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The Sims 4 Happy Play Thread :)


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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @MDianaSanders Stealin' me lightshow eh?...LOL. I jest. Very good of it. Also I think they found my dream room. :D

    @March306 Aw. RIP Crystal and Bill. Again, looks like they had a good time at least. :joy: Also why do I look like I'm holding a grudge. :D Congrats on the wedding.
    I'd share some of Bill and Crystal's adventures, but this weekend was dedicated to getting my halloween costume ready. Rest assured I have some gameplay done though. Also, tossing up between pausing their save and playing some of CL or just continuing on. May do the latter. You do not believe how excited I am that my friend is getting me the expansion!

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    MarleyTheWizardMarleyTheWizard Posts: 962 Member
    Didn't write it in the story, but Siobhan and Sergio has lived together for a while
    and they will be in the spotlight of my World Legacy
    but will they last?
    latest part here
    I Sometimes Tweet About The Sims 4
    Gallery ID: MarleyTheWizard
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    Here's some screenies of CL. I'm already bored of playing these sims, I want my legacy and ISBI sims back.

    Reaper Snow Globe


    New Neighbors


    Loud neighbors



    The Gold Statue Guy... tip him to unlock the outfits... put them on to try to get tips




    Making a friend



    Spicy foods






    Ramen with chop sticks





    The apartment is haunted and historical. Never seen a ghost though.




    The humor and hi-jinks or whatever festival



    She's pretty


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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    Here's an update from my LEGACY.

    It's baby making time again.




    Got some new EXPANSION PACK stuff!!!


    Missandei completed her aspiration.


    @LosaruTaiyo feels Rhaella's belly bump.


    Playing games together on the new game system.


    Look at the belly bump.


    She goes into labor.


    Moses is freaking out.


    WE'VE GOT TRIPLETS! Yes, I did add the lot trait to give a higher chance of twins. AND I got a fertility massage.


    Triplet #1: Gregor. Triplet #2: Sandor Triplet #3: Petyr

    I randomized their traits and aspirations using this link.

    Gregor got Bodybuilder and I think almost every generation I've had a bodybuilder... so not going to be heir.

    Sandor got Nerd Brain... so maybe...

    Petyr got Big Family so also maybe...

    Gregor is active, creative, loves the outdoors. Sandor is self-assured, evil, insane. Petyr is creative, evil, and insider.
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @March306 Congrats on the triplets! And yeah looks about right: Say you have video games and I'll be there. :D

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    Also, heads up to anyone here! Simgirl1010 is having a giveaway for City Living in the Expansion forum. I have a link in my signature. Go check it out!

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    Some quick shots from my City Life gameplay so far.
    This is Bess Ellsworth. She is in the political career. She is a very outgoing sim, who loves the city and meeting new people.
    This is Sydney Chase. She is my geeky sim, She is in the social media career. She loves going to festivals and just having fun in the city. I love her so much! She is too cute!
    Well what do you know, look who it is!
    Their first morning in the city, they are enjoying some breakfast together.
    After breakfast, Chris went for a jog around the city.
    Followed by some yoga on the veranda with Bess.
    Later they decided to check out the city. They stopped to listen to this performer.
    Chris is enjoying himself!
    They all ventured to the park and watched a living statue
    Their reaction to her was pricless!
    So far, I am very pleased with this pack, I can't wait to see what this household gets into, in the city!
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    MDianaSimsMDianaSims Posts: 4,179 Member
    So jealous of the people who already have City Living!

    Anyway, I know I promised to update my story yesterday, but I didn't have time to do so. It's actually finished, but I'll break it up in multiple posts, that I do hope to post today.
    Ebony: We, again, found ourselves on another small balcony.

    DI Hunter: Was there anything interesting to be found there?

    Ebony: Just a small cabinet. It wasn’t locked, but it turned out to be empty.

    DI Hunter: What did you do next?

    Ebony: This balcony did have a way out, another staircase to the floor below.

    DI Hunter: No doors?

    Ebony: No. No doors.

    DI Hunter: What did you find on this floor?

    Ebony: Well, this one had a small study area, with a couple of desks. So we searched the desks, but there were just books.

    Ebony: Found anything interesting?

    Charlie: No skulls. But these books are kind of interesting, they’re about potions and stuff. Did you find anything?

    Ebony: Nah. Just dusty old books.

    DI Hunter: Let me guess, you then went downstairs again?

    Ebony: You guessed right. We went to check out the floor below.

    DI Hunter: What happened there?

