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My Ideas on Preteens/Young Teens and Middle-aged Sims

Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
edited February 2017 in The Sims 4 Ideas Corner
I personally believe Preteens and Middle-aged Sims should be added in game why?
Well because the Sims is now 17 years old and in that time we had toddlers, elders, and young adults all introduce to this game, why not Preteens and Middle-aged?

I always found it weird an adult had and jumped and became and elder in game so I wanted middle-aged because please tell me who becomes 40ish 70ish that quick?
Since the survey I saw Preteens on there I thought that was so brilliant since they are quite different from a child and also different from a Teen.

So I did some research and found out about these to life stages.

Let's start with preteen or young teen they are at the ages where they are growing out of the child stage and into the teenage stage. Their bodies are rapidly growing (hence puberty.) And their emotional (that can be a trait for them.)Teens are more emotionally settled because they already hit puberty. This is the beginning where preteens find out about their parents weakness and tests it (rebel trait.)
Preteens are more interested in playing games online but if they make friends they will also be on social networks. Teens however are always on social networks.
Parents can encourage a preteens good habits that will help shape a preteens thinking into the teen stage.
Teens and Preteens want independence but in very different ways Preteens wants independence but also they conform preteens feel embarrassed by parents and often tend to shrug off display of affection especially around friends.
Teens will challenge parents for their independence especially rules They are more self assured and some teens are better able to resists peer pressure than preteens.
Preteens began to learn to develop feelings (crushes) on another person. Preteens are very heavily focused on their fashion and appearance now more than they were as a child, Preteens tend to give precedes to anything to peers before family. They do have self esteem especially when bullied.
Preteens feel a heavy need to fit in with their peers once they do they spends hours talking on phone challenge any authority (again rebel trait.) They tend to take foolish risks that leads them into trouble by trying to impress their friends.

Post edited by Briana2425 on


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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    Sorry did not know I wrote that much I apologize but hopefully you read it so we can discuss it.
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    Middle-aged are between 50-69 they are growing from being an adult into being an elder. they show visible signs of aging, they get sick more often unless they eat healthy and exercise their career focus has changed they focus less of ambition and advancing into the career but more inner satisfaction and being content and retiring.
    Signs of middle-aged include
    1. Losing in touch of the latest technology such as tablets and TV (I'd like if they call someone over and asks what is this and how do you work it?)
    2. Finding out they have no idea what the younger crowd is talking about.
    3. Starting to feel stiff feeling little aches and pains.
    4. They talk about joints and ailments (like Suzy I bend down to pick up my grand baby and than I felt pain in my back.)
    5. The women can't naturally have children anymore and men takes a little longer to produce a child.
    6. Hate noisy pubs/bars
    7. Get more hairy (ears, eyebrows, nose.)
    8. Prefers a night in instead of a night out (accept if your a cougar.)
    9. Complain about TV shows and songs.
    10. Forgets people names especially family members (for ex. Mom my name is Kate.)
    11. Misplace things
    12. Cougars ditch family car and gets a sportier car
    13. Go on a no more kids vacation.
    14. Buy creams and anti aging products.

    What are you all opinions?
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    LilacUmbreonLilacUmbreon Posts: 153 Member
    I love all of these ideas and hope at least some get implemented into the game! Also, one of my ideas is to have teens become embarrassed when one of their parents start talking to one of their good friends. (We all know that our parents can be at least a bit embarrassing at some times!)
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    peterskywalkerpeterskywalker Posts: 553 Member
    You've gotsome great ideas. I especially like how preteens get embaressed more, and have more mood swings. I also like the idea of crushes and the duality between wanting to be a child but also wanting to be viewed as a grownup. Here are my ideas for pretend which I posted a long time ago that I think you will find interesting. Sorry if there is too much info, I kind of went overboard.

    Note: unless otherwise stated, when I specify age groups, adult means any sim who is young adult or older.

    Preteens is that tough life stage between children and teenagers where new experiences are happening, puberty hits, and while they are more mature, they are still children at heart. According to wikipedia, preteens are between the ages of 9-12, so to differentiate preteens from teens and children, I think they should be around age 11 or 12 since sims 4 teens and kids seem older. Their voices would sound more like kids than teenagers, however it could be slightly deeper than children and there should at least be 2 different voices to choose from (3 preferable).

