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[Beta]The Orphan Challenge

JoieWilderJoieWilder Posts: 2,513 Member
edited March 7 in Nominated Threads

I’ve always loved survival challenges, such as the runaway teen challenge. In my rotational story, the More the Wilder, I actually did one and enjoyed it. However, I also felt it was extremely easy. Part of this was because of the lot I chose. My sim, Marina, had easy access to a park where she could play as a sea monster to raise her fun meter and socialize with the kids. There was a public bathroom where she could relieve her bladder and, if you spammed the interaction, could fully restore her hygiene so I never had to leave her neighborhood at all. I wanted something more difficult. So, I give you the orphan challenge. It's evolved a lot since I first conceived it with the help of several forum users: @CitizenErased14 @Julyvee94 @Skyfri_Himmel @BabyDollAnne and @Emma-LeeXOXO . This challenge is still in beta because, to my knowledge, I am the only one to have ever completed it, so all feedback is appreciated.

Your teen has been orphaned along with their younger sibling. The dying wish of their parent was for your teen to keep the family together and take care of their younger sibling. Your teen takes it upon his or herself to raise the younger sibling without the interference of adults. Because people where your sims live would hear about the death in your sims family, your teen must take their sibling to a new town to start fresh and keep their promise.
Set up

1. Make a teenager and a child in CAS. They should be siblings. You must roll for the child’s trait (you may choose the aspiration if you so desire). Give your teen any traits except those that will help them most with the challenge: no Loves Outdoors, Creative, or Loner traits. Include a random adult with them for household placing purposes.
  • Hard Mode (Option 1): For a more difficult challenge, give your teen additional siblings to start the game with. You may decide how many. Choosing either Hard Mode variant comes with additional rules. All Hard Mode rules must be followed in addition to normal rules. Some Hard Mode rules make modifications to normal rules which means you will abide by whatever the Hard Mode rules says.
Upon moving into your lot, kill the random adult you created with your siblings. You may then remove the sad moodlet with a cheat. To kill the sim, open the cheat bar and enable testing cheats then enter this cheat:
sims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning
To remove the sad moodlet from your sims, enter this cheat for each of them:
2. Move your sims onto a lot. It can be any lot in any world. If there is a house there already, bulldoze it. Next, place trees/shrubs/flowers around your lot, leaving approximately a 10×10 area clearing in the center. The clearing doesn’t have to be exact; all of your lot is playable, but this clearing will be your main living area. You must place at least 10 outdoor plants around your lot. This will help you later in the challenge. Make sure to keep 1000 simoleons in reserve (800 for Hard Mode).
  • Hard Mode Rule: You must start your game on either a 50×40, 50×50, or 64×64 lot.
Below are options for an easy start to the challenge. Easy starts have access to public bathrooms/party bushes and a large availability of harvestables.
  • Easy start: Purchase any lot in a neighborhood with access to a public bathroom or party bushes. IE the island in Windenburg, the Goth neighborhood in Willow Creek, or the 50×40 neighborhood in Newcrest.
You may buy any plant life that you wish, as much as you wish (though you do not have to buy more than 10 plants). However, take note that any plants that you place on the lot must stay there until otherwise directed. They can be moved, but cannot be sold or placed into the family inventory.

You do not need to spend everything. Once you are satisfied with your lot, use the Money X cheat to reduce your funds to 1000 simoleons. Do this by enabling testing cheats and typing Money 1000 in the cheat bar.
  • Hard Mode Rule: Before buying any plants, purchase the Knight of the Octagon Table Suit of Armor found in the statues category and place it in the family inventory. You can never sell it or take it out. This will inflate your bills.
  • Hard Mode Rule: Instead of 1000 simoleons, reduce your funds to 800.

