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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    msbeckycat wrote: »

    What are the odds of both Andrea and Blair cooking mac and cheese and burning it?

    With low cooking skill very good ha ha ha. My sims burn it all the time lol.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    An update: After waking up well rested Crystal decided to work on her painting skill. After the first few attempts she painted a furry pink monster. She was so pleased with her work that she decided to keep the painting and give it to her darling daughter Danica. After painting Crystal tended to her garden and bought another sprinkler so her money tree could get watered better. Tyron was tired from working all night so he slept into the late afternoon. Danica and the twins all wanted mommy's and daddy's attention so they all began to cry. Not one to disappoint her daughter, Crystal ran to give her daughter attention and food. Crystal then returned to painting so she could improve her skill. After waking up Tyron then went to Danica and played with her for a while. While Danica was getting all of the attention the twins remained lonely and ignored. Not wanting to loss his precious daughter Danica because of the twins very bad moods, Tyron fed them and took care of them just enough so their moods would become happy again. Tyron then returned the twins to their cribs and went about his day and continued to dote on Danica and Crystal. Since it would be time for work soon, Tyron decided to dance for a while until the carpool arrived to take him to work. Tyron and Crystal are thrilled at their darling daughter Danica will be celebrating a birthday (after Tyron gets home from work). Crystal is planning a big party for her favorite daughter. The birthday will have tons of family, friends, presents, balloons, and of course birthday care. Tyron and Crystal are also looking to move into a larger house. Tyron got the ball rolling by checking out some of the homes around Sunset Valley, but so far none of them seem to be the perfect house for the perfect family.

    I so hate how the twins are being neglected. Why do they like Danica better? Those poor babies are going to have a hard life. I want to slap them silly and wake them up. It just isn't fair.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Zabeth0 wrote: »
    Evil Travel Agent's Guide to Dragon Valley, starring Nicolae Irwin part 1:


    Greetings, fellow agents of evil! I'm just passing through Dragon Valley, on my way to a rather firm commitment elsewhere, but in the meantime, I'm working at the science facility, as I'm wont to do. It's really exciting, my boss is a witch. That's a first for me. No, I'm not saying she's unpleasant, she's actually a powerful supernatural being! I'm so happy here, I'm really sorry to have to go.

    Unfortunately, it's not the perfect town for evil...but there is great potential. So, let me show you the best parts of Dragon Valley that I've found. Yes, yes, this time I'll show you a few in daylight, as apparently my editor thought that was such an important point that he risked his life to tell me that I really needed more shots in the light, that not everyone enjoys darkness and night time as much as I do. No, no, he didn't deliver the message in a volcano or anything, he approached me with criticism, that's risking his life by definition. Since it's really not too much trouble, I feel inclined to honor his last request.


    Have you ever found yourself wanting to be more contemplative...but there is not a great prop for an old fashioned globe or the skull of a childhood friend? Well Dragon Valley is full of ruins. Yes, there are buildings that are not ruins, and modern conveniences like ice cream trucks...but there are such a lot of ruins around that you can just look at the buildings that are standing as future ruins in the making. It's really inspiring.


    Remember, when you look at ruins, these were large public buildings, they were mansions or infrastructure... they were, at one point, a sign of power of a civilization...and they are fallen...they are sign posts of past failures of man.


    It's a reminder that no matter how big and unstoppable a city or nation seems to be, it can be conquered or destroyed by the right method.


    Buildings can be toppled, bridges can be burned, even military garrisons can be peeled back like tin foil under the force of the right creature. And what creature do you think did this? Why, they don't call it Dragon Valley for nothing!


    Just look at the scale of this ruin. You know that whatever building it was, it collapsed and crushed them like roaches! And what could topple such buildings besides the normal natural disasters that tend to knock over cities? Why, dragons, of course! Oh, you don't believe in dragons...pity yourself because you are going to be enlightened! But not right now....right now, it's off to the cemetary...but did you know, Dragon Valley has more than one! HAHA! I was so thrilled when I found the older one. And who knows how many unmarked graves there might be, as the scale of the ruins means there should be far more graves than there are!


    The main graveyard is easy to find, it's right across from the hospital, obviously for convenience.


    There are some very old tombstones here.


    Like the town itself, it's a mix of old and new.


    They have lovely ornamental trees. How I love the way it looks like the tree is soaking up the plasma of the dead.


    The second grave yard is much further out in the countryside.


    There are still a fair number of ruins out in the countryside, and things that are more recent and yet in disrepair.


    Behind the mountain, the roads aren't even cobblestone any more...they are little more than paths, in some areas there are old stone fences...


    In others, not even that.


    The criminals in this town are apparently backing a fallen lord trying to return to power. That fool is on the wrong side of the dragons...I'll only come to this place if I have to rescue my rabbit rug again. If so, I'll bring my dragon.

    I love his commentary on how his boss risked his life by criticizing him. Yep I am sure that ticking Nicolae off isn't a safe activity lol.

    He has a good point on the amount of ruins. He having a criminal mind would think that way of course. Others we would just go ooohhhh look at those ruins. lol We might wonder about the society, the things they like to do, their culture, etc. Nicolae looks at is as a sign that all country's can be brought to ruin and conquered.

    I love his excitement at there being two cemeterys.

    I lol'ed at his statement about one being across from the hospital for convenience. I never quite thought of it that way lol.

    I will never look at Dragon Valley the same ever again. Thanks Nicolae lol.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    GummiBearx wrote: »
    This recently happened in my game. You now someone is not having a good time when this happens. She really meant she was leaving!


    Can't please everyone it seems lol.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Baker93 wrote: »
    Hey just a short update. I got the job. Not sure when i start yet because the place isn't open yet. Monday I go in to get CPR certified then from there I'll be told when to show up. I also start school monday. I'll try to jump in when i have time. Everyone's stories are going great so far. Good job.

    Congrats on the new job. Don't know if I should congratulate you on going back to school lol.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    IreneSwift wrote: »

    @Colorist40 I've had the same issue with the stylist I played. I was always careful to select clothing for the clients that they got excited about when I put it on them, yet too often, once they were out of the styling room, they hated their new clothing. I learned later that whether or not a client is happy with their new look, or their house remodel, depends mostly on how high your stylist or architect's relationship is with the client. So the best thing to do is have them learn charisma and get to good friends with the client before you start the job. Then, it seems that so long as you actually give them the items they've asked for, they'd be thrilled with anything you did. I haven’t tried that yet, but that's what I read.

    I randomized Benjamin's traits, and they actually came up good and friendly. Usually, I'll actually randomize a few times for ideas, then either pick the ones that came up first anyway, or another combination of two of the ones that came up. But with those two traits, I decided just to go ahead with them.

    I love watching my sims take their baby or toddler for a stroll, so I try to fit that in, if at all possible. I wish they had twin strollers so that they could still do it when they have more than one. Sometimes, if both parents are free at the same time, I'll have them go together. They don't stay together like real parents would, but if I get them to both go to the same spot in front of the house, pause them, then get the stroll action into their queues and un-pause, sometimes they'll stay close enough so it looks like they're going together.

