nerd video games would help him chill. :)
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    mysterionzmysterionz Posts: 3,608 Member
    So a few days ago when I was playing the sims 2, I got a notification that went as follows

    “It’s hare to recognize Christina behind all of the makeup and costuming, but Christina shines as the star of her school play “Simerella”. Proud family and friends send congratulatory cards, netting Christina 215 Simoleons. Take a bow!

    Oh hamburgers!
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    The Chikamori Selfacy

    Aidan Ages Up

    After the heartbreak, Aidan had his birthday where he would end up aging up from teen to young adult.
    Screenshot-97.jpg Staring at the birthday cake, he wondered what life had in store for him, since he couldn't have Alanna.
    Screenshot-98.jpg He looked around at the rest of the family that he'd grown up with...and he saw, his heart painfully twinging, that it seemed as though life went on, par for the course, for Alanna, like her painful crushing of his heart pretty much hadn't really bothered her. In fact, Alanna had done him a favor in not beating around the bush, though Aidan hadn't realized it. Even though the pain was like a dagger through the heart, she had made it easier for him to move on from her - in letting him know that he would never be a candidate for winning her heart.
    Screenshot-98.jpg Did he have a wish for when he blew out the candle, Aidan thought to himself, I don't even know what to wish for... as he leaned over the cake and finally just blew out the candles.
    Screenshot-99.jpg Maybe not get my heart crushed again...he thought bitterly as he moved back away from the cake.
    Screenshot-100.jpg He stared off into the distance contemplating what his life consisted off. He'd go to university, get a degree and put some distance between him and Alanna, maybe he might actually find someone at university that he could date. Who knows. Life had a way of doing the unexpected.
    Screenshot-101.jpgScreenshot-102.jpg He looked away as Alanna cheered for his birthday. He didn't want to hear it. But couldn't resist a wistful look back. But that door was closed and he wasn't going to open it. He'd lick his wounds and be a man about it, even if it did hurt like hell.
    Screenshot-104.jpgScreenshot-105.jpg When the transformation happened it took him by surprise, but he came out of that transformation a young adult and ready to take on the world. And even if he felt like his heart was in several pieces, he realized that he was ready to tackle what the adult world was ready to throw at him. He needed to get himself a job and start making some simoleons so that when he was ready to move out of the house, he would be able to move with ease.
    Screenshot-106.jpgScreenshot-108.jpg At least that plan was good enough on paper. If he managed to get his university degree he'd be able to go into the boss and ask to be promoted several steps above what he'd normally get to be able to do, with no higher education. And he knew that his late mother and father would be proud of him, standing on his own two feet, carving out a future for himself and whatever family he created with a woman that accepted him for who he was.
    Screenshot-109.jpg Haruo sighed to himself as he saw another of the kids (his cousin) become a young adult and he realized even more the passing of time - that it was only a matter of time before he'd have to make way for the new generation. Looking gratefully as his soon to be daughter-in-law passed him a piece of birthday cake and then sat down beside him. He looked over at her gratefully as Greta was a sweet young woman and he considered himself lucky that Braden had such a woman as his bride-to-be.
    Screenshot-110.jpgScreenshot-111.jpg Looking forward to the future was for children. As an mature adult, Haruo could only look forward to retirement and enjoying his latter years with River by his side.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    twinsister27twinsister27 Posts: 530 Member
    I just got back into TS3, I haven't played in a while. In one very interesting instance, my Sim aged up to a Child and her Imaginary Friend didn't. I like the Imaginary Friends, so I had her play with it more and eventually, it worked.
    The Imaginary Friend became a proper Imaginary Friend at the exact same time, the girl's grandma died and the Grim Reaper showed up.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer I'm glad you liked the pictures of little Oscar and family.

    I've got a lot of video recorded of them but not many screen shots so I'm showing a series of very short videos to expand the story of Oscar and Louise and I'm putting them on YouTube in the Playlist about Oscar and Louise Outtakes.