3. Because you are an orphan, not a run away, you start out with a little bit of money. Below is a list of items you may buy at the beginning of your challenge. You must purchase at least two items from this list (you may purchase more than two if money allows). You will be allowed to buy more items later, after you have earned the money to do so.
  • Fire pit
  • Bed (it may be a double)
  • Tent (if you have Outdoor Retreat)
  • Bench
  • Chairs
  • Lighting
  • Toys
You may only buy one of any single item. For instance, you can have a fire pit and a bed, but you cannot have two beds.

  • You may purchase two toys if their price together amounts to 100 simoleons or less. You cannot buy a toybox, as it comes with toys in it.
  • You may purchase two chairs instead of one bench. You cannot buy one bench and two chairs.
  • You may purchase up to three lights.
If there is any money remaining, you may keep it.

4. As with many challenges, no mods/CC that would make things easier are allowed. Many CC beds have the highest stats and there is a mod to make all beds have the highest stats. Any CC items that costs 1 simoleon (mattresses, lights, etc) are prohibited. Story progression mods like MC Command Center are permitted, but any features that would make their lives easier are prohibited.

5. This challenge must be played on normal age settings.

6. No potions of youth, death flowers, or any other anti-aging/anti-death items may be used in this challenge. Any other reward potions or traits are permitted.

1. Because appearances must be kept up and so much is digital now, your family does have electricity, running water, and one cell phone (your teens. Your child does not have a phone and it must be ignored). This means you have to pay the bills. If you fail to pay the bills, someone might come around to deliver a final notice and see what is going on. If you can’t pay the bills and both your water and electricity are shut off, you lose the challenge.

2. Nobody can know that anything is wrong at home, so your sims have to keep up appearances. They must attend school. Vacation days may be taken, but use them wisely.

3. Taking care of your sibling is a lot of work – your teen doesn’t have the time for a real job! Your teen cannot have a part time job.

4. Your teen takes his or her parenting responsibilities very seriously. Though your teen may not have time to do homework, your child must complete their homework every night.

5. It is important to your teen that their sibling’s childhood is as natural as possible. Your teen may harvest plants, start a garden, go fishing, dig, hunt for frogs etc., but you cannot choose for the child to do it without him/her having a wish for it. If however he/she has a wish to do any of these things, you are allowed to direct him/her to do the activity. If they do not have a wish for it, but still does it autonomously, that is okay and you may let them continue.

6. If you bought a fire pit, roasting any of the available options is allowed. You may also cook on grills. You may cook on community lots with stoves, but you can only make things you have the ingredients for (no recipes that require no ingredients).
  • Hard Mode Rule: Nothing is free or comes from thin air. If your sims are going to eat, they have to have the food in their inventory. They may roast fish at the fire pit (you will have to drag a fish into the child’s inventory). In order to grill, you must move one fish into your family inventory and never remove it. After your teen achieves level 3 cooking skill, they may grill fish directly from their inventory. You cannot cook on community lots.
7. Traveling costs 10 simoleons. To remove the 10 simoleons, you may use the Money X cheat. Open the cheat box, type Money and the amount of simoleons your sims have, minus 10. (Ex: You have 1000 simoleons before traveling. Enter Money 990 in the cheat bar to pay for traveling.) Going to school does not count as traveling.
  • Exception: Traveling within your neighborhood does not cost money. You may visit residences or community lots within your neighborhood because you could reasonably walk there.
8. You can use public bathrooms found around the world. You cannot use a public bathroom to raise your hygiene bar by repeatedly using the bathroom. (This does work, but it’s too easy. Don’t do it.) To shower, you must travel to a public lot such as a gym or spa. You cannot bathe at friend’s houses.

You can visit friends – you just can’t bathe while there. You cannot cook at a sim’s home unless you are good friends.
  • Hard Mode Rule: Socialization is important. You must visit a friend’s house or a community lot (the park, a café, etc) with friends at least once a week. You may use the “make friends” option when you are at school in order to meet someone.
9. Where your teen goes, your child goes and vice versa. Your teen is very worried someone will notice something is wrong, and children aren’t exactly known for keeping their mouths shut. Therefore, they only go places together. This includes sick or vacation days! If your teen takes a vacation day, your child stays home too. How else can your teen make sure their sibling doesn’t say something they shouldn’t to the bus driver? Your teen may still go around their own neighborhood alone; their sibling does not need to accompany them when gathering harvestables or digging. If visiting a lot within your neighborhood, however, all sims in the household must go.

