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The Crowley Legacy: A Build Newcrest Challenge (Update 8/21 Ch. 9: The Motherhood Crisis)

LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
Hello, and welcome to my Build Newcrest Legacy Challenge story. If you’re not familiar with the rules you can read them here. The premise of the challenge is to start with a founding sim and an empty Newcrest, and build it up over ten generations. Each generation's heir has a specific aspiration they must complete, and a specific part of Newcrest they must build during their generation. So far I’ve been having a lot of fun with it.

Come and meet my founder:


This is Anise Crowley. Anise grew up in Willow Creek, she was the only child of parents who were… well, a little bit distant and inattentive, but we’ll get to that. Despite her upbringing, she is a cheerful sim, who loves the outdoors, and longs to have a real family someday.

Her goal is to grow eight perfect plants and build a park in Newcrest. Hopefully she and her descendants will be able to build a place where all sims can feel safe and welcome.

-Family Oriented
-Loves the Outdoors

-Freelance Botanist

I hope you enjoy our story!
Post edited by Lafrou on


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    LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
    Chapter One: A New Beginning

    Hello, my name is Anise Crowley. Yes, I am one of those Crowleys. My father, Damien is the head of a large and powerful crime organization in Willow Creek, and my mother Arabella is every bit as evil and conniving as my father.


    I was never very close to my parents, since they were usually too wrapped up in one another to notice me there.


    My parents relationship was far from perfect, despite how much they liked to moon over each other. When they weren’t being disgustingly lovey-dovey in every corner of the house, they were usually arguing. Both of them being evil and hot headed, their fights could get pretty intense.


    I spent most of my time fishing in the creek near my house. I also developed a love of plants and nature.


    When I wasn’t outside, I was usually studying. My goal was to do the best I could in school, so someday I could escape my parents home and live life my own way. I had no interest in following in my father’s criminal footsteps, nor being a spoiled, pampered trophy wife like my mother.


    Unfortunately my parents had a different plan for me. One day, close to my eighteenth birthday, my parents sat me down and told me that they wanted to expand their criminal organization to Oasis Springs, and they wanted to do this by having me marry the son of another powerful criminal family.

    Needless to say, I was not thrilled with this plan. I flat out refused to marry a boy of my parents choosing.

    I was told in no uncertain terms that I would either marry this boy, or get out of their house for good. I opted for the former. I was nearly an adult, and I was determined that my life would be my own. My parents made certain to let me know that they would make things very difficult for me in Willow Creek until I came to my senses.


    I stormed out of the house with nothing but the clothes on my back and walked for hours. At first I was furious with my parents; how dare they try to tell me what to do?! After a while cold, hard reality started to set in. I was a teenage girl with no money, no where to live, and parents who had it out for her. What was I to do?

    That’s when I found the tree. I could tell there was something special about it right away. It seemed to exude magical powers. I told it all my problems, trees are good listeners and they don’t judge.


    I was surprised when an opening appeared in the trunk. With a shrug I stepped inside. It wasn’t like I had anything better to do.


    I stepped into a beautiful oasis, with pink trees, an abundance of plants, and a roaring waterfall. The tree had provided me with sanctuary. My parents would never find me here.


    I spent the next few weeks there, but as beautiful as it was, I was very lonely. So one day I disguised myself the best I could and ventured from the safety of my isolated home. I went to the library, assuming that was another place my parents would never go. It was there that I heard about Newcrest, and how they were looking for people to found a new town free of the crime that plagued Willow Creek and Oasis Springs.


    I knew this was my chance to build a real life for myself, so I said goodbye to Willow Creek and my old life forever.
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    PeachyKeen88PeachyKeen88 Posts: 652 Member
    Great start! I love your writing style and looking forward to seeing what happens to Anise!
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    LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
    edited July 2015
    Behind the Scenes and Outtakes from Chapter One:

    Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed chapter one of Anise’s story. So at the start of the Build Newcrest Legacy you’re supposed to start with a brand new YA sim from CAS, which I actually did. I’ve been taking screenshots throughout my game play in case I wanted to storytell this challenge eventually. My original plan was to tell the story of my traditional legacy family, but then I realized that Anise would be a much more fun sim to write about.

    Her back story had formed in my head, and I wanted to show that first, but I’d already played her clear up to adulthood when I decided to start writing, so I had to do a bit of fancy footwork to show her in her younger years.

    First I retrieved a copy of her from my library, aged her down to a teen, and then I created her parents, Arabella and Damien. Both Ara and Damien have the evil, hotheaded and materialistic traits. I’ve never played evil sims before, and I had quite a bit of fun with them.