    Ebony: We first checked out some bookshelves with additional displays on them. Not that we found anything, just more books.

    DI Hunter: And then?

    Ebony: I felt this cold chill down my spine. It was really unpleasant. And eerie.

    DI Hunter: And..?

    Ebony: Nothing. We went to check out the other part of the balcony.

    Ebony: This chest looks promising…

    Charlie: It does!

    Ebony: Think you can work your magic on it?

    Charlie: Luckily I have my emergency toolkit in my backpocket!

    DI Hunter: What was in the chest?

    Ebony: You don’t even doubt that Charlie opened it?

    DI Hunter: One thing I know about emergency toolkits is that they can open nearly as many locks as non-emergency toolkits. It may just take a little bit longer.

    Ebony: Anyway, she did open the chest.
    Charlie: Holy Cowplant!

    Ebony: You found it?!

    Charlie: Almost! Look, down there!

    Ebony: I think we know where to go.

    DI Hunter: The skull wasn’t in the chest, I gather.

    Ebony: No. It was displayed on a shelf on the floor below.

    Ebony: Then, as we turned round to take the stairs, we bumped into this ghost-

    DI Hunter: A ghost..?

    Ebony: Yes, and she was practicing voodoo.

    DI Hunter: Alright.

    Ebony: What?

    DI Hunter: Carry on.

    Ebony: Next thing we know is she was on the floor below, letting out this evil laugh.

    DI Hunter: What did you do?

    Ebony: We only had two options, we could go up again, or go down. We chose the latter.

    DI Hunter: What happened when you got down there?

    Ebony: The ghost appeared to be gone.
    Charlie: Did you see her anywhere?

    Ebony: Nope.

    Charlie: You think she just disappeared?

    Ebony: Maybe we just imagi-
    Gallery ID: MDianaSims | Simblr
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @OhMyHemsworth Was gonna say it ain't your screenshots if Chris ain't Their reactions to the living statue was hilarious! :joy:

    @MDianaSanders Wasn't expecting the ghost. Things seem to be getting spoopy there. O.O

    After so long, I finally got some screenshots to share! Sadly no CL yet as it still has to download, but yes, I do have that expansion!
    Time passed, the family of Rivers back to their usual sorts.


    Yuki is apparently trying this Day of the Dead thing.


    The candy bowl is apparently a bit gassy.


    Crystal meanwhile was downstairs working on more bathtubs. If the family's worth is based on anything it's vessels of soapy grimy water.


    Oh wow umm...Bill...


    Thanks Bill. For that, you get to go back to bed.


    Braxton why are eating cak-Whoa whoa whoa you two in the back. Theatre rules around the kids, huh? At least do it on the couch.


    There's Mr. Drama Llama.


    And there's the source of Mr. Drama Llama's...well...drama. Once again coming for a visit. And again @SimGuruGraham. We needs optional doorbells cause I didn't even hear him knock.


    "Oh hey, you're back again."

    "Heh...yeah. Was walking downtown and thought I'd come in and say hi."


    Ryan meanwhile was making tacos for lunch.


    Someone's proud of his cooking.


    "So? What do you think?"

    "This...This is actually really good! Did your dad teach you?"

    "I've seen him cook a couple times but not really."


    "Hey sis? What citrus fruit can open doors?"


    "A Key-lime!"


    Love this look from Bill. Looks like he's happy to see Ryan and Alexander getting along again.


    "You really are an exceptional cook, Ryan."

    "Heh...nah...It's only tacos. Not too hard to make."


    Again, neat trait when he grows older.


    Yeah someone is loving the backyard punching bag.


    And Bill's off to work again.


    Ryan challenged Alexander to some fooseball in the basement.

    "Fooseball? I'll have you know I have great hand-eye coordination."

    "Really? Prove it then."

    "It's on!"


    And they're off! Also do like the touch that you can put drinks on the fooseball table.


    "Ngh..ball's stuck..."

    "Hold on I'll get it."


    "Gah. Seriously who makes a fooseball table where the ball gets stuck under the player pieces?"


    Still, they gave props for a good game.


    Have I mentioned that Alexander takes after his mother in the sense that he's a romantic? Hey I didn't make it like that. It was a dice roll.

    "Ryan I ah...had a fun time...Maybe we should head out to The Bluffs sometime, huh? Just me and you?"


    "Th...The Bluffs? I dunno...I don't exactly get a lot of exercise...I mean I'm just bad at swimming."


    "Nonsense...I'd be there anyways. We could have some fun with it. Maybe on a warmer day, huh?"




