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    kellzakellza Posts: 197 Member
    My sim had her wedding day... and her paternal grandparents died immediately after the party was over :/




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    VraieVraie Posts: 196 Member
    I have had a situation like that! Only in my case 2 sims were on a date and 2 elders died of dancing exertion during the date. Still got a silver medal though...

    In my game today I finally managed to get Aubrey to catch an angelfish, which means that he finally managed to resurrect his former housemate, Cameron Guthrie.

    Cameron died of sunlight and the game glitched at the time of his death, meaning the reaper did not appear and no pleading could happen.

    Cameron's son was born the same evening Cameron died, so took his name. Cameron has been dead now for 185 sim days - I know this because that is Cameron Jr's current age. But with the culling situation and the risk of a patch wiping out this very important ghost in my plot, I decided that he needed resurrecting.

    I love him as a ghost but I have missed him too. I never did want him to die.

    It took Aubrey about 8 sim days to get an angelfish, and about ten seconds to make the ambrosia, typically.

    Cameron eventually tucked in to the treat left temptingly on the counter...

    And found it was exceptionally good for his health. He's also been trapped in his vampire form pretty much since he died, so it was a relief for him to finally get out of it.

    His cousin, Sarah Anne, was thrilled to see him. I've mentioned in other threads, but Sarah Anne's entire life has been rather plagued by loss and death, meaning that she's clung to Cameron's son and her brother Aubrey and not really trusted anyone else. I now intend her to be a bit more sociable in the world, since Cameron's return has reassured her that death is not necessarily the end.

    And finally, a reunion between father and son.
    Cameron and his son never met in life, although the son forged strong bonds with his father's ghost. It's the first time Cameron Jr. met his father alive.

    I am actually really happy I did this. My main vampire, Aubrey, is a really calm, friendly, peaceable soul. He has good bonds with his children and family and raised Cameron Jr in the absence of his own parents. He is well respected and liked in my sim world, even though he is a Grand Master vampire. He is responsible and level-headed. Except in one circumstance. When Cameron is around :smiley: Aubrey only ever gets the 'angry' moodlet for being around family when Cameron is around. Every time Cameron's ghost came out, he'd get it. This is because, although they both grew up together, Cameron and Aubrey never got along as kids or teens. And now within about ten minutes of Cameron's reunion with his family, Aubrey was stomping around angry. And that made Cameron stomp around angry, like they're both still naughty teenagers. So much fun to have that chemistry returned ;)


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    ldmarkoldmarko Posts: 5,487 Member
    edited December 2017
    The twins enjoy a final moment together before aging up & heading out into the world.


    Selma wants to be a doctor so I gave her a somewhat mature professional look. She was drawn to the bright lights of the big city, so she took an apartment in San Myshuno.


    But Branson decided that the quiet gloom of Forgotten Hollow was the ideal place to work on his writing career.


    Back home Emilia decided she wanted Vivian's old room. And of course, what Emilia wants, Emilia gets.


    The princess holds court.


    But she's about to be usurped.


    Just a couple of cute moments.



    Gallery ID: LDM2
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    Doctor_VikterDoctor_Vikter Posts: 247 Member
    Not too much lately (again, ugh)
    Discovered my main boy doesn't know how the Bubble Blower works

    A family's cat passed on due to old age

    While the other cat isn't sure what to do with mice

    Had a really awkward bonding moment

    And finally imported a new car object into the game...annnd it has lod issues that need fixing. R.i.p me
    Art by Pirate-Cashoo
    ||Steam || Origin: Z0mbie_Cakez ||Art Blog ||
    Editing Tutorial
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    JesseBabe23JesseBabe23 Posts: 11 New Member
    Duke moved out of the home him and his sister shared and got a house of his own by the beach in Brindleton Bay with his dog Mango. He used some of his inheritance to hire an interior decorator to redo the entire inside and add a library and an indoor gym. He could not stand what the home looked like before.

