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ORIGIN & STORE download Problems & Solutions



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    christinebremnerchristinebremner Posts: 3,513 Member
    edited June 2014
    Hi everyone! :) Really good to see reports in that the client is working for you again! It's working for me too, I am so glad they found and fixed the problem! :D
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    Faith12368Faith12368 Posts: 2,997 Member
    edited June 2014
    Mine works as well. I got an email about the 48 hours of Titanfall for free and decided to give it a go. So I clicked the link which opened the launcher to start downloading and watched, waiting for it to do the error thing. And all of the sudden it started downloading. Imagine my surprise. It was very slow though. I decided to leave it download overnight as it was late.

    This morning it said it was downloaded! :shock: But there was a dx failure. I went and hit install and it just finished. I decided to try downloading PvZ and Peggle and the first started, and after it installed, the next started.

    I noticed a change to the design and working of the downloader. It no longer automatically and simultaneously downloads, but que's them up and does one after another. And a few cosmetic changes. So I am wondering if that is from the break or the fix??

    Glancing above, I thought it was funny as well that it worked all of the sudden with no form of patch whatsoever...

    Off to work, back later!
    Long live the new Doctor!
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    emmiemouseemmiemouse Posts: 155 New Member
    edited June 2014
    DolphineQ wrote:
    I find this whole thing very mysterious.
    I had "Automatically update Origin" UNTICKED, meaning it cannot possibly have updated itself when I booted it up this morning. I had read on the EA HQ thread that some people were now able to download and though I'd give it a try.
    And lo and behold, I now have Sims 3 installed (basegame only, so far!). Isn't that strange, since the Origin client can't possibly have gotten another patch or update?!?

    I figure something like this has happened:
    Origin has somehow blocked a port or something on their download server. They realized this sometime between last night and this morning (my time) and went "Oh oops, we better flip this back on...". So now everyone can happily download all their games again.
    Either that, or they have MANUALLY been through the system, found every single account that has complained about this, removed and then re-added every single game to their accounts (yeah, not a very likely thought, I know...).

    What ever the difference between yesterday and today is, what ever it is that has fixed it, I STILL WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE REAL ISSUE WAS!

    Because with my Origin NOT being allowed to update itself, it can only mean that Origin messed up somewhere and I feel that they owe us a HUGE apology and some good compensation for all the time we have wasted with phonecalls, chats and writing emails to Support.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Well... ya got 4 cents now... cause I surely agree. I want an apology for all the rudeness, the ignoring, denying, and most of all... the HEADACHE!! It should NOT have taken this, and two petitions to be HEARD!

    Agreed. :thumbup:

    While I'm VERY thankful to be finally be able to play as a mermaid and build floating houses shouldn't have been this difficult. I shouldn't have been advised MULTIPLE times by MULTIPLE advisors to make my computer vulnerable to viruses. I ultimately caught one :shock: that took me 3 days of antivirus scans and firewall searches to manually remove. :evil: ...all in an attempt to play the game that I paid for. :thumbdown:
    DeboraKae wrote:
    Yep, it is lightening speed here and my computer is still the same as you said, 3 hours of my time for what?? I did like one lady helper, she was awesome sweet. Just glad I will no longer be in this bad situation any longer.
    TyTy EA for fixing this!!

    It was nearly a dozen advisors and nearly that many hours for me. Some advisors were nice ...others were completely clueless. More than a few would literally "cut/paste" the instructions without reading the history or waiting for me to tell them that "solution" had already been tried and didn't work. :roll: A few were almost rude about it too, saying "wait for me to finish the instructions" and I would type back "do you ...(step 2,3,4) ?" ... ... ... and in one case I was mysteriously disconnected after that type of exchange. :?

    I'm thankful that it was fixed - but like Birdie and DolphineQ - I'd like to see some effort made to prevent this from happening in the future. :)
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    mysticdiva2mysticdiva2 Posts: 699 Member
    edited June 2014
    I am ready to faint!!! I am so happy they finally fixed it. I had been in contact with the Specialists and gave them updates on what was happening with me. I also gave them that shortfix that was posted. I think They passed it up to the programmers... I am sooooooo Greatful Its finally fixed...
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    momboqueenmomboqueen Posts: 1,721 Member
    edited June 2014
    mine is working again also :!:
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    BishopBettieBishopBettie Posts: 88 Member
    edited June 2014
    Yes... Origin IS fixed. And you all linking a strong chain proved to work wonders :thumbup: ! Thank you so very much to all who've stood up for
    this. Great work :wink: 8) :thumbup: !!!!

