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2nd Chance At Life: 100 Baby Challenge *Chapter 111-113 is up 6/6/13* Discontinued


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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited February 2013
    She inherited the workaholic trait (Agnese)
    he inherited the workaholic trait (Amaury)

    Three days after successfully teaching Agnese and Amuary all their basic skills they aged into children out of nowhere. At first i was freaked out since Airiana and Bernard didn't celebrate their birthdays until a week after learning their basic skills but thankfully Shuyel explained to me any children born with the Greensburgh dna in them can decided at any time when they want to become children based on happy they are. I felt a since a relief of finding that out and a since of pride when my two eldest came home with As on their report card. To celebrate this big achievement i rounded up the family and headed to the fall festival
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited February 2013
    When we got to the festival everyone went their separate ways.
    Me, Bernard, and Agnese entered the pie eating contest which resulted in Agnese beating the both of us,
    Lita, Peony, Airiana, and a random woman by the name of Polly Maloney entered in a apple bobbing contest. Despite the stranger joining them Lita still won,
    Amaury got his face painted,
    and Shuyel went into the haunted house and you can tell by her face it wasn't all that scary. We tried to take a family portrait but it was closing time and us three pie eaters were starting to feel sick so we headed home.
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    MrsOogieBoogieMrsOogieBoogie Posts: 844 Member
    edited February 2013
    I still really like Amaury! He looks so cute with face paint on :-)
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    jbfairybirdjbfairybird Posts: 3,923 New Member
    edited February 2013
    The kids aged up cute!
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited February 2013
    During the next few weeks Jacques and the girls saw:
    Airiana and Bernard playing chess,
    Agnese and Amaury playing the x-box,
    Airiana and Agnese pillow fighting,
    Bernard and Amaury playing baseball,
    and all of the kids jumping on the trampoline.

    Not only did it warm their hearts to see the children bonding but them keeping themselves busy allowed:
    Jacques to sculpt for a profit,
    Lita and Peony to paint for a profit,
    and Shuyel time to work on her space ship.
    But after a few hours Jacques and the girls put their stuff away to spend some last moments with the kids before they aged:
    Peony talking to Bernard
    Lita hugging Airiana
    Jacques making funny faces with Agnese
    Shuyel playing rock, paper, scissors with Amaury
    and Jacques telling the kids a scary ghost story
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited February 2013
    Finally much to the excitement of everyone it was time for the kids to age up into teenage-hood.
    First was Airiana
    she got the flirty trait.
    Second was Bernard
    he got the flirty trait.
    Third was Agnese
    she got the flirty trait
    Last was Amaury
    he got the flirty trait like the rest of the group.
    After the party was over it was time for the goodbyes.
    Shuyel hugged her twins goodbye and headed back to Greensburgh in her fully repaired ship.
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited February 2013
    After hugging their respected kid goodbye Lita and Peony pulled me into the hallway.
    "Is something wrong girls?" asked Jacques.
    "No, we just have news to tell you" replied Lita.
    "What is this news?" asked Jacques.
    "I have a vampire friend named Seashell Ocean who wants to help you with your challenge" replied Lita.
    "I have a fairy friend name Ashley Luther who wants to help you with your challenge" replied Peony.
    "That's great news and when will they be here?" asked Jacques.
    "Whenever you need them" replied Peony.
    "also we have something else to tell you" said Lita.
    "And that news is?" asked Jacques.
    "We told the kids about your challenge and why you are doing it" replied Peony.
    "Oh. How did they take the news?" asked Jacques nervously. As much as Jacques wanted his mother back he didn't want to do anything to upset his current four children.
    "They're fine with it and they hope you succeed so they can meet their grandmother" replied Lita.
    "That's a relief" said Jacques.
    "Well, we should be going" said Lita.
    "Goodbye" said Jacques.
    "Goodbye" said Lita and Peony and after handing Jacques the numbers of their friends they left.

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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited February 2013

    After Lita and Peony left Jacques got straight to teaching his kids to drive. It was an awkward and somewhat scary experience but a success with all four no less.
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited February 2013
    After becoming teens Jacques' kids decided to the best way to bond with each other was to have an all out prank war. At the end of the war the score was this:
    Airiana: 2
    Bernard: 1
    Agnese: 1
    Amaury: 3
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited February 2013
    Shortly after the prank war ended we found out it was a snow day and the kids figured the best way to call a truce to their prank war was to have a fun day at the winter festival. When we got to the winter festival we:
    ice skated together,
    had a snowball fight,
    Agnese and Airiana made snow angels,
    and Bernard and Amaury built a snowman.
    Sadly we could only stay for two hours since we were starting to feel very cold but before we left Agnese suggested we take a family photo so i could have something to remember them by when they moved out as young adults.
    so here we are as a happy family.
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    Missty0CittyMissty0Citty Posts: 876 New Member
    edited February 2013
    Love the updates, the kids aged up very nicely. Love Agnese.
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    NewToTheSimsNewToTheSims Posts: 1,160 Member
    edited February 2013
    I still have a soft spot for Amaury, but Agnese is gorgeous. Half alien/half werewolf is really working for her. ;)

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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited February 2013
    thanx newtothesims and missocitty. i was starting feel bad for agnese since everyone is so focus on her twin brother. so it's good she is getting her due attention.
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited February 2013
    ok from this point on i'm speaking in first person as if it's Jacques is talking. speaking in third person is killing me.
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    jbfairybirdjbfairybird Posts: 3,923 New Member
    edited February 2013
    Caught up and am enjoying it.

