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Why being positive does not help dissatisfied players


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    SimsILikeSimsSimsILikeSims Posts: 1,634 Member
    SimmieSims wrote: »
    I saw this thread that basically says the opposite. I don't want to ruin the party for the OP, but I have a few thoughts in regards to the idea of blaming attitudes, vs looking at facts, and to be respectful towards OP, I'm taking this to my opposing thread.

    Let me get the most important thing out of the way first. To me, it's disrespectful to blame attitudes on people's dislike of TS4. Why do I feel this way? Let me explain.

    After playing 3 previous installments, and paying a lot of money in the process, I can say with absolute certainty, that I know how to have fun playing The Sims. Moreover, I have played many other video games, and had enjoyable experiences.

    The premise that somehow I didn't give the game a chance, is absolutely wrong. I preordered, I waited with excitement for the release date, and I couldn't wait to start playing. I spent 2 hours in CAS, which I thought was great, even though there was no color wheel.

    And then I started the game, and I thought that I had downloaded the demo by mistake. I checked. Nope, no mistake, THIS was the game.

    Fine, I thought, this is just a base game. It will get better after a few GPs, SPs, and mostly EPs. To my big disappointment, this was not the case. The game still lacks one important thing for me, and that is the actual game play.

    So saying that the only thing that's wrong, is my attitude as a customer, is beyond insulting to me. And no improvement in my attitude, is going to make up for what the game lacks in terms of game play.

    If having a positive attitude works on an individual basis, more power to you. But, please don't make your own experience a law for every other player, and don't blame people for not feeling the same way.

    To other players, who are dissatisfied with The Sims 4: Have you not given the game a chance, and do you have a negative attitude that is preventing you from enjoying TS4? If positivity has not helped you, this is the thread for you.

    Please discuss.

    I think the attitudes being blamed were the attitudes towards the SimGurus and production staff. If you work in fast food as the cashier, and a customer yells at you, are you motivated by their yelling to help them? No. In fact, the more customers yell, the more you find yourself motivated by the paycheck instead of by the motive to please the customer. On the other hand, if a dissatisfied customer calmly explains that there was no cheese on their cheeseburger, then that is constructive feedback, and the simple thing to do is to get the burger remade with the cheese. On the other hand, if a customer yells at you that remaking the burger with the cheese on it is taking too long, there usually isn't much that can be done, because certain tasks take a certain amount of time, regardless of the customer's or employee's wishes. So that is not constructive feedback. If the customer demands access to the kitchen because the burger is taking too long, you also cannot grant the customer access to the kitchen. So that is not constructive feedback either.

    The main thing I object to from dissatisfied players is the way they claim they are "in the majority" just because they scream the loudest. Perhaps the majority are satisfied players, who have been driven away from the forums by negativity about the game, just like customers in a burger restaurant who were in line for burgers when the customer at the head of the line started screaming at the cashier and showed no sign of stopping, who didn't want to hear the drama, and didn't want to wait for the unhappy customer to stop screaming, but will probably return later that week because they live/work nearby.

    I happen to work in fast food and I have a hard time finding any correlation in your comparison. These are game developers we're talking about here, not underpaid fast food workers. At the end of the day, it's them and their company who decide what to work on and how to implement it. They get to decide what gets cut and what doesn't. I don't get to stand in the kitchen and decide what goes onto someone's sandwich. It's a completely different thing. It's not like they made a mistake, like "forgetting the cheese". They chose to make the game this way.

    But the Simgurus, not the game developers, are the ones who have been targeted. They don't necessarily make the decision of what to work on and how to implement it, though they can give input into the process, just like the cashier isn't necessarily the one making the burger. And those Simgurus are under non-disclosure agreements, which means they are prohibited from disclosing future content. Asking the Simgurus to break those non-disclosure agreements is like demanding to be let into the kitchen at a fast food or other restaurant. There are laws against both things. Finally, it is likely that poor decisions were made, with the result that features people like were left out. That is called a mistake.
    Then, there is also the possibility that customers unhappy about certain features want so much from those features, that it is like asking a fast food restaurant to substitute an expensive cheese that costs $15 a pound for the standard American cheese that comes on a cheeseburger.

    So SimGuru Grant, Lyndsay, Ninja, Graham etc. aren't developers on the game? I think you're mistaken.

