Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
Forum Announcement, Click Here to Read More From EA_Cade.

I don't know what to call it.


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    tomchan0tomchan0 Posts: 952 Member
    TBH, I do know how you feel, OP. when I'm reading and participating in a critical thread, it annoys me when people pop in and say how much they like the game and how much fun they're having with it, or how they hate toddlers or think family play is just great the way it is. It makes me feel like, 'dagone it, these people who like this game are going to be the reason EA never fixes this mess'. :)

    It's nice when we feel like a lot of people have the same opinions as we do, and modern society makes it really easy for us to only read information that agrees with our point of view so I suppose we're getting used to that. But on an open forum you will never find threads where everyone posts the way you want them to.

    In the beginning I was one of the ones that posted in threads about wanting toddlers...saying that I don't really like them. It was pointed out to me...much the same way you have done how it was pointless and added nothing. I realized my mistake. If fact I hope they do bring them back so my fellow toddler-loving-simmers can enjoy the game as much as I do.
  • Options
    HappySimmer3HappySimmer3 Posts: 6,699 Member
    JoeWow1003 wrote: »
    Wow, your logic is waaaayyy off base, JoeWow. You really don't get to make up your own definitions of things and then claim that's what people think. :#

    You think I made up those definitions? :/

    Perhaps you've heard of something called a "dictionary"?

    a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (typically in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language, often also providing information about pronunciation, origin, and usage.

    Believe me, I'm not making up this definition either ;)

    LOL! You have a very strange dictionary then, because that's sure not in mine. :D

    The Sims 30695923002_cffaca4078_t.jpg

    Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?!
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    ASDF0716ASDF0716 Posts: 1,703 Member
    edited December 2014
    JoeWow1003 wrote: »
    Jarsie9 wrote: »
    JoeWow1003 wrote: »
    What I don't understand is some of these people have been at it for months, possibly even year(s?) if they've been complaining since the Sims 4 was originally confirmed.

    How much do these people need to make their dissatisfaction for a game they don't even own known?

    Hate to break it to you, but the majority of the people on this forum who are dissatisfied actually *do* own the game (I'm one of them) and *are* registered users on this forum. Some of the people on here bought the high-priced version of this game, and some of us just paid for the standard version. People bought the game expecting to get some quality game play, even though they knew going into it that the game had largely been gutted.

    So, yeah, you'd be dissatisfied too, if you paid as much money as some have here (buying it at release and paying full price for it), and didn't get what you expected. It's nice that you're happy with it, but a lot of us are not, and we feel that we have every right to keep poking at EA with sharp sticks until they at least acknowledge that they messed up and give us an apology...if nothing else.

    Oh please. That argument lost any merit months ago.

    You people act like you are the first ones to ever buy a game and be disappointed with it afterwards. I've bought plenty of games in the past and was dissatisfied with my purchase after the fact. Yes I complained, yes I tried to get the developers to make things better. Know what I didn't do? Post rants and insults on an almost daily basis for months.

    Do you really think EA hasn't heard you guys loud and clear by now? What exactly are you hoping to accomplish at this point? I see a lot of you are trying to imply that tomchan0 is overreacting here, the type of stuff he mentions doesn't happen often. The heck? It's just about all I see on these forums.

    So tell me, what exactly are you hoping to accomplish at this point?

    So... once again, go back to the beginning and look at how this thread started.

    No one is saying it "doesn't happen often"

    What was said is that if you create an antagonistic thread, people are going to resopnd. It's the internet.

    There are PLENTY of threads with actual discussion that myself and others here have participated in.

    It's all in the presentation.
  • Options
    EasyToReadEasyToRead Posts: 7,813 Member
    edited December 2014
    tomchan0 wrote: »
    EasyToRead wrote: »
    tomchan0 wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    tomchan0 wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    celeste821 wrote: »
    oh this doesn't get deleted? smh

    Exactly!!! But heaven forbid I make a thread questioning the staff of this forum or the developers... gone in seconds. But its okay for us to be labled Negative Nancys because we dislike the game.

    I'm sorry but like life everything can't be all sunshine and roses and you can't live in a forum where every comment is uplifting the game.

