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Is there a negative atmosphere on this forum?


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    SimsophoniqueSimsophonique Posts: 1,410 Member
    edited April 2017
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    This community is toxic, plenty of dramas, SJW for plum stuff , false friendship and complains tantrums that break the charm and the spirit of this community that is firstly build for sharing, inspiring and help and sadly for the haters we're still like that. These Evil minions are sadly numerous but they don't represent every of us.

    I'm sorry but What are Haters? Haters of the Game? And are people who are not happy with the game Haters?

    To me, this is the toxic- calling people haters makes the place toxic whenever it is. Degrading anyone's opinion is toxic. So, this is toxic.

    I will rephrase myself . I know I use strong words that for plenty of you can be confusing or can be hurted. I speak English with the words I know I know they are not suitable for the way of all native speaker English thoughts.

    To understand my thoughts we have to split the things in two.

    1) When I speak of the toxicity of the community I don't point at any special people. I said "this community" it's a general sense. I don't target anybody special here, any group of people.Suppose I speak about a group of shadow that you can define. You don't know if they are men, women etc. If you feel targeted that's not normal it wasn't my true wishes. You overracted or this discussion makes you nervous, I understand you it's tiring to read people who always ready to attack. I feel you nervous my icecream plumbob . <3 * a big big hug to you!!!*

    I am not here to attack or to bite. I just notice negativity brings negativity mayhem come after. A lot of people are tired of reading negativity about the sims 4 and a couple of them are feeling they do something bad playing it. It's all about tantrums, please EA add this , add that ! Make the sims 4 better ! I am bored playing ts4 etc. If only moderations could be more efficent some discussions are making the sims 4 doom. Constructive criticisms are always good when they are well discussed. I read that here and there in the forum. But telling everything is like that here that's wrong. We're all here with the spirit of sharing, helping and inspiring. I am often int he sims 2 and the sims 3 board the atmosphere is better because we share always the best and we pull the games upwards. So much ts4 players wants to share their game with us. I always support the idea of making their own thread like that and I promise i'll come to say hi and give you awesome and like.

    You always have the choice, nobody forces people to play the sims 4 or a sim game. Sadly many of the people who wants it can't pay for it (eg me I want get to work to death but I can't buy for it too much pricey) and people who always have meh or wrong have the whole collection. I know that because of some sims 4 community I can't speak here, they crave for the game, they like it ! That's make me feel really good for them.

    2) I know the community is scattered everywhere in internet and I don't speak for the forum only but I speak in the whole community. In a couple of other places we hangout , sometimes the atmosphere is awful and you are attacked, you can meet people who isn't really friendly with you etc etc. I wish the forum won't turn bad. That's all I wish.

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    CupcakeViolenceCupcakeViolence Posts: 124 Member
    The forums always bum me out (I do not have thick skin, this is my fault for letting others get under my skin), basically every forum post I've read is "we want this or we aren't going to play" or "I don't like this so I'm not playing until they fix it"

    I find they keep comparing to sims 3 but you have to look at it differently. Sims 3 was one game, Sims 4 is another, they aren't going to be the same, I really wish they renamed it something like I dunno Life, but something different maybe the people who dislike Sims 4 would stop comparing it to its predecessor.

    Anyways that's just my thoughts, also I'm probably just not on positive forums but like I'm on the forums now to keep updated on the SP creation and it's just making me sad.

    Gonna go play with my sims now, cause that always makes me happy :)

    Oh! My absolute favourite post to read on the forum *heavy sarcasm* "I don't play sims 4 but (inserts opinion about game they don't play for added effect)"

    *sigh* Ive been told many times by my gamer boyfriend that I should not go on forums cause I left stuff bug me, I don't listen well lol
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    Nomiko13Nomiko13 Posts: 1,497 Member

    Oh! My absolute favourite post to read on the forum *heavy sarcasm* "I don't play sims 4 but (inserts opinion about game they don't play for added effect)"

    LOL yeah, I get mildly annoyed by conjectures as such as well, just like I am with other products/items besides The Sims. Kinda like how someone says they don't like a TV show but haven't watched any episode or haven't watched beyond the pilot. However, I only take huge issue with these conjectures when the opinion leads to insulting people who enjoy the game. This could be them calling folks shallow or insinuate you're what's wrong with the community if you're happy with the game or argue that true simmers would hate TS4. The elitism is eye roll inducing. Some also tend to think that because you love TS4, you must be new to the community, thus, your love for it is invalid and thus, you're not a true simmer.

