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Coming back to the sims 3


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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,903 Member
    Well said, OP. I have to admit I spent hours yesterday playing Sims3. I should be working on my Sims4 Legacy Challenge game, since my Gen. 7 Heir-Apparent is three days off of a teen, but frankly, I started the day playing Sims4, got bored and restless, so I went into Sims3 to fix the house I built a few days prior. After I messed around with that, it was time to go pick up my grandson from school. Upon my return, I powered Sims3 up again, switched families back to the Cantrell family (yes, the original nuclear Cantrell family, where my potential singer Sim is still a teen). I did something I may never have done. After the game crashed 2-3 times in a row, I de-selected Uni and Paradise Island EPs. I'm loaded to the hilt with NRaas Mods, so I have no realization, if leaving these two EPs out of the mix really matters. But the game didn't crash again. Yay!

    To clarify, I had a love/hate relationship with Sims3 from the beginning of it. However, I did play it every day, the way I played Sims2. While I do enjoy Sims4, I don't play it every day. Not sure if I'm nearly over my addiction, or if it's a sign of something vitally wrong with the game itself? Since I can play both Sims2 and 3 for hours on end, I'm guessing it's the latter.
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    LathensLathens Posts: 35 Member
    Epochism wrote: »
    @LunaNova there is just sooo much you can do with it. All the sims in sims 3 had a distinct appearance....a 'pudding face' some say. The sims in sims 4 are all unique because of all the options.

    Totally agree. I feel no matter what I do in CAS, they all have the same pudding face look. Besides the lack of color wheel in TS4 CAS, I love love love it.

    I do miss the favorite food, zodiac signs and likes/dislikes from TS3.
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    stilljustme2stilljustme2 Posts: 25,082 Member
    Thank you for this! I wonder what I'd experience doing the same (after my next round of computer upgrades, though - I lost patience with watching objects render when I went into houses and with the lag and stuttering I had). On the other hand, I've got so much to still do in this game that I haven't yet, plus a couple of others I'd like to play but haven't, that maybe I'll just enjoy seeing other people's experiences who are similarly enjoying Sims 4 - we don't hear about these a lot!.

    I know I've certainly had days I miss rain in particular, and I'd love to see a flash of lightning light up a room; this would probably be my biggest temptation back. I've certainly also had times I miss being able to pick a color from the palette (the wheel always drove me a bit crazy if I was trying to match colours - too easy to get it just a bit off!) But I also know I was instantly attracted to these Sims in a way I hadn't been to 3's. And I know I've never, ever missed Sims 2's time going backward, so not sure I have the patience for that again either!

    I liked that you could use the hexadecimal number, not just the color wheel. There were a couple of pairs of men's jeans and a jeans jacket where the colors just didn't QUITE match, but it bugged me just enough that I'd use CASt to find the hexadecimal number of one and apply it to the other. CASt was also nice for changing up the shirt that was under the jacket, just to give it a different look. The main problem with CASt is if you saved too many different looks the game would bloat, and espeicially if you had a large CAS with many packs plus store content.

    Open world was also an issue -- there was a lot of downtime where your Sim was traveling from Point A to Point B, especially if you had a relatively large world. I stopped playing Bridgeport because by the time my Sim got to any of the bars or clubs it was already "last call" no matter what time s/he started traveling. (It also wasn't really workable for families, which is what I usually liked to play.) Had the same issue with travel taking forever in worlds like Sunlit Tides or Isla Paradiso.

    I did give Sims 2 a try after I got my Windows laptop last year. While I loved the various interactions and bits of humor (especially some of the back stories), I couldn't deal with the lack of customization and the difficulty in building. Changing my Sim's clothes was such a hassle I ended up leaving them in the same outfit all the time.

    I agree that content may be the biggest issue of Sims 4 -- but it's getting a lot better. I'm enjoying all the content that has been put out so far -- some of it's a bit more situational (like Luxury Party -- I use the buffet tables/drink fountains mostly when throwing weddings) but still happy.