    I literally made a post about users who run off and flag people and became self appointed forum police officers and search for drama... in return I got a warning but this is ok. :) #ThanksEA

    I never said every thread...or post.
    I'm saying...why every thread. Somebody has to add something bad. If it is constructive...I get it....
    You are telling your whole life, you have never looked at someone and thought...please just stop...enough already.

    I'm not saying to stop altogether. Input is it bad are good.

    It's the random postings of snark just for the lols that has gone on far too long.

    I agree with you but I also disagree. If someone says something negative on a thread then that is ok. Atleast they are giving input. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and in the forums and in life we can't filter through what we want to hear and/or see.

    I don't know where you've been but this has always happened. People now just have more reasons to back up their whining which makes it seem repetitive.

    I've been here...I finally got brave enough to post how I feel.
    I wish I could just speak what I'm trying to say. I've never been good at writing....I'm always reaching for the right words.

    Here is this thread that I through it and maybe you can pick out the posts that I'm talking about. They are negative...just for the sake of it. This is not the only one....but I guess it was the straw.
    This is the thread that was the last straw for you? Oh brother.... You can't really exclude one side of an opinion from a thread. You can't handle the differing opinions? Get off the forum then. I expected more than just a simple caption this thread. Lighten up....

    That's the thing about the straw...even light as it's the thing that sends everything tumbling.
    Accept the fact that not everything will be 100% "positive". There's nothing tumbling except your emotional breakdown over this....
  • Options
    tomchan0tomchan0 Posts: 952 Member

    I understand why you posted this in frustration. I have often made what I thought were just straight forward comments here that were in support of the game and some folk thought they would just poo on it. I know disruption when I see it. Very, very annoying.

    I am late comer to the this franchise (I have only played TS4, and, yes I am in love) and I have even been criticised for that, when all I want to do is enthuse about my new toy.

    The degree to which it happens was even a bit of shock for me and I am long time veteran of internet communities - 30+ years. I still fall foul of it, though. The Flame Wars on Usenet were legendary!

    I, stupidly, lost my temper over it last night, so yeah the troll won, 🐸🐸🐸🐸 it! A decisive victory for them. My post got deleted, theirs is still there...ho hum

    It is better to just take a breath and rise above it as difficult as that may be. There are plenty here who do love the game and, I believe, even many of those that are shouting the loudest want to love the game and put forward strong passionate debate that is good solid reading material as to how to make this game better using their experience. Some of this is practical, some is just wild fantasy :lol: Soem of this shouting, I believe, will result in a better game for me to play. I want toddlers as well, after playing my sim children this afternoon! Open world, isn't gonna happen, IMO.

    Sadly, there are some who just like messing stuff up. Such is life I am afraid. This happens everywhere, not just here. The Bioware forums got very toxic for a while, for example.

    This is a long time franchise and many players have been loyal to it for a long time and put in a lot of money to support the ongoing development by spending their money on expansions, stuff packs and whatnot, none of which is exactly at bargain basement prices.

    I looked at buying Sims 3 and a few expansions and the cost in one go was too simply prohibitive for me and I am an adult with a reasonably well paid job. It has been a big investment in time and money for them and when their expectations weren't met after a lot of anticipation,then anger and dismay is understandable, especially when you get newbies like me swanning in after paying 20 quid and announcing that this is the best thing since sliced bread...well we kind of ask for it :blush:

    My advice, FWIW, is to let this thread run it's course and it will soon disappear into the digital abyss. Alternatively do as @Katlyn2525‌ has suggested and alter the thread title to something less provocative. I have seen many well reasoned and articulate posts by many users so a title change may well help, though there does already seem enough threads that contain this type of discussion already, IMO.

    I have simply given up reading many of them, the gems are often too deeply buried. There are many good threads on these boards that don't contain negativity. The screenshot one is my personal favourite.

    TS4 is only right at the beginning of it's life, so sit back, be patient and enjoy your game and pick and choose your threads.

    My tuppence worth :)

    Thank you.
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    06Bon0606Bon06 Posts: 11,614 Member
    The Secret EA Employee has returned! Runnnn!!
  • Options
    JoeWow1003JoeWow1003 Posts: 4,121 Member
    JoeWow1003 wrote: »
    Wow, your logic is waaaayyy off base, JoeWow. You really don't get to make up your own definitions of things and then claim that's what people think. :#

    You think I made up those definitions? :/

    Perhaps you've heard of something called a "dictionary"?

    a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (typically in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language, often also providing information about pronunciation, origin, and usage.

