Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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    awellenblawellenbl Posts: 2,970 Member
    edited November 2014
    I didn't contact anybody, @scillakees, because only the live chat is available here and I didn't have the best of luck explaining an earlier problem to them. Although I did eventually get someone to fix that problem, but it took weeks and three different people to get anywhere. So I haven't tried yet.

    Did you talk to somebody on the phone?
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    Me1620Me1620 Posts: 5,009 Member
    @scillakees - Welcome to the DD thread. We love when people unlurk themselves. When I have had points refunded, a refund shows in my Origin order history.

    @spreadsheet team - I am clocking out. To the DD stalkers, please continue to post the deals.
    a.k.a. - Jodi and a link to My Page on the Sims 3 website

    To help you organize your stalking of the Daily Deal, please join us on the Daily Deal Rotation and Sales Help thread and please view the DD Spreadsheet
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    scillakeesscillakees Posts: 1,112 Member
    I used the live chat, couldn't find a phone number. They told me to contact them in 24-48 hours but my points kept increasing from the ads. I couldn't tell if I was reimbursed or not. On the live chat you can email yourself the conversation, I'm hoping that will save me time when I contact them again.
    Thanks Me1620 I checked Origin and it shows I haven't been.
    That was an amazing amount of ads then. Happy Day.
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    awellenblawellenbl Posts: 2,970 Member
    Congrats on the amazing amount of ads, scillakees. :) And if they seemed at least willing to reimburse you, I should maybe try that as well. Did they ask you for anything? Maybe I could prepare some screenshots or something before I contact them.
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    scillakeesscillakees Posts: 1,112 Member
    For 571 points I would. I shouldn't think you would need screen shots, they can see your account and should be able to see you have the other purchases. I had a hard time communicating with her. I told her about the green download button and gave her the dates that I bought Show Stopping Styles and the Hypnotizer. She told me that it takes 24-48 hours for the transaction to complete and to contact them again later. She gave me a ticket number for my issue. I did email myself the conversation just in case I need it next time.
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    TaheraTahera Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited November 2014
    Expired Deal:
    709 ) Haute Hip Window Collection V.1 / 45 / 81 / 44% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Haute Hip

    Current Deal:
    710 ) Troubadour Table / 16 / 41 / 61% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Full Interior Castle Set, Best of 2010 Collection

    Upcoming Deals:
    711 ) Edwardian Expression Kitchen- Dispose With Diginity Trashcan / ? / ? / % / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Edwardian Expression Kitchen Set, New Year, New Kitchen!, January 2012 Compilation

    712 ) Drifter’s Desire / ? / 714 / % / ? hrs
    This is part of: Fortune's Folly Compilation
    Have a nice day!
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    awellenblawellenbl Posts: 2,970 Member
    scillakees wrote: »
    For 571 points I would. I shouldn't think you would need screen shots, they can see your account and should be able to see you have the other purchases. I had a hard time communicating with her. I told her about the green download button and gave her the dates that I bought Show Stopping Styles and the Hypnotizer. She told me that it takes 24-48 hours for the transaction to complete and to contact them again later. She gave me a ticket number for my issue. I did email myself the conversation just in case I need it next time.

    I had a hard time getting my point across when I tried to get earlier stuff fixed as well, which is why I didn't immediately try to contact anybody. And my purchase history is extremely bloated, because I have about 15 pages of gifts in there. I hope you get your points back and I will see, if I find the energy to try and deal with that later today myself.
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    TaheraTahera Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited November 2014
    Well, I don`t know what happened to all the quotes I had posted while trying to catch up with the thread --- they are gone >:)
    No chance to read the pages again.

    I remember that I wanted to tell @Jenna that your fire pit area is awesome! It has a very unique style.

    @Cogitotoro, I had the same heavy load ad problem when I clicked on one of those wonderful ad buttons.
    I had an awesome run of ads after buying Seeing Stars from the DD page. I almost got back all the SimPoints I spent this morning. :D

    Happy birthday @KittyKat8103

    @awellenbl, I`m so sorry that you had been charged for the Seeing Stars set. I hope you`ll get your Simpoints back!
    awellenbl wrote: »
    I don't think getting a CS person on the phone is available here

    No, you contact the German Customer Service:

    Im Zollhafen 15-17
    50678 Köln

    Hinweis: Bei Problemen mit einem Spiel bitte immer zuerst das Direkthilfe Center besuchen. Sollte sich das Problem mit den dort angebotenen Hilfestellungen und Lösungsstrategien nicht beheben lassen, bitte die Hotline unter 0221 - 37050193 (für Deutschland) anrufen. Alle Supportrufnummern sind hier aufgeführt.
    Auch bei Problemen mit Origin bitte den Support kontaktieren.