    Skills and functionality
    Unlike children, preteens are more independent. They no longer need to learn child skills, and can learn most adult skills in the sims 4. Some skills however (such as cooking) could only be learned up to a certain level [because preteens shouldn't cook gourmet meals :p]. Furthermore, when learning higher levels of skills, they may get a "I don't understand this" buff, which temporarily stop their ability to skill build and gives them +1 anger. Parents however could help alleviate this buff by performing the "Explain difficult task" interaction. Parents should also be able to give preteens advice on living, and help them with certain tasks (e.g. cook together or show how to cook)

    Emotions and love
    Unlike children, who usually have pretty stable emotions, and are constantly playful, preteens emotions will vary more depending on the situation. Preteens embarrass easily in various situations. These are
    >Fail a social interactions (+2 embarrassment rather than +1, because they care about their image)
    >get embarrassed if seen playing with certain children toys by another preteen or older (big stuffed animal [dragon, unicorn, etc], toy box toys, toddler books (if they can read them), and puppet shows. Doll house, playground equipment, Voidcritters and other games do not make them embarrassed.
    >Any flirty ambiance decor will make preteens embarrassed (unless parents taught them about the llamas and the bees :p )
    >Being around a crush will occasionally give them a +1-3 embarrassed buff
    >Occasionally will get an embarrassed buff when doing romance interactions

    Unlike children, who rarely have romantic relationships aside from very close playmates, preteens are starting to get those feelings. However, unlike teens and older, they don't completely understand these emotions, and therefore get embarrassed easily, and form crushes on sims of all types. Preteens can form a crush on any sims who is preteen-adult and they have at least 35% relation in the friendship bar (almost friends), however they are less likely to form crushes on sims older than young adult and never form crushes on elders. When a preteen is near a crush, they will get a +1 happy buff and occasionally get a +1-3 embarrassed buff (because they don't know how to deal with their emotions). Preteens who know about the llamas and the bees, understand these emotions more, and are less likely to get the embarrassed buff. Henceforth, preteens will want to spend time with their crushes, and will get wants to call their crushes, talk/play with them, etc. If a preteen has a crush with another preteen, they can partake in some innocent, light, flirting.

    Crushes on older sims
    Preteens who have crushes on older sims, are unable to build a romance with them, but will still swoon over them, and can perform certain romantic styled interactions on them as follows
    >Kiss cheek
    >asked to be kissed on cheek
    >give handcrafted present (gives older sim a present they made by hand such as a picture, painting, etc)
    >express fondness

    Preteens go to middle school. Enough said.

    Preteen interactions
    preteens get a mix between children and adult interactions.

    Unique preteen interactions between each other
    > Talk about latest fashion/trends
    > Enthuse about dolls
    > Talk about crushes

    > Play truth or dare
    >Ask about zits (pretend other sim has zits)
    >Claim to have secret crush

    >Accuse of being childish

    preteen romantic actions (not all are unique)
    >Share cooties
    >hold hands
    >Kiss cheek
    >express fondness
    >offer rose
    >Tickle Mercilessly
    >Go on date
    >Declare love "Say I love you" (like going steady in sims 2. Turns crush status into love)
    Note: Before a preteen has learned about the llamas and the bees, they may occasionally get an embarrassed buff after performing romantic interactions.

    Interactions older sims can do uniquely on preteens
    >Talk about llamas and bees (adult to preteen). This interaction is like teaching a toddler to talk, in that it takes time for preteens to fully understand. However, once preteens learn about the llamas and the bees they get certain advantages as follows.
    >No longer get embarrassed from flirty ambiance
    >Less likely to get embarrassed around crush
    >No longer get embarrassed occasionally when performing romantic interactions
    >Crushes now more likely to be similar aged sims (another preteen sim)

    other friendly interactions
    >Explain difficult task
    >Cook together
    >Discuss growing up
    >Teach (alternates between parents practicing and preteens practicing while parents explain what to do)
    >repairing objects

    finally here are some preteen aspirations

    preteen idol
    These preteens want to become a famous idol
    Preteens with this aspiration are most happy when playing guitar singing and making friends.
    reward Trait: Talk of the Town Preteens with the Talk of the Town trait have higher starting relationships when meeting new people (during preteen-adult years)

