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100 baby challenge mamma hangout thread.


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    meghanundeadmeghanundead Posts: 885 New Member
    edited December 2013
    @ Amber & Kelsey; :P
    I'm still trying to find time to read the Hunger Game books D:D:D:
    Or...I'll cry or something. :p
    I'm hoping I'll guilt trip Daniel into seeing Frozen with me :twisted:
    Honey since I'm like, having your baby, take me to see this children's movie and hold my purse. :twisted:
    I'm kidding...sortof. XD
    Amber I'm curious about free tickets too. O_O :p

    @ Kelsey;
    I was going to use Ortherion/Lauren pair in the Abners, but I've gone a completely different direction...and now...they're in another story of mine. This Lauren is Lauren Abner from the Abners and Ortherion in this story is a clone from yours ;) 8) I'll be explaining that in The Abners & Tyler's Curse soon.
    After Ellery's college update, but it's happening while she's at college.
    dkjf;afj;er. I've written out so much to happen while Elle is away at college :twisted:

    @ Everyone :P
    Tyler's Curse - {my up and coming} 100 BC I'm putting the finishing touches on the introduction. ;)
    I was hoping I could post Tyler's updates here, since stud muffin Peter hangs out here, Tyler can too right? 8) :lol:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited December 2013
    @kelsey & meghan my totts doc got some tickets and asked if we wanted any, but since she's never called back or anything I think it fell through. The grocery store over here has a deal going one spend more then 20 and get a free child ticket to thee move, need to ask hubby what he did with the one he got last week.

    Yea maghan your guy can hang out here too :) I need to check out your other thread again kinda forgot about it sowwies.
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    meghanundeadmeghanundead Posts: 885 New Member
    edited December 2013
    Whoa. I can spend 20 bucks at the grocery store, no problem. XD
    Guess a kids ticket wouldn't help me out though. XD

    You're all good Amber.
    Here's the introduction.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited December 2013
    Don't worry Meghan, I would never post spoilers. When I was at a daily summer camp one of female acquaintances/classmate spoiled what happened to Sirius in Order of the Phoenix. It was horrible :( She wasn't even talking to me, but I was nearby and couldn't help but to overhear.

    Oh wow, can't wait to see what happens with those two and your new story. You're brave adding another 100 BC. I mean, I know I started 100 Majesties but I don't know if I can keep going. Ever since I patched to install Island Paradise that world just freezes as soon as it opens and refuses to do anything. I can't find any solutions on how to fix it, and starting over would be a real pain. Anyway, I like the introduction to Tyler's story. I'll post more about it on the actual thread.
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    meghanundeadmeghanundead Posts: 885 New Member
    edited December 2013
    Don't worry Meghan, I would never post spoilers. When I was at a daily summer camp one of female acquaintances/classmate spoiled what happened to Sirius in Order of the Phoenix. It was horrible :( She wasn't even talking to me, but I was nearby and couldn't help but to overhear.
    I'm sorry...she did...WHAT? :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
    Aww Kelsey 3: That sucks man D:
    That's why I had had had to read the books immediately. ;___;
    My cousin Maggie and I went together and stayed up all night at borders to get one of the books (6th or 7th? not sure which) only to be told they had already sold out :P
    Oh man. Talk about mad. :evil: Buddy I was ready to go ham on these people.
    But I didn't and walked out quietly and waited until the next day XD
    Oh wow, can't wait to see what happens with those two and your new story. You're brave adding another 100 BC. I mean, I know I started 100 Majesties but I don't know if I can keep going. Ever since I patched to install Island Paradise that world just freezes as soon as it opens and refuses to do anything. I can't find any solutions on how to fix it, and starting over would be a real pain. Anyway, I like the introduction to Tyler's story. I'll post more about it on the actual thread.
    Haha, everyone is saying that :P
    Yeah I'll have to move Tyler to a new save file quite frequently and baby mamas will be removed from the town as soon as I use them (unless for a story line) and I don't have SP turned on (until kids start movin' out) and I deleted like, everyone in Monte Vista. :twisted:

