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Day & Knight 4/29


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    Marmalade27Marmalade27 Posts: 625 Member
    I couldn't help chuckling at the drinking poses, especially the last one! Poor Knight, he misses Alex so much!! I hope they'll meet again very soon!

    I guess Alex still has feelings for Knight if he chose Knight as the surname for his pen name. ;)
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Niemalyn97 wrote: »
    Aww, poor Knight. Alex really did ruin him. :disappointed:

    I can't wait to see Alex, though! And what a clever pen name. I'm excited to see if his book will get published first or if he'll stumble across Knight first. But I must say, for one that has "moved on," using your ex-fiance's name as part of your pen name doesn't exactly scream "I'm over him." Although I do love the pen name choice!

    I think you're right. Alex's reasoning was having a play on his last name Day. The opposite is Night but night is not a last name. Knight is the last name. Little does he know subconsciously he really misses Knight. ;)
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    I couldn't help chuckling at the drinking poses, especially the last one! Poor Knight, he misses Alex so much!! I hope they'll meet again very soon!

    I guess Alex still has feelings for Knight if he chose Knight as the surname for his pen name. ;)

    He thought he was being clever choosing that for his last name as a play on words, but yeah...choosing that name might mean he hasn't moved on either even though he thinks he has. His relationship needs are being fulfilled by Chiandra right now. Even though it's a platonic relationship. That's why Chiandra is frustrated, too.
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    haswhhaswh Posts: 2,863 Member
    So I go away for a few days to find out it's been 4 years! :o So much can happen in that amount of time. Bri should be graduated and what about a man for her? Love Alex's pen name! I really like Jianna and Antonio together. Poor Knight he so misses Alex I hope they see each other soon! :'( So I assume you will be getting the new pack in Nov. as San Myshuno is where Alex lives now. :)
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    haswh wrote: »
    So I go away for a few days to find out it's been 4 years! :o So much can happen in that amount of time. Bri should be graduated and what about a man for her? Love Alex's pen name! I really like Jianna and Antonio together. Poor Knight he so misses Alex I hope they see each other soon! :'( So I assume you will be getting the new pack in Nov. as San Myshuno is where Alex lives now. :)

    Yes....can't wait for the new pack! Yes...Alex lives there in the fashion district. That's how he ran into Chiandra. I get all packs. They're very reasonable.

    Bri is graduating. And you'll find out more soon!
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    Leeuska1Leeuska1 Posts: 59 Member

    I hope that things for Knight are soon going better, but it seems, that even worse events are comming...he'll be devastated whan he learns that Chiandra is in contact with Alex, that Antonio has arranged all of this...
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    edited October 2016
    Chapter 1.35


    I woke up on Chiandra’s couch. My head felt like it was inside a kettle bell with someone pounding it with a hammer.

    “Ugh,” I moaned.


    Chiandra came over to me and said, “So, you’re up. How are you feeling this morning? Like the cat dragged you inside because basically that’s what happened.”


    I couldn’t remember much about last night once I started drinking at the bar. “Oh, God...we didn’t...”


    “Do it?” Chiandra laughed. “Are you kidding me? First of all, you were slobbering drunk and second of all, I wouldn’t stoop that low. I’m totally over you, Knight, so get over yourself.”

    I crossed my arms. At least something went right last night. “That’s a relief,” I muttered. “What happened then?”

    “You passed out in the club. Knight, why would you drink so much? Are you really that hung up on Alex? It’s been four years.”


    I couldn’t believe she’d bring up Alex. “Are you nuts? I’m not hung up on Alex.”

    She shook her head. “You only had a crying jag about him once Devon and I flopped you on this couch then you threw up and passed out. It was pathetic.”


    The inside of my head pounded even more and my mouth felt like I’d just drank a bottle of sand. “God, I’m sorry. Did I mess up your floor?”

    She sat beside me. “No. Thankfully, I had a bucket handy. Knight, I don’t care what you say, you aren’t over Alex. What gives? He’s certainly over you.”

    This news hit me like a line drive to my stomach. “H-How could you tell me that? Do you know where Alex is?”


    “Yes...well, I worked with him a few years ago and we’ve been seeing each other ever since. We were just friends at first, but now it’s grown into more.”


    My heart sped up, not believing her. Alex would never go for a woman. Would he? “Tell me where he is, Chiandra. I need to see him.”

    Putting her hands on her hips, she said, “Why should I? He was so depressed when I first saw him two years ago. I don’t know what you did to him, but he’s doing great now. No way am I going to let you mess with his head again.”