    I loved that picture of Justice snuggling Benjamin, but couldn't think of a caption for it, so just put it in without. I figured it spoke for itself.

    Well, Benjamin is such a long name to type, several times when I've been writing my updates, I've thought of using Benjy instead, but so far I haven't. I didn't use nicknames for my real life kids either. I see no sense in give a child a name I like, then calling them something else. A woman I worked with before I got married seemed to have felt the same way. She named her daughter Kathy, not Kathryn or Kathleen, but calling her Kathy. She planned to name her son, who was older, Larry, but the obnoxious nurse that filled out the papers at the military hospital where he was born, insisted that she couldn't name him Larry, because that wasn't a name, it was a nickname. She was young then, and gave in, but with her daughter, she was older and more assertive, so when the same nurse insisted she couldn't name her Kathy, she told her “then she'll go without a name!” The nurse wrote Kathy on the birth certificate.

    Yes, it is a shame, things you need when you're young and don't have a lot of money cost a fortune. I had almost everything secondhand with ours too, especially with the boys, who were twins. The hospital gave me contact information with the mothers of twins club, and I was able to get several good things, including a twin stroller, at their annual sale, not long after the boys were born.

    I had a changing table that I had bought brand new for $25 for our daughter, the oldest, but when we moved around to different states several times between her birth and theirs, I sold it, thinking that I'd get another when we had more kids. But by then, they were more like $75, so we had to do without.

    I don't mind my sims having 1-star celebrity. They get discounts, and occasionally freebies, but nobody pays much attention to them in public, or follows them home. But Justice got 2000 celebrity points by making that food for Jamie, and got level 2 instead. When she delivered that falafel later, Jared Frio was outside the diner, and somehow, though she didn't talk to him or anything, he became an instant friend, then he followed her home! I'm not going to deal with that garbage in this game, so I used MC to knock her celebrity status down to 1-star.

    Yes, they got paid very well for those opportunities.

    I don't bother with watermelons and apples for gender selection of babies anymore. I just use MC to set it. Sadly, they both again wished for a boy, so they didn't get all those points this time. If it weren't for the fact that I have plans for those two kids, I would have left it alone so they might have gotten what they wanted.

    Yeah, they had that one workout together, with both kids in the room with them, but it didn't exactly work as resuming their regular workouts, more like a one-time thing. They may have to wait until the kids both age up to child. Or they may have to give it up altogether.

    Well, I had another family with a cowplant. In fact, it was Justice, when she was in Twinbrook and married Justin Kayes. They had issues with paparazzi being pests, so I put a cowplant just outside their gate. They never fed it or anything. It kept eating paparazzi and spitting them right back out, but they would usually leave after that, so I was good with that. There was one paparazzi that was actually kind of a nice guy, that I would have been glad for them to be friends with if he hadn't been a paparazzi. And wouldn't you know, when the cowplant finally decided to not only eat somebody, but to keep them down, he ate the nice guy! I felt terrible! The cowplant got put in the family inventory and stayed there!

    Well, I'm not quite like you describe. Maybe you're referring to my false starts? What happens that causes that is that I have some idea of a household, with specific plans for their lives, that have to do with making use of the things I expect to work in a certain way, based on how they would work in real life (you'd think I'd have figure out that that rarely happens in the Sims, wouldn't you?). When I find out that the way the new interactions, careers, or opportunities don't work like I expected, and instead of helping them meet their goals, actually set them back, or even make it impossible, that requires a whole new plan, often a whole different set of traits, and maybe even a different LTW. Rather than try to salvage the game I already started, with the sims now at a serious disadvantage instead of on neutral ground, with regards to their goals, I start over.

    With Lauren, I started with four best friends who were going to have a band. I soon realized that it was impossible to give enough attention to each of them to properly play both according to their personalities and goals, and trying to figure out how LN worked, so I decided to start over with only two of them, Lauren and her BFF, Keisha. Lauren was going to be the very musically gifted one, with star quality, but who was also shy, while outgoing Keisha was determined to make sure her friend became the star she deserved to be. So, Keisha was going to be bold about meeting celebrities, or anyone else who could help them progress, and get the celebrities to talk to Lauren, who was too shy to speak to them first. That only worked once. Once Lauren had one celebrity star, there was no longer the option for Keisha to influence anybody to talk to her. I kept going though, and thinking that hanging out with their new BF, Lola Belle, would help their career, they spent a lot of time hanging out with her, and going to the exclusive clubs with her. But they were running out of money, and exclusive clubs really stink as places to make tips with jamming, so I realized that scenario wasn't working either. I ended up changing Lauren's traits, and my plans for her, and finally found the perfect sim/plan to work well with LN's features. My plans for her did change, big time, with the big surprise the game gave me, but that was OK. It was still working well with her character and personality. Her life just went differently than I expected.

    If you were referring to my saves on hold, I do plan to go back to some of them, but when I finish a game and go back to a previous one, I usually work my way back in reverse. I'll be finishing the ones I've posted about here before I go back to the Littlers. And when I go back to them, I'll probably delete the dog first.

    I've found that the writing I've done here does make it easier to return to another game that's been on hold, because the hardest part of doing that is remembering who they are (as in the specific personality I've played them to be), what my plans were for them, what they've done, etc. With it written on here, I only have to go back and read my updates on them, and I'm ready to take up where I left off.

    I played Sim City too, but I got tired of it, because I'd do all the right things to make conditions favorable to grow my city, and it would start dying off anyway.

    I just said that about being obsessive, because of what you said about me being dedicated about how I play with new EP's. You've only seen my WA obsessiveness, and seemed to have assumed I'm the same with other EP's.

    The way of women has long since ceased with me, OK? 'Nuff said. That was idiotic of that woman to have a baby by in-vitro fertilization from a donor at such an advanced age, selfish too.

    Water is OK from those bottles, so long as you never, ever leave it sitting in your car on hot days. Keeping it in the refrigerator or freezer is entirely safe. Funny thing, I get nauseated from drinking cold water. I have to have mine at room temperature.

    The bassoon I played in junior high and high school, belonged to the school. The flute I started with, which I was no good at, and hated, was second hand, cheap from a family friend whose daughter had played it in school. The oboe my sister played was my mom's. She had worked to earn the money to buy it, for other people than her family. Her family was very poor. She had to work for anything she wanted. She even spent one summer working, when she was 16, to earn money to partition off two bedrooms in their tiny, one room house, put in a ceiling, and drywall the whole thing. It had never had drywall or lathe, or even a ceiling before that. I was never asked if I wanted to have piano lessons or play in the school band. The decision was made by my mother. Whether I wanted to or not was completely irrelevant. It was the same with my siblings. I would rather have taken choir throughout my high school years, but too bad, I couldn't do both, so it was band for me. My voice was the “instrument” I was always best at, by far.

    Oh, it was totally a good thing for Jason to not have the garden to take care of at that point.