    They are SimGurus, not game producers. Game producers make the final decisions. SimGurus interact with the community, and their responsibility is more getting input from the community and communicating that input to the development team, than doing any actual programming, or animation, or final decision-making. If you want to know who the developers are on the game, look at the game credits.
    I have been playing The Sims since 2001, when Livin Large came out. My avatar deliberately looks like Chris Roomies from TS1.
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    Clk1143Clk1143 Posts: 1,014 Member
    edited August 2016
    SimmieSims wrote: »
    @Clk1143 -

    I don't want to be told that I'm not playing the game the right way, that I have the wrong attitude towards the game, and that I have no right to criticize constructively. Positivity will help people respond as humans should when interacting with other forum members, or interacting with people generally, but lack of positivity is not going to solve game play issues.

    I do agree with this, that having a positive attitude won't make a person like the game. That is very much up to the individual. Going back to my oldest again, she had a neutral outlook of tomatoes until she actually tried them. I also don't believe being negative about something will make someone dislike a game either. I actually had negative feelings about sims 4 before I bought it due to lack of family play, but surprise I like the game. I am still hoping for family play myself, but for me that's the biggest lacking element of sims 4. Basically the majority of the game I like.

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    xitneverendssxitneverendss Posts: 1,772 Member
    SimmieSims wrote: »
    I saw this thread that basically says the opposite. I don't want to ruin the party for the OP, but I have a few thoughts in regards to the idea of blaming attitudes, vs looking at facts, and to be respectful towards OP, I'm taking this to my opposing thread.

    Let me get the most important thing out of the way first. To me, it's disrespectful to blame attitudes on people's dislike of TS4. Why do I feel this way? Let me explain.

    After playing 3 previous installments, and paying a lot of money in the process, I can say with absolute certainty, that I know how to have fun playing The Sims. Moreover, I have played many other video games, and had enjoyable experiences.

    The premise that somehow I didn't give the game a chance, is absolutely wrong. I preordered, I waited with excitement for the release date, and I couldn't wait to start playing. I spent 2 hours in CAS, which I thought was great, even though there was no color wheel.

    And then I started the game, and I thought that I had downloaded the demo by mistake. I checked. Nope, no mistake, THIS was the game.

    Fine, I thought, this is just a base game. It will get better after a few GPs, SPs, and mostly EPs. To my big disappointment, this was not the case. The game still lacks one important thing for me, and that is the actual game play.

    So saying that the only thing that's wrong, is my attitude as a customer, is beyond insulting to me. And no improvement in my attitude, is going to make up for what the game lacks in terms of game play.

    If having a positive attitude works on an individual basis, more power to you. But, please don't make your own experience a law for every other player, and don't blame people for not feeling the same way.

    To other players, who are dissatisfied with The Sims 4: Have you not given the game a chance, and do you have a negative attitude that is preventing you from enjoying TS4? If positivity has not helped you, this is the thread for you.

    Please discuss.

    I think the attitudes being blamed were the attitudes towards the SimGurus and production staff. If you work in fast food as the cashier, and a customer yells at you, are you motivated by their yelling to help them? No. In fact, the more customers yell, the more you find yourself motivated by the paycheck instead of by the motive to please the customer. On the other hand, if a dissatisfied customer calmly explains that there was no cheese on their cheeseburger, then that is constructive feedback, and the simple thing to do is to get the burger remade with the cheese. On the other hand, if a customer yells at you that remaking the burger with the cheese on it is taking too long, there usually isn't much that can be done, because certain tasks take a certain amount of time, regardless of the customer's or employee's wishes. So that is not constructive feedback. If the customer demands access to the kitchen because the burger is taking too long, you also cannot grant the customer access to the kitchen. So that is not constructive feedback either.

    The main thing I object to from dissatisfied players is the way they claim they are "in the majority" just because they scream the loudest. Perhaps the majority are satisfied players, who have been driven away from the forums by negativity about the game, just like customers in a burger restaurant who were in line for burgers when the customer at the head of the line started screaming at the cashier and showed no sign of stopping, who didn't want to hear the drama, and didn't want to wait for the unhappy customer to stop screaming, but will probably return later that week because they live/work nearby.

    I happen to work in fast food and I have a hard time finding any correlation in your comparison. These are game developers we're talking about here, not underpaid fast food workers. At the end of the day, it's them and their company who decide what to work on and how to implement it. They get to decide what gets cut and what doesn't. I don't get to stand in the kitchen and decide what goes onto someone's sandwich. It's a completely different thing. It's not like they made a mistake, like "forgetting the cheese". They chose to make the game this way.