    Now I was getting angry. “Are you trying to tell me you’re dating him?”

    “We’re even more serious than that, Knight. I practically live with him.”

    Blood rushing from my head, my body shook. Alex hooked up with my ex? Did he hate me that much? I still didn’t believe her. “If you’re that close, then you shouldn’t worry about me seeing him. I just need some closure. Tell me where he is.”


    When she didn’t budge, I shouted, “Tell me! Or so help me, Chiandra...”

    She turned away from me, putting her hand on her face. “Oh alright, Knight! God. This is crazy.”


    She sighed then faced me. “I know I’m going to regret this were so freaked out last night, you do need to see him this once just so you can move on.” Biting her lip, she said, “I guess I’ll give you my key to his place. He lives in the fashion district in San Myshuno on top of a men and women’s fashion shop called Leather and Lace. Go there at 5 pm. He’ll be expecting me.” She whipped her finger at me. “But you better be nice to him. Say your peace and go. I’ll be right behind you.”




    I was stuck. The words weren’t coming today. How many pages had I got done? And it was a Saturday. My big day to crank out work. But sometimes you couldn’t force it. It took me two years to write my first novel and now this publisher wanted me to churn out the same length novel in six months. I knew it would be nothing but cr*ap. But what could I do?


    Slowly, I tried to imagine the next scene and just went with it, not worrying about my word choice. It was a sh*tty first draft anyway. I’d go back and fix it later.



    Walking into the fashion boutique, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Alex owned this? It didn’t suit him at all. He wasn’t into girlie stuff. It looked more like what Chiandra would do, not him.


    A part of me didn’t want to see him. What if he’d changed? What if he yelled at me to leave? I just stood there in the middle of the shop, debating on what to do.


    Finally, I just said, “Scr*ew it,” and walked up the stairs where Chiandra said he lived. My heart felt as if it was pounding out of my chest. I hadn’t seen him in four long years. What was I even going to say?

    As soon as I got up the stairs, I was slapped in the face by a huge print of Chiandra.


    “My, God. It’s true,” I muttered. “They are together. This place even looks like she decorated it.” My stomach churned at this thought.


    I didn’t see Alex anywhere, so I went over to the bar where another print hung on the wall. I needed a drink to quell the hangover I had.


    Then I heard him from the bedroom, calling out, “Hey, Chi! Start making drinks. I’ll be done in a few. I’ve only got a few paragraphs to go.”

    I glared toward the bedroom, thinking I was in some kind of nightmare. Alex and Chiandra were together? If I hadn’t heard him with my own ears, I wouldn’t have believed it.


    The door swung open and Alex walked into the living area.

    “Knight,” he breathed.



    Huge thank you to @RABOOSKI for designing Alex's shop. If you want to download it, go here: LEATHER & LACE
    Post edited by pammiechick on
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    Maladi777Maladi777 Posts: 4,393 Member
    edited October 2016
    Oh plummit, a cliffhanger...
    Why on earth is Alex living with Chiandra? And I don't believe for a minute they're more than just roommates.
    Knight is so cute having a hangover. Nice touch with the ruffled hair. :D
    I'm still wondering about those Chiandra posters. Who did them? Is it really the sim on them? Being a photoshop addict I want to learn to make something like that!
    HEFFNER LEGACYSimblrHeffner Legacy Discussion │ Origin ID: Maladi
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Maladi777 wrote: »
    Oh plummit, a cliffhanger...
    Why on earth is Alex living with Chiandra? And I don't believe for a minute they're more than just roommates.
    Knight is so cute having a hangover. Nice touch with the ruffled hair. :D
    I'm still wondering about those Chiandra posters. Who did them? Is it really the sim on them? Being a photoshop addict I want to learn to make something like that!

    She's not living with him but she does stay over quite a bit. And you'll find out more about their relationship later.

    The posters are from this site:

    I modeled Chiandra after the model in the posters. I tried to get him to allow me to use that model, but no deal. :neutral:
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    Niemalyn97Niemalyn97 Posts: 76 Member
    Oh. My. Goodness. How could you leave us on a cliffhanger like that?! Gah!
    I've been meaning to ask about the Chiandra posters, too. They're so good looking.
    Anyway, great update! But I can't wait for more. I want to see Alex's actual face. :lol:
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    anaitapevaanaitapeva Posts: 917 Member
    Mean Chiandra is just trying to keep Alex to herself ...well at least she gave a chance for Knight to see him!
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    haswhhaswh Posts: 2,863 Member
    Super cliffhanger! Yes I too want to see Alex's face!
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    Maladi777Maladi777 Posts: 4,393 Member
    haswh wrote: »
    Super cliffhanger! Yes I too want to see Alex's face!

