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The Sims 4 Feedback Thread - come share yours


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    mwyatt139mwyatt139 Posts: 374 Member
    @DissapointedSimmer Where's the love button on your post?
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    DissapointedSimmerDissapointedSimmer Posts: 11 New Member
    [quote="mwyatt139;13643925"]@DissapointedSimmer Where's the love button on your post?[/quote]

    Haha! I'm glad you agree with me :)
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    kimieswildroseskimieswildroses Posts: 116 Member
    Sims 4 has really let me down so very dissapointed. I understand not wanting to make it so big that it took forever to load. But hey come on sims 2 loaded in a flash and we got most of what we have been yelling about with the base game,ie toddlers and dishwashers just to name a few. Im just glad I still have Sims 3 on my pc. I refuse to buy more packs or play until they give us what we have been asking for. I have been playing Sims since it came out.Maybe Will Wright needs to come back and make Sms what it used to be a fantastic game!!!
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    FCazaresFCazares Posts: 20 Member
    edited May 2015
    There a re a lot of things I like about the game and find it more and more enjoyable with every addition put in so far. I don't really want to do bullet points and separate things out so I'm just going to make statements as they come to me.

    I hope you continue adding more vacation spots and expand the retail idea a little more, the area only has 4 lots and I think maybe it should at least have lots for other activities. I found that owning a retail store is fun and challenging and I am thankful for that new and fascinating aspect to the game.

    I know a lot of people have complained about no toddlers and at first I thought it was strange and there can be a sense of being cheated because you're losing a stage. People will feel cheated even if they didn't really value something all that much and that was my very first reaction. In playing the game however, I've found that I don't miss them and while they were a novelty in previous editions I usually aged them up very early because the toddler stage of life is kind of dull to be honest. I do agree with most people though about the height of teens.. and well height in general would be something I'd love to see sliders for in CAS so not every sim is the same height in the game. I would understand if developers would want to put reasonable limits but I think it can be done and implement with some degree of simplicity.

    There are a few things I'd like to see returned like the ability to lock doors and assign beds in households. I'd also like to have an option to be able to send a sim to go find collectables instead of having to scour the countryside myself.. like maybe if they just stopped to collect while they are on hikes would be helpful.

    Anyway these are just a few observations and things I'd like to see come to the game.
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    Lilybug2500Lilybug2500 Posts: 1 New Member
    edited May 2015
    The loading screens sometimes have cute little tips
    The neighbors are always walking around, which makes meeting new sims easier
    The little pre-made parks and pathways are fun
    Build/buy mode is easier
    The cartoony style of everything is really cute
    Daily tasks for careers make sense
    The new clay hair is way better than the old sims 3 EA default textures
    Hats work with all hair
    The variety of eye/lip/nose/cheek options
    Parties are easier to manage
    The body/face morphing or whatever is really easy to use and produces better looking sims
    Retiring system makes sense
    Social interactions are way better than sims 3
    Moods are really fun to play around with (options like pee like a champion when confident and scour for memes when playful are really cute)

    There aren't any bunk beds
    No toddlers (I read the newest update about them, and it makes sense but I just really want toddlers)
    No pets (this is something I really miss from sims 3)
    No seasons and subsequently no real holidays, every week is the same
    Randomized townies look awful (especially with cc)
    There's no boarding school
    Traits don't really affect gameplay
    There isn't a height slider/ teens are the same height as adults
    No laundry

    I have the base game only right now
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    BreazonaBreazona Posts: 1,335 Member
    edited May 2015
    First thing I'd like to say is I apologize if I get something wrong, such as a feature I said I want that has already been put in TS4, as I have recently uninstalled it.

