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Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What happen in your game today/most recently?


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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    just got done with another break was playing a couple other games and doing other things, Tony, Mary-sue and Daniel Pleasants' son that was raised by Lilith and her husband dropped out of college as he couldn't focus on much else aside from his dorm mate Meredith. She was behind and planning on leaving anyways so she went with him they had a secret wedding and are on their honeymoon, Lilith probably wont be pleased when she meets Meredith but she'll get over it.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    elanorbretonelanorbreton Posts: 14,616 Member
    I've been filling up Pleasantview with Lots and families. I made the Bjergsen family from TS4 as they are one of my favourites. Of course, they look absolutely nothing like them lol.

    (I haven't added any cc into my game yet. Desperately need to add more clothes!)

    I will be interested to see how their lives play out in ts2 compared to ts4.
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    classicXcrimeclassicXcrime Posts: 175 Member
    Today I focused on the Pleasant family. Daniel and the maid finally decided to woohoo and were caught by Mary-Sue. She promptly got in a fight with the maid and lost. To save her wounded pride, Mary-Sue moved out and took Angela with her. Lilith, unable to get along with either parent, decided to move in with her grandparents who had just recently moved to town to be closer to Mary-Sue. Mary-Sue and Angela moved into a modest home across the street from Don Lothario, and Daniel moved into a new bachelor pad. As of now, Daniel and Mary-Sue are still married, but their relationship is tenuous. It's only a matter of time before Mary-Sue comes to her senses and dumps the cheater for good. Meanwhile, Daniel met a townie who he's trying to woo, it seems this aging romancer is enjoying his newfound freedom, but will he eventually go crawling back to his wife for forgiveness? I guess we'll see what tomorrow holds for them!
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    Ninja-Dan22Ninja-Dan22 Posts: 117 Member
    Recently I made my own apartments and moved a couple in, they now have four children, 1 teenager, 1 child and twin toddlers. I made the apartments family sized so that the whole family can fit in, but the rent is quite expensive :open_mouth:
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    MeepleepMeepleep Posts: 180 Member
    Recently I made my own apartments and moved a couple in, they now have four children, 1 teenager, 1 child and twin toddlers. I made the apartments family sized so that the whole family can fit in, but the rent is quite expensive :open_mouth:

    Cool! My sim currently lives on the 10th floor of a custom apartment I recently made in Belladonna Cove, and I currently have 2 of her 11 kids with her. (4 are with her wife, 4 were sent to college 1 died ire. They were able to have so many because I have them drinking elixer of life.) Rent is about 11,000 a week. I have so much since I'm on my 6th generation, and have been able to get a lot of money throughout the generations. :) (The other apartments are about 5,000 a week in rent too.)
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    have made another hood, in fact I haven't played it enough to know everyone's names perfectly but Roger Sonya Yorks and her teenaged daughter Julia when he came to welcome them to the neighborhood. Sonya got a dog, Lili, to keep Julia company as they were on the run from a dangerous man, her ex. While at work, Roger is a cop, he was the one chosen for witness protection and it was his surprise that the woman he hit it off so well with the other night was the one in need. He got a bonus to modify his house so there was room and they moved, he also has a daughter, Melody and she was left in the dark about why they moved in the little girl just sees her dad flirting and is sure Sonya will be her new mother they already get along well. If Sonya hadn't gone to work she wouldn't have run into the other cop that took care of her case and got her the protection when they catch her ex, one who is wanted for several counts of murder, she might just stay with Roger anyways.

    Was fun setting that up :P
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    Cabelle1863Cabelle1863 Posts: 2,251 Member
    I started my own custom Pleasantview today, using all the pre-made sims extracted with SimPE. The fun twist for me is that the world is set in Victorian times. So I spent my day getting all their homes and the community lots as historically accurate as I could, plus some playing. Bella is back, so Dina will marry Malcolm Landgraab instead (with fixed genetics). Kaylynn Langerak is now living in a cute cottage, and is pregnant by Daniel Pleasant. MarySue is pregnant too (Shocker!), so Daniel is hoping he'll get that heir. Neither Daniel nor MarySue approve of Dustin, so Angela will probably marry Fricorith Tricou instead, once I get the Tricou family resurrected. Her desire to be "Mom & Dad's best girl ever!" takes priority over anything else (including her heart's wishes), so Dustin will be nothing more than a brief high school romance. Lilith stops trying to get her parents attention with the rebellious self-destruction and chooses to go for what she excels at, art. She and Dirk will decide to be good friends (I prefer to pair Dirk with Jane Stacks in Uni, 3 bolt attraction), so I might hook Lilith up with Jimmy Phoenix.

