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    MiaSkywalkerMiaSkywalker Posts: 3,436 Member
    scillakees wrote: »
    > @simgeek79 said:<br />
    > <br />
    > <br />
    > Wow! scillakees, that is pretty amazing that you were able to own the store in a matter of months. Congratulations :)<br />
    <br />
    Not really, I had bought quite a few things before I got this last bundle. At full price. I've kicked myself many times for not paying attention to the forums before this last round. Kinda why I'm so grateful for finding this list.
    I think we've all done that. :) I bought several at full price - before CYS existed, even - and I remember accidentally stumbling upon the Goth cascade when CYS was first implemented. I had NO IDEA why I was getting all these green downloads suddenly (I hadn't yet read about CYS at the time), but I thought it was really cool. I bought the Gothique Library at full price when it was first released; that was one of the first things I actually bought from the store. And anyone who knows me well would know why. "Oh yeah, the spellbook, huh?" ;)

    Thank you SO MUCH for the gifts you gave my friend! I think the windchimes might get her Quaint Cottage for free - and surprisingly, I really like them, even though they're not much in the way of a PC item. They make such a nice sound in the game! :)

    Before I found this thread, I had figured out about the DD, but I had no idea that it followed any sort of pattern. I do remember wanting to hurry home from work or class so that I wouldn't miss out on that item I knew was coming up, that I really wanted to get! ;) But this thread, by showing me that the DD eventually is a list that will then repeat and rotate one or more times, that opened my eyes to possibilities. So this thread has been a simpoint-saver for many of us! ;)
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    Me1620Me1620 Posts: 5,010 Member
    @scillakees - Thank you for acknowledging those of us who are still here though we own the store. We enjoy helping others and take pleasure when we read of another green download button. I agree with you that lotteries are a lot of work to run. I also prefer the sneak attack when it comes to gifting.
    a.k.a. - Jodi and a link to My Page on the Sims 3 website

    To help you organize your stalking of the Daily Deal, please join us on the Daily Deal Rotation and Sales Help thread and please view the DD Spreadsheet
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    silencedsongsilencedsong Posts: 1,102 Member
    877 ) Botanists Nightmare / 22 / 46 / 52% / 2 hrs

    Next up -

    878 ) Yoga Pants / 2 hrs
    879 ) Pocketed Skirt
  • Options
    MiaSkywalkerMiaSkywalker Posts: 3,436 Member
    Me1620 wrote: »
    @scillakees - Thank you for acknowledging those of us who are still here though we own the store. We enjoy helping others and take pleasure when we read of another green download button. I agree with you that lotteries are a lot of work to run. I also prefer the sneak attack when it comes to gifting.
    Oh, I totally agree! You ran the one lottery, and I've seen several more, but I think it would be exhausting. I don't have the energy! I, too, prefer the "sneak attack" as you call it! :D Besides, that way we know we're giving it to someone who needs and/or deserves the gift. It's true, that way we may not know about someone who needs and deserves it but never posts, but I wouldn't know what to do about that. Fortunately, there are those who run lotteries, which gives everyone a chance. :)
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    TaheraTahera Posts: 1,001 Member
    Expired Deal:
    Botanists Nightmare / 22 / 46 / 52% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Futureshock Living, March 2011 Compilation

    Current Deal:
    878 ) Yoga Pants / 34 / 75 / 55% / 2 hrs

    Upcoming Deals:
    879 ) Pocketed Skirt / ? / 68 / % / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Everyday Casual Chic, May 2011 Compilation

    880 ) Show Stopping Style- Stud on the Inside Outfit / ? / 45 / % / ? hrs
    This is part of: Show Stopping Styles Collection, Seeing Stars
    Have a nice day!
  • Options
    silencedsongsilencedsong Posts: 1,102 Member
    878 ) Yoga Pants / 34 / 46 / 55% / 2 hrs (I think this is one of the items that, if you own the JCPTeen set, you already have.)

