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100 baby challenge mamma hangout thread.


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    ckrulesinakckrulesinak Posts: 407 Member
    edited November 2013
    Back at home I had two close friends. in school I always got along better with boys then girls. Being a tomboy I never got makeup and mags and everything else, I was always climbing trees and having frogs in my pokects and such lol.
    I kinda that in between girl. I only wear make up on occasions and its not alot. you will find me in a dress only twice a year when mom makes me, Christmas and Easter(unless I have to for choir witch I really hate) Skinny jeans and a shirt(always with a sweater. unless its summer) I did play with barbies lol and webkinz and LPS so I kinda was a girl when I was little but not know. I spend like no time on my hair, only to brush it. I have no sense of fashion.
    @ Carissa;
    IS THAT MY CONNER? In your chapter? :D
    Violet and Conner are cute together, but I do have other plans for her for generation 2 :wink: without giving it away too much.
    I loved your update.
    Alaska? Man O_O So far away. I live in the Southern US. :p
    edit- Congrats for your brother. :D No one ever thought I would get married and have kids either, but look what's happening now. :p
    I was/still am a major tomboy.
    I can't remember the last time I wore a nice dress (maybe prom?)
    Yes it is :) lol I had to.
    I like her with Silas better ;)
    Yup, been here all my life(well I've on a few vacations) its -10 degrees and im not lovin it :evil:
    Thanks. And he's graduating before so its going to be a crazy summer.(And ill be 16:)
    The last time i wore a dress was probably when mom made me wear one at Easter.
    @everyone-Im not ignoring you all! I don't have much time on my hands and I don't have internet on my phone or I'd have more time. If I see a @ck or @ckrulesinak or @Carissa I'll reply :)
    Be kind :)
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    So I've been having some issues with my game turning on me. Did some things to try and help it run better now it's giving me the middle finger lol. Dunno if I messed up or my games just messed up. But I have enough pics for 3 more chapters. I'm trying to dig up an old thread where I had this issue before and I got help and fixed it. If worst comes to worst I'm going to have to do a full reinstall and down load of everyone. And try and pick up where I left off, or something more drastic. Any way, I will keep going, just might challenge my more creative side to work it in.
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    Seera1024Seera1024 Posts: 3,629 Member
    edited November 2013
    What's the issue you've been having?

    And before you try a reinstall, try a reset. A lot less time to reset your game and 99% of the time a reset will fix the problem.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    The game crashes and/or freezes when loading a new or saved game.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    Sneeky peek for next chapter
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    Seera1024Seera1024 Posts: 3,629 Member
    edited November 2013
    The game crashes and/or freezes when loading a new or saved game.

    That's odd. Hopefully you can get that fixed since that one's a game breaker.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    I got my game running YAY! Got Peter's new house finished. But with the game being like this and life just wanting to take a big a.🐸🐸🐸🐸. dump on me. I'm just wanting bed but cant sleep due to the tooth pain.
    But here are piccies of Peter's new house.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited November 2013
    Haha, I love all the pictures within the last picture. I usually forget about them as soon as I take them, and the children usually leave the house with them on them.
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    meghanundeadmeghanundead Posts: 885 New Member
    edited November 2013
    What'd you do to make your game work? For future references?

    That house is niiiiiiiiice. 8)

    I missed a ton of messages. I'll go back and reply here in a minute. :p
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    meghanundeadmeghanundead Posts: 885 New Member
    edited November 2013
    So I keep getting error 12 error message. :?: This killed all of my other legacies BUT! I have some backups, so, we'll see. I'll have to re-do birthdays (again) uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.

    I think it was because I left it open forever and ever though XD
    Just ignore meeeee :XD:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    I've never gotten error 12 before. I did what I did back when I had trouble with uni. Took the EA folder dragged it to desktop, loaded the game, closed it when it worked. Then added the mods, saves, downloads, options, and another for or two back, installed all my store stuff, then loaded the game, took forever! But it loaded. I need to bookmark that thread that you and start found.
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    edited November 2013
    @Amber-Glad the factory reset worked for you and you have all your stuff back! :D