    I didn't have a chance to play the Brokes yet today, hopefully tomorrow. Skip is alive again in this custom version. Brandi will get her wish to have 10 children. After breaking up with Angela, I'll probably pair up Dustin with one of those Tricou townie teens that you can use to later on resurrect Jon Smith Tricou. Or perhaps I'll have him pair up with Gvaudoin Tricou, Jon Smith Tricou's granddaughter. I haven't quite decided yet, which is part of the fun.
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    EmTheSimmerEmTheSimmer Posts: 34 Member
    My current household consists of 2 sisters and a male room mate... He's in a relationship with one of them but having a fling on the side with the sister while his GF is at work. Yet, the sis he's cheating with still gets mad when she sees them 2 together. It's funny.
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    BimleSimBimleSim Posts: 2,979 Member
    Hello! I haven't posted pics on the forum since the early days of Sims 3, so if I'm doing something wrong, just tell me! :)
    But I can't help but to join this thread, since I just learned of it's existence and I've been wanting a thread for Sims 2 for so long!

    I'm currently on gen 4 in my legacy, so I'll just quickly take you through the first generations!
    This would be my legacy founder, Hollow. He's my favorite sim of all time, still to this day. I wish I had pictures of him from older saves.

    He married a lady he met in Takemizu Village.

    The chosen heir, Sky, who today is an older lady, and her old dog. Gosh, this dog was a cutie.

    Naturally, as Sky is now an old lady, she has been to college. This was her and her roomies (one of them being her twin brother, Lightning).

    Sky got engaged to one of the roomies, Jeremy.

    I'll end my post on this picture of Sky. I do not want the post to be too long, but I'll post again soon! :)
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    marx13marx13 Posts: 48 Member
    Have you posted the rest of your legacy elsewhere? I'm a sucker for them. All kinds.

    Actually on that note...where do people post their legacies these days anyway? I remember back in the day there were a couple of major sites but they have all ceased to exist now
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    Hi :)

    @marx13 has many Legacy and non Legacy, and Challenge Stories for all the Sims games. :)
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    marx13marx13 Posts: 48 Member
    @Rflong7 ahh yes. Thank you so much. :blush:
    I have a lot of catching up to do.
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    edited September 2016
    Edited as posted comment in wrong thread!

    In my sims 2 game, I'm playing a legacy and my founder has given birth to her fourth child. Her first daughter. Now the challenge will be getting her a room of her own away from her brothers!
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    I enjoy reading Legacy/Apocalypse stories, too. :mrgreen:

    I've restarted my Hopeless, Extreme, Adult Start Apocalypse. -Hopeless means no one can move/marry into the family/lot. But, bright side, no pet restrictions. XD

    The layout of her rundown town...

    Her name is Ariel Ball.

    She started out with a 2x3 room on a platform for a house

    She had to warm up so she wouldn't freeze (the fireplaces earn money after midnight, too)

    Some Sims didn't seem to want to stop and talk to her

    Nor did they seem interested in what she said.

    But there are always some who find her interesting. Still, she doesn't have a room for a car, which leaves her future baby daddies up in the air. :)

    It took a little over 2 weeks to get the bottom floor enclosed (money and 2 per build restriction)

    This is the only way to move a bed out of the starting 2x3 room, which will be a bathroom/nursery next

    So far only 1 visit from the Burglar- I keep the grill in front of the stairs to block their entry. XD

    She was left on her own just for a bit before work (Bad Sim!)...
    Now she doesn't have a meal for that day. She did get to eat at work so all is good.

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    Olivesplum06Olivesplum06 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I love the legacy pictures! I miss TS2 :( having a 3 month old and a 4 month old leaves little time for simming!
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    Ooh legacies are fun, especially sliding in stories to go along with it, I was just resetting towns and I couldn't do pleasantview just yet Tony is about to bring gen 3 into the world with his sister-in-law after his wife left him for the man she cheated with. I didn't force Tony and Emmy they started liking one another then I went for it, funny how that works out.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    @Rflong7 Your pictures look amazing!

    That's a challenging start up you have began with! The last time I played the challenge I did an adult start but didn't have any of the other conditions.

    I'm going to start mine today or tomorrow, time permitting!
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    BimleSimBimleSim Posts: 2,979 Member
    @marx13 Unfortunately I don't have it uploaded anywhere, this is my very first post about my gameplay in years actually :p

    @Rflong7 Your sim looks so cool! Good luck on the challenge! :)

    So this family is very likely to have twins :p Sky (who herself has a twin) had 2 pairs of twins (and another kid).