10. Your sims cannot throw parties of any kind or invite friends over.

11. The internet is a wonderful thing. Your teen can purchase almost anything online through their phone. Contractors and delivery people aren’t paid enough to ask questions. That means you may choose to buy something once you have saved up the money to do so. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Musical instruments
  • Easels
  • Children’s skilling objects (the science table or art table)
  • Additional beds (if you only bought one before, you’ll probably want this)
  • Walls
Some items cannot be purchased until you have a room to put them in.
  • All plumbing items (sinks, toilets, showers)*
  • --- Exception: If you have Outdoor Retreat, you may purchase and use the It’s a Shower Tarp! shower without having a room for it.
  • Stoves or refrigerators
Before you can have any of these items, you must build a room with four walls and a door. It does not need to have wallpaper.

12. Once you own a refrigerator, you are not restricted to having the necessary ingredients to make a recipe.
  • Hard Mode Rule: Despite owning a refrigerator, your sims still may not eat quick meals. (Water is fine if they own a sink.)
13. Once you have purchased a shower, mood showers are allowed for both your teen and child sims.

14. Mood-altering items found in buy mode are allowed but you cannot use cheats to get them. Only what is legally purchasable may be used. Ex: You can buy and drink coffee to become energized.

15. Children with an art table can secretly help out the family pocket book. Drawings can be sold via the inventory.
Aging Up

You think you can breathe easy once your teen ages up to a young adult, but you’re wrong. Their sibling is still a teen and needs to be taken care of. If CPS saw the way you were living, they’d take them away in a heartbeat. However, on the bright side, teens are more trustworthy than children and can be left alone.

1. You cannot age up either of your sims until their life bar starts to sparkle. Once their life bar sparkles, you may bake a cake or allow the game to age them up. You cannot throw a birthday party.

2. You may now choose your now-adult’s trait. You cannot choose his/her sibling’s teenage trait or aspiration. You must roll for this, using a trait randomizer.

3. Your now-adult sim can get a job if you so desire. Your now-teen sim, however, cannot. Your adult wants their sibling to focus on school and being a kid.

4. Your now-teen is now allowed to help out by mopping up puddles, washing dishes, cleaning things, or taking out the trash, but cannot repair or upgrade objects unless prohibited by a trait restriction.

However, your teen still has a chance of making money to help support the family.
Trait and Aspiration Specific Rules
  • If they roll the Creative trait or related aspirations, they may paint, write, or play music for tips/license songs.
  • --- Sims without the creative trait can still play musical instruments, but not for money.
  • If they roll the Geek trait or Computer Whiz aspiration, they may enter game tournaments and program.
  • --- Sims without this trait or aspiration may still play video games, just not for money.
  • If they roll the Genius trait, they may take up woodworking and repair/upgrade objects or enter game tournaments and program.
  • If they roll the Chief of Mischief aspiration, they may hack on the computer.
  • If they roll the Nerd Brain aspiration, they may take up woodworking and repair/upgrade objects but cannot enter game tournaments or program.
  • If they roll Loves Outdoors or a nature aspiration, they may garden, dig, fish, and hunt for frogs.
  • If they roll Materialistic or a wealth aspiration, they may take a part time job.
  • If they roll a family aspiration, you may choose one activity from any of the options for them to do. They care deeply about their family, after all, and want to help out.
If your teen had any of these traits as a child, the rules still apply, however, if they roll a new trait from this list or one of the aspirations, you must choose which activity they will do – they cannot do both. Ex: your child has the Loves Outdoors trait and rolls Materialistic as a teen. They cannot garden and have a job.