    What I liked:
    -Emotions: They're very fun to play with. They can, of course, be frustrating if there's something I want my Sims to do and they can't due to how they're feeling. But it makes it so realistic and it barely bothers me.
    -Laptop mode: While I didn't use this much since I had lots of CC in my game I thought it was a nice addition for those of us on laptops.
    -Major updates: I loved how EA gave us things like pools and the family tree for free instead of putting it in a GP, EP, or SP.
    -Create a Sim: I LOVED how easy it was to create a Sim! Every Sim I made was unique, which can be a little harder to do with sliders.
    Building: I am absolutely awful at building but it was so easy to do things like re-size a room.
    -Speed: From loading screens to CAS to to designing rooms, I found it all to be quite quick. Sims 3 is quite slow on my computer (it is, of course, a laptop, and TS3 wasn't really meant for laptops, or so I've heard.) I'd say it's a nice change but I started playing TS3 after TS4, so it's quite the opposite haha.
    -Clothing Options: In the base game alone there was a good amount of clothing to choose from. Self explanatory.
    -Hair options: I didn't like the look of the hair but there was a good amount to choose from, especially for the guys, unlike TS3. Easy fix, though.
    -Relationships: I really love how there's two different bars for friendship and romance.
    -New Cheats: The lack of cheats in TS3 was a bit sad. No career cheats is just one thing it was lacking in. (I mean cheats that you type in with the Control+Shift+C so it's simple, I heard there was some other way with a mailbox but I'm not really sure... Not the point though...) I also like how you type Testingcheats on instead of enabled true. It makes it much shorter. Apparently that's just me, though.
    -Re-sizing: I loved how with the push of a few buttons you could make an object bigger/smaller
    -Hats: They work with all hairs!! Hurrah
    -Kids&HW: I like that even when their mood is low they can do their homework. So realistic, haha.
    -Teen Woohoo: This is so so weird that it's on this list but it was never in other games. There was so many mods for it in the past so obviously people wanted it.

    There's certainly more things, I just can't think of them at the moment.

    What I didn't like:
    -Multiple Games Option: In Sims 3 when you go to the main menu one there's a little + button and when you click on it you get the option to start a new game. Maybe I'm just blind, but I didn't see anything like that in TS3. I'm sure there's some complicated way to do it but I'd like a simple way. Even in TS2 we had the option to go to different towns, which is close to a new game.
    -Cars: Even if I can't have my Sims drive them, having them in game is nice, even if it is just for decoration. It really makes the game more realistic. I also like having a garage in my home.
    -Size of interactions: The title is a bit confusing, but when you click on a Sim to interact with them the text that says the options seem quite big to me. Perhaps it's nice for some, but for me it seems.. a bit unnecessary, I guess. I guess I just like having the interactions be smaller. I know this probably doesn't bother anybody else at all but, for some reason, it bothers me.
    -The Obvious: I think almost every Simmer (almost, I said almost) will agree with me when I say that I miss toddlers, Create a Style, the color wheel, open world, lot placing, beaches, ect.
    -$80: This was how much the game was when it first came out where I am located. The game felt rather incomplete to me. When Sims 3 first came out I recall it being around $30-40 and it has 2-3x as much content.
    -Laundry: I feel like this is something that should have been in the base game. Same goes with bunk beds and canes for the elderly.
    -Height: Wait.. Are you a teen, adult, or elder?
    -Traits: We have hardly any to choose from and when we do choose some they don't even affect the game..

    In between:
    -TS3 store: I loved how there were objects that you could decide if you wanted in your game or not. It was nice because I never buy SPs (Stuff Packs) and I don't like putting too much on my computer w/ EPs so I could just go to the store and get what I wanted... Well.... If I had money :p . Obviously not everybody has pocket money that they can spend on Sim Points, myself included haha, which is why I love that they included Sponsor Pay and gifting. Maybe there can be an in between for Sims 5, if there is a Sims 5. Kinda like the store but either everything is much less or just free, so you can still pick what you want but now everybody can do it. I know, extremely unrealistic, just thinking out loud.

    Before anybody thinks I didn't get much time playing TS4 I did, 408 hours to be exact. So, yes, I did spend a good bit of time playing TS4. Anyway, that's what I personally liked and didn't like. Edited because I have thought of new things. ☺
    sims 2&3 my beloved♥
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    BreazonaBreazona Posts: 1,335 Member
    > @constance said:
    > p.s. also, now that i'm playing, like, a legacy, i'm really missing toddlers. i know it's been said before, but please if there's a way they can come back in an EP or something (not unlike young adults came with TS2 University) that'd be sweet.