    The two of them really were either all over each other or fighting during the short time I played them. It was an interesting relationship dynamic the two of them had. By the time I finished their friendship bar was almost empty, but their romance bar was still pretty high.

    In addition to being evil, Damien also seemed to be a fire bug. I didn’t even play them for a whole sim week, and yet he managed to set the stove on fire twice. My original plan was to kill them off (but then I decided it would fit the story better to leave them alive, and really give Anise a reason to never return to Willow Creek). I was going to just let him die the second time, since I had what I needed, but there were sprinklers, and Arabella wasn’t about to let her husband go down like that.



    Oh yes, although she is portrayed clothed in the first chapter, Arabella actually spent most of her time in her pajamas.

    Anyway, thank you for reading, and I hope you’ll stay tuned as Anise settles in to Newcrest.
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    LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks, @PeachyKeen88, I'm glad you like it so far!
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    Julyvee94Julyvee94 Posts: 6,694 Member
    Hahahah, these outtakes are hilarious. I love buildnewcrest challenges, can't wait to read more
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    LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
    Chapter Two: My Own Private Idaho

    Newcrest wasn’t what I was expecting when I arrived. I knew they were building a new town, but I hadn’t realized that there wasn’t anything here. No houses, no libraries, no museums, and no parks. I looked around the vast emptiness and wondered what to do next.

    Suddenly I was met by a frazzled looking gentleman in a sweater and tie.


    “Are you here to settle Newcrest?” he asked me.

    “Well, yes, I am-”

    “Oh, wonderful!” he cut me off. “You’re the first person who’s showed up. I hereby declare you mayor of Newcrest. You, and your family, of course, will be responsible for building the town from the ground up. Isn’t that exciting?”


    “Uh…” Well this certainly wasn’t what I was expecting at all. I just wanted a new place to settle, I didn’t realize I would be responsible for building an entire town.

    “Not to worry my dear, we aren’t expecting miracles. Take your time, maybe you could start by building a public space to entice new residents. I have some books on building, if you’d like them.”


    I was still trying to wrap my head around all this, but what did I have to lose. I couldn’t go back to Willow Creek, and Oasis Springs was out of the question too. Even without me, it would only be a matter of time before my parents influence spread. If I was going to be my own woman, this was my best chance.

    Besides, it might be fun.

    “Alright, I’ll do it,” I told him.

    “Wonderful!” he exclaimed. “We are far too busy trying to clean up the mess in Willow Creek and Oasis springs to devote ourselves to this project. We’ve been waiting for a young person like you, although to be honest I wasn’t sure you’d go for it.”

    I thought it a bit odd that he was willing to trust me with such an important task without some sort of vetting process, but no matter.

    I knew exactly what I wanted to build first. A park. A beautiful refuge for the community to gather in. I didn’t know how to fund this project at first, but then it came to me; yhe town was full of valuable crystals that I could sell for money, and the nearby river was full of fish that I could sell to vendors in Magnolia Promenade.

    I chose a plot of land to start building on, and made my own little private campground, it wasn’t much, but it was a beginning.


    Once that was done, I started a garden. It has always been my dream to have a big garden, but my mother always told me that gardening was for gardeners. Well, she wasn’t here to stop me now. It felt wonderful to get my hands in the dirt.


    Although no one else lived in Newcrest as of yet, there were visitors every day. People came from all over to see how I was getting on. Most were merely curious, and I was happy to answer their questions and talk about my plans. Others thought I was flat out crazy.


    But I loved my new life here. I finally felt filled with a sense of purpose as I made plans, fished the river, and tended my garden. The only thing missing was someone to share my newfound happiness with.

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    LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
    Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. We had a little problem with our internet connection that required the cable man to come out and fix it, and then I've been crazy busy. Hoping to be able to get a few done this weekend.
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    This story has been so entertaining so far. Your writing style is really funny and I love your backstory for Anise. I wonder if her parents will show up later on or if she'll ever meet the sim they wanted her to marry or if there will eventually be a huge problem with keeping criminals out of Newcrest. See, I just found your story and I'm already so excited about it XD
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    LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
    @leontopithecusrosalia I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. I haven't decided if Anise's parents will show up in the story or not. I played out her back story in a different save after I was already pretty far into her game play, but they are in my library, so one or the other of them could show up some day.

    As for the boy that she was supposed to marry, there was a reason that I chose a boy from Oasis Springs, but you'll just have to wait and see. :wink:
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    ThePlumbobThePlumbob Posts: 4,971 Member
    This is great! I didn't realise you had a story - and it's a Build Newcrest one, which I love :)

    I really like the way you set this up and gave Anise such a thorough backstory. The second chapter with the man pronouncing her the mayor was just hilarious!