If they do not roll one of these traits, the same rules apply from childhood. If you own an easel and they autonomously start to paint, for example, you may allow them to finish (and even direct them to complete the painting at a later date) and sell it. You cannot send them to start it, however.
Additional trait rules and restrictions
  • Slob: They can never clean up around the house. The dirty dishes and puddles don’t bother them, so why should they clean it up? If they autonomously decide to clean, stop them.
  • Foodie: They want to cook all the time. This is great, but food isn’t free. Still, that saves your adult from cooking. If your teen rolls the foodie trait, they can now cook all of the meals for the family. However, if they begin to cook (the money is taken from your account) you cannot stop them. This could result in extraneous food, but that’s the price you pay for having a foodie around.
  • --- If they do not roll this trait, cooking is the adult’s responsibility unless your teen autonomously begins to cook or has a wish to do so.
  • Childish: You thought your days of toys were behind you? Wrong. You can’t sell any old toys and must buy a new toy whenever your teen gets a wish for one.
  • Lazy: Similar to a slob, they don’t care as much about the messes around them because they just can’t be bothered. Do not direct them to clean or repair broken objects. If they autonomously do these things, that is allowed.

4. Now with a young adult in the house, your sims are not quite as worried about people peeking over and seeing that it’s two kids on their own. Your sims are glad now that they live on such a woody lot because they can now get money for all that wood. You may completely bulldoze their lot and build something new if you wish. Before bulldozing, put anything you are keeping into your family inventory (if you rolled a childish teen, for example, you need to save all of their toys). You do not have to completely bulldoze however. You may sell off anything that you no longer wish to have on your lot.

5. Having a young adult around sure is great. Nobody is very worried about other people interfering, so they are happy to open up their home. Your sims may now throw parties and invite over friends.

Now that your sim has a job (or is at least able to pursue money making full time), there’s more money to go around. All sims in the house may use cellphones.

6. Hard Mode (Option 2): Now a young adult, your sim gets a little carried away celebrating their birthday out on the town. Impregnate a sim (or yourself if you are playing a female sim) within the fifth day from your YA birthday. If you are playing as a male, move the mother in until the baby is born, then move her out, as she abandons her child; she cannot bring any money into the household. If she does, you must use the Money X cheat to remove it. If you are playing a female sim, your sim may not move the baby’s father in at any time.
  • Choose only one Hard Mode option (unless you wish for an Extreme Hard Mode challenge, in which case, you may choose both options).
Winning in Normal Mode or Hard Mode (Option One)

To win the challenge, both of your sims (or more, if you are playing with additional siblings) must survive to young adulthood. If any sibling dies or is taken away, you immediately lose.
Winning in Hard Mode (Option Two)

To win this way, you must successfully raise your teenage sibling and your new child. You have won when you have a home with at least three bedrooms of 4×4 size or larger, one bathroom, one kitchen, and one living room, your sibling is a young adult, and your child is a teen or older. Essentially, you must now have a respectable home and your sims must not die of unnatural causes.

You immediately lose the challenge in any mode:
  • Accidental death
  • Social worker visits
  • All utilities are shut off
Optional Scoring

- 2 for not completing homework (applies to all but main sim)
- 2 for not paying the bills within the first 24 hours
- 5 for peeing self
- 5 for passing out
- 10 for fire
- 10 for failing school

+ 3 for main sim completing homework/daily work task
+ 5 for anyone completing an aspiration milestone
+ 10 for completing an aspiration (child or adult)
+ 10 for A in school
+ 20 for maxing a skill (half that for photography and dancing)

There is a handy dandy Score Sheet made by the fabulous @ra3rei that you can use to keep track of your challenge.
Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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    JoieWilderJoieWilder Posts: 2,513 Member
    Optional Variables

    Depending on your play style, where you begin your challenge, and what mode you have chosen to play, you may find yourself wanting more variance to this challenge (or perhaps you just want to play Ultra Super Hard Mode). To this end, I have included two flavors of additional, optional outcomes. These outcomes may be rolled for using a 6 sided die or an online randomizer.
    Flavor 1: All Negative

