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    PinkslinkyPinkslinky Posts: 306 Member
    Not an update for the Same Ole Same Olds, just a shot of Sammy Same spoiling the crap out of his lovely wife Theresa with her very own Transcendental Peace Room.

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    MoonandStars83MoonandStars83 Posts: 1,735 Member
    @venusdemilosims Is Kaydence's hair CC? For some reason, I want to say that the base(?) game hair similar to that one is parted on the other side. Either way, it looks great and she's adorable.
    I voted for you, Kevin.
    My Sims 3 Exhange Studio
    My Blog // Click me if you dare.
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    KayeStarKayeStar Posts: 6,715 Member
    edited January 2016


    The solution was to buy a piece of property down the street for her sister to have a private office where she'd be undisturbed by the daycare kids if she had to work while they were there.

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    PinkslinkyPinkslinky Posts: 306 Member
    Ah Theresa, you are so cute and kookie. Don't worry, you'll be a yogi yet!

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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    Bleh, I was hoping to get a Levine Legacy update done tonight, but I'm lacking sleep to the point that I'm getting an annoying headache from it so it's probably time to take the hint and get some sleep. So tomorrow I should be able to do that, finally, it's about time. But I thought I could get comments briefly since I still plan to be up for a few more minutes anyway and it's quiet in here so it's not too much yet kind of want to take advantage of that (though it'll be nice to see the thread pick up a bit again too, as I'm sure it will. I imagine everybody is just busy getting settled back down after the holidays).

    AJbackst wrote: »
    I finally was able to get the prom photo for the last couple - very adorable and very them.


    After prom which went incredibly well for everyone, especially Leigh who got her first kiss and began dating Jude, I decided they should have a family day. It was the weekend and it had been a long time since they all bonded with everyone, so as soon as everyone woke up they headed to the park where they played basketball, raced on the rock walls, hung out and just swung.


    By nightfall they were tired - but they headed off to the arcade for some bowling, games, and karaoke! [Custom built by me]

    Cute picture. Nice work on the renos to the home too.

    @dreamerz13- It's fun to push the boundaries in game ;) Oh yeah it justifies it for sure lol, I might have to intervene and get rid of him for her.
    I know! I just stared at Slater for ages because I miss him so much, I loved seeing them together.

    Aw that's sad about Aedan's mum :(

    Oh wow Evie does look different but in a really good way. She looked good before but she looks way better now, that hair is perfect on her!

    Getting rid of him for her might be good if she won't come to her senses on her own.

    The hair did work out quite well, I grabbed it with her in mind and it went better than I hoped (I've tried to change her hair before and not been that happy with it so yay finally).

    @dreamerz13 Evie's makeover looks great! And oh yeah, Sebastian is a major celebrity - 5 stars, so yeah, because he's so famous he would definitely have his share of admirers. So is his sister, Savannah, even though she is a writer, and writers don't tend to become major celebs in real life, but she is. I try not to let Kaydence drink but every now and again she does sneak to the juice bar when I'm not watching ;) typical lol. But like Evie, Kaydence's maturity level is far beyond her years even though she does have a couple of childlike habits she hasn't gotten rid of ;) She never got in any kind of trouble, made As in school, balanced a job, her classwork, and extracurriculars.

    Thanks. Ah yeah, sim writers are lucky they can find fame easily, much harder in real life... though not impossible. Haha, well nice to see Kaydence is a typical 16 year old in some aspects at least lol, sneaking off to the juice bar.

    Well it's great Dr. De Witt is going to try to help plead Sierra's case. And nice to see she took an interest in Kaydence's book too.

    TadOlson wrote: »
    @dreamerz13 -Thanks for the comment.Great update!


    Nice update :D

    The solution was to buy a piece of property down the street for her sister to have a private office where she'd be undisturbed by the daycare kids if she had to work while they were there.


    It's nice they were concerned about not being in each others way and have that consideration for each other... glad they found a solution.

    Pinkslinky wrote: »
    Ah Theresa, you are so cute and kookie. Don't worry, you'll be a yogi yet!