    Milestone 1
    > Reach lvl 2 guitar or singing
    > Reach lvl 2 charisma
    Milestone 2
    >Play with guitars or sing for a total of 3 hours
    >Make a good friend
    Milestone 3
    >Have a total of 3 preteen or teen friends
    >Reach level 6 in guitar or singing
    >Reach charisma lvl 6

    Fairy-tale Love
    These preteens want to have one true crush
    Preteens with this aspiration are most happy when interacting with crushes.
    reward Trait: Romantic Soul Preteens with the Romantic Soul trait have higher change of their romantic interactions succeeding (during preteen-adult years)

    Milestone 1
    > Have a crush on 2 different sims
    > Interact with a sim you have a crush on 5 times
    Milestone 2
    >Become good friends with one of your crushes
    >Go on 2 dates with sims you have a crush on
    Milestone 3
    >Become preteen sweethearts with your crush (75-100 friendship and declared love)
    >Achieve a gold date with one of your crushes
    >Learn about the llamas and the bees

    Young Artist
    These preteens want to become famous artist and musicians
    Preteens with this aspiration are most happy when painting, and playing instruments
    reward Trait: Artistic Mind Preteens with the Artistic Mind trait occasionally become inspired.

    Milestone 1
    > achieve level 2 in painting
    > become inspired 2 times
    Milestone 2
    >achieve level 4 in violin or piano
    >create 2 emotional paintings
    Milestone 3
    >Write 3 compositions on the piano or violin
    >Create 1 painting in each category (classical, pop, abstract, surrealist, impressionist

    Parent in training
    These preteens dream of becoming parents
    Preteens with this aspiration are most happy when interacting with family members
    reward Trait: Family Man Preteens with the Family Man trait are able to teach toddlers skills faster(during preteen-adult years)

    Milestone 1
    > Interact with family members 10 times
    > Serve 3 different meals while cooking with parents
    Milestone 2
    >Be taught by parents for a total of 4 hours
    >Fix 2 broken items
    Milestone 3
    >Be good friends with 2 children
    >Get cooking and handiness to lvl 3
    >Be best friend with all parents.

    Nerd Genius
    These preteens love nerd culture and dream of becoming a adult genius
    Preteens with this aspiration are most happy when playing computer games, learning, and doing well in class.
    reward Trait: Braniac Preteens with the Braniac trait are more likely to win video game tournaments and chess games.

    Milestone 1
    > Reach lvl 2 of the video game skill
    > Win 2 chess matches against other sims.
    Milestone 2
    >Analyze 3 plant samples
    >Play 4 different video games
    Milestone 3
    >Achieve a grade of "A" in school
    >Analyze 3 fossil samples under microscope
    >Win 2 novice game tournaments.

    Well these are all my thoughts for now.
    True Love
    Terrific Family Play
    Too fun
    The sims 2 forever
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    I love all of these ideas and hope at least some get implemented into the game! Also, one of my ideas is to have teens become embarrassed when one of their parents start talking to one of their good friends. (We all know that our parents can be at least a bit embarrassing at some times!)

    Exactly I remember those lol
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    You've gotsome great ideas. I especially like how preteens get embaressed more, and have more mood swings. I also like the idea of crushes and the duality between wanting to be a child but also wanting to be viewed as a grownup. Here are my ideas for pretend which I posted a long time ago that I think you will find interesting. Sorry if there is too much info, I kind of went overboard.

    Note: unless otherwise stated, when I specify age groups, adult means any sim who is young adult or older.

    Preteens is that tough life stage between children and teenagers where new experiences are happening, puberty hits, and while they are more mature, they are still children at heart. According to wikipedia, preteens are between the ages of 9-12, so to differentiate preteens from teens and children, I think they should be around age 11 or 12 since sims 4 teens and kids seem older. Their voices would sound more like kids than teenagers, however it could be slightly deeper than children and there should at least be 2 different voices to choose from (3 preferable).

