Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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AUGUST -- Caption the Picture: Extended Edition -- Closed


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    klb685klb685 Posts: 3,388 Member
    edited August 2013
    klb685 wrote:
    People love to read stories. Writing them, however, seems a daunting laborious task best left to ... well, anyone else.

    Oh, as if! :) You're a great writer! I have evidence!

    I looked at this before and walked away and thought of a whole story for the pic and I've forgotten it! :)

    Great stories y'all :) Good luck!

    Good to see you, TCO! I had to think for a moment about this "evidence" -- the magnet story. Ah, Gerard and Margot. :mrgreen:
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    BlythelyreBlythelyre Posts: 4,357 Member
    edited August 2013
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    klb685klb685 Posts: 3,388 Member
    edited August 2013
    Blythelyre wrote:

    I certainly hope so. Only 3 entries so far this month which makes it seem like there isn't much interest in this anymore. :( Pity. I had nearly enough points to keep this going until the end of the year (just need to snag a couple more free simpoint offers) and I took a cool picture yesterday for next month.
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    murfeelmurfeel Posts: 7,584 Member
    edited August 2013


    Captain's Log: August 22nd, year 2013
    It has been 2 months since I and my crew boarded the Nautilus and set sail for oceans uncharted beyond the Isla Paradiso coast, and we have yet to find any sign of my lost PlumbBob anywhere in the cold dark watery abyss. Though it pulses with a verdant bioluminscent glow that should easily be detected on our most sophisticated of benthic scanners, radar shows no recording of my PlumbBob's presense anywhere. I gaze out of the porthole windows late at night, when the impossible dark of the ocean becomes ever darker, all light extnguished above and below the water's surface, and I wonder if I shall ever find my PlumbBob again....

    I find myself often thinking back to better days, when my PlumbBob and I were virtually inseparable, as close as any sim could be to the hexagonal bipyramid rotating ever so vigilantly over our pixellated heads. As I grew up I was always fascinated by the fluctuations in color--the greens merging with yellows and reds to match my moods so accurately. I wonder what color it glows now, lost somewhere out there in the deep.

    I lost my PlumbBob quite suddenly one day, while I and my crew were scuba diving beyond the shoals and reefs. We set a course for the deep sea regions where collectibles were plentiful, as resources would need to be secured in advance if we were to remain out in open ocean for extended periods of time. I set some men to comb the ocean floor for delicacies like snails and other seafood we could enjoy, while I spent time analyzing shark teeth. I remember I was not paying much attention to my surroundings (a fault due in no small part I fear to my brooing trait, which I keep forgetting to pray to my Watcher to alter with one of Twallan's mods). At the time I was entranced with the notion that the irregularly large shark teeth I had discovered might belong to some extinct species living millions of years ago, that dwarfed our own great sharks. As I examined the specimen I eventually noticed a growing darkness looming around us, and just as I peripherally caught sight of one of my men signalling frantically at something behind me I was held fast and pressed bodily against the rocks.

    My assailant was none other than a Mersim, clearly furious with us for having invaded their undersea territory. Before I could plead our case to the gang of cryptoids we were each one of us caught in our own fishnets and delivered to the Mersim leader, who held court in underwater caves surrounded wondrous by flora and fauna, the likes of which I and my crew had never before beheld.

    The leader spoke fluent Simlish, to our amazement, introducing himself as Triton King. He demanded to know what business we had in his underwater kingdom, and I quickly explained that we were only curious explorers trying to gather a few provisions. Triton was against allowing us further access to his seafood farms, but proved to be a thankfully benevolent overlord, telling us that we could keep all that we had already caught, but no more. If we were not gone from his waters by the time of the next tide he would release the Kraken to hasten our departure. I had no idea what the Kraken was, nor did I have any desire to learn firsthand, so I thanked our host, gathered my men, and made good our promise to leave Triton's domain with our meagre catch.

    It was only once I was safely aboard the Nautilus again did I realize that my beloved PlumbBob was gone.

