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Secret Obsession: a Sims 3 Story...Complete.


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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    @bebasim Awww. Your comments to @Charlottesmom are SO sweet! She really is awesome. ;)

    And those are the kind of comments every writer loves to hear from fans. <3

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    bebasimbebasim Posts: 581 Member
    @emorrill I speak from my heart and i also believe that every person should be rewarded verbally when their work be it a painter or writer or even a child who has washed dishes and cleaned her room etc, it's not hard to make someone feel rewarded for something that another is getting enjoyment out of, a little inspiration always helps :) And i do love @Charlottesmom work true author in the making i think :wink:
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @emorrill and @bebasim , You two are both so sweet and I very much appreciate the kind words, I agree feedback is a wonderful feeling, positive is of course the best but even the negative helps you grow. I do have an outline for a book but am kind of scared to start, simply because with Sims stories the pictures take up a lot of the slack. I did write a 30 page unfinished Twilight Fan Fiction (still have a copy of it somewhere) years back but wrote myself most dreadfully into a corner, that is when I learned outlines are essential (and stick to them!!).

    bebasim, I will check out your blog, I would love to start my own at some point.
    Em, Have checked out your blog, but not since you started making the additions to Sam's story.

    Thank you again!! :kissing_heart:
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    bebasimbebasim Posts: 581 Member
    @Charlottesmom - i have no doubt even your stories from years ago are powerful hopefully you can some how incorporate it with the sims and maybe publish it? OR even better publish it for Real! If you do let me know i'm buying it :) I totally admire someone with such great talent.
    YES i completely agree outlines or a direction is always important, even if half way they get changed - it helps keep us on track of our wonderful's minds eye and imaginations we can engulf when writing.

    Keep up the brilliant work dear and you have a huge fan here!!
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited December 2017
    Secret Obsession Part 16: New Town...

    L was settling into his new apartment in Bridgeport nicely, and everything was going well with the construction of the Spa.


    The only thing missing was Meggie, he missed her so much he had taken to texting her almost every hour of the day just to ask how she was doing. She finally jokingly told him to get a cat or something to keep him company...


    Meet Eddie!


    So now in addition to L texting her every hour he was also sending her 12 million pictures of Eddie!! Meggie didn't need to bopped over the head with a hammer to realize L was lonely. So.....she asked Jared if it would be okay if she went out to visit L for the weekend. Jared being the cool sorta surrogate father figure that he was told her that was fine and even slipped her some money for the bus ticket and food.

    L was overjoyed to see her, Meggie didn't even tell him she was coming to visit, she wanted to surprise him.


    Meggie got to meet L's across the hall neighbor Addie, she was a vampire and an interesting character.


    L decided to take Meggie to see the Spa, it was coming along pretty well and he wanted her to see how it looked on the inside.

    *It's a work in progress!*





    Bottom floor...


    2nd floor...(the one I've been working on most)


    3rd floor, basically storage right now..


    He took her on a tour, explaining what everything would look like when it was done, Meggie could tell he was really excited to get it finished and up and running.

    She and L tested out the foot massage chairs...


    and the sauna...


    *That* is the Connor stare!! :flushed: (I hate it when my Sims do that...)


    L told Meggie she had to experience the food truck, good food nice and cheap!


    They chatted for awhile then L asked if she wanted to go to a night club, she said that would be fun but wasn't she too young..he told her he knew the bouncer so they could get in with no problem.


    Meggie was a bit intimidated by all the grown ups around, she only being 16...




    They played video games for awhile...



    Meggie migrated over to the dance floor...


    Then slipped into the hot tub...


    Closing time...guess they go back home in bathing suits....L looks like his eye is going to pop out of his head! (I did expand the chest area a tiny bit as she is getting more mature)..


    They visited the library the next morning...


    Meggie wanted to ride the subway so they took a trip around and got out at a random spot...


    They went for a walk and wound up at the Cemetery...


    L confessed to missing her a lot, Meggie missed him too, she suggested that maybe after she graduated High School she could move out there. L said she could move in with him, Meggie asked if he was nuts, that apartment was too was only big enough for L and Eddie.


    L just stared at her, she obviously missed the true meaning of his proposal, but he decided to drop it, he had most likely said too much already.


    The next morning they overslept and it was almost time for her to catch the bus home, they had 15 minutes before the bus showed up, Meggie noticed L had forgot to shave, he had a nice 5 O'clock shadow going on...

    Meggie leaned in and using her best adult sexy voice said "You look super se*xy like that..." she was of course just messing with him but for a second he let his mind wander to a place he had been trying to stomp out of his brain lately, he couldn't think about her like that, she was his best friend and could never be more.


