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100 baby challenge mamma hangout thread.


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    mightykitty2mightykitty2 Posts: 156 New Member
    edited November 2013
    @starguru: Thanks, unfortunately I had to change the storyline with the computer issues :(

    Hoping to keep it the same, I've been working on it hardcore :) lol
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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    edited November 2013
    I decided I had to try this out for sure. I always love taking care of big sim families, so this should be fun. The only thing that was hard was coming up with a reason why anyone would want to have 100 babies. I finally have a back story and the Prologue is posted.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    I miss Meko. I spelled it wrong last night, I blame vodka and auto correct lol. I swear she was half cat half raccoon. Sadly she was killed by my old neighbors son. Ex and I were at my moms for thanksgiving for the week, came home to find the two girls shot dead with air guns and paint guns, and the boy was no were to be seen. Thought I saw him a few times in the corn fields near the house but ever got close enough.
    Your new old kitty could be around longer then you think I know of a few cats that lived till their 20s.
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    meghanundeadmeghanundead Posts: 885 New Member
    edited November 2013
    @ piazzagirl;
    Nice start. Your baby mama is gorgeous :D
    And I like the back story to why she's doing the challenge.

    @ Amber;
    WOAH. Please tell me someone get that boy in trouble for hurting your kitty??
    O_O_O_O That's so evil!! -_- Poor Meko D:
    We had a neighbor (back when I was like 14) that threw a brick at my cat Lucy and caused her to break two ribs -_- he was a total idiot. I caught him doing it and called the cops. He got a real nice fine, a restraining order against the premises, and probably pranked by teenagers the rest of the time I lived there, but I'm not saying I did anything... ;) But Ding **** Ditch a couple nights a week for about two years would probably drive someone nuts. :roll:

    edited because I fail. XD
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    He did from his mother, his father was like 'good boy son', they got fined, the guns were taken away, and their cats and dog were taken away, and a ban placed on them from having pets of their own, and from having any kind of weapon. The report I got said they found a grave under the porch were numerous skeletons of animals were found buried. Sounded like they were raising a future serial killer to me.
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    edited November 2013
    @Amber- Wow, your body doesn’t like following any of the rules be they scientific or superstition... you must be a rebel! :wink: I’ve heard of Irish twins, but thought that was when you had two children born within 12 months of each other—I think getting pregnant while you’re already pregnant is superfetation. I’ve heard of that happening, and sometimes these “twins” turn out to have different fathers, which was something I thought about doing for my BC story a long time ago, but I didn’t want to cheat to do it. But imagine the drama! :lol:

    And that is a cute story about your kitty with your prego belly. I had a dog that would curl up on me and lay her head and forepaws on my belly when I was pregnant with my son, like she was guarding him, lol. But that is horrible about that boy and your poor kitty! I’m glad he was caught out and there was a punishment, but it’s still awful. :(

    @Meghan- It’s easy to get carried away with worry when there’s so much to learn and your life is going to change so much. But. Baby steps, yanno? For now, focus on learning about pregnancy and delivery so you know what to expect, eat as well as you can, take your prenatal vitamins, keep your MD appointments, ask questions and take care of yourself so you have a healthy baby. There is a lot of time between now and when you have to deal with things like introducing solid foods, discipline or dealing with kids or teenagers, so try not to get too far ahead of yourself. Deal with the immediate things that you have control over now and the rest will come in time. xx

    @lucycat- I usually can force girls by eating about 6 watermelons after the mom gets her bump... I usually don’t since I like being surprised by the gender, and my BC momma tends to having girls more often anyway. I have her eating apples lately to even it up now though! :XD: Do you have any pix you’d like to share of your Sims babies? I’d love to see! :)

    @mightykitty-That’s too bad. :( But sometimes you’ll find you get inspired with even more creative ideas when you change the storyline. Good luck and looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :D