    Skills and functionality
    Unlike children, preteens are more independent. They no longer need to learn child skills, and can learn most adult skills in the sims 4. Some skills however (such as cooking) could only be learned up to a certain level [because preteens shouldn't cook gourmet meals :p]. Furthermore, when learning higher levels of skills, they may get a "I don't understand this" buff, which temporarily stop their ability to skill build and gives them +1 anger. Parents however could help alleviate this buff by performing the "Explain difficult task" interaction. Parents should also be able to give preteens advice on living, and help them with certain tasks (e.g. cook together or show how to cook)

    Emotions and love
    Unlike children, who usually have pretty stable emotions, and are constantly playful, preteens emotions will vary more depending on the situation. Preteens embarrass easily in various situations. These are
    >Fail a social interactions (+2 embarrassment rather than +1, because they care about their image)
    >get embarrassed if seen playing with certain children toys by another preteen or older (big stuffed animal [dragon, unicorn, etc], toy box toys, toddler books (if they can read them), and puppet shows. Doll house, playground equipment, Voidcritters and other games do not make them embarrassed.
    >Any flirty ambiance decor will make preteens embarrassed (unless parents taught them about the llamas and the bees :p )
    >Being around a crush will occasionally give them a +1-3 embarrassed buff
    >Occasionally will get an embarrassed buff when doing romance interactions

    Unlike children, who rarely have romantic relationships aside from very close playmates, preteens are starting to get those feelings. However, unlike teens and older, they don't completely understand these emotions, and therefore get embarrassed easily, and form crushes on sims of all types. Preteens can form a crush on any sims who is preteen-adult and they have at least 35% relation in the friendship bar (almost friends), however they are less likely to form crushes on sims older than young adult and never form crushes on elders. When a preteen is near a crush, they will get a +1 happy buff and occasionally get a +1-3 embarrassed buff (because they don't know how to deal with their emotions). Preteens who know about the llamas and the bees, understand these emotions more, and are less likely to get the embarrassed buff. Henceforth, preteens will want to spend time with their crushes, and will get wants to call their crushes, talk/play with them, etc. If a preteen has a crush with another preteen, they can partake in some innocent, light, flirting.

    Crushes on older sims
    Preteens who have crushes on older sims, are unable to build a romance with them, but will still swoon over them, and can perform certain romantic styled interactions on them as follows
    >Kiss cheek
    >asked to be kissed on cheek
    >give handcrafted present (gives older sim a present they made by hand such as a picture, painting, etc)
    >express fondness

    Preteens go to middle school. Enough said.

    Preteen interactions
    preteens get a mix between children and adult interactions.

    Unique preteen interactions between each other
    > Talk about latest fashion/trends
    > Enthuse about dolls
    > Talk about crushes

    > Play truth or dare
    >Ask about zits (pretend other sim has zits)
    >Claim to have secret crush

    >Accuse of being childish

    preteen romantic actions (not all are unique)
    >Share cooties
    >hold hands
    >Kiss cheek
    >express fondness
    >offer rose
    >Tickle Mercilessly
    >Go on date
    >Declare love "Say I love you" (like going steady in sims 2. Turns crush status into love)
    Note: Before a preteen has learned about the llamas and the bees, they may occasionally get an embarrassed buff after performing romantic interactions.

    Interactions older sims can do uniquely on preteens
    >Talk about llamas and bees (adult to preteen). This interaction is like teaching a toddler to talk, in that it takes time for preteens to fully understand. However, once preteens learn about the llamas and the bees they get certain advantages as follows.
    >No longer get embarrassed from flirty ambiance
    >Less likely to get embarrassed around crush
    >No longer get embarrassed occasionally when performing romantic interactions
    >Crushes now more likely to be similar aged sims (another preteen sim)

    other friendly interactions
    >Explain difficult task
    >Cook together
    >Discuss growing up
    >Teach (alternates between parents practicing and preteens practicing while parents explain what to do)
    >repairing objects

    finally here are some preteen aspirations

    preteen idol
    These preteens want to become a famous idol
    Preteens with this aspiration are most happy when playing guitar singing and making friends.
    reward Trait: Talk of the Town Preteens with the Talk of the Town trait have higher starting relationships when meeting new people (during preteen-adult years)

    Milestone 1
    > Reach lvl 2 guitar or singing
    > Reach lvl 2 charisma
    Milestone 2
    >Play with guitars or sing for a total of 3 hours
    >Make a good friend
    Milestone 3
    >Have a total of 3 preteen or teen friends
    >Reach level 6 in guitar or singing
    >Reach charisma lvl 6

    Fairy-tale Love
    These preteens want to have one true crush
    Preteens with this aspiration are most happy when interacting with crushes.
    reward Trait: Romantic Soul Preteens with the Romantic Soul trait have higher change of their romantic interactions succeeding (during preteen-adult years)