    He gave her a hug a kiss on the forehead and watched her go...


    Back at home his neighbor Addie was waiting for him by his door, he half wondered if she was a not so secret stalker, she always seemed to be hanging around his door. He invited her in as he had a feeling she was harmless...Maybe she could get his mind off Meggie...


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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Secret Obsession Part: 17 Memories...and Boys.

    Flashback 6 years ago.....

    Meggie was friends with 3 boys from school, Parker, Ethan, and VJ...shortly after Meggie's dad's death L stepped up and became a friend to all the kids simply by becoming a friend of Meggie's, she spent every waking minute with "her boys" as she called them.


    They hung out at Ethan's house quite a bit..his parents were rarely ever home and his sister Lisa was in afterschool clubs so she was never home either. His baby brother Arlo and sister Darlene were in daycare, Ethan and his friends had the run of the house.


    They loved playing video games together..


    Their fall toasty marshmallow parties were a favorite


    even Meggie's mom and her new boyfriend Garrett showed up..


    Meggie really liked Garrett, he seemed like a nice guy, plus he always played basketball with Meggie!



    She wouldn't mind having him as a step dad...but it was not to be.


    Meggie was closest to VJ, she loved his mother and father and his newborn little brother, they were such a happy family.



    Though Ethan was fun too! (I realize he looks nothing like Ethan Bunch should look like but Ethan always gets a makeover in my saves).



    Present day....

    Meggie never took the boyfriend thing with Parker seriously they never even kissed in the weeks they were going out. Meggie figured it was just a silly spur of the moment thing he did, so she carefully broke it off with him so as to not hurt his feelings. He was fine with the break up as he was interested someone else, had been for months...


    Meggie was seriously interested in another one of her friends...Ethan, he was sweet and kind and she though very good looking. The first time they were alone after her break up with Parker she made her move.



    It seemed like Meggie was making all the moves, but she figured it was because Ethan was painfully shy..even though he had known Meggie since they were very small kids.


    VJ noticed his friends...



    Meggie was glad he seemed in a pretty good mood today, he had been very moody and sad since his mother walked out on the family a few months back.


    Meggie talked to VJ for awhile but she didn't want to ignore Ethan either...


    VJ wondered what the he*ck was going on between Meggie and Ethan...when had they gotten so close, she had just broken up with Parker a few days ago, VJ couldn't help but wonder what possessed Parker into asking out Meggie! VJ was about to explode, he was sick of keeping secrets...he HATED secrets, secrets were what broke up his parents....though he and his friends had a pact and he knew he couldn't break his end of the deal for fear of them revealing his secret, he was trapped into taking it.


    VJ couldn't take all the blatant flirting Meggie was throwing towards Ethan...and told her so. She tried to explain that she and Ethan were together now but VJ didn't want to hear such foolishness, but had to bite his tongue.


    Ethan threw a warning glare at VJ and VJ decided it would be better to just back off and let things take their course, he knew for a fact that the relationship would never last. Meggie would have to learn the hard way...he hated this!


    "What's wrong with him??" Meggie mused...

    "No idea...." Ethan answered..knowing full well what was going on.

    Meggie couldn't take it, she really liked Ethan...she pretty much attacked him. Her very first kiss...


    Ethan was surprised, it wasn't as bad as he thought it might be. He kissed Meggie back...


    "That was nice" Meggie mused...

    'Yeah..." Ethan muttered...

    "Was that your first kiss too?" Meggie asked..

    "No.." Ethan answered honestly.

    "Who have you kissed?" Meggie asked curiously.

    "I'd rather not say...can we just drop it." Ethan said flatly.


    "Sure..." Meggie said even though the curiosity was killing her, she never saw Ethan with anyone else besides their little group, who was the girl he had his first kiss with she wondered..



    Meanwhile back in Bridgeport....

    L went to the library to set up a dating profile...he was hating every second of this but it was a necessary evil..



    He called Meggie later that night...

    She was all excited about becoming Ethan's girlfriend, he asked what happened to Parker, she then told him the whole story about how they were more just friends material, and how she had broken up with him.




    She ended the call by saying "I love you", they always did that when talking on the phone or texting, and have for a few years, but L's heart did a little flip when she said it this time....L envied Ethan, a 16 year old kid....that was something he thought he'd never feel.


    Once again the Meggie filled dreams plagued him.


    Luckily Eddie was there for dream material too!



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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Secret Obsession Part 17: Ethan's First Kiss...