    I've only done one so far, and the pictures I posted here were all from that first very short (micro) video. It only goes for 1.5 minutes approx and there is video as well as screen shots and narration.

    I aged YA Oscar down to child to get the character for the outtakes videos. But eventually we'll see him at all ages in those Outtakes videos.

    I've never bothered too much about the position of the sliders and it's only reading this forum where there are people who seem to see the position of the sliders to be paramount that I've even been aware of the issue.

    To me it is of little interest where the sliders are, if I like the look of a sim or not is all that matters to me. If the sim fits the role I have in mind for it then the sliders can be anywhere they fall. Therefore I have never bothered to find out where the sliders are on any of the premade townies. However, I seriously doubt they can all be zero slider or they'd all look exactly the same and they don't.

    Thanks - that household with the aliens and plant sims was an experiment to see how many different ways a sim could get a baby/child. I didn't manage to cover all possible ways it could be done though. There was by alien abduction, alien seduction, planting a forbidden fruit, try for baby, cloning from dna - did multiple sims this way. Didn't get one out of the wishing well in that household tho I have done it in other households. Might try it again and video it as the reaction of my sim to seeing the black smoke and evil child emerge from the wishing well was priceless.

    Sally is pretty - I was just very surprised to find her in an June 2009 save. I thought I'd made her much later than that. She's been used in a lot of games over the years and had many babies but, until this Cake Island game, I've never aged her babies up beyond toddler. She has a habit of producing twins without me doing anything to encourage it.

    Nice Tulip pictures. We can't grow tulips where I live, it's difficult to grow most bulbs here actually. I think some very dedicated gardeners can get the tulips to grow if they are truly desperate and prepared to keep the bulbs in the fridge for months and plant them out in the colder part of the year. In Canberra they have a floriade festival mid September to mid Ocober each year and have thousands of tulips. But they are much further south of where I live and inland. I've been down there and seen the tulips and there was snow on the tops of the distant mountains. That was my only real life sighting of snow so far.

    @Charlottesmom I'm trying to resist the temptation to get into making CC for the Sims as I already have so much else that eats up my time. But I do have a plan to learn Blender eventually. I'm just not sure what I'll do with it.

    There will be lots of Outtakes videos eventually. At the moment I've got my 9 hours of the Louise in Riverview video down to 1 hour. I think I'll start narrating it and hope I can chop out another 30 minutes. But of course, that means eventually there will be lots of smaller outtakes videos from it. I'm thinking of trying to do the outtakes in chronological order somehow.

    There won't be any story to them. Just snippets of video.

    I've been playing Oscar's family for a while and was wondering how to show the videos. I think I'll use them two ways. Firstly, the outtakes videos and secondly as 'memories' when he is having conversations with others in the Oscar and Louise videos. Probably when their children grow old enough to be told stories of their parent's childhoods.

    @TinySpaceFox thanks for the comment.

    I'm glad you approve of the skin I chose for my zero slider sim.

    If I like a sim, I'm not going to ruin its look by moving the sliders around because there might be people who object to 'zero slider' sims.

    The only reason I mentioned that she is a zero slider sim is because I thought if I post a picture of her without mentioning it it'll be pointed out to me that she looks like a zero slider sim and I thought I'd state up front that I already know that.

    Here she is before I touched her:


    and after


    I like her better with the CC hair and makeup but she was still an acceptable looking sim in her original form - otherwise I wouldn't have bothered giving her a little makeover. I'll probably move her to one or more of my ongoing games eventually. I'll have to get her back home though as she has a mother in this old game and I want to keep them both together. It is the family trees that interest me the most. I like my sims to have relatives in my games. A lot don't because they were made as individuals but as they marry and have families the family trees develop. This sim already has a small family tree with her and her mother in it. I suspect her mother will also have zero sliders.

    @TadOlson thank you.

    @Emorrill that's a nice looking tulip. I don't have much experience with tulips as we can't grow them here - it doesn't get cold enough. I posted a link higher in this post. If you click it you'll see lots of Australian tulips.