    But the Simgurus, not the game developers, are the ones who have been targeted. They don't necessarily make the decision of what to work on and how to implement it, though they can give input into the process, just like the cashier isn't necessarily the one making the burger. And those Simgurus are under non-disclosure agreements, which means they are prohibited from disclosing future content. Asking the Simgurus to break those non-disclosure agreements is like demanding to be let into the kitchen at a fast food or other restaurant. There are laws against both things. Finally, it is likely that poor decisions were made, with the result that features people like were left out. That is called a mistake.
    Then, there is also the possibility that customers unhappy about certain features want so much from those features, that it is like asking a fast food restaurant to substitute an expensive cheese that costs $15 a pound for the standard American cheese that comes on a cheeseburger.

    So SimGuru Grant, Lyndsay, Ninja, Graham etc. aren't developers on the game? I think you're mistaken.

    They are SimGurus, not game producers. Game producers make the final decisions. SimGurus interact with the community, and their responsibility is more getting input from the community and communicating that input to the development team, than doing any actual programming, or animation, or final decision-making. If you want to know who the developers are on the game, look at the game credits.

    Honestly I still don't think this is entirely correct but okay there's no point in arguing it and it's off topic anyway.
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    SimmieSimsSimmieSims Posts: 234 Member
    edited August 2016
    lovejess2 wrote: »
    I think you should of read through my post alot better. If you don't like the game than nothing can change that fact and I know this but sometimes we go into things having already made up our minds and never actually realizing it. I just said a good idea is to start playing the game with a clean slate to really give it a fair shot and if you don't like it by the end than fine. I wrote that article because I saw a couple people saying they played Sims 4 for like 5 minutes and didn't like it at all and I thought that you can't really get to know something in under 5 minutes. Please don't drag my topic down just because you gave it a quick skim and think you got the jist.

    I am not dragging your topic down, which is exactly why I did not respond to your thread. If you had the wrong attitude towards a game, because you did not give it a chance, and changing your attitude has helped you, then I am happy for you. You recognized that it was not the game, but your own attitude that caused the issue.

    But to say that this is the case for other players is incorrect. This is not me telling you that you are wrong, it's an objective rebuttal to the idea proposed by you, that positivity can change my personal game play experience.

    I am not dragging you down or your thread for that matter, which is why I didn't mention your name, and why I did not respond to your thread. Again, my rebuttal to an idea on how attitude can change game play experience is just that, objective, and does not involve people, only proposed ideas.

    "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." - William Henry Gates III
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    Colton147147Colton147147 Posts: 10,454 Member
    They are SimGurus, not game producers. Game producers make the final decisions. SimGurus interact with the community, and their responsibility is more getting input from the community and communicating that input to the development team, than doing any actual programming, or animation, or final decision-making. If you want to know who the developers are on the game, look at the game credits.

    @SimGuruGraham is in charge of the stuff packs. ;)
    Your Justine Keaton Enthusiast and the Voice of the Sims Community.
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    SimsILikeSimsSimsILikeSims Posts: 1,634 Member
    They are SimGurus, not game producers. Game producers make the final decisions. SimGurus interact with the community, and their responsibility is more getting input from the community and communicating that input to the development team, than doing any actual programming, or animation, or final decision-making. If you want to know who the developers are on the game, look at the game credits.

    @SimGuruGraham is in charge of the stuff packs. ;)

    Maybe, but the features people are screaming for are too comprehensive to be covered in a stuff pack.
    I have been playing The Sims since 2001, when Livin Large came out. My avatar deliberately looks like Chris Roomies from TS1.
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    SimmieSimsSimmieSims Posts: 234 Member
    Mendota wrote: »
    I stand by what I said. The whole point of this thread is to rehash the same things over and over. As for standards I was referring to what the second poster said not the OP. I haven't been on this forum in quite awhile and I am leaving again. As SimGuruDrake herself said, these forums are toxic. The things she pointed out in her thread pretty much speak to what I was referring to. I guess I will wait and see if the situation improves now that the gurus are admitting the issue.

    You are talking about Gurus, standards, and toxicity. Again, there are threads that cater to those topics, this is not it.

    I expect people to act in a respectful way towards others at all times. The topic of this thread is, can positivity improve game play? If I just change my attitude towards the game, will the game improve as well? Nothing more, just an objective discussion about ideas.

    "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." - William Henry Gates III
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    SimsILikeSimsSimsILikeSims Posts: 1,634 Member
    SimmieSims wrote: »
    Mendota wrote: »
    I stand by what I said. The whole point of this thread is to rehash the same things over and over. As for standards I was referring to what the second poster said not the OP. I haven't been on this forum in quite awhile and I am leaving again. As SimGuruDrake herself said, these forums are toxic. The things she pointed out in her thread pretty much speak to what I was referring to. I guess I will wait and see if the situation improves now that the gurus are admitting the issue.