    Parker was one of the stars of the football team, everyone envied his talent on the field he was looking very promising for College football. Ethan was also on the team but not quite so promising, he asked Parker for some help to improver his throwing which lets face it stunk.


    They worked on it all summer and into the fall...


    By the time Parker was seeing the improvement he wanted to see out of Ethan the two had formed an even stronger friendship than the previously had. A bonus was Ethan was no longer throwing like "A 6 year old girl" as Parker loved telling him...teasing him.



    The week before school was about to start VJ decided to have a sleepover with his three best friends, unfortunately Meggie couldn't make it as she was stuck at camp for a week as a counselor for some kids at Basketball camp. The three boys decided to go ahead with the sleepover regardless, a guys night if you will. After playing video games until 1:00 in the morning and stuffing their faces with pizza and ice cream they all crashed.


    Parker woke up very shaken from a very familiar and strange dream..


    He went to sit on the couch and calm down, Ethan heard him, he was awake as he was not really able to sleep on the floor, he went to join him on the couch.



    "You okay?" Ethan asked Parker who looked a bit shaken up...

    "Yeah, just that recurring dream about snakes I told you about, it's the fourth time I've had that dream and it still freaks me out every time!"


    "You gonna be okay, I have to pee..."

    "Yeah, I'll live..."


    Ethan got up to go to the bathroom..


    Parker was once again freaked out by that dream, it was not about snakes as he had lied the first time he had it when he had fallen asleep over at Ethan's house on the couch while Ethan was playing video games at the other end of the couch. Ethan had heard the little moans and noises Parker was making while he dreamed, all of a sudden he gasped loudly and woke up gasping for air, he looked over at Ethan who was staring at him and stuttered out "bad dream..." Ethan nodded and said "No kidding....I thought you were going to hyperventilate." Parker made up a story about the dream being about snakes which he was deathly afraid of, Ethan bought it luckily, it was the first time Parker had ever lied to Ethan.

    He knew he was having the dreams because he needed to tell Ethan, he needed to know if he felt the same way, he couldn't keep the secret anymore...from Ethan anyways. He followed Ethan into the bathroom so VJ if he woke up would not hear.


    "Do you have to go to?" Ethan asked Parker, surprised to see him in the bathroom..


    "No I need to...ask you something."

    "Go for it..." Ethan stated happily.


    "Do you like me?" Parker asked shyly...

    "Of course I do dummy, you're my best friend, why the he*ck are you asking me this?"

    Parker stood there dumbly for a second then just decided to go for it, he knew that could kill their friendship but at this point he just needed to know if Ethan felt anything for him. He pounced...


    Ethan was shocked beyond belief...


    But always one for an experiment Ethan pulled a very surprised Parker back to him and was kissing him back...Ethan was very surprised that he was actually very much enjoying it. Ethan had always thought Parker was good looking and may have had of a bit of a innocent friend crush on him but wouldn't have expected to enjoy kissing him or any male quite so much.



    Parker then decided to confess, "The dreams I kept having weren't about snakes they were about this...."

    Ethan made no comment just stared at Parker with dreamy eyes..finally he asked "You dreamed about kissing me?" Parker just nodded slowly..



    Ethan then started kissing Parker again...he couldn't help felt so good. They were so into the smooching that neither noticed VJ standing in the bathroom with them.


    "What in the world are you two doing??" VJ bellowed..he certainly didn't expect to see his two best friends lip locked in his bathroom at 3:30 in the morning!


    "Explain please..are you gay now? long has this been going on..?"

    "Calm down VJ, yes, I'm gay, I don't know about Ethan, and this has only been going on for about 5 minutes...please don't freak out!"


    "I think we should keep this quiet..." Parker suggested.

    "You're not going to tell anyone? How do you plan on keep it a secret...what if I decided to out you two??" VJ sneered Parker and Ethan were his best friends but VJ could be a bit of an a*ss at times.

    "Because I'll tell Meggie about the notebook!!" Ethan butted in loudly..he knew that would shut VJ up for good.


    "Okay okay, I'll keep your secret...PLEASE don't tell her!!" VJ was practically begging..

    "Don't beg VJ, it's just not you! Your secret is safe as long as you don't blab about me and far as you are concerned we're as strait as flagpoles!"


    "Why do you have to keep...whatever this secret anyways nobody cares if you're gay in this day and age!" VJ asked


    "I'd just rather not tell anyone right now, I know my parents want me to go to prom and even though I already told them I was going by myself I highly doubt my dad would smile very much if I came home and told them Ethan was my boyfriend..they are pressuring me to ask Meggie out.."

    "Don't you F-ing DARE!!" VJ was shooting him major glares.