    @bekkasan thank you. You have some nice alien pics too. I've got some alien pregnancies coming up in some videos soon. Just a hint as to what's coming. It is in one of the stories I've been posting for a while and I've played ahead quite a long way ahead of the where the videos are up to so far.

    Now I'm going back to my Oscar and Louise Episode 7 video. It's taking me ages to get done. I've got the 9 hours of video down to just over 1 hour. I'll narrate it later today and try to get it down to about 30 minutes.

    So Happy Simming everyone.

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer Thanks for the feedback and nice aging up pictures :smile:

    @Silverofdreams30 Nice pictures from the club :smile:

    @Charlottesmom Thanks for the comment :smile:

    @CravenLestat Good looking Sim :love:

    @bekkasan Thanks for the feedback :smile:

    Going to bed early tonight as tired
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    The Chikamori Selfacy

    The Marriage of Allan and Fumiko

    Since Allan was no longer considered as heir to the family fortune, he married his sweetheart, Fumiko, in a nice quiet wedding in the backyard with family and a few friends invited to see the nuptials.
    Screenshot-120.jpg After all, after the wedding they would have to make their way out of the home and build up their own family. Allan would be given §500,000 to build up his on family line...and the rest he would have to make for himself - he couldn't rely on the family fortune to bail him out of tough times. Masatoshi and Caitlin had already moved out into the community and had another child on the way, they were given §250,000 to make sure that their family was stable. Haruo was generous that way. He wanted to see his family succeed (and take over the town...bwa ha ha ha ha... - the Watcher wills it...).
    Screenshot-113.jpg But being "booted from the family house" was not on Allan's mind as he gazed upon his bride-to-be as she stood there in her yukata. As they waited for the guests and family members to gather where they would exchange their was certain that they had a bright and glorious future together.
    Screenshot-114.jpgScreenshot-115.jpgScreenshot-116.jpgScreenshot-117.jpgScreenshot-118.jpgScreenshot-119.jpg Exchanging rings and vows was the easy part. But intertwining two lives together in harmony without arguments and power-struggles was difficult. Each had had their own way of doing things and making a couple out of two people was going to take a lot of work. But in the rosy glow of was certain that the two of them would walk that road together in lockstep...all the way.
    Screenshot-120.jpgScreenshot-122.jpgScreenshot-123.jpgScreenshot-124.jpgScreenshot-125.jpgScreenshot-126.jpgScreenshot-127.jpg The wedding was fabulous in the fading light of the day, and after the vows everyone headed to the kitchen to watch the cake cutting. Of course...a lot of people stayed on the bridge to look out over the water.
    Screenshot-128.jpgScreenshot-129.jpgScreenshot-130.jpg River sighed as she watched her first child get married. Another milestone reached, seeing her first child whom she'd held as an infant now exchanging vows with his betrothed, now his wife. Tears misted her eyes as she wondered what life held for her and Haruo now. Each marriage was a painful reminder that their time was past and that it was their children's future. But she wished Allan and his bride well...and hoped that they had a long and happy future together.
    Screenshot-131.jpg The newlyweds gazed at each other across the kitchen table that the cake was on, while the rest of the family and guests gathered around the kitchen, giving the married couple space with which to work on the cake.
    Screenshot-132.jpgScreenshot-133.jpg There was a large wedding cake and that was lucky as there were a lot of guests from Fumiko's and Allan's work at the hospital. And the cake was cut into enough pieces to hopefully feed all who attended the wedding.
    Screenshot-134.jpgScreenshot-135.jpgScreenshot-136.jpg There were the usual fiascos such as their boss being insane and trying to choke herself. Yeah, that usually goes over well at a wedding.
    Screenshot-137.jpgScreenshot-138.jpg But at least it seemed as though all the guests had a good time...and everything eventually all settled down.
    Screenshot-139.jpgScreenshot-140.jpgScreenshot-141.jpg Frankly after a wedding party like was a good thing that the Chikamori household didn't have a wet-bar in this house.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    plushtrap_107plushtrap_107 Posts: 1,435 Member
    edited May 2018
    @lanlyn, no problem :) The dragons sound so cute, even if you can't pet them! I really want Dragon Valley now but I don't think my computer could run any more Sims stuff, lol!