    Aww haha her expression is so cute.
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    KayeStarKayeStar Posts: 6,715 Member
    Gabriella completed her first investigation today. Snooping around in broad daylight definitely requires some stealth!




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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited January 2016
    Life is getting back to something resembling normal after the holidays and the funeral - which means a 6 day work week, dr appointments, the whole drill...

    @MoonandStars83 Yes Kaydence's hair is CC but I picked a texture similar to those in the game for most of my CC hairs :) Wanted them to blend in with the game hairs :)

    @Pinkslinky Lol at Theresa's expression.

    @dreamerz13 Yeah, she used to sneak off to the juice bar but while she was in college she barely even did that, lol. I understand about post holiday schedules getting hectic, mine has included.

    @SweetieKaye I played a detective once, when Ambitions first came out, and it cracked me up! Actually maxed her out in the career.
    Post edited by venusdemilosims on
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    PinkslinkyPinkslinky Posts: 306 Member
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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    With the snow having melted, it was time to give the Baronets a makeover.
    Later the family decided to go for a swim.

    Travis finally moved into a house after being homeless for a year.
    There he brings his relationship with Candy to the next level.

    After that he asks her to move in.
    Turns out Candy has a sister named Yuki.

    Travis decides to propose.

    Later they eloped.
    When Calvin hears this news, he runs off, again.

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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    Calvin received a text message from Warren the next morning.
    Calvin sighed. Why can't he just leave him alone? He'd be back when he blew off some steam.

    This is Calvin talking to... a bear?!

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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    Gabriella completed her first investigation today. Snooping around in broad daylight definitely requires some stealth!


    Lol, it sure does.

    @dreamerz13 Yeah, she used to sneak off to the juice bar but while she was in college she barely even did that, lol. I understand about post holiday schedules getting hectic, mine has included.

    Sounds like it has, no fun. Hopefully it won't stay too hectic for too long.

    Calvin sighed. Why can't he just leave him alone? He'd be back when he blew off some steam.

    Poor guy, but he probably does need to stop running off so much.
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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    edited January 2016
    So I *finally* have an update on Aedan! It's about time. I was honestly so disinterested in it since like October. My game threw something at me that I just didn't know how to deal with and that I wasn't thrilled about. But I forced myself to play a little bit each day the last few days and started getting ideas. Then last night kind of oddly, when I was trying to find a pose for somebody, I stumbled upon some poses that some I thought "I'll need these later" an some that I just thought "I might be able to use those" and from there my brain was kind of going crazy with ideas from those and connecting to the pieces I got out of my forced gameplay, and now I'm no longer hating this, so YAY!


    The Levine Legacy: Aedan- Chapter 8

    Aedan and Cheri went to visit their families at his parents house the day after their wedding to continue the celebrations with them since they hadn't been at the wedding. Aedan's mom ran out of the house as they walked up to greet him with a hug, "Congratulations."
    *Still in your surgical uniform I see, Lexie, couldn't dress up nicer for your son and his new wife?*

    His dad rushed out a minute later catching up quickly to hug Aedan as well "Congrats"
    *See, like this guy in the snazzy suit who looks like he dressed for the wedding. Okay maybe we need a middle ground.*

    Aedan's mom went off to find Cheri to get details and pictures from the wedding, while Aedan's dad stayed to talk to him. "So the wedding went well, I assume?"

    "Yeah, it was great. But all I care about is that she said 'I do' and that she was happy, so it was hard for it to go wrong."

    "Just hang on to that wanting her to be happy thing, always keep her happy."

    "Always do, always will. I have the best influence, of course, of what to do."

    And after chatting with his dad for a couple minutes Aedan went inside to say hi to everybody else, while his parents stayed out to chat with Cheri. It turned out neither of her parents had shown up, proving why family wasn't invited to the wedding, as they were afraid the other might have shown up and didn't want to be near them. So Aedan's were doing what they had often done and were making sure that she knew she still had them and was a treasured part of their​ family.