    Can't wait to see what's to come!
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    KelleReeKelleRee Posts: 86 Member
    Great story so far! It was funny that she was just declared mayor. I look forward to the rest of her adventures!
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    LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks @ThePlumbob, I've been having a lot of fun with it. Your Bloomer legacy was a huge inspiration for me to start telling Anise's story. Kirk is also the reason Ani started out in a tent. I thought it was such a good idea since you're starting out with a park, and it makes more sense than having a house you'll have to delete later on.

    @KelleRee: thank you for reading, and I'm glad your enjoying it so far. The mayor part was part of the challenge, so I decided to have a little bit of fun with it.
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    LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
    edited August 2015
    Chapter 3: When Johnny Met Ani

    I never felt lonely during the day in Newcrest, but the nights were a different story. I would often lie in my tent trying to fall asleep, and wishing there was someone there with me to share my trials and tribulations with.


    Every spare bit of money I had went to building the park, and I was proud of how it was coming along. Even if some days it seemed like it would take my entire life just to build this one thing. I knew this project was more than I could handle on my own. As much as I would love to see Newcrest as a thriving town in my lifetime, I knew it wasn’t possible. The park would be my legacy, and it would be up to my descendants to bring my dream to fruition.

    The problem with that was that I would need actual descendants, and there didn’t really seem to be any eligible bachelors visiting my little corner of the world.


    And then one day he showed up.

    “My name’s Johnny,” he said. “Johnny Zest. Are you the woman I keep hearing about? The one who’s trying to build a whole town by herself?”


    “That would be me,” I told him, thrusting my hand out. “My name is Anise Crowley.”

    Johnny, who was about to shake the hand that I had offered, suddenly hesitated and stared at me with a look of mingled shock and horror. Apparently my family’s reputation preceded me.

    “Damien Crowley’s daughter?” he asked quietly, all good humor gone.

    “The one and only,” I said abashedly. “But please don’t hold it against me. I promise I’m nothing like my parents. As far as they’re concerned I am a major disappointment.”

    Johnny seemed to relax a little, and finally shook my hand. “I know something about being a disappointment. We’ll just pretend that we’re two strangers who know nothing about each other.”

    “Well, that will be easy for me,” I said, grinning. “You are a stranger that I know nothing about.”

    Johnny ended up hanging out most of the day. I showed him my garden and told him all about my plans for the new park. Although he was a goofball, and liked to crack a lot of jokes, he was a very good listener. He also told me a little about himself. Like that he was an aspiring comedian and worked as a performer at the Laugh Factory. His dream was to be a huge comedy star.

    He certainly had me in stitches most of the day.

    I was a little sad when he told me he had to leave for work. It had been nice to spend the day with him, and I hoped that this would be the start of a lasting friendship.


    (I am sorry this chapter is so light on screen shots. Sadly when Johnny first started appearing in Newcrest I did not take him as a serious contender for Anise's affections, and only took that one screenshot of their early interactions. That'll teach me. )
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    YouMeAtSixYouMeAtSix Posts: 460 Member
    I'm really enjoying this. You're a great storyteller :)
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    I can't tell for sure, but was that screenshot of her and Vivian Lewis eating at the picnic table taken at the park Anisa's building? It looks lovely. Anisa's got a very nice setup, roughing it in a tent and roasting marshmallows XD

    It's definitely a change from her life with her parents. I can't wait to see more!
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    LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
    @YouMeAtSix Thank you for the compliment! I'm glad you're enjoying it. :smiley:

    @leontopithecusrosalia Yes, that is Vivian Lewis, she used to visit quite often when I first started this challenge, but I think she must have passed away because I haven't seen her in a while. She definitely has a sweet set up for sure, I don't think she misses her parents much at all. They NEVER would have let her pitch a tent and roast marshmallows in the back yard.
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    SilentKittySilentKitty Posts: 4,665 Member
    Fun story :smile: thanks for posting.
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    JanaSimmingJanaSimming Posts: 5 New Member
    Loving the story so far! Anise is a really interesting character to read about. I can't wait to see what happens next and if anything happens between her and Johnny. :)
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    LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
    @SilentKitty Thank you for reading and commenting! I'm definitely having a lot of fun with it/

    @JanaSimming I'm glad you're liking it so far. She's a fun character to write about too. I should have a new chapter out in a few minutes that will definitely answer that question. :smiley:
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    LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
    edited August 2015
    Chapter Four: Love Story


    Johnny became a regular visitor after that day. He would often show up at my place and hang out until he had to go to work, and we talked to each other on the phone frequently. I liked having him around. He was good company while I gardened, trying out his new material on me, and making the hard work seem… well, less like work.