    Lol, naughty Laddie, chasing the postman xD

    @Karritz, 11 is a good age for dogs! I am glad both furkids are still playful and happy :) That is a shame they have to have a special diet but I hope they like eating it. My one cat will be 10 this year so I buy senior cat food (as well as normal cat food for the younger) cat but they eat each other's food anyway ;)

    Your new Sim is very pretty :)

    @Vincent_Vengeance, I hope you had a nice trip to Moscow :) Your new Sims look excellent; I am interested to see how their story goes :)

    @TadOlson, it's sad when it happens to the buildings, isn't it :( I wanted some high rises because I want a modern city at the center of my map but I was having trouble with the vanishing buildings, lol! Thanks for helping me in my help thread too :)

    I hope your Sims won't have an ice storm :o

    @emorrill, your hair looks awesome :) It is the same shade of purple as Rarity's too! I love that tulip; it looks so regal :)

    @Nikkei_Simmer, yours are lovely tulips too :) My flowers are still recovering from the late snow we had in England!

    @Charlottesmom, what is the SP mod? Is it NRASS story progress? I have MasterController and ErrorTrap :)

    I think it only happened to me once; Buster Round and Marigold (a Sim one of my Sim families adopted as a kid) got divorced when I was playing a different family. It was annoying; I wanted them to stay together as they made a nice couple.

    Also give out more likes and awesomes :)
    Post edited by plushtrap_107 on
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    edited May 2018
    To all my American Friends.


    Happy... Cinco de Mayo. :D:mrgreen:

    For those wanting to know about the origins of Cinco de Mayo... well...
    Cinco de Mayo, which isn’t widely celebrated in Mexico, commemorates an underdog victory over France in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The victory was galvanizing for the Mexican forces — and for those supporting them from afar — but it was short-lived, as France later occupied Mexico for a few years. Still, Cinco de Mayo continued to be celebrated in Puebla and, perhaps more significantly, by Mexican-Americans north of the border.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    MrSpacemanMrSpaceman Posts: 382 Member
    @plushtrap_107 Thank you so much hope I'll have a chance to post the next update soon enough!
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited May 2018
    @Karritz I see many of your zero slider sims and don't mention it. I hope that snarky comment was about someone else.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 2603 (cont.)

    @king_of_simcity7 You must have an amazing collection of photos! They are lovely :)

    @lanlyn Thanks for the well wishes and the lovely comments :) I love having disciplined sims with the Physical Perfection LTW because they do it on their own. Greg should get his before his 8 days as elder are up. He's a bit behind Euan because got a head start as a teen but he's done great on his own :)
    Poor Gran! I bet she was thankful for the help from Mayra and Charlie.
    Good to see your sims keeping fit :)
    I didn't know pets could ask to play chase! I did play Pets for a while on son's computer but never had a dog.
    Congrats to Ghillie on finding a rainbow gem :)
    Cute pics of Charlie clowning around in the mirror. I don't think I have ever seen that before.
    I don't think I ever had an alien pregnancy in TS2. I mostly made my own towns and sims but I do remember seeing Don in my early days of TS2. Cute alien female!
    Yay for the gardeners showing up! I bet Gran was relieved ;)
    LOL Laddie! It is true about dogs and postal workers. My sister's husband got a few bites while he was a mailman in his younger days.
    The only thing I don't like about the massage table is that it increases their energy. I keep a tight ship where sleep times are concerned and I like it when my sims wander off to bed at 10 without me telling them to.

    @Silverofdreams30 Thanks :)

    @Karritz Thanks :) Jamie is from an old makeover I did of SV sims.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 2604

    @CravenLestat Cute Bratz sim :)

    @bekkasan The alien snowman is cute!
    Boy they do get fat with alien pregnancies! :o
    Pity you lost that save but modless games don't do well with overstuffing.