    I feel like it'd be much harder for toddlers to come back considering that Young Adults and Adults were basically the same. That would be quite cool though.
    sims 2&3 my beloved♥
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    Emilywill89Emilywill89 Posts: 5 New Member
    Hey :) So this is my first ever post, so be gentle :)

    I thought I should go into my situation first as I wouldn't want you to assume I was new at this technologically-emotional- headscrew of a roller coaster, that is trying to play Sims at its max. I am sure there are a lot of people out there in the same position as me, this also includes the people who, like I was for 4 painful years, desperately dreaming of getting a better computer to play the Sims on to it's fullest, because believe me, you will get your dream Pc- it can seem like it takes forever, but when it does, heed my warning, if you play the game as I do. Let me explain my story more....

    Before a few weeks ago I used a laptop for the Sims 4, as Sims 3 was just unplayable with my saves file ( I suppose a hint to future happenings....) more because I had no room to put a computer and I moved around a lot, and if I was going to get a custom build, I wanted to spend wisely on my parts.

    With this standard HP Laptop I was able to play fine, but like quite a few simmers out there, I cant play the Sims 4 *Vanilla style*, I have to use Mods, and a craaaaaaap tonne of CC. I've played The Sims from the start and mods have allowed me to play a game that I would play forever and ever if I could( I suffer from sever depression and quite frankly this game has saved me and allowed me to show a creative side that I usually am too low to show) I organize my folders, even putting new content in a testing folder before hand , just in case it conflicts. Basically what I am trying to say is that I have spent 100s of hours making sure that I do nothing in any way to damage my game and that I am aware fairly quickly of the reasons for game crashes.

    Inevitably my laptop popped its clogs. After a lot of research, an amazing pc building company(that allowed me to do a monthly payment option that was very solid and non loansharky, it's the only way I could of bought it) and 2 awesome uncles, I now am the proud owner of a lovely gaming PC (The Nostromo) that has specs enough to play The Witcher 3 and more importantly Sims 4 on ruddy Ultra!

    (Please no hate, I don't want to seem as if I am rubbing this in, I am simply trying to help you understand my frustration, and the frustration you will no doubt encounter if you play your game as I do when you are able to get a plum good machine to do it on)

    Today, with the new rig, and a few weeks of playing blissfully on Ultra with all my backed up families and lots on board, I am now UNABLE to play the Sims 4 any more.

    I made the ultimate mistake of not getting my head around the fact that Sims 4 is a 32bit program before I bought my PC.

    Oh 16gbs of RAM you say? Why yes of course my Sims will run amazingly! WRONG. It wont, it will hit 3.7gb max and crash, because the fact is, 32bit will not take any more of my lovely fast ram because it is just not allowed too. Now if we had 64bit it would take whatever RAM it wanted, I have no idea of the drawbacks in this but I would at least like the chance to try.
    Because this isn't the first time I've faced the decision to start again, Sims 3 was the same, because I have so much backstory to my games the save files get big(much like my posts, for that I am sorry)

    Now I am no stranger to my games RAM usage getting increasingly large over time - Using CC has its drawbacks, especially when you flood your lots with pretty pretty things. There are too many amazing modder's out there not too, it would be rude not to! Also I play long legacy games, where I have had generations with families and tonnes of achievements to my name. ( I would also like to add that I customize my un-played households and all neighborhood lots because this is my world after all, right?)

    Now my point is surely I should be allowed to keep playing generations upon generations without being limited to 3.6 gb or so of ram. I know CC is adding to such a high amount of ram but I'm sorry I got so creative, and bare in mind, we are only on our first expansion pack! I've spent half my life paying money to the Sims willingly because I love the freedom but now I can no longer see the point until the "Sims gods" decide to at least create a 64bit version for those that have the means to use it. I'm not saying get rid of 32bit, heck no, I've been there but seriously ? Mac users get 64bit( I know its to do with compatibility with running system(?) or something), and I would love to hear from Mac users who play like me and see if they've gone over the dreaded 3.7gb mark. Because I don't want to let go of my families, or my neighborhood or my achievements. How is a game fun if every time you reach a certain point you have to restart when you know you haven't finished the story?! Especially if you spent hundreds of hours building it?!