    I knew when the baby was going to be born, because they're always born at the same time of day as they were conceived. So, it was completely safe for Jason to go to that seminar. And there was no danger of Justice going into labor before she got back home from delivering the falafel, though it would have been better for her to get some sleep instead.

    Benjamin was actually already awake when Justice put Crystal in her crib, so he had been awake for a really long time before Jason got up and took care of him. And yes, he was pitching fits, just as I'm sure you've probably seen happen in your games.

    At least Jason does empty the potty. My husband never would. With the boys, he actually did change diapers, but only wet ones. The dirty ones, he wouldn't touch.

    LOL! No, no more kids.

    What a pain this new forum is! I would think that if it is because of that one spam rating you got, it would have happened when you got it. I can't imagine that really has anything to do with it. But your comment about it happening went through.

    I have yet to have my sim do another redecorating in fact I had a few sims move out, and now that I am thinking about it, I think I moved her out lol. I might try to get another sim into the profession to see how it goes. I usually cheat to get sims relationships up, but maybe this time around I won't do that, yet it seems to take forever unless you have the ltr.

    That story about your friend who couldn't name her kid the way she wanted to shocked me. I so would have told that nurse she was out of line I would name my son anything I wanted, and if she didn't like it, I would report her to her superior. The nerve of some people. Glad she stood up for herself with her daughter.

    Wow sounds like my mom she played the flute, but not because she wanted to. She really didn't want to play an instrument, but her parents forced her. If she had to play one she wanted the piano, but can't bring the piano home so she had to settle on the flute. She even had to play a solo in front of the church. She told me the solo went fine, but there was a hitch. Her brother played the saxophone, and they had to do a duet. Well he ate a bunch of prunes before the recital in front of the whole church, and well I think you know what happened next. Yep needless to say my mom smelled what he had done and it wasn't just gas lol. Mom said she was so embarrassed as the pastor was sitting right behind them lol. She wanted to die lol. He was older by a year and a half. I think she was about 9 or so when this happened. Not sure.

    I loved the irony of the cowplant story. Isn't that the way of things. He won't kill those you want annihilated, but the one nice pap he goes munch munch lol. This just cracked me up. Poor you. I know you felt bad.

    Yes your false starts is what I was referring to as I do that with other things like I said.

    I never thought you were obsessive over any other ep. You had already said that you were only obsessed over WA. If there was an ep that I was obsessed over, I would not say it was WA lol.

    I never paid attention to the fact that the sims give birth same time of day they got pregnant. I must play this game half dead or blind or both. I certainly learn a lot from you guys lol.

    I don't think so, as I have posted since that one spam no problem. I think someone spammed me for saying rude much to a comment someone made that I thought was rude. If you are rude I am going to say so lol. I don't think some people should be as rude as they are for no reason. Now if someone antagonized you, I wouldn't say anything as I figured they had it coming, but if someone says something innocuous, but someone for some reason takes offense and gets rude then I will say something.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    TadOlson wrote: »
    Baker93-Hi there!
    Zabeth0-I love doing both fun and serious updates in my games.
    IreneSwift-I've only just started getting the Gibsons Jankowskys ready for the baby and they're still a long ways off from being able to have their fist baby.I have to play a much longer lifespan and the pregnancy is 30 days at default in my games thanks to Retuner.I use indoor planters to do te indoor garden and it also lets them still garden in the winter.
    I'll have to split my update into two parts or edit out the pictures.
    Eli and Ami were both up very early that morning and Ami went out to work in the garden while Eli was eating breakfast.
    Ami managed to get through with tending the garden very quickly and wanted to plant more plants.
    Eli decided to study martial arts on her iPad while Ami was out in the garden and got the first skill level.
    Eli ended up working with the training dummy while Ami started studying martial arts on his iPad.
    Ami ended up having to get to the store to sell the produce and rushed back to get the new room finished before he worked with the training dummy.
    They both had to eventually get to bed at 8PM.

    How do you studied martial arts on an I pad? I thought it had to be hands on. Good thing that they have a practice dummy as well. I didn't know as I have never had them use the I pad before.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    I know that I haven't shown up here lately! I STILL didn't play The sims 3 game lately now pretty soon entering 1 month. Hopefully you guys are still having fun & knowing how most of you are waiting for Sims 4. I'm for one decided lately that I won't get the game at all since I rather forget that & focus on GTA V since in the XBOX live thing. NO ETA still yet for Sims 3 updates! Not much else to say!

    Awww so sad. Hope you get back to playing soon. I miss your updates. I am not getting sims 4, not because I plan on buying another game, as I don't play anything besides sims, but because I don't think the game with all it is missing is not worth the money.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    bishty wrote: »
    IreneSwift Fortunately I've never heard it, though I don't like chalk on a chalkboard either. I really, really hate the sound of polystyrene. Like absolutely anything interacting with it makes me cringe lol
    There's very little interaction between the expansion packs on the whole, it's a bit sad I think but I suppose it's easier to code that way
    I suppose it must be because of the deathfish, but I've never had one as a pet before so I can't be sure, though it would make sense I guess
    Yeah it's a pap. He must have snuck through the house without me noticing :O They don't actually irritate me that much, they usually go away pretty quickly, though that one seemed to be a voyeur lol
    I suppose he just thinks it's funny to play with fire :P Maybe he's secretly a pyromaniac lol

    Well that's good to know if I ever have a sim reach above level 5 of the skill lol :D Charity could become a mad scientist and create a whole race of plantsims and then they might turn evil a bit like Frankenstein :P lol

    New household :P This is Gerard Olestro, a fairy with traits good sense of humour, star quality, irresistible, hopeless romantic and friendly and a degree in communications. He works as a palm reader
    This is his dog Maya (why do all my sims have dogs?) with traits quiet, adventurous and independent
    Gerard, shall we say, enjoys the company of many ladies, and he wrote about his new friend Karrie Early on his blog
    Gerard's main hobby is writing and at the moment he was working on a novel about attempting to travel to the centre of the Earth
    Now that was all very well, but as I'm sure is obvious, Gerard's best novels were romances

    Just a tiny update as I've been busy packing my life away into boxes lol

    I love Gerard. He is gorgeous. Too bad he is a player. I guess with his looks and ability to read palms, he can charm the pants off of any of them lol.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Aaeiyn wrote: »
    It's time to come back to this project of mine. We're still on generation one! D: So, after this post, I'll respond to everyone. so, I have to be more then a "new member" to post links...I guess I'm just going to be a commenter for awhile ^_^

    Well I will like every post until you get enough points, but I can't like more than once on any post. So post away lol.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Zabeth0 wrote: »

    Sun Young: "So, husband, what will this mean for us...? You told me for a reason, and I wish to aid you in protecting our daughter."