    Islo Paradiso (whatever that world's name is) I can't load it either, even from a fresh save. ;_; I haven't even seen it/played with it.
    Makes me maaaaaaaaaaad :evil:
    I don't think it's your game though, I think it's just that world.
    EA should address this problem :? :cry:

    edit again because I'm too much of a fail for my own good;
    Ohh you mean like your save won't load since you patched?
    (I don't know why I couldn't get this through my thick skull. XD Sorry. I don't get to drink coffee, so my brain doesn't know how to function anymore :P)
    Well that's just awful ;_;
    Could you just move the immediate family into a new save (if they're saved in the bin?)
    And not restart but... ;-; idk. Sortof a restart.
    I haven't gotten the chance to catch up on your other 100 bc. ;-;
    That's terrible though. I'm sorry :c
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited December 2013
    My sisters and I went to all the midnight releases. We preordered them as well so even though we had to wait in line a long time we were guaranteed a copy. Reading Order of the Phoenix was slow though because I was at the summer camp lol. I wasn't upset at her since we wasn't trying to ruin it for me. She didn't even know I was listening. I guess it did kinda dull the pain anyway since I knew what was going to happen.

    Yeah, like the particular 100 Majesties save won't work. All of my others have though. I wonder if it is because Emmeline was pregnant, and I changed around all the mods and stuff. That's the only explanation I can think of. Unfortunately, I did not save Elwood and Adelaide. I have Emmeline, but only her. There was one time where the save did unfreeze, but I was just testing it and had to leave for class right after it worked. I'm hoping if I just keep trying I can get it to work again. At the very least, I might be able to save Elwood and Adelaide to the bin.
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    meghanundeadmeghanundead Posts: 885 New Member
    edited December 2013
    Man! Still sucks though! I would've screamed.
    Daniel saw the mid season finale of walking dead (and I was in the stupid bathroom of course) and he watched the last like couple of scenes and then ruined it for me.
    He knows I hate that crap and he knows that show is my favorite show. -_- But I love him, and if this is the price I have to pay...

    I would've preordered the last HP book (I'm pretty sure it was the last one), but, we were living dirt poor. Haha. And I just so happened to have gotten enough money for me and her to have a copy like the day or so before.
    Because Maggie just couldn't stand to read it with me anymore for some reason. She 'outgrew' me I guess. :P (hey don't laugh, but we read them all out loud to each other except the last one).

    Saving my files while Ana was pregnant and installing mods/trying to move her into a new town or something, not sure, in my failed 10x10 legacy, 100 Nichols, caused me to have error 11 message forever. 3:
    I couldn't recreate the game because I just didn't save anyone :P Due to my idiocy, I just...lost interest and all will to play another serious 10x10 challenge (I'm determined to finish one!) until I started the Abners.

    I hope you can get it to load long enough to save Adelaide and Elwood D:
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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    edited December 2013
    I haven't updated for a while because I had a game glitch after a crash and I couldn't play so I had to do a factory reset. The game is fine now and working properly. I was able to bring this one back to where we left off easily since it was the beginning.

    Chapter 2-Rebooted
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    WasatchWasatch Posts: 27 New Member
    edited December 2013
    I've just started my 100 Baby challenge, Aspen & Rose: Two Sisters, Ten Generations, A Hundred Descendants. It's been a while since I've been able to play Sims 3, so this will be a fun way to get back into story-telling mode. In the mean time I've been reading some of the stories linked here, they are all so great! This is one of the most entertaining challenges to see play out, that's for sure.
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    edited December 2013
    @Piazzagirl-Glad you were able to get things fixed! Left a comment on your thread.

    @Wasatch-Great intro! Commented on your thread.