    I'm taking a wait and see approach, but so far the direction is working for me. Would I like to see more content? Absolutely -- but not if that content is rushed and so full of bugs that the game is unplayable. The bugs I've experienced have either been relatively easy to work around, or have been fixed relatively quickly by the developers. In Sims 3, we only got a patch prior to a pack release, so I was stuck with a bug unless some enterprising mod developer took it on himself/herself to clean up the developers' goofs. (It's no wonder NRaas' Twallan got so burned out near the end of Sims 3's run -- fortunately he also built a great community with many people willing and able to pick up where he left off.) Sims 4 isn't perfect -- but it's getting better.
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
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    LunaNovaLunaNova Posts: 1,239 Member
    @LunaNova Have you downloaded the 'Crash Log Analyser' which might help?

    I will check it out thank you! if you can think of anything else i'd appreciate it!
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    I had a ton of problems with the sims 3. My video card was never recognized, so there was a lot of crashing and studdering Sims getting stuck, etc . I could not play it unless I used NRASS mods. Twallen is a genius. Anyway, it still did not play as well as the sims 2 or the sims 4 plays for me. I would think that the sims 2 would not play with the newer video cards, being an older game, but I have no problems, however with sims 3 I had all kinds of problems. So I have that uninstalled for now, went back a month ago and the problems still exist, so I am quite over the sims 3. Not saying I will not try again, as I own all of it and the store, which is another problem, since my internet is slow, I can't download all the store items I purchased as the whole thing just shuts down on me. Oh well, live and learn. Glad you are enjoying the sims 3. I really do wish they would remaster it as I have a problem with owning everything and not being able to use it.
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    dorcsyfuldorcsyful Posts: 851 Member
    I agree with you. I reinstalled TS3 because I missed seasons, pets and stuff. While in TS4 I just can't start a new save because I got so attached to my sims in TS3 I create a new save every time I launch the game. For me, it was like this before 4 was released but back then I didn't mind it. One of my biggest problems is the distance my sims have to travel. My loading screens aren't fast (30-40 seconds) but it's still a lot faster than travelling by car. And then there's multitasking. It's a lot more realistic if sims talk to eachother while drinking something than if they have to finish their drinks before they could talk to someone.
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    LunaNovaLunaNova Posts: 1,239 Member
    @GalacticGal See I thought it was the end when 3 came out but it grew on me (mainlyu due to seasons and pets but also ambitions) and then faded. I never played it as much as 2 and I don't play 4 as much as 2 either (to many great games have come out since its release. Currently i'm funnelling my free time into overwatch) I think it really boils down to the player (what kind of simmer they are). I totally respect everyone's opinion which is another reason I wanted to get back into 3, I thought it deserved another shot!

    @stilljustme2 For me they have really upped their game with these consistent patches (its a more common thing to do now days, lots of games have monthly patches). I think if we had this kind of support for 3 it would have been different. Its nice to not have to suffer till the next pack or months to get issues fixed. Heck I think a few months back they did a patch for 2 small issues. Obviously the game still needs work, but my eyes have really opened to how much smoother sims 4 is and how fast they try to address issues.
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    LathensLathens Posts: 35 Member
    jimmysnan wrote: »
    I had a ton of problems with the sims 3. My video card was never recognized, so there was a lot of crashing and studdering Sims getting stuck, etc.

    I'm re-downloading TS3 at the moment and now that you say this, my mind is flooded with how badly it ran once I racked up a few saves/added CC :s Here's to hoping my old laptop can still handle it lol.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,903 Member
    LunaNova wrote: »
    @GalacticGal See I thought it was the end when 3 came out but it grew on me (mainlyu due to seasons and pets but also ambitions) and then faded. I never played it as much as 2 and I don't play 4 as much as 2 either (to many great games have come out since its release. Currently i'm funnelling my free time into overwatch) I think it really boils down to the player (what kind of simmer they are). I totally respect everyone's opinion which is another reason I wanted to get back into 3, I thought it deserved another shot!