    "It would just be show, I wouldn't even touch her...I most likely won't even do it so don't worry" Parker tried to calm him..

    "Resist!!" VJ fumed...


    "I'm going back to sleep.." VJ announced

    Parker and Ethan went back into VJ's room they immediately started up again, Ethan found he was thoroughly enjoying kissing Parker. VJ climbed back out of bed stomped over to the pair and yelled, "Can you two keep it down some of us need our sleep!"


    Both ignoring VJ...

    "Would you really want me for your boyfriend?" Ethan asked Parker..

    "Yes, I would..." Parker told him.

    "So sappy..." VJ muttered under his breath..


    They smooched for another 1/2 hour then went back to their sleeping bags for the rest of the night


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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom I totally saw that coming! First Parker didn't mind the Meggie broke it off with him and then she had to make all the moves on Ethan! I didn't suspect VJ's secret though!
    I love the way your stories are not linear and how you fill in the gaps with detailed flash backs to show why things are as they are in the present.
    I must say that Ethan and Parker make an adorable couple :)
    Now I am getting excited because this will leave Meggie open for a relationship with L when she grows up. I hope he hasn't moved on by then!
    Great update :)
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @Mikezumi , I love Ethan and Parker together! I had them together in another save on whim and they were too freaking cute (will try to dig up the pictures). Ethan was a bit less tweaked in the other save but still cute.

    I'm not saying anything about Meggie... :p;)
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited December 2017
    @Mikezumi , Hmmmmm, L does begin dating someone. :smiley: that's all you're getting (and you know I wuv you!!).. :kissing_heart:
    Post edited by Charlottesmom on
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    @Charlottesmom Did you post this in the main thread and I somehow missed it?
    Either way,
    I totally saw this coming too! :p Tee hee!
    That was some major kissy kissy going on. ;) I guess it's safe to say that Ethan is now calling himself gay as well.
    So what is this notebook of VJ's??? My curiosity is quite piqued! :hushed:
    You throw all these curve-balls in your story and that's what keeps it interesting and engages the readers. I love it! <3 You're such a great writer!
    You know I'd like to see Meggie and L together but...I get the feeling you might not have that happen. :smirk:
    Very much looking forward to more!

    Sent you a PM. :kissing_heart:
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Hi Em, yup it was in the main thread too but you know how that thread tends to move super lost in the shuffle.
    **I'd call Ethan "gay curious" but also "strait curious" as he isn't stopping Meggie's advances. Meggie doesn't know about Ethan and Parker though so who knows what could happen. ;)
    **What notebook??... ;););) sorry that one is not even gonna be hinted at..
    **Meggie with L...maybe...maybe not. ;)

    You got lots of ;) today!
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited December 2017
    Secret Obsession Part 18: Boys!!

    Meggie and Ethan had been dating for about 3 weeks, they didn't spend much time together outside of school, and had mostly been holding hands and the occasional peck on the cheek from Ethan. Meggie was beginning to wonder what was wrong with her, did Ethan not want to kiss her? All her female friends told tales of their boyfriends wanting to make out constantly and pressuring them into more..Meggie didn't seem to have that type of boyfriend.

    She decided to corner Ethan after school one day and ask him if she did something wrong.


    She decided to test him and gave him a surprise kiss...he seemed to respond positively.


    "Do you like kissing me Ethan?" she asked right after they broke apart..

    "Yeah, sure..." he answered.


    Meggie was running late for a meeting at the library for her book club and had to smooch and run. She said a quick "Bye!" to Ethan and took off.


    Parker knew Meggie had a book club meeting to go to so he was watching to see when she would leave so he could go out and make out with Ethan, he figured is was safe enough as most of the students were home by now. No one would see...


    "I've wanted to do that all day!" he beamed snuggling Ethan close..


    Meggie remembered she forgot her book club book in her locker and since the front doors to the school were locked she would have to use the back door, hopefully it was still unlocked she thought. She was shocked to see Ethan kissing the he*ck out of someone who looked very much like Parker..she just stood there gawking...


    She started screaming at Ethan and Parker...mostly Ethan..


    She eventually quieted down and asked why was he going out with her when he obviously liked Parker much more.

    "I can't let anyone know right now, my parents would kill me, all the other kids will make fun of us.." Meggie could tell how much this was hurting Ethan and she decided to take the high road and try to understand.


    "Ethan, you and Parker are my best friends, I want you both to be happy, but I'll keep this a secret if that is what you want.." She decided it was harder for Ethan to live with this secret than it was for her to find out about it, she would get over it, Ethan and Parker had to live with it..