    Two months have passed since then. Two months, and not a day goes by when I don't fear that in making a deal with that devil of a sea king, I forfeited my ownership of my PlumbBob when we took the food of the mersims for our own. Was it my own clumsy negligence? Accidental activation of a hideHeadlineeffects On cheat? Or could it be that the Triton King took it as suitable payment...?

    Captain's Log: Supplemental

    Today my crew successfully discovered an uncharted island hidden beyond the thick clouds. An excellent chance to restock supplies, I sent my men ashore to gather whatever they could. Everyone was in good spirits, but I distanced myself from the general merrymaking, and they all gave me my space, aware of my troubles and overall lack of willingness to part from my morose thoughts. While I combed the beach for shells I could not help but get the odd sensation that someone--or something--was watching me, alone though I was. I was correct. The eyes fixed on me came not from the land, but from the water, as I caught--quite to both our surprise--another mersim watching me! This one was female, and quite lovely, with a shock of red hair on her head. She gasped when her voyeurism was discovered, and before I could call out to her, she dove beneath the waves.

    Though I knew my efforts would prove fruitless, I quickly hastened into my scuba gear and gave chase. The mersim had covered considerable distance in that time, but I could see the scales of her tail glistening. I followed relentlessly, until I had the cryptoid cornered as she hid deep within the recesses of a cave not unlike the one where I was taken before Triton King. But this underwater grotto was a veritable treasure trove, ladden with gadgets and gizmos aplenty, and in the heart of this cache was the very mersim I had followed so desperately, watching me yet again.

    I gave her the friendliest of introductions, and she said her name was Ariel Walsh. I begged her assistance. Though many miles outside of Triton's domain, I asked her if she had come across a lone PlumbBob, as she appeared quite the collector of sunken treasures. Unfortunately, willing as Ariel was to help me and fascinated about life above the waves, she had no recollection of ever coming across a PlumbBob. Her news dealt me quite the blow. She noticed my distress and kindly offered to share with me her newest finds, an assortment of twenty ThingamaBobs instead, but alas, I wanted only my PlumbBob, so green and glowing and beautiful. I bid her good day and made to depart.

    "Wait! Glowing, you said...?"

    Ariel led me to a chest where she had stowed away something she found a few weeks back, half buried in the sand in one of the seafood farms in Triton's domain. Frightened by the sickly yellow glow of the thing, she had locked it away in the heavy chest and promptly forgot about it. Her seagull friends had informed her that it was a Whatsit of little importance to humans except as a night light. I opened the chest, my breath catching in my throat.


    In a burst of green light it fixed itself like the North Star over my head, spinning heartily as I thanked the mersim profusely for safeguarding my most valued treasure. She seemed rather remorseful for my sake, imagining that I had spent a great many nights without proper illumination at my bedside.

    And in a roundabout way, she was right.

    The light of my life, gone for so long, had been returned to me.

    I and my PlumbBob: together...forever.


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    klb685klb685 Posts: 3,388 Member
    edited August 2013
    Another entry!

    Just over a week left for new submissions, guys. :D
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    klb685klb685 Posts: 3,388 Member
    edited August 2013
    To the front!

    To go along with the sea theme, how about a kraken to liven things up?
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    PixieKicksPixieKicks Posts: 90 Member
    edited August 2013
    My entry:

    It all happened so sudden! One minute Bob Newton was opening a sunken treasure chest, searching for gold in the Simposian Ocean, the next a large tentacle wrapped round his waist and was pulling him towards a dark cave. “Help!” Bob tried to scream but being under water, it sounded more like a wookiee with a bad cold as little bubbles rose to the surface. Bob grabbed hold of some coral, cutting his hand as he fought against the tentacle’s pull. His hand stung as blood floated in the salt water around him. He saw a Great White shark in the distance, swimming towards his direction. It was big with a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. “This is the end!” Bob thought as his life flashed before his eyes.