    @stilljustme2 For me they have really upped their game with these consistent patches (its a more common thing to do now days, lots of games have monthly patches). I think if we had this kind of support for 3 it would have been different. Its nice to not have to suffer till the next pack or months to get issues fixed. Heck I think a few months back they did a patch for 2 small issues. Obviously the game still needs work, but my eyes have really opened to how much smoother sims 4 is and how fast they try to address issues.

    What drew me in further was the advent of ST. I am addicted to the Singer Career! Couldn't get enough of it, in fact. I always loved my Cantrell family, but Erik was the Rock Star, 5-starred celebrity. I brought him over to Sims4, and was glad that with OR, he could learn to sing whilst learning the guitar. By guitar level 3, his voice wasn't half-bad. LOL I won't go into how I became the Queen of Do-Over, but yeah. What am I doing back in Sims3. You got it, I'm playing the Cantrell family one more time, so I can relive the glory days of Erik's career. LOL
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    LunaNovaLunaNova Posts: 1,239 Member
    @jimmysnan That is another issue. I haven't even downloaded my store content yet. God save my internet. Hopefully once sims 4 has run its course they will take another look at it!

    @dorcsyful I think sims 4 hit the nail on the head for me as far as getting attached to sims. When pools got added and i had my first sim drown I got so emotional. Basically his second grandson was about to be born (the girl was in labour ffs) and suddenly it PANNED TO HIM DROWNING. I was like NOOOOO WHYYY and got all emotional thinking about how he wouldn't meet his grandson. I play families for generations on 4 but on 3 I hardly ever got buts the 3rd. Oh man yeah and multi tasking. That was really noticeable when I started playing. It makes time management that much more important and I can see why people say sims 3 is harder than 4. But it also makes 4 more realistic.
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    stilljustme2stilljustme2 Posts: 25,082 Member
    @LunaNova I know that the frequent patches can be a headache for mod developers (I know at least one who's had to stop modding the game, while others have simply dropped out of sight) and for those of us who do use mods, but it's better than having the bugs sit and expect modders to correct them. And I know there are some players upset about patches being forced upon them, but I can see the reasoning -- when developing a game, it helps to know that everyone has a similar setup when it comes to base game content/programming, so a patch that affects base game has to go to everyone. Otherwise when they release new content there could be bugs or glitches introduced into unpatched games.
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    @LunaNova one of the things that helped me some was by-passing the launcher, from NRASS, I could sometimes play doing that. Also funny but I could play it better when I uninstalled Origin. I was told to do that by EA chat.
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    Renamed2002180839Renamed2002180839 Posts: 3,444 Member
    CK213 wrote: »
    I went back too, after being away for a long time.
    There was an adjustment period adapting to the differences between the game, but after that I loved being back in the TS3 world.
    The game has a lot of issues, but I love it despite them. I really wished that EA had tried to perfect the features of TS3 instead of abandoning them. I wouldn't mind a few concessions for performance, but I think they had something good with that series.

    Four things stood out to me.
    1) Despite TS4 sims being so expressive, they didn't feel as distinctive in personality as my TS3 sims. My TS3 sims were guided by their personalities rather than their emotions. Someone who is guided primarily by their emotions seem a bit crazy actually.

    2) Seasons. I just need it. And more than that, I need the Season marker that allows lots to change with the seasons. My park is wonderful because I have it set up for specific objects for each season. I also have a few community lots with seasonal themes and things to do. I hope EA brings the Seasonal marker to TS4.

    3) I prefer being the multi-tasker.
    I like having my sims scattered around the town doing things, and I like having everything available to me without a loading screen. I jump around to what is the most interesting at the time. Sometimes I don't need to watch one sim running on the treadmill at the gym. I could be doing something with my other sim in another location while they skill up.