    I used the hotline number and got a problem solved! Try it! ;)

    Have a nice day!
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    RadleeRadlee Posts: 483 Member
    @kittykat8103 happy birthday! have a beautiful day :)

    congrats to those who got seeing stars for such a good deal! if my baby had woken me in time for it i may have bought it, because i got a good run of ads today. i'm not too bummed about missing it, though, so it's probably all for the best. i can get it in a few months on the next go around :)

    @awellenbl i encourage you to try to get those points back! not for the points themselves, but for the principle! @tahera thank you for posting the german help info for awelle-- i get a kick out of seeing the language! since i'm not a student anymore, i don't get much opportunity for exposure to other languages, so i always appreciate it. :)
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    awellenblawellenbl Posts: 2,970 Member
    @Tahera I didn't know that. Thank you so much for that information. :D Talking on the phone might be a lot easier. And it's great to hear they are able to resolve problems. :D

    @Radlee I am so glad you had a good run of ads as well. It's really great to hear they are showing up for more people. :D Hopefully that stays that way or gets even better at least until the holidays. I love the Christmas ads, which have started to show up, because I really love Christmas. :D
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    TaheraTahera Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited November 2014
    @Radlee, I could write a post in German just for you, but ............. I have no time, I have to click, click, click the ad buttons ;)B);)

    Edit: spelling
    Have a nice day!
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    edited November 2014
    @jennalsghost Great fire pit!!!

    @frozenorangejuic Love the new avi!

    @taw3001 Happy Birthday!!

    @kellycott1 Cheeky? :D

    Wow...lots to catch up on overnight and sure I missed stuff as I'm reading, getting ready for work, eating breakfast, sipping coffee all at the same time. :)

    I'm in the 40+ age group. I've been gaming since Atari and KingsQuest on my brothers home built computer from a kit. We used slide rulers in school and calculators were banned in math class. :)

    PS: @kittykat8103 Happy Birthday!!
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    TaheraTahera Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited November 2014
    @awellenbl, I didn`t see your post earlier, sorry.
    You are very welcome and I really hope that the German CS will help you, too. If not, you might want to ask for a supervisor. The woman I was talking to had to ask a supervisor before she could help me.


    Expired Deal:
    710 ) Troubadour Table / 16 / 41 / 61% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Full Interior Castle Set, Best of 2010 Collection

    Current Deal:
    711 ) Edwardian Expression Kitchen- Dispose With Diginity Trashcan / 30 / 50 / 40% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Edwardian Expression Kitchen Set, New Year, New Kitchen!, January 2012 Compilation

    Upcoming Deals:
    712 ) Drifter’s Desire / ? / 714 / % / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Fortune's Folly Compilation

    713 ) Ki-Mini Kimono Outfit / ? / 81 / % / ? hrs
    This is part of: World Inspiration Compilation, Finest Living, Finest Cooking, December 2011 Compilation Set, Japanese Inspired Clothing Collection

    Edit: fixed a link
    Have a nice day!
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    pangolin22pangolin22 Posts: 250 Member
    It's funny, I did not know what that Green Day album title meant or that it was anything "improper" until I saw some people using the word on TV a couple days ago and figured it out. And now the topic comes up again :). I have the album though and love it. Now I'm wondering if this gap in my vocabulary is really alarming and everyone else has always known what it meant :)
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    Pugslover4Pugslover4 Posts: 2,849 Member
    @KittyKat8103 Happy Birthday!!! hb-butterfly.gif
    I owned the store! Yahoo!
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    TaheraTahera Posts: 1,001 Member
    Expired Deal:
    711 ) Edwardian Expression Kitchen- Dispose With Diginity Trashcan / 30 / 50 / 40% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Edwardian Expression Kitchen Set, New Year, New Kitchen!, January 2012 Compilation

    Current Deal:
    712 ) Drifter’s Desire / 567 / 714 / 21% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Fortune's Folly Compilation

    Upcoming Deals:
    713 ) Ki-Mini Kimono Outfit / ? / 81 / % / 2 hrs
    This is part of: World Inspiration Compilation, Finest Living, Finest Cooking, December 2011 Compilation Set, Japanese Inspired Clothing Collection

    714 ) Man Cave Compilation / ? / 3000 / % / ? hrs
    Have a nice day!
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    XerlanXerlan Posts: 95 Member
    I have been real busy but, sure appreciate you all for keeping up on this. Finally got a few more ads and points to start stalking again. My daughter laughed out loud when she asked me what to get me for Christmas and I said SimPoints! ;)
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    wittanthony1wittanthony1 Posts: 1,929 Member
    edited November 2014
    @KittyKat8103 Happy birthday!