    Jake: "It's very important that I know when our daughter is leaving the house, because I have to be ready to teleport in if needed, or defend her with magic from the house if needed. At the moment, they can't touch us in the house or the school, and I'll definitely go talk to some people and make sure every bus the elementary school uses is up to date in magical wards... however, they won't just sit back and snipe at us when they find out I have a magical daughter...someone will try something- game theory says that one or another faction will make a move soon, because even though the smartest move would be to sit back and let my daughter be raised in my house under my magical aura until right before she was a teenager, then kill me close to her, transferring the most possible magical energy from me to her aura right before her body ramps up the powers, the fact is that it's more like musical chairs, when they want to be sitting on her when the music stops, they know they are going to have a battle on their hands between themselves as well as against some will go first, knowing they aren't getting the optimum situation but reasoning that they only need a little bit more magic than the next guy to kill the next guy and get his magic too... I'm going to have to be ready, that means I'm going to have to stop hiding my magic from you...I'm going to have to do things like let a crystal ball look like a crystal ball so I can use it fast and not tie up a lot of magic in hiding the magic. We may have to move from Sunset Valley. I don't want to if we don't have to, but it's a distinct possibility depending on what they do. I'm going to need you to help me keep an eye on her...without smothering her...She's going to need to have lots of fun, but I want her to be able to put herself in other people's shoes so she doesn't run around murdering them like roaches the moment she has that power... which will be by the time she turns thirteen. I'm going to have to teach her about magic...openly...I'll do it downstairs...but basically this means she'll have to come downstairs to do homework with me and then magic work...which means she'll have less time for fun stuff, but it's vitally important that she has fun. She needs to go to the theater, she needs to go fishing with you, she needs to go the arcade with her brothers...but she can't go with me...because I have to be on standby. There will be very few things me and her can do outside of the house- there are a few places we can visit and there are fairies that we can trust, they love children and will protect them with a ferocity no one expects of fairies, even evil children are protected...they are pranked a lot...but not a hair on their head is harmed. So, ultimately, I need you to understand that I'm not doing this to upset upsetting thing is happening, but I'm trying to minimize the upset it causes."

    Sun Young: "Oh, husband, I understand."


    Jake: "I needed that. Next, I've got to talk to Jae about this..."

    Wow Jake and her relationship will have to be tight even though a lot of activities will have to be centered around learning magic, and fun will have to be done in the house. That can't be avoided.

    I think Jae will be alright, as Jake will fight to the death, and I am sure there are some good witches who he can enlist their help. It still has to be rough though. I mean Jae is going to think she is a bug under a microscope, but knowing how smart she is, she will understand and be ok with it. That must be something knowing that you kill a witch, their power becomes the killers. That is a messed up system as it doesn't really make other witches want to not kill others. They have incentive so to speak to do so lol.

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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited August 2014
    @Aaeiyn There you go, you are now a member.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Irene: I had forgotten all about the automatic sprinklers until someone mentioned it on this thread. They are such a big help with the garden. Having 36 plants, wow that's still a lot of plants. As I've been playing the Johnson-French household I've noticed that the parents (Tyron and Crystal) have always seemed to interact more with Danica than the twins, so I decided to just go with it and play them the way that they appear to be acting. Whenever i play the sims I don't prevent things from happening. For example if a sim dies or the kids get taken away, I let it happen I don't restart the game or anything like that. I also play the game based on how the sims act and what they appear to be. For Tyron he looked like a "bad guy" so I'm playing him like that and of course it also depends on their traits too. So if my sims have the klepto trait and look kind of gross then that'll be how I play them. I do of course have some story lines and some goals in mind when I make a family but for the most part, the sims personalities and stories come from their actions and their traits.

    I like how you play going by traits and personalities. I sometimes do that as well, but not all the time. Sometimes in my stories, I am playing a family and they will do something not in the plan so to speak, which sometimes gives me an idea to take the story in a different direction.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    IreneSwift wrote: »
    I thought I'd start my update with a couple of pictures that aren't really important to the story, but I think they're cute. My sim kids all get teddy bears in their personal inventory when they're born. For most of the time I've been playing the Sims 3, I've had only one choice of teddy bear for them, but now I have several choices. So the Morgan children have different teddy bears than my kids have had before.

    Benjamin has a panda bear.


    Crystal has a snow bear.


    Justice had plans for this particular day, but her plans got sidetracked. Jason was the culprit in this plumbing disaster.


    The garden had gone dormant again, after that one additional harvest. As temperatures warmed, the plants seemed to have revived again. But as always happens in my games in this situation, while the plants said “harvest” there was no produce showing, and the option to harvest them was unavailable. As usual, debug enabler also did nothing to change that. So, it was time for Jason to clean up the garden, and dispose of the spent plants. Certainly, I could have cheated and placed already grown plants from the buydebug menu, but I wasn't planning on keeping this garden through the winter anway.


    When Jason returned to the house after finishing the garden, he cleaned up and began working at his inventing workbench. The two toddlers happily played together in the playpen in the room with him.


    Unfortunately, it seems that they will only continue any actions I give them while in the playpen for about 5 sim minutes. So to keep them occupied in there, I have to stay with them and constantly give them new actions. I couldn't even get them to play with their teddy bears while they were in there, which is something I often do to keep toddlers occupied while I'm busy directing their parents' actions. So while I do expect to make use of the playpen now and then, it won't be as often as I would have liked. So long as their parents are busy with anything that will keep them for some time, it is a good way to get the toddlers to actually have a relationship with each other.

    Once Justice finished the household chores she needed to accomplish for this day, she began teaching Crystal to talk.


    Jason managed to invent another contraption. He still hadn't made anything to sell.


    Since Jason didn't want to make his living inventing, the garden was disposed of, and the finances of the Morgan family were more secure, it was time for that greenhouse Jason wanted.


    Here is the interior as I first made it. I did make a couple of changes, once Jason went inside to start planting. He didn't like the cobblestone terrain paint, or the fact that the walls, which aren't even slightly visible weren't painted, and I found that the trees can't be planted under the planting stations. So I did put in some flooring, added wall covering that nobody is ever going to see, and removed the 6 planters that were intended for the fruit trees.


    The next morning, after chores were done, Justice resumed teaching Crystal to talk.


    Jason went outside to plant his new garden in the greenhouse.


    He clearly loves his new greenhouse. While he was out there, he kept stopping between planting that was already in his queue, to look around and act excited.


    Within a very short time after Jason planted in the greenhouse, the plants were already growing. Here you can also see the new flooring and arrangement of the pots.


    Finished with the toddler training session, Justice sat down in front of the fireplace to learn another recipe, the last one she had that she could learn at this point, stuffed turkey. She does have the baked angel food cake recipe, but will have to wait to learn that one until she's mastered cooking.


    Benjamin and Crystal played nearby. I try to get her to sit near them to do her reading, but she always moves to one of the seats in front of the fireplace. Maybe I should just move the toy box and xylophone.



    Justice was stir crazy, and would have liked to get out of the house, but with Jason outside planting, she couldn't leave the children. Then he needed more scrap, so there was no hope of her getting away this day.


    The Morgans bought a rocking chair. Justice loves rocking the children as much as they love being rocked.



    While Justice rocked Crystal, Benjamin played with the xylophone. It looks like he's returned to playing it the normal way.


