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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    Anybody else having an issue with not being able to sign in on profile page? Mine went down sometime over the weekend and hasn't gone back to normal business yet. I am able to refresh and find new notifications or PMs only by going to the forums and then jumping into notifications page or messages, etc. via the icons at the top of the screen.
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    egwarhammeregwarhammer Posts: 5,752 Member
    ADWilson wrote: »
    Anybody else having an issue with not being able to sign in on profile page? Mine went down sometime over the weekend and hasn't gone back to normal business yet. I am able to refresh and find new notifications or PMs only by going to the forums and then jumping into notifications page or messages, etc. via the icons at the top of the screen.

    I had that happen a few days ago, but I was able to get back in by clicking *something* in the top green bar... maybe either Profile or Notifications. It settled back down here after that, I haven't seen it recently...

    Try *actually* signing out and back in, maybe? Clear out your browser cache? Different browser? I go between Chrome and Edge, depending on which one's being the biggest brat, sometimes. ;)

    But yeah, till it unsticks, you *should* be able to get around just by going to some "not-front" page link and back from once your name is showing at the top. I remember having to kind of "back door" my way in when it happened here, I just can't remember exactly how I did it.

    It couldn't have taken much, or I would've been looking for rosemow.

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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    ADWilson wrote: »
    Anybody else having an issue with not being able to sign in on profile page? Mine went down sometime over the weekend and hasn't gone back to normal business yet. I am able to refresh and find new notifications or PMs only by going to the forums and then jumping into notifications page or messages, etc. via the icons at the top of the screen.

    I had that happen a few days ago, but I was able to get back in by clicking *something* in the top green bar... maybe either Profile or Notifications. It settled back down here after that, I haven't seen it recently...

    Try *actually* signing out and back in, maybe? Clear out your browser cache? Different browser? I go between Chrome and Edge, depending on which one's being the biggest brat, sometimes. ;)

    But yeah, till it unsticks, you *should* be able to get around just by going to some "not-front" page link and back from once your name is showing at the top. I remember having to kind of "back door" my way in when it happened here, I just can't remember exactly how I did it.

    It couldn't have taken much, or I would've been looking for rosemow.

    Thank you for your reply, @egwarhammer
    I'll admit that I didn't think to do a few of the steps you mentioned so I went ahead and did them just now... worked for me. Profile page is as it should be.
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    WenzelWenzel Posts: 75 Member
    Hello! Even though I understand the spam-bot-problem, the limits imposed on new forum members are incredibly annoying, especially since you don't get any warning or explanation.

    I wanted to post the following text in the SIMS 4 ideas corner. As I seem to be unable to post a new discussion (there is simply no button for me to open up a new topic), I'd like to ask if someone could post it for me. Thank you!

    TITLE: Deeper social interactions – Ideas by Wenzel

    I could write pages and pages about why I feel the SIMS need a deeper social interaction system and about the difficulties to actually come up with such a system. However, I think it’s more practical to go straight in medias res.

    Here are three interlocked systems that I have made up that I think would make the SIMS’s social gameplay more interesting. Even though they are utopical (or dystopical if you don’t like them ;) ) maybe they are in some way interesting to read or even inspiring. Generally speaking, the systems presented here strive to make each sim unique in the eyes of each other sim by giving sims characters and also interests in other sims (both romantic and friendship-based). Moreover, the systems should ensure that players have reason not to ignore their sims’ characters, feelings and dreams.

    Unlike moodlets that work on a short and medium term, the fulfilment system is supposed to work on a long term basis and it’s effects are more severe. The fulfilment system does not represent mere moods, but the overall level of happiness in a sim’s life. Unlike moodlets that directly come from interactions with objects and sims, the fulfilment system is influenced by a more abstract perception of a sim’s overall condition. It is primarily influenced by abstract concepts like love, success and stress.

    Each sim has one fulfilment bar, reaching from e.g. – 10 (totally unhappy and depressed) to + 10 (happiest person on earth).
    Happy sims have their positive moodlets reinforced. They might gain skills and habitus faster. They have better chances for success in social interactions. They are less likely to get sick and they live longer.

    Unhappy/depressed sims have their negative moodlets reinforced. They gain skills and habitus slowlier. Their chances for success in social interactions are reduced. They are more likely to get sick and they are more likely to die younger. Moreover, a high level of unhappiness might trigger a depression.

