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The Goddess' Order- 100 Baby Challenge *Sort of a Christmas Update 12/25*


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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Oh my goodness, giving them away! :s Wouldn't she have to keep things like, super top secret then? Because elfdom would know by then about Ellothiel's reward (as I'm calling it) so if she started having the dreams... and then she had four extra children....

    Someone should show them Jon & Kate Plus 8, or stories about the Octomom. See if they think 3 or 4 is too many then! But yes, please, do that story!! Also, when you ask about who we want short stories about first, would it be them as humans pre-epilogue or post-epilogue given back to Elly?
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    Am I the only one curious at what would have happened to the women who are having Ellothiel's babies if she hadn't don't done the challenge? And one would think that the poor girl who would have to pop out the quads (Just think if that Elf was one of the rare ones to have twins themself? XD) You'd think they would have been more so effect then the rest.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    @AEventry- I don't think she really would be able to hide it, yeah. Her belly would get so big there would have been no doubt as to what was going on. I figure the situation would be her arguing that she should keep the children more than her actually trying to follow through with her words.

    The short stories would be about the children in their human pre-epilogue lives. Besides the stuff for the main plot, there was never a chance to truly focus on the lives of the children without it making the story a hundred times longer than it turned out to be :p

    @AmberKotori- It probably won't happen too specifically, but I am planning something that mentions a general overview of what would have happened to the couples had things been diferent. And yes, it was always my intention that the ones who would have truly suffered the most would be the ones to carry the multiples. So the woman who will carry Elrelas, Henduil, Silmalad, and Alyan would have pretty much faced torture had the world not been steadily changed.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    The last Behind the Scenes should be coming out tomorrow ^^
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    It took me a bit longer than planned because the game kept crashing when I went into Buy mode in order to move the Sims around for the last picture, but here is the final Behind the Scenes Special!
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    YAY Piccies! <3
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Here's the first update of a little project I'm doing during my break.

    To anyone who is interested, the first update for my rainbowcy will be out on October 6th, so keep an eye out for it! ^^
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Hi, I don't think we've met. My name is Interested and I will be here October 6th! :D
    Oh this project definitely looks like trouble! Glorious, entertaining trouble!
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Haha, well I'm glad you'll be around, Interested (^_-)

    It has definitely been entertaining. And here is the second part! There will be four in total.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    You and your cliffhangers. *Shakes fist* I'm not revealing who I'm rooting for until the very end.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    I can't help myself :lol: I'll be posting one per day, so the wait shouldn't be too long ^^
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    And here's number 3!
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    Interesting experiment! ^^This last one had me cracking up... partly due to Ello's prego derp face, but mostly the guys trying to get her to join them in bed when they were both already in it, lol. Curious to see which one she finally chooses.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    It has been fun doing it, and it has definitely been interesting because I've had the question of who she would choose on my mind for a long while now. It took a long time in order to get to the conclusion, but here it is.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    edited September 2014
    I was wondering if that would be the conclusion! Why so stubborn, Elly? Getting back at the "goddess" for putting you through The Task?

    Also, I must wonder aloud to the few people I speak with on this forum, but do you ever start a save just to have a game to play -- no documented photos or anything -- then find out well too far in that you really should have been documenting because dang if Story Progression isn't giving you a great storyline? No? Just me? Okay.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Maybe :lol: The "Goddess" made her do so much, so when she was finally left to her own devices I'm sure she was like "I'm gonna do what I want no matter what!" or something, haha.

    I actually can't recall coming across that problem. I rarely start a save without a story in mind. Even if I don't plan to make a story out of what I'm playing, I do still take pictures (mostly because I've heard so often that people wish they would have started taking pictures from the beginning because they missed out on some great stuff.) Would it be too much for you to go back and restage stuff?
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    @AEventyr Most of my saves are like that, just to play to play, there's normally some kind of story going on in my head, what they are really saying to one another, what I want them to do.
    @iButteryfree I don't think I would be able to choice either XD at lest there was a peaceful atmosphere with all three XD
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Yeah, it would be too hard, considering I'm almost through the second generation and the first is dead. I started playing in Hidden Springs, got semi-involved with the Vanderburg family, long story short my save could have a legitimate heir to challenge Caterina's precious lineage. And the non-played Vanderburgs keep going into Politics like their (grand)mumsy of their own accord. All except the one evil son who went into criminal activity. I'm just like "dang, I'd have to restart this but I know it wouldn't work the same. :("

    @AmberKotori, that's exactly how I play. I do have a story or two in mind but keep telling myself to wait until it's a "good time" to play. With NaNoWriMo coming up in a month, I think I'm going to play something all October and do the writing all November to get a kick-start on finally being a writer here. Our dear Kelsey actually finishing has inspired me!
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    @AEventyr mine is the first time writing it out. Wasn't bother in Sims 2, or earlier on in Sims 3. It was @starguru and Kelsey that got me to give writing ago XD I find it a lot harder writing sims stories then creative writing truthfully.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited September 2014
    @AEventyr- That's too bad. I've never played in Hidden Springs (don't have it) so I don't know that family you're talking about, but it certainly sounds interesting.

    So you're planning on doing a challenge/story here for NaNoWriMo? That's a cool idea. I'll probably end up using November to inspire me to finish (or get close to finishing) the novel I started last year instead of beginning something new. I can't wait to see what you come up with ^^
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    I JUST noticed that NaNoWriMo is world wide. Thought it was USA only before O.O
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited September 2014
    Nope. Worldwide :lol:
    Will you be trying something this year then? ^^

    Edit for suggestion: This is the best time of the year to go to the Artisan section on the official NaNo forums to get book covers and character sketches. There's enough people around to take requests, and no one is busy with their novels yet. I just got this cool drawing of Elle and Nika done-

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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    Yup! Just signed up ^.^
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Cool. What's your name? I'll add you as a Buddy.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    AmberKotori ;)
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