    The kraken came out of its cave and swam away from the shark, dragging Bob with it. It was a magnificent creature that swam with grace and poise. The shark was still in pursuit and Bob wondered which creature would get the first bite or if he would be devoured whole. Bob looked around at the majesty of his surroundings, it was a glorious environment, and he regretted that he wasn’t able to explore it any more. Suddenly the kraken released its grip and swam away. Relief turned to fear for Bob as he realised that he was now floating in the middle of the ocean, with a bleeding hand, being chased by a shark, with the possibility that more would be along in a minute.

    A hand grasped Bob’s wrist and pulled him down amongst a reef of corals and caves. The shark swam away and went on the hunt for new prey. Bob turned to his rescuer, to thank them, and what he saw took his breath away. In front of him was a beautiful mermaid. Her hair was purple and matched her tail, the scales glistened, and Bob wondered if he had indeed died and gone to heaven. She smiled at him and it was the smile of an angel. She grabbed his wrist and beckoned him to follow her, to which Bob gladly obliged. He did his best to keep pace with her, she was a naturally gifted swimmer exuding elegance whilst he was a mere sim, with legs and arms and a reliance on oxygen to live. She brought him to the surface, near the shore, and Bob took off his scuba mask and gulped in the fresh sea air that was welcomed wholeheartedly to his lungs. “Thank y-“ Bob began to say but she was already gone, his saviour, his underwater guardian angel, and Bob felt his heart sink a little. He swam to shore, children and families were playing on the beach completely oblivious to the life changing encounter he’d just experienced. He didn’t even know her name.
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    klb685klb685 Posts: 3,388 Member
    edited August 2013
    YAY! Thanks for joining us, PixieKicks.
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited August 2013
    You know, exploring the underwater worlds would be so much more fun without all this required protective wear. First it was wearing seat belts in cars and then helmets on motorcycles. Catcher masks and padding make seeing where the ball is going difficult, if not impossible, when you want to catch that fly ball. That's how I feel about now.

    Breathe. Breathe slowly and evenly. Remain calm.

    There are no sharks or kraken around. Did I just say that, or think that? Do not go there!

    It is so beautiful down here. All these gorgeous colors take my breath away. It's like being in the forested mountains in the fall of the year. One wonders how one could find a better view than that.

    I love the feel down here. Here amongst the coral at the sea floor, I feel other-worldly. It's like an outer body experience. Do you know what I mean?

    All this protective gear can't take the buoyancy away. That floaty, dreamy feeling that this is somehow unreal... that feeling is maybe intensified by the suit. I hate, abhor, dislike the suit; but the dreamy feeling I like.

    Do you feel that way too? Do you want to strip off the ugly gloves and boots? Would you love to pitch the helmet as far away as possible?

    I sure hope that whatever is in this chest makes wearing this cumbersome so-out-of-date divers' gear worth it! If I can find some nice things of value, I am buying a new suit, helmet, gloves, boots, and tank. I want something colorful and lightweight.

    Could you see me blending in with the coral as the sharks swim by? Could you see me posing for National Geographic Magazine in the latest designer diver wear? I should start my own line. Maybe that is what I'll do with the possibilities of treasure inside.

    I almost hate to open the lid. I so don't want to be disappointed! Too many disappointments lately, though I was not disappointed that I encountered no one or nothing on my way down today. I hope the way back goes as well. I hope, really hope, there is treasure within.

    Wouldn't it be just my luck to encounter some slimy sea creature who has nested inside! No that will not be! Today is my lucky day. I know it. New designer diver gear here I come!

    I hope you enjoy my non-entry! Now I get to read what I have missed. It is always so hard for me to wait until I think of something to write.
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited August 2013
    Well, had I read those other awesome stories, I would never have bothered to post my own. Glad it was a non-entry!

    Cute story Hello! Though the fins bothered me as he is wearing boots in the picture, it was a minor point.

    Love it Blythe! No one tells stories the way you do! I could feel the breath inside the helmet and the tentacle... ugh! I love the way you repeated how much he hated the job as well.

    Erja, nice tale! Always love the waking up from a dream aspect.

    klb - love the star fish and the story of your nicknames! (Must go find the magnet story!) I loved the little kraken too!