    You are talking about Gurus, standards, and toxicity. Again, there are threads that cater to those topics, this is not it.

    I expect people to act in a respectful way towards others at all times. The topic of this thread is, can positivity improve game play? If I just change my attitude towards the game, will the game improve as well? Nothing more, just an objective discussion about ideas.

    Ok, I'll bite. I believe positivity can improve game play. Negative attitudes towards a game can be caused by comparison with other games. If Zork were released today, it wouldn't be noticed, because there have been such vast improvements in computer graphics since Zork was originally released. Likewise, Sims 2 and Sims 3 had certain features that Sims 4 doesn't have, and because those games had them, fans of the series came to expect that Sims 4 would have all the features of all the previous games, even though Sims 2 didn't have the same EPs as Sims 1, and Sims 3 didn't have all the features of Sims 2, but had different ones. If you can enjoy Sims 4 by thinking of it as a sideline product rather than part of the series, then at least you are enjoying it, by changing your attitude towards the product.
    I have been playing The Sims since 2001, when Livin Large came out. My avatar deliberately looks like Chris Roomies from TS1.
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    edited August 2016
    "Everybody has a different definition of the good side." -Will Wright

    What some people view as positive, I can view as a negative, so it varies greatly from Simmer to Simmer. I find it much more toxic when people are negative towards each other whether towards a Guru or not because all it does is promote a negative atmosphere for everyone. I couldn't care less if it is an internet norm now. So regardless about how someone feels about the Sims 4 or any iteration best advice, keep it about the game, not the people which goes for everyone. By the end of the day we are all Simmers and no one is better than anyone else. But the negativity about people is exactly why the Sims 4 is getting the reputation of being the most toxic game to date. I seriously think because the Sims 4 depicts perfect life, people have to get their deviant fixes on forums and other social media sites. Says a lot more of what the game is lacking if people have to get their drama here. Interesting social experiment that is for sure. :/ Anyway the game is nothing without the community, so if people truly want to help out the game, give constructive feedback and help promote a healthy community, not just a one-sided one. Simmers come in all shapes and forms and it is ok to be different. Society promotes the view of sameness so much, that is what promotes conflict. Humans are not robots, they have free will and think differently and have different life experiences.

    This song has always had a good message about anti-prejudice:

    As far as me, the prejudice towards Simmers is exactly why I've given up on the Sims 4. There is only so much negativity I can handle before I think a game is no longer worth supporting or giving feedback on. If a game is creating this much negativity towards the community, it is sending me a big red flag with my analytical thinking. Only time will tell what the future of the Sims holds however. Like what you like and dislike what you dislike, but don't let anyone peer pressure you otherwise. Only you know what your likes and dislikes are, no one else. There is no wrong way to play the Sims and everyone should feel welcomed on forums and elsewhere without the fear of posting. I saw the ill effects "sides debates" did with a site called Gaiaonline, so if it continues with the Sims, it will lose customers period.

    Anyway I think the Ask thread is a good thing and good way to promote a positive feeling among the community. Negativity seems to grow in silence, so I hope the Gurus are able to keep talking for the sake of the community.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    lovejess2lovejess2 Posts: 3,049 Member
    meeoun wrote: »
    lovejess2 wrote: »
    I think you should of read through my post alot better. If you don't like the game than nothing can change that fact and I know this but sometimes we go into things having already made up our minds and never actually realizing it. I just said a good idea is to start playing the game with a clean slate to really give it a fair shot and if you don't like it by the end than fine. I wrote that article because I saw a couple people saying they played Sims 4 for like 5 minutes and didn't like it at all and I thought that you can't really get to know something in under 5 minutes. Please don't drag my topic down just because you gave it a quick skim and think you got the jist.

    The majority of players that dislike the game are writing essays over in feedback. The majority of players that dislike the game played it at launch when there wasn't family trees, ghosts, half walls, pools, when there was like only 5 🐸🐸🐸🐸 careers, know, before all these fancy patches we have today. The majority of players that dislike this game try the game again, after these fancy patches, to find their game broken. As such, I'm pretty sure the majority of players that dislike the game, that actually say something negative about it, played it more than 5 minutes.

    Let me just leave this quote from my first comment here.

    "I saw a couple people saying they played Sims 4 for like 5 minutes and didn't like it"

    I never said the majority and the majority have nothing to do with it.
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    SimmieSimsSimmieSims Posts: 234 Member
    edited August 2016
    My issue is that there is nothing interesting to do in the actual game after I finish creating my Sims. I can spend 2 hours in CAS and build mode, but once I push play, I don't last for more than 15 minutes.