    "You treat him well or I'll beat you to a pulp, and you know I can do it!" She warned Parker who she knew could be a bit of a jerk at times, even to his friends.


    She was still upset about what just transpired and totally forgot about the book and ran home instead...most likely to cry....a lot.


    She found herself in front of VJ's house for some reason. She found him out back practicing soccer.


    She didn't even have to say anything to him, he immediately grabbed her into a hug.


    She told him what happened...


    Meggie noticed he didn't act that surprised about her news...she wondered if maybe he already knew, but VJ never kept anything from her so she doubted it.


    The next morning she was supposed to be going to visit L for the weekend, she texted him and told him she wasn't really feeling up to it as Ethan had just broken up with her. He told her he would do his best to cheer her up and to please come..he needed to see her. L was surprised to find Meggie having such bad luck with boyfriends...he was actually happy about it in a microscopic way too.


    She told Jared what happened, he was always a sympathetic ear, Connor was a bit too quiet for her taste, she got along with Jared much better.


    "So Ethan and Parker are boyfriends?"


    "Yes, but please don't tell anyone they don't want it public knowledge quite yet.." She knew she could trust Jared..


    Jared gave her some money for food and gas, she loved having her drivers license but was a little nervous since this was her first drive alone into the city.


    "Be careful..."

    "I will..."


    The shiny new car Jared and Connor bought for her...


    L came down to get her as soon as she texted she had arrived...


    He hugged her for a long time, he had missed her a great deal.


    They finally separated and went up to his apartment..



    "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked...


    "Not really, I'm just really tired and hungry.."

    "How about I call for pizza.." L asked, she nodded.."That would be nice.."


    Meggie was always in the mood for a horror movie, she found them as amusing as L did...he turned on on while they waited for the did cheer her up a bit.



    The pizza arrived and Meggie was thankful she was starving..



    It was pretty late and L was tired so he said goodnight to Meggie who suddenly wanted to stay up and read for a bit..



    After an hour of tossing and turning L went into the living room and found Meggie fast asleep on the couch..


    He went back to bed she looked comfortable enough..

    Meggie woke up shortly thereafter and decided to sneak in with L the couch was extra uncomfortable. She stripped down to her undies and slept on top of the covers...


    But soon found herself freezing and slipped under the covers, it was much warmer under...


    L felt her under the covers and couldn't help himself, he snuggled up close to her, she let out a contented sigh and snuggled back into him...


    They stayed snuggled up for the rest of the night...



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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom Not a good way for Meggie to find out about Ethan and Parker but better sooner than later.
    What a good friend she is! :)
    VJ can't let her know because he has secrets of his own .... which we are still in the dark about!
    Love Jared's face when Meggie told him about the boys! :p
    Well, I can't say anyone ever gave me a car like that!
    mmmmm that pizza looks good! I probably should have more than a couple pieces of toast with peanut butter and coffee :/
    Awwwwww they spooned! <3
    Don't you go breaking my heart, girl! These two are made for each other!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    @Charlottesmom Boys indeed! :p
    I think it's great Meggie and Ethan ended their relationship on such good terms, but...I wish he would've thought Meggie's feeling through before allowing her to give her heart to him. :( The poor girl has been through enough as it is. :cry:
    I'm starting to wonder if she and VJ might hook it up later (and you made him look a thousand times better than EA did! :lol: )
    Jared doesn't look half bad in that blue and black plaid sweater. ;) I'm glad he's so sweet to Meggie.
    NICE car he and Connor got for her! :astonished: #everyteenagersdream
    Meggie looks beautiful in that one pic looking at L. :)
    The scared faces! :lol:
    Ooooo, L shirtless. :love:
    Awwwww! Look at them snuggling! <3 Oh they are such a good pair, but... I feel it's not meant to be. :(
    Can't wait for more! :star:
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited December 2017
    Secret Obsession Part 19: Lies...

    L woke up at 6:00 am and realized he was wrapped around Meggie, he pushed himself back, he felt so disgusted with himself, she was his friend, his very much underage friend and he shouldn't be doing this. He had felt her when she first got on to bed, he felt her when she slipped under the covers, he was the one that snuggled up to her, it felt so good and that was the problem, he couldn't let this go on anymore, it was killing him, and it certainly wasn't fair to Meggie, she was just a kid!


    He knew he should have gone out to the couch the second he felt her crawl under the covers, he shouldn't have let it get to this. He frowned and sighed deeply as he got out of bed...he knew what had to be done, his heart was aching but he felt it was the only course of action for his own sanity. He jumped in the shower and tried to scrub away the dirty feeling he had surrounding him, he felt like trash..