    As a young adult he had a few flings, but really feel for Brent who was currently married at the time to someone else. Finally Brent realized he was in love with Duke, and he broke things off with his husband and got in a relationship with my sim.

    They finally decided to take the next step after announcing their engagement and moved in together. Brent brought his dog Rosie with him. I don't think Mango and Rosie get along to well, so they're usually off doing separate things.

    Because Brent loves dogs so much, Duke decided to surprise Brent with his very own vet clinic for his birthday. Brent now paints on the side and is a part time vet, which he loves.

    Duke doesn't have a job, because he currently just lives off his family's money that was passed down to him, so he spends most of his days around the house playing with his dogs, or helping Brent at the vet.

    After a while Duke and Brent decided they wanted to take their relationship even further and they adopt a child. She just had a birthday today and is now a toddler. Her name is Kira and she is the cutest little thing! (I'd show pictures but I'm not on my computer right now.)
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    TerezaSims85TerezaSims85 Posts: 114 Member
    > @Doctor_Vikter said:
    > Not too much lately (again, ugh)
    > Discovered my main boy doesn't know how the Bubble Blower works
    > A family's cat passed on due to old age
    > While the other cat isn't sure what to do with mice
    > Had a really awkward bonding moment
    > And finally imported a new car object into the game...annnd it has lod issues that need fixing. R.i.p me

    WOW! I love it!
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    BeardedgeekBeardedgeek Posts: 5,520 Member
    Well, I spent my time renovating the Old Salt House, only to realize I need 40 000 Simolions more for my family to move in.
    So, all men on deck! Let's make money!
    Origin ID: A_Bearded_Geek
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    wrenstaleswrenstales Posts: 777 Member
    edited December 2017
    I left my Sims for five minutes and my Sim, Lisa Neville was standing on the bed taking pictures of Edward. I had to use the cheat to get her back to the living room.
    Lisa has grown confident in her Art work and has painted a man climbing a mountain in a fantasy world. This is her aspiration and long term career as an artist.
    Lisa went to cheer her Artist pal up who belonged to the Arts club and they both chatted by text.
    Ameilee bit the vampires finger, warning him not to drink Lisa's blood. The vampire turned in to a bat and ran away.
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    VraieVraie Posts: 196 Member
    I don't usually post here twice in two days, but erm, today Aubrey had a little accident.
    He was testing out his emotional control powers at the pool, and, well...

    Two adult sims suddenly died. I can only assume it was because he made them enraged, though I have never seen him have such a drastic effect before. Ironically the elders swimming there were not affected, only the two adults. He tried to plead, but failed as both were strangers to him.

    Aubrey is a good sim and doesn't believe in hurting people, so he was pretty upset by all of this...


    All I can say is that it must be the stress of having Cameron back among the living (they are still griping at each other) that caused this to happen ;)
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    ldmarkoldmarko Posts: 5,487 Member
    Girls night out.


    Later on Lionel stops by for a visit.

    "Hey Dad, you feeling okay?"

    "I've been feeling a little gassy since the alien abduction son, but I'm sure it's nothing."


    Ever the mom, Katrina was very happy to see her eldest.


    While taking his little sister to the park the next day, Noah ran into their other brother Branson & the two spent some time getting caught up.


    Suddenly, "Hey Emmy, we gotta get home! They just took Dad to the hospital!"


    "Wait! I think I might need that!"


    And we have twin girls, Hannah & Bridget!








    Unlike my other alien child, their family is perfectly fine with letting them show their true selves.


    Emilia is taking the sudden appearance of two little sisters surprisingly well. "As long as the little maggots stay out of my stuff & do everything I tell them to, we'll get along just fine."