    @Meghan-Yeah, error code 12 is a memory issue. I haven’t had one for years since I’m usually careful, but last month I got one after I kept getting interrupted and had left my game open for most of a day, lol. I had backups and lost only a few Sim hours of progress, so it wasn’t a huge deal. Sorry you lost more birthdays again, but glad you have everything backed up!
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    meghanundeadmeghanundead Posts: 885 New Member
    edited November 2013
    @ Star;
    Eh, it's all good. I've fixed it, all 9 birthdays. xD
    An accident happened that I was going along with, but eh, now that I lost that save I doubt I can force it to happen again. But maybe. Who knows. :p

    @ Amber;
    My computer likes to overheat when I leave it on for like, 6 hours. XD Also, like Star said I probably got error 12 for leaving it open too long :p
    Error 11 I think is the error message that made me rage quit Sims for a very long long while... :p
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    I've ever had errors like that, just 'the Sims 3 has stopped working'
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    Hidari_AidenHidari_Aiden Posts: 182 Member
    edited November 2013
    Okay! So I finally got my girl into a town and saved into it(my games been wonky lately and breaking down before I can save.) She isn't pregnant yet, who knew starting this challenge would be so difficult! xD'
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    So who on here uses Sim port to send and receive gifts?
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    Yea so, I was trying to do the speical where I get all of Peter's kids n grand kids and what not on one lot together when this happened -.-'
    What a way to ruin a party.
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    mightykitty2mightykitty2 Posts: 156 New Member
    edited November 2013
    @amber Great work on the house! I always start and never completely finish one. Though with the challenge maybe it will get me too for once lol

    @Hidari_Aiden I know what you mean! I just started and trying to find men is impossible, thankfully in Dragon Valley they all hang out at the book store. Though I cheat and use the pregnancy mod as a back up if they don't get pregnant after woohoo. It saves time instead of starting over, getting them to come over, or changing the storyline.
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    meghanundeadmeghanundead Posts: 885 New Member
    edited November 2013
    HAHA. I love it when someone pops during a party xD Makes for real fun :p
    I want to see her baby nao! *flails*

    I haven't ever used Sim port Amber O_O
    Like sending gifts from the Sims 3 store?

    My Abner file is um...pretty screwed you guys.
    Once all of the babies in game now became tots my game is like 'NO! I'M NOT DOING THIS ANYMORE!' Its laggy/slow/etc. It's because my house is overstuffed. XD Honestly this was my experiment to see how many Sims I could stuff. I got up to 27 before it started getting ruined. XD
    I have to move Amelia and her kids and Ellery and her kids out in the next update somehow. I need to free up some room. Finn will also be moving out soon, and once Conner becomes a YA and goes to Uni, that's when second gen starts.
    So...the next update will be not what I really expected. :p
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    @nope. Before you load your game, if you sign in with your site info, then load your game, if you click on your sims mail box, you can send gifts and gift packages to people on your friend list. Up to give a day. Doesn't cost anything. What you can send seems to be based on what eps the receiver had.
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    meghanundeadmeghanundead Posts: 885 New Member
    edited November 2013
    That sounds pretty cool.
    I've never messed around with it before :p
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    mightykitty2mightykitty2 Posts: 156 New Member
    edited November 2013
    Finally have chapter one out! Woot! School and work have been so crazy it's hard to get chapters out but I think I have come up with a solution, spend my weekend nights when I'm free (if school work is done :wink:) to work on it. I think. Who knows.
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    edited November 2013
    @Amber- Ooh, Willow is prego! Not a very good time to go into labor though! :lol:

    I have never Simported (I used mods to unlock the rewards, lol) and I’ve only tried the in-game gifting system when it first came out. I don’t like being logged in and playing online; the player wall pop-ups make me crazy and server connection issues tend to make for a crashier game.

    @Meghan- Lol about your game refusing to put up with anymore Sims! Once I get to about 20 in a household I start noticing some performance issues in mine. Good luck with your chapter!

    @ mightykitty- Commented on your thread! :)

    Also, I updated my BC with Installment 49 this morning. :mrgreen:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited November 2013
    Lol most people seem to play like that. I'm normally logged in. I like sending gifts XD but no one ever send them back :(
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    stargurustarguru Posts: 2,115 Member
    edited November 2013
    Lol most people seem to play like that. I'm normally logged in. I like sending gifts XD but no one ever send them back :(
    Yeah, I haven't logged in for a year, so if anyone has sent me in-game gifts since then, I wouldn't even know unless they left me a message on My Page or emailed me. If you like sending gifts and would like some in return, maybe you could start a thread asking about people who use it so you can add each other to your friends list?
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