    Meanwhile, inside, Aedan's sister Andrea was also proving why they didn't invite family to the wedding as she was mocking him over... well, who even knows what, nobody really listens to her.

    His sister Annabelle acted in much the same way a few minutes later, but his sister Alexa was much better and was bugging him for details about the wedding. He and Alexa hadn't always gotten along, but they were maturing and forgiving past differences.
    *Yes, I had an "A" thing going on when I was naming Aedan and his sisters, 5 kids, all "A" names, his other sister is April. Don't judge me XD.*

    Cheri's conversation with Aedan's parents had moved inside, though his mom had stepped out of the conversation as his dad and Cheri had gotten into a trivia contest that she had no interest in.
    *So she went to practice witchcraft, as one does. I think she cursed on of her kids... they probably deserved it.*

    But everybody was getting hungry so Aedan's dad went to cook them dinner, while Aedan and Cheri were getting flirty in the kitchen. So flirty, Andrea thought they needed to get a room.
    *Says the sim walking around in her underwear...*

    His dad burnt the food and nobody ate together. Not the best celebratory dinner for a marriage, but fitting of the Levine family anyway.

    Aedan and Cheri were getting anxious to get going back to the hotel to be frisky newlyweds, so he hugged his mom goodbye (he had no idea where his dad had gone off too), and off they went.

    But back at the hotel Cheri was in a whole different mood and by the time Aedan came out of the bathroom before climbing into bed with her she was curled up sobbing. He knew she was upset about her parents so he just laid beside her and held her close accepting that was the best he would get that night. "We'll pay them visits tomorrow."

    "They don't want to see me, I don't want to see them."

    "I'm sorry babe, but the offer still stands if you change your mind." He gave her a kiss on the shoulder and snuggled in closer and just let her cry it out.
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    and-it-is-onand-it-is-on Posts: 1,364 Member
    The thread has been so quiet!

    @Pinkslinky- Interesting to hear things from Sallie's point of view :)

    Shane doesn't really have a great attitude, well I guess he is lazy so I shouldn't expect much haha.

    @venusdemilosims- Yeah :) Exactly, I save all my favourite sims to the bin because I never want to lose them forever. Nice pic of Kaydence and Liz, they look like good friends. Who better to run a campus book club then them haha.

    Hopefully Dr. De Witt can help Sierra's case.

    @TadOlson- Thanks. Ew spoiled nachos haha, nice update.

    @SweetieKaye- How lucky to be able to buy a piece of property to have a private office :)

    Lol, love Gabriella's facial expressions, the investigator career is fun.

    @dreamerz13- Oh I hate it when a sim only suits like one or two hairstyles *cough* Clara *cough* So it's good that that one suits Evie.

    Aw poor Cheri, it must have been hard for Aedan to see her like that but how good of him to be there for her and even though she was sad them curling up together was adorable.

    @wolfkomoki1- Cute sims :) Congrats on the engagement.
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    PinkslinkyPinkslinky Posts: 306 Member
    @and-it-is-on I sure wish there was an 'pick your favorite' succession choice because it would have most definitely have been Sallie. Shane is a bit of a spoiled brat.
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited January 2016
    Was exhausted last night after coming back from the this post holiday schedule is back breaking.

    @wolfkomoki1 Poor Calvin, what a deeply troubled kid. Congrats on the engagement.

    @Pinkslinky Sallie is adorable and Shane, well, might be a bit of a lazy bum, lol. Might be the type to mooch off of mom and dad for awhile after he's grown, lol.

    @and-it-is-on Lol yep :) I have more pix of Liz and Kaydence, you weren't here when I sent Kaydence to college and she befriended her. They talked a lot about writing and books, lol. It's funny about college, tho, in high school you have all these cliques, and in Kaydence's case her own cousin Skylar was the 'queen bee' and treated her like plum, but Kaydence actually went to college 'early' because her score on the college test was over 2000 (the max is 2400). So she got to college, I put her in the dorm so she could meet new people (I always do that with first semester sims regardless of family wealth) and befriended Liz and a bunch of geeky studious types like herself, lol. Of course, with her being the daughter of an actor and a pop star, she's also being recruited by the sorority.