    1. While harvesting wild plants, you encounter a child. The child is also an orphan and convinces you to take him or her in. Go into CAS and add one child of either gender to the household. Roll for his or her traits. This child is subject to the trait specific rules.
    • If playing the challenge normally, you still win the challenge when your sim’s sibling ages up to young adult.
    • If playing Hard Mode (Option 1), this child must reach young adulthood to win the challenge.
    • If playing Hard Mode (Option 2), normal rules for this mode apply. You must have the house described above and this child must survive.
    2. Embers from your fire blow into your shelter and catch fire. Your shelter burns to the ground. Any rooms you have built (or any walls at all, if you have not built any rooms) must be deleted, along with any items inside. Remove the resulting simoleons from the household funds. If you have not built any shelter, delete all beds on the lot instead.
    • If you have built a house (1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 living room, and at least 1 bedroom) the fire still damages the structure but you do not lose everything. Delete the kitchen and any one room nearest to it. Ex: If you have a kitchen that is directly touching three rooms, you only need to delete one of those other rooms. Remove the resulting simoleons from the household funds.
    3. At school/work, you hear of an amazing way to make money quickly – just what you need. Unfortunately, you get scammed. Remove 1/3 of your household funds (enter your funds into a calculator and divide by three, subtract that number from your funds).

    4. Your sibling is very sick! You must take them to the doctor and buy medicine. Remove 300 simoleons from your funds. If you do not have 300 simoleons, subtract 1/4 of your household funds.

    5. There is a huge storm with record-speed winds. All portable items* (camping gear, toys, etc) not inside a shelter with four walls and a door are blown away. Items in an inventory are safe. Delete these items and subtract the money from household funds.
    • If you do not have Outdoor Retreat: A tree falls and lands on your shelter or crushes many of your possessions. Delete any shelter you have built. The items inside the shelter are safe and do not need to be deleted, however if any of these items are kitchen appliances or plumbing items, remember that they cannot be used until they have four walls surrounding them again. If you do not have any shelter, delete all beds and any chairs on the lot (benches are safe).
    • *Fire pits are exempt from this. (Logically, you could just gather up some more fire wood.)
    6. There is a bad plant fungus going around your town. Some of your plants have been infected! You cannot harvest any plants (wild or cultivated) for three days and must get rid of all of your infected plants. Delete your three most valuable plants. If you have three or fewer plants, ignore this step. If you have any harvestables in your inventory, you may not sell them until the three days have passed – everybody is scared of the fungus!
    Flavor 2: Mixed Bag

    1. There is a bad plant fungus going around your town. Some of your plants have been infected! You cannot harvest any plants for three days and must get rid of all of your infected plants. Delete your three most valuable plants. If you have three or fewer plants, ignore this step. If you have any harvestables in your inventory, you may not sell it until the three days have passed – everybody is scared of the fungus!

    2. Your sim’s sibling sees how hard your sim works. They want to help out.
    • If they are a child they may take up one of these options: fishing, digging, hunting and breeding frogs.
    • --- Once they become a teen, they may continue to do this regardless of what teen trait or aspiration they roll. If they roll a trait that allows them to do something else, they may do both activities.
    • If they are a teen they may take up one of these options: fishing, gardening, digging and frog hunting/breeding, writing, painting, video gaming and programming.
    • --- If they already have a trait allowing them to do one of these, they may now do a second OR take on household chores; they can now be directed to clean or repair objects.
    3. While out digging, you find a box filled with money! Along with the money is a note that reads, “Congratulations! You win the scavenger hunt!” Add 1000 simoleons to your household funds.

