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How will you be spending your Holidays? **Hoodie Random Giveaway!!!**


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    AortaVeinAortaVein Posts: 1
    edited December 2011
    I will be spending it with my family. With the exeption of my sister who voluenteered to work Christmas Day and my Grandpa is visiting my Aunty.
    I hope to meet up with my new boyfriend on boxing day so that I can see what his parents thought about his My Little Pony present I got him (because he is obsessed).
    After that I will be writing dissertations by their thousands :)
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    bribrisimbribrisim Posts: 3
    edited December 2011
    Im spending it at my house with ALL of my family! Just how I like it! :D Im counting down the days! Oh and there will be ALOT of TS3 this december! Happy holidays!
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    rasynarasyna Posts: 1
    edited December 2011
    I'm mom to a gaming family (two boys, 11 and 16 and a girl, 5) We will be staying local for the holidays here in Alaska, probably playing games together like the Sims 3, The Sims Social and Age of Mythology. The boys like The Sims from time to time but my daughter is already an addict... got her started young. ;)
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    imey82imey82 Posts: 70 Member
    edited December 2011
    i will probably be having christmas with my family and grandparents if they can make it to where i live for christmas. we always go out on christmas night and look at everyones lights and decorations on their houses (oh yea and i will also be playing the sims 3 :) )
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    Vickytoria25Vickytoria25 Posts: 1 New Member
    edited December 2011
    My husband, kids and I will be probably be spending it between my parents and his (because we can't say "Oh, we're just going one place this year.").

    We'll start off at his mom's place, where we'll spend the night, and then be woken up at 6am to sit in the freezing living room with that fake fire they place on KTLA with the Christmas music. We'll open presents and actually try to open the clothes first so we can layer it on us. Once we're done opening presents we'll wait for his grandparents, aunt and uncles to come over. We'll have an early dinner during which someone (probably his grandpa) will make an uncomfortable comment either about politics or race. At which time I will use my six month old as an excuse to leave the room.

    Then my husband, me and our kids will dash over to my parents' place across town to have dinner with them and my brother. After dinner we'll open presents before my oldest (age 3) decides to start taking the ornaments off the tree. Eggnog will be had as we sit in front of a real fire watching whatever football game my dad DVR'ed.

    Then we'll head back home around 8 or 9pm because I work retail and have to be up at the butt crack of dawn to take peoples returns. However I'm addicted to TS3 so I'll probably stay up until 2am playing.
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    JRCampbellJRCampbell Posts: 1
    edited December 2011
    My family will be at my house for the holidays. I could really use that hoodie while standing outside on my porch in the cold praying for God to give me more patience. Just sayin....
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    jessikillaaajessikillaaa Posts: 1
    edited December 2011
    Taking tons of pictures of all the beautiful Christmas lights and decorations, and spending Christmas eve at my Fiance's and Christmas day at my house. Drinks, food, and presents. :]
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    carla70carla70 Posts: 575 Member
    edited December 2011
    I will be staying at home playing my Christmas gift Sims Pets!
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    franijol212franijol212 Posts: 20 New Member
    edited December 2011
    My husband is in the Navy so this will be the first year in two years that he will be spending Christmas with us. I have to little ones and we spend the morning opening presents and singing Christmas songs. Also watching the parade is a must! Then we'll end the day with a delicious ham dinner with all the best fixings and of course a yummy dessert! I cannot wait, Christmas is the best holiday!!
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    sopea001sopea001 Posts: 1
    edited December 2011
    At home with my mum, bro and bro-in-law, sis and my nephew. This is kinda normal for me, and I love every bit of it <3
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    loniloserloniloser Posts: 1
    edited December 2011

    I will be spending my holidays playing sims 24/7
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    simphony13simphony13 Posts: 2 New Member
    edited December 2011
    bps3 wrote:
    whos sad enough to go out wearing that ? :S x
    In answer to your question: those who appreciate nerd humor and couldn't care less what other people think of them for it, that's who!! LIKE ME!!!!!!!