    Lastly, I hate how the talk about any Sims franchise game leads to "you either like this or that" when you like all Sims games or more than one. I for one, love TS2, TS3, and TS4 and it puts me in an awkward position when I feel like someone is trying to make me choose between them or feel like they're coming for me because I like a franchise they hate, when I simply appreciate the qualities each bring more or less. And frankly, I love that each one offers something extra new from the predecessors because if its the same thing each franchise, it'd get boring. I like the emotion system in TS4 and that it's heavily game play focused. I also don't mind that there's no open world, and I can appreciate that there are no rabbit holes. But, I also love open world in TS3 and cars. The beauty of this franchise is that each one offers something different, which I think is awesome!
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    Uzone27Uzone27 Posts: 2,808 Member
    Nomiko13 wrote: »

    Oh! My absolute favourite post to read on the forum *heavy sarcasm* "I don't play sims 4 but (inserts opinion about game they don't play for added effect)"

    LOL yeah, I get mildly annoyed by conjectures as such as well, just like I am with other products/items besides The Sims. Kinda like how someone says they don't like a TV show but haven't watched any episode or haven't watched beyond the pilot. However, I only take huge issue with these conjectures when the opinion leads to insulting people who enjoy the game. This could be them calling folks shallow or insinuate you're what's wrong with the community if you're happy with the game or argue that true simmers would hate TS4. The elitism is eye roll inducing. Some also tend to think that because you love TS4, you must be new to the community, thus, your love for it is invalid and thus, you're not a true simmer.

    Lastly, I hate how the talk about any Sims franchise game leads to "you either like this or that" when you like all Sims games or more than one. I for one, love TS2, TS3, and TS4 and it puts me in an awkward position when I feel like someone is trying to make me choose between them or feel like they're coming for me because I like a franchise they hate, when I simply appreciate the qualities each bring more or less. And frankly, I love that each one offers something extra new from the predecessors because if its the same thing each franchise, it'd get boring. I like the emotion system in TS4 and that it's heavily game play focused. I also don't mind that there's no open world, and I can appreciate that there are no rabbit holes. But, I also love open world in TS3 and cars. The beauty of this franchise is that each one offers something different, which I think is awesome!

    This all day.
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    Nomiko13Nomiko13 Posts: 1,497 Member
    Nomiko13 wrote: »

    Oh! My absolute favourite post to read on the forum *heavy sarcasm* "I don't play sims 4 but (inserts opinion about game they don't play for added effect)"

    LOL yeah, I get mildly annoyed by conjectures as such as well, just like I am with other products/items besides The Sims. Kinda like how someone says they don't like a TV show but haven't watched any episode or haven't watched beyond the pilot. However, I only take huge issue with these conjectures when the opinion leads to insulting people who enjoy the game. This could be them calling folks shallow or insinuate you're what's wrong with the community if you're happy with the game or argue that true simmers would hate TS4. The elitism is eye roll inducing. Some also tend to think that because you love TS4, you must be new to the community, thus, your love for it is invalid and thus, you're not a true simmer.

    Lastly, I hate how the talk about any Sims franchise game leads to "you either like this or that" when you like all Sims games or more than one. I for one, love TS2, TS3, and TS4 and it puts me in an awkward position when I feel like someone is trying to make me choose between them or feel like they're coming for me because I like a franchise they hate, when I simply appreciate the qualities each bring more or less. And frankly, I love that each one offers something extra new from the predecessors because if its the same thing each franchise, it'd get boring. I like the emotion system in TS4 and that it's heavily game play focused. I also don't mind that there's no open world, and I can appreciate that there are no rabbit holes. But, I also love open world in TS3 and cars. The beauty of this franchise is that each one offers something different, which I think is awesome!

    Then you also have the people who use that as a mantle to continue and protect the negative atmosphere. I've often said I find the game shallow and superficial. This is then construed as I find people who like the game shallow and superficial when that isn't what I said at all. It's not my fault that some don't have enough confidence in their choices and they assume that I'm calling them out on their game choices when all I'm saying is that I find the game unsatisfying.