    @coco Nice new look for Lola :) Glad you got rid of those thin eyebrows!
    Poor Clarissa :( How long do they stay in ghost form?
    Ewwww frog kissing!
    Tiberium is worth a fortune when it grows! Congrats :)
    Nah, he loves her too! :)
    I like her new house! Good job :)

    @Vincent_Vengeance Nice new sims :) Playing opposites sounds fun :)

    @king_of_simcity7 Happy birthday Scarlet :) Cute hair you chose for her :)
    I hate it when they are deformed for a moment when aging up!
    He's a cutie!

    @Nikkei_Simmer Poor heartbroken Aidan :(
    Thank you :) I don't like JJ at all but I did makeovers of all SV residents so I could place my family there and not have to worry about hideous partners.
    Gorgeous tulips!

    @venusdemilosims Sorry about your touch screen :(

    @jxnnie Eggs Machiavellian do use watermelons even though it seems like an odd combination to me ;)
    Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    I probably won't be doing Jamie again in my new style because I don't like her ;)
    Congrats to JH on his successful bachelor party :)
    Congrats also on their wedding and honeymoon in Shang Simla. It's such a pretty world :)
    More congrats are in order for the pregnancy! Your sims have a lot to celebrate ;)

    @Silverofdreams Great update :) They are nice signs! :)

    @TinySpaceFox I don't think floor wipes, no matter what scent the package says, would smell anything like real apple blossoms ;)
    Thanks for the lovely comments :) I'm not big on makeup either and most of my females only get a little liner and lipstick. I put a little more on Jamie because she's a tramp ;)
    My sim making has also come a long way since 2013 so it's not just a matter of my taste changing. Although I don't believe my sims have ever been puddingish.
    22 June is not so far off! Hang in there!

    @TadOlson Thanks and great update :)

    @emorrill Lovely shade of purple! :)
    Beautiful tulip! <3

    @wrenstales Sounds like you are having fun. Do you have any pics? :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 2605

    @Silverofdreams30 Great update :) Your sims seem to do lots of fun things :)

    @Charlottesmom Keep at it! I'm sure you'll get Maxxie's nose right :)
    Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    I don't bother redressing NPCs as I'd rather not look at pudding up close in CAS. All residents get dressed on their birthdays and that's a lot of work!

    @RaeSimlish What a cute notification and I'm sure Christina is thankful for the money :)

    @Nikkei_Simmer Aidan aged up very well!
    Beautiful wedding :) I think I saw geta at Sims Resource and seeing Fumiko's shoes reminded me of it.

    @twinsister27 Glad you got the Imaginary Friend to age up but sorry for the loss of grandma.
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    therealsunsetvalleytherealsunsetvalley Posts: 438 Member
    Hey there!

    @Mikezumi Yes, Justine is very sporty and fit :smile: she works in Law Enforcement after all.

    @bekkasan thank you

    @lanlyn I used to play rotational in The Sims 2 as well, and havent even start to play The Sims 3 until I have figured out how to do that in TS2 style. Happy you like how I dress Keatons, and you get some new ideas :smile:

    @Charlottesmom Keatons are nice to play if you like outdoor and a lot of workout :smile: They have nice house and I really like them. Marty has Neurotic trait which makes him quite fun to play :smile:

    Ok, so I'm finished with Keatons, here are their two sons:

    Jack Keaton (the unborn baby from the start of the game, he looks a lot like Justine):









    and Jack's younger brother John Keaton, who looks a lot like Marty:






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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    edited May 2018
    Pages: end of 2602 through 2605.

    Thanks for the feedback everyone! :)
    @Silverofdreams30, @Karritz, @bekkasan, @coco, @jxnnie, @TinySpaceFox, @TadOlson, @Charlottesmom, @plushtrap_107, @Mikezumi, @therealsunsetvalley


    @Karritz So you're going to divide up your Cake Island households and port them to other worlds? Use different themes for the new worlds? ...I enjoyed seeing your alien sims. I like them with hair.