    Next up -

    879 ) Pocketed Skirt / 2 hrs
    880 ) Show Stopping Style- Stud on the Inside Outfit

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    NagyGinaNagyGina Posts: 833 Member
    img%5dUnless MMAO ever offers Homecoming or the Last Venue of Amore, I am done spinning the wheel of mostly LMAOs. Tis a bittersweet moment, for @WhimsicalWind and I always have spun together. MMAO offered me my last exclusive for free tonight (I think I got 8 out of the 10 for free). Now tis just the waiting game for the list to rotate, until I own the entire store. :D

    @wittanthony1, @Niralyn, @Pixieydust, on behalf of @WhimsicalWind and myself, it is a total pleasure! To all the winners of our giveway, Nathan and I are so glad that we could give those items away and even have extra sp for the consolation gifts. Originally, we planned on steering away from all the sets/venues that the EPs were including, but then we mutually decided when the ads kept rolling in, and the deals kept getting better, to purchase them all, with our new goal of a gifting frenzy. We have 2 more EPs (Showtime & University Life) to get and we also already own the additional content. :D

    @missy2311, welcome back! :) I lol'd when I read @Me1620's comment about thinking of Sweet Treats when you mentioned the Katy Perry concert, for my mindset went there too. So glad you had such a fun weekend! :D

    @MiaSkywalker, I know that it may take time for them to cys all sets, because their concept of time is profusely misleading (including year old ads that are expired). Although, I agree that it will likely never come to fruition, like you and others have said, due to their seemingly total abandoment of the Sims 3. Even though my boyfriend, @WhimsicalWind and I now own all the non-cys sets, we will continue to attempt to make them honor their words which we do have in writing (copying every chat).

    @bekkasan, thank you for posting that link. I was able to get my vote in, but I missed being able to comment. I really wish that they would bring back the agree button. I also hope your pain fades away, as well as @Pixieydust, and anyone else experiencing pain.

    @scillakees, I am sorry that you had not found this thread sooner. I am so fortunate to have found it before I made the big mistake of buying anything full price (except, I did buy one item, thinking it to be on sale for 15sp, but paid 25sp, an expired deal - oops!). Your generosity, along with so many others is just awe-inspiring. I am finally at the point where I can join in on the gifting fun! Albeit, I cannot reciprocate to many of those who have gifted me (I am so very grateful for all of you), because most now belong to the "Own the Whole Store Club," but random gifting is something that I am so looking forward to doing! And just that one post of giveaways that my boyfriend and I did took us hours to prepare for. Meanwhile, my internet went down for hours. We tried going through countless wish lists to try and find those in need of the items we had to offer, but that was far too difficult. I just want to send you good vibes and big Pixelhugs! <3:D

    @kellycot1, I also like the Simdex name. Great idea @frozenorangejuic! :)

    And @frozenorangejuic, congrats on finally getting Midnight Hollow Gold from MMAO, I had been trying for over a month (hoping they would bring back the 3x MMAOs for even longer), and I finally got it a couple of weeks ago for 20% off, saving 715sp... Yayyy! :D

    Speaking of Midnight Hollow, I recently downloaded it, and I so very much would love to to play it, but even the daytime is just too dark. Does anyone have a suggestion to find on the exchange that does not take away from the dark nature, but just adds a little more visibility? In addition, I do have some already picked out (favorites), but I want a few more castle designs, if anyone has any suggestions for that as well, I will be most grateful! :D

    Sorry for the TLDR post. Happy deal nabbing to aLL, and may the buttons be Green! :D
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    TaheraTahera Posts: 1,001 Member
    @NagyGina, maybe a lightning mod might help you?

    Here is a discussion about a possible solution (sorry, I didn`t read it, just googled for you). I hope it will help you!