    4. While harvesting wild plants, you encounter a child. The child is also an orphan and convinces you to take him or her in. Go into CAS and add one child of either gender to the household. Roll for his or her traits. This child is subject to the trait specific rules.
    • If playing the challenge normally, you still win the challenge when your sim’s sibling ages up to young adult.
    • If playing Hard Mode (Option 1), this child must reach young adulthood to win the challenge.
    • If playing Hard Mode (Option 2), normal rules for this mode apply. You must have the house described above and this child must survive.
    6. Your sim has fallen in love.
    • If your sim is a teen: He or she has fallen in love with a runaway teen. This teen has been on their own for a while and knows how to get by. They also know that most adults don’t ask any questions and isn’t intimidated by those who might. Go into CAS and add a teen to the household (if your teen is romantically involved already, you may add that sim to the household instead). Add 1000 simoleons to household funds. This sim may take a part-time job, but cannot attend school.
    • If your sim is a young adult: Your sim has fallen in love with another young adult. Go into CAS and add a young adult sim to the family OR add an existing young adult romantic interest to the household through Manage Households. Add 5000 simoleons to your funds (if this sim brings in more, subtract the excess).
    • --- Rules for Hard Mode Option 2: If you have not yet had a baby, you may use this sim to procreate with. If you are playing a male sim, that means the mother of your child does not need to be moved out after having the baby.
    • This sim may not be moved out after being moved in.
    3. Embers from your fire blow into your shelter and catch fire. Your shelter burns to the ground. Any rooms you have built (or any walls at all, if you have not built any rooms) must be deleted, along with any items inside. Remove the resulting simoleons from the household funds. If you have not built any shelter, delete all beds on the lot instead.
    • If you have built a house (1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 living room, and at least 1 bedroom) the fire still damages the structure but you do not lose everything. Delete the kitchen and any one room nearest to it. Ex: If you have a kitchen that is directly touching three rooms, you only need to delete one of those other rooms. Remove the resulting simoleons from the household funds.
    – Once you have rolled an outcome, you must complete it.

    – Once you have chosen a variable flavor, you must stick with it. If you choose the all negative option, you may not switch to the mixed bag later.

    – If you begin your challenge using one of these flavors, roll every Wednesday.

    – You do not have to begin your challenge using one of these flavors. You may begin at any time in the challenge. However, once you have started, you cannot stop. You must roll once a week from the time you began using a flavor until the challenge is over.
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    JoieWilderJoieWilder Posts: 2,513 Member
    edited August 2016
    Want to check out how other people play before taking it on yourself? Take a look at some challenges others are playing!

    Dizzi Lizie's Orphan Challenge by @Liziann1
    The Harkins Family by @cshaner
    The Maddox Chronicles by @Beck1590
    Post edited by JoieWilder on
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    Liziann1Liziann1 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Hello x I came across your Orphan challenge following your interview with @pammiechick for SimCom !
    I think I will try the easy version! :)
    Check out My showcase thread]
    or look for me in the Gallery
    aka DizziSquirrel

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    JoieWilderJoieWilder Posts: 2,513 Member
    I hope you have fun with it, @Liziann1 ! If you decide to blog it, drop a link here so I can put up a list of people doing the challenge. :)
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    Liziann1Liziann1 Posts: 1,461 Member
    JoieWilder wrote: »
    I hope you have fun with it, @Liziann1 ! If you decide to blog it, drop a link here so I can put up a list of people doing the challenge. :)
    Ive not blogged before! ! I might create a thread for it here in the forums, and leave a link here if thats OK ?
    Ive rolled for my child trait, but my game just crashed :( so trying to fix that up jut now

    Check out My showcase thread]
    or look for me in the Gallery
    aka DizziSquirrel

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    JoieWilderJoieWilder Posts: 2,513 Member
    Liziann1 wrote: »
    JoieWilder wrote: »
    I hope you have fun with it, @Liziann1 ! If you decide to blog it, drop a link here so I can put up a list of people doing the challenge. :)
    Ive not blogged before! ! I might create a thread for it here in the forums, and leave a link here if thats OK ?
    Ive rolled for my child trait, but my game just crashed :( so trying to fix that up jut now

    That's definitely okay! I hope your game starts behaving soon!
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    JoieWilderJoieWilder Posts: 2,513 Member
    @JoieWilder Saw your link in the thread List of Challenges (Legacy and Other) for Sims 4
    Interesting and very detailed challenge.