    Oh I love that he released the little fish who was trapped in the chest, Drbigt.

    Tallcoolone - I hope you remember your story and share it!

    Murfeel - I loved, loved, LOVED your plumbbob story. So uniquely you! So creative. So pixilated Sims!

    PixieKicks - Ah, the kraken saved him and then a beautiful mermaid that he must now forever go in search of.
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    tallcoolonetallcoolone Posts: 6,918 Member
    edited August 2013
    ciane wrote:
    Tallcoolone - I hope you remember your story and share it!

    Hihi! :) I kinda did, but I ran into a snag with technical info to make the story hang together. This is just hard for me, you kinda put yourself out there and I still remember my grades from the other writings I've done! LOL

    I'm gonna read more here! :) Thank you authors! :)

    Murfeel's plumbob story? WHERE!?
    My Page
    Send me a friend request for Simport

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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited August 2013
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    klb685klb685 Posts: 3,388 Member
    edited August 2013
    ciane wrote:

    Oh good grief, how long did it take you to find that?!
    My shock at Gerard's demise was tangible upon reading TCO's addition the first time but then I thought it was a hysterical way to end a romance novel.
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited August 2013
    Actually, I got the link to the thread on the first try and just went to the first page for the links to the stories. The winning entries weren't anywhere near as imaginative and yours and TallCoolOne's! So glad you both got an honorable mention out of it.
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    klb685klb685 Posts: 3,388 Member
    edited August 2013
    Glad you enjoyed reading it, Ciane. I had a lot of fun writing my parts up and planning with TCO.

    Also, we're in the final week of the contest. :shock: I've enjoyed reading all of the stories you guys have come up with.
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    murfeelmurfeel Posts: 7,584 Member
    edited August 2013
    ciane wrote:
    Murfeel - I loved, loved, LOVED your plumbbob story. So uniquely you! So creative. So pixilated Sims!

    Thanks so much!!! :mrgreen::lol: I was feeling a little nautical and needed a good outlet, even though the plot was sheer ridiculousness. :P

    Tagline: Taking nonsense seriously.
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    klb685klb685 Posts: 3,388 Member
    edited August 2013
    murfeel wrote:
    ciane wrote:
    Murfeel - I loved, loved, LOVED your plumbbob story. So uniquely you! So creative. So pixilated Sims!

    Thanks so much!!! :mrgreen::lol: I was feeling a little nautical and needed a good outlet, even though the plot was sheer ridiculousness. :P

    Tagline: Taking nonsense seriously.

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    olive337337olive337337 Posts: 410 Member
    edited August 2013
    I grunted as I pulled open the chest lid. I hope it's the last one for today. I'm really tired of going around and getting treasure for that useless goon I work for. Or should I call him, "Sir Rick."

    I got out my bag, already three quarters of the way full with treasure. Sand dollars, gold coins, seashells, pearls, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, basically you name it and it was in my treasure bag that day. I started scooping in the treasure. Coin after coin, seashell after seashell, boy this job was getting [/i]really monotonous. The only reason I do it every single day is for my love of diving. And, money, of course.

    Done. Now the bag was bursting. Rick should have no reason to make me work overtime tomorrow, although he often fabricated one just for his personal profit.

    "Dan, you're boots are too dirty. Perhaps more diving'll clear 'em up, 'eh?" Or, "Danny. I know you worked hard today, but, boy, I need some extra cash for the casino tomorrow, ya know what I mean? Eh?" And, my favorite, "Oh baby, Danny, look at all these coins! Now. I bet you want some for yerself, huh? Well, I'll tell ya what ya can do about that! GO GET SOME MORE YOU FOOL! DO YOU THINK THIS CAN SUPPORT ME 'AN DONNA? HUH?"

    Yup. That's basically the incessant soundtrack playing in my head.

    I think I'm done for the day. So, I'm about to shut the chest when I see more gold at the bottom. But it's not normal coins. Its bigger, and much shinier. I tilt the lid back, and stick my mask in to get a better view. It's a clock of some sort, it looks really old. I pick it up. It seems to vibrate just for no reason. As I'm examining it, I hear a strange noise coming from all around me. I drop the clock in surprise, and whip around to see what made the noise. Nothing.