    @piazzagirl-I always like having big Sim families, so that’s why I chose to do a 100 BC, too. Coming up with a rationale for it is always tricky, and I like the twist in yours. Also commented on your thread. :)
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    @star I know! It was only with Emily that I had that happen tho, not during the rest. How I knew I was pregnant with her is that I started lactating. The blood test at that point came back that I was 3 months gone, I had an ultrasound done a week later, and they guessed for me to be between 6-7 months gone XD Even the day before my induction with her (they guessed at that point I was two weeks past my due date, but they were more concerned that my blood presser was spiking and rushed her outta me) I was sitting on the floor and getting up without issues, ever really lost my flexibility.
    Brae and Lizzy might be considered Irish twins your way, they are both born in 2011.
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    edited November 2013
    @Amber-So I take it you were induced with Emily? I was induced with my firstborn, too; I developed pre-eclampsia in my final weeks, so they wanted him out of me fast, and I was close enough to my due date so they felt he was developed well enough to not cause any issues. Induction sucks though; I wanted to use that IV pole for the Pitocin drip like a fighting staff and smack the nurse in the face with it when she kept cranking up the dose! :evil: :lol: I couldn't believe how much less painful natural labor was with my daughters.

    And yeah, I think your Brae and Lizzy would be considered Irish twins, then. My daughters were born 14 months apart, so they don't count as such, but I sure felt like I had them too close together, lol, especially since my son turned three the year my youngest was born. So... many... diapers! :shock:
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    ibraxicibraxic Posts: 67
    edited November 2013
    /works away on a house for someone whose doing a 1000 baby challenge

    I love it so much I think I might use it for my sim Mercy Dawn. I'm using her as a chaise mama which isnt going to have any real story - I'll mainly be playing with genetics and posting pictures on my simblr

    @ amber
    I've missed most of this convo but am I ga5hering right that you were pregnant, then became pregnant again while pregnant? o.o
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    @Star yea I was, it was horrible! The pain was soo bad >.< I did make it almost all the way thro without an epidural tho. I got it done 4 hours before she was born (almost two of those hours were pushing). They were starting to prep me for a c-section when the doc said one last push, if the baby doesn't come then I was going into theater. And Pop she came and it BURNED!

    @ibraxic nope, I COULD have with my first, my body didn't release the full hormone when I was pregnant that stops ovulation. So I was still having periods while I was pregnant and could have become pregnant while pregnant. Stumped the 🐸🐸🐸🐸. outta my docs tho XD family doc never ran into this kinda thing, neither did my OBGYN XD

    I do have two that are 11 months apart. I fell pregnant almost about a monthish after giving birth.
    Brae's bday is jan 6th 2011 and Lizzy's is Dec 6th 2011. Brae is 11 months and 2 hours older then Lizzy XD
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    ibraxicibraxic Posts: 67
    edited November 2013
    Wow! Those two must be a fun pair!

    I can't wait to settle down and have children, but asdfgfd I'm kind of terrified of pregnancy/birth and I've always wanted to try and adopt because as much as I'd love to have my own flesh and blood children, I really want to be able to give someone a good home that might not otherwise have one, y'know?

    Aaaaand I've always found it so amazing that in humans you can have "twins" that have different fathers. It's actually been the plot point for a few different characters I have xD
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    Even tho the chances are rare, it is a possibility with fraternal twins, it's not possible with identical since they come from the same egg, it just split after fertilization.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    So at the moment my story is on hold. And I'm a little bit peeved off with it. The chick Peter knocked up, she's got 50% chance for twins, 2% chance for triplets and 30,000% chance for quads. She's about a day from popping. Peter's house isn't big enough for himself, Hunter, Hunter's twins (BTW he's knocked up Paula again WITHOUT me knowing *grumble grumble*), Skylar, Cory, Connie, the Cat, and FOUR MORE INFANTS!!!
    So when I get on the game tomorrow (or later today since it is 1am)I'm going to have to build him a new house on a bigger lot -.-'
    AND since I'm so fussy and picky with my houses it will prolly take a couple days >.<
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited November 2013
    How can you tell the percentages of what she's going to have?
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    meghanundeadmeghanundead Posts: 885 New Member
    edited November 2013
    @ Amber;
    That's really messed up... ;-;