    @EuphorialQueen Thank you. :) I've played it multiple times throughout the iterations of the rules and always enjoy it. I really never get bored with it.
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    Liziann1Liziann1 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Game and PC Fixed! I've managed a play - just trying to follow the easy rules, So far both sims are still alive lol
    Link here to my story thread :)
    Check out My showcase thread]
    or look for me in the Gallery
    aka DizziSquirrel

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    JoieWilderJoieWilder Posts: 2,513 Member
    Yay! I'm so glad you're doing the challenge, @Liziann1 . I've got your thread listed, and I'm running over to check it out myself. ;)
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    Liziann1Liziann1 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Played a bit more this morning, ( got a day off! ) both sims have just aged up! so I am here to check the rules!
    Check out My showcase thread]
    or look for me in the Gallery
    aka DizziSquirrel

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    cshanercshaner Posts: 2,620 Member
    edited August 2016
    Alright @JoieWilder this has been rattling around in my brain for several weeks now...and I'm at a point in my legacy where I feel like I've played too far ahead for where I've written and I need something else do to ... I may or may not write a story for this. We'll see.
    Post edited by cshaner on
    SimFluence - Where Sims Influence the Story
    Blood that Binds: A Vampire Coven Challenge Updated 04/22/2017
    Life Under Construction: A Drifter Challenge House 001 Completed 1/29/17 | Orphan Challenge: Harkins Family Completed 11/12/16
    Origin ID: cshaner07
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    JoieWilderJoieWilder Posts: 2,513 Member
    Yay @cshaner ! I really hope you have fun with it.
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    cshanercshaner Posts: 2,620 Member
    @JoieWilder Clarification - I assume that the "Duty Calls" bush is not allowed with the initial lot setup correct? Also - I'm planning on playing hard mode if that makes a difference if the bush is allowed on startup.

    Also - I just want to get clarification on hard mode:

    So I'm clear - hard mode option 1 is to start with 2 or more children and hard mode 2 is to get pregnant within 5 days of becoming YA. Either way all hard mode variants apply correct?
    SimFluence - Where Sims Influence the Story
    Blood that Binds: A Vampire Coven Challenge Updated 04/22/2017
    Life Under Construction: A Drifter Challenge House 001 Completed 1/29/17 | Orphan Challenge: Harkins Family Completed 11/12/16
    Origin ID: cshaner07
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    JoieWilderJoieWilder Posts: 2,513 Member
    cshaner wrote: »
    @JoieWilder Clarification - I assume that the "Duty Calls" bush is not allowed with the initial lot setup correct? Also - I'm planning on playing hard mode if that makes a difference if the bush is allowed on startup.

    Also - I just want to get clarification on hard mode:

    So I'm clear - hard mode option 1 is to start with 2 or more children and hard mode 2 is to get pregnant within 5 days of becoming YA. Either way all hard mode variants apply correct?

    No, the party bush is not permitted.

    Yeah, regardless of which hard mode you play, you follow all rules marked as hard mode.
  • Options
    cshanercshaner Posts: 2,620 Member
    @JoieWilder thanks again. I'm already stressing SO hard over this challenge (love it!!). I wasted some time early on setting up the parent's demise for my story. I didn't just kill her immediately.

    She didn't interact on the lot (or even with the girls for that matter) at all, but I took her around to get a few "family photo screenshots" of her with them for storytelling purposes.