    Positivity will not add game features that help me enjoy game play. Improvements to the game, and exciting EPs on the other hand, can accomplish that. And real improvement can only come from real life players, and not from small target groups, real players should include all of us, satisfied and dissatisfied players.

    How difficult would it be for EA to have all players rate the game within the game? I'm sure there would be a way to have players rate TS4 within the game, instead of relying on small focus groups, which don't represent all players.

    "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." - William Henry Gates III
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    LathensLathens Posts: 35 Member
    I think positive and negative attitudes can be had before playing the game, during and after. You go into the game with either a positive or negative attitude. You play the game and your attitude changes depending on your experience. You think about your experience and why you have either a positive or negative attitude about it. You then, based on experience, either keep to yourself or share your thoughts on outlets such as this forum or other forms of social media. Your input here is either positive or negative.

    I also think that if you go in to a game with a positive attitude but find yourself disappointed in the game play, there's no reason to try to force a positive attitude about the game. That would be like seeing a juicy apple and being positively excited about taking a bite to find that it's actually full of maggots and dark spots yet you still keeping a forced positive attitude about the apple and do finish it! I really don't think that forcing a positive attitude while playing an un-enjoyable game will help one enjoy it more, particularly when the bar was set fairly high (in my opinion).

    There is a way to be blatantly negative and complain with no other goal than to berate and rip up your experience with the game into little pieces and chuck 'em in the fire... but then there's the way to bring negativity to the table in a positive way. You constructively criticize, allowing yourself to get your anger/doubt/frustration out while still contributing to the community in a positive way, even though you had a bad experience.

    So, all in all, I don't think attitude can help a game's enjoyability.
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    LathensLathens Posts: 35 Member
    Also, since I can't edit posts yet, I just want to add that all my "you"s aren't aimed at anyone in particular. :D
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    GypsyPrinceGypsyPrince Posts: 118 Member
    This is how I feel about that other thread
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    Aesir26Aesir26 Posts: 304 Member
    I feel that negative attitudes regarding the game are just as important as the positive ones but my problem with both sides comes from how they're often expressed.

    Neither "side" seems to be shy about insults towards other members so it's certainly unfortunate to see. On the "negative" side it seems almost rare to see constructive criticism that is presented in a calm, reasonable manner in comparison to how you more frequently see visceral anger. I can't blame people for it since there are things I miss too but that comes back to how it's expressed. In terms of people on the "positive/pro-TS4" side, I often see those who present criticism (calm or otherwise) being told to stop playing, concerns are dismissed, or they're told it's their attitude that's at fault instead of where they feel the game is lacking.

    However, the most frustrating is seeing how the Gurus are treated by some members of the forum. I think some people forget or just don't know that when it comes to questions about missing or possibly future content that the Gurus are bound by NDA's or laws that might prevent them from talking about it. I also feel like people are too quick to anger. If they receive an answer that is vague but has assumed negative connotations then people seem to go on the attack rather than ask for clarification, just as people seem to verbally attack the Gurus if they get an answer they don't like.

    It all really gets out of hand at times.
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    TheGoodOldGamerTheGoodOldGamer Posts: 3,559 Member
    It's not about what you say. It's about how you say it. You can open a door or close it while talking about the same subject. And yes, attitude has a lot to do with it. "Constructive" criticism is nice in theory when calm and reasonable but the loudest voices around here rarely execute on it. Every concern that's been raised about the game, from Toddlers to culling, can be said without the following:
    Why not just leave this section if discussions like this feel like a smack in your face?
    Have you even bothered to read posts in this thread?
    OP, care to explain why these people commenting have grandchildren already? *obnoxious gif*

    Maybe it wasn't for kids at all. Maybe it's for senior citizens... *obnoxious gif*

    Maybe it's Maybelline *double obnoxious gif*
    Block me *obnoxious gif*
    It's tiring to have a company trying to decorate 🐸🐸🐸🐸 and bandaids with gold wrappings and pretty talking heads.
    The crybaby generation has taken over. What a despicable and abhorrent mess.
    Block me if you want. I no longer care.
    Where are the toddlers? I honestly don't want to hear about anything else. I'm not interested so you ca not talk about 'future content' all you like, I'm still at 'toddler'.
    {To SGDrake} Are toddlers coming? Yes or no? Make an exception and answer the question.
    Honestly, I have never heard so much whining coming from a company and it's representatives in my life. Since day one.
    EA really, really needs to hire a new marketing team. Clearly the people who decided to use the silence policy are completely unqualified in marketing.
    {To SGDrake}If you're getting this emotional over your job, it might be the right time to change your job.
    Please don't badger, you individual.{Sarcastic remark in reference to an honest question about a possible CAW for S4}
    {To SGDrake}Your responses always seem to indicate that you don't understand what we're talking about
    {To SGDrake} It doesn't matter what you think, unfortunately, because this is about how the community thinks and feels. If we think you are giving us excuses, then that is the only reality that matters.
    {To SGDrake}We don't know or care how. We don't know or care what your limitations are. A way needs to be found. I'm sure you aren't even able to do it...I'm sure it's a problem that stretches way beyond you, but somethings gotta give.
    The blame no doubt goes beyond anybody in the lower EA hierarchy who would deign to interact with us lowly consumers paying for their salary with our filthy lucre.
    What? Do my awesomes bother you? You do know they are used to be laughed at now don't you? It may not be agrees of what I said but laughter. I never look at people's awesomes, funny you do.