    Meggie was awake a few minutes later, she wondered where L was, she remember him snuggling up to her and had the most peaceful night's sleep she had had in recent memory...All thoughts of being dumped by her gay "boyfriend" or whatever Ethan was vanished from her brain. L was the only person on the Earth she trusted fully, the only person she truly loved, she smiled to herself with that thought.


    She got dressed quickly and decided to make the bed, it was a nice gesture while L was in the shower.


    After L got dressed he asked Meggie to come into the kitchen he needed to talk to her...

    He asked if she remembered last night, what he did to her.


    "Yeah, you snuggled with me, why?"


    "I'm so sorry" he started getting very upset.


    "Why are you so upset L, you didn't do anything wrong..."

    "Meggie, you're just a child, I shouldn't be touching you like that!"


    The mention of her being a child confused Meggie, she was going to be 17 in a week, she could drive a frigging car, she was not a child! She decided to get to the bottom of this...

    "Why are you calling me a child L, I'm going to be 17 next week.."


    "Self preservation...." L mumbled to himself...he couldn't be with her, she was too young, it was wrong..he had to make excuses to himself to keep away from her...she needed to grow up and have a life of her own. He knew severing ties with her would be best for both of them, they were both too dependent on each other. He was going to do it even though he knew it would break his heart.

    "I need us to not see each other for awhile..." he blurted..

    "What....." she asked stunned "Why?" was all she could think to ask..

    "I need some time alone...I...I just need to be alone for awhile"


    "Fine!...." With tears starting to form in her eyes...Meggie grabbed her jacket and ran out into the hall..she was sick of everyone dumping her, if he didn't want to see her she would vanish.

    L grabbed his jacket and ran after her, thank God the elevator seemed jammed..

    Meggie was crying, she was mumbling about everyone dumping her..


    "Meggie, I'm sorry, I can't tell you why I need us to spend time apart but believe me it's for a good reason.."


    "Are you gay too?" Meggie asked seriously...


    "What??...NO!! Who's gay?"


    "Ethan, that's why he dumped me, he and Parker are boyfriends..."

    "Geeze......" was all L could think to say.."So your first two ex boyfriends are gay and now boyfriends..with each other!...What are the odds!"

    "Pretty good with my luck!" Meggie almost laughed..she then got very serious "Don't leave me L..."


    "Lets go for a walk and I'll try to explain myself.." L dreaded this but now knew he had to be honest if he didn't want to lose Meggie forever, she was going to hate him he just knew it.

    "Okay L what is the issue?" Meggie asked...

    L paused the truth on the tip of his tongue he chickened out and blurted "I have a girlfriend and she doesn't want me to have any contact with you.."


    Meggie was stunned..."Since when do you had a girlfriend?" she asked

    "About two weeks now..." L lied..

    "What's her name..?" Meggie questioned..

    L panicked, he wasn't prepared, he had never lied to Meggie before ever, he said the first female name that came to mind.."Addie"

    "Your across the hall neighbor, the vampire?"


    Meggie was a bit shocked though last time she met Addie she was acting a bit strange, she didn't want to say anything negative about L's that word sounded weird in conjunction with L she thought. In all the years she knew him he had only briefly dated a few women, her mom being one of them, it never lasted long. She really was actively wondering if L was gay or what lately, he just didn't seem to want to be with any females...or males for that matter.

    "Meggie thought about what he said, and said "what does she have against me L, we're just friends!"


    "Maybe she's jealous..."


    "Of what, I'm only 16, I'm not a threat.." Meggie said as they slowly walked..they found themselves down by the water...

    "Maybe it's because you're beautiful..." L whispered, he knew she heard because she answered in an equally low whisper "I'm not beautiful L..."


    "You are beautiful Meggie...."


    "Why can't you be older..." he asked, she answered with "Why can't you be younger.." she signed then turned to the water and just stared with a blank look on her face, he knew she was thinking hard about something but didn't want to disturb her, he just watched her, his heart aching.


    He reached over and held her hand, Meggie closed her eyes cherishing the feeling....he was so perfect.


    They slowly made their way back to the apartment, L took the couch that night and Meggie had the bed, neither slept well...

    L told Meggie he had to meet Addie for lunch and took off for a few hours, in reality he went to the library and just sat...he was disgusted with himself for lying to Meggie, he couldn't face her. He would be home in time to take her to the subway station so she could go pick up her car from it's parking area.

    Meggie met L by the subway stop. Right when he got there Jared called and asked Meggie when she would be home, she told him she was on her way to get her car right now.


    L pulled her into a tight hug, he whispered that he would miss her...