    And that person is reaching for the galaxies and stars when they think dislike for the game = dislike to them personally. I don't think it has to do with confidence but with passion I guess. People seem to love something so much, they feel that something is a part of their being or it means something significant to them. But, I think folks to need to practice separating themselves from items they love if they feel personally attacked by a dissenting opinion on a product. I also feel the same way of someone who doesn't like Sims 4 needing to separate their dislike for the game and need not project that onto lovers of the game.
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    ParyPary Posts: 6,871 Member

    Oh! My absolute favourite post to read on the forum *heavy sarcasm* "I don't play sims 4 but (inserts opinion about game they don't play for added effect)"

    *sigh* Ive been told many times by my gamer boyfriend that I should not go on forums cause I left stuff bug me, I don't listen well lol

    I don't play TS4. I don't even own it. Because as it stands I think it's a terrible game and a shadow of former sims games. However, I give feedback AND my opinion of the game, even though I don't own it, every 🐸🐸🐸🐸 time I can, in the hope that the developers listen to why some of us haven't bought the game, and that future games wont be as poor as I feel this one is. I've already written this one off as a loss to me. But hopefully, if there is to be another one, it will pique my interest when this one hasn't.

    If you're so thin skinned and let other people's opinions bother you so much, then perhaps you should stay away from those kinds of threads. Then you wouldn't need to come into other threads and post your heavily sarcastic remarks.
    Perhaps your gamer boyfriend is right. You clearly don't listen well.
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    ElenaBoleynElenaBoleyn Posts: 1,084 Member
    Pary wrote: »

    Oh! My absolute favourite post to read on the forum *heavy sarcasm* "I don't play sims 4 but (inserts opinion about game they don't play for added effect)"

    *sigh* Ive been told many times by my gamer boyfriend that I should not go on forums cause I left stuff bug me, I don't listen well lol

    I don't play TS4. I don't even own it. Because as it stands I think it's a terrible game and a shadow of former sims games. However, I give feedback AND my opinion of the game, even though I don't own it, every 🐸🐸🐸🐸 time I can, in the hope that the developers listen to why some of us haven't bought the game, and that future games wont be as poor as I feel this one is. I've already written this one off as a loss to me. But hopefully, if there is to be another one, it will pique my interest when this one hasn't.

    If you're so thin skinned and let other people's opinions bother you so much, then perhaps you should stay away from those kinds of threads. Then you wouldn't need to come into other threads and post your heavily sarcastic remarks.
    Perhaps your gamer boyfriend is right. You clearly don't listen well.

    No offense... But how can you judge a game if you haven't played it? Isn't that a bit ignorant? Why would developers listen to those who haven't even tried? That is like judging how gross a food is just by looking at it without even trying. Why would someone change it if you don't even try it?

    Personally I like the Sims 4. I have liked the first three as well. So far the Sims 3 is probably my favorite for the city thing, but I like the Sims 4 for it's textures and high graphics so far.
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    Nomiko13Nomiko13 Posts: 1,497 Member
    Pary wrote: »

    Oh! My absolute favourite post to read on the forum *heavy sarcasm* "I don't play sims 4 but (inserts opinion about game they don't play for added effect)"

    *sigh* Ive been told many times by my gamer boyfriend that I should not go on forums cause I left stuff bug me, I don't listen well lol

    I don't play TS4. I don't even own it. Because as it stands I think it's a terrible game and a shadow of former sims games. However, I give feedback AND my opinion of the game, even though I don't own it, every 🐸🐸🐸🐸 time I can, in the hope that the developers listen to why some of us haven't bought the game, and that future games wont be as poor as I feel this one is. I've already written this one off as a loss to me. But hopefully, if there is to be another one, it will pique my interest when this one hasn't.

    If you're so thin skinned and let other people's opinions bother you so much, then perhaps you should stay away from those kinds of threads. Then you wouldn't need to come into other threads and post your heavily sarcastic remarks.
    Perhaps your gamer boyfriend is right. You clearly don't listen well.

    Genuine question: how can you fairly and completely judge something you haven't experienced firsthand? By firsthand, I mean, actually playing it by giving the 48 hour trial a spin, not just watching Let's Play videos alone & reading reviews and taking another's word for it. Watching and playing are two completely different things when it comes to games - what you see may be different from what you experience when you play.