    Gallery ID: LDM2
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    wrenstaleswrenstales Posts: 777 Member
    Messiah is turning out to be a nightmare, demanding attention.
    Amelilee is a loveable rogue who calms his younger brother . Lisa is selling her art everyday, Edward is tired of work, he is writing his own scripts and stories in his own time. He cares for Messiah more than Amelilee and Lisa has overcome her measles, she is carrying for Amelilee and trying to teach messiah not to be naughty, which is hard work. Pictures added later.
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    BeardedgeekBeardedgeek Posts: 5,520 Member
    Well Maisie is starting to get the hang of the chopsticks...

    She also wanted to help the family by getting a job. She does look kind of adorable in that uniform:

    However Diego (or rather me) realized that if you can't sell your own paintings with a huge marked up price due to bugs... you can always get MORE paintings and sell them for the standard price.
    May I introduce to you the Art Class club? They only have room for 4 painters, so that's what we're having.
    Origin ID: A_Bearded_Geek
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    wrenstaleswrenstales Posts: 777 Member
    The Nevile family had their private New Years Eve Party at the Museum.
    Lisa surprised them with fireworks.
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    magicmermaid9magicmermaid9 Posts: 122 Member
    Halle Mallory gave birth to twins! Both boys. Their brother, Alex, was happy for new siblings. Halle took time off work to care for them but at the end of the day snuck in a night out to the Rattlesnake Juice Bar with the girls for a New Years Eve party. The next morning she wrote another Romance novel (to go along with the legacy) and then set off to her job as a writer as dad juggled the kids on his own.
    Whoops, just spent another day watching Dan and Phil
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    BeardedgeekBeardedgeek Posts: 5,520 Member
    So, the Diego's Art Class (with only three members) earned the Lobo-McLaren household 60 000 Simolions in just over a week! Definitely enough to buy the renovated Old Salt House (doggie can run free again! Yay!)

    Now Diego has expanded his club, with a garden to paint in... But I have decided to not abuse it as often. Basically if I need quick cash, I throw 2-3 meetings in as many days... Otherwise I'll just leave it be.


    I can't stomach seing Maisie being mean, so I am deciding not going with Oracle for her. Now I have to decide... Scientist maybe? I need a job that's good being focused at.

    The last day before Maisie's birthday she came home with a rocket as a science project. Scarlett jumped at a chance to help her daughter. Without pants. In the hallway. Good thing she has awesome legs...

    Maisie looks like she approves of tweendom:

    "Juscht becau... because YOU can't drink yett doesn't mean I schu-ldn't!"
    Origin ID: A_Bearded_Geek
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    BeardedgeekBeardedgeek Posts: 5,520 Member
    Welcome to Diego's Art Class. Be trained by Simdom's No #1 Art Critic!

    Why build a baskeball court when you have one right outside your door?

    ...Bruce was seeing stars. Maisie had to take him to the vet... (I giggled when I saw who the vet was, because he's the father in an all-Evil family of five I made).

    Making a veggie breakfast scramble for the rest of the family...
    Origin ID: A_Bearded_Geek
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    ponderosaponderosa Posts: 238 Member
    edited January 2018
    after wedding chat in the living room. should we or should we not interrupt our premarital bliss and try for baby? all knowing sim god ponderosa says yes.


    but first, juniper has to pet the dog, frida. diego adopted frida WAY before he ever met juniper, but she seems to be taking pretty well to juniper. they're pretty close buddies at this point.


    aaand i guess this means that frida has to follow them to the bedroom. you know how some pets are. show them love and they'll follow you anywhere..... y i k e s.


    "diego....i have something important to tell you. i'm eating for two!"