    @dreamerz13 Sounds like Cheri's family stinks and Aedan's isn't much better. Poor Cheri, no family support for her marriage :( Thankfully Aedan and Cheri have each other and that was a nice moment between them. I know the Jolina-Plumbs are dysfunctional, but at least they 'act' like they get along - most of the time. Lol


    Just because Sierra was now on house arrest, didn't mean it was boring. Far from it. This is Sierra we're talking about, after all.

    An unidentified (well because I forgot his name) alien creature stood outside the Jolina-Plumb mansion with a round disc in his hands, apparently beaming some sort of report. "251D reporting from the mansion," he began in a garbled, echoing voice, "going in."


    Just then Sierra stood outside, facing him. "What are you doing here?" she wondered.
    In his best Simlish the alien replied, "I've come with instructions to check on you."
    Sierra scoffed. "Fine time to do it," as she trudged inside the mansion.


    Sierra had been abducted by aliens when she was a very young teenager, while the family lived in Moonlight Falls. However, as she walked inside the entrance foyer, which was peppered by a huge space rock, Sierra realized the alien's presence was just the break she needed.


    Hearing the commotion, her mother, Savannah, came from downstairs to see what was happening. The fact that an alien was standing in her living room, though, didn't seem to faze her. Of course, this was a woman who had fought mummies in Egypt, been struck repeatedly by lightning, been burned and singed multiple times, and had hunted down angry ghosts, so this alien standing in her living room didn't seem much of a threat.


    Just then Savannah decided to use her skills learned as a ghost hunter to try to speak to the alien. Fluent in French and Arabic, this very well-educated woman used uncharacteristically peaceful terms to try to relate to him. First she wondered what he was doing there.
    "Do not worry, madam," said the alien in his best Simlish, "I come in peace. I was instructed to check on your daughter. We have had surveillance on your family for awhile now. Your family does not seem to be like most human families. You are better educated. You are smarter."
    "I'm sure you're aware of my daughter's issues, you do realize she can't have visitors, it's a term of her probation."
    "I am no ordinary visitor, madam. And your daughter is no ordinary girl. We spoke to her at length while she was up there."
    "Still, sir," Savannah insisted, "I think it's best that you leave, before you are discovered, both for her sake and for yours."
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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    @dreamerz13- Oh I hate it when a sim only suits like one or two hairstyles *cough* Clara *cough* So it's good that that one suits Evie.

    Aw poor Cheri, it must have been hard for Aedan to see her like that but how good of him to be there for her and even though she was sad them curling up together was adorable.

    Yeah, it's hard on him when she's feeling so down he loves her so much and they've known each other and been together so long so he knows more than anybody how hard it is on her and he's always been there for her.

    @dreamerz13 Sounds like Cheri's family stinks and Aedan's isn't much better. Poor Cheri, no family support for her marriage :( Thankfully Aedan and Cheri have each other and that was a nice moment between them. I know the Jolina-Plumbs are dysfunctional, but at least they 'act' like they get along - most of the time. Lol

    Minus 2 of his sisters Aedan's family is actually pretty awesome, his parents rock (they're slightly odd but they love each other and their kids more than anything). And there's still hope for one of his sisters anyway, she might turn out like Alexa and make amends later in life... Andrea is a lost cause, but what family doesn't have a bad egg somewhere? Cheri's family stinks though, but they probably love her more than she realizes but they do stink anyway.

    Yeah, of course something would happen to keep Sierra's life interesting even while on house arrest. An alien wanting to check on her, that would be... unsettling... but this family is far from normal so I see how it's less odd and upsetting to them than it seems like it should be to like anybody else.
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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    edited January 2016
    dreamerz13 wrote: »
    Gabriella completed her first investigation today. Snooping around in broad daylight definitely requires some stealth!


    Lol, it sure does.

    @dreamerz13 Yeah, she used to sneak off to the juice bar but while she was in college she barely even did that, lol. I understand about post holiday schedules getting hectic, mine has included.