    About your challenge though-
    :p Have fun with quads :twisted:
    (I'm thinking...I'm still thinking its payback for jinxing Abby! :twisted: Haha. I'm kidding.)
    I understand about the house thing. Take your time. I feel your pain with too many babies in the house :roll:
    I'm about to throw the Abner house on the exchange, if you need something with a nursery with like 7 cribs, 9 bedrooms, and 6 and half bathrooms. XD Or whatever the ridiculous specs of this huge monstrosity are. XD
    It's pretty big. Big enough for the Abner brood to move around without too many people getting stuck. XD

    Three of my sisters that have given birth said that labor was less painful naturally (not induced). So. If I can, I'm going that route.
    Also I don't even know if I want a c-section or natural birth.

    @ Star;
    I've been pretty good about everything. I'm probably still a little underweight (hey I had no intention of this happening so I was skinny mini!) but I've been trying to eat as much as I possibly healthily can (without making myself too sick). :p
    Today I had to get some bigger jeans finally, so, that's a good sign.
    Haha 3 under 4 at one time? :shock: You're brave! And yeah I bet the amount of diapers was insane O_O I can't even imagine. O_O

    @ ibraxic;
    Haha Dahlia and Adelaide in my current story/legacy/massively overwhelming baby challenge are 'twin half sisters'. :p Didn't happen in game that way and I used MC cheats to make it look this way for story's sake. :p

    @ Kelsey;
    click the pregnant sim, click nraas, click status, click relationship and it pops up :3
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    edited November 2013
    @Amber- I managed to stick to my plan of not having any pain meds for any of my labors and deliveries (although close to the end of the first one I was seriously reconsidering the wisdom of said plan :lol: ), except for the numbing shot after my son was born when they had to stitch me back up (OUCH!). The girls were easy by comparison. By then, I understood when my body wanted me to push, rather than listening to everyone else telling me when to, and they both came out with one solid push when I was ready. Painful, yes, but not nearly as much.

    Hunter got Paula pregnant again?? ASDFGHJKL, when did they find the time? :lol: As for Peter’s prego chick, she very likely won’t have quads. She has to pass the twins roll first, then the triplet roll next, before even getting the possibility to roll for quads. With 50% and 2% for twins and trips respectively, she could fail either of those rolls. It’s actually pretty likely she’ll end up with a singleton, maybe twins...Something you might want to consider before you build that house, unless you were planning on doing that anyway.

    @Meghan-I was 17, not expecting to get pregnant, as well as very thin too, and it didn’t help that the smell of cooking food was just like...ugh. You do what you can as far as making healthier food choices. It’s a real shift in perspective, isn’t it?

    Yeah... having a 3 year old, a 14 month old and a newborn was not so much brave as the result of being... uh, newlywed. :P (Although to be honest we didn’t get actually get married till I was 7 months along with the last one! :XD: ) And we took a fair amount of teasing from friends; they called me Fertile Myrtle and hubby Sure Shot! :lol:

    Also, I'd recommend a natural delivery over a C-section any day, unless it's really medically necessary. Granted, I did have all mine naturally, so I can't say personally what a C-section is like, but I have had abdominal surgery and it's a much longer recovery period. Getting around and taking care of a baby would be much more difficult, imho.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited November 2013
    Thanks for the info Meghan.