    ...Here's a pic of the YA alien I played in Lunar Lakes. I edited his name, but not his looks. I called him Calypo. It was fun to see what all he could do. I had him call down a meteor once.

    And here's Qedef in Twinbrooks. He visited the home lot and got to know my Insane elder sim, Di L Emma Riddler. She invited him on a date, and he showed up like this! Qedef later moved in with her.

    @bekkasan Wow, four alien babies! I'd put a stop to that too. Little Vexok, my alien toddler, was actually the 5th child my couple had. They raised a daughter and her Imaginary Friend to YA, then had two twin girls who are currently away at boarding school. ...Love the alien snowman. ...The poor guys look so uncomfortable carrying alien babies!

    Here's Clyde pregnant with an alien.

    I had wanted Bonnie to get pregnant, so when I saw Clyde's weight gain after the abduction, I immediately made that happen so there wouldn't be room in the household for an alien baby.

    BTW, @Charlottesmom and @Karritz Clyde's alien baby had a Pollination Technician for a mother. I'd forgotten about that since I didn't try to make room for the baby in the stuffed household! This was in Riverview.

    @coco I've been thinking about adding a second monitor to my desktop. I have an extra flat screen that's smaller than my main screen. I think it's 19" or 20". I used to use two monitors at work. It was a bit of a hassle, but I think things have improved since then. ...I really like your makeover of Lola. Clarissa and Clark look so darling together! ...And I think her new home is lovely! I really like the color themes and the carpets.

    @Vincent_Vengeance It was fun seeing your sim self. And Shellie is very pretty.

    @king_of_simcity7 Scarlet aged up nicely--after the gender look correction. And Nick does look like Mick!

    @Nikkei_Simmer Yuck! Brianna's getting harassment calls! ...So sorry about Aidan. Alanna was a little harsh with him, I thought. I hope he finds someone else! I'm sure he will. ...Mahmoud does look like General Tarkin! I just Googled the General to remind me of what he looks like and yes! ...So funny about Connor continuing to bother River. ...Allan and Fumiko had a beautiful wedding even though it was a quiet one. ...LOL at the insane boss trying to choke herself!

    @jxnnie Lovely wedding pics. Congrats to Iris and JH and on the upcoming baby!

    @Silverofdreams30 Love the dinosaur sculpture. ...Your sims seem to like going to the clubs. I realized how my sims hardly ever do that. It's just something I rarely think about having them do. I'm not much of a Party Animal in RL. But your sims look like they have a lot of fun.

    @TinySpaceFox Great "Productivity" pose. He looks like he's daydreaming of faraway places. ...I'm always reluctant to interfere with queued actions if they're hardwired. I'm afraid I'll mess things up, but I am tempted to find a mod to stop alien pregnancies. Been there, done that. Just like Imaginary Friends. It's fun to do a few, but I don't want my stories to be hijacked by EA. I'm so afraid of alien pregnancies that I won't let my sims use telescopes anymore and that's just crazy!

    ...I think the Aggressive trait is also tied to a pet guarding objects. Laddie has been guarding his pet bowl and bed lately, and I'm sure that's what triggered his chasing the mailman. I need to have him guard the house instead. That will develop the Loyal trait. Much better alternative.

    @TadOlson Yes, I agree, I'm ready to look into options to stop those alien pregnancies. I don't want any more!

    @emorrill Love your RL flower photos.

    @Mikezumi Oh no! Greg and Euan only have 8 more days! ...RE: objects interfering with needs. That's one thing I don't like about the baby dragons. They fill up needs. I have to make sure sims put the dragons back down instead of carrying them in inventories because then needs never decay. I'm not above cheating to up or lower a need to get my household synchronized, but I don't like to have that happen all the time. I prefer a fairly normal rhythm to their day.