    "I mean with you there it should be fine, right?"


    "Heh. Of course. See you next week? Same time?"

    Next time, Georgina goes to a party at the Bluffs and Bill goes to a new museum with special art and culinary classes.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    MDianaSimsMDianaSims Posts: 4,179 Member
    Another post-Halloween post ;)

    Ebony: Whaaah!

    Charlie: Oh no you didn’t! You will pay for this, you nasty little ghost!

    DI Hunter: You got scared by a ghost?

    Ebony: What of it? It’s not like you believe any of it.

    DI Hunter: Oh, but I do believe you were scared.

    Ebony: Charlie’s attempt to take revenge on the ghost didn’t go very well.

    DI Hunter: What happened?

    Ebony: The ghost kept passing through Charlie, it was really awkward to see. And there wasn’t really anything I could do about it.

    DI Hunter: Not something that you could do without putting yourself in danger you mean?

    Ebony: Exactly. It didn’t seem like Charlie was really hurt or something, at least it didn’t sound like it.
    Charlie: *laughing* Holy Cowplant! That tickles!

    Luz: Want some more?

    Ebony: You keep busy, I know how to get you where it hurts!

    DI Hunter: How? You said there wasn’t anything you could do about it?

    Ebony: I figured that, aside from having a lot of fun pranking us, the ghost was probably trying to protect the skull. So I went for it.

    DI Hunter: You didn’t think that could have any repercussions?

    Ebony: You mean like a curse or something? I thought you didn’t believe in all that supernatural nonsense.

    DI Hunter: I was thinking more along the lines of attracting the ghost’s attention. I mean, you didn’t have an exit strategy, or had you found a way out somewhere?

    Ebony: No. But it seemed like the only thing I could do.

    Ebony: Anyway, it all backfired.

    DI Hunter: What happened?

    Ebony: Just before I got hold of the skull, there were flashing lights everywhere. And Charlie was right behind me all of a sudden.

    DI Hunter: Flashing lights as in, when you were in the attic?

    Ebony: Just like that. And I saw that ghost stabbing her precious voodoo doll again.

    DI Hunter: The voodoo practicing ghost summoned a hurricane of bright lights?

    Ebony: Yup. And then it went black.

    DI Hunter: And you found yourselves back in Newcrest?

    Ebony: Not quite.

    DI Hunter: Right…

    Ebony: I said it went black, meaning I didn’t see anything anymore.

    DI Hunter: But you felt something.

    Ebony: More like heard. The ghost was telling the story of how she… defeated… us to… herself?

    DI Hunter: You seem unsure about this.

    Ebony: Well, I was like semi-unconcious.

    DI Hunter: Anything else?

    Ebony: After the ghost was done telling her story, she let out an evil laugh. I am absolutely positive about that.

    DI Hunter: What’s the next thing that happened?

    Ebony: I’m on a pavement and there’s a police officer staring at me.

    DI Hunter: That would be PC Oliver.

    Ebony: That is what he said. I’m pretty sure you know the rest of the story.

    DI Hunter: Right. That really is everything?

    Ebony: Yes, the whole story, or at least everything I remember, start to finish.

    DI Hunter: Very well.

    Ebony: You don’t believe a single word I have said, do you? I knew this would happen.

    DI Hunter: It’s under evaluation. I’ll see what Charlie has told PC Wilkes.

    Ebony: You won’t believe-

    DI Hunter: The custody sergeant will take you back to your cell, Miss Nolan.

    DI Hunter: Well, that was probably the weirdest and most elaborate lie someone has ever told me. What did you get from my sister?

    PC Wilkes: Not much, Sir. Just an incoherent story about skulls and ghosts.

    DI Hunter: I thought as much. Did they find anything while searching the house?

    PC Wilkes: Not really. Just a bunch of Halloween decorations and some suspicious looking candy.

    DI Hunter: Has the candy been sent to the lab?

    PC Wilkes: Yes it has, results should be in tomorrow.

    DI Hunter: That’s probably the cause of all this. I’m sure that candy contained something that made them dream up this story.

    PC Wilkes: That sounds about right.

    DI Hunter: We’ll charge them for breaking and entering-

    PC Wilkes: The door wasn’t forced. Or at least didn’t appear to be so.

    DI Hunter: Just entering then. And we’ll send them home, I think the chances of them doing it again are low at this point. Once the tests come back we can call them in again, maybe we’ll charge them with wasting police time.

    PC Wilkes: I doubt it, Sir.