    The prank war was funny. I like Bernard and Agnes the best so far.
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited February 2013
    Caught up and am enjoying it.

    The prank war was funny. I like Bernard and Agnes the best so far.
    thanx jb it was kinda inspired by nay prank war even though it hasn't started yet
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    mellowyellow311mellowyellow311 Posts: 171 Member
    edited March 2013
    I just got all caught up with the story. I've been away from the forums for a bit and when I checked on your challenge I was like :shock: I've missed so much! Loving the updates and the kids.
    Jacques was relieved to know the girls weren't no dumb bimbos like Rossette and Zinnia Montigo since he didn't want to have any sex crazed, out of control children. In vice versa the girls were relieved that Jacques story of his mother's death was truth and not no player trying to get in their panties.
    This one had me laughing so hard!
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited March 2013
    I just got all caught up with the story. I've been away from the forums for a bit and when I checked on your challenge I was like :shock: I've missed so much! Loving the updates and the kids.
    Jacques was relieved to know the girls weren't no dumb bimbos like Rossette and Zinnia Montigo since he didn't want to have any sex crazed, out of control children. In vice versa the girls were relieved that Jacques story of his mother's death was truth and not no player trying to get in their panties.
    This one had me laughing so hard!
    lol thanx my story has inspired elements from jbfairybirm my mentor and nay's story.
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited March 2013
    A lot of parents say perfect kids don't exist but i must strongly disagree. If you were to come in my house everyday you would see:
    Airiana painting and playing her bass,
    Bernard working on his chemistry set and working out,
    Amaury working on his mixology skills and working out,
    and Agnese working on her work bench.

    In addition, the kids helped out with the chores:
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited March 2013
    Well, i should have known it would happen eventually. my little brood is officially dating.
    Bernard had a girlfriend named Marisa Guevara,
    Amaury had a girlfriend named Elspeth,
    Agnese had a boyfriend named Jet Atkins,
    and Airiana had a boy friend named Sebastien Striker.
    Airiana's prom wear
    Agnese's prom wear
    Bernard's prom wear
    Amaury's prom wear.
    It was shortly after they told me the good news about their relationships that i realize i needed to enjoy the time i had with them while they were teens. So after helping the teens pick out their prom wear i had them choose what they wanted to do for bonding time.
    Airiana wanted to paint me so i posed for her.
    Bernard and i played his favorite football video game which resulted in him beating me in it several times.
    Agnese and i played a relaxing game of foosball.
    and Amaury wanted us to get in better shape together.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited March 2013
    Finally after waiting a whole week prom night finally arrived and after taking a photo of them in their prom wear they rushed off with their dates.Well, everyone except for Agnese and Airiana rushed off with their dates. Sebastien and Jet had gotten food poison the night before and couldn't go. The girls still went anyways. Their prom night was very eventful
    Prom Events:
    Amuary won prom king and he showed off a new dance move.
    Elspeth revealed to Amaury that she really liked him alot and he had a goofy grin on his face for the rest of the night.
    Airiana was crownd prom queen.
    Agnese spotted another girl wearing her dress.
    Bernard and Marisa were inseparable through the entire prom.
    Amaury and Elspeth were the dynamic dance duo that everyone copied.
    Airiana and Agnese checked out everyone amazing dresses and suits.
    Agnese had a mishap on the dance floor and fell on her face.
    Elspeth was very attentive to Amaury's every need.
    Benard impressed Marisa with some epic dance moves.
    Airiana kept hoping they would play her favorite song which they eventually did.
    Amaury and Elspeth were also inseparable through the night.
    and Bernard had Marisa chuckling with his chicken dance.
    Overall the kids had a great time at prom.
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited March 2013
    Two weeks after prom it was time for the teens to age into young adulthood.
    First up was Airiana
    She got the workaholic trait and got a job in the theater.
    second was bernard
    he got the family oriented trait and got a job in the medical field
    third up was Agnese
    she got the family oriented trait and got a job in the military branch
    lastly Amaury
    he got the family oriented trait and got a job in the police force.
    Three days after their birthdays it was graduation time:
    I was one proud dad and i was hoping they would spend one more night at the house as one last hoorah but sadly that dream was crushed when they told me they had bought their own house with bonuses given to them by their bosses.
    So i hugged them all goodbye and told them how empty and lonely the house would be without them. They chuckled and told me the house wouldn't be lonely since i had 96 more kids to go. I laughed and waved goodbye as their taxis drove them away.
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited March 2013
    As soon as i got home i decided to take my kids' advice and get back to baby making. I still had Seashell and Ashley's numbers programmed in my phone but i needed to check for emails for ad.
    So i plopped down at the computer and checked my emails. To my delight i had an email from a pair of attractive twins.