    For the first time in 15 years I have not bought the newest stuff pack on its release day. I am just heartbroken and sad that its got to this point, AGAIN. I even tried reducing all my settings to medium, even low - put the game in windowed mode, disabled origin, deleted caches, yada yada yada. But the fact is, after 7 generations later, I can't save the game more than once without it crashing. So the only way I can play now is too start over, and quite frankly I just don't have the heart to do it, nor the energy.

    I have trawled these forums and others in search for clues to whether 64 bit is coming, if it could even been done, and whether even an outside source could do it themselves.

    Anyone that's been in my position, please, let me know...! Did you just bite the bullet and start over, knowing you would inevitably reach that stage again? Or are you like me trawling the web everyday hoping for a sign of 64bit news whenever you feel the twitch to play..

    Can someone please clear up for me why making it in 64bit for windows would be an issue, and whether it could just be added to those who wanted it? Because I obviously want those with older systems to still play.

    Does anyone know of whether 64bit is in the pipeline? Or have any rumors at all?

    And if anyone from The Sims team ever reads this - please just concentrate on fixing this, because as time goes on , more and more people will get to my point, and buying an expansion pack will be useless, I mean, what goods' a drinking fountain if my game crashes everytime I arrange a social event?
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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    Might as well throw my two cents in.
    An honest review of the sims 4

    I had preordered the sims 4. I gave the game a chance but it’s just not as good as the previous games.
    Things I hate:

    1. Restriction of build/buy mode. Having to unlock things like it’s dlc? Really? Why is part of build/buy mode locked?
    2. Emotional deaths are annoying. Seriously, peeing yourself is not something to die over.
    3. Lack of moviemaker cheats. The sims 4’s engine would be great for machinima. However, I can’t do that without moviemakercheats!!!!!!
    4. Thanks for removing yet another thing! Why is there an option to edit them in CAS if you can't do anything?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Having to type in a cheat is and unnecessary.
    5. No ability to add ghosts to the household. No option is coming up to add ghosts to the household when shift-clicking on a sim.
    6. Changed backstories to sims that have been with us since the sims 2. I'm playing the Caliente family and they added an oc. Who the heck is Katrina?
    7. No ability to lock doors. This has been with us since the sims 2. Why was this removed?
    8. No cars. Come on really? Teleportation is unrealistic.
    9. Unrealistic skill gain. My sim paints one painting and she's now a level 3 painter?
    10. No maternity leave. This was in the sims 2 and 3 why was it removed?
    11. Lack of world editing abilities. This was in the sims 2 and 3 why was it removed?
    12. Object babies. I was happy that the burrito babies were gone. THIS isn’t what I wanted!
    13. No toddlers. In real life you don’t magically age up into an eight year old hours after being born.
    14. No npcs. Come on, really?
    15. Lack of customization in cas. I realize create a style is impossible but a simple color wheel in 2015 is not.

    Things I like:

    1. Create a style. Okay I give you that one. It’s really improved.
    2. The game actually runs.
    3. Child sims are really improved this time around.
    4. Populated town. In the sims 3 the town was like a ghost town. It’s not in the sims 4.
    5. The fact that sims actually have tears.
    6. Finally sims can multitask.
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    SucomSucom Posts: 1,709 Member
    I have to say that I'm still very disappointed with Sims 4. What should or could have been a really good game with the new CAS has turned out so disappointing. What don't I like? Where do I start? Difficult......

    I play sims to be creative but you've completely taken that away. You really have. Lots are too small, no terrain tools, can't change the world terrain at all or add lots, can't create lots on hills or mountains, can't create anything different or unusual, can't design unusual colours, can't copy anything in real life AT ALL because of the choice limitations, can't use all the build buy objects because you have to play the game in order to unlock them (What use is that for builders?????), can't match objects up at all well, can't ........... what's the point of going on, you've completely killed the game for anyone wishing to unlock their creativity. You had something really good going on in Sims 3 for simmers who enjoy really pushing their imagination and skills to the limit and then you took it ALL AWAY with Sims 4.

    The game clearly centres around young adults with improved woo hoo, parties, make up and clothes, no children or family play and the ability to create some fantastic looking sims. And you ruined it with that stupid waddle to the toilet. If I create or download a celebrity sim and put them into romantic scenarios with them blowing kisses across a table, romantic woo hoo music, etc, the last thing I want to see that he-man male sim do is waddle to the toilet or hide under the bed covers like a wimp. What age group is this game aged at? Children, teens, adults? Who?