    Fulfilment is gained from:
    • fulfilling a sim’s aspirations
    • a fulfilled romantic relationship (see romance system)
    • success in job (stronger influence if ambitious trait)
    • being in a happy mood for longer periods of time (good moodlet-management by the player)
    • not changing a sim’s habitus too often (see habitus-system; except clothing)
    • fulfilling a sim’s moods (the little moodlet-related speech-bubbles popping up) - rather small effect

    Unhappiness/stress is gained from:
    • ignoring/not progressing a sim’s aspiration for a long time
    • love-sickness (see romance system)
    • no success in job (bad performance, no promotion) (stronger influence if ambitious trait)
    • being in an unhappy mood for longer periods of time (bad moodlet-management by the player)
    • changing a sim’s habitus too often (see habitus-system)
    • ignoring a sim’s moods (as above) – rather small effect

    If a sim is very unhappy, he/she might fall into a depression. This is a strong, long-term negative moodlet which restricts the interactions a sim can do (e.g. a depressed sim cannot do “funny” social interactions, he cannot do anything creative or productive, etc.) or at least he suffers additional negative moodlets if he does even simple things. Depressions last very long and can actually ruin your sim’s life if they’re not actively tackled. Just imagine your sim is restricted to eating microwave-stuff, drinking and watching TV. Even simple stuff such as taking a shower might make him sad. Also, talking to a depressed sim might give the conversation-partner unhappy moodlets (in order to cheer up a depressed sim, you need to be confident and happy yourself to balance out the unhappy moods!). Depressions can be tackled primarily via positive social interactions with other sims (and some other stuff I have not thought about yet).


    This system is central as it is supposed to give each sim a social profile and also an individual preference for other sims. I guess that this system would need to replace the abstract and shallow “charisma” skill. Also note that this system has some similarity with the “group”-idea from the “Get together” expansion. It’s just more universal, fluent, not confined to clubs and also more universal in its consequences (habitus affects every interaction with every other sim).

    Each sim has an individual set of characteristics that matters in social interaction, or, to be more precise, even in social perception. Habitus includes external/perceptive aspects (gesture, way of talking, clothes, body) but also internal/attitude aspects (interests). For each aspect/type of habitus, there is a certain variety of habitus-manifestations (see list at the end). For example, the habitus “gesture” includes manifestations such as “shy”, “elegant”, “brutish”, etc.

    Each sim is born (or at least ages up) with an individual set of habitus-manifestations and also an individual set of habitus-tolerance or -preference (think of it as: which habitus does the sim prefer/hate in other sims?) vis-à-vis all habitus-manifestations. For example, your sim could be a slightly skinny guy talking in slang with a shy body language who hates extreme sports and liberals and loves techno music (cool example, huh?). This individual set of habitus-manifestations will have an influence on both your sim’s perception of other sims and the other sim’s perception of your own sim.

    But of course you’re not stuck with your initial habitus. Except for body (sport/eating balance) and clothing (shopping!) habitus, all kinds of habitus-manifestations can be acquired by “learning” them. This works like learning skills, only that learning a habitus is a long term effort and depends on social interactions more than on interactions with objects. Moreover, habitus-manifestations cannot be “levelled up”. A shy body language is a shy body language.

    Down below, I’ve added a list of habitus-types, manifestations and interactions to acquire them.
    Sims can acquire several habitus-manifestations within any type. They can learn different roles and behaviours, so to speak. Since acquiring habitus is a rather long-term effort, however, young sims are usually not as virtuosic and flexible in their behaviour as older, wise sims who can adapt to situations more easily.

    Even though they can learn several habitus-manifestations, sims can only ever have ONE habitus-manifestation of each type ACTIVE at any time. By active, I mean: this is the habitus that other sims perceive and that affects social interactions. You can either use your “shy body language” or your “overly masculine body language”, but not both at the same time. If your sim has a choice between several manifestations, he/she can freely switch between them and make your sim (tactically) behave in certain ways. However, switching habitus-manifestations too often leads to unhappiness (see fulfilment-system) as it means that you force your sim to play roles/act against his natural inclination too often.

    Now that we’ve learned what a habitus, habitus-set and habitus-manifestation is and how we can acquire manifestations, we also need to know about habitus-tolerance/preference. Each sim has a certain amount of tolerance/preference points that he/she can distribute over all available manifestations. So, let’s say you can spread a maximum of 6 points on each manifestation: 0=hate, 1=strong aversion, 2=slight aversion, 3=neutral, 4=slight preference, 5=strong preference, 6= love. So, for example, if you want your sim to be a staunch conservative, then simply put 6 points on conservative, no tolerance/preference points on other political-manifestations et voilà: your sim will now hate all sims with a non-conservative political attitude. If your sim hates skinny people, put no tolerance points on the skinny body-manifestation. On the other hand, if your sim loves people who walk like Arnold Schwarzenegger, put maximum tolerance/preference points on the overly male gesture—manifestation.