    Also, if I may ask, what makes it a terrible game in your opinion? Is it the numerous unfixed glitches/bugs or the fact it was released when it was incomplete (without toddlers/pools)? Or the animations/graphics? Non-open world? Limitations on customization? I just ask because each of us has a reason as to why we perceive something as poor or fantastic; our reasons for our views vary and it intrigues me.
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    ParyPary Posts: 6,871 Member
    edited April 2017
    How is it ignorant? Are you seriously suggesting that I would need to shell out $89 and line EA's pockets to play a game that I already know I will not like, just so that I should feel I have justification for giving my opinion about what I do and don't like the look of in the game?
    What an utter load of ludicrous nonsense.

    Is buying the game going to change my mind that I think the art style is hideous? Absolutely not. It isn't suddenly going to change when I get into the game. Is buying the game going to change my mind that the game is limited because it's without things like terrain tools? Hardly.
    It isn't going to get rid of the ridiculously over-sized furniture, the dreadful plastic stepford smiling sims, the pushing to play the game EA's way rather than the way I want to play. Origin, social media garbage, terrible so called challenges, the lack of customisation, the lack of an open world, sims vanishing into oblivion from the footpath when they go somewhere, fake backdrops, the broken up EP's into things like GP's and selling them one at a time so EA can make an extra buck from milking its customers.
    I don't need to play a trial, or give EA a large amount of money just to reaffirm that those things still make the game look poor pickings to me. That's just insane. They'll still be there and be that way whether I install the game or not.

    Of course people have reasonings in their perceptions of poor or wonderful. That isn't the point here. The point is people telling others that they've no right to an opinion, or, are now ignorant, because they haven't bought or played the game.

    As I've said before, why is it fine for people to squeal and carry on and say they love the look of upcoming content, and no one says a 🐸🐸🐸🐸 word, but the moment someone says they don't like the look of it, they're told to shut-up, don't judge or they're ignorant because they haven't played it. What a load of double standards.

    While some people may have more money than sense, and feel perfectly justified in paying stupid amounts of money just to decide they don't like that game, I don't believe in throwing money away like that.

    I don't need to eat cow dung to know it's going to taste like garbage and make me sick. I can definitely judge something before buying it.

    Edit - And, if there is a negative atmosphere around the forums, it's certainly contributed to by people who insist on telling others that they shouldn't be giving their opinion on what they do and do not like the looks of.
    No one has to justify their opinions to you or anyone else, whether they own the game or not.
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    Nomiko13Nomiko13 Posts: 1,497 Member
    Your second paragraph answered why it isn't your style of play, so I guess it is what it is :neutral:
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    ElenaBoleynElenaBoleyn Posts: 1,084 Member
    Pary wrote: »
    How is it ignorant? Are you seriously suggesting that I would need to shell out $89 and line EA's pockets to play a game that I already know I will not like, just so that I should feel I have justification for giving my opinion about what I do and don't like the look of in the game?
    What an utter load of ludicrous nonsense.

    Is buying the game going to change my mind that I think the art style is hideous? Absolutely not. It isn't suddenly going to change when I get into the game. Is buying the game going to change my mind that the game is limited because it's without things like terrain tools? Hardly.
    It isn't going to get rid of the ridiculously over-sized furniture, the dreadful plastic stepford smiling sims, the pushing to play the game EA's way rather than the way I want to play. Origin, social media garbage, terrible so called challenges, the lack of customisation, the lack of an open world, sims vanishing into oblivion from the footpath when they go somewhere, fake backdrops, the broken up EP's into things like GP's and selling them one at a time so EA can make an extra buck from milking its customers.
    I don't need to play a trial, or give EA a large amount of money just to reaffirm that those things still make the game look poor pickings to me. That's just insane. They'll still be there and be that way whether I install the game or not.

    Of course people have reasonings in their perceptions of poor or wonderful. That isn't the point here. The point is people telling others that they've no right to an opinion, or, are now ignorant, because they haven't bought or played the game.

    As I've said before, why is it fine for people to squeal and carry on and say they love the look of upcoming content, and no one says a 🐸🐸🐸🐸 word, but the moment someone says they don't like the look of it, they're told to shut-up, don't judge or they're ignorant because they haven't played it. What a load of double standards.

    While some people may have more money than sense, and feel perfectly justified in paying plum amounts of money just to decide they don't like that game, I don't believe in throwing money away like that.