    @All y'all-Just updated with Installment 50.... and fair warning, it's loooooong. :XD:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited December 2013
    Chapter 28 is now up =)
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    olive337337olive337337 Posts: 410 Member
    edited December 2013
    Just posted next update, babies 5,6, and 7! please do check it out :)
    and also, @starguru: what did you use to make your banner? I love it!
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    olive337337olive337337 Posts: 410 Member
    edited December 2013
    And a question:

    for those of you (probably all) who know of cadence sierra, aka harmony sims, do you know if she still updates the "100 Baby Challenge Club?" I emailed her, wondering if she's blowing me off or just doesnt check it anymore.
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    edited December 2013
    @Olive- Congrats on the triplets! And OMG I can’t wait to see Mr. Ugly’s babies as they grow up! :lol:
    Sorry I can’t help with the Harmony Sims question since I’m not familiar with her or her challenge at all. :oops:
    And thanks! For my banner I just cropped a bunch of game screenies and pasted them all together in MS Paint. :)
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited December 2013
    @Olive ooo good updates I love babies, in sims or real life! ^.^
    Thats all I did for my banner too star XD but I should update it xD
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    olive337337olive337337 Posts: 410 Member
    edited December 2013
    Ok thanks, I'll make one!
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    olive337337olive337337 Posts: 410 Member
    edited December 2013
    I'm so sorry to be bothering you so much, but how did you get the code be a reasonable size? like how did you upload it?

    first i cant add the link, and then when i do the code is too long.
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    edited December 2013
    @Olive-I'm not sure what hosting site you use for pix, but some links are longer, especially with Photobucket or if you have a setting enabled that hyperlinks back to your album by adding extra url data. I mostly use PB for my pix because I like the set-up, but I use ImageShack for my sig.

    Idk if this will help, but this is what my sig looks like (if you replace the asterisks with left-sided brackets):

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    edited December 2013
    So... I had my teens at prom and was getting all the usual notifications— but then one popped up that I don’t recall ever seeing it before, and I thought it was kinda lulzy.


    Anyway, I got on a roll with my BC and somehow managed to finish Installment 51 today! :shock: But it’s not as long as chapter 50! :XD:
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    olive337337olive337337 Posts: 410 Member
    edited December 2013
    ok thanks,, yeah the photobucket one is wayyy too long :)

    I've never seen that one either...LOL
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited December 2013
    starguru wrote:
    So... I had my teens at prom and was getting all the usual notifications— but then one popped up that I don’t recall ever seeing it before, and I thought it was kinda lulzy.


    Anyway, I got on a roll with my BC and somehow managed to finish Installment 51 today! :shock: But it’s not as long as chapter 50! :XD:
    Haha, I think I've seen that one perhaps once before. I can't imagine how embarrassing that would be XD

    That's great (: It's the best feeling when you make good progress. I know I've wasted away most of the little winter sunlight today by playing for hours on end. Things in-game were good for a while, then it got tough before it got really really good. And by "really really good", I mean everything got horribly worse XD It's just good from a storytelling perspective lol.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited December 2013
    Aaaaand, double-post! I'm glad these forums don't seem to really care about these like others do.

    Got my newest update. Nothing too too exciting, but the next one and the one after are going to be doozies.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited December 2013
    Chapter 29 is up =)
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited December 2013
    Revive thread! Revive!

    This is the latest update of The Goddess' Order that I forgot to post here. I also have the most recent update of my more casual BC, 100 Majesties. In this one, I had to start all over.

    I also forget who it was, but I remember one of you being interested in learning how to make poses. This person on YouTube is doing an uploaded series of her previous tutorial on how to make poses. Here is the first video in the series. She has yet to post the rest.
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    meghanundeadmeghanundead Posts: 885 New Member
    edited December 2013
    I also forget who it was, but I remember one of you being interested in learning how to make poses. This person on YouTube is doing an uploaded series of her previous tutorial on how to make poses. Here is the first video in the series. She has yet to post the rest.
    Kelsey I love you... ;_______________;
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