    And this is how habitus comes into action: Depending on your sim’s tolerance and the degree of exposure, your sim will get upset or, on the other hand, happy –maybe even romantic - if he/she is confronted by other sims with the respective ACTIVE habitus-manifestation. The degree of exposure depends on the situation: perception-manifestations like body and gesture have an effect on sight (closeness), while others only come into play only if a conversation touches a certain topic.

    So, if exposed to aversive habitus, your sim will get a negative moodlet, depending on the level of his/her (in)tolerance and the level of exposure. In extreme cases, your sim might even get angry or sad (moodlets). It’s up to you as the player: can your sim still stand the situation? Can you get rid of the source of his aversion? Can you evade talking to the source of aversion? Do you escalate the situation? Apart from your own sim’s mood, habitus intolerance also affects friendship and romance. A sim has a much harder time becoming friends with a sim that he simply doesn’t like! It’s quite obvious. (Note though that just because A dislikes B does not mean that B dislikes A as well).

    On the other hand, if exposed to a preferred habitus, your sim will get a positive moodlet, depending on the level of his/her preference and the level of exposure. In extreme cases, your sim might develop a strong romantic interest (see romance system). Also, a sim has a much easier time becoming friends with a sim that he likes. (Note though that just because A likes B does not mean that B likes A as well).

    The habitus-system gives many new conversation-options. Not only can you talk about “interests” which will reveal your partners’ habitus-manifestations and trigger habitus intolerances/preferences respectively, but also you should be able to find out the preferences of other sims. If you think about it, you could even try to find out another sims’ preferences by judging his/her reactions on other sims. E.g. you see that sim A always seems to be quite happy in company of sim B. It is sim B’s feminine body language or his/her casual way of talking? Watching social behaviour could be highly interesting and rewarding.


    PERCEIVABLE: GESTURE (may be linked to walking style in the game!)
    brutish – sloppy - shy or insecure – rigid - casual – elegant – strong/overly masculine – gracile/overly feminine
    Acquire by talking to, watching, being close to sims with the respective (active!) gesture-manifestation/training in the mirror/internet surfing/watching TV

    PERCEIVABLE: WAY OF TALKING (different talking-sound-sets are not available in game, but never mind!)
    slang – casual – robot/cold and clear – intellectual – businessman – slimy - civic
    Acquire by talking to, listening to sims with the respective (active!) gesture-manifestation/internet surfing/watching TV/reading books

    This is most complicated if we want to link it to the actual appearance of the sims in the game. But this link seems necessary. So, in order to keep it as simple as possible, I’d go for a price-tag (low, medium, high) for each available garment. The active manifestation is the average of all the garments worn by the sim.
    low – medium – high
    Change your clothing-manifestation by changing your clothes.

    PERCEIVABLE: BODY (the manifestations can not be "learned" – they're fixed to the actual body shape of the sim)
    manifestations reach from “fat / muscular” to “skinny / floppy”
    Change your body-manifestation by eating more/less and sport

    INTEREST: POLITICAL (“talk about politics” with other sims)
    conservative – liberal – communist – anarchic – apolitical – etc.
    Acquire by talking with other sims about politics (regardless of their active politics-manifestation?)/watching news programmes/reading/internet surfing

    INTEREST: SPORTS ("talk about sports" with other sims)
    extreme sports –high society sports (golf, polo) – mainstream sports (soccer, football, basketball) – outdoor (hiking, rafting, fishing, etc.) – motorsport – skating - athletics
    Acquire by practising the sport (if available)/talking about it with other sims who are active on this manifestation/watching TV/internet surfing

    INTEREST: HOBBY (“talk about hobbies” with other sims)
    gardening – arts – nerd culture – literature - science – holiday – history – cooking – photography - etc.
    Acquire by talking to sims who are active on the respective manifestation / doing hobby-related things (cooking, gardening, playing video games, painting, reading, etc.)/watching TV / internet surfing

    INTEREST: MUSIC TASTE ("talk about music" with other sims)
    indie – classic – techno – rock – jazz – blues – folk – etc.
    Acquire by listening to the respective music / talking to sims who are active on the respective manifestation / playing an instrument

    Just think of the situations that can evolve from this system, and also the depth of social interactions it would bring. Imagine this story:

    Sim A sees sim B. A likes B very much: A likes B’s body- and gesture-manifestation, doesn’t really care about B’s clothes (neutral tolerance for B’s active clothing manifestation). Okay, A goes over to B to talk to him/her. B’s way of talking is slightly annoying (slight aversion), but hey, A talked about music and it turns out that B likes the same kind of music as A! Now, let’s assume that B also liked A (this question would only even arise if we had separated romance- and friendship-bars for both sims!) and they engage romantically. B is not quite as much a fan yet, but A finds out that B is totally into people who talk like intellectuals. So, A spends the next few weeks surfing the internet, reading books, perhaps even making friends with people who talk intellectually (we don’t ask whether they actually liked A too, or whether A was but a nuisance for them). Finally, A masters the art of speaking like an artsy Bohemien and B seems to fall in love and reciprocates A’s feelings.