    Wow, this is great news! And this has been a great thread, my daily touchstone, a light in all the confusion and frustration displaced by EA's lack of communication and misguided troubleshooting "solutions". I'm glad it's over (for now). I have learned a lot more about Origin and EA since early June. As a newcomer to the Sim's I've been blindly content with my gameplay not knowing there's clearly big problems with the company's service and accountability. I sunk a lot of money into this game, in a relatively short period of time, and I really thought as the weeks rolled by that I may be left without all the store content I assumed to have owned in digital land.

    The more seasoned Simmmers here, did a great job keeping the ball rolling and getting EA to fix this bug. Different individuals picked up the ball at certain intervals and kept the thread moving along.

    Esperelda -you definitely spent a lot of time on this thread and over on EA Answers(oxymoron). You consistently greeted newcomers and encouraged posters to send an error report. Coupled with the petitions, the error reports got us results. thank you!

    Now that it's over, I want know what was the problem, "the real issue" as Dolphine underscored. I spent so much time and frustration with my advisors troubleshooting, and I want a proper explanation from EA. I feel it is important to know, for the next time when there are issues with Origin. The next time I go for tech help...I may need to point to this recent problem as it may be related somehow to some other frustration in the future, or just, once again, it may be the same problem. Who knows? In other words, I would like to possibly circumvent future needless frustrations with support. (Just call me a dreamer)
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    hummingbird41556hummingbird41556 Posts: 923 Member
    edited June 2014
    Relief and excitement abound! I checked here before even attempting to check Origin and saw all the good news. Now, I'm downloading the store edition of Sims 2 so I won't need the disks to play that (yeah, I do still play Sims 2, it kept me going while Sims 3 was inaccessible). Next up, redownload and install all my Sims 3 stuff and hope it works for that as well! :)

    I'm grateful to everyone here for helping keep the pressure on the support team to actually fix this issue! :)
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    MadstarletMadstarlet Posts: 53 Member
    edited June 2014
    This is awesome!!! I spent all day yesterday redownloading my store items in anticipation of a fix. I didn't think it would happen so soon! About time!
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    espereldaesperelda Posts: 171 Member
    edited June 2014
    Hummingbird, That's a good idea about having Sims 2 as a back up while Sims 3 wasn't working. Sims 3 is my intro into the world of sims and so I don't have that safety feature you do! After this, I'm gonna have to get myself a Plan B :-)
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    hummingbird41556hummingbird41556 Posts: 923 Member
    edited June 2014
    esperelda wrote:
    Hummingbird, That's a good idea about having Sims 2 as a back up while Sims 3 wasn't working. Sims 3 is my intro into the world of sims and so I don't have that safety feature you do! After this, I'm gonna have to get myself a Plan B :-)

    I should warn you, Esperelda, you have to go through all kinds of hoops to get Sims 2 to run on Windows 8, but it can be done. . . If you don't have Windows 8, you'll be fine. It just has to run in compatibility mode. MTS has tutorials and stuff you need to install Sims 2. :)
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    espereldaesperelda Posts: 171 Member
    edited June 2014

    I should warn you, Esperelda, you have to go through all kinds of hoops to get Sims 2 to run on Windows 8, but it can be done. . . If you don't have Windows 8, you'll be fine. It just has to run in compatibility mode. MTS has tutorials and stuff you need to install Sims 2. :)[/quote]

    I appreciate you letting me know this Hummingbird, thank you. I won't go the route of Sims 2 then as I upgraded to a win 8 ver desk top for the sole purpose of having a more powerful system to run my game better. Sims 3 fried my last two laptops :evil: I truly don't want to support EA by getting Sims 4 but I need something since I can't handle not having my game when it was broken.
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    badgyrl_310badgyrl_310 Posts: 198 Member
    edited June 2014
    Just wanted to say I was able to download both games (Fast Lane & Plants vs. Zombies) this morning. I tested PvZ and it played fine, still haven't tested Sims FL to see if it installed w/o issue, will do that later when I'm ready to play, but altho I'm glad everything has finally downloaded, I still stand by my original comment. I'd rather have Into The Future and Fast Lane on disc. I'm not buying another digital download again (I got Plants vs Zombies for free).
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    ChimarkChimark Posts: 2,166 Member
    edited June 2014
    My version of Origin is the same version when it didn't work as when it started to work, so Origin didn't update that's for sure.