    That's when the shadow passes over my head. My heart beat intensifies, filling my ears. I feel my whole body become tense and rigid. I slowly work up the courage to look up.

    Oh. My. God.

    There is this...this giant...thingy! Floating above my head! It looks like a humongo mermaid, and its looking straight down. At me.

    What do I do? My mind is racing, 1000 thoughts per second. Try to run? Is it hostile? What does it want? Should I talk to it?

    I decide on trying to sneak by. I don't have time to check my instruments, so I hope everything's ok. I float a little to the left, then start to ascend. The mermaid doesn't look. Good. Then, at the last minute its head snaps up and looks me straight in the eye. I hear a voice in my head.

    Danny, Danny! You have found us! Danny, you must listen to me closely.

    Am I going crazy? "No, no, I uh...have this thing...I have to uh... go, now, like, now-"

    Danny, don't be afraid, I'm here to help you! The clock found you so you found us! Now, swim as far as you can, Danny! Swim for your life! Swim, swim, swim! Say that three times when you think you are done! And I'll return, I'll return.........

    The thing disappears. I think I'm running out of oxygen...I need to go to the surface. I try to go up, but there's something holding me down. The only direction I can go is left.

    *8 Hours later*

    I've been swimming north for 8 hours now. Now I
    really don't have oxygen! I stop. I'm going to die, so might as well try what the mermaid said.

    "Swim, swim, swim!"

    A magical glow appears around me, and I begin to rise! I feel a strange tingling at the bottom of my legs, and when I look down, there are no longer two legs but one fin!

    I'm a mermaid? Huh?

    The voice returns.

    Danny, you are one of us at last! You are a good soul, a kind soul, and now you can live forever in happiness and bliss. Enjoy your new life, Danny, enjoy it......

    As she finishes speaking, a pack of mermaids and mermen begin to approach me. I feel like I know them. One gestures me towards them. I glide smoothly with my new fin, and I...I feel so...happy! If this is what the rest of my life will feel like, I'll take it in a heartbeat.

    I go over and join them, swimming away, swimming, swimming, and swimming, and until the world runs out of water to swim in, we'll never stop.
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    olive337337olive337337 Posts: 410 Member
    edited August 2013
    sorry about the italics, im a little challenged :?: :roll: :wink:
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited August 2013
    Nice story Olive! Very different ending than I expected. Cool!
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    klb685klb685 Posts: 3,388 Member
    edited August 2013
    Thanks for joining us, Olive337337!