    If I create a sim who I wish to be quiet and retiring and pessimistic person (like a person I might know in real life for example) why would I then wish to see that sim bouncing around Willow Creek like the happiest, most optimistic person alive just because he took a brisk shower in order to save time for the very lengthy other showers and baths?

    I would love my sims to live on their retail lot but I don't want to see customer sims running all over their house, eating all the food in their fridge and watching their television. You can't even create a realistic stock or staff room. Oh come on in, all welcome! What is that all about?

    Playing careers in Get to Work? That is so dull. No, don't use your initiative at all! Just follow instructions on screen. BORING! Mop floor, ok, done. Chat to a colleague, ok, done. What about if the player is one of those people who likes to get things done and is a hard worker? How do they feel about all this time wasting at work? Well, I can tell you because I'm one of those people. I hate it! No, that's an understatement, I loathe it!

    And I still can't create the pink bedroom I would like with white furniture because it doesn't exist in the objects. I can't use all the objects I would like to use because I end up with a complete mish mash of colours. Not good!

    So basically, I'm giving this game a real thumbs down. Yes I do play it occasionally until it becomes just too frustrating either because I'm fed up of creating the same colours and using the same objects in every single build or because I just can't stand the gameplay without getting tense.

    The whole point of playing the Sims games is for me to use my own imagination; MY imagination, not the imagination of the people who created the game. My imagination is creating a world; my imagination in creating a lot; my imagination in creating a sim; my imagination in creating individual characters; my imagination in how I choose to play the game. You've taken all this away and for me, you ruined it.

    I'm sorry but that's just the way it is so you have left one player unhappy and uncertain about whether to continue following this game or not. It's just one big disappointment so far, and it shouldn't have been, in my opinion. My philosophy, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, build on it, update and improve.

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    princessashley0princessashley0 Posts: 3 New Member
    Let me just start by saying that I did not like Sims 3. I know a lot of people are upset about loading screens but I welcome them back with open arms. Sims was not an open world game, and I didn't think that making it one was an improvement. I thought it was turning it into something I didn't sign up for. Also, I didn't miss create-a-style. I like the real life simulation feel of sims, and in real life, we can't change the pattern of everything to the exact pattern we want. We buy clothes and furniture in the patterns its available in. That's just my opinion, but because I wasn't a hug fan of Sims 3, I've spent years holding Sims 2 up on a shiny little throne. I was pretty sure that it could never be beaten, that I would always say it was the best Sims game.

    Well, I already think The Sims 4 is better.
    I thought it would take a bunch of expansion packs to make me say that, but it didn't. As of right now, there is WAY more to do in Sims 2 so technically you could say it is better, but I would rather play Sims 4's base game than Sims 2's, despite Sims 2 having more content. Honestly, I have every Sims 2 expansion pack downloaded on my PC, but I would rather play Sims 4 with the limited content it currently has. My love for Sims 2 hasn't lessened, but I can't deny that Sims 4 is an improvement.

    No matter what anyone says, our Sims have always been, basically, the same people. No matter what "sign" you gave them, turn ons, aspirations, wishes, etc. they were nearly the same exact sim. Their complexities were mainly in our heads, complexities we were pretending they had. When relationships ended or people died, they might show signs of it affecting them with a sob fest here and there, but they weren't affected the way we are in every day life. In Sims 4, when my poor sim was divorced, she would cry as she typed on the computer, throw things in frustration as she attempted to cook, and she was incapable of doing cheerful things in her depressed state--other sims games, your sim was capable of moving mountains even if they'd just watched all of their loved ones die.
    I've heard some people say they are constantly trying to get rid of the bad emotions and it's annoying. I don't think they're playing the game right. Aside from uncomfortable, which just means taking care of their needs, the negative emotions aren't there for you to rush to rid of. You let your sim live with it the way you do! It's what makes everything so interesting. It's what makes every day in the life of my sim so complex and unique, different every time-Their emotions. My sims are all so different from one another, and for once, their stories really are jumping out of the screen.
    The needs bar also seems to go down much slower, and fill up faster, and now that sims can multi-task, I don't need to use a bool prop cheat to play without losing my mind. I don't even use custom content anymore because I really like what options they've provided.