    I don't need to eat cow dung to know it's going to taste like garbage and make me sick. I can definitely judge something before buying it.

    Edit - And, if there is a negative atmosphere around the forums, it's certainly contributed to by people who insist on telling others that they shouldn't be giving their opinion on what they do and do not like the looks of.
    No one has to justify their opinions to you or anyone else, whether they own the game or not.

    I don't know where you're from that makes it 89 dollars... But if you look in gamestop it's 60 dollars. Origin will sometimes have sales for it. I got it for discounted price; like maybe 20 something dollars.
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    ParyPary Posts: 6,871 Member
    Pary wrote: »
    How is it ignorant? Are you seriously suggesting that I would need to shell out $89 and line EA's pockets to play a game that I already know I will not like, just so that I should feel I have justification for giving my opinion about what I do and don't like the look of in the game?
    What an utter load of ludicrous nonsense.

    Is buying the game going to change my mind that I think the art style is hideous? Absolutely not. It isn't suddenly going to change when I get into the game. Is buying the game going to change my mind that the game is limited because it's without things like terrain tools? Hardly.
    It isn't going to get rid of the ridiculously over-sized furniture, the dreadful plastic stepford smiling sims, the pushing to play the game EA's way rather than the way I want to play. Origin, social media garbage, terrible so called challenges, the lack of customisation, the lack of an open world, sims vanishing into oblivion from the footpath when they go somewhere, fake backdrops, the broken up EP's into things like GP's and selling them one at a time so EA can make an extra buck from milking its customers.
    I don't need to play a trial, or give EA a large amount of money just to reaffirm that those things still make the game look poor pickings to me. That's just insane. They'll still be there and be that way whether I install the game or not.

    Of course people have reasonings in their perceptions of poor or wonderful. That isn't the point here. The point is people telling others that they've no right to an opinion, or, are now ignorant, because they haven't bought or played the game.

    As I've said before, why is it fine for people to squeal and carry on and say they love the look of upcoming content, and no one says a 🐸🐸🐸🐸 word, but the moment someone says they don't like the look of it, they're told to shut-up, don't judge or they're ignorant because they haven't played it. What a load of double standards.

    While some people may have more money than sense, and feel perfectly justified in paying plum amounts of money just to decide they don't like that game, I don't believe in throwing money away like that.

    I don't need to eat cow dung to know it's going to taste like garbage and make me sick. I can definitely judge something before buying it.

    Edit - And, if there is a negative atmosphere around the forums, it's certainly contributed to by people who insist on telling others that they shouldn't be giving their opinion on what they do and do not like the looks of.
    No one has to justify their opinions to you or anyone else, whether they own the game or not.

    I don't know where you're from that makes it 89 dollars... But if you look in gamestop it's 60 dollars. Origin will sometimes have sales for it. I got it for discounted price; like maybe 20 something dollars.


    Sometimes, I don't even know why I bother posting outside the TS3 boards.
    I'll be departing this thread now.
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    ElenaBoleynElenaBoleyn Posts: 1,084 Member
    Well I think the conversation has been slightly.... Uh... It went poof. XD
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    Nomiko13Nomiko13 Posts: 1,497 Member
    @ElenaBoleyn True. It's very hard, although we tend to try, to have a constructive conversations about the developing game TS4 when snarkiness, passive aggressiveness, insults or sarcasm is involved. But, eh, we're all passionate about The Sims franchise in the end. Although there is a clear divide in this thread (and this forum in general between TS3/TS4 community), we all just happily Sim at the end of the day and we all want what's best for successors, regardless of differing opinions.
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    ElenaBoleynElenaBoleyn Posts: 1,084 Member
    Nomiko13 wrote: »
    @ElenaBoleyn True. It's very hard, although we tend to try, to have a constructive conversations about the developing game TS4 when snarkiness, passive aggressiveness, insults or sarcasm is involved. But, eh, we're all passionate about The Sims franchise in the end. Although there is a clear divide in this thread (and this forum in general between TS3/TS4 community), we all just happily Sim at the end of the day and we all want what's best for successors, regardless of differing opinions.