    Milestone 1
    > Have a crush on 2 different sims
    > Interact with a sim you have a crush on 5 times
    Milestone 2
    >Become good friends with one of your crushes
    >Go on 2 dates with sims you have a crush on
    Milestone 3
    >Become preteen sweethearts with your crush (75-100 friendship and declared love)
    >Achieve a gold date with one of your crushes
    >Learn about the llamas and the bees

    Young Artist
    These preteens want to become famous artist and musicians
    Preteens with this aspiration are most happy when painting, and playing instruments
    reward Trait: Artistic Mind Preteens with the Artistic Mind trait occasionally become inspired.

    Milestone 1
    > achieve level 2 in painting
    > become inspired 2 times
    Milestone 2
    >achieve level 4 in violin or piano
    >create 2 emotional paintings
    Milestone 3
    >Write 3 compositions on the piano or violin
    >Create 1 painting in each category (classical, pop, abstract, surrealist, impressionist

    Parent in training
    These preteens dream of becoming parents
    Preteens with this aspiration are most happy when interacting with family members
    reward Trait: Family Man Preteens with the Family Man trait are able to teach toddlers skills faster(during preteen-adult years)

    Milestone 1
    > Interact with family members 10 times
    > Serve 3 different meals while cooking with parents
    Milestone 2
    >Be taught by parents for a total of 4 hours
    >Fix 2 broken items
    Milestone 3
    >Be good friends with 2 children
    >Get cooking and handiness to lvl 3
    >Be best friend with all parents.

    Nerd Genius
    These preteens love nerd culture and dream of becoming a adult genius
    Preteens with this aspiration are most happy when playing computer games, learning, and doing well in class.
    reward Trait: Braniac Preteens with the Braniac trait are more likely to win video game tournaments and chess games.

    Milestone 1
    > Reach lvl 2 of the video game skill
    > Win 2 chess matches against other sims.
    Milestone 2
    >Analyze 3 plant samples
    >Play 4 different video games
    Milestone 3
    >Achieve a grade of "A" in school
    >Analyze 3 fossil samples under microscope
    >Win 2 novice game tournaments.

    Well these are all my thoughts for now.

    Those are good I love those ideas man.
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    MovottiMovotti Posts: 7,774 Member
    Loving your ideas for the middle aged.
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    SimmySims1213SimmySims1213 Posts: 1 New Member
    I love the idea of preteens more than toddlers. Don't get me wrong, I love toddlers. When I saw the patch notes that day, I literally screamed so loud my mom came to make sure I was okay. But preteens would add something unique for the sims 4 and change the game a lot more. It's just not realistic that the teens look the exact same as young adults. They get the same clothes and are the same height. In the other games, the teens wouldn't have all of the same clothes as the adult sims and obviously were shorter. I was thinking an expansion pack that is like The Sims 3 Generations. The preteens could go to middle school and have crushes and mood swings. They could also get acne like teens in the sims 2, but now that we have emotions they could get an embarrassed moodlet. They could throw temper tantrums, but they wouldn't if they had the angelic trait or something like that. They could add loft beds, bunk beds, laptops, and sleepovers. They could play with kids' toys and watch the kids network, but if they get caught they could get embarrassed unless they have the childish trait. They could sign up for after school activities and have "boyfriends" and "girlfriends". For adults, there could be a teacher careers, but they couldn't be in it if they had certain traits like hates children or hotheaded. They can be more likely to get promoted if they have the family oriented trait. They could add this stuff for the teens too, just maybe not temper tantrums, since that seems childish. If you have the Kids Room stuff pack, they could make it so that preteens could play with voidcritter cards too. Just thinking about having this stuff in the game makes me so excited.
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    I love the idea of preteens more than toddlers. Don't get me wrong, I love toddlers. When I saw the patch notes that day, I literally screamed so loud my mom came to make sure I was okay. But preteens would add something unique for the sims 4 and change the game a lot more. It's just not realistic that the teens look the exact same as young adults. They get the same clothes and are the same height. In the other games, the teens wouldn't have all of the same clothes as the adult sims and obviously were shorter. I was thinking an expansion pack that is like The Sims 3 Generations. The preteens could go to middle school and have crushes and mood swings. They could also get acne like teens in the sims 2, but now that we have emotions they could get an embarrassed moodlet. They could throw temper tantrums, but they wouldn't if they had the angelic trait or something like that. They could add loft beds, bunk beds, laptops, and sleepovers. They could play with kids' toys and watch the kids network, but if they get caught they could get embarrassed unless they have the childish trait. They could sign up for after school activities and have "boyfriends" and "girlfriends". For adults, there could be a teacher careers, but they couldn't be in it if they had certain traits like hates children or hotheaded. They can be more likely to get promoted if they have the family oriented trait. They could add this stuff for the teens too, just maybe not temper tantrums, since that seems childish. If you have the Kids Room stuff pack, they could make it so that preteens could play with voidcritter cards too. Just thinking about having this stuff in the game makes me so excited.