    Expired Deal:
    878 ) Yoga Pants / 34 / 75 / 55% / 2 hrs

    Current Deal:
    879 ) Pocketed Skirt / 43 / 68 / 37% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Everyday Casual Chic, May 2011 Compilation

    Upcoming Deals:
    880 ) Show Stopping Style- Stud on the Inside Outfit / ? / 45 / % / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Show Stopping Styles Collection, Seeing Stars

    881 ) Gothique Flower Vase / ? / 13 / % / ? hrs
    This is part of: Gothique Living Room, Gothique Living + Sleeping Rooms, Oh My Goth! Compilation
    Have a nice day!
  • Options
    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @scillakees Congrats on joining the club! Hopefully the list will rotate so you can get those few items at the dd price. Thank you for the thank you. That was very sweet of you. We welcome and love even our occasional poster friends and love it when a lurker pops out of lurkdom (former lurker here)

    I popped in to the thread on what's wrong with sims3 site: We now have more conspiracy theories. In my non tech, puter illiterate brain I'm wondering why they can't pull the plug, and reboot, like I do when my puter borks up? or when out 'internet phone' dies, we pull the plug, wait 10 seconds, plug it in, all fixed. Am I missing something here?
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    IgetSOtiredOFthisIgetSOtiredOFthis Posts: 41 Member
    edited December 2014
    I still have a code for the chocolate fountain. Last time we discussed it, we could not send messages. Any takers?
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    MiaSkywalkerMiaSkywalker Posts: 3,436 Member
    NagyGina wrote: »
    Speaking of Midnight Hollow, I recently downloaded it, and I so very much would love to to play it, but even the daytime is just too dark. Does anyone have a suggestion to find on the exchange that does not take away from the dark nature, but just adds a little more visibility? In addition, I do have some already picked out (favorites), but I want a few more castle designs, if anyone has any suggestions for that as well, I will be most grateful! :D
    Burnt Waffles has several lighting mods (several! I think that's an understatement!), and my understanding is that once you install a lighting mod it overrides ALL internal lighting mods. That includes the lighting for Aurora Skies and Midnight Hollow. I use one of her (his?) lighting mods, but I intend to temporarily remove it whenever I get around to playing Aurora Skies, because I look forward to seeing the auroras! (Although the mod I am using from Burnt Waffles' site includes auroras as well.)

    I haven't actually played Midnight Hollow since installing the mod, so I'm not absolutely positive about the effect on that world specifically, but this is what I've read elsewhere. I, too, had difficulty seeing when playing that particular world. I can imagine that some vision impaired people would have REAL problems playing Midnight Hollow!
  • Options
    TaheraTahera Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited December 2014
    Expired Deal:
    879 ) Pocketed Skirt / 43 / 68 / 37% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Everyday Casual Chic, May 2011 Compilation

    Current Deal:
    880 ) Show Stopping Style- Stud on the Inside Outfit / 14 / 45 / 69% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Show Stopping Styles Collection, Seeing Stars

    Upcoming Deals:
    881 ) Gothique Flower Vase / ? / 13 / % / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Gothique Living Room, Gothique Living + Sleeping Rooms, Oh My Goth! Compilation

    882 ) Booty Heel Teen / ? / 25 / % / ? hrs

    I had to edit plum to Booty
    Have a nice day!
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    simgeek79simgeek79 Posts: 2,173 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning everyone, I just got my kids off to school and logged in to see what the DD was and lo and behold, an ad popped up and then another and then another...I don't want to jinx myself...but could it be that it has somehow reset itself and I now get my 20 ad run at 8:28 am instead of 1:37am!! Woot! Woot! Please let it be true Sim gods because I really can't keep up with these nights of 4.5 hr sleeps...I dozed off in a meeting yesterday and there were only three of us present...thankfully (or hopefully) they didn't notice as we were watching a software demo and had eyes directed at the! ...fingers and toes crossed that this ad run wasn't just a fluke! Woke up with the lucky trait today I guess :) Hope you all have a wonderful day/night!