    4) I don't like everything created for me.
    I am a CASt fanatic. Hardly anything is good enough as is and I have to put my own personal spin on it and create my own style presets. I edit my towns like mad. I don't like lists telling me exactly what to do. I just love the freedom of TS3.

    So much of this I agree with. I've never felt like my sims weren't expressive in 3 just more restrained. All of their emotions aren't painted in big neon lettering. Now, that's not to say I don't enjoy the sims in 4 but I've never gotten the idea that they were really any better just, like everything else, different. The game makes it clear without a doubt THEY NEED TO PEE! Okay I get it- lol but I got it before too.

    The open world is far more immersive to me and I build toward it. I like urban environments and I love in 3 that I can build an apartment building with a restaurant and market across the street and a large park on one side and a large pool on the other and WALK or drive or bike to all of them without a break. In 4 anything can be placed anywhere really because chances are the backgrounds are not going to match what I built anyway, no matter where it's built and a loading takes you across town as easy as next door. In 3 I can switch around from sim to sim no matter where they are easily as well. I can track and see them all on the map. There is a sort of "rabbit hole" style control in 4 and it's okay but far from perfect.

    I as well like to imprint my style in both pattern and color to everything- not just build items but clothing too! It's really stifling to be hemmed in again both in the world and the design. I don't mind pre-built furniture/clothing/build objects for people who don't like having the choice as long as I can change it. Right now I'm spending agonizing hours trying to make colors match and figure out how I'm going to use the same bed/chair/shirt in the same color and same pattern yet again because the others choices presented don't fit my tastes.

    I'd like to say that I'm sure Seasons is forthcoming for 4 but honestly I have no faith that they will or that they will in any way reach the level of 3 let alone surpass it which is what I would normally expect from a sequel. Not mention I haven't seen anything referencing Fall and Spring in surveys- just summer and winter (snow). I really think it'll be yet another shallow compromise pack and not what people really want. I could be wrong and I hope so but I have no faith nor trust that I will be.

    They both play the same on my machine which is modern and up to date (I bought it to play Star Wars Battlefront whose developers were wholly unconcerned with whether you had to buy a brand new computer or not- ha ha!). I HAVE TO USE mods on both. Overwatch on 3 which clears most anything up- including Island Paradise and McCommand on 4 which finally gives me back some command over most everything including the wretched culling.

    I've said before and I'll say again this iteration should really be called The Sims Lite. It's missing half the core mechanics, to mention nothing of life states, vehicles ect, it's shallow and cosmetic without any real deoth and, as is often touted as a benefit, IT'S SO EASY but then so is following the instructions in a box of Legos as opposed to just building your own model from scratch. It comes down to, do you want to follow the instructions or write the instructions yourself.
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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    I believe another Sims 4 thread was dumped here. LOL
    Frankly, comparing games is sort of naïve. Expecting games to work smoothly is even more.

    Take The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for example. It's full of bugs! Most Bethesda games are full of bugs, that's why I haven't invested in Fallout 4. Too expensive for a lame final product. I may buy it when it's cheaper.
    Crises was another game that was above the machines when it was released.

    What bothers me is how much they ask for buggy games. Most of them are a rip-off and need lots of mods to make them work right.

    I hope you enjoy both games. All sims games are awesome. I wish I could get Sims 2.
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    hmae123hmae123 Posts: 1,912 Member
    I've been having a blast playing sims 3 again. I love the varying personality traits. I originally made a, friendly, good sense of humor, loves outdoors, flirty, fairy named Lucy and she was very fun to play, but I was just playing out trying things and decided I didn't want to keep her for the long term. What I noticed right away was how cute and fun she was which worked so great with the traits I chose for her. I have her a job as stylist and enjoyed it for a while but after a while o grew tired of giving makeovers, that does get a little redundant. However if you love CAS and styling sims it could be a blast and it's a great way to makeover you're sims neighbors if you don't like the way they look.