    He was also a great listener when I needed someone to vent to, or share my worries and doubts about the park. He often told me he admired what I was doing, and that it had taken a lot of courage to strike out on my own when my parents had wanted something completely different for me.

    Our friendship grew stronger over the next few weeks, and I came to realize that friendship wasn’t the only thing I felt for Johnny. Sure he was a goofball, and his fashion sense was a little bit lacking, but he was also a wonderfully supportive and loyal person, and I admired that he was so tenacious in following his own dreams.

    I was hesitant to tell him how I felt at first. He never once did anything to make me think he wanted to have more than a platonic relationship with me. Besides, he was the best friend I’d ever had. What if I told him how I felt and our friendship was ruined? I couldn’t imagine my life without Johnny in it.

    But I hadn’t gotten where I was by being a coward. I decided I needed to tell him. It would be better to know where I stood then to spend the rest of my life wondering what if. And if Johnny didn’t feel the same way? It would hurt, but I hoped our friendship would be strong enough to take it.

    So I invited him over, and waited anxiously for him to show up. When he arrived at my door, I didn’t even invite him in before I told him. I figured that way he’d have and easy escape should he choose to take it.


    “Johnny, I have something important I need to tell you,” I said nervously.

    “Oh,” he said, immediately serious, which was rare for a jovial person like him. “You haven’t decided to move back to Willow Creek and marry the guy your parents chose for you, have you? Because I bet he’s a real idiot.”

    “No! Of course not!” I told him, surprised he could even think such a thing after everything I had told him about my past. “But there is someone special that I would like to be a bigger part of my life.”

    “I think that’s an awful plan, Ani.”

    I looked for some sign that he was teasing me, but couldn’t find any. All my fragile hopes burst like a balloon, and a sick feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. “Oh. You do?”

    I knew this was a possibility, but it felt even worse than I imagined.

    “Well yeah, I don’t know who this plum is, but I can already tell you he’s not good enough for you. There’s no way he could be.”

    I realized he didn’t know I was talking about him. He also sounded jealous. I grinned and took his hands.


    “You shouldn’t talk about yourself that way. I think you’re wonderful, and I would be a lucky girl if you felt the same way about me as I feel about you.”

    “Me?” Johnny asked, looking stunned.

    Before he could say anything more I leaned in and kissed him.


    “I’m still not sure he’s good enough for you, but it doesn’t sound like such a bad idea any more. Forget what I said before, you should definitely go for it,” he teased.

    “Oh, I plan to,” I told him, pulling him into a hug. “And don’t worry, he’s good enough for me. He’s the best man I know.”


    That night I laughed to myself thinking about what my parents would say if they could see me now. Living in the park of a town that didn’t even exist yet, dating a poor aspiring comedian. I was glad that I had followed my heart instead of their orders. I had never been happier.

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    ThePlumbobThePlumbob Posts: 4,971 Member
    Ani's cottage is adorable! Johny and her seem cute together, I've never really played him so I'm curious tolearn what he's like. Wasn't there a theory that he's somehow related to the Landgraabs?
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    LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
    @ThePlumbob Thanks, her cottage will probably become a public toilet once they leave, but I kinda like it too. There's not much going on, but it suits her.

    I had never played with Johnny before this either. He's been a very surprising sim. In fact, he does something in the next chapter that downright shocked me. According to his character bio, he was disowned by the Landgraabs for becoming a performer instead of doing something more Landgraaby I guess, although it doesn't say exactly how he's related. I'll definitely be playing with that soon too.
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    LafrouLafrou Posts: 204 Member
    Chapter Five: How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days


    Like I said before, I had never been happier in all my life. Things really did seems to be falling right in to place. The garden was thriving, and I was bringing in quite a lot of money selling the produce and the fish I had caught. The park was coming along nicely too. There was still a lot I wanted to add, but the people who visited me seemed to enjoy a nice game of horseshoes or chess, and the fountain I had added to the center of the lot was a good place to sit and reflect at the end of the day.

    Things were still going well with Johnny too. Really well. Which is to say that Johnny spent just as much time with me as he had before, but now there was kissing involved. It turns out that in addition to being cute, funny, and an attentive friend, Johnny was also a very affectionate boyfriend. He knew how to rock a tent too, if you know what I mean.


    I had been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I was ready to settle down and start a family. The problem was that Johnny seemed to go off every time I brought up the future. He was happy to sit and discuss my future plans for the park, or what he wanted to do in his career, but if I brought up children, or marriage, he got a little wishy- washy.

