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What do you think of the Sims Medieval?????

ChocoChip99ChocoChip99 Posts: 18 New Member
Hi, this is my first post, and I've been wondering about what you think of The Sims Medieval... Do you like it, I love it! I have the Sims Medieval, and the Sims Medieval Pirates and Nobles! They go great together, however the games themselves go pretty well themselves... What do you think, and how do you think they could improve?


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    ChocoChip99ChocoChip99 Posts: 18 New Member
    I love the game, (as I said), but I think they should do freeplay.... So you don't have to keep getting goals and playing specific characters! :#
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    PikminWPikminW Posts: 169 Member
    I don't like it as much as I liked The Sims Stories.
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    Emmy_SimsEmmy_Sims Posts: 324 Member
    I like to play it when I'm bored from the main series
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    Simsister2004Simsister2004 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I love the challenges, the fierce characters, and the drama. I love succeeding and the possibility to start over, if I don't. I always wished that the main series were much more like Sims Medieval.
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    ModifienModifien Posts: 363 Member
    I just got it yesterday, and I'm loving it so far. It's very different from the other sims games, and like @Emmy_Sims said, I think it'll be a great switch when I'm bored of my main play but still want something to do.
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    Diya7Diya7 Posts: 88 Member
    I enjoy the game. I got bored of continuously doing quests so I play in free mode. I can't remember how to enter free mode, but I think it involved the use of a cheat. Anyway, I'm a big fan of the medieval theme so it's a fun escape from the normalcy of other Sims games :D
    Watch the skies, traveler-
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    amyedwards1986amyedwards1986 Posts: 244 Member
    It would be a great game if there wouldn't be so many bugs. I was stuck in a quest, something about murdering a court member by poisoning his drink and the option never showed. Then I abandoned it to start another quest and I was stuck again so I stopped playing. :(

    What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us -Helen Keller-
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    BMSOBMSO Posts: 3,273 Member
    I wish I could play it again. I used to play it on my friend's computer when she had it via, disk. I bought it and tried to play it and it just wasn't connecting. I loved the quests and game play on it when I did play it. It was a great twist from the original franchise games. Though It would be nice to see the game actually incorporated into TS4.

    Still, *sigh* I wish I could play it again.
    Bmso85's emporium - mysims4studios

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    RoboSpongieRoboSpongie Posts: 1,042 Member
    I hoped there was more to do but it was very scripted so I got bored hours later
    = Sims Player for 17+ Years =
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    RyanSimsonRyanSimson Posts: 5 New Member
    I think if you're really bored with the TS4, TSM could really be a breath of fresh air. In TSM they executed linear gameplay very well compared to Get to Work where you would have to clean 10 puddles, drink coffees, wash hands, in order to advance in the Doctor Career. Playing the game reminded of what the sims team is capable of creating.
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    NightRevoltNightRevolt Posts: 43 Member
    I'm very interested in it, hopefully i can give it a try in the future, back when it was released i was only focusing into getting Sims 3 expansions packs, maybe i'll have some time for it these days.
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    AFerrari0908AFerrari0908 Posts: 65 Member
    I really loved it back in the day. It was something different from them and I felt like there was actually a reason to play it with all of the quests and building other places etc.
    I've been watching a YouTuber play it recently and it has made me want to play it again. I only have a Mac now though so I'm not sure how well it will run on that.
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    Youtube: ButtonBudds
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    ChocoChip99ChocoChip99 Posts: 18 New Member
    thanks for commenting guys! greatly apprieciated!!! :smiley:
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    JuliaStein86JuliaStein86 Posts: 14 New Member
    I love Sims Medieval because I create whole dynasties from fantasy books and movies. I have, for example, family of Lannisters, Targaryens from Game of throne saga))
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    ANIMALadorerANIMALadorer Posts: 64 Member
    I love The Sims Medieval, but sometimes is very difficult, other times is a bit repetitive.
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    ChocoChip99ChocoChip99 Posts: 18 New Member
    I agree with literally all of you, great to escape to every now and again. Would be better if it had a freeplay option, slightly boring, bit repetitive... :D:o:|
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    ChocoChip99ChocoChip99 Posts: 18 New Member
    Also, what do you think of the Pirates and Nobles expansion pack. I think it was a rip off, waste of money and it didn't make any difference to the original game... :|:/
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    ChocoChip99ChocoChip99 Posts: 18 New Member
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    ChocoChip99ChocoChip99 Posts: 18 New Member
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    ChocoChip99ChocoChip99 Posts: 18 New Member
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    sleekoduck87sleekoduck87 Posts: 255 Member
    There was never a good stopping point in the game, which was kind of aggravating. The basic premise was very cool, though. It would have worked better with the TS2 idea of befriending X amount of vassals, forging Y amount of alliances, in order to grow your kingdom, instead of petty things like foraging plants and herbs and making bear soup. Lords and Ladies did not bother with such petty matters. They had peasants to attend to such things.
    I'm working on adding my mods to Curseforge. In the mean time, check out my YouTube channel & WordPress blog for more. I go by Sleekoduck. I'm also the one who figured out how to play The Sims 2 in Windows 8 and the original fix is on Facebook & LiveJournal. Thanks for the 100 Awesomes everyone!6a00e54ee3905b883301bb07e55862970.jpg
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    EGrace93EGrace93 Posts: 95 Member
    I really enjoyed playing it at first but I found it got repetitive after a while and I hate building up a whole new kingdom. I like that there are objectives and tasks to do though because I often find myself bored and directionless playing ordinary sims games
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    CasaNova73099CasaNova73099 Posts: 13 New Member
    I'm on the fence with TSM. I loved the look of the game - the lots, effects, the costumes, the objects and props - simply gorgeous. However there were a few things that either annoyed or disappointed me:

    - The constant quests/linear gameplay. I was really hoping that the game would be more like the Sims in that it had sandbox gameplay. I believe there was a freeplay mode, but you don't start out being able to play it (or I think a mod or cheat is required to do so). Similar to how I wasn't crazy about the quests that came with World Adventures, I like being able to make my own stories with the game.

    - No means of transportation. To be honest I'm surprised that there wasn't a replacement for vehicles in TSM. I get that most characters and NPC would walk everywhere, but EA/Maxis missed out on an opportunity to make some interesting modes of transporation in TSM. I think Pets was already out or was coming out when TSM was released, so some Sims could've ridden on horses to get to where they needed to go. There could've also been vehicles like wagons and carriages that were pulled by horses, donkeys or mules, and the more expensive/fancier the wagon/carriage, the more comfortable the ride and the faster you were able to travel. And let's not forget our witches and warlocks. They could've used brooms to fly around the world...

    -The limited age groups. While there were some quests that allowed you to romance and father/mother an heir, once the baby grew up into a child, he/she stayed in that stage until your death. There were no other age groups, no elders, no teens or toddlers. Made me feel that I had regressed back to The Sims 1 for a bit.
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    SindocatSindocat Posts: 5,622 Member
    I have had my eye on this game for a while, and finally picked it up for myself with some birthday money. I have yet to complete even the initial town ambition, but I have a fair handful of heroes started, and a couple mid-way to topping out career, and here are some initial impressions.

    I am a Sims 3 afficianado. I love open world, Create a Style and sandbox play. Medieval is very definitely a different game - sort of a hybrid - but I find I am really enjoying it.

    Pros: Quests give me a reason to stay on one Sim for a while, and give me solid goals to reach for. But they are not so all-consuming that my Heroes are not also meeting daily requirements (a big improvement over rabbit-hole careers), exploring, socializing and trying new things. It isn't too linear or on-rails, but it gives the game some structure. Earning points to place new buildings and expand my roster of Heroes is grea - it combines what I like best in build games with the Sims features I already enjoy. Also, Middle Ages or not, my boy Heroes can still woo and court other boys. That is essential and I am glad that the studio decided it was a core feature they wished to retain.

    Another big plus for me is the inclusion of religion. While I have begun with a kindly, chivalrous monarch who encourages the Peteran Faith, and have enjoyed my jolly, drunken "Friar Tuck" stand in, Prior Jevon, and in fact haven't even touched Jacoban religion yet, I like the two competing factions and will likely play with both in time. For now, Lord Simrey the Great is content to unashamedly promote Peteran values in Kingland, and his Kinglish subjects seem content with just the monastery.

    Cons: The thing I miss most (no surprise, it is why I have not picked up TS4) is Create A Style tool. Furnishings can't be retouched to better coordinate, and I am limited to default textures on costume. I am also a builder, so the limited number of architectural options is a tad disappointing. Off-setting all of these is the fact that the game itself is sufficiently different, with its own demands and rewards, that I simply enjoy the degree of customization available in outfits and furnishings, and just get on with business. So I miss the options, but it isn't a dealbreaker.

    I will also agree with the poster above that horses (or a donkey for Prior Jevon!) would have been nice. On the other hand, the kingdom is not all that big. And if I am walking across town, then it's easier to gather wildflowers along the way. Or I can hit speed option 4, and they just walk very quickly.

    Overall, The Sims Medieval reminds me of a cross between The Sims 3 and Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim (the original one - not the mobile app sucessor), which is high praise - that was a game I especially enjoyed. I still have professions to explore. I have made, but not played, a physician, smith and merchant, and I haven't even yet placed buildings to recruit a spy, wizard, or Jacoban priest. My monarch is further along than my knight is. My Peteran priest is a hoot, and my bard is brand new. But I look forward to trying everything. And this game is small enough, and tight enough in scope, that I know I actually can.
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    ladybreidladybreid Posts: 3,455 Member
    I loved it, I still play it. I have P&N and have zero regrets. Truth be known I have played TSM way more than I have played TS4.

    I find it enjoyable and only yesterday started to search out CC to add to it. That says something in itself when you consider that with TS4 I was trying to find CC the first week.

    I wish they would do an updated version of this game I would gladly sink $$ into TSM type of games.
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