    I like the panda the best. I have supernatural, and so you can have bears in supernatural forms lol. They are cute as well. I know you don't have supernatural as you like to play with realism.

    If Jason broke the sink, Jason should fix lol.

    I adore how the toddlers can interact in the playpen.

    I agree I think that playpen is a little attention intensive. I shouldn't have to tell the toddler to do something every 5 sim mins. I hardly use it, but I do like the walker. It is nice to have them learn to walk on their own lol.

    Justice looks like she might be a little down teaching Crystal how to say cloud lol.

    Did you see the musical sunflower? I love that thing lol. I comes with the venue. I like that greenhouse you made. I certainly glad you can make really good use of it. Now your sims can make good things to eat year round.

    Awww so happy that Jason is so excited. It made my day lol.

    Too bad that Justice couldn't have gone for the scrap for Jason just to get out. I am glad that Justice is having quality time with the kiddos even though she is stir crazy. I know how that can be, although I don't get that way too much. I prefer being home.

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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    my legacy is pictures only
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Zabeth0 wrote: »

    Zelda: "You know, I don't think I've ever cooked for anyone other than myself before...yeah, I really haven't. What do you want, though?"

    Rafael: He paused. He knew what he wanted. He'd been craving buckwheat pancakes...and while the whole grain ones weren't bad, they just really weren't buckwheat pancakes...of course, the idea that she'd have buckwheat handy was silly, he was in a Simerican household. She probably just had plain white flour, which he'd been told was originally wheat before all the processing, but to him it just tasted like nothing, like they were eating paste....but of course, he could eat paste for her, and pretend to like it to not hurt her feelings. Stupid culture shock, making him want comfort food.

    Zelda: She must have seen the look on his face. "What is it? You don't think I can do it? Just tell me."

    Rafael: "I vant buckvheat pyancycakes, but you probyably don't haf buckvheat in yourr pyantrry."

    Zelda: She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I can totally use my magic to turn a human into an insect, but changing one grain into another is totally beyond my power!" She laughed.


    Zelda: "So, tell me about your enemy, what's his name...Constantine?"

    Rafael: "Konstantin Petrovich Ovechkin." He corrected.

    Zelda: She waved her hand over the food, and green energy glitters settled among the wheat...they solidified into buckwheat, she looked at his face, then smiled and got back to work on the ingredients. "Why do you Russian guys have so many names...wait, you have a normal-ish name, why's he got three?"

    Rafael: He sighed, it was 'normal' to him to have a patronymic but he'd purposefully left it out, both because he hated his father so much for what he'd done and because of how that made paperwork hard to track him down. But of course his first name was not Russian, and that had caused him a bit of grief when he was younger, and had proved useful here. "Vell, ve have three common names. Probably a quick lesson vould help. In the old dyays, vhen there vere pyeasants across zhe land, they couldn't move vithout the lords permission, they verre serrfs. Eurrope had serrfs, it vas how things verrre done byack then. Anyvay, so lyast names didn't do much good, because vhen many people haf the same last name, you need a vay to tell them apyart, right?

    Zelda: " you guys got two last names?"

    Rafael: "No, therre is only vone last name, and it is zhe famyily name, in his case, Ovechkin is his famyily name. But I dyidn't know his fathyer, yet I can tyell you his fathyer's name was Pyotr because his patronomic is Petrovich, vhich myeans, son of Pyotr. If he has a sister, her patronomic vill be Petrovna, meanink daughtyer of Pyotr, therreforre, if I found his home town, and found a voman nyamed Ana Petrovna Ovechkin, I vould vonderr if they verre brothyer and sistyer or if this town had morre than vone Pyotr Ovechkin."

    Zelda: "But you just said there were lots of people with the same last name, and those are common first names, right, so there very well might be, right?"

    Rafael: "Ve arrren't syerfs anymorrre, syince the 1917 rrevolution. Pyeople moved arround, famyilies moved, settled diffyerent places aftyer the vars, and verre syent to diffyerent places to vorrk. So, not common anymorre, but the nyames are styill importyant."

    Zelda: "Why?"


    Rafael: "Vell, vhen you vant to be polite, here, you call people Mr. or Mrs. Vhatevyer their lyast nyame is, right?"

    Zelda: "Yeah...Mr. or Misses Smith, for example."

    Rafael: "And vhat does that actually mean? Is it likely that Mr. Smith actually runs a smithy?"

    Zelda: "No. It's just a last name."

    Rafael: "Vell, that's something differyent, you see, vhen you call someone somethink polite in Russia, you don't use the family name at all, you call them by their first name, and their for example, Konstantin Petrovich. So, the patronomic is more important than the last name, evyen in day to day business..."


    Zelda: "And you haven't been giving out your patronomic because you're in hiding." She guessed.

    Rafael: Close enough. "Corryect."

    Well he certainly still hasn't learned their isn't much she can't do being a witch, but not being familiar with their powers, I can see why.

    I could hear her eyes rolling when she said that and was being sarcastic lol.

    That is interesting about the names. Having a last name, and a patronymic would definitely make it easier to find people in my opinion by knowing the name of your father because of the patronymic.

    I never stopped to think of origin of names. Especially since a lot of people when they first came to this country changed their names to either assimilate and seem more American, or because the people at Ellis Island checking immigrants in couldn't pronounce the names and so gave them different ones on the documents and many people kept those names. Same as in my great grandma's name. It is an unusual name, but it was changed per my grandma, but didn't know to what. Their last name my grandma knew was the new name. I have tried to find through various websites to see if I can find my great grandmother coming here as a child, but since their last name was changed by her father after they were here for a while, I don't know the name to search for. Sad. It is a shame a lot of families in that generation wanted to forget their heritage or just weren't brought up to have conversations with their children like my mom had with me. I guess it was adults are to be respected and feared, not to be best friends and share information lol. There is a lot my mom does not know about her parents who are both gone now, and so I don't know much either.

    Zelda is a fast learner. She caught on right away that he is in hiding. I am surprised that he is so open with her, is it the spell or his being in love and wanting to share. Either way, if he doesn't win her over, she could do real serious trouble for him. I hope she falls in love with him as well even if he becomes a vampire lol.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Celiria wrote: »
    For those in this topic who use the relativity mod can anyone give me some advice. I have been trying to adjust the speed to make time flow more realistically (my base test is a sim taking between 20-30 minutes for a shower when in the red on hygiene) but no matter what I set it to it doesn't seem to change anything. I can see the time flow differently as in it takes longer for a minute to pass but at 15, 18, 25, and 30 speed it always takes the same amount of time for the sim to shower (approximately 45 minutes).

    Am I doing something wrong? I thought this mod was supposed to speed up or slow time while leaving the interactions the same.