    Another thing-and when I say this, I'm not saying we don't need another Nightlife themed expansion pack. Trust me I want one-but it seems to me that we can already do what we're able to do in the Sims 2 Nightlife expansion pack, aside from the extra stuff like dining out and bowling. Thing is, I just upgraded a lounge with all the new luxury party stuff, and with the right music and lights, I'm doing the same thing I did in Sims 2 Nightlife. It feels like the same thing, except a little better because tons of sims are always there, unlike in Sims 2 when, at times, the clubs were barren. -This makes me even more excited for that expansion someday, as I can only imagine what extra things they will do.

    For some negatives,
    I really do not like the loss of being able to call a police man, repair man, fireman, etc. I think these things NEED to be added. They simply cannot leave that out. It depletes the senses of realism! Now that we have Get to Work, it'd be awesome to call the police, and potentially have one of our other sims from that career show up. I really hope they add this soon, because it just makes the world feel fake without them. Oh yeah, and give us some burglars so I have a reason to call the police. Thanks. (Better yet, make people from the criminal career show up)

    This might change with the addition of cars, but when someone goes to work or leaves, I hate when they just fade away. I'd like to see them get in a car, or at least walk all the way off the lot like I have to when I'm walking home. I don't mind that we teleport automatically when using the phone, but in moments like that, it just really kills the realism once again.

    I definitely want more worlds. I think the next expansion needs to have another world, much bigger than the one in Get to Work. I want a place with residential areas. I had hoped that Sixam would become residential once discovered, but sadly, it's not. I also think it'd be cool if they did more hidden areas like Forgotten Grotto, places you have to earn access to, but with residential lots--places that become worlds once accessed. I can live with the new type of map if they just give me more worlds to build on.

    Like others, I would like to see toddlers make a comeback but surprisingly, it's not killing me to live without them. Maybe its because the babies are so annoying that I want them to be kids already lol I also am not a huge fan of them giving me a crib. It's a nice nod to Sims 1, but we should have the option to get a new crib if we want.

    Also, this isn't a con as much as a hope for the future. I'd like to see more active careers as time goes on. Like a vet with the pets pack, or a bouncer with nightlife--just examples, but things like this that coincide with another pack would be great, because the active careers are loads of fun and I'd love more options. I'd really LOVE for them to make the criminal career and secret agent careers be active. Also, why not make astronauts active? With Sixam, it should be easy to cook up some career goals that take place there.

    One more hope I have is that they don't accept their work with the emotions as 'done'. I'd like them to keep maximizing on that. For example, no matter what two sims are dating, every option is the same. That shy first kiss is everyone's first kiss, even when they have already had a first kiss in the past. I think it'd be cool if, as time goes on, they add variations of different actions based on the personalities we've given our sims. For example, a mean, evil sim might kiss a sim differently than a good, squeamish, loner sim. I could live without it, but I'd be thrilled if it came.

    And one last con--but this is not specifically for Sims 4, as it has been this way in every Sims game. If my sim makes another sim their boyfriend/girlfriend, and they flirt with another sim, the sim I am flirting with gets angry if they see me kiss my girlfriend/boyfriend. Why is this? What is even the point of making it official with a sim? The whole point of making it official means I can't flirt with others, which means that ONLY my girlfriend/boyfriend should get depressed with the message "saw the love of their life flirting with someone else". Sims should agree, like real people do, that if they aren't committed, they AREN'T committed. I mean, if my mean sim cheats with another mean sim, I would think that sim would enjoy the fact that this is an affair, that the "flirt covertly" option could come in handy? Maybe that's just me, but I find it really frustrating that every sim, even the ones you aren't dating, count your flirting as a betrayal or cheating. It makes the "ask to be boyfriend/girlfriend" option seem pointless.
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    cesankowski93cesankowski93 Posts: 13 New Member
    What you liked
    What you didn't like
    Overall thoughts?

    what i really enjoy is that TS4 is all about the specific/little moments that set them apart from one another. It's nice how detailed interactions are and the details put into the gameplay.
    I don't like how similar it is to the sims 3 graphics wise. I thought I read somewhere that the sims would look more like the Facebook gameplay which I thought the sims in the commercials represented, but not once I started playing the game.
    What I would really think is awesome is if there were more sims-kid oriented gameplay options. Concepts like having toddlers (I know I know, i'm sorry I had to say it) and preteens are something I've heard from my friends across the board. And even more specific, having them have school events. TS3 had prom and parent vacations and sleepovers. For TS4 if they could play sports and have us interact with that. Like having the big game on friday or the big musical play, mathletes, or girls slumber party.