    DI Hunter: Yeah, it doesn’t outweigh the cost. My father will be furious and I’m sure the boss doesn’t want to listen to his complaints during their weekly round of golf.

    Almost done, just a few more images in the next post ;)
    Gallery ID: MDianaSims | Simblr
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    MDianaSimsMDianaSims Posts: 4,179 Member
    And the (rest of) the ending ;)

    DI Hunter: Alright ladies, you are charged with tresspassing and you’ll need to appear at Court at the appointed time-

    Charlie: I totally disagree, that place has been abandoned for years.

    DI Hunter: It is, however, the property of someone who didn’t give you permission to enter. Anyway, Miss Nolan knows how it all works, I’m sure I’m just telling you things you already know.

    Ebony: Sure, whatever.

    PC Wilkes: We are still waiting on the forensic results. We may call you back in based on what comes to light there. Otherwise you’re free to go.

    DI Hunter: Exactly. And you might want to skip tonight’s Halloween party, I think you’ve have quite enough horror for this spooky season.

    Ebony: You’re probably right about that.

    Charlie: I don’t feel like partying anyway.

    Meanwhile in DI Hunter’s office…

    The End
    Gallery ID: MDianaSims | Simblr
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @MDianaSanders Looks like you had a lot of fun writing this. Really good job. :)

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    MDianaSimsMDianaSims Posts: 4,179 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo It really was a lot of fun writing it :) This was my first fully planned Sims story and I have to say, it's more fun than telling a gameplay based story. On the other hand, it can be really annoying to get Sims to pose right - I know there are mods for that, but I haven't ventured in that direction yet. And one of the nice things is that I finally made use of my police station (which is way too big and elaborate for actual gameplay). Also, you probably don't want to know how much time I spent on building that library... All those bookshelves (and all that MOO)!
    Gallery ID: MDianaSims | Simblr
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @MDianaSanders It definitely takes a lot of effort and sometimes even luck. I don't know if you remember when Glitch tried to destroy Omega (And essentially the whole Main Save) but the two shots with her and the energy sparks were pure fluke. I'd say I've tossed about three times the number of screenshots I have uploaded as they didn't fit what I was looking for. And yes it takes time to get the right shots but once you get that good one...oh man it's awesome! And sometimes you get them through accidental glitches like when Levono was telling Dot about his errored code.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    @LosaruTaiyo Maybe they'll finally get together!! I'm hoping they do anyway.

    Here is an update from my ISBI. I've had a lot of play time today and last night.

    Lucas bit the dust.



    And Rebecca's pregnant.


    I swear they never sleep in the right beds. I have tried to claim the right bed, but it's like it resets. For a while everyone wanted to sleep in Rebecca's bed so I switched bedrooms and beds. Then they started sleeping in those, so I locked one bedroom so that Rebecca is the only one with access and she can sleep peacefully.


    Look at the cute CL outfits these girls are wearing.


    Elizabeth Keen from Blacklist is pregnant too!


    Pregnant dancing lady.



    We had a boy named, Major. Naming theme is from iZombie... which is pretty much a crime show with added theme of zombies. I love it.


    And I struggled getting to the baby... because there was a line of people trying to talk to it while it was crying. I eventually decided to lock off the nursery so only Rebecca has access. I've been taking vacation and family leave. I don't trust a nanny and I don't trust my other sims.


    Sarah is old now... I threw her a party, but Rebecca has the culinary aspiration, so I needed to cook three gourmet meals in a single event. That took up all my time and I wasn't able to get her a cake made in time.


    And we have BABY #2 on the way.


    A little morning sickness.


    Rebecca eating at the Flea Market.


    Grant feeling Rebecca's belly bump.


    And Major is a kid now!


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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    edited November 2016
    @LosaruTaiyo Ha! :D He just brings so much happiness to my game! :love:
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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    So many screenshots to share oh my! Haha
    The squad trying out the bubble blower.
    Bess joined in on a protest!
    Sydney trying to woo Chris. He's oblivious to the girls being crazy over him.
    Chris was practicing joke routines for work when a neighbor heard and wanted to watch. Pretty cool!
    Sydney made a new geeky friend!
    Karaoke night! I think Bess likes this guy. Sweetie he's not your type. Lol
    Everybody had a turn! Bess and Sydney did a duet together! It was.. interesting. They gave everything that had!
    Next was Chris and I just gotta say I have never laughed at something in this game as I did with this. I had tears, I was laughing so hard!
    They finally got to try out their first festival! The Spice festival! Chris tried the spice challenge and won!
    Bess didn't do so good.
    To finish up the night they played with sparklers! It was so magical!