    However, Jeremy has been cheating, so he's kicked out.
    Sky marries this other guy, Lúcio. This would be him, and their new dog Suzi. :)

    At this point and time in my save, I tried to build a mall. There are a bunch of stores on each side.

    The family wanted to go on an island vacation, and so they did!

    The family got a new dog as well, named Cry after the youtuber. Their puppies' names will be references to him xD I just thought that would be funny.

    This is Sky's first set of twins, Pearl and Crystal, at college. Crystal is my current heir :) She's an adult in my game now, and has two kids.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @BimleSim what a cute family, I really like Lucio.

    I played for little while had Tony throw a new years bash because I hadn't been paying attention to hs wants and he was down, dancing with a lampshade on his head he's a pleasure sim. Which I don't remember doing and father time showed up, it was strange, and not really drama even though Meredith showed up and walked in for some reason.
    That's father time in the middle Tony stopped causing a ruckus as the others are doing thinking about his hate for Meredith.
    Father time turned into Toddler New Year...
    Then got up to dance as he disappeared, it was too cute watching him do the smustle lol.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    marx13marx13 Posts: 48 Member
    All of your legacies look so great :') The Sims 2 really is the best.

    Maybe I should start posting mine, but I like to add dialogue and comedy so I might post it on the boolprop forums instead, what do you guys think? It's a crying shame The Sims 2 site is officially over, those were the days.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    Used these already but I like them, Darren appears to be losing his mind..
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    I love reading TS2 Legacies so if anyone does make a blog/journal/site- go ahead and post them here.

    @marx13 Sure! Link to the stories, too. :mrgreen:
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi @Rflong7, I am curious by your challenge. I don't have apartment capability, but thought about doing something similar with the houses (using potential legacies). I'm confused though by a couple of things you said though. One is the "2 per build" thing. Can you explain a little more what you mean by this? And also, setting fire to the bed being the only way to get rid of a bed? Why can't you just sell it back to the system or move it to another part of the house?

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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    Hi, @SataiDelennn :)

    It's a Restriction in the Apocalypse Challenge (and a Handicap for the TS2 Legacy challenge- optional) where we can only add 2 build mode categories a day (after the first day). Like only 2 walls, paint 2 walls, 2 floor tiles, 2 posts... etc.

    Selling the bed would mean I had lifted 2 other restrictions: Athletics to lift larger than 1 square objects and Business to be allowed to sell it back. I had to waste her one cooked meal a day allowance (Culinary restriction) to burn the bed. :)
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Hi, @SataiDelennn :)

    It's a Restriction in the Apocalypse Challenge (and a Handicap for the TS2 Legacy challenge- optional) where we can only add 2 build mode categories a day (after the first day). Like only 2 walls, paint 2 walls, 2 floor tiles, 2 posts... etc.

    Selling the bed would mean I had lifted 2 other restrictions: Athletics to lift larger than 1 square objects and Business to be allowed to sell it back. I had to waste her one cooked meal a day allowance (Culinary restriction) to burn the bed. :)

    Oh wow! OK, I understand now. Wow, that sounds like a really tough challenge! I think I'm too much of an addicted builder/remodeler to do that challenge, lol. I mean, when I was in college, and/or also while I was still living at home, I'd rearrange my room (dorms and home). I distinctly remember it being three in the morning once, and I'd already managed to drive my then roommate out (I managed this every year I was in college and a dorm room, lol) due to irreconcilable differences, and I was unable to sleep because I was itching to rearrange the room, and I was really lucky that ALL the furniture with the exception of the closets and windows were moveable, so at a little after three in the morning, I got up and as quietly as I could to not disturb my neighbors, I dismantled the beds (which meant taking the mattresses off, removing the bed spring frame, removing the drawers under the beds, putting the beds together to try and form a queen sized bed out of two twins, and then putting everything back together. Then, taking the tops/counters off the desks (yes, these were removable too), stacking them against one wall, carefully putting all the desk ends against one wall to form one long desk, put the tops back on, and then, and only then, being able to crawl back into my new queen-sized bed and get a remaining three or four hours of sleep before I had to get up and go to class, lol. That was my best remodeling job, lol, but I just couldn't stand my room(s) being static for long before I just HAD to redo the room. It made things very difficult for me when I got my first apartment and the management company wouldn't let me paint the walls, lol.

    So yeah, a game like Sims 2 where I can just build and paint and wallpaper and move everything around whenever I want? Oh, that was a beautiful day when I first got the game, lol!

    Just out of curiosity, would snacks/juice/cookies count as a meal? Or is that why she's sitting at the table with a bag of chips?

    Well, very good luck with your challenge!

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