    Hello Jacques. My name is Cherry Fruitopia and the picture of the girl under my picture is my twin sis Lemon Fruitopia. We are berry genies. We saw your ad and knew we wanted to help you. You see we always wanted to have kids but never could find the right guys. So if you want us please call.
    Jacques was very nervous about responding to the girl's email. For one they were Genies and twin sisters like Rosette and Zinnia Montigo but after sleeping on it for a week he decided to give the girls a chance and called them up. He knew he couldn't judge every genie negatively just because he heard and seen two bad genies.
    Two weeks later the girls arrived at his house with big grins and hugs.
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited March 2013
    "Hello Cherry and Lemon" i said.
    "Hello" they said.
    "First off welcome to my home and thank you for assisting me with my challenge" i said.
    "No problem" said Cherry.
    "We can't wait to see what our kids look like with your genetics" said Lemon.
    "Me too. By the way are you girls hungry or tired?" i asked.
    "Nope" they both relied.
    "Than i shall prepare my room and the mommy room for you" i said and i went off to prepare the rooms.
    "Oh my berry cherry he is even hotter than his picture" said Lemon.
    "I know right! i can't wait to introduce his dragon to my dungeon" said Cherry seductively.
    Lemon chuckled and playfully slapped her sister on the arm.
    "I hope you know he can only sleep with us once" said Lemon..
    "I know that Lemon" said Cherry.
    "I'm kinda nervous about going through with this" said Lemon.
    "Why would you be nervous about sleeping with a hottie?" asked Cherry.
    "I'm worry he'll find out we are strippers back in Starlight shores and are party friends with the Montigo family" replied Lemon.
    "Don't worry sis he won't find out" said Cherry.
    "Ok but we don't know anything about taking care of know baby" said Lemon.
    "Don't worry Rosette Montigo gave me baby advice" said Cherry.
    "Well, spill it before Jacques get's back here" said Lemon.
    "You feed them cake and named them after your favorite alcoholic drink" replied Cherry.
    "That sounds easy! i'm going to name my baby Napa Sun" said Lemon.
    "I think Malibu Breeze will make a perfect baby name for my kid" said Cherry.
    The girls hear Jacques' footsteps and they quickly stop their conversation.
    "You girls ready to get down to business?" asked Jacques.
    "Yes" they replied.
    After flirting with the twins to get them comfortable with him Jacques laid them on his bed and got to work implanting his seed.

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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited March 2013
    The morning after sleeping with the Fruitopia sisters i woke up to see Midnight May in my bedroom.
    "Miss May what are you doing here?" i asked.
    "I'm here because i have some news to tell you" replied Midnight May.
    "What is this news about?" i asked.
    "It is about Cherry and Lemon Fruitopia" replied Midnight May.
    "What about them?" i asked nervously.
    "They have been lying to you Jacques" replied Midnight May.
    My eyes grew big and i asked nervously "How have they been lying to me?"
    "They been hiding the fact that they are strippers in Starlight Shores and party friends with the Montigo family" replied Midnight May.
    "I think i'm going to be sick" i said as i grabbed my pounding head.
    "Are you ok Jacques?" asked Midnight May.
    "No, my kids with those girls are going to grow up to be wild, sex crazed teenagers like borage and regret Montigo" i replied.
    "Do not worry Jacques that won't happen" said Midnight May.
    "How do you know that won't happen?" i asked.
    "I know i said the the mothers must stay in the house until the babies age into teenagers but since these girls deceived you they will banished from the house as soon as the babies are born" replied Midnight May.
    I sighed with relief and thanked her.
    "No problem Jacques but i think we should go confront the girls about their lies" said Midnight May.
    "Your right" i said and i took lead to the girls room.
    When we walked into the girls room they got one look at Midnight May and became nervous. I guess their genie powers allowed them to sense other powerful beings.
    "Hello" the girls said nervously.
    "Girls i'm going to be straight forward with you and say i know you are strippers back in Starlight Shores. Plus i know you are friends with those disgusting Montigo family" i said.
    "How did you find out?" asked Lemon.
    "I told him" replied Midnight May.
    "Who the berry are you?!" demanded Cherry.
    "I am Midnight May, controller of life and death. Therefore if you value your life i would watch you mouth" replied Midnight May.
    "Excuse me 🐸🐸🐸🐸 but i think you should know i have the power to banish you from my sight. therefore you should watch your mouth" said Cherry angrily.
    "Yeah! you ugly looking 🐸🐸🐸🐸"said Lemon.
    "Ha! your powers are inferior compared to mines" said Midnight May curtly.
    "Listen girls i don't want any trouble but the fact remains that you lied to me so you forfeit your right to help me raise the kids you have with me to teenage-hood" i said.
    "You can't stop us from raising our kids!" yelled Cherry.
    "Yes he can and i will make sure that you are removed once the babies are born" said Midnight May.
    "We can easily take them and run" said Lemon coldly.
    "If you take them i will kill you without a second thought" said Midnight May coldly.
    "Get out of our room you berryholes!" yelled Cherry.
    Midnight May vanished in thin air and i headed for my bedroom.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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