    @SimmySims1213 exactly I love those ideas you listed as well
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    MinaiMinai Posts: 708 Member
    Perfect! Hope to see these life stages soon!!
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    EgonVMEgonVM Posts: 4,963 Member
    Wait a minute... I thought adult life stage is middle-aged stage. The text information you see on the birthday message (Mid-life crisis, planning for retirement ect.) matches the middle-age. Plus if you look closely at the sim's face, you see some frinkles that young adults didn't have yet, even if you didn't put the frinkles on your sim from the facial detail.
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    EgonVM wrote: »
    Wait a minute... I thought adult life stage is middle-aged stage. The text information you see on the birthday message (Mid-life crisis, planning for retirement ect.) matches the middle-age. Plus if you look closely at the sim's face, you see some frinkles that young adults didn't have yet, even if you didn't put the frinkles on your sim from the facial detail.

    Middle-aged and adult age are different I just literally broke it down for you what Middle-aged is now you may not agree and that's fine but that's how I see it and it would be quite fun to have that life stage no kids around just enjoying life until you become an elder.
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    MovottiMovotti Posts: 7,774 Member
    EgonVM wrote: »
    Wait a minute... I thought adult life stage is middle-aged stage. The text information you see on the birthday message (Mid-life crisis, planning for retirement ect.) matches the middle-age. Plus if you look closely at the sim's face, you see some frinkles that young adults didn't have yet, even if you didn't put the frinkles on your sim from the facial detail.

    The fact that adult sims can still have babies instantly tells you that they are not midlle aged.
    Planning for retirement is what a lot of people start thinking about when they reach their late 30's - 40's. You've got to start planning about 20 years or more before you're going to retire, you can't do it last minute.
    Yes, a lot of people in their 30's and 40's start to get lines on their faces, this is normal, but it doesn't mean they are middle aged.

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    GroucheeMamaGroucheeMama Posts: 4 New Member
    I'm sorry but I will have to bump this thread. This is the most delicious idea I've ever seen. I 100% support preteen and middle-age sims. I'd actually imagine preteens as moody, rebellious 14 year olds who are into their phones, social media, and selfies. Not every 12-14 year old kid is like that, but I mean hey, who knows. I also would like a young child life stage (5-7 years old). I see the older children as 8-9 year olds and toddlers as 2-3 year olds. Add in some 5-6 year olds too!
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    Nomiko13Nomiko13 Posts: 1,497 Member
    edited April 2017
    I was just getting ready to post a preteen advocacy thread too! Lol. I never thought about a Middle Age stage. Wow!

    I love love love love this thread. I a thousand times agree with this! I want preteens so badly, I'd pay for them honestly. I don't care how we get them whether it be through a patch or upgrade. I just want them period. It'd be so different from predecessors and so cool!

    I always thought it was bizarre for a child to age right up into a teen, who's close to being an adult and who can do almost all things adults can do.
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    ▲still waiting on sims 4 generations▲
    ▶owner of the store since 9/21/2017◀
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    MovottiMovotti Posts: 7,774 Member
    Nomiko13 wrote: »
    I never thought about a Middle Age stage. Wow!
    Hardly anyone ever does.
    And it's an age that is significantly longer than being a tween.
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    GroucheeMamaGroucheeMama Posts: 4 New Member
    Movotti wrote: »
    Nomiko13 wrote: »
    I never thought about a Middle Age stage. Wow!
    Hardly anyone ever does.
    And it's an age that is significantly longer than being a tween.