    Wish I could help, but I don't use it. Sorry.
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    Erwin in his magician outfit
    Leslie doing her inventor job
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    edited August 2014
    Hey all, lately I have been kind of blah and finding the forums more interesting than my game lol. I start playing, and get bored. Not sure why as I have tons I have yet not done in the sims 3, and I have thought of going back to sims 2, but loading screens drive me nuts lol. So I was going to ask for suggestions of a game to play to occasionally post pics NO STORY lol, as I already have 4 going lol.

    I do intend to update Shrek and Fiona this week, and another Anson update which you all can access via my blog if still interested. Btw in case some of you still want to follow, and didn't get the only link I posted on the other forum, if you want the link to follow it, please let me know and I will pm you with it.

    Anyhow any suggestions on what you would like to maybe see or have my sims do? All suggestions welcome not promising I will do all of them though lol.

    I was thinking maybe doing my challenge I posted on here trying to build a sim to suit every hairstyle, and while that is an idea, I need something more than just that.

    So any help would be appreciated. If I come up with a plan I will let you all know lol.

    Thanks you all are sweet.
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    IreneSwiftIreneSwift Posts: 6,247 Member
    @GBA91101Nver4get Thank you.

    @MayaRose1138 The panda is from World Adventures. It's in the same menu as the other teddy bears, so it's not hard to find.

    @Zabeth0 Aha! Zelda cares more than she thinks about Rafael, otherwise, she wouldn't care what he wants for breakfast, she'd just fix whatever she felt like, and if it was something he didn't like, too bad for him. And while she's cooking, she's asking him about himself. She could just be curious, but there could be more to it than that. Even if it is just curiosity, the more she gets to know him, the more she's going to care about him.

    I wouldn't buy an EP just for teddy bears. In fact, I don't buy EP's for CAS or build/buy items, even though I often like those things enough that I would keep the EP just for those things, even if I don't like the main features of the EP. I haven't found any site that lists what items come with EP's, only lists for SP's, so I never know until after I buy them. I've actually thought, once or twice, about buying SN for the beehives and honey, but that's not enough to buy a whole EP for. Although I did buy LN just for the piano, but I got it cheap, on sale at Amazon.

    To delete the IF, turn on testing cheats, then shift-click on the IP and choose object...>delete it. Or, if you have Master Controller, it's even easier. Click on the floor of the house and choose Nraas>Master Controller> Object Stats> select Local and Inventory, then click the check mark. A list will appear of everything in inventory on your lot. Find the IF and select it, then in the next panel, select it again, click on the check mark, then again on the confirmation panel, and the IF is gone for good.

    I didn't know the mirror would help them build charisma. Crystal is going to need charisma for adventuring, so I guess I'll max out the toddler levels for her in the playpen. I did find out, earlier today, that I can queue up playpen actions in her queue. So, I put a playpen in the recreation center, and when her parents went there with her, I filled her queue with mirror interactions. There was no popup like with xylophone and peg box, but she got past level one and was working on level 2 before they went home again.

    @AiHaou Is that a volcano?

    @Celiria The game itself bases some actions on the clock, like sleeping, work or school, and I think skill building, though I'm not sure of that one. Anything without a progress bar will take the exact same amount of real time, but less sim time. So overall, your sim still is able to get more done if you slow down the clock with relativity. How long it takes to shower depends on your sim's hygiene bar, and bringing that up might go by the clock. But not everything with a progress bar is based on the clock. Sometimes, using relativity, you will see a progress bar stutter or flicker. That's because of relativity making that action take a different amount of time than the game is trying to move the progress bar at.

    I use a setting of 28, which is 75% speed. The first time I played Justice, I tried her game at 50%, a setting of 19. She was able to get more done than at 75%, but of course, it made it take longer to play each day of her life, and thus, to take longer for her game, so I didn't stick with that setting for all of my games, because I have too many ideas of game starting scenarios I want to play with, to want individual games to go on for too long. But I did use 50% when Angela and the Morgans were adventuring, and even slowed it down to 25% or even slower when one or the other of them were too close to having to go home and needed more time to finish the adventure they were on.

    @Colorist40 I know, I am not happy that the summer is going to be over soon. I haven't had a chance to really make the most of it like I wanted to, because a couple of months ago, I re-injured the ligament in my knee, and have been unable to resume my daily walks as I had hoped to. Summer will be over before it's healed, and it will be too late then to get very far before winter hits. I don't actually mind summer being over, because I can't tolerate the humid heat, but while I do enjoy fall weather, fall is very short here, and leads into that horrible, longest season of the year in these parts.

    I'd like to know that too. It's the front of his shirt that should be burning, not the back of it. (Notice that the flame itself is actually located right about at the waist, and above.)

    I guess the explosions must be small, because nothing else is ever damaged except Jason.

    I always choose whichever parent is going to wake up first, according to their sleep progress thing in their queue, to get up in the night with the babies. If it's the same for both of them, whoever has the lower relationship with the baby does it, unless it's the father and he has a rabbithole job he has to be up early for. Even if the mother has a rabbithole job, she's always on maternity leave at that point. So she can sleep in or nap during the day, if I remember to have her do that.

    I agree about French toast. What's there to learn? It's stupid it requires such a high skill level. I'd think something like eggs Machiavellian, which they can learn much earlier, would be harder, and should be up there, instead of French toast. Maybe whoever designed that part of the game is a klutz in the kitchen and has a hard time with French toast. Even pancakes are harder to make than French toast, because if you try to flip them too soon, you get a big mess. If you flip French toast too soon, you just let the other side finish, then flip it again to finish the first side. Piece of cake!

    They get plenty of exercise that way too, thank you very much!

    I like the invented toys. They all have moving parts and make sounds. I hope he gets the others invented before the kids are too old to play with them. Although I supposed he could make them for the grandchildren. Even though they are going to be moving out to a new town together as soon as Crystal ages up to YA, I plan to play Justice and Jason to the end of their lives, and in their game, the kids don't have to move to a new town when they move out. They don't even have to move out as soon as they age up. That's one of the good things about this game, you can branch off into side games all you want, and still keep the original. In her first life, married to Barry Tenderlove, Justice had one daughter, but in a side game, when I wanted to find out what their children would look like, because I wasn't planning on them having any children at all, I manipulated everything so that they would have triplets. I ended up keeping that game too.

    Jason is going to keep on inventing too, but just as a hobby.

    You're right. I aged up Crystal and Benjamin in CAS to see how they'll look as young adults. She looks almost exactly like her mother, except she has her father's gray eyes instead of her mother's brown ones.

    By the way, the black of the volcanic rock in Aurora Skies makes the landscape definitely not bright. And the red houses are only in one area of the town, the main part has less colorful ones. I've been looking all of my newer towns over, trying to decide where the Morgan kids are going to move to when they grow up.

    My coworker was quite young when that bully of a nurse told her she couldn't name her son what she wanted too. Besides, it was a military hospital, and the nurse was probably in the military herself, and had been trained to be tough and bullying. All the more intimidating to a young army wife barely out of her teens.

    I'm sure your mother's brother was even more embarrassed than he was.

    I had to watch the paper boy around that cow plant too. He always tried to go for the cake. I wouldn't have minded much if it had eaten the mailman. He was one of those hot-tempered jerks that has a tantrum and throws the mail on the ground a lot.