    "THIS SOON?"


    juniper has a major case of the going into labor blues.


    welcome to the world, katya lobo! katya doesn't seem too happy to be here, but babies don't know how good they have it.


    and this is the part of the post where i cry a thousand tears and realize i took EXACTLY ZERO PHOTOS the following events event though i SWEAR i did!

    juniper got pregnant VERY quickly after having katya (make that an hour later)
    i switched over to my summer holiday household so i could do her new years eve wedding to gavin richards. turned out freaking adorable. TOO BAD THERE ARE NO PHOTOS. somehow i have a selfie of bffs summer and pregnant dina during summer's wedding.


    juniper attended the wedding in her fantastic gold suit. she was absolutely wonderfully massively pregnant and munched on Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus all night. dina caliente actually made it and it was a+. in fact, dina made all of summer's wedding food. it is the least she could do for her friend.

    summer's wedding ended just in time for me to switch back over to juniper's household for her birth.

    say hello to baby # 2, viktor lobo.


    bonus photo: diego taking a break from helping juniper with the two newborns AND painting to snuggle juniper's kitty, joplin. just like frida has taken to juniper even though she was there first, joplin has taken to diego even though he was with diego first. this is honestly a really happy family guys and i'm happy for these little pixel people


    bonus photo 2: since i mentioned pregnant dina, here is pregnant dina in her final form. she's dating mitchell kalani and walking their dog butter. they had a little girl named anna and i think she is gonna be cuuuuuute. maybe a future wife for viktor since anna is only a few days younger??

    Post edited by ponderosa on
    origin ID: maureenponderosa
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    meggera007meggera007 Posts: 382 Member
    Well guys, it's been a bit since I last posted and since it's New Years Eve in the US still I figured I'd get one last post in for 2017. I've been playing so much that all of the kids in the house are now teenagers with the triplets on the verge of becoming young adults. So let's get on with the pictures!

    First up, the family's home decorated for Christmas.

    Breakfast on Christmas Morning.

    Family Pictures on Christmas Day
    From left to right: Cory, Aubrie, Travis, Anissa, Zola, Zachary, and Zoey.
    Also, excuse some of the weird hand positions, I couldn't find a good pose set for a family this size with teens posing in them. Most of the ones I found the poses had the older sim holding a younger one in them which is where some of the weird positioning came from lol.

    The Triplets
    For those who don't know this family, these three are Anissa's children by Don Lothario.

    Cory & Aubrie
    These two belong to Travis, but have different mothers. Cory's mom is Zoe Patel (who is now married to Raj Rasoya), and Aubrie's mom is Yasmin Kalani.

    And here's are the transitional photos of all the kids from toddler to teen.
    Zachary, Zoey, and Zola.
    Cory and Aubrie.

    That's a wrap from me for this update! My next update will be actual screenshots from gameplay. Travis and Anissa have a birthday coming up, as well as the triplets not long after that.

    Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good night, and a Happy New Year! :)

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    ponderosaponderosa Posts: 238 Member
    @meggera007 i love that they're having christmas morning pancakes. that's what my family usually does too. AND, funnily enough, we had pancakes for new years eve dinner too. happy new year to you!
    origin ID: maureenponderosa
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    meggera007meggera007 Posts: 382 Member
    @ponderosa - Aw, that's awesome that your family does that too. I know lots of families who have Christmas morning pancakes or just breakfast in general. I don't know there's just something special about pancakes to me lol. Also, breakfast for dinner is the best too! :)
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    So Ace took Genesis out for dinner, not the real fancy place as Ace doesn't want to eat weird space food...even though space food is kinda in his blood.
    Ace told Genesis she could order anything she wanted, he's paying. Well more specifically his parents are paying.
    The Waiter died of old age after delivering their food. RIP.
    After they scooped his body off the floor the love birds got to enjoy their food. Genesis thought the gumbo was divine.
    Things got pretty romantic.
    Okay guys we can give these two privacy now.
    Ace: "It's like 7PM....and you're still in your pajamas."
    Ximena: "I'll shower when I save the Princess."
    Sapphire thought that Piper should have a treat every once in a while, like some Yogurt. Much better than the baby food she usually gets.
    5TwLEKu.png Ximena painted this....her painting skill is only level 2 so despite the work put in she only got about 45 Simoleons for this.
    Also, Sapphire is uncharacteristically angry today. How did this happen? Well, turns out someone smashed the doll house.
    And then Ximena tried something different. She was going to play some Basketball!
    Five minutes later she was exhausted, so she went to go save the Princess again.