    Middle age is somewhere between 45-65 and tween is somewhere between 10-14 years old (including young teens aged 13-14 and preteens aged 10-12) so very true
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    catitude5catitude5 Posts: 2,537 Member
    I move them into adult when they have teen age kids. To me it's late 30s then when they get to what I feel should be in their 50s, I will change their hair to something more mature, maybe grey their hair, put on wrinkles. I don't do elder until they should really be quite old, 80s.
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    AdanethAdaneth Posts: 45 Member
    I didn't thought about preteens in the Sims 4 before, but after reading through this forum I want them and I want them now! :joy:
    This seems so awesome, especially after having teens in Sims 4, who are nearly young adults.
    I love the idea of preteens more than toddlers. Don't get me wrong, I love toddlers. When I saw the patch notes that day, I literally screamed so loud my mom came to make sure I was okay. But preteens would add something unique for the sims 4 and change the game a lot more. It's just not realistic that the teens look the exact same as young adults. They get the same clothes and are the same height. In the other games, the teens wouldn't have all of the same clothes as the adult sims and obviously were shorter. I was thinking an expansion pack that is like The Sims 3 Generations. The preteens could go to middle school and have crushes and mood swings. They could also get acne like teens in the sims 2, but now that we have emotions they could get an embarrassed moodlet. They could throw temper tantrums, but they wouldn't if they had the angelic trait or something like that. They could add loft beds, bunk beds, laptops, and sleepovers. They could play with kids' toys and watch the kids network, but if they get caught they could get embarrassed unless they have the childish trait. They could sign up for after school activities and have "boyfriends" and "girlfriends". For adults, there could be a teacher careers, but they couldn't be in it if they had certain traits like hates children or hotheaded. They can be more likely to get promoted if they have the family oriented trait. They could add this stuff for the teens too, just maybe not temper tantrums, since that seems childish. If you have the Kids Room stuff pack, they could make it so that preteens could play with voidcritter cards too. Just thinking about having this stuff in the game makes me so excited.

    I could not agree more. All of your ideas are great!
    Some of the things should be added for teens, too, like acne (but not so frequently as for preteens).

    I want Middle Aged, too, mostly because Sims can then have longer lifespans and have more birthday parties.
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    samlyt22samlyt22 Posts: 527 Member
    I'm so hoping for preteens, I love having the ages more split up so you can really see the kids grow up. As for middle aged sims, that's something I didn't realise I wanted until I read this thread! Now I need it in my game haha. Speaking of different age groups though, is it just me that wants a second baby stage? I feel like the current babies are newborns, they sleep in a bassinet, can't leave the house yet, and don't really do much. Then toddlers seem more like 2-3 and are already walking, learning new skills and becoming more independent. I just think it would be super cute to have babies that are more like 6 months- 1 year old. They could start off crawling and learn to walk but only to where toddlers start the skill from, they could sleep in cribs and sit and play with toys, and they could learn new skills like how to feed themselves, so at the start parents could spoon feed them in a highchair and as they progress an adult isn't needed anymore.
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    luthienrisingluthienrising Posts: 37,632 Member
    Movotti wrote: »
    EgonVM wrote: »
    Wait a minute... I thought adult life stage is middle-aged stage. The text information you see on the birthday message (Mid-life crisis, planning for retirement ect.) matches the middle-age. Plus if you look closely at the sim's face, you see some frinkles that young adults didn't have yet, even if you didn't put the frinkles on your sim from the facial detail.

    The fact that adult sims can still have babies instantly tells you that they are not midlle aged.
    Planning for retirement is what a lot of people start thinking about when they reach their late 30's - 40's. You've got to start planning about 20 years or more before you're going to retire, you can't do it last minute.
    Yes, a lot of people in their 30's and 40's start to get lines on their faces, this is normal, but it doesn't mean they are middle aged.

    Women commonly have babies in their 40s (the age at which women choose to bear children has been rising) and half still can in their 50s, it's just a lot harder to conceive.

    Plus, the game isn't real life. Other than being able to have babies right till adulthood, everything about "Adult" in Sims 4 reads as "middle-aged" to this middle-aged woman.

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    spaceisstrangespaceisstrange Posts: 84 Member
    @Briana2425 these ideas are incredible! However, i doubt we'd get middle aged sims :(
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    @spookylily Why thank you. I know Middle aged Sims won't be in this game I was talking about in the future but never say never The Sims 4 game seems like it likes to surprise people.
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