    I loved the little touches, like the food trucks, the snowmen, Igloos and snow angels, the umbrellas in the rain. The sim festival that changes with the seasons. Bobbing for apples is a favorite, along with face painting, the kissing booth and post cards for each season.

    I love my sim and the little things that fleshed her out. Like the way my sim would get scared of thunder. Her unique personality quirks, like she amused other sims easily, was quite attractive to many men she would meet around town, she loves picking wild flowers and at random would go and bloom plants around town. She cried when her plants got eaten by zombies, screamed and jumped in fear when she first saw a ghost. She prefers her fairy house to her bed and loves playing in her train set.

    The town around her another big plus, random sims would get into fights around town. Everyone doesn't group into one large group and talk like sims 4. Various groups hang around doing various things.

    Then the various places to woohoo is another great feature, the fairy house, the igloos, the shower, the cars to name a few. It's just all those added details that make the game so fun. Since Lucy was just a test sim to try out the game I didn't keep this save. (Although she's probably the cutest sim I've ever played, personailty and looks, so I might have to consider using her again someday)

    My second sim was a flirty, social butterfly, dramatic, natural born performer, diva, and she was human but while I do enjoy sims that are imperfect she turned literally everyone off with her drama loving and diva personality lol. But I liked this because she also had a very unique personailty totally different from Lucy. She grew irritated when she wasn't the center of attention, got lonely very easily, her conversations would
    often turn sour. Ecspecially when she was talking to another woman, she got along better with men. In one conversation she even slapped a girl silly at a party and then was happy to be the center of attention again.
    I found many glitches with this game, sims were always getting stuck at clubs in or around the elevator, I did some
    research and I think it was because I set it to epic life, not sure though. I ended this save as she wasn't the sim I wanted to "found" my legacy anyhow. I like difficult sims but I like them a little later on into my legacy.

    So, now I am on save 3 and have started an actual story now with another fairy (I just adore this supernatural plus I found I can use long life settings which actually gives her an epic life state and no game glictes thus far anyhow)

    Get name is Audra Spring, she's friendly, lucky, vegetarian, flirty and a natural born performer. Her dream in life is to be famous and rich and make the future an amazing place for her future children and decadents. (I just got into the future). She loves singing and so that's the career path I chose for her. I enjoy this career path very much. I pretty much choose when she works other then getting her gigs. She also has a very specific personality, she's not as obsessed with flowers and plants as Lucy was but boy does she ever like playing fairy tricks on people which is really humorous. She gets sick if she accidentally eats meat but loves making waffles for some reason, she's gotten skilled in cooking but always prefers her waffles, I guess she's just not into meat but doesn't mind eggs lol. She makes friends super easily and also gets lonely very quickly. Luckily she spends a lot of time out and about singing for tips. She has a tendency to be attracted to vampires, which is very interesting and adds some complexity to the story I'm creating for her. She recently fell for a vampire, and this is going to make her goal of making sure her fairy blood line carries into the future a little more difficult. Which I really enjoy. She added a twist to my story for her and that's what I want. I like my sims to tell me where to go with things so to speak. I love traveling to the future here and there, not too often. I want Audra to eventually turn the future into a utopia that one of her heirs will probably ruin down the line. By generation 3 or so I start getting more deviant. ;-)

    Anyway I sort of rambled on here but to get back to the point, I could never have this much fun in sims 4 playing these types of stores out, because it's just not designed for it.
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    mellbellamellbella Posts: 34 Member
    The Sims 3 Wins. No doubt about it.
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    JaidLynnJaidLynn Posts: 12 New Member
    I've got ITF installed and totally forgot about the rugs My sims have a huge basement as well. Can you still use the sprinklers inside. Zombies do my head in. Is there a way to stop them spawning. I’ve tried altering the mood phase

    1229 27 Aug 2016

    Hey I just wanted to put my 2 pennies in here about the zombies....