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    TinjaNurtleTinjaNurtle Posts: 167 Member
    edited November 2016
    So I've been on a Sims 4 kick since City Life came out. Here's a video of my sim Nia singing karaoke with the Grim Reaper. I had to record it LOL
    Origin ID: pizza_the_hut82
    Steam ID:GreenEggsandPam
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    SoapSudsSoapSuds Posts: 1,359 Member
    edited November 2016
    So I ran across an elder Candy Behr. Wonder if she can still do all those extravagant dance moves.

    Thomas finally became an elder. Gotta' say, him and Robin still look great as elders, as opposed to some of the other elders in this save.

    So, to celebrate, him and Robin went on a date at a pretty fancy place.

    Robin really enjoyed her meal.

    Thomas, not so much.

    A nice ending to a romantic night

    There was also a birthday! Derek celebrated his birthday a few days early and became a teen.

    I think he actually came out looking decent, so I just kept him this way

    Now it's definitely obvious that Violet is a little sister

    His best friend is still a child, as well (though her birthday is only a day off, so I'm sure she'll age up soon too)


    Robin still has one of the best smiles of all of my Sims

    As well as her and Thomas being one of my favorite couples I've played (along with Jennifer + Sara)

    This guy was pretty intense with his costume
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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    One night everyone heard some very embarrassing noises coming from next door. So after a while, Chris had enough, and went to complain!
    Chris gave her an ear full! :D
    She was so sorry and embarrassed! LOL
    Ah, quiet! He was able to finally sleep!
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    KacePlaysGamesKacePlaysGames Posts: 116 Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm back after a long time away from this thread! So nice to see everyone enjoying City Living. I bought it and I really like it. A few months ago, I made a sort of fashionista sim who was obsessed with the internet, but with no features in the game at the time that had anything to do with the two, I just never played as her. I knew when City Living came out, I wanted to use her, but when I found out there was the Social Media career, I was ecstatic.

    Her name is Alison Su. She lives in the Fashion District and (obviously) is in the Social Media career.

    I spent like an hour redecorating her apartment, and I'm so pleased with how it turned out.
    (She's working from home, which BTW that is a feature I am absolutely in love with and will be using all the time from now on.)

    Her first day moving in, she met her new neighbors. That guy, Akira, is kinda cute, so I had them get to know each other a bit.
    Throughout the week, they've gotten to know each other a lo better. They're "Just Friends" ;) and it'll probably stay that way. I kinda want Alison to have casual relationships since that's something I haven't done before in Sims 4. My sims always date one person and that's who they end up marrying.

    Then, just some random pictures...
    I am in love with this romper. It's so cute!

    Also wanted to continue playing some familiar sims in this new expansion, so I aged up Dexter and he lives in the Art District. And I also got him into the Social Media career.

    I was going to get him to work on the ground mural, when Alison showed up (I wanted them to be in a relationship since I first made her, but I didn't want to just start with both of them together. So this just made me super happy that they'd just meet so unexpectedly like this).
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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    Game night at the apartment! Whoo! Chris won! Hahaha!
    These two are so cute! They have been spending quite a bit of time together!
    Chris and Sydney were having a bedtime snack when, the light must have hit Sydney a certain way. Chris just couldn't take his eyes off of her.
    Later that night, they decided to sit out by the fire pit. It was a great night!
    Chris went to the Jokes and hijinks festival with a friend. Sydney went too, she surprised Chris! The night was amazing! They really bonded! Chris finally made a move and did what he had been dreaming of since he met Sydney! <3
    The night was magical and ended with them being super tired and Sydney almost wet herself. :D
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    @LosaruTaiyo check out your heavily pregnant self :P


    This is an update from my LEGACY.

    Got his and hers desks for mischief socials online.


    This is the spice festival. I guess your clothing changes to browns and tans/beige.


    Marion somehow won the spicy food contest.


    My sims struggle with chopsticks.


    Look how buff Missandei is.


    FINALLY Rhaella completes her mischief aspiration.


    I think this is Gregor.


    I think this is Sandor.


    This is Petyr, my heir <3


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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @March306 Okay, who's the father? :D You know who I mean.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo sadly, Marcus is long gone and dead in my game. The father of Tina Taiyo was Clark Dixon (he has 11 children with a bunch of different moms) and the father of the babies is Willie Lewis. They're both just random townies.

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