    **Quotes from the "Questions for Gamescom Q&A Panel" thread and the "The Sims 4 Is a Child's Game" thread, the latter in particular sure to open many doors. And no, not from a long time ago or something where times may have changed, but from this last week.

    Why is it so hard for people to raise their concerns matter-of-factly without throwing around insults and such? You can be critical, and still have a reasonable attitude about it, you know. Especially since this is a game, lol.

    I couldn't care less for aliens, or for supernaturals in general for that matter. If I could turn off alien abductions in particular, I would, instantly. And they would never be on again in my game. I've asked for an on-off toggle switch for it. For supernaturals as a whole. Will I ever get it? Who knows? I told the devs directly and know they saw it. But I might not get it for years, if ever.

    Do I call them lazy? Demand it be here yesterday at the top of my lungs? No. Why? Because I've stated the concerns without that trash just as easily, and with far less effort. And I know they're far more likely to listen too. Quite frankly, it won't bother me if no more supernaturals ever get into the game. But I know they will, because they're popular for others. Have I ever said those who like them aren't 'true Simmers'? Or that I am because I don't? Nope.

    When people suggest being positive, particularly in regards to that thread you mention, OP, it's not about being sunshine and roses. It's just about being reasonable. Thinking things through. Common sense stuff. Does anyone else still remember the golden rule about 'doing unto others what you'd wish them to do unto you'?

    The devs know you want Toddlers, cars, less culling, etc ad infinity. How can they not by now? They've stickied threads about them. So come up with clever solutions, ideas, ways to impliment them, what you want them to be like, etc. Speculate on what they might be. Inspire. Be creative. Be a Simmer. Part of building a house in the game is having a plan for it. Not just demanding "I want a house NOW" and stomping the ground.

    Going back to my supernaturals example, earlier tonight I came up with an idea for angels that could cure vamps or zombies or whatever else might come along. A sort of balanced supernatural type to counter all the deviant ones. And I don't even want supernaturals! But it's those kinds of ideas and compromises and coming together that will make things better.

    Not the sort of sentiments quoted above. IMO, anyway. That's why 'toxic' has become a discriptor of late. It's not about being critical of the game. It's about the chaff around the wheat, so to speak.
    Live, laugh and love. Life's too short not to.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    Mendota wrote: »
    What is the point of this thread? So you don't care for the Sims 4, play something else. I hated the Sims 3, and I gave it a chance. It didn't suit me. But I didn't take the attitude that since I wasn't happy no one else should be either.

    Here is the way I see it. If indeed the Sims started out as an online game that the studio later realized that players really didn't want, and then they set about returning it to an single player game, why castigate them over and over? So they made a miscalculation based on the current obsession with social networking and online play. That doesn't surprise me that they would think that. I don't get Facebook, but many do.

    As for some of the other things mentioned in this thread, I don't care about makeup, open world, or casT. I prefer the gameplay in the Sims 4. As for standards, Sims 3 was broken in so many ways that actually saying it had better standards is laughable.

    The thing that I find most disturbing is the attitude that many of you seem to have, which is that the game should be designed to suit you, and anyone that disagrees apparently has something wrong with them (i.e that lack standards).
    I keep seeing comments like that, but the only reason for that was that even though you maybe didn't like the game, many players did and it dominated the boards. The only reason that;s different now, is because more players are dissatisfied. Many of us do play something else and we also have a life outside The Sims. Stop worrying.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited August 2016
    Clk1143 wrote: »
    I'm fine with you if you play the game, or if you don't play the game. I don't really care either way I can be polite to you, I can talk to you, I can even debate nicely with you. All of these "yous" are in general by the way not a specific person in mind.