    @Nomiko13 Oh tell me about it. I actually showed a friend of mine who got me into the Sims 4 screen shots of what happened. I'll just say she said I stated facts. I think it's great that people have passion about something, I really do, but there shouldn't be any insults or rudeness. That's what this thread was talking about; negativity. And that was great example of it. There is a way to state opinions and counter one's opinions without the insulting.
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    Nomiko13Nomiko13 Posts: 1,497 Member
    Nomiko13 wrote: »
    @ElenaBoleyn True. It's very hard, although we tend to try, to have a constructive conversations about the developing game TS4 when snarkiness, passive aggressiveness, insults or sarcasm is involved. But, eh, we're all passionate about The Sims franchise in the end. Although there is a clear divide in this thread (and this forum in general between TS3/TS4 community), we all just happily Sim at the end of the day and we all want what's best for successors, regardless of differing opinions.

    @Nomiko13 Oh tell me about it. I actually showed a friend of mine who got me into the Sims 4 screen shots of what happened. I'll just say she said I stated facts. I think it's great that people have passion about something, I really do, but there shouldn't be any insults or rudeness. That's what this thread was talking about; negativity. And that was great example of it. There is a way to state opinions and counter one's opinions without the insulting.

    @ElenaBoleyn Good point. I also am not with the insults or underhanded shade being thrown at others. It's unwelcoming.
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    ElenaBoleynElenaBoleyn Posts: 1,084 Member
    Nomiko13 wrote: »
    Nomiko13 wrote: »
    @ElenaBoleyn True. It's very hard, although we tend to try, to have a constructive conversations about the developing game TS4 when snarkiness, passive aggressiveness, insults or sarcasm is involved. But, eh, we're all passionate about The Sims franchise in the end. Although there is a clear divide in this thread (and this forum in general between TS3/TS4 community), we all just happily Sim at the end of the day and we all want what's best for successors, regardless of differing opinions.

    @Nomiko13 Oh tell me about it. I actually showed a friend of mine who got me into the Sims 4 screen shots of what happened. I'll just say she said I stated facts. I think it's great that people have passion about something, I really do, but there shouldn't be any insults or rudeness. That's what this thread was talking about; negativity. And that was great example of it. There is a way to state opinions and counter one's opinions without the insulting.

    @ElenaBoleyn Good point. I also am not with the insults or underhanded shade being thrown at others. It's unwelcoming.

    @Nomiko13 Insults don't really do anything but hurt people if they let it; especially when it's consistent. Because of those insults people have a reaction to either become defensive or offensive which is no bueno. What does under handed shade mean? I've never heard of that saying before. But, yes, it does make a community unwelcome.
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    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    Pary wrote: »
    How is it ignorant? Are you seriously suggesting that I would need to shell out $89 and line EA's pockets to play a game that I already know I will not like, just so that I should feel I have justification for giving my opinion about what I do and don't like the look of in the game?
    What an utter load of ludicrous nonsense.

    Is buying the game going to change my mind that I think the art style is hideous? Absolutely not. It isn't suddenly going to change when I get into the game. Is buying the game going to change my mind that the game is limited because it's without things like terrain tools? Hardly.
    It isn't going to get rid of the ridiculously over-sized furniture, the dreadful plastic stepford smiling sims, the pushing to play the game EA's way rather than the way I want to play. Origin, social media garbage, terrible so called challenges, the lack of customisation, the lack of an open world, sims vanishing into oblivion from the footpath when they go somewhere, fake backdrops, the broken up EP's into things like GP's and selling them one at a time so EA can make an extra buck from milking its customers.
    I don't need to play a trial, or give EA a large amount of money just to reaffirm that those things still make the game look poor pickings to me. That's just insane. They'll still be there and be that way whether I install the game or not.

    Of course people have reasonings in their perceptions of poor or wonderful. That isn't the point here. The point is people telling others that they've no right to an opinion, or, are now ignorant, because they haven't bought or played the game.

    As I've said before, why is it fine for people to squeal and carry on and say they love the look of upcoming content, and no one says a 🐸🐸🐸🐸 word, but the moment someone says they don't like the look of it, they're told to shut-up, don't judge or they're ignorant because they haven't played it. What a load of double standards.

    While some people may have more money than sense, and feel perfectly justified in paying plum amounts of money just to decide they don't like that game, I don't believe in throwing money away like that.

    I don't need to eat cow dung to know it's going to taste like garbage and make me sick. I can definitely judge something before buying it.

    Edit - And, if there is a negative atmosphere around the forums, it's certainly contributed to by people who insist on telling others that they shouldn't be giving their opinion on what they do and do not like the looks of.
    No one has to justify their opinions to you or anyone else, whether they own the game or not.