    Next stage: At some point, A is supposed to meet B’s family. It turns out that B’s father expects from anyone dating his child B to be a politically conscious citizen. He just doesn’t like people with no opinion. So, at dinner, he interacts with A and asks him about politics. It turns out that B’s father is himself actually actively apolitical (but well informed on all other political manifestations), yet he strongly dislikes people who are apolitical! Oh dear! Since A is apolitical, the conversation ends in a very unpleasant silence. B’s father is not only upset, but he now also dislikes A. In future conversations, A will evade this topic. Perhaps he also tries to pretend to be informed. He asks B about B’s father’s political preferences. It turns out that he kind of likes liberals. So, A reads some newspapers, surf the internet just to be up to date. After some time, A has learned to advocate liberal positions and B’s father is pleased. However, A only switches on his “liberal mode” when visiting B’s father.

    I’ll end the example here, but just think of all the strange, unpleasant, comical situations that could happen. What happens if B sees A talking to his “slang”-buddies in slang rather than like an intellectual? What happens if your sim happens to be the least attractive on the party? How to increase his chances with the other gender?

    This system would give us plenty of things to do for our sims. Granted, the internet will be universally usefull (another realism aspect! ;) ). But in general, the habitus-increase from surfing on the internet (or watching TV, etc.) should be lower than the increase from actual interaction with other (selected!) sims. So, by watching out for sims with the same habitus, or for those who have a habitus we want to learn, this system would make certain friendships more “usefull” than others. Simply because there are some sims who are more likeable and/or interesting for your sim than others. Thus our interest in other sims is more concrete and failures and successes in interaction will start to matter. And we would also need to think about ways to make the other sim like us.

    Romantic relationship bars are not shared by two sims any more. Sim A might like sim B a lot, but it’s totally possible that sim B hates sim A. The perception of a relationship is not shared but individual for each sim.

    The romantic relationship bar represents two things: 1. romantic interest, 2. romantic fulfilment. The extent of romantic interest is represented by an “unfilled” bar. The longer it is, the more in love your sim is. The extent of romantic fulfilment is represented by a “filled” bar (filling up the romantic interest bar). The longer it is (in relation to the interest bar), the happier (and two-sided) a romantic relation is.

    Romantic interest in a sim is automatically determined the first time two sims meet. A major, player-influenced factor should be the habitus-system described above. It would include the first impression (gesture, way of talking, clothing, body) and getting to know each other (habitus-interests). But there should also be a random factor (call it zodiac, chemistry, whatever).

    Romantic interest slowly fades over time if it remains unfulfilled (or if the active habitus of the “interesting” sim are changed for the worse).
    If a sim already has a high romantic interest in a sim, his romantic interest in other sims is somewhat reduced.

    Romantic fulfilment is generated by positively interacting with a romantically interesting sim. Obviously some interactions bring more fulfilment than others (being close to your love = very low fulfilment; talking to your love = medium fulfilment; kissing your love = very high fulfilment). It is reduced by negative interactions with a romantically interesting sim. Again, some interactions are more “destructive” than others. Moreover, seeing your love romantically interact with other sims (“cheating”) severely reduces fulfilment.

    Romantic happiness is a state in which your sim has a high and fulfilled romantic interest in other sims. Romantic happiness reduces stress and reinforces positive moodlets.

    Love-sickness is a state in which your sim has a high but unfulfilled romantic interest in other sims. Being love-sick increases stress which might lead to depression (see stress/fulfilment-system above). As described above, romantic interest (and thus also love-sickness) slowly fades over time if it stays unfulfilled.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,721 Member
    New discussion threads may have been restricted for new members. You may not be able to start a new thread until you become a full member.
    You need to have 50 points and 30 posts before you can become a full member and can then post pictures, have a signature, post links and change your profile picture.This thread explains about it.
    Once you have become a full member you will be able to start your own thread.
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    WenzelWenzel Posts: 75 Member
    I have 30 posts and 79 points yet I'm still a new member. :(
    What must I do to acquire the magical power of posting links and pictures?
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,721 Member
    Wenzel wrote: »
    I have 30 posts and 79 points yet I'm still a new member. :(
    What must I do to acquire the magical power of posting links and pictures?