    @Tahera. that is hilarious that EA has to censor something that they actually named - haha
    I now Own the Store!!...Thank you to everyone who helped me get here <3

    Are u new to the Store? Then check out: the Daily Deal Thread
    - Cascades & Daily Deals & Love Kids Stuff? Check this out!
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    awellenblawellenbl Posts: 2,970 Member
    bekkasan wrote: »
    I popped in to the thread on what's wrong with sims3 site: We now have more conspiracy theories. In my non tech, puter illiterate brain I'm wondering why they can't pull the plug, and reboot, like I do when my puter borks up? or when out 'internet phone' dies, we pull the plug, wait 10 seconds, plug it in, all fixed. Am I missing something here?

    Unfortunately that conspiracy theory doesn't sound that far fetched. It would be so sad, if those issues end up never being fixed. :( I was so much looking forward to the new in game gift options and the simport feature.
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    trithonetrithone Posts: 1,406 Member
    edited December 2014
    awellenbl wrote: »
    bekkasan wrote: »
    I popped in to the thread on what's wrong with sims3 site: We now have more conspiracy theories. In my non tech, puter illiterate brain I'm wondering why they can't pull the plug, and reboot, like I do when my puter borks up? or when out 'internet phone' dies, we pull the plug, wait 10 seconds, plug it in, all fixed. Am I missing something here?

    Unfortunately that conspiracy theory doesn't sound that far fetched. It would be so sad, if those issues end up never being fixed. :( I was so much looking forward to the new in game gift options and the simport feature.

    It would be sad if it is true that the Sims 4 game has taken server power from Sims 3 to the point where the Sims 3 site no longer works properly. Even more sad if they just never admit to it, never fix it, and just let things be broken until enough people give up that they shut the site down. Why don't some of these gaming companies realize it is so much better to say, "Ok. Here's how it is going to go. We know you won't like it, but this is how it is," or even, "we messed up," instead of just letting things slide or leaving people hanging? If I did something like that in my business I would get a bad reputation and would no longer receive referrals. It has to affect their sales at some point, if not now, then down the line. It is just not a good way to treat people.

    And interesting that the store still works despite the server issues, considering that is the part that makes profit... Once again I am imagining EA is run by Ferengi. That is the only explanation that makes sense in my head.
    a.k.a. Samantha (though Sam is just fine, too. Also, Simmantha, according to my husband.)

    Thanks to a lot of amazing sim friends I have owned the store for a while now. If you'd like to help out a really good friend of mine who just started playing the game, here is his wishlist. Thanks!

  • Options
    TaheraTahera Posts: 1,001 Member
    Expired Deal:
    880 ) Show Stopping Style- Stud on the Inside Outfit / 14 / 45 / 69% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Show Stopping Styles Collection, Seeing Stars

    Current Deal:
    881 ) Gothique Flower Vase / 11 / 13 / 15% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Gothique Living Room, Gothique Living + Sleeping Rooms, Oh My Goth! Compilation

    Upcoming Deals:
    882 ) Booty Heel Teen / ? / 25 / % / 2 hrs

    883 ) Henley Shirt with Laced Collar / ? / 75 / % / ? hrs
    Have a nice day!
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    missy2311missy2311 Posts: 1,470 Member
    @ Spreadsheet team - I am clocking out now
    a.k.a. Catherine

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    DuissaneDuissane Posts: 362 Member
    @scillakees thank you so much for the gifts! I've been wanting the chair and curtains for quite a while now and the bike will come in handy for my sporty sims, getting me that much closer to Pushin' Pedals and Jazz Age Living Room so I really appreciate you thinking of me!

    Also @fan00123 so very sweet of you to nominate me for the christmas giveaway, I'm touched you thought of me. I've been very busy with RL stuff so haven't been as active online as I'd like to be, hence the late thank you's.

    Hope everyone is doing ok. Hugs.
    What is the face of a coward? The back of his head as he runs from battle.
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    starwarspunkstarwarspunk Posts: 285 Member
    Hi everyone, I would like some feedback please!