    Meggie was sad, but she knew she would see him again somehow. She fully planned on texting him whenever she wanted girlfriend or not..


    "Love you Meggie..." he said sadly


    "Love you L..." she answered just a sadly.


    She quickly crossed the road and went into the subway station before she could start crying again..


    L stood there for almost 1/2 hour...I'm such an as*shole he thought to himself. There would be a lot of beating himself up because of his lies.


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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    Must. Know. What. L's. Secret. Is!!!

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom I understand why L feels so bad but it's true that she will be growing up soon! Hang in there, L!
    Poor Meggie must have been devasted! She has had so much loss already :(
    Lying was probably not a smart move but I imagine Meggie, being a teen doesn't really know what's best for herself and might have tempted L unknowingly.
    Awwwww and he can't help himself! He's pouring out his heart to her :(
    And she feels it too :(
    You got some great expressions! They really fit your story :)
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    bebasimbebasim Posts: 581 Member
    WOW just read all the updates... omg my heart is breaking too.
    Poor Maggie but poor L omg i'm secretly wanting L and her to get together.. it's driving me nuts!!! Why is he holding back... it's almost like romeo and Juliet but reversed. You certainly have the suspense up there. Love it!
    I love love your flash backs!! Love how you incorporate them and gives us so many visual images and understanding to the relationships between the characters.
    My heart is breaking for Maggie. She is such a strong character, yet so alone really.
    I cannot wait for the next update!!
    And Eddie is adorable he almost looks like my RL kitty we just lost after 14 years. I love the bed shot where he's on his back so cute just want to cuddle him.
    I can sense another twist coming up... really can. :smiley:
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited January 2018
    Secret Obsession Part 20: Moving on...

    Where we left off...

    Meggie had just left L in Bridgeport and went back to Appaloosa.


    After a night of dreaming about Meggie L decided he had to try and get her out of his mind, not forget her as that would never happen just get out there and mingle with others.


    His neighbor Addie was the one who L told Meggie he was involved with and she was constantly trying to get his attention so he should probably see what would happen with her, she was kinda pretty in a vampire sort of way.

    L asked her to meet him at the library..he was about to ask her on a date when she surprised him and asked first..



    He accepted, they would meet tonight and go to one of the many clubs in Bridgeport.

    When they arrived at the club they found a nice table where they could talk and get to know each other, there was a few minutes of talking..


    Then L shut down, Addie was so boring..


    He excused himself to head to the bathroom, but Addie followed..


    "Why don't you like me L?"


    "I'm just not attracted to you Addie.."


    "I can make you love me L...." and with that she grabbed L and gave him a killer kiss.


    L was not amused...


    Addie was not about to give up, she had another trick in her bag...she blew L a kiss guaranteed to make him adore her, if only for a few hours.


    L felt physically ill when the kiss reached his cheek.



    L told Addie he thought it would be best if they not see each other, he would not be calling Addie in the near future for sure, she was not his type and was a little scary..


    The next morning L went up to the Cemetery the best place to sit quietly and think.


    He decided to call Meggie...


    He mainly just wanted to hear her voice.



    Back in Appaloosa:

    Meggie was getting on with her senior year of High School, she missed L..


    VJ and Meggie had been best friends since they met as very small children..and due to the fact that L was gone and Ethan and Parker were spending more time alone as boyfriends Meggie and VJ spent all their time together. Meggie felt he was developing feelings for her she wasn't sure she could reciprocate.



    She decided to try to be more social since she was in her tight little circle of friends, she felt the need to branch out a bit. First she met Devon, he seemed a nice chap.


    She met Luke...and Dylan..




    She ran into the only girl in school who she couldn't stand and couldn't stand her..River...


    Meggie found out through friends that River hated Meggie because she was friends with VJ and VJ had rejected River at the last school dance in favor of dancing with Meggie.

    Meggie tried to be friendly to River but River was determined to hate her.


    "You're not worth it River, just stay away from me!"


    "Fine by me!" River sneered...


    Meanwhile Ethan and Parker were getting along very nicely..


    Meggie was having a hard time concentrating with all the lovie dovies going on right next to her and VJ's chess game.


    Parker and Ethan excused themselves to head home..



    VJ said he needed talk to Meggie so they went back to his house, it was quieter than her house.


    "I like you Meggie" he told her before he chickened out.

    "VJ, You've been my friend since we were small I hope you like me..”


    "That's not what I mean..." VJ stuttered out..a cold sweat starting up under his clothes.


    his heart was pounding, he had waited a full year to do what he was about to do..


    to his shock Meggie didn't shove him away as he thought she might do, she kissed him back!