    Believe me, I'm not making up this definition either ;)

    LOL! You have a very strange dictionary then, because that's sure not in mine. :D

    Alright I'll bite, what does your dictionary say the definition of "hater" is?

    Someone who is so retched and vile and disgusting that they should be locked up for life.

    A person who is regarded as fluffy and cuddly and should be given hugs forever.

    Am I close? Huh huh huh?
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    munchie885munchie885 Posts: 8,439 Member
    blankspace wrote: »
    why isnt this closed yet?

    Right... had this thread been about why TS4 is bad or why some users are sheep it would be closed in seconds and everyone would get a warning... where are you mods!!?

    What are you waiting for!?!
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    IgnitedTobi1IgnitedTobi1 Posts: 926 Member
    tomchan0 wrote: »
    TBH, I do know how you feel, OP. when I'm reading and participating in a critical thread, it annoys me when people pop in and say how much they like the game and how much fun they're having with it, or how they hate toddlers or think family play is just great the way it is. It makes me feel like, 'dagone it, these people who like this game are going to be the reason EA never fixes this mess'. :)

    It's nice when we feel like a lot of people have the same opinions as we do, and modern society makes it really easy for us to only read information that agrees with our point of view so I suppose we're getting used to that. But on an open forum you will never find threads where everyone posts the way you want them to.

    In the beginning I was one of the ones that posted in threads about wanting toddlers...saying that I don't really like them. It was pointed out to me...much the same way you have done how it was pointless and added nothing. I realized my mistake. If fact I hope they do bring them back so my fellow toddler-loving-simmers can enjoy the game as much as I do.

    If they, in some way, force toddlers into my game I'll be very upset. I hate those little buggers and want to watch them burn in a big heaping pile of garbage.
  • Options
    steve7859steve7859 Posts: 3,824 Member
    edited December 2014
    tomchan0 wrote: »
    You don't like the game.


    You want toddlers.


    You think it cost too much.


    Whatever your complaint is.


    You have your opinions. I can even thank you for making the devs improve the game.

    I get it. Everybody gets it. Broken record.

    but what I don't get is why you have to go into every thread and make the same snarky comments over and over again....and again.

    It seems you have to rain on any thread of happiness.

    I've made a couple of threads these past days and leave it to someone to post some snark.....

    Gah! Blah!

    Happy Simming.

    I agree, there's a list you can add people to in your settings that lets you completely hide them so you don't have to see their posts. That's what ive done. If certain peoples comments really bug you just do that.
    Post edited by steve7859 on
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    catmando830catmando830 Posts: 9,117 Member
    Why was this thread created? To stir up more drama? Why did I even click on this?

    Just report it
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    JoeWow1003JoeWow1003 Posts: 4,121 Member
    ASDF0716 wrote: »
    JoeWow1003 wrote: »
    Jarsie9 wrote: »
    JoeWow1003 wrote: »
    What I don't understand is some of these people have been at it for months, possibly even year(s?) if they've been complaining since the Sims 4 was originally confirmed.

    How much do these people need to make their dissatisfaction for a game they don't even own known?

    Hate to break it to you, but the majority of the people on this forum who are dissatisfied actually *do* own the game (I'm one of them) and *are* registered users on this forum. Some of the people on here bought the high-priced version of this game, and some of us just paid for the standard version. People bought the game expecting to get some quality game play, even though they knew going into it that the game had largely been gutted.

    So, yeah, you'd be dissatisfied too, if you paid as much money as some have here (buying it at release and paying full price for it), and didn't get what you expected. It's nice that you're happy with it, but a lot of us are not, and we feel that we have every right to keep poking at EA with sharp sticks until they at least acknowledge that they messed up and give us an apology...if nothing else.

    Oh please. That argument lost any merit months ago.

    You people act like you are the first ones to ever buy a game and be disappointed with it afterwards. I've bought plenty of games in the past and was dissatisfied with my purchase after the fact. Yes I complained, yes I tried to get the developers to make things better. Know what I didn't do? Post rants and insults on an almost daily basis for months.