    Sounds like it has, no fun. Hopefully it won't stay too hectic for too long.

    Calvin sighed. Why can't he just leave him alone? He'd be back when he blew off some steam.

    Poor guy, but he probably does need to stop running off so much.

    I agree. He is a teenager though. That's how he often deals with things in his misguided way.
    [So I hear anyway.]

    So I was looking at Calvin's family tree and Yuki would technically be Marissa and Calvin's sister in law. Does the sims 4 not record in law relationships?

    Calvin decided to rummage through the trash.

    Yuki decided to go hiking.

    She too had taken off. Where these kids got the idea of taking off when they're upset is beyond me.
    So apparently when you're on vacation you can't travel to the non vacation worlds. How annoying. -.-
    Yuki gave Calvin a hipbump.

    Calvin practiced horseshoes.

    Later they started eating grilled food.

    Calvin woke up feeling sad.
    Yuki what did you put in that hamburger?

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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    edited January 2016
    I've basically had an update ready to go for Evie for a few days but I wasn't allowing myself to post it until I worked on my other legacy. So now I can post that, had lots of fun with this one too :mrgreen: Now I don't know who to spend the rest of the night with though, Evie or Aedan... or Jena. I love having this problem though. :mrgreen: Maybe I'll hang with Jena though, see if I can't get that cowplant to eat Jeffery (apparently even it thinks he disgusting because it keeps spitting him out). Annnnyyyywaayyy...

    The Ellison Legacy: Evie- Chapter 11

    Alex had gone back to school, so Evie had been moping around her house which suddenly seemed very big and very empty without him there. She didn't know why it was suddenly so much harder that he was gone, but she wished she hadn't let him leave. He'd tried to stay, not wanting to leave her alone for so much of her pregnancy, or just at all really, but she insisted he go back to school. Perhaps it was just all the excitement that had happened in his last week or so in Moonlight Falls, or that she had just gotten used to him being there. Or maybe it was just her pregnancy making her more emotional. Or a mix of everything, but whatever it was she was slightly miserable.

    Luckily she had her family to cheer her up, Mae even dragged her out shopping for wedding dresses. The were shopping with Mae in mind, though she was trying to convince Evie to pick out her own dresses to. Evie didn't really see the point, she was going to be too big soon to fit in anything she picked out, and may never fit in it again. She wasn't even getting married for probably at least a year, so she could have and focus on raising the baby for a bit first, so she had lots of time to find something anyway.

    It didn't take her long to change her tune after getting to the bridal boutique though. Since they were practically identical twins and wore the same size Mae convinced Evie to try on dresses for her so they could see a couple at the same time.

    "Okay, I do really like this dress..." Evie said dreamily, twirling around in front of the mirror in the first dress she tried on "I like how the bottom flows."

    "Yeah, I see that sparkle in your eye. I knew you'd be much more enthusiastic when you actually got in a dress. It is really nice. I might want it if you don't."

    "Well, if you want it you can have it. I mean, I like it, but I have much more time to decide on a dress... and I still don't know about buying one until after I've had the baby anyway."

    ​​"Nonsense. If you like it buy it, I'm sure you'll still rock it. Besides it's not like I'm decided on it. Like I really like this one too." Mae said twisting her head to check out the back of the dress in a side mirror, "I like the back. Dunno about all the lace though."

    "It is really pretty, maybe they have something like it without the lace?"

    "Maybe. Let's look. Keep yours aside though... I'm not giving up convincing you to buy it yet."

    They didn't find anything like that, but they found a couple other dresses they really liked and tried them on too.

    "Are you going cry?" Mae asked Evie who was intently focused on checking herself out in the mirror.

    "Maybe..." Her eyes already tearing up a bit, she probably would.

    "It is a really beautiful dress, I think it's perfect for you."

    "Yeah..." Evie frowned. It was. But would it be in another year?

    "No. None of that. You're getting it. End of discussion."


    "You're on the verge of tears over it."

    "Yeah, well... I usually am right now, good or bad, so I don't know what that's worth."