    I don't know where you're from that makes it 89 dollars... But if you look in gamestop it's 60 dollars. Origin will sometimes have sales for it. I got it for discounted price; like maybe 20 something dollars.

    If that's all you took away from Pary's post, you missed the point completely. She's got no interest whatsoever in purchasing the game, so talking about sales, etc, isn't going to change her mind or make her try out the game.

    And if you go back and read her post, every example she gave, you can see without having to buy or play the game. If you (as in people in general) can't wrap your head around those things or know you won't like them, why spend the money on it just to reaffirm it?
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Pary wrote: »

    Oh! My absolute favourite post to read on the forum *heavy sarcasm* "I don't play sims 4 but (inserts opinion about game they don't play for added effect)"

    *sigh* Ive been told many times by my gamer boyfriend that I should not go on forums cause I left stuff bug me, I don't listen well lol

    I don't play TS4. I don't even own it. Because as it stands I think it's a terrible game and a shadow of former sims games. However, I give feedback AND my opinion of the game, even though I don't own it, every 🐸🐸🐸🐸 time I can, in the hope that the developers listen to why some of us haven't bought the game, and that future games wont be as poor as I feel this one is. I've already written this one off as a loss to me. But hopefully, if there is to be another one, it will pique my interest when this one hasn't.

    If you're so thin skinned and let other people's opinions bother you so much, then perhaps you should stay away from those kinds of threads. Then you wouldn't need to come into other threads and post your heavily sarcastic remarks.
    Perhaps your gamer boyfriend is right. You clearly don't listen well.

    Well said :smile:

    I might get snapped at for saying this but I feel that some of the most faluable critics of TS4 are those who do not even own it
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    SimburianSimburian Posts: 6,922 Member
    Pary wrote: »

    Oh! My absolute favourite post to read on the forum *heavy sarcasm* "I don't play sims 4 but (inserts opinion about game they don't play for added effect)"

    *sigh* Ive been told many times by my gamer boyfriend that I should not go on forums cause I left stuff bug me, I don't listen well lol

    I don't play TS4. I don't even own it. Because as it stands I think it's a terrible game and a shadow of former sims games. However, I give feedback AND my opinion of the game, even though I don't own it, every 🐸🐸🐸🐸 time I can, in the hope that the developers listen to why some of us haven't bought the game, and that future games wont be as poor as I feel this one is. I've already written this one off as a loss to me. But hopefully, if there is to be another one, it will pique my interest when this one hasn't.

    If you're so thin skinned and let other people's opinions bother you so much, then perhaps you should stay away from those kinds of threads. Then you wouldn't need to come into other threads and post your heavily sarcastic remarks.
    Perhaps your gamer boyfriend is right. You clearly don't listen well.

    Well said :smile:

    I might get snapped at for saying this but I feel that some of the most faluable critics of TS4 are those who do not even own it

    I read that as fallible. o:)

    Let's face it all the games are rubbish til the next one.

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Mchap353 wrote: »
    Pary wrote: »

    Oh! My absolute favourite post to read on the forum *heavy sarcasm* "I don't play sims 4 but (inserts opinion about game they don't play for added effect)"

    *sigh* Ive been told many times by my gamer boyfriend that I should not go on forums cause I left stuff bug me, I don't listen well lol

    I don't play TS4. I don't even own it. Because as it stands I think it's a terrible game and a shadow of former sims games. However, I give feedback AND my opinion of the game, even though I don't own it, every 🐸🐸🐸🐸 time I can, in the hope that the developers listen to why some of us haven't bought the game, and that future games wont be as poor as I feel this one is. I've already written this one off as a loss to me. But hopefully, if there is to be another one, it will pique my interest when this one hasn't.

    If you're so thin skinned and let other people's opinions bother you so much, then perhaps you should stay away from those kinds of threads. Then you wouldn't need to come into other threads and post your heavily sarcastic remarks.
    Perhaps your gamer boyfriend is right. You clearly don't listen well.

    Well said :smile:

    I might get snapped at for saying this but I feel that some of the most faluable critics of TS4 are those who do not even own it

    I read that as fallible. o:)

    Let's face it all the games are rubbish til the next one.


    That was meant to say 'valuable' lol
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