    Do you really think EA hasn't heard you guys loud and clear by now? What exactly are you hoping to accomplish at this point? I see a lot of you are trying to imply that tomchan0 is overreacting here, the type of stuff he mentions doesn't happen often. The heck? It's just about all I see on these forums.

    So tell me, what exactly are you hoping to accomplish at this point?

    So... once again, go back to the beginning and look at how this thread started.

    No one is saying it "doesn't happen often"

    What was said is that if you create an antagonistic thread, people are going to resopnd. It's the internet.

    There are PLENTY of threads with actual discussion that myself and others here have participated in.

    It's all in the presentation.

    There are also plenty of posts and threads where all people do is complain and whine and moan. If you can't see this then you are purposefully being ignorant.

    So I'll ask you, what do you think these people are hoping to accomplish at this point? What are you hoping to accomplish at this point?
  • Options
    JimilJimil Posts: 4,443 Member
    blankspace wrote: »
    why isnt this closed yet?
    This thread is our place of worship. A shrine to praise the Negative Nancys
    munchie885 wrote: »
    Jimil wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    Jimil wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    Jimil wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    Jimil wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    Jimil wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    Jimil wrote: »
    I can't believe we got a fanclub thread of our own!

    The Negative Nancys walking into this thread:
    yaaaassss. All the negative nancys be partying in this thread

    When I saw this thread...
    Let us all have a toast for the OP for trying to raising awareness for the Negative Nancys by making this thread
    #WeAreNotInvisible #DonateForCharity #FeedUs

    For all of you Positive Pennys out there I'm sorry but you're not invited. Only the truly negative can join...
    #MVP #SorryNotSorry #BasicallyRoyalty #Autographs #Celebs
    Us, the Negative Nancys, celebrating

    Me dancing in the hate...
    Their hate fuels our souls

    When I transform as a Negative Nancy:
    Our final form as the true rulers of the forum

    My dance when someone calls me a negative Nancy...
    When someone tries to fight the Negative Nancys...

  • Options
    munchie885munchie885 Posts: 8,439 Member
    steve7859 wrote: »
    tomchan0 wrote: »
    You don't like the game.


    You want toddlers.


    You think it cost too much.


    Whatever your complaint is.


    You have your opinions. I can even thank you for making the devs improve the game.

    I get it. Everybody gets it. Broken record.

    but what I don't get is why you have to go into every thread and make the same snarky comments over and over again....and again.

    It seems you have to rain on any thread of happiness.

    I've made a couple of threads these past days and leave it to someone to post some snark.....

    Gah! Blah!

    Happy Simming.

    I agree

    I disagree.
  • Options
    JoeWow1003JoeWow1003 Posts: 4,121 Member
    06Bon06 wrote: »
    The Secret EA Employee has returned! Runnnn!!

    See what I mean? MONTHS of comments like this. MONTHS. 06Bon06 has been at this for probably a year now. Adding exactly zero to any sort of discussion they participate in.
  • Options
    blewis823blewis823 Posts: 9,046 Member
    Katlyn2525 wrote: »
    Off topic. Sorry. I just wanted to say I like your new sim, Well done!

    Back on topic.
    Aww...thank you very much. I love her too. So far the CC artist is the reason I open the game now a days. :D

    Nothing to see. I don't even care about the forums.
  • Options
    tomchan0tomchan0 Posts: 952 Member
    EasyToRead wrote: »
    tomchan0 wrote: »
    EasyToRead wrote: »
    tomchan0 wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    tomchan0 wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    celeste821 wrote: »
    oh this doesn't get deleted? smh

    Exactly!!! But heaven forbid I make a thread questioning the staff of this forum or the developers... gone in seconds. But its okay for us to be labled Negative Nancys because we dislike the game.

    I'm sorry but like life everything can't be all sunshine and roses and you can't live in a forum where every comment is uplifting the game.

    I literally made a post about users who run off and flag people and became self appointed forum police officers and search for drama... in return I got a warning but this is ok. :) #ThanksEA

    I never said every thread...or post.
    I'm saying...why every thread. Somebody has to add something bad. If it is constructive...I get it....
    You are telling your whole life, you have never looked at someone and thought...please just stop...enough already.