    I wonder if it had anything to do with Digital Rights Management? Oh well, one thing this help me decide is I will NOT buy Sims 4 unless I get it on disc.
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    ZiyalDamarZiyalDamar Posts: 46 New Member
    edited June 2014
    Chimark wrote:
    Oh well, one thing this help me decide is I will NOT buy Sims 4 unless I get it on disc.

    I am happy Origin works for now, but I am still skeptical for the future. I ordered Sims 4 in disc-version on amazone, cause I never want to be so dependend from a download-platform like the last 3 weeks.
    Even for Sims 3 I bought discs now, to be safe.
    Hope they won't make trouble with the Origin versions. :roll:
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    ceejay402ceejay402 Posts: 24,507 Member
    edited June 2014

    Hi all,

    i too can DL now from origin - i Can anyone post if they CANT if i dont hear anything in a day i will close this thread,

    sometimes it takes a village to get ouR games to work properly something i wish wasNT so but at the same time im touched by how many simmers come together to figure out a solution

    so minus one for origin - plus many for simming community :)
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,931 Member
    edited June 2014
    I had the problem with downloading from Origin too.

    I noticed when it didn't work it seemed to be timing out. Then when it did work, it put up a message telling me how much space it needed and how much space was available. That hadn't appeared previously when it didn't work.

    I did notice also that I didn't get an option to choose which drive I wanted it installed on so it seems to be their installer is not working properly.
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    RedMallieRedMallie Posts: 32 Member
    edited June 2014
    ZiyalDamar wrote:
    Chimark wrote:
    Oh well, one thing this help me decide is I will NOT buy Sims 4 unless I get it on disc.

    I am happy Origin works for now, but I am still skeptical for the future. I ordered Sims 4 in disc-version on amazone, cause I never want to be so dependend from a download-platform like the last 3 weeks.

    Hello all,
    I also had the problems with horrible Origin. For me, it started working again on Sunday. However, I discovered a problem in my HD so I had to format my disc and I was able to begin downloading just tonight. This is going to be a long night.
    Sorryy, my question is, for ZiyalDamar and Chimark, is it possible then to avoid using Origin if you have the games on disc? As far as I have understood, even if you have the discs, it is necessary to run the game or open the Launcher through Origin. But if this is not necessary with the games, well, it's good to know if or when I decide to buy any other product for which EA has the licence.
    I very probably won't buy TS4 (I am more and more disappointed on it).
    I wish you luck with your purpose of skipping Origin by buying disc formats.
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    ZiyalDamarZiyalDamar Posts: 46 New Member
    edited June 2014
    Yes, you will need Origin to start the game even if you have the discs.(Only the first edition of Sims 3 can work without Origin)
    I only bought the disks to install the game in case Origin will refuse to download in the future again.
    With Sims I have no chance to change but I will deny to buy EA games from now whenever it is possible. I am not satisfied with the service they offered us the last 3 weeks.
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    villebro30villebro30 Posts: 276 Member
    edited June 2014
    ceejay402 wrote:

    Hi all,

    i too can DL now from origin - i Can anyone post if they CANT if i dont hear anything in a day i will close this thread,

    sometimes it takes a village to get ouR games to work properly something i wish wasNT so but at the same time im touched by how many simmers come together to figure out a solution

    so minus one for origin - plus many for simming community :)

    I am unable to download Movie Stuff (that's the only one that I didn't have downloaded, because I just purchased it without realizing that others were having problems). I keep getting the error code 196613:200.
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    ceejay402ceejay402 Posts: 24,507 Member
    edited June 2014
    villebro30 wrote:
    ceejay402 wrote:

    Hi all,

    i too can DL now from origin - i Can anyone post if they CANT if i dont hear anything in a day i will close this thread,

    sometimes it takes a village to get ouR games to work properly something i wish wasNT so but at the same time im touched by how many simmers come together to figure out a solution

    so minus one for origin - plus many for simming community :)

    I am unable to download Movie Stuff (that's the only one that I didn't have downloaded, because I just purchased it without realizing that others were having problems). I keep getting the error code 196613:200.

    sorry to hear see if this help
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    rachelelyse88rachelelyse88 Posts: 9 New Member
    edited September 2014
    Sorry but I am having this issue today and have been for the past weeks. It is still ongoing with error code 196613:200. I just felt like this topic should get a bump.

    I will edit this after I have tried everything in the above link and say whether or not it helped.
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    ceejay402ceejay402 Posts: 24,507 Member
    Sorry but I am having this issue today and have been for the past weeks. It is still ongoing with error code 196613:200. I just felt like this topic should get a bump.<br />
    <br />
    I will edit this after I have tried everything in the above link and say whether or not it helped.
    is origin up to date?
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