    Once I got used to the game and played it for a couple of days, I started to realize that all I tended to do was build my adults skills to make the excel in their career, have them develop a couple basic hobbies, and have them procreate. It'd be nice if they could do something completely different this time hence the focus on sim-kid's gameplay. Going to school with them would be a gnarly expansion pack. (in my opinion anyways)
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    jettanyx1jettanyx1 Posts: 11 New Member
    Still hoping for more lots in the neighborhoods and more world customization it feels so limiting to only be able to have a handful of house holds :(
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    s_stutlers_stutler Posts: 380 Member
    Along with all the other stuff missing (that I have voiced sometime during the last 11 months) I found something else in my game that now plums me off as well. I am FINALLY to the point where my child who was born in game is an adult and ready to take on the world. However, I can't kick him out? I have to actually go into "household management" and find him a house? This is so annoying. I want him to stay in the neighborhood-but I do not want to play with him. I do not want to decorate his house or anything. I want to play with the parents. I want him to go out on his own (like in Sims 2 and 3) and find a mate- get married-have a baby. I want to be able to invite him and his mate over for cookouts and birthday parties. (eventually Thanksgiving and Christmas) I have 4 children that are finally to this stage- And they cannot move out on their own without my help of assigning them a new house. (Wha Wah Waht!) There are already too few lots to even play with a decent sized neighborhood on its own! Now I have to make my adult child move out and give them a house and furnish it- when I am not even going to play with them! Just to get my adult child out of my house!? #FailEA #🐸🐸🐸🐸 .... I am ready to hand over The Sims to another company. I recently purchased Skylines Cities- Its a "copycat" of SimCity (I also am a longtime player and fan of Sim City as well) This last release was a nightmare however and pretty much ruined the franchise as a whole for me. But Cities has "breathed new life" into this long time favorite.. I HOPE .. they re-do The Sims. Maybe with a match under their 🐸🐸🐸🐸, EA will GET IT TOGETHER!!
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    ClaimingTheFifthClaimingTheFifth Posts: 417 Member
    @s_stutler I build more than I play on the game but if faced with your personnel problem, why not just keep one empty lot (or build but no more than 20,000$) them then immediately evict them? They'll end up in household management; true they won't be in the world but if you've got multiple young grownups, I don't see another work around. Good Luck. B)
    That light at the end of the tunnel? It's a train.
    The five-second rule does not apply when you have a two-second dog.
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    kyleejo1979kyleejo1979 Posts: 5 New Member
    I have to say - at first when TS4 came out I was really disappointed and wasn't sure if I should spend the money. After playing non-stop since September last year, I have definitely gotten my money's worth. That being said, there are still things that I miss. Overall, it is such a great game and I love the emotions aspect of it. It enhances so many things about the game. However, I wish there was a toddler stage. Not so many loading screens would make it much more enjoyable. The great thing is that they don't typically take long to load. I loved all the expansions for the previous Sims game, so I am looking forward to adding new content as it comes out. I miss the create a style with the color wheel. I loved being able to coordinate everything. The way it runs so easily on my computer though seems like an amazing feat compared to previous versions, so cheers to you developers who made that possible! All in all, GREAT game! You have once again hooked me on a game that will be played for years to come. ;)
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    HeavenessHeaveness Posts: 647 Member
    What I liked:

    - The new multi-tasking system, it is so much more fluid and natural when sims interact with each other and their surroundings.
    - The neighborhood blocks, the loading screens aren't that bad and your sims can still around inside the area. I heard Sims 3 loading can take decades to load.
    - The graphics looks smooth, clean, and beautiful.
    - The game is very stylized and filled with personality.