    Well, my holiday plans are to spend lots of time with my family, just like my sims:

    My sim family will be cozying up by the fireplace in their beautiful old farm house: Mama Jess, Papa Clint, their son Jackson, and their little girl Harper. Radar, their old sheep dog will be curled up on the floor, and Tigger the barn cat will be catching mice in the stables where the horses (Thunder, Hwin, and Misty) sleep. Harper will be glancing at the window occasionally, hoping to see Sunshine the unicorn one more time (was it just a dream?). Jackson is thinking about Lemon, the little blonde-haired girl who has always been his best friend, and wondering whether (hoping) she is thinking of him too. As they sit together, Jess looks over at Clint and smiles. He sees her eyes brimming with love, and returns her smile with his own lop-sided grin, reaching over to gently push her long red hair behind her ear. They look over at their brood. Jackson and Harper have finished their hot chocolate and Harper is now thoroughly engaged in a ghost story Jackson is telling her. Radar's paws twitch at the air as he lies dreaming, and Harper absent-mindedly strokes his velvety ear, wide-eyed, as the images of the story envelope her. Suddenly, there is a bump on the roof, and as they all look up they are overcome with a feeling of pure magic. Running to the window as one, Harper stands on her tiptoes and cups her hands around her face to see past the glare. Is it her imagination or is that a sleigh disapearing into the distance? Jackson's heart leaps though he is not quite sure why. Clint can swear he hears the fading sound of bells, and Jess can tell from the little notification in the top right corner of the screen that she has just seen a deer ( :wink: ). They are filled with wonderment and awe, and as they turn to each other they all realize one thing: They may not have a lot of money, but they could hardly be more wealthy.

    And that is one thing I most certainly can relate to, because I am also rich with loved-ones, and grateful for it every second.
    Although it would be SO nice to also be cozy and warm and comfy in that AWESOME hoodie!!!!
    And so, please consider me for the giveaway!!
    Many thanks! :D
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    MirrorEffectMirrorEffect Posts: 1
    edited December 2011
    During the Holidays, I'm going to spend it with my family. We don't need gifts or anything, we just need smiles...
    And of course, I'll be spending a lot of my time playing the sims, but that was already noted with the smiles :P
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    computertech82computertech82 Posts: 2,847 Member
    edited December 2011
    I'll be at work. Not exactly a holiday where i work at.
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    rstephens0502rstephens0502 Posts: 13
    edited December 2011
    I am spending a couple of hours at my Mom's Boyfriend's house on Christmas Eve. :oops: It's awkward cuz I barely know her. My sister, my Mom and her boyfriend are eating Christmas Eve there, and there's this weird little kid there who's like 9 he's just a really weird kid :shock: Later we're going to watch a movie at the movie theater like every Christmas Eve, and then we're going to open presents AFTER her boyfriend gets back from church. It's gonna be almost an hour to wait to open presents. :cry: But it's gonna be a fun holiday! :D
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    Sane2punkSane2punk Posts: 1
    edited December 2011
    we are relying on angel tree this year for our kids presents :(
    my autistic son was being mistreated by his teacher at school and we had to move kind of out of nowhere near my husbands family, so their dads cousins driving him two hours back to our old area to pick up the presents and he lost his job in the move.
    we will be watching Norad the nite b4 and drinking egg nog or cocoa and eating cookies. and watching christmas movies!!! we always try to give them pjs to open on xmas eve to get them more excited, so hoping to be able to find a way to afford that this year...
    if i was getting an xmas present, id want the new sims 3 game... but since im not, id sure love to get a hoodie!!! for me or one of the kids. 3 of my kids are also sims addicts!
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    pnolespnoles Posts: 6,989 New Member
    edited December 2011
    Azorie wrote:
    I'll Finally Get to spend Christmas With My husband. My Husband is a Soldier in The United states Army and Every Christmas he has been Deployed, or Out doing some Kind of field training. He is finally home for our first Christmas together in the 5 years we've been married and i am Looking forward to it. I have the Tree already up and Lights All over the House. I bought His presents and i am so Happy to personally see him open them instead of seeing it over webcam. I never decorated because I never had anyone to share it with. but Now I am so happy I just want Everything to be Perfect! Whats better is That This is our first Christmas Back in The states so We are also close to our families! I am feeling so Blessed to have my Husband for at least one Special holiday! Wish Every soldier was Home with their families this Christmas. This is my husband and i finally together for Christmas :)