    I think we can safely assume that he's currently looking as Pammie's avatar considering the hair colour. :)
    HEFFNER LEGACYSimblrHeffner Legacy Discussion │ Origin ID: Maladi
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Maladi777 wrote: »
    haswh wrote: »
    Super cliffhanger! Yes I too want to see Alex's face!

    I think we can safely assume that he's currently looking as Pammie's avatar considering the hair colour. :)

    Correct. The detective in you is coming out. Ha! :D
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    roseinblack69roseinblack69 Posts: 4,070 Member
    Oh yes... Now I'll think like crazy what will happen in the next chapter :D I don't believe that Chiandra and Alex are the couple. She lies as always, but I am sure she would like to be with Alex ;)
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    WitcHazardWitcHazard Posts: 1,209 Member
    I thought Alex and your avatar looked similar I just couldn't see it with the blonde hair. And I don't really care about what relationship they have as long as Alex is happy with his life then I'm happy but I feel a mega drama bomb bout to drop and I can wait!
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    MarialeinMarialein Posts: 2,885 Member
    Can't wait for the next chapter ;) It is amazing how you write. Also making it more interesting with not showing much of Alex in the last chapters was great. But now show us how he feels! We need that :D

    Ps: Every time I see the poster of love and ruin I can't believe that you have something I made in your game :blush:
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    spontaneousivyspontaneousivy Posts: 250 Member
    Oh my goodness. This story is amazing!
    So realistic and complex.

    I'm commenting to get notifications :)
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    HerosesimsHerosesims Posts: 186 Member
    oh my goodness, alex's hair is fabulous....BUT STILL POOR KNIGHT :disappointed:
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    SpurklyNinjaSpurklyNinja Posts: 76 Member
    CLIFFHANGER, NO! @pammiechick, why must you torture us? :D

    Definitely do not believe that Alex and Chiandra are dating, not for a second! But, that just raises more questions: What is he doing in a place like that? Why is he writing? Does he still love Knight?

    I love the completely different hair. Just hope that Alex is not completely different as a person (by different I mean crazy bad different). :smile:
    ~Live a little, and dance a lot while you're at it~
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    WitcHazard wrote: »
    I thought Alex and your avatar looked similar I just couldn't see it with the blonde hair. And I don't really care about what relationship they have as long as Alex is happy with his life then I'm happy but I feel a mega drama bomb bout to drop and I can wait!

    You can wait? Ha! I think I can do that...heh...heh...but yeah, I won't be able to wait long. Tomorrow, my peeps.
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Marialein wrote: »
    Can't wait for the next chapter ;) It is amazing how you write. Also making it more interesting with not showing much of Alex in the last chapters was great. But now show us how he feels! We need that :D

    Ps: Every time I see the poster of love and ruin I can't believe that you have something I made in your game :blush:

    Thank you!!! I LOVE that poster! So glad to have it. And I have all the books, too. You will get an insight on Alex tomorrow.

    I've got to learn how to do cc because I have plans... ;)
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Oh my goodness. This story is amazing!
    So realistic and complex.

    I'm commenting to get notifications :)

    You want a notification? Well, here you go! A post all your own. (And thanks for the compliment. Glad you're enjoying it!)
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    HerosesimsHerosesims Posts: 186 Member
    Marialein wrote: »
    Can't wait for the next chapter ;) It is amazing how you write. Also making it more interesting with not showing much of Alex in the last chapters was great. But now show us how he feels! We need that :D

    Ps: Every time I see the poster of love and ruin I can't believe that you have something I made in your game :blush:

    Thank you!!! I LOVE that poster! So glad to have it. And I have all the books, too. You will get an insight on Alex tomorrow.

    I've got to learn how to do cc because I have plans... ;)
    WitcHazard wrote: »
    I thought Alex and your avatar looked similar I just couldn't see it with the blonde hair. And I don't really care about what relationship they have as long as Alex is happy with his life then I'm happy but I feel a mega drama bomb bout to drop and I can wait!

    You can wait? Ha! I think I can do that...heh...heh...but yeah, I won't be able to wait long. Tomorrow, my peeps.

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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Oh yes... Now I'll think like crazy what will happen in the next chapter :D I don't believe that Chiandra and Alex are the couple. She lies as always, but I am sure she would like to be with Alex ;)

    Chiandra? Lie? ;)
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