    What I didn't liked:

    - The most obvious, the severe lack of content and customization options such as cars, weather, pets, and etc.
    - The limitations on CAS such as you can wear certain clothes on certain categories.
    - The Gallery, the lack of ability to update your current created household or lot without having to delete the old save and uploading the new version. You lose all the downloads, comments, and hearts which is very player hostile. This causes a lot of copies or re-uploads of the same thing over and over again pushing other people's creation which isn't very fair for them. Instead of being a consistent and clean system, it is a big messy and unfriendly UI for content creators.

    That is my honest opinions of the game so far, some might change or get added as time goes by. But for now as it stands, it has beautiful visuals, smooth gameplay, and lots of style and personality to boot. I just don't like the Gallery very much as it is right now :/
    My Origin ID: Heaveness680
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    RoanCrousRoanCrous Posts: 113 Member
    I hate this digital stuff.
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    RoanCrousRoanCrous Posts: 113 Member
    We want toddlers pre-teens and middle ages.
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    RoanCrousRoanCrous Posts: 113 Member
    How about some military firefighters teachers and political careers. And how about bring back the thefts too.
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    dg51829dg51829 Posts: 300 Member
    I made a really upsetting discover the other day that should not be in the game. I find it appauling it has ever been it. A game isn't a place for such an statement. It really makes me want to stop playing but I like the game too much. But this feature is very controversial if this is being done on purpose.
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    AllisasAllisas Posts: 48 Member
    + multitasking (very handy!)
    + landscape/outdoor environment
    + clothes and hairs

    - no toddlers
    - lighting bugs (still dark sims inside)
    - closed world
    - objects only have one "group"/no subsets to recolor
    - the art style (too low quality for 2014)
    - emotions (completely overrated and don't work)
    - goal oriented play instead of sandbox (go to the gym to get promoted instead of gain a body skill point any way you want!)
    - no fears
    - traits instead of personality points
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    Emilywill89Emilywill89 Posts: 5 New Member
    64bit64bit 64BIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please!
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    nate3300nate3300 Posts: 51 Member
    The things I want to see in The Sims 4 are:

    -An open world (Like The Sims 3)
    -Story Progression
    -Cars (If so, animations for cars like in The Sims 2)
    -Babies not to be "objects"
    -More in-depth dates
    -More lots
    -Color Wheel (or at least an intensity slider for colors)
    -More community lots (Like in The Sims 3)
    -More in-depth actions happening around my sims
    -More in-depth teens
    -More stuff for babies, children, and teens
    -Create a world tool
    -The lots we see to be available
    -All lots in action (Like in The Sims 3)
    -Other sims to propose to one-another
    -More interesting gameplay
    -More to do with pools
    -Hot Tubs
    -More in-depth emotions
    -Remembering back on events that have occurred
    -Lockable doors
    -Not having all rooms have a foundation underneath them
    -More to do with the gallery
    -No loading screens
    -Have every lot and public place you see available to travel to (No illusions)

    (That's all I can think about now, and I know that some of the suggestions I provided uptop have been resolved by with Mods, but I want EA to officially release them, because Mods sometimes mess up the game, and you have to uninstall them every time a new update is released, and then re-install them or wait for when the creator updates it, it's just too much work for me.)

    I hope they add or update the things I provided uptop, that would be great!

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    s_stutlers_stutler Posts: 380 Member
    @s_stutler I build more than I play on the game but if faced with your personnel problem, why not just keep one empty lot (or build but no more than 20,000$) them then immediately evict them? They'll end up in household management; true they won't be in the world but if you've got multiple young grownups, I don't see another work around. Good Luck. B)

    Right. It's a workaround- it works. But- the point is. I shouldn't have to. They figured out how to evict people "in game" a long time ago- why did they take that out! ...its another slap in the face for story-tellers. It's another way of bringing us back to the "old fashion" style of gaming. It's another way to focus on the old machines that can't handle that type of data. It's just... so silly to me. Why would you market to a fan base that can't buy your stuff!? (I'm talking about anyone who has a machine too old to be a 64 Bit-I understand they wanted them to work on laptops-but even those are 64 bit these days!) They should be making the best game possible. While not inducing lag. Not having glitches. With the best graphics and the most top of the line features. Why are we back to 1998 with TS1? Wait. TS1 was better than this.

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