    There are a few more days still for those wanting to submit entries. Contest closes Saturday night (Sunday morning) at midnight CST.
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    klb685klb685 Posts: 3,388 Member
    edited August 2013
    Two and a half days left!
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    klb685klb685 Posts: 3,388 Member
    edited August 2013
    Fewer than 40 hours left!
    Let's un-bury this thread.
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    jezebelthenunjezebelthenun Posts: 2,090 Member
    edited August 2013
    "James, I want you to open the chest." Her voice was calm and reassuring. James stared down at the ornate box in front of him. He could feel the sweat pooling in his helmet, right beneath his chin. For a moment, he thought he could even smell his own fear. "What if I can't handle it," his voice echoed and shook within the dome. "What if I lose myself to it? I don't want that. I'm not strong, you know that!" James was beginning to panic. How long had he been under? He felt sure it had been much longer than they had planned. Air! How much air did he have left? His breathing became heavy as terror swept over him like a storm wind. "James, I've told you before and I'm telling you now that you can never run out of air while I'm here. Just keep breathing and slowly open the chest. Take your time, James. This is a big moment for you. You've really worked hard to make it here, and I want you to enjoy your reward. You've earned it." James closed his eyes and listened to his heartbeat, first a furious pounding, then slowing to a subtle, steady beat like that of a clock's second hand. He counted within his breaths. In... one... two... three ... out. As the air escaped his lungs, he pressed his thumbs hard against the latches that kept the chest bound tightly. "If I lose it," He said quietly, "I won't blame you. I just wanted you to know that you've been so amazing to me. You've helped me so much. Without you I could never have done this. I'd still be in my apartment in the city, dying out of fear. I think you've saved my life a hundred times since we met. I won't ever blame you if things go sideways." There was a moment of quiet, and then came her reply. "I'm just a mirror, James. I show you yourself. It's been you doing the doing this whole time, and I can hardly take the credit. It's not over yet, though, so let's hold on to our speeches. There's no blame to be had because you're going to open that thing up and find the most amazing relic inside. I know this is he hardest part, and there might be some frightening things inside that chest. In fact, I know there will be. You have to let them out to get to the good things in there, James. You have to, and you're going to, and I can't help with that. So on you go, then we'll talk face to face when you come out of there." James wanted to cry. He was so afraid, but he didn't want to let her down. He didn't want to let himself down. He'd come all this way, though so many dark and ugly moments. He'd navigated mazes and wreckage, and now he was finally within reach of this magnificent journey's end. He bit down hard on his bottom lip until it bled, and threw the lid of the chest open. Within moments, he was swarmed by terrible creatures with sharp teeth and razor-like fins. He closed his eyes and tried to shield himself from the monsters, but they shrieked louder and louder and tore at his suit until the air began to escape. James felt his helmet filling with water and cried out, "Help me, please! I'm running out of air! I can't breathe!" Her voice didn't come. She wasn't reassuring him that he was going to make it. Something was very wrong. James began to sink to the floor of the vast water. He choked and gasped within his watery bulb until he could merely sputter. As he looked up, he saw the twisted creatures as they frenzied by the chest, and an anger began to grow in him. They were waiting there all that time to kill him, and his very soul was burning with regret and disappointment. More than that, though, it was burning with ambition. James filled his lungs with the remaining air in his helmet, and some water as well, and began to climb to his feet. The pressure on his body was enormous, and moving caused him great pain, but it only pushed him forward. He would not be lost here. He would take his rightful bounty and return to show her his spoils. He would not let anybody down. As he steadied himself, he looked at the creatures and opened his mouth. Without knowing how or why, a great bellow escaped his lungs and drove the beasts reeling in pain and fear. Another bellow and an air pocket swelled around him, allowing him to breathe. James approached the chest and peered inside, but a look of curious sadness came over his face. There were no riches hidden inside. No jewels or doubloons or even coupons for a free car wash. What hid within the chest was nothing more than a boy, dirty and sleeping. He looked scared. James roused the boy and looked into his small, frail face. A face that was so familiar. A face that was so sad and scared and alone. James felt tears stream down his face as he helped the boy from the prison of wood and paint. "It's okay," he said, smiling, "I've got you. You're not alone anymore. I've got you." James embraced the boy tightly and as he did, he heard a her voice whispering the words, "Come back. . . "

    The next thing James knew, he was sitting on a comfortable, overstuffed sofa with tears still streaming down his cheeks and collecting in a small puddle in his lap. He could hardly speak, but he looked across at her face and mouthed a most sincere "Thank you." She smiled. "Thank you, James," she said, as she handed him a tissue. "You were very brave. I knew you could do it. I'm so proud of you." They sat in silence together for a long time, until she finally spoke again. "You are welcome to come back here anytime, James, but I think you'll find you don't really need to anymore. I think you can really begin living your life now." James stood up and nearly fell over. He was still woozy and disoriented, but he managed to collect his voice. "Thank you, Dr. Hobart. Thank you so much. I never thought I could feel this way. And I thought that hypnosis was a sham. . . I was so wrong. Thank you. Thank you." With that, James left the office and walked to the train station. He rode the train home and took a bath. He sat by the phone and stared at it for a long time before he picked up the receiver and dialed a number. His heart pounded as the tone rang on the other end of the line. "Hello?" A mans voice came on quick and gruff. James swallowed hard. "Hello. . . Dad?"
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited August 2013
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