    For the me the negativity on the forums that has turned me into mostly a lurker on here, is the trolls, those who name call, those who bash, those who keep getting banned because of their behavior, and this huge divide in the forums that some take so very personally at heart. That is what I mean when I say that this forum is negative. It happens on both side by the way and it was also why I took breaks from the sims 3 forums during their big insulting others debates. I mean I went away when supernatural versus seasons people decided to take over the forums, because the forums became so toxic over it.

    For me I would rather see the constructive criticism, which I do think helps dissatisfied customers in the long run. Real insights into why they don't like the game, as well as feedback that will get to EA better then some of what I have said above. I also love to see new ideals brought on by informative debates.

    On a personal note I have liked all the sims games. I have played since the original sims. All the games have had their pros and cons. All could of been improved in one way or another.
    Could you please explain this? The forums are too negative and so you decided to keep positivity to yourself and start lurking? Which basically means reading negativity then without counterposing? Why? Besides, aren't there sections on here that are just celebrating the game (the creative section)?
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Good thread OP :smile:

    I did have to chuckle as this thread is at the top of the feedback while the 'opposite' thread is at the top of the TS4 GD, both pointing out the opposite points of views but in all fairness, both valid points of view as well.

    I think that at the end of the day players have to learn to 'agree to disagree'

    The Sims is just a game, a very good game or a very bad game, it depends on different player's opinions but it is just still a game and I think a lot of players would be much happier if instead of worrying what other players think, they focus on what they do or do not like.

    New content will be coming for TS4, some will like it , others will not and no one knows who will be in the lucky crowd who get to enjoy it. But at the same time there has been something about The Sims that brought us into the series in the first place. That passion would still be there, maybe in TS1, perhaps TS2, for me it was also in TS3 and others would find it in TS4.

    I personally think that players would be much happier if they focused on what they have enjoyed in the past, rather than worrying about what may or may not even happen in the future.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good thread OP :smile:

    I did have to chuckle as this thread is at the top of the feedback while the 'opposite' thread is at the top of the TS4 GD, both pointing out the opposite points of views but in all fairness, both valid points of view as well.

    I think that at the end of the day players have to learn to 'agree to disagree'

    The Sims is just a game, a very good game or a very bad game, it depends on different player's opinions but it is just still a game and I think a lot of players would be much happier if instead of worrying what other players think, they focus on what they do or do not like.

    New content will be coming for TS4, some will like it , others will not and no one knows who will be in the lucky crowd who get to enjoy it. But at the same time there has been something about The Sims that brought us into the series in the first place. That passion would still be there, maybe in TS1, perhaps TS2, for me it was also in TS3 and others would find it in TS4.

    I personally think that players would be much happier if they focused on what they have enjoyed in the past, rather than worrying about what may or may not even happen in the future.
    I don't consider Sims 4 a very bad game. Also I think many people here in Feedback are rather discussing the franchise than the seperated versions (which makes comparisons between the versions inescapable). You can tell by the fact a lot of us are discussing subjects that are impossible for Sims 4 (CASt, open world). If they'd create a seperate section for people to discuss what they miss and want in the game, seperating it from Sims 4, that would be fine by me. Somehow Sims 4 fans seem to think this Feedback section is exclusively for them and only meant to give positive feedback?
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    ArlettaArletta Posts: 8,444 Member
    edited August 2016
    I think on the one hand, you're taking the OP of the opposite viewpoint of this thread out of context.

    Yes, you gave the game plenty of chances, as I'm sure others have, but at the point that you decide you dislike something (and we all do it), each and every time you give the game another chance, you're going into it, whether knowingly or not, with the thought in your head 'I don't like this game' and you then spoil any enjoyment that you might get from it because you're going in to it with a negative thought.

    I don't think the OP of the other thread was saying your issue was just that you're a negative person but that ^^^^^. My opinion is similar but if you go in to it comparing it with previous games then you don't enjoy it as much because you're intentionally looking for everything that's missing or falls short. That's not to say you're not giving it a chance but you're spoiling any fun you might get from it because of it.