    He never flat out told me he didn’t want to get married or have kids, he just got weird whenever I mentioned either.

    It was going to take some careful planning on my part, but this was my first real relationship, so I had no idea how to go about it.

    So one morning I invited him over. All my careful planning went right out the window as he came up the sidewalk.

    “Hey, Johnny, do you want to come live with me at the park?”

    Smooth, Anise. So smooth.

    “Really?” he asked, eyes lighting up. “I would love to. I’ve always wanted to live in a park!”


    Well, that had actually worked. I was so excited and thrilled, that I dropped down on one knee, ready to get to the really important stuff.

    “I’m not looking for a roommate, Johnny. Will you marry me?”


    And there he was. Mr Wishy-Washy. Mr I Can’t Make Any Big Future Plans Outside of My Comedy Career. I knew what he was going to say before he even said it. The look on his face spoke volumes.

    “I - I can’t marry you, Ani,” he told me.


    That felt terrible. I mean, really, really awful. I was hurt and embarrassed. No, I was more than embarrassed, I was mortified.

    “Ok, that’s cool then,” I muttered, pulling out my phone. I couldn’t even look at him, and I needed a distraction.

    I called my good friend Britani Phillips. What I wanted to say was, ‘Oh my plum, I’ve done the stupidest thing ever, and I feel just so ridiculous right now,’ but Johnny was still standing there, so I settled for, “Hey girl, are we still on for lunch tomorrow?”


    “Lunch? What are you talking about Anise?” Britani asked me, “We don’t have lunch plans or tomorrow.”

    I wandered a good safe distance away from Johnny before I answered. “Yeah, I know, but I just asked Johnny to marry me, and he said no. I feel awful, Brit. Like I could just curl up into a ball and die.”

    “WHAT?! HE SAID WHAT?!” Britani shouted into the phone, outraged on my behalf. “What is wrong with that man? He could wander the world twice over and not find a woman as wonderful as you willing to put up with his crap.”

    That made me feel a little bit better. Sure, Britani is my friend and all, so she has to say nice things about me, but I just needed someone to tell me I wasn’t awful and of course he said no. She really did it up good too, my ears were ringing a little.

    “Where is he?” she asked. “Is he still at the park? I’m going to come over there and kick his miserable butt. Don’t think I can’t do it either, the skinny little runt.”

    “I don’t know, I think he might have left. Look, I really appreciate it, but he’s free to say no. I don’t think you’ll need to kick his butt, or anything. I think I’m just going to go lie down for a while.”

    “Okay,” Britani said. “But if you need anything, Ani, anything at all you just let me know, and I’ll be over there in two minutes.”

    My phone call with Britani helped a little, but I still felt bad, so I took my own advice and went to lay in my bed and wallow for a while.


    That helped too. I was almost feeling myself, so I decided to go out and work in the garden. That always did the trick for me. I was on my way when I saw this gorgeous woman walking by dressed to the nines. Just what I needed on the worst day of my life, because I’m sure I looked like a hot mess.


    “Hey,” I said shyly. “Don’t mind me, I promise I’m not the creature from the black lagoon, or anything. Despite appearances,”

    “Oh,” the older blond woman said, eyeing me warily. Well I can’t say I blame her.

    “I didn’t even see you there, I was looking for my son. Are you alright, you look a little… frazzled.”

    “Yeah,” I said, “just a rough day with the boyfriend.

    “Oh, I see. Yes, men can be very tiresome. I suggest you cut him off, and make him buy you something pretty before you forgive him.”

    “Uh, yeah,” I said slowly. “I’ll take that under consideration.”

    Yikes, if she’s not friends with my mother then she should be.

    “Well, you have a nice day then,” she said, and wandered off. I shook my head and went to my garden.


    So that was probably it for me and Johnny. I tried not to be sad about that, I really did. But it was very hard. You don’t stop loving someone because of one rejected proposal. I was torn between wanting to forgive him, and wanting to rip his head off. It was probably a moot point anyway, I was pretty certain I had scared him off for good.

    And then I heard footsteps behind me. When I turned around I was surprised to see Johnny standing there.


    “Ani, we need to talk.”

    Well plum. I just hoped he’d let me down easy.
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    ThePlumbobThePlumbob Posts: 4,971 Member
    Woah, Anise sure likes moving fast! Wonder how their conversation will go!
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    PeachyKeen88PeachyKeen88 Posts: 652 Member
    I really love the way you're telling this story. It's definitely fast-paced, but you've done a wonderful job of making me feel attached to Anise already. When Johnny told he "still wasn't sure if the guy was good enough for her" after he knew it was him, I thought I might cry! You should probably try your hand at writing romance novels ;)
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