    I wonder if this forum is glitching. Did the post that said it had to be moderated ever get posted? I also have noticed that this thread is now longer than the original thread it replaced, and I understand there was an issue with disappearing posts that prompted Wikichick to start a new one. Maybe something like that is happening here, rather than it really being an issue with the new forum.

    It would take Jason too long to fix the sink. Justice has mastered handiness. Jason has gained some handiness skill from inventing, but not much.

    I did find out that I can fill Crystal's queue with playpen interactions, rather than wait for her to finish one before I queue up another. So, it's not so bad after all.

    Which venue does the musical sunflower come with? Is it the greenhouse? I haven't seen it. But when I looked at the venue in edit town, there is sunlight all over in it, which I can move, but I can't clone. So I can't find out which menu to find it in and place some myself. I didn't find it in buydebug, but that's a pretty big menu, so I might have missed it. Something I found with a search said something about using the sunlight from the sunflower, so I thought it might have come from that. But I didn't have to use it to get the greenhouse to work, so I haven’t looked further yet.

    Yeah, really, it took Jason about twice as long as usual to plant in the greenhouse because he spent so much time cheering about it. Only the first time, though. Now he's over that initial reaction, and gets right down to business.

    I prefer being home too. But Justice gets stir crazy after only a few days of not going anywhere. I'm wondering if it's the adventurous trait that makes it so bad for her. Probably if I changed it to loner, she'd be happier with not going out. But I'm not going to make her a different person. She is who she is, and I'll play her as she is.

    @msbeckycat Wow, I don't think I'd do inventing in those clothes, since there's such an issue with explosions and catching on fire. Better to have the clothing, for at least something between the body and the fire.
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    I am thinking of doing a whole new wardrobe
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    edited August 2014
    IreneSwift wrote: »
    @GBA91101Nver4get Thank you.

    @MayaRose1138 The panda is from World Adventures. It's in the same menu as the other teddy bears, so it's not hard to find.

    @Zabeth0 Aha! Zelda cares more than she thinks about Rafael, otherwise, she wouldn't care what he wants for breakfast, she'd just fix whatever she felt like, and if it was something he didn't like, too bad for him. And while she's cooking, she's asking him about himself. She could just be curious, but there could be more to it than that. Even if it is just curiosity, the more she gets to know him, the more she's going to care about him.

    I wouldn't buy an EP just for teddy bears. In fact, I don't buy EP's for CAS or build/buy items, even though I often like those things enough that I would keep the EP just for those things, even if I don't like the main features of the EP. I haven't found any site that lists what items come with EP's, only lists for SP's, so I never know until after I buy them. I've actually thought, once or twice, about buying SN for the beehives and honey, but that's not enough to buy a whole EP for. Although I did buy LN just for the piano, but I got it cheap, on sale at Amazon.

    To delete the IF, turn on testing cheats, then shift-click on the IP and choose object...>delete it. Or, if you have Master Controller, it's even easier. Click on the floor of the house and choose Nraas>Master Controller> Object Stats> select Local and Inventory, then click the check mark. A list will appear of everything in inventory on your lot. Find the IF and select it, then in the next panel, select it again, click on the check mark, then again on the confirmation panel, and the IF is gone for good.

    I didn't know the mirror would help them build charisma. Crystal is going to need charisma for adventuring, so I guess I'll max out the toddler levels for her in the playpen. I did find out, earlier today, that I can queue up playpen actions in her queue. So, I put a playpen in the recreation center, and when her parents went there with her, I filled her queue with mirror interactions. There was no popup like with xylophone and peg box, but she got past level one and was working on level 2 before they went home again.

    @AiHaou Is that a volcano?

    @Celiria The game itself bases some actions on the clock, like sleeping, work or school, and I think skill building, though I'm not sure of that one. Anything without a progress bar will take the exact same amount of real time, but less sim time. So overall, your sim still is able to get more done if you slow down the clock with relativity. How long it takes to shower depends on your sim's hygiene bar, and bringing that up might go by the clock. But not everything with a progress bar is based on the clock. Sometimes, using relativity, you will see a progress bar stutter or flicker. That's because of relativity making that action take a different amount of time than the game is trying to move the progress bar at.

    I use a setting of 28, which is 75% speed. The first time I played Justice, I tried her game at 50%, a setting of 19. She was able to get more done than at 75%, but of course, it made it take longer to play each day of her life, and thus, to take longer for her game, so I didn't stick with that setting for all of my games, because I have too many ideas of game starting scenarios I want to play with, to want individual games to go on for too long. But I did use 50% when Angela and the Morgans were adventuring, and even slowed it down to 25% or even slower when one or the other of them were too close to having to go home and needed more time to finish the adventure they were on.

    @Colorist40 I know, I am not happy that the summer is going to be over soon. I haven't had a chance to really make the most of it like I wanted to, because a couple of months ago, I re-injured the ligament in my knee, and have been unable to resume my daily walks as I had hoped to. Summer will be over before it's healed, and it will be too late then to get very far before winter hits. I don't actually mind summer being over, because I can't tolerate the humid heat, but while I do enjoy fall weather, fall is very short here, and leads into that horrible, longest season of the year in these parts.

    I'd like to know that too. It's the front of his shirt that should be burning, not the back of it. (Notice that the flame itself is actually located right about at the waist, and above.)

    I guess the explosions must be small, because nothing else is ever damaged except Jason.

    I always choose whichever parent is going to wake up first, according to their sleep progress thing in their queue, to get up in the night with the babies. If it's the same for both of them, whoever has the lower relationship with the baby does it, unless it's the father and he has a rabbithole job he has to be up early for. Even if the mother has a rabbithole job, she's always on maternity leave at that point. So she can sleep in or nap during the day, if I remember to have her do that.

    I agree about French toast. What's there to learn? It's stupid it requires such a high skill level. I'd think something like eggs Machiavellian, which they can learn much earlier, would be harder, and should be up there, instead of French toast. Maybe whoever designed that part of the game is a klutz in the kitchen and has a hard time with French toast. Even pancakes are harder to make than French toast, because if you try to flip them too soon, you get a big mess. If you flip French toast too soon, you just let the other side finish, then flip it again to finish the first side. Piece of cake!

    They get plenty of exercise that way too, thank you very much!

    I like the invented toys. They all have moving parts and make sounds. I hope he gets the others invented before the kids are too old to play with them. Although I supposed he could make them for the grandchildren. Even though they are going to be moving out to a new town together as soon as Crystal ages up to YA, I plan to play Justice and Jason to the end of their lives, and in their game, the kids don't have to move to a new town when they move out. They don't even have to move out as soon as they age up. That's one of the good things about this game, you can branch off into side games all you want, and still keep the original. In her first life, married to Barry Tenderlove, Justice had one daughter, but in a side game, when I wanted to find out what their children would look like, because I wasn't planning on them having any children at all, I manipulated everything so that they would have triplets. I ended up keeping that game too.