    Hello @Wenzel :) Congratulations on becoming a full member! Happy Simming!
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    Phoenix_RainxPhoenix_Rainx Posts: 677 Member
    I love your profile picture, life is strange is awesome!
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    Queen_RoognaQueen_Roogna Posts: 69 Member
    I'm having issues too, sorry to for the bump but I can't post a new discussion because of the 'spam block'. This was what I was trying to post...

    I am just now able to make a new discussion. My last comment (I only made 3 on that day and 4 in this month) was on the 13th, and my last discussion was made on the 11th (not counting the relationship culling thread I just made, that was the one I was waiting to make lol :p ) Maybe we could shorten the cooldown on new discussions to a day?
    There's also a problem with the spam block thing. it says I have posted once within 4 minutes, and I have to wait 10 before posting again. It's been over 40 minutes since my last post and I'm still unable to do anything.... It seems it's become much harder to rank from new member to member :/
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    egwarhammeregwarhammer Posts: 5,752 Member
    I'm having issues too, sorry to for the bump but I can't post a new discussion because of the 'spam block'. This was what I was trying to post...

    I am just now able to make a new discussion. My last comment (I only made 3 on that day and 4 in this month) was on the 13th, and my last discussion was made on the 11th (not counting the relationship culling thread I just made, that was the one I was waiting to make lol :p ) Maybe we could shorten the cooldown on new discussions to a day?
    There's also a problem with the spam block thing. it says I have posted once within 4 minutes, and I have to wait 10 before posting again. It's been over 40 minutes since my last post and I'm still unable to do anything.... It seems it's become much harder to rank from new member to member :/

    @Queen_Roogna once you make 3 more posts (30 total), you should make Member. You have enough (50+) likes. :)
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    Kay8OrangeKay8Orange Posts: 291 Member
    Is something wrong with the Community category right now? I've never commented on Community but when I tried to, the comment thing isn't there on any of the forums. It's like all the forums are closed. I also can't make a forum, either. Is this just happening to me?
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,721 Member
    edited August 2016
    Is something wrong with the Community category right now? I've never commented on Community but when I tried to, the comment thing isn't there on any of the forums. It's like all the forums are closed. I also can't make a forum, either. Is this just happening to me?

    The community category is only a temporary section. This is what SimGuruDrake wrote about it.
    You are unable to now post in it, either to comment on threads or to start new threads there.
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    Kay8OrangeKay8Orange Posts: 291 Member
    Oh. Thanks, Rosemow.
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    sunman502sunman502 Posts: 18,325 Member
    The Forums seem to be slow to respond today. It's making me think that there might be something wrong with the Forums today.
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    DarkAmaranth1966DarkAmaranth1966 Posts: 13,416 Member
    it's fine for me. You may need to reset your connection or clear your browser.
    Life is what you make it so, make it good.
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    sunman502sunman502 Posts: 18,325 Member
    edited September 2016
    it's fine for me. You may need to reset your connection or clear your browser.
    That could be or it just might be a high volume of traffic on the internet today. It is after all Friday, and there might be a lot of people trying to get the work on internet that they need done by the weekend done today. But at least the SimGurus that work on the maintenance of this site can run a check to see if there is an actual problem with the site. ;)<3

    Post edited by sunman502 on
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    jordanf234jordanf234 Posts: 146 Member
    Why can't I start discussions anymore?
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    jordanf234jordanf234 Posts: 146 Member
    It's like I started to many.
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    jordanf234jordanf234 Posts: 146 Member
    I mean too many.
    Now I can't Edit, I don't think.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,721 Member
    edited September 2016
    jordanf234 wrote: »
    Why can't I start discussions anymore?

    Hello @jordanf234
    There is usually a blue new discussion button at the top right hand side of the screen in the forum sections. New discussion threads though may have been restricted for new members. You may not be able to start a new thread until you become a full member. This occurs sometimes
    You need to have 50 points and 30 posts before you can become a full member and can then post pictures, have a signature, post links , edit posts and change your profile picture.This thread explains about it.
    You nearly have enough points to become a full member and then start a new discussion.
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    jordanf234jordanf234 Posts: 146 Member
    Couldn't they have done a better 'additional trial' than this? Because, they already have 'New Member'.

    Wait, I think it's because I was so active.
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    jordanf234jordanf234 Posts: 146 Member
    Now I can start a discussion but not edit one.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,721 Member
    edited September 2016
    jordanf234 wrote: »
    Now I can start a discussion but not edit one.

    Hello @jordanf234.
    New members are unable to edit their posts. Once you become a full member , you will be able to edit your posts.
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