    I'm not saying to stop altogether. Input is it bad are good.

    It's the random postings of snark just for the lols that has gone on far too long.

    I agree with you but I also disagree. If someone says something negative on a thread then that is ok. Atleast they are giving input. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and in the forums and in life we can't filter through what we want to hear and/or see.

    I don't know where you've been but this has always happened. People now just have more reasons to back up their whining which makes it seem repetitive.

    I've been here...I finally got brave enough to post how I feel.
    I wish I could just speak what I'm trying to say. I've never been good at writing....I'm always reaching for the right words.

    Here is this thread that I through it and maybe you can pick out the posts that I'm talking about. They are negative...just for the sake of it. This is not the only one....but I guess it was the straw.
    This is the thread that was the last straw for you? Oh brother.... You can't really exclude one side of an opinion from a thread. You can't handle the differing opinions? Get off the forum then. I expected more than just a simple caption this thread. Lighten up....

    That's the thing about the straw...even light as it's the thing that sends everything tumbling.
    Accept the fact that not everything will be 100% "positive". There's nothing tumbling except your emotional breakdown over this....

  • Options
    steve7859steve7859 Posts: 3,824 Member
    bobyo2001 wrote: »
    The last patch had pools added, the moo cheat, new normal careers, and a number of bug fixes.
    Yet some people still managed to complain about it and even called it "The Worst Patch Ever".
    At this point I believe negativity is hard coded in their genes.

    Anyway, I logged on just to 'like' this post.
    You do realize that a number of people who called it "the worst patch ever" were fans of TS4, right?

    I also agree with this lol I love the Sims 4 but that patch was bug infested and for that reason I would say it was the worst patch. I loved the careers and everything else gamplay wise that came in the patch but just not the bugs.
  • Options
    HagfisherHagfisher Posts: 950 Member
    I just came back from dinner with my family and found how much this post has grown.


  • Options
    06Bon0606Bon06 Posts: 11,614 Member
    JoeWow1003 wrote: »
    06Bon06 wrote: »
    The Secret EA Employee has returned! Runnnn!!

    See what I mean? MONTHS of comments like this. MONTHS. 06Bon06 has been at this for probably a year now. Adding exactly zero to any sort of discussion they participate in.

    Ohh isn't that interesting? The greatest troll ever here says I've never added to a discussion? Hhah cute, but not rue.
    Then again, I probably shouldn't have clicked on the troll thread :/
  • Options
    JimilJimil Posts: 4,443 Member
    Hagfisher wrote: »
    I just came back from dinner with my family and found how much this post has grown.

    Aww he is so cute <3
  • Options
    munchie885munchie885 Posts: 8,439 Member
    Jimil wrote: »
    blankspace wrote: »
    why isnt this closed yet?
    This thread is our place of worship. A shrine to praise the Negative Nancys
    munchie885 wrote: »
    Jimil wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    Jimil wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    Jimil wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    Jimil wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    Jimil wrote: »
    munchie885 wrote: »
    Jimil wrote: »
    I can't believe we got a fanclub thread of our own!

    The Negative Nancys walking into this thread:
    yaaaassss. All the negative nancys be partying in this thread

    When I saw this thread...
    Let us all have a toast for the OP for trying to raising awareness for the Negative Nancys by making this thread
    #WeAreNotInvisible #DonateForCharity #FeedUs

    For all of you Positive Pennys out there I'm sorry but you're not invited. Only the truly negative can join...
    #MVP #SorryNotSorry #BasicallyRoyalty #Autographs #Celebs
    Us, the Negative Nancys, celebrating

    Me dancing in the hate...
    Their hate fuels our souls

    When I transform as a Negative Nancy:
    Our final form as the true rulers of the forum

    My dance when someone calls me a negative Nancy...
    When someone tries to fight the Negative Nancys...

    You mess with one Negative Nancy you mess with all of us...
  • Options
    JoeWow1003JoeWow1003 Posts: 4,121 Member
    06Bon06 wrote: »
    JoeWow1003 wrote: »
    06Bon06 wrote: »
    The Secret EA Employee has returned! Runnnn!!