    So, I have a few worlds on my wishlist that I would love to purchase. In the past when the store team cared about us things were more active, they had that AWESOME MMAO deal where they were putting worlds up for like 1500sp! Since I finally have enough SPs to purchase one of the worlds on my list, should I go ahead and purchase it since there will probably never be a sale again, or should I still hold out?

    Not sure what to do...

    help! Thanks :D
    Check out my Sims songs below!


    Woohoo (Is All I wanna Do)
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    awellenblawellenbl Posts: 2,970 Member
    I got all the standard edition worlds for about 20% off through the normal MMAO. I payed about 2000 points for each, because I got them when they came with just a few single items. It might take you a few tries to get such an offer and it's still more than 1500 points, but it's still something to save about 500 points per world, @starwarspunk.
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    starwarspunkstarwarspunk Posts: 285 Member
    @awellenbl thanks for telling me! I seriously lucked out getting 2 gold worlds during that week for 1500 each (ahhh those were the days), but knowing that worlds still appear is nice bc I haven't seen a single one on MMAO since then. o_O I'll continue holding out then I suppose. :D
    Check out my Sims songs below!


    Woohoo (Is All I wanna Do)
  • Options
    TaheraTahera Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited December 2014
    Expired Deal:
    881 ) Gothique Flower Vase / 11 / 13 / 15% / 2 hrs
    This is part of: Gothique Living Room, Gothique Living + Sleeping Rooms, Oh My Goth! Compilation

    Current Deal:
    882 ) Booty Heel Teen / 12 / 25 / 52% / 2 hrs

    Upcoming Deals:
    883 ) Henley Shirt with Laced Collar / ? / 75 / % / 2 hrs

    884 ) Brunch at the Old Mill / ? / 1700 / % / ? hrs
    The Mill is finally here! :DB)

    I`m OE for the rest of the day / evening.
    I wish you all the best!
    Have a nice day!
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    trithonetrithone Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ooh, ooh, ooh, the Mill is coming up! THE MILLS is coming up!!! Quick, where is @Pugslover4?? I hope she won't be stuck at work when it is on!
    a.k.a. Samantha (though Sam is just fine, too. Also, Simmantha, according to my husband.)

    Thanks to a lot of amazing sim friends I have owned the store for a while now. If you'd like to help out a really good friend of mine who just started playing the game, here is his wishlist. Thanks!

  • Options
    trithonetrithone Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hi everyone, I would like some feedback please!

    So, I have a few worlds on my wishlist that I would love to purchase. In the past when the store team cared about us things were more active, they had that AWESOME MMAO deal where they were putting worlds up for like 1500sp! Since I finally have enough SPs to purchase one of the worlds on my list, should I go ahead and purchase it since there will probably never be a sale again, or should I still hold out?

    Not sure what to do...

    help! Thanks :D

    I'd agree with @awellenbl. Go for the MMAO discount, or at least give it a try for a week or so before buying for full price. It won't be a great discount, but considering that there was no Black Friday or C.yber Monday sale on the store site....I think they are done giving us sales.
    a.k.a. Samantha (though Sam is just fine, too. Also, Simmantha, according to my husband.)

    Thanks to a lot of amazing sim friends I have owned the store for a while now. If you'd like to help out a really good friend of mine who just started playing the game, here is his wishlist. Thanks!

  • Options
    awellenblawellenbl Posts: 2,970 Member
    That was a really good deal then. Unfortunatly such a high discount looks unlikely now. I just looked at your wishlist and I think for Hidden Springs your best bet might be an Origin sale. I haven't seen that one in the machine. And while Origin just had a sale, they do offer a Monte Vista/Hidden Springs bundle and it's usually a pretty good deal when they have a sale.

    That machine does have both the gold and standard versions for the worlds that have them. It doesn't have the Early Learning Center on its own, though. But Aurora Skies Gold is more expensive than getting the venue and the standard version seperately at full price. I bought the venue at full price and the standard version at about 20% off. I think that was about 3500 for both in the end. Still quite expensive, but less than the gold version at full price.
This discussion has been closed.
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