    1) The fences are a must I think, at the least around your outdoor gardens. If you are out someplace or in your yard when a zombie is around & you are getting attacked, click on the action in upper L/S corner & it stops…then get home & inside your house with the doors locked. You’ll be fine then.
    2) I am surprised that no one mentioned the easiest fix of all to stop zombies—in OPTIONS, there is a box to check next to things you want to be able to spawn in the game; witches, vampires, zombies, celebrities, opt current household out of the celebrity madness, snow, rain, etc., I **think** it is the same page as the moon phases. I personally do not stop any of these things from spawning as there are some pretty unpredictable & funny things that can happen.

    Welcome back to any I have missed as I think more have posted. I think this is a great game, Sims3, & keep coming back to it time after time & can lose whole days & weekends to it. Save, save save & save often. A generic save or you can also do a “save as” if you are going to try a different track with your toons so you will not overwrite your “original” story line. Just name it something else like, “Elisa, Appaloosa” vs. “Elisa Moore” for your normal save. It creates separate games in your main menu & separate save games in your “save games” folder in your program files for Sims3.
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    Deshong04Deshong04 Posts: 4,278 Member
    LunaNova wrote: »
    So over the past week or so (between playing far to much Over watch and working) i've re-downloaded and reinstalled all my sims 3 expansions (In the past I re-bought the base game through origin as well as sweet treats and into the future, rest on CD). Apart from the downloading the whole process was pretty quick on my new gaming laptop (brand new this year graphics card, 2 SSD's, more ram than necessary to run next gen games etc, spent allot of time 'future proofing' it to make-sure it will last for a while with ought needing to be upgraded)

    I made sure to download the latest super patch, made sure I was offline so I wasn't pestered by the sims store ads in game (not to mention stopping it creating all those freaking thumb nails that clog up the files). I downloaded my favourite (and from memory must have) NRASS story progression mod and was all ready to go. Started up the game checked my settings (well i whacked them all up to high, i mean i run all the newest games I get on high with no issues right?) restarted the game and made my first big mistake. I loaded up the Island paradise neighbourhood. I forgot how buggy that neighbourhood is. I spent the next hour or so playing with my setting's trying to make it work. Nope. Frustration hits and I take my little sim and plonk her down in sunset valley after reading about how buggy the island can be. I look up the fixes but can't be bothered to do it right then, I just wanted to play!

    So I place her on an empty lot, game on low settings and everything is running okay (apart from super fast forward, sleeping seems to take forever, it stutters D:). Deciding i'm sick of looking at potato sims I change the settings up to medium and re-start the game. Okay its still running fine apart from super fast forward. I can deal with this.

    I finally get to play the game for a few hours.

    So lets start on how I feel re-playing sims 3 after what... 2/3 years of not playing? (I bought into the future but hardly even used it)

    CAS: Whilst create a style is a nice novelty I rarely used it before and completely by-passed it this time round. I stuck with pre-set colours on all clothes (and even in game I only changed the bed cover colours on one bed). I seriously noted the lack of being able to go in and drag parts of the body around. Sliders just don't cut it when you have as much freedom as you do in the sims 4 CAS. I think I will use create a style a bit more as I play on however. For instance my hair is green in real life and I will likely spend ages fiddling around with colours when I create my sims self again. I think for me CASt was always an after thought in the game and not a necessity which is why i'm okay with it not being in sims 4. Though after adventuring back into 3 a colour wheel would be nice. Patterns don't interest me but the ability to choose the exact colours you like would be a huge improvement.
    Traits.. meh? I still think i'm suffering from losing the attraction system from sims 2. It was nice to have more.. active traits? that impacted the way a sim acted. I do agree that sims 4 needs to work on this. I understand emotions are the front runner for how a sim acts in game but it would nice to see the sims act more on their traits as well.

