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Who's still playing the Sims 1 from time to time?


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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    Thank you very much @SPARKY1922
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    You are very welcome I am hoping a few of us can keep this thread going with our stories of 1 because there is so Little out there now and I was so pleased to find other players as I felt I was going to be alone in cyber space somewhere playing a game no one else cared about much-)

    I have really appreciated everyone stories and input on this thread it has kept me going while I am waiting to get up and running and yesterday looking through those game guides I was amazed as just how much there is to do :)
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    I have lots of stories lol I post pics on my Twitter, not sure how to put them on here.
    I'm glad I found this thread:-)

    There's so much to do, even I haven't covered all the bases, I'm not overly familiar with makin Magic. I know it, just don't know it like the back of my head. The amount of detail in each pack is outstanding. I was shocked when I was looking at all the different careers.

    When my husband got The Sims and all the EPs working on my pc, I was so happy. For me it was like the equivalent of EA announcing toddlers! I love it all, the music, the detail, the depth of the sims behaviour it's amazing!
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    I am grateful for this thread too :)

    I don't have a twitter account if you uploaded them would I still be able to look at them?

    I think maybe I jumped the gun buying an older laptop with the right specs to play and wished I might have spent a little more time trying to get it right ( but I did spend a very long time trying to fix it-) so am wondering what OS you are using and how you husband managed to get it working properly for you?

    After my initial install on 7 OS the graphics were fine apart from the sim itself and while I understood graphics were not going to be perfect I was sure they could be better and I knew I would not be able to play properly until I resolved it but nothing I tried worked and it really saddened me to uninstall at the time and try and forget it because I knew it was going to be another 3 months of saving up for a desktop upgrade before I could sort out what I was going to do about 1 and now that time is here I thought at least if I get it running on a laptop to play wherever I go I can at least take one sims game with me lol

    My fear is after spending money on this laptop it won't work on that either and I will go insane :)

    and speaking of laptops no sign of it today either and tomorrow is day 5 which is the last day my tech said it would take so I keep trying to put off being excited in case it's not tomorrow either :)
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    @SPARKY1922 You should be able to view my twitter. 99% of my tweets are sim related :p. Am I allowed to share my Twitter? I will see if I can work out how to upload pics. (Tech noob here)

    I have Windows 10, my husband got it working by running it as an admin in compatibility mode. He had to tweak it a fair bit so will ask him if that's all there was to it. He couldn't get it to work under Windows 8, but he could on his pc on Windows 7! There's a lot go help on this board for getting the game to run too.

    I hope your laptop arrives sooner rather than later!
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    I am assuming I should be able to look at pics on twitter but not reply as I am not registered..

    I can hardly believe you have 1 working on 10 and even I could not get it working on 7 properly so I think you need to be renting out hubby's skills lol

    I am watching everyone go nuts about this 4 video for city life promo which for once I would like to watch because everyone is expecting so much from it as usual lol but no matter where I search EA I cannot find the video or what time in the UK it is going to be released.. What are your thoughts on this latest pack?
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    edited September 2016

    For some frustrating reason when I try and post pictures it says the body is 5 characters too short.. Darn it!

    It wasn't easy, For a while he didn't think he could get it working but he read a couple of threads on here and touch wood it works now. I've read getting the Ultimate collection to install is easier. I will ask him for sure what he did when he gets home from work.

    I think in the Uk the announcement will be about 5:30/6? May be wrong. That's what time stuff packs get released here.

    I don't know how I feel about city life. If there are apartments that could be interesting if they are similar to the sims 2, if they are similar to the sims 3 then I think they will be pointless. For me for it be considered buying the new world/city has to be a decent size, apartments have to be there and a good few new objects.

    I would also love the police NPC and burglar NPC back as well as new traits and emotions fixed but I think I'm asking for too much there lol

    Trying to reserve judgement until I've seen the trailer and know more about it. What do you think?

    My biggest problem with The sims 4 is the emotions. It shouldn't be that easy to change emotions. When I play the Sims 1, they have emotion. My sim caught her husband cheating on her, she hasn't spoken nicely to him for a sim week, he's been on the couch all week and she will slap him if left to her own devices. He's been miserable and he is refusing to go to work or improve his skills.

    On the other hand in my other sims game, my sim child caught his Dad cheating on his Mum, he continued to sit next to them drinking out a glass of milk, no reaction whatsoever. Later on when the Mum finds out she does give her husband a slap after he does it twice and she becomes very angry. When they divorce, none of the children care. No reaction at all.

    The mum and the the woman she caught in bed with her husband share a laugh and joke over a meal, meanwhile the sim child who has no reaction to Dads cheating or his parents divorce is crying under the covers because he put on a bad puppet show. This is a behaviour he will repeat for the next few sim days.

    Which sims game is which? Lol
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    Well first of all I wish I had not replied to a comment Qdog made on that thread which I agreed with as I got up this morning to 96 notifications lol

    His comment about 4 was that he played it but like you would play a game of angry birds just to mindlessly pass the time and I concur.