    Got the new update up (:
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    meghanundeadmeghanundead Posts: 885 New Member
    edited November 2013
    starguru wrote:
    and it didn’t help that the smell of cooking food was just like...ugh.
    This. A million times.
    Also I've never had a hankering for cookies/ice cream/pies/whatever anything with sugar in it so bad in my life. I've been so good with my diet for like 5 years. :p
    It feels good to eat a nice big ol' bowl of ice cream and not feel one ounce of guilt for gaining weight. :roll: Or like a sleeve of oreos. XD
    I eat healthy too though, no worries. XD It's just exciting to have real food. Also. Fast food, which isn't real food, but oshkoshbagosh Taco Bell tastes like heaven to me now. XD

    Daniel and I are getting married in Vegas on January 20, his birthday 8) Yeah. You think this was his idea...but it's all mine :twisted: I'm playing in a small pool tourny with my Dad, so, we're killing like 6 birds with 1 stone.
    Having our wedding, getting to gamble, playing pool for money, having our honeymoon, celebrating Daniel's birthday, and getting to do all this in Vegas baby! XD I'm excited. Yeah. Me and Daniel are extremely weird couple. :p

    I'm trying to avoid a c-section, because I was thinking the same thing. I don't want to have to stay in a hospital any longer than I have to either. I can't imagine the pain though. Either way. o-o

    @ Kelsey;
    Anytime :D
    I loved your new update ^^
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    Seera1024Seera1024 Posts: 3,629 Member
    edited November 2013
    I'm trying to avoid a c-section, because I was thinking the same thing. I don't want to have to stay in a hospital any longer than I have to either. I can't imagine the pain though. Either way. o-o

    My mom had me through C-section (I went into distress after labor was induced, so C-section was medical not voluntary) and she was up and out of her hospital bed walking in the hospital within 24 hours. Nurses were shocked, but didn't stop it. Doing that does speed up the healing process as it does get blood flowing better than just laying around and the components needed to heal are carried by the blood.

    I don't know when she was discharged though, but probably sooner if she had not gotten up as soon as she could handle it.

    My mom did not want a c-section with my younger brother. I know she said her reason was that she did not want to not be able to hold me for 6 months. And I was 2 and a half years old. I can't remember if it did/would have prevented her from holding an infant.

    As for my 100 BC, I haven't really had a chance to play it much. Sending her through university first to work up her charisma skill for easier baby daddy getting. So I'm not quite to baby #1 even.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    @meghan I like building so its not s big deal lol. Ive already been thinking of redoing Peters house again, they have been annoying me with wanting to do everything outside and complaining there isn't room when they get locked in the house lol.
    I'd go for natural labor and not csection.

    @star dang really? No meds at all? Kudos that's great, Brae hurt the worst with pushing, he was back to back. He hurt even more then Lizzy who was a 10lber lmao.
    I didn't know about the rolls lol I'm such a noob. I think I'll still build a new house on a bigger lot. More room. Since I'm planning on having Peter raise all his kids now. Tho I do really hope for quads. Since she's a witch and Peters a witch there should be more witch babies lol.

    @buttetfree yea Meghan told me how to do that too lol. I didn't know before XD.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    Seera1024 wrote:
    My mom did not want a c-section with my younger brother. I know she said her reason was that she did not want to not be able to hold me for 6 months. And I was 2 and a half years old. I can't remember if it did/would have prevented her from holding an infant.

    It COULD have. Not saying for sure, but I had gallbladder removal surgery a couple months after having my first born. It's a less drastic surgery then a c-section, and its a key hole. (small insistions into the body, I have 4 wicked scars from it, one is a crescent moon shape under my belly button) But even with that kinda of surgery, I couldn't hold my baby for almost a full month. =(
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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    edited November 2013
    I'm trying to avoid a c-section, because I was thinking the same thing. I don't want to have to stay in a hospital any longer than I have to either. I can't imagine the pain though. Either way. o-o

    First let me congratulate you on the baby. I had to have a C-Section because I was 43 and a half weeks and not going into labor. The baby was over 9 pounds so they did not induce labor as they felt that I would not be able to pass a baby that big, but I was out of the hospital right away. Insurance won't pay for the extra days anymore so there is no difference in hospital stays nowdays. I was sent home in less than two days. I do feel that you are right by going natural, if I had a choice thats the way I would have done it myself.
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    edited November 2013
    @Meghan-That’s a lot of bird-killing, lol! But congrats on the wedding plans and have fun in Vegas! Btw, is Daniel Capricorn or Aquarius? (Just curious, I’m into that kind of stuff, lol.) Aquarian energy tends to be a bit unusual, and people often do things out of the norm where it’s involved; hubby and I are a bit unusual ourselves. We got married in street clothes at the county courthouse on a Tuesday afternoon (four days after my birthday) without rings or anything, didn’t invite anyone but our witnesses, and he went to work his shift right afterwards, lol. Worked for me! :XD:

    Well, unless it’s necessary, a C-section wouldn’t be recommended. I think the typical hospital stay after a Caesarian delivery is like three days, but I suppose that depends on a lot of individual factors, and they’ll encourage you to get up and moving asap. As for the pain, with a natural delivery I was able to keep in mind that the pain had a purpose—that the contractions were natural and necessary for my babies to be born—so I was able to bear them and rest in between. I took it one contraction at a time and focused on my breathing. (I never took Lamaze or anything, but already knew from other painful experiences like broken bones that controlling my breathing would help give me something else to focus on and get me through it, keeping me more relaxed, as anxiety often makes things feel more painful.) I was released from the hospital the following day with both my daughters (only 12 hours after delivery for one of them, the other one a little longer only because the paperwork took forever) and I felt great. My stay following my son was a day longer, but I had lost quite a bit of blood. I was fine otherwise, though, and was quite glad to have my body back to myself! :mrgreen:

    @Seera- They usually say not to lift anything heavier than your infant for the first couple weeks after a C-section. No personal experience, though, other than my hysterectomy; after that my weight restriction was 10 pounds or less for six weeks, which I'd imagine to be similar post-Caesarian.

    @Amber-Yep, I’m the type who doesn’t like taking meds of any kind unless absolutely necessary and I was glad to be able to avoid them for all my labor and deliveries.

    Ouch, that back to back must’ve been killer on your spine! And Lizzy was a big baby, wow! :shock: Mine were all within an ounce or so of each other— right around 8 lbs. And the only one of mine not in the usual position was my middle one; she was born sunny side up, lol.

    It took me a bit of experimenting to determine how multiples worked, too. Now I can pretty much control the exact number of kids my Sims have if I want. I did post some info on the research I did with how having multiples work in my thread here if you want to check it out. It’s long, but you might find it helpful. And yep, if both parents are witches then whatever babies she does have will be witches also. :D
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    mightykitty2mightykitty2 Posts: 156 New Member
    edited November 2013
    hey all! does anyone have any links to baby daddy's? if so, I'm in need of them! Credit will be given to you on my blog, obviously ;) and second is ideas for my baby challenge. I want to make in creative and different an would love some opinions, I have into the future so it can be crazy wild ideas :)

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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    @star Emily and Brae were 8lbs 4oz Alex was 8lbs 2ox Lizzy on the other hand was 9lbs 11oz, almost 10lbs! She hurt the lest XD But she was a very LONG baby.My calcualted dude date and the docs was almost a month off, and based on her size and development I believe I was right and the docs where wrong. When she was a month and a half 0-3 month cloths didn't fit, weren't long enough for her. even now, shes about shoulder hight with her bigger brother Brae. Emmy and Alex were normal way Brae was back to back, and the actually delivery hurt the most. Him coming out. Lizzy was just fast. Labour started in the morning, I went about my day as normal. But if Brae touched the tummy it hurt... alot lol, and he touched it alot cuz he liked to feel Lizzy. XD She was almost born on the couch. The docs said not to go in, since the contractions weren't even yet. Hubby took me in anyways and less then 30 mins she was born. The doc went to get coffee and toast and had to rush back cuz she was crowning and hubby was freaking out.
    Alex was the weirdest of all. I knew the night that I conceived him, I knew I was in labour before any pains or anything (and he was born 5 hours later). It was all just.... freaky. I also had almost 3 years of post natal depression with him, with no help from any of the Canadian docs. They just brushed it off, and gave me no help at all.
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