    @therealsunsetvalley Great wardrobe choices for Jack and John.

    A few outtakes:

    Charlie playing hopscotch.

    Gran flipping pancakes.

    Mayra changing Hamish's dirty diaper.

    Inspector Gray got a promotion and earned a case board.
    Post edited by lanlyn on
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    In light of the last update on The Chikamori Selfacy

    This has got to feel like a band-aid getting ripped off a wound.

    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    imdragonitimdragonit Posts: 1,019 Member
    @CravenLestat bounces up & down YES please :) My gosh I think even you have outdone yourself with her :o
    @TinySpaceFox ( on that pic ) i'm going oh cr*p I forgot to give them tecnophobe :D
    @Nikkei_Simmer * blushes * ty :) since I like odd ball things I try to work the sliders as much as I can I really wished there was a way for a beard but nope not even with weres :(
    @all yes I read & adore all your posts Great updates!
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited May 2018
    Congratulations Maxxie, you just made my "LIST"!! :rage:


    Then he just stands there freaking out, Freddie to the rescue! No Freddie don't do that....!


    Well duh!! Mo*ron...


    I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves.... :s





    Boggles the mind...






    Finally the useless firefighter shows up...




    Maxxie, you're only forgiven because you're cute.



    I see the chatter about pudding Sims...I decided to do an experiment as I couldn't fathom that all 99% zero slider Sims looked the same (I figured if you switched out a nose and zero slidered that they would look different because of the nose...Wrongo)! I zero slidered Gus then switched out to a different nose and zeroed, he was right back to the original zero slider nose. Color me surprised...I seriously had no idea.

    Gus was my guinea pig:

    Here he is in his normal state...he has some zero sliders but not terribly many. I then zero slidered all except for ear point and jaw underbite.


    I then zero slidered all except for ear point and jaw underbite, this is what a mostly zero slider Sims looks like...




    slimmed down to zero body sliders...


    Switched his gender and zeroed her out...



    My conclusion is yes mostly 100% zero slider Sims do look the same, even a few minor adjustments could make a mostly zero slider Sim stunning, though luckily there are not that many with tons of zero sliders (though I have seen quite a few females with that look). As long as you enjoy the looks of your Sims you shouldn't worry if people are pro pudding or anti pudding, I personally think there are very very few EA created/generated Sims who couldn't be improved by some tweaks, be it sliders or hair/outfits. Even my beloved Connor is a pudding and a half untweaked, I can play him in his original state for about 1/2 hour before I NEED to make him mine. Enjoy Your sims the way You like them, Some have no issues with "pudding" Sims, I personally attack them with sliders, I just go with my own personal taste.:smiley:

    Post edited by Charlottesmom on
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom Your post was an absolute hoot! Loved the captured expressions! The silliness of sims makes me smile :)

    Here's a completely zero slider family. Zero slider sims are not unattractive per se but my objection to them is that a town will be overrun with sims that all look the same, except for weight and colouring, after a few generations if you marry too many of them into a family. Since whole features are inherited from parents and sometimes offspring are clones, this can happen within a few generations.
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @Mikezumi , I was laughing the whole time Freddie was messing with the fire extinguisher, what a dope he is! I’m kinda only going to start watching Season 3 just for him (Freddie) and Cook (Cook is rumored to be Tony only even worse!! :o )...

    I agree, pudding (zero slider) Sims are not ugly, just uncreative and plain, they could be so much more with a few sliders nudged. I thought my first venture into CAS resulted in pure beauty but I didn’t touch the sliders as they scared the ever loving out of me. even my Simon is fairly zero slider as he was one of my first ever males (along with Dylan) and they are among my favorites ever. It’s all in what you personally like, I wouldn’t want a whole town of billions of clones walking around... :D (oh wait that is about 95% of my towns!!) *snicker*
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    My first sims that I created were pretty much pudding - I was petrified of the sliders.

    January 2017

    January 2017

    Pretty much didn't know how to work the sliders back then. :D
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~

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