    "I like you a lot VJ..."




    Post edited by Charlottesmom on
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom Well, the date with Addie didn't go well! Is she that boring or is L too in love with Meggie?
    Addie certainly gave it her all, though! :D
    I normally hate the blue in VJ's hair but it works great with that hairstyle!
    Teens of the opposite gender who spend too much time together do risk the possibility of their hormones taking over ;)
    Now why is it that Meggie met so many males in her travels? I see you did throw in a token encounter with one female which went down like a lead balloon! LOL
    LOL at Ethan and Parker loving it up right next to them while they played chess! :D
    Oh my! She kissed back! What does this mean for L? Or will we find out later that VJ is gay too? LMAO
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @Mikezumi , VJ is definitely NOT gay... ;)
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    bebasimbebasim Posts: 581 Member
    noooooooo Meggieeeee noooo L L L you can't forget L OMG poor L my heart is breaking!!!! this is like romeo and juliet but different <3 it can't wait for your next update ... the suspense is killing me..... for some reason i sense a tragedy coming.... hope i'm wrong.
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited January 2018
    Secret Obsession Part 21: VJ....

    Meggie's Birthday was in one week, Connor and Jared had called L and the three of them planned a special party for her. L asked if he could bring his little brother to meet Meggie since he was visiting from Riverview. Jared thought it was a great idea and told L to bring him along, the more the merrier.

    Meggie was completely oblivious, she and VJ had a week full of lip locked her mind was not exactly on her Birthday. Though she still chatted with L everyday, he was careful to never once bring up her Birthday or the fact that he would be there to see her.


    She was still having L related dreams every now and again, she still missed him very much even though she had VJ to distract her now.


    Meggie was over VJ's house, they had an impromptu pillow fight and were beating the ever loving snot out each other...



    L called a few minutes later...



    VJ got more clenched up about the phone call..Meggie texted L constantly, he called her every day, he knew that they chatted on the computer every night, it was in VJ's opinion annoying! He decided to tell Meggie exactly what he though about her relationship with L.


    He concluded by saying that he wished Meggie talked to him half as much as she did to L..


    Meggie saw that he was hurt so she did her best to make it up to him, she understood...she really did chat with L a lot and promised to cut down a little to make VJ happier. She would do anything for VJ, she was developing very strong feelings for him.


    It was the morning of her Birthday, VJ invited her over nice and early as it was a Saturday, his dad and brother took off to the circus the next town over for the day so they had the house to themselves...Meggie was feeling a bit daring..on this the dawn of her 17th year.


    They started out making out on the couch...


    "Want to move this over to the bed.." she asked shyly..


    You didn't need to ask VJ twice, he practically dragged her over to the bed.




    VJ was so into what was going on that he almost didn't hear her say "wait...." in a very small voice


    She sat back up "I'm sorry VJ, I thought I was ready for this but I just can't...can we wait a little longer?"

    "We can wait as long as you want, I want you to be ready, I don't want you to do anything you don't want to..."


    He had been waiting for Meggie for years, a little more time was fine with him. Though being a red blooded male all the cold showers were getting a bit irksome.

    The day passed quickly as they spent most of it playing video games, though they did get in a bit more smooching. Meggie got a text from Jared telling her to be home in an hour.



    Jared said he wanted to talk to VJ as they walked in the door, he told Meggie to go upstairs and change into her favorite clothes...Meggie figured they were going to go out bowling or something for her Birthday, she changed into her red shirt, comfy and cute...She wasn't sure about the choice though, as she was thinking about changing again L walked into her room..



    The first words out of her mouth were "Do you like this shirt?" L was like What?? But told her he always liked her bunny shirt.


    Meggie agreed, she loved her bunny shirt, so she changed...right in front of L!!


    Meggie was so engrossed in her "yeah baby" pose that she didn't realize L was staring at her..


    He decided this was a good time to give her her Birthday gift..


    It was a gorgeous new bracelet, after she put it on she gave him a huge hug.


    "Do you like it?" he asked

    "I love it!!" she laughed happily...


    "I love you L.." she added and suddenly noticed her hear thudding in her chest, she had told L she loved him almost every day but somehow this time seemed different.

    she moved closer...


    put her hand on his shoulder...all of a sudden she wanted to kiss him, a real kiss not a cheek kiss, she wanted to kiss him like she kissed VJ...


    she was drawing him in closer, L was obviously into it too as his hands went into her hair and he started gently moving her closer..


    "Meggie...." came as a whisper from L..she could feel his heart racing from standing so close..


    A loud slamming of the door separated L and Meggie and a very peeved VJ walked into the room..




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