    "But still, you're obviously in love with it. You're getting it. Just get it like a size or two up just in case you don't get back to your normal size and you can get it taken in if you do, but you'll look amazing in it no matter what. If you don't get it, I am, and I will keep it for when you're crying about what a stupid decision it was to let it go."

    "Fine. I'll get it."

    "Good. But you still gotta try on more dress for me, because this one is not it. I can't believe you found yours when you were the one who didn't even want to do this though."

    "We find things when we least expect to, I guess. Kind of like how I found Alex, it's kind of fitting."

    "In that case I should pick the one I hate the most, and maybe it'll surprise me later on and be wonderful after all" Mae laughed.

    Evie laughed too, Mae and Julianne really hadn't gotten along before so their relationship had come as a big surprise to Evie, but she knew how much Mae had grown to love Julianne.

    The girls were back standing in front of the mirrors in 2 more dresses a few minutes later, Mae frowned checking them out, "Okay, neither of these are it either. Seriously I hate you right now. How was it so much easier for you? Not fair."

    "Maybe you should try on that first one again, you liked it a lot. Maybe the lace can grow on you, or we can ask them about finding a version with out."

    "Maybe. I don't know, I want to just know, to tear up over it, like you did."

    "Mom's dress!" Evie shouted after thinking for a minute, "You should try hers, I think it might be what you're looking for. And I'm sure she'd love for you to wear it."

    "Oh my god! You're a genius!" Mae screamed throwing her arms around Evie's shoulders "Why didn't I think of that? We have to go ask her."

    "Mom!" Mae called out barely even getting the door open first. "Mom!"

    "What?" Her mother asked poking her head out of the living room into the hallway.

    "I think I want to wear your wedding dress, can I try it on?"

    "Oh. Well of course, I'll go get it. Follow me."

    Evie and Mae followed her up to her bedroom where Mae anxiously waited for her to dig the dress out of the closet so she could go try it on. While she was getting changed into it Evie showed her mom pictures from her phone that she'd taken of her dress.

    Her mom looked to be on the verge of tears herself as she hugged Evie, "Oh you're going to be a gorgeous bride. I just can't believe you're getting married and having a baby... growing up too fast, but I'm so happy for you."

    Mae came back into the bedroom a couple minutes later, her mom definitely tearing up then "Oh I can't believe you're getting married too, and so soon. You look gorgeous though."

    Evie nodded, "It's perfect for you."

    "It is, isn't it? This is it. Thanks for letting me wear it, mom."

    Soon all 3 of them were crying and exchanging a hug all together.

    Post edited by dreamerz13 on
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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    Candy found out that she's pregnant!
    "Honey guess what? I'm pregnant!"

    Later she went to the library to practice programming.

    Later she decided to hack.
    [Those dialup internet sounds though. Major nostalgia.]

    Later Travis gets a call from his ex-wife to hang out. He's still very much in love with her so he agreed.
    He listens to the song she plays on her violin.

    Finally they became best friends.

    Next they decided to stargaze.
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    @dreamerz13 Can't say I'm all that familiar with the Levines, lol. Lol at Lexie showing up to meet her son and his new wife in her scientist outfit. Cute update with Evie, Mae, and their mom shopping for wedding dresses. Poor Evie being preggers and missing Alex tho :( Yep I guess every family has a bad egg somewhere, look at Sierra, rofl. But at least if she's a bad egg she's entertaining. The Jolina-Plumbs don't know what 'normal' is. After all, Savannah's father did perform guitar for the Grim Reaper when he was a young man...

    @wolfkomoki1 Ok so Travis' new girl Candy is preggers and he's off stargazing and becoming BFFs with his ex-wife? Lol This can get messy... Oh btw in my Sims 4 game Yuki is dating the teen boy in my family, they met in the gamer group I formed.


    Just because Sebastian's sterling movie career was all but over, didn't mean he didn't still get offers. They just didn't come with the frequency and the regularity as they did when he was younger. He recently shot a guest episode of "As the Sims Turn" playing, ironically enough, the father of another of the teen stars, Alanna Starr Stanley (daughter of Bridgeport premades Alan Stanley and Emmy Starr, born-in-game).