    I had only just started playing 2 properly when get together came out which had dance groups and so when I saw a video of the dance group I loved that and bought it just to have that feature as I adore the way in 2 sims just dance and often together with the smustle for as long as they are enjoying themselves which can be quite a long time.

    Boy was I disappointed as once the group start dancing the routine was so short and when trying to click on the dance group to make the sims perform dances again if one sim (non dance group related) is standing on the dance floor the group wont dance...or it takes so long to get rid of them the group disbands and then you have to find them again only to repeat the whole process so It took me so much time just to see one tiny dance routine I began to loose interest... it reminded me of all the things I ever wanted to achieve in 3 but was thwarted at every turn...

    so after that long winded explanation I am worried its all going to be painted decoration in the background with very little real use and just looks good as other players have said.

    I love cities and tropical Island so I frequently play in Bridgeport in 3 and use the traveler mod to send my sims for long vacations in IP so I would love a city but 4 maps are just so tiny......

    to me trying to run a biz in 3 was never really satisfactory and although I like apartments even with mods it was almost impossible to play them properly and while I have not fully explored either of these features in 2 yet I can already tell they are going to be playable in a way I will enjoy. I have not tried a 4 biz yet but have noticed a lot of complaints from players that its an almost unplayable feature so why oh why after all this time are they still making these same mistakes? Also I noticed when sending sims to dine out I have to constantly struggle to keep my sims sat down which is also annoying..

    I do not think 4 emotions are anywhere near as authentic as 2 but I do believe a more believable depth could be added with what is already there but I will not hold my breath lol I mean often when I play they all have the same facial expressions do and say all the same things and so sometimes I feel like I am watching a cartoon-) It really reminds me of a mobile phone game.

    I cannot speak to 1 emotions yet she says sitting here checking her email box every 10 seconds for Laptop info, but for 2 emotions you have to work hard to keep those relationships because as in real life if fights and arguments are occurring there is a consequence and for me 2 expresses all those emotions wonderfully well.

    I remember when I first started playing 2 and one time was loading a family up and saw the couple apart rather than that kiss sort of interaction they they do and thought what is that all about they must have different animations for loading screens lol er no I was wrong again somehow the couple must have argued and were slightly estranged so after working hard to get them back on track the lovey dovey loading screen came back I mean honestly even that little thing is some attention to detail-)

    3 emotions well I think it they are more black and white then it's over quite quickly so I never really noticed bad relationships and even if there was they were repaired in no time..

    On one thread Rflong7 was explaining why sims 2 had such fab emotions because they were tied to the memory system however because this system could corrupt the game if not played properly the further into the future the series goes the more they take away for those sorts of reasons not really understanding it is just not working out as they have sacrificed too much..

    I knew from playing 3 that the minimum specs were a joke and I had to make the decision whether to stop playing or spend money on a new build so I could experience better game play and less glitch and I chose the latter but recently after purchasing a good quality set of discs for the 2 series I noticed a couple games I had heard of but knew nothing much about them I think one was life stories and the other castaways and I found out they were actually standalone games primarily made for laptops and/or lower PC systems and it made me think why couldn't they do that with 3 so players could be given a choice of either a standalone game for lower end PC's or or purchase/build a higher spec PC if they wanted to play all expansion packs etc. I notice now that the launcher offers the choice of being able to untick expansions packs if a player is experiencing slow game play or other problems proving my point entirely all along that most PC''s and graphic cards are not up to playing the sims 3 with all the expansion packs.

    I will defo probably wait for LGR's your tube review before I even consider buying this because at least he points out the flaws as well as all the good points..

    were you meaning to upload some 1 pics on here as if so what I do is place a copy of the pic on my desktop and use the following program which just asks choose image then a box opens and you just search your desktop to upload your pic and a few seconds later there are several links to copy the pic one says hotlink for forums you just click copy on that link and paste on here. ( hope that makes sense-)

    I am hoping when I install 1 on my laptop that its going to work as its made to recommended specs just for that game but I would be forever grateful to your husband if he could help me with 2 in any way on 7 with something I may not have thought of as I have tweaked and followed every instruction and its still playing up and glitching coming up for nearly 4 weeks now and there is nothing I know of left to try..

    Whew I think I got a lot off my chest sorry :)
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    JadeIredaleJadeIredale Posts: 96 Member
    I've reinstalled The Sims 1 on a older laptop. I've played all day yesterday due to me having the day off lol! The Sims 1 was always one of my favorites especially the expansion packs.
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    Oh @jadelredale

    you have given me hope that once installed on the right spec laptop it should play right of the bat thank you :)
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    @SPARKY1922 I agree with your post! I'll be honest my sims 4 sims rarely dance for that reason, it's a lot of faff. I loved that in sims 2 they would just smustle anywhere, (even in completely weird places like the bathroom) and they do it for ages. One of the big reasons I hate going to the clubs in the sims 4 is sims don't dance together when you tell them to. They will dance facing different directions. I mean if sims 1 and two sims could do this why can't sims 4 sims? Seems a massive step backwards. That for me breaks immersion. I don't believe my sims care about each other when they can't even dance facing each other!