    If you go into it with an open mind, without comparisons, (or try) then it could be a more enjoyable experience.
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    Sigzy05Sigzy05 Posts: 19,406 Member
    It's not about what you say. It's about how you say it. You can open a door or close it while talking about the same subject. And yes, attitude has a lot to do with it. "Constructive" criticism is nice in theory when calm and reasonable but the loudest voices around here rarely execute on it. Every concern that's been raised about the game, from Toddlers to culling, can be said without the following:
    Why not just leave this section if discussions like this feel like a smack in your face?
    Have you even bothered to read posts in this thread?
    OP, care to explain why these people commenting have grandchildren already? *obnoxious gif*

    Maybe it wasn't for kids at all. Maybe it's for senior citizens... *obnoxious gif*

    Maybe it's Maybelline *double obnoxious gif*
    Block me *obnoxious gif*
    It's tiring to have a company trying to decorate 🐸🐸🐸🐸 and bandaids with gold wrappings and pretty talking heads.
    The crybaby generation has taken over. What a despicable and abhorrent mess.
    Block me if you want. I no longer care.
    Where are the toddlers? I honestly don't want to hear about anything else. I'm not interested so you ca not talk about 'future content' all you like, I'm still at 'toddler'.
    {To SGDrake} Are toddlers coming? Yes or no? Make an exception and answer the question.
    Honestly, I have never heard so much whining coming from a company and it's representatives in my life. Since day one.
    EA really, really needs to hire a new marketing team. Clearly the people who decided to use the silence policy are completely unqualified in marketing.
    {To SGDrake}If you're getting this emotional over your job, it might be the right time to change your job.
    Please don't badger, you individual.{Sarcastic remark in reference to an honest question about a possible CAW for S4}
    {To SGDrake}Your responses always seem to indicate that you don't understand what we're talking about
    {To SGDrake} It doesn't matter what you think, unfortunately, because this is about how the community thinks and feels. If we think you are giving us excuses, then that is the only reality that matters.
    {To SGDrake}We don't know or care how. We don't know or care what your limitations are. A way needs to be found. I'm sure you aren't even able to do it...I'm sure it's a problem that stretches way beyond you, but somethings gotta give.
    The blame no doubt goes beyond anybody in the lower EA hierarchy who would deign to interact with us lowly consumers paying for their salary with our filthy lucre.
    What? Do my awesomes bother you? You do know they are used to be laughed at now don't you? It may not be agrees of what I said but laughter. I never look at people's awesomes, funny you do.

    **Quotes from the "Questions for Gamescom Q&A Panel" thread and the "The Sims 4 Is a Child's Game" thread, the latter in particular sure to open many doors. And no, not from a long time ago or something where times may have changed, but from this last week.

    Why is it so hard for people to raise their concerns matter-of-factly without throwing around insults and such? You can be critical, and still have a reasonable attitude about it, you know. Especially since this is a game, lol.

    I couldn't care less for aliens, or for supernaturals in general for that matter. If I could turn off alien abductions in particular, I would, instantly. And they would never be on again in my game. I've asked for an on-off toggle switch for it. For supernaturals as a whole. Will I ever get it? Who knows? I told the devs directly and know they saw it. But I might not get it for years, if ever.

    Do I call them lazy? Demand it be here yesterday at the top of my lungs? No. Why? Because I've stated the concerns without that trash just as easily, and with far less effort. And I know they're far more likely to listen too. Quite frankly, it won't bother me if no more supernaturals ever get into the game. But I know they will, because they're popular for others. Have I ever said those who like them aren't 'true Simmers'? Or that I am because I don't? Nope.

    When people suggest being positive, particularly in regards to that thread you mention, OP, it's not about being sunshine and roses. It's just about being reasonable. Thinking things through. Common sense stuff. Does anyone else still remember the golden rule about 'doing unto others what you'd wish them to do unto you'?

    The devs know you want Toddlers, cars, less culling, etc ad infinity. How can they not by now? They've stickied threads about them. So come up with clever solutions, ideas, ways to impliment them, what you want them to be like, etc. Speculate on what they might be. Inspire. Be creative. Be a Simmer. Part of building a house in the game is having a plan for it. Not just demanding "I want a house NOW" and stomping the ground.

    Going back to my supernaturals example, earlier tonight I came up with an idea for angels that could cure vamps or zombies or whatever else might come along. A sort of balanced supernatural type to counter all the deviant ones. And I don't even want supernaturals! But it's those kinds of ideas and compromises and coming together that will make things better.

    Not the sort of sentiments quoted above. IMO, anyway. That's why 'toxic' has become a discriptor of late. It's not about being critical of the game. It's about the chaff around the wheat, so to speak.

    It's called witches.
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    Sigzy05 wrote: »

    Going back to my supernaturals example, earlier tonight I came up with an idea for angels that could cure vamps or zombies or whatever else might come along. A sort of balanced supernatural type to counter all the deviant ones. And I don't even want supernaturals! But it's those kinds of ideas and compromises and coming together that will make things better.

    It's called witches.
    Reminds me of the 🐸🐸🐸🐸 matchmaker from the Sims 2 actually. She was awesome.🐸🐸🐸🐸_matchmaker I loved her cure potions.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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