    Jason is going to keep on inventing too, but just as a hobby.

    You're right. I aged up Crystal and Benjamin in CAS to see how they'll look as young adults. She looks almost exactly like her mother, except she has her father's gray eyes instead of her mother's brown ones.

    By the way, the black of the volcanic rock in Aurora Skies makes the landscape definitely not bright. And the red houses are only in one area of the town, the main part has less colorful ones. I've been looking all of my newer towns over, trying to decide where the Morgan kids are going to move to when they grow up.

    My coworker was quite young when that bully of a nurse told her she couldn't name her son what she wanted too. Besides, it was a military hospital, and the nurse was probably in the military herself, and had been trained to be tough and bullying. All the more intimidating to a young army wife barely out of her teens.

    I'm sure your mother's brother was even more embarrassed than he was.

    I had to watch the paper boy around that cow plant too. He always tried to go for the cake. I wouldn't have minded much if it had eaten the mailman. He was one of those hot-tempered jerks that has a tantrum and throws the mail on the ground a lot.

    I wonder if this forum is glitching. Did the post that said it had to be moderated ever get posted? I also have noticed that this thread is now longer than the original thread it replaced, and I understand there was an issue with disappearing posts that prompted Wikichick to start a new one. Maybe something like that is happening here, rather than it really being an issue with the new forum.

    It would take Jason too long to fix the sink. Justice has mastered handiness. Jason has gained some handiness skill from inventing, but not much.

    I did find out that I can fill Crystal's queue with playpen interactions, rather than wait for her to finish one before I queue up another. So, it's not so bad after all.

    Which venue does the musical sunflower come with? Is it the greenhouse? I haven't seen it. But when I looked at the venue in edit town, there is sunlight all over in it, which I can move, but I can't clone. So I can't find out which menu to find it in and place some myself. I didn't find it in buydebug, but that's a pretty big menu, so I might have missed it. Something I found with a search said something about using the sunlight from the sunflower, so I thought it might have come from that. But I didn't have to use it to get the greenhouse to work, so I haven’t looked further yet.

    Yeah, really, it took Jason about twice as long as usual to plant in the greenhouse because he spent so much time cheering about it. Only the first time, though. Now he's over that initial reaction, and gets right down to business.

    I prefer being home too. But Justice gets stir crazy after only a few days of not going anywhere. I'm wondering if it's the adventurous trait that makes it so bad for her. Probably if I changed it to loner, she'd be happier with not going out. But I'm not going to make her a different person. She is who she is, and I'll play her as she is.

    @msbeckycat Wow, I don't think I'd do inventing in those clothes, since there's such an issue with explosions and catching on fire. Better to have the clothing, for at least something between the body and the fire.

    I will comment more properly, but wanted to post a link so you could see what Supernatural items come with the game. You will have to scroll down on the page until you get to this section, but she has a pic of all the stuff build objects, buydebug objects, community lots, buy objects etc. She has done this for every ep.

    Here is a sample you can click on the individual pics to make them larger.


    The sunflower is found under plants in buy mode. I use the filter click on store items makes it easier to find.

    Here is a pic of it.

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    IreneSwiftIreneSwift Posts: 6,247 Member
    Saturday was a holiday, and the Morgans planned to go out as a family. Justice woke early, and with no pressure to accomplish anything, she continued studying the stuffed turkey recipe while she waited for Jason to awaken.


    It had hailed almost all night, and was still hailing that morning. Thing weren't looking so good for spending the day at the park, where fall festival was being held. But the hail finally stopped, so they were able to go. Jason wanted to check on his garden first. While she waited for him to be ready, Justice played her piano in the kitchen.


    The first thing the family did when they arrived at the festival was to get a family greeting card picture taken.


    There wasn't a lot going on at the festival, so Jason joined a pie eating contest. Justice watched, the children nearby. Jason is the one in the blue coat, next to the little girl who won the contest.


    The Morgans had gotten a late start for the festival, so it was getting late by this time. Jason gave the children bottles while Justice got herself something to eat at one of the food booths. Thanks to the pie eating contest, Jason was not hungry. He checked to see what they might buy with their festival tickets, but the soccer goal was the only thing he found of interest, and they didn't have quite enough tickets for that. It was late when the family finally got home and went to bed.

    The next morning, after her household chores were finished, Justice spent a little time practising sim fu.


    Jason spent most of the morning and part of the afternoon tending to his greenhouse garden.


    Jason wanted to teach Crystal to walk, and Justice was going to leave it for him to do, but he was so busy with his inventing and gardening, it didn't look it was going to happen at all unless Justice did it.


    The Morgans had gotten up late that day, due to being out so late the night before, and it was such a busy day, they had lost track of time. So they were taken by surprise, having not even had their dinner yet, when Benjamin suddenly had his birthday.


    Benjamin Morgan as a child


    After birthday hugs from his parents, they all had dinner.


    Benjamin went upstairs to sleep in his new bedroom. I need to get busy and change the wall covering. It's also high time the Morgans got some curtains for their windows.


    Monday morning, after tending to the garden, Jason carefully checked the seeds he'd found on the greenhouse floor, to see what kind they were.


    Since the plants Jason had planted in the greenhouse during the winter had gone dormant until he moved them into the house overnight, when Jason gained the ability to plant cheese and eggs, he started the plants in the house instead.


    When Benjamin got home from his first day of school, he asked his mother to help him with his homework.


    After finishing with his garden, Jason made a new toy cow, to replace the one that had somehow gotten lost. Crystal loved it just as much as her brother had loved the first one.


    After the homework was done, Benjamin found Crystal and spent some time playing with her. He is making new friends at school, but he still likes his sister best of all.


    Justice cooked tri-tip steak for dinner, one of the new recipes she'd recently learned.


    With his garden growing in the greenhouse, Jason harvested in the morning, and by afternoon, the plants were ready for another harvest. This was more than Jason could keep up with, so he decided to make a harvester, in hopes that it would make it possible to keep up.


    Benjamin is now able to participate in the dinner conversation. It looks like he may have a future in science, if this interest in insects continues.


    After dinner, Jason went to the store to sell the produce he'd harvested. At home, Justice read the newspaper while Benjamin played chess on the computer and Crystal played with the xylophone.


    Just before the family went upstairs to bed, Jason asked Justice to pose with him for a romantic photo.


    I was surprised at how large the photo was. Photos from Justice's camera, when placed on the wall, are very small.

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    CatrillaCatrilla Posts: 1,708 Member
    random story (and no pics). moved 4th generation into an empty house, recently installed Pets. the ice cream truck is stalking her. it left, circled, and came back to park outside the house within 2 seconds of my time (not game time). so i tell her to get an ice cream. it made her sick.

    she fell in love with a townie, he has several unstable traits (neurotic, insane, etc.). when she tried to have a baby with him (setting her up as a single mother) he has the nerve to reject her and tell her that SHE has issues.

    i don't think things are gonna go well for this generation...just sayin'.
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    I feel sorry for her

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