    You should try apartments in the sims 2. They are amazing. And if they are replicated in the sims 4 that will deserve credit. I will be honest I've never tried a biz in 4. I wasn't dead keen on it since I think we were spoiled rotten with the sims 2 EP.

    To me the sims 2 memory system was fantastic. It was easy to access and it was clear. And I was really disappointed it was left out of the sims 3. I know it was brought back to a degree with the scrapbook but to me it wasn't the same, my sims didn't really care. Once an event came off the moodlet manager thing, that was it gone. They couldn't speak of them again. I love that in the sims 2 they can discuss their memories and they can discuss other events. I like sims 3 but I'm mindful when I'm playing it that I feel like I'm playing a small version of sim city. I hated the sims 3 at the beginning. I didn't care for the open world, ( I still don't) now I have a gaming PC and when I moved in with my husband he also had one, I can run the game fine but it's not my favourite. I have gone back to it and I play it on rotation but it will never hold a candle to the earlier ones!

    Yeah that's what I meant about photos lol. I will try that when I get home!
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    Nice to have another player Jade! I still find it addictive too. Most people think I'm crazy for still playing one. But to be fair they have never played it so they don't understand the appeal.
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    SelSel Posts: 430 Member
    @Goldbear86 really? from what i've seen most people here loved the sims 1 and played it since it came out! :D
    Origin ID: Selxna
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    Yeah I'm a moderator on a sims group and there's a large percent of the group that are massive sims 4 fans and have never played two, never mind one so its nice to meet some people that have love for the old ones, in particular the original.
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    edited September 2016
    Goldbear86 wrote: »
    Yeah I'm a moderator on a sims group and there's a large percent of the group that are massive sims 4 fans and have never played two, never mind one so its nice to meet some people that have love for the old ones, in particular the original.

    ooh that moderator job for 4 must be mind blowing hahahhaha

    I am having to try and stop myself getting enthusiastic as flats have been mentioned in the info for the new pack however flats is more a British term but it does say penthouses.............or are they just pretty dollhouses lol

    EDIT: SO what are you thinking now? post trailer? :)
    Post edited by SPARKY1922 on
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    I will try and be fair (and realistic) lol

    I like the foodstands, fire works and the idea of festivals. I love the bubble blower being in there and I like the look of apartments. But and its a big but, I cant be sure if the apartments/flats have npc neighbours. If they aren't and the apartment is simply a shell around the lot like in the sims 3 I will skip it. Then it is just a pretty illusion and as pretty as it may be it wont hold my attention for long.

    I like the idea of new careers.

    I do wonder why this couldn't have just been added in with Get Together? Is it going to solve the lack of depth and make our sims feel connected? I don't know.

    What's your thoughts?

    *Goes off to ponder and play Sims 1*
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    SelSel Posts: 430 Member
    I'm personally really excited to see how gameplay will be like in City Living, but I'm definitely not gonna buy it at release, I'm gonna watch a whole bunch of LPs first and if I still want it after that, I'll get it! :p
    Origin ID: Selxna
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    edited September 2016
    [url="[url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]upload image online[/url]"][/url]Cs_Bt2_Qy_WIAAV31m.jpg upload image online

    Yeah uploading worked, thanks @SPARKY1922!

    The above is George and his wife whose name I cant recall, they are having some problems. Perhaps that's why he decided his pyjamas was a good option? I mean they say romance is dead... :p
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    edited September 2016

    squeal's with delight you got there with the 1 pics I love it and wow those pajamas on a date well done more pics please when you can :)

    now 4 yes I agree I love the idea of some of the things they say they are introducing but am just not sure it will turn out that way as always lol as @Sel states I will be watching a bunch of LP's first before my mind is finally made up and like recent packs I like the idea but get bored really quickly then come back to something more substantial to play :)

    Edit: when I saw the pic of your hood and you said it was a work in progress what are you intending to do with it? I did not realize you could do much with a sims 1 hood :)
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    I just mean fill it, its rather empty, I only have two families in there, one of which I built after that pic was taken. I do like the size of the worlds though.
    This is my sim Jason, who is very lazy and this is the first breakfast he ever cooked. Some sims in bad moods will do anything to get out of going to work! :p

    [url="[url=][img]🐸🐸🐸🐸.jpg[/img][/url] [url=]image upload no size limit[/url]"][/url][img]🐸🐸🐸🐸.jpg[/img] image
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    I love the way he is standing in-front of the flames with his arms crossed nonchalantly while she is waving her arms about to one side lol My fear is losing all my sims to random death events in 1-)
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    He stood like that for about 5 seconds. I think he had a death wish! Oddly enough I don't think I've lost many sims in the sims one, in the sims 2 I've lost lots :-(
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    cab4kisocab4kiso Posts: 3 New Member
    Is there a way to get this game on Origin???
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    SelSel Posts: 430 Member
    cab4kiso wrote: »
    Is there a way to get this game on Origin???

    No, you can't get the older Sims games other than 3 and 4 on Origin... you can either try and find the old games on E-Bay or download them all in one :)
    Origin ID: Selxna

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