    Not many photos, mainly because now I'm actually posting pictures from today instead of taking pictures taken from 3-4 days and posting them all in a big dump. But hey, at least I got a few Christmas pictures....a week later but whatevs.
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    LadyLana1LadyLana1 Posts: 308 Member
    @meggera007 Aubrey looks so pretty, would you be willing to put her (or the whole family) on the gallery so I can pair her off with one of my Sims?
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    verlainemverlainem Posts: 837 Member
    I see everyone's sims have been busy. I, myself got a new laptop so was busy setting it up. I got my sims moved over after much messing around with the SSD drive and the regular hard drive. My rotational game is still glitching. I know now never have a wild child. Do I do a save as to fix some of the glitches? Next question how do you all take your photos most don't look like the in screen photos?
    I used my cell phone for this glitch
    toddler was attached to mom and mom went to bed. First co-sleeping in the sims and dad was hiding under the covers from a bad conversation. Really dad you are a criminal master mind

    EA ID burnished_dragon
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    edited January 2018
    uhhh so behind I lost the net for a bit and I have so many pictures, don't even know what I want to share but uh Happy New Year.

    @Doctor_Vikter lol, technically one could figure out a make a hose work that way.
    Edit: forgot I had to restart my computer for the day I have another set of pics to share then I'll wait ha.

    Bella loves having a grandbaby in the house, though Mortimer took her away for a day with him.
    Life has been good to them they're so proud of their family, and this time they got a drama free family, from their end anyways.
    Of course if we stayed out another day he probably would have been taken away.
    Don't remember the exact order some of these went in but had to do something lol, they renewed their vows just the pair it was all they wanted.
    Next morning the family cat passed away, Olivia must be wondering what's wrong with this family they were upset then moved on well even in this time they've known death that's how a Goth handles it. Better shape up Kim-Lewis.
    Bella and Mortimer share a favorite drink, yes I thought that was cute.
    I remembered they hadn't met one of their grandkids since he was a tot the last time they were over so I went and had them come over and switched back to the household...not sure what's with his look at his granddaughter there though.
    'Can't believe how big you are already muffin, I must be insanely old by now.' lol.
    <3 how much they look alike though that's Diego's daughter she mostly looks like him.
    Nice Sunday dinner for the family...though Alice and Lewis weren't invited, forgot about them you see.39433156781_1a8bf4859f_b.jpg
    I remember her moodlet saying she fell asleep because the movie was boring hadn't seen that before and it amuses me.
    Guess she came out to shame Katrina.

    'You know you're too old to be dressing like that, what's wrong with you?'

    'Bella I swear you'll go missing.'

    'Been there, done that, hows the family?'

    After we were invited to Cassandra's birthday.
    And the boy there in green is one of her other grandchildren I forgot it was his birthday so he aged up right when we got there.
    The caterer didn't make a cake at the last party we had but I was glad it worked this time, and Cassie has friends so there were people there aside from family...they need a bigger kitchen.
    We got home and they couldn't even make the rest of the night.
    After enjoying one another and their family they went.
    Post edited by RedDestiny92 on
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    HillyBethHillyBeth Posts: 3,505 Member
    edited January 2018
    Happy New Year! I started over with Ethan and Emily, but as teens, and they're now young adults. I started them over on 12.29.17. Today, they tried for a baby, got engaged, and got married! In that order. Neither sim has any idea there's a baby on the way yet, but Emily has been feeling a little nauseous. They got engaged and married at the Romance Festival(why not?! Right?) and are still living in the same apartment I had them in as teens. (not the Culpepper apartment, but one of the Art District apartments)
    Origin ID
    P.A.C.E- Positive Attitude Changes Everything

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