    In that episode, Alanna's character, Lauren, confronts her chronically absent, irresponsible dad, Michael, who justifies his behavior by making lots of excuses.


    Meanwhile, that same day, Madison and Sebastian's real-life daughter, Kaydence, taped their scenes. Wearing matching blonde wigs, they went through their lines as the fictitious mother-daughter duo Alexa and Chrystee Barstow - and barely spoke to each other afterwards.
    The fact that the three of them were on set at nearly the same time was not lost on them.

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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    @venusdemilosims Yes it could get very messy. An acting career would be awesome in the sims 4 especially if it uses the get to work system.

    Calvin returns a week later after blowing off some steam. Yuki also returns to her parents.
    To make it up to his parents he decided to get a job.
    After that he practiced programming.

    Accalia continues working on her children's book.

    When Calvin goes to his first day at work he gets sick with a "giggly" illness.

    Warren decides to research health reports on the medical journal.

    Accalia is still working on her book.

    Calvin makes a plugin.

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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    Yuki holds her...nephew I think he would be?

    Candy breast fed him.

    Calvin finds out about his new half-brother. His first instinct was to run but he thought of Warren's words and decided to stay.
    "I DON'T WANT A HALF-BROTHER! I DON'T EVEN WANT A STEPFATHER, OR A STEPMOTHER!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

    This made Warren angry. He didn't like being yelled at, especially with this immature kid who runs off instead of dealing with his emotions.
    "Honey it's okay. He's a teenager. He's going to be mad at you." Accalia tried to calm him down.

    Later she continues working on her book. [How long is this children's book?]
    Warren goes to work.

    "Have you heard anything about Marrisa?" Calvin asks.
    "No I haven't." Accalia told him.

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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    Is anybody else experiencing the same thing as I do? Comments disappearing? Twice today, I've posted long update comments, and when I click "post comment" they just vanish??? :/
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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    jillbg wrote: »
    Is anybody else experiencing the same thing as I do? Comments disappearing? Twice today, I've posted long update comments, and when I click "post comment" they just vanish??? :/
    It's happening on my wall. Strange.

    Travis tried to invite Calvin to hang out but he refused.
    Next he tried Accalia.
    There was an option to ask her to move in.

    Kingston talks about his Aunt Yuki.

    Yuki asks about woohoo.

    After she ages up she moves into her own home in willow creek.

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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    @dreamerz13 Can't say I'm all that familiar with the Levines, lol. Lol at Lexie showing up to meet her son and his new wife in her scientist outfit. Cute update with Evie, Mae, and their mom shopping for wedding dresses. Poor Evie being preggers and missing Alex tho :( Yep I guess every family has a bad egg somewhere, look at Sierra, rofl. But at least if she's a bad egg she's entertaining. The Jolina-Plumbs don't know what 'normal' is. After all, Savannah's father did perform guitar for the Grim Reaper when he was a young man...

    LOL, it's okay most of the time I played them was done totally on my own so there's not much for anybody else to know yet. LOL yeah at least Sierra is entertaining. Andrea is just awful plain and simple :s. And I think compared to the Jolina-Plumbs the Levines are fairly normal lol, they're a bit odd but not too bad... mostly.

    Yeah those 3 on set at pretty much the same time, mainly Madison and Sebastian... awkward, yikes.

    Yuki holds her...nephew I think he would be?

    Aww cute pic.

    I'm glad Calvin returned home again too. Hopefully he can start learning to handle things a bit better.

    jillbg wrote: »
    Is anybody else experiencing the same thing as I do? Comments disappearing? Twice today, I've posted long update comments, and when I click "post comment" they just vanish??? :/

    I haven't had that recently, but they get eaten on me often enough with the "your comment needs approval" message. I just copy before posting them in case they get eaten, and if they do I just post a simple post like "post eaten, will edit" and then just edit and paste in my original post. Annoying but it usually works, I dunno if that would for this too. Might be worth trying if it insists on bugging you though.

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