    <a href="; target="_blank"><img src="; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="; target="_blank"><img src="; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    Thank you Azorie for that wonderful post! I want to thank both you and your husband for serving this great nation! :D
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    rippleyryanrippleyryan Posts: 4 New Member
    edited December 2011
    My family and i will be traveling to Montana to visit my dad who is working in the oil boom. and i will be bringing my computer with so i can play The Sims 3 on the road and when i have some spare time out in Montana. :)
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    ThaliusSnoadThaliusSnoad Posts: 6
    edited December 2011
    Spending time with my son.
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    mawhiskers3mawhiskers3 Posts: 396 New Member
    edited December 2011
    This Christmas I will be staying at home with my lovely little simmies. (:
    I will be spending most of my time at my mom's house, where my friend Dylan comes over and we play sims for hours! I'm planning on doing this soon. For some time I will be at my dad's house, where I unfortunately don't get to spend time but I get to spend time with my dad and my doggy. (:
    Definitely looking forward to the holidays and time off school (and playing sims)! :D
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    CrystalDayCrystalDay Posts: 1
    edited December 2011
    Well, my holiday season will consist of staying home, here in Massachucettes, and relaxing with a hot cup of hot cocoa with my family, and opening presents. It's also my 18th birthday on the 22nd of this month, so I will be celebrating that.
    My holiday season isn't something I want to spend with the world, it's something i like to celebrate staying home with my wonderful family. Nothing is more important to me than spending time with my family...

    ...oh.. and playing sims3! :D
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    allimaesterallimaester Posts: 4 New Member
    edited December 2011
    Awesome sweatshirt!! :D

    I will be spending as time with my family and friends as possible because I this is my first year away at college and I have really missed them. I will also eat a lot of cookies and play a lot of The Sims 3!
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    wolffriendinuswolffriendinus Posts: 94 Member
    edited December 2011
    I will be going over to grandma's house for sharing gifts, dinner, and to celebrate grandma's birthday. If we're lucky it will be a white christmas again this year.
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    butterfly61butterfly61 Posts: 1,921 Member
    edited December 2011
    I will be spending Christmas Eve with my family at my brothers house. We will be making dinner for my husbands family at my house on Christmas day. We make way too much stuff to eat. My in-laws and my husband are all having health problems so converting all the different things to sugar free has been a learning process. Thankfully my husband loves to cook so he is a big help.
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    KaylaStar7KaylaStar7 Posts: 1
    edited December 2011
    Considering the fact that I live in the middle of Canada - Christmas is not very exciting for me. I mean I LOVE the holidays, the Christmas dinner, and the presents. But I absolutely HATE the weather. It's freezing in Saskatchewan! The snow is piled up past my knees, the layers of sweaters I have to wear, the weather is -30c, and don't get me started on shovelling the driveway every day!
    Usually I go to Alberta for Christmas, which is a bit warmer than SK. But I'm staying here this year. I have my survival kit ready! A winter coat, snowpants, hot chocolate, mittens, and of Sims 3 games(: During my spare time when I don't have to wrap presents or shovel the driveway, my family will most likely find me in my room hosting a party, riding a horse, or hanging out with my boyfriend...on Sims of course :wink:
    An even better thing is my friend is coming to visit from Ontario! I haven't seen her in months and she's one of my best friends. We always play Sims together and so I'm planning on getting her an expansion pack for Christmas(:
    Hope everyone has a great Christmas!
    Kayla (:
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