    See what I mean? MONTHS of comments like this. MONTHS. 06Bon06 has been at this for probably a year now. Adding exactly zero to any sort of discussion they participate in.

    Ohh isn't that interesting? The greatest troll ever here says I've never added to a discussion? Hhah cute, but not rue.
    Then again, I probably shouldn't have clicked on the troll thread :/

    Is any further proof needed?

    I rest my case.

    Thank you.
  • Options
    ASDF0716ASDF0716 Posts: 1,703 Member
    edited December 2014
    JoeWow1003 wrote: »
    ASDF0716 wrote: »
    JoeWow1003 wrote: »
    Jarsie9 wrote: »
    JoeWow1003 wrote: »
    What I don't understand is some of these people have been at it for months, possibly even year(s?) if they've been complaining since the Sims 4 was originally confirmed.

    How much do these people need to make their dissatisfaction for a game they don't even own known?

    Hate to break it to you, but the majority of the people on this forum who are dissatisfied actually *do* own the game (I'm one of them) and *are* registered users on this forum. Some of the people on here bought the high-priced version of this game, and some of us just paid for the standard version. People bought the game expecting to get some quality game play, even though they knew going into it that the game had largely been gutted.

    So, yeah, you'd be dissatisfied too, if you paid as much money as some have here (buying it at release and paying full price for it), and didn't get what you expected. It's nice that you're happy with it, but a lot of us are not, and we feel that we have every right to keep poking at EA with sharp sticks until they at least acknowledge that they messed up and give us an apology...if nothing else.

    Oh please. That argument lost any merit months ago.

    You people act like you are the first ones to ever buy a game and be disappointed with it afterwards. I've bought plenty of games in the past and was dissatisfied with my purchase after the fact. Yes I complained, yes I tried to get the developers to make things better. Know what I didn't do? Post rants and insults on an almost daily basis for months.

    Do you really think EA hasn't heard you guys loud and clear by now? What exactly are you hoping to accomplish at this point? I see a lot of you are trying to imply that tomchan0 is overreacting here, the type of stuff he mentions doesn't happen often. The heck? It's just about all I see on these forums.

    So tell me, what exactly are you hoping to accomplish at this point?

    So... once again, go back to the beginning and look at how this thread started.

    No one is saying it "doesn't happen often"

    What was said is that if you create an antagonistic thread, people are going to resopnd. It's the internet.

    There are PLENTY of threads with actual discussion that myself and others here have participated in.

    It's all in the presentation.

    There are also plenty of posts and threads where all people do is complain and whine and moan. If you can't see this then you are purposefully being ignorant.

    So I'll ask you, what do you think these people are hoping to accomplish at this point? What are you hoping to accomplish at this point?

    Of course I see it.

    so what? It's a public forum. KEY WORD: PUBLIC. People are frustrated and venting. Some of them have absolutely no expectation of accomplishing anything.

    Absolutely, some people post to be mean- no one is disputing that. I've certainly posted the off comment for a cheap laugh. However, quite a few of the people that get involved in food fights like this also participate in actual conversation when not provoked by ridiculousness. You don't see anyone upset with this game creating threads titled: "Anyone who likes this game is dumb and needs to stay out of my forum!"

    It's this ridiculous belief some people have that they can start threads on a public forum and that- our views aren't legitimate because we don't like the game that 🐸🐸🐸🐸 people off and makes them go to the mattresses.
  • Options
    Cyron43Cyron43 Posts: 8,055 Member
    edited December 2014
    06Bon06 wrote: »
    JoeWow1003 wrote: »
    06Bon06 wrote: »
    The Secret EA Employee has returned! Runnnn!!

    See what I mean? MONTHS of comments like this. MONTHS. 06Bon06 has been at this for probably a year now. Adding exactly zero to any sort of discussion they participate in.

    Ohh isn't that interesting? The greatest troll ever here says I've never added to a discussion? Hhah cute, but not rue.
    Then again, I probably shouldn't have clicked on the troll thread :/
    Nah he is not even the biggest one. Remember that dude who said "I inspire the universe to grant my requests" ? Man THAT was outstanding! He got banned, along with other great trolls. Well who knows...

    This space is for rent.
This discussion has been closed.
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