    However, now, their needs are super low and I don't have a way to feed them. I'm considering incurring a penalty (maybe 10 points? Sound fair?) for cooking the fish I caught on a community lot. I have 3, one for the family inventory and one for each girl, but I don't have enough cash to purchase the fire-pit to only cook on the home lot yet. As I said, I likely dallied around too long with the story setup and didn't manage my time well enough to get enough collectibles to make up the cash difference needed for the fire-pit.
    SimFluence - Where Sims Influence the Story
    Blood that Binds: A Vampire Coven Challenge Updated 04/22/2017
    Life Under Construction: A Drifter Challenge House 001 Completed 1/29/17 | Orphan Challenge: Harkins Family Completed 11/12/16
    Origin ID: cshaner07
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    JoieWilderJoieWilder Posts: 2,513 Member
    I think that penalty sounds fair, @cshaner. This challenge is really rough when you don't start with a fire pit. That's always my first purchase.
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    cshanercshaner Posts: 2,620 Member
    Ok - so far only one cheat and I spent time getting frogs/gathering etc while little Sis was at the camp doing homework. Got an expensive frog $160 each time I breed it! So I was able to get the firepit the next night. I also just had them both get chips (big sis got chips and gave to little sis) at the bar from the bartender. (I'll explain it in my story).

    Totally on my way - the traveling to shower and such was very annoying, but I have now saved enough for the "It's a Tarp" outdoor shower so Yay!
    SimFluence - Where Sims Influence the Story
    Blood that Binds: A Vampire Coven Challenge Updated 04/22/2017
    Life Under Construction: A Drifter Challenge House 001 Completed 1/29/17 | Orphan Challenge: Harkins Family Completed 11/12/16
    Origin ID: cshaner07
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    JoieWilderJoieWilder Posts: 2,513 Member
    Oh, you got lucky with that frog! That happened to me one time I did this challenge. I think I bred frogs together once and boom, Whirlyflower. haha

    I really can't wait to read the story!
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    cshanercshaner Posts: 2,620 Member
    Yeah, I'll be working on the story today (at work haha) so perhaps I'll post something here for it. Not sure I'm going to actually make a whole new Wordpress site, though I may do a "challenges" WP site or something. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I really enjoyed this challenge, thanks for all the time and detail put into designing it!
    SimFluence - Where Sims Influence the Story
    Blood that Binds: A Vampire Coven Challenge Updated 04/22/2017
    Life Under Construction: A Drifter Challenge House 001 Completed 1/29/17 | Orphan Challenge: Harkins Family Completed 11/12/16
    Origin ID: cshaner07
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    JoieWilderJoieWilder Posts: 2,513 Member
    You're so welcome, @cshaner ! Posting here is just fine, if you want to do that. :) Though if you plan to do more challenges, a blog devoted to them may be a good idea. My main blog is for lots of things like stories and builds.
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    cshanercshaner Posts: 2,620 Member
    @JoieWilder Ok, the site isn't completely finished yet and the first chapter is really just a setup to the story...But here is my first chapter of the Orphan Challenge - The Harkins
    SimFluence - Where Sims Influence the Story
    Blood that Binds: A Vampire Coven Challenge Updated 04/22/2017
    Life Under Construction: A Drifter Challenge House 001 Completed 1/29/17 | Orphan Challenge: Harkins Family Completed 11/12/16
    Origin ID: cshaner07
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    JoieWilderJoieWilder Posts: 2,513 Member
    Awesome! I really love the first chapter.
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    cshanercshaner Posts: 2,620 Member
    Thank you. There is a lot going on emotionally with Victoria. Hopefully I can keep it interesting. So excited you like it!
    SimFluence - Where Sims Influence the Story
    Blood that Binds: A Vampire Coven Challenge Updated 04/22/2017
    Life Under Construction: A Drifter Challenge House 001 Completed 1/29/17 | Orphan Challenge: Harkins Family Completed 11/12/16
    Origin ID: cshaner07
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    cshanercshaner Posts: 2,620 Member
    Orphan Challenge - Harkins Family updated with Chapter 02! A bit more more information about where Victoria and Sophie are from and where they are now.

    Chapter 02 - New Places
    SimFluence - Where Sims Influence the Story
    Blood that Binds: A Vampire Coven Challenge Updated 04/22/2017
    Life Under Construction: A Drifter Challenge House 001 Completed 1/29/17 | Orphan Challenge: Harkins Family Completed 11/12/16
    Origin ID: cshaner07

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