    I prefer sliders over push and pull because sliders are visually accurate to take note of any adjustment made in order to recreate it if wanted. But more so if EA had included what NRass did with not limiting the sliders range too much and provide numerical values. The other thing I wish was a feature is that all sliders had an input bar to put in the exact number from - to + you want because I can't always get the exact number I want with the sliders as it keeps by passing what I want. Sliders = More control and freedom. The push and pull method is juvenile on its own unless accompanied by sliders as well for those who prefer that method of sim creation. This is why TS4 fails because it only caters to players who play the game casually while other players who are more involved with CAS/CASt, CAW, CAP, building and/or gameplay gets neglected entirely.

    Building: I decided to build my own starter. I used to hate building in sims 1-3 but 4 really changed my mind and I got reminded as to why I hated it. Whilst the terrain elevation tools are awseome building in 3 just feels clunky compared to 4. There's not much else for me to say here I'm just not a fan. I do think things from 3 (like terrain height) need to be implemented into 4 at some point. I think now I like building in 4 it would be awseome to see more options come into build mode.

    TS4 is clearly for newbies and those who find most things complicated including toddlers probably. Which is why they decided to never implement the life stage when redesigning the game and may end up not ever bringing them into this iteration to appease their target audience...the casual, easy going players.

    UI: Okay I love the sims 4 UI. I like the way its set up with stuff in the top right corner and spread along the bottom. It just feels smoother to me. I also liek it being white for some reason?? I feel like the blue darkens up the game a bit? IDK

    I prefer blue, it's not only my favorite color but also because TS/TS2/TS3 always kept consistent with a blue UI. TS4 UI is meant to be more user-friendly because again, the target audience.

    Graphics/Look/Feel etc: Okay so this is a very torn topic in the community. For me personally I love the stylised look of sims 4. I get much more interesting sims out of 4 than 3. All my sims 3 sims look very very similar. The whole game is so much brighter and more vibrant than any of the previous games. I love the lighting and personally the backdrops for each mini neighbourhood in the game are just beautiful. This is where not having an open world in sims 4 works in its favour. In 3 you just have whats around you. In 4 its an artistically created backdrop in 3 its whatever you put down around you.
    There is an argument in my head for realism though. Sims 3 just feels more realistic, like your looking out of your window at the house across from you and you can see your neighbour in their garden kinda real. Sims 3 still feels more empty however (though its worth noting my more powerful machine does seem to allow more sims per lot). It was an ambitious game to have a whole town living around you all the time. In 4 they can have a ridiculous number of sims wandering around your street because it only has to focus on that one lot. So for me 4 wins out here.

    There are many examples of different looking sims that are user created and all EA default. It is not the game's fault that some are not that creative nor patient to learn how to create unique sims. However, EA NPC's/Townies do usually carry a similar facial construction based off the presets but it's not like there is no ability to change the sims appearances/DNA if wanted. As far as TS3 feeling empty, in my experience, I'm always seeing sims about or even walking or jogging pass my sims house. They actually do real activities and simulate a real life if you follow them to observe. Whereas TS4 Townies are used as props and are randomly generated to give the illusion of simulating life.

    Game-play: Well this is what shocked me. After growing to hate sims 3 in the years of its closing I loved being back in the game. I made my little sim. Got her a job in the business career with the aim to earn enough money to go to uni, got her a room mate to help with bills in the meantime, threw seasonal parties for my work friends, watched a few shows in the park I really enjoyed it. Once she left uni (she failed one of her exams in the first semester but did well overall) I brought her home and got her a puppy. I forgot how much I loved having pets in the game. It really brought back so many memories of when pets got released for 3 and how excited my sister was to have horses in the game. I haven't got to toddlers yet but i'm interested to see how I feel about them after so long not having them. At the moment my main feeling is 'I need more content in sims 4'. playing 3 again has really made me understand how much weather ads to the game. I love the seasonal events as well (which is why I believe the sims 3 out does the sims 2 on the seasons expansions) it adds allot of realism to the game which I was missing. I have to say I was missing the emotions from 4 though. I'm not really feeling seeing the same expressions over and over. I didn't find myself getting as attached to my sims 3 sim as my sims 4 sim. BUT oh geez i forgot to put a burglar alarm in and got robbed on the 2nd night. I really miss that... Even though it can be a pain in the bum.