    @Radlee Thank you for the Spellbound Diary that you gifted me. It's strange that I never got an email saying that I got gifted but I see that I got gift on the site. That helped bring Faire Folk Slumber price down to 15 for me. I managed to finish off that set now. :smiley:

    I did finally get a lot of ads last night and probably would have gotten more if I wasn't tired and searched more. I managed to get 115 points yesterday. 5 points yesterday morning and the rest late last night. 65 points showed up overnight. All my ads where the small business saturday ads except for 2 or 3. I hope that this happens again. That was quite a surprise. I even broke my record for most ads earned at home. I had to switch from firefox to chrome for the ads since they weren't showing up on firefox. :smiley:

    Congratulations to everybody else who found a lot of ads last night and got a lot of points. :)
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    GrouchybeastGrouchybeast Posts: 149 Member
    Wow, so many adverts yesterday and today! I haven't been doing this long, so I've never seen it like this before. It's awesome :-)
    "Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." - Oscar Wilde
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    Stablehand6Stablehand6 Posts: 288 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »
    Wow...lots to catch up on overnight and sure I missed stuff as I'm reading, getting ready for work, eating breakfast, sipping coffee all at the same time. :)

    I'm in the 40+ age group. I've been gaming since Atari and KingsQuest on my brothers home built computer from a kit. We used slide rulers in school and calculators were banned in math class. :)

    Another Sierra Adventure Game fan? The first computer game I ever played was Kings Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella. My dad and I were at Radio Shack, and I saw the game box on display there. I asked him if we could get it (because the picture had a unicorn in it!). He said no, and we left. But guess what I got for Christmas that year? :D
    The year before that, my oldest sister (who was a teacher) had bought me an Apple II computer to play educational games on. Well, I'd never been too interested in that, but when I started playing "Rosella", I got VERY interested in using computers!
    (I think it was educational, in its own way. I mean, I had to type, spell, read, solve problems using logic, draw maps... And I had to improve my writing/composition skills too; with subsequent games, my parents made me write letters to the Hint Department whenever I got stuck. I usually had to write at least two for every game I played. So I guess computer gaming wasn't the worst thing I could have been doing with my spare time back then.)

    But I've been hooked on PC gaming ever since then, and now MY daughter is playing "Rosella" at the same age I was when I first played through it. So I've created a monster! It's funny though, because she says it looks "kinda Minecraft-y". When I played it, the graphics and sound were considered to be "state of the art". I'm only in my early thirties, but I feel old hearing the games I once enjoyed in my childhood referred to now as "digital antiques"... Ah, those were the "good ol' days"! B)
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    CogitotoroCogitotoro Posts: 1,401 Member
    My store tabs keep offering me blue ad buttons that, when opened, give me that message, "We're sorry, this offer is no longer available." Over and over again. Makes me want to say, "You don't seem to have sent yourselves the same memo!"
    Cogitotoro, aka Ashley
    No wishlist for me!
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    trithonetrithone Posts: 1,406 Member
    edited November 2014
    @ spreadsheet team - clocking in. Everything is caught up. :) I'll stick around and update as long as I can today.

    Last night when I went to bed my sp total was reading 989 no matter how many ads I clicked. I just kept clicking them until almost 2:30 when they disappeared. This morning I have 2693 sp. I am floored. Thanks EA. I do not take back the not-so-kind things I have said about you, because they are true, but I will revise them to be slightly more kind. o:)
    a.k.a. Samantha (though Sam is just fine, too. Also, Simmantha, according to my husband.)

    Thanks to a lot of amazing sim friends I have owned the store for a while now. If you'd like to help out a really good friend of mine who just started playing the game, here is his wishlist. Thanks!

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    TaheraTahera Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited November 2014
    @Cogitotoro, you made me laugh again!
    I`ve seen that, too but 5 minutes later, I`ve got another working ad.

    I want to thank Smart (this is an ad for a car) for their generous amount of ads today.
    Somehow I`m afraid that the contracts with the sponsors will end soon and that EA is giving away the rest of the sponsored SimPoints.


    Expired Deal:
    712 ) Drifter’s Desire / 567 / 714 / 21% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Fortune's Folly Compilation

    Current Deal:
    713 ) Ki-Mini Kimono Outfit / 23 / 81 / 72% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: World Inspiration Compilation, Finest Living, Finest Cooking, December 2011 Compilation Set, Japanese Inspired Clothing Collection

    Upcoming Deals:
    714 ) Man Cave Compilation / ? / 3000 / % / 2 hrs

    715 ) The Now & Then Century Manor / ? / 1900 / % / ? hrs:

    Edit: I`m OE for the rest of the day / evening.
    Have a nice day!
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    trithonetrithone Posts: 1,406 Member
    Tahera wrote: »

    Somehow I`m afraid that the contracts with the sponsors will end soon and that EA is giving away the rest of the sponsored SimPoints.

    I worry about that, too.
    a.k.a. Samantha (though Sam is just fine, too. Also, Simmantha, according to my husband.)

    Thanks to a lot of amazing sim friends I have owned the store for a while now. If you'd like to help out a really good friend of mine who just started playing the game, here is his wishlist. Thanks!

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    XerlanXerlan Posts: 95 Member
    Hmmmm.....Man Cave Compilation not on the top of my list but, I have 36% of it and my price is 1505. Might be worth stalking in case I can get it very inexpensively. Ya Think?
This discussion has been closed.
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