    Also for me the distance a sim sometimes has to go is the issue. I'm torn between breaking my immersion with less than 10 second loading screens (I know most people arn't so lucky to have quick loading screens) and having to suffer through a stutter filled fast forward between locations.

    I would rather have a long commute for my sims to get where they need to go than have a small play area which greatly limits the point of a "life simulator" for the year 2014+. How is a game released in 2009 more advanced than a game released in 2014 that's supposed to be in the same series created by the same studio/developers?

    Overall my re-entry to the world of sims 3 was eye opening. I didn't think I'd love the game as much as I do. Its a glitchy horrible mess at times and i'm going to have to go through and download all the world fixes to play some of the worlds. I also installed master controller,overwatch and error trap today (somehow managed to screw that up and spent an hour trying to fix it). I just think it was an ambitious game that was to ahead of its time and the machines capable of running it wern't in existence. I think allot of people would be happy to see them go back and re-master the game. Make it so it uses all the resources from new machines and make it well... playable again? I think sims 4 is much smoother and more polished when it comes to running the game, I suspect however this is due to cutting open world and CASt. I'll probably keep playing sims 3 until the next expansion for 4 comes out. It's nice to have so much to re-explore in game. I'm hoping that as my game file grows I don't experience an increase in lag however, as this is what really caused me to abandon the game in the first place...

    I ran TS3 fine even on an underpowered computer with an incompatible video card until World Adventures. On my gaming laptop, it runs well and it also runs on my gaming desktop with no issues at all excluding EA's poor coding and glitches, mods/cc issues if in use.

    EDIT: I forgot to add the most painful part! I installed all the games a while back and then uninstalled them. Not well enough apparently because there where sneaky hidden leftover files corrupting it and I had to go through and manually freaking find them.. Seriously.. nearly gave up at one point..

    “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
    Stand a little taller
    Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
    What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
    Footsteps even lighter”
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    mellbellamellbella Posts: 34 Member
    I just gave up on The Sims 4. I regret i bought it... i wish i could still have a refund but well...
    I'm back playing The Sims 3 and I'm loving it :)
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited August 2016
    Dear topic, welcome in the Sims 3 section, have a seat. Tea?

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    JaidLynnJaidLynn Posts: 12 New Member
    One of my favorites is Legacy Island III by Rflong7. If you want to try it you might want to grab it quickly because I'm not sure whether she will be keeping her account on the Exchange.

    Thank you for this suggestion!! I will be adding in these worlds soon to my game. Yeah, can't wait to play again now.... I am trying to add World Adventures into the game, we will see if my luck has changed or not **crosses fingers**!!
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    mellbella wrote: »
    The Sims 3 Wins. No doubt about it.

    Couldn't agree more! :triumph:

    Oh, and welcome to the forums :smile:
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    DegrassiGenDegrassiGen Posts: 2,168 Member
    mellbella wrote: »
    I just gave up on The Sims 4. I regret i bought it... i wish i could still have a refund but well...
    I'm back playing The Sims 3 and I'm loving it :)

    When I'm done with Sim City I'll go back to The Sims 3. I want to focus more on "family play"......
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    cocococo Posts: 2,727 Member
    Oh dear not another one of these. I wonder how many people who complain about the unbearable glitchiness and ugliness of ts3 are playing on a potato laptop :unamused:
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    EpochismEpochism Posts: 411 Member
    coco wrote: »
    Oh dear not another one of these. I wonder how many people who complain about the unbearable glitchiness and ugliness of ts3 are playing on a potato laptop :unamused:

    Nah, I never played on what you call "a potato laptop"... My computer is actually pretty good. It's a gaming computer, so it has a high graphics card. Even if it's at the highest setting, for me the sims still look like pudding.
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