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Aspen Bay - no streets, no school - FINAL VERSION is up ;-)

SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
edited March 8 in Nominated Threads
This world is listed on the new WORLD INDEX.

March 21 2010: While I'm no longer updating this thread, I still check for feedback, comments and questions, and will of course respond if anyone post. If anyone wants it, I can upload a save file (1 generation later with more houses).

Aspen Bay (no streets - no school)


EP COMPATIBILITY:--WA is required. No CC was used that I'm aware of, but a few farm objects from Riverview. Note that in a world with no streets, it takes long to move about. You can save time by using the teleport cheat. This is a quiet world that suits a gaming style that is quite different from how you would play in a hectic town.

Looking north, Maccoroc Cliffs to your left, beach and Aurbelle Headland to your right. In the north you can see Shadow Valley.

RELEASE DATE:--Aspen Bay final version released on January 30th. The test version was released on January 9th. Any info on future updates will be posted here.
STATUS: If you already play the beta version, note that the adjustments are few:
* A cash register was placed on the counter at the Market (you can do this in the first version without downloading the final version)
* A flying bush near the ship wreck was planted
* Some lot edges fine-tuned (Shadow Valley and some lots near the beach)
* A distant background was added because Aspen Bay was never an island.

TECH:--File size: 23 MB. WA required. Small size, 200 height. 21 residential lots, 9 commercial lots. Local families (separate downloads) available on the exchange, direct links below.

The World Exchange doesn't work for my world file, so I've packed it elsewhere. There are 1 zip file (world), and 6 households (all on the Exchange):

The Aspen Bay world file - this is the final version
Download from Mediafire

Maccoroc Farm with family - in game use this as a replacement for the existing house at 4 Maccoroc Cliffs. 3 sims and family paintinges etc. included.
Aurbelle Residence with family - in game use this as a replacement for the existing house at 2 Aurbelle Headland. 5 sims and family paintinges etc. included.
Muggey Estate with family - in game use this as a replacement for the existing house at 1 Aspen Bay (next to the bookstore. 2 sims and family paintinges etc. included. Note that Belinda Muggey shall be the owner of the bookstore, if the deed no longer works, she can afford buying it again. Also rename the bookstore to "Belinda's Books & Café".
Alvin Cabb - This single male famer comes on the small lot with a hut near the beach, and can be moved to any address, might fit well in Shadow Valley. 2 sims included. The Cabbs holds a tragic story, read poor Alvin Cabb's lot description.
Grim family (poor family #1) - This couple with 2 kids can replace 1 Shadow Valley. Mum tries to learn gardening while dad is for of a flirt. They just had a fire, in Aspen Bay no households use alarms, they need to stop a fire themselves, and this time dad did. 4 sims included.
Wist family (poor family #2) - This dad with two kids can replace 3 Shadow Valley in Apen Bay. Mum used to live there, but she was always crazy and today she was no longer there. Will she return? 3 sims included.

Aspen Bay is a small old fashioned community located by the ocean. No streets, no cars, no school and just one rabbithole (=few jobs). Traditionally the locals avoid services and alarms. "If our ancestors could make it, so can we!". Most families make a living from farming, fishing or nectar making. No public school, but most kids and teens spend 2-3 days at the Farmer's Library where they read or practice gardening, fishing or other skills. Aspen Bay is a peaceful place, although the two rivalizing families, Maccoroc and Aurbelle, do their best to avoid each other's company. It's a good thing they resides far apart.

West of the bay are the tall Maccoroc Cliffs, and further to north/west the Cabb Hills stops the chilly western winds. This makes the fields on top of the cliffs perfect farmland. East of the bay the Aurbelle headland reaches limited heights, partly covered by vegetation. Areas away from the bay are less fertile and exposed for partly strong wind, giving sparse vegetation. Shadow Valley is located north of the bay, in the less fertile area.

The bay got its name from the many aspen trees. In addition the vegetation covers mainly buckthorn, spruce and fir. This is not in a tropical climate, although Summer can get very hot by the bay. It is quite a long walk from the end of the Maccoroc Cliffs to the Aurbelle headland, so most of the time locals stay on the side where they reside. The height difference splits the community even more.

(more under the pictures)


Aspen Bay comes with a history that you can build on if you like.

The first known settlement was founded 11,5 generations ago - not in the bay, but just behind Mah Pah where some ruins can still be seen. The Maccoroc and Aurbelle families have resided Aspen Bay for nearly as long. They still argue over who holds the longest traditions, but none of them can say for sure that they descend from the very first settler.

A few generations ago something exciting happened! Aspen Bay became a favourized harbour for smaller ships that needed calm waters for the night and new supplies before moving on. This trigged a new optimistic spirit among locals, and the east side of the bay got a general store (established by the Cabbs) and a beach plaza. Unfortunately ships soon found their supplies elsewhere, and Aspen Bay's business plans failed drastically. "Told you so" said both the Maccorocs and Aurbelles when the Cabb family left Aspen Bay in shame (it's referred to as the only agreement between the two families). The old ship wreck with a single aspen tree growing on board, is now a monument over Aspen Bay's broken dreams.

One generation ago old traditions were challenged again, see the bookstore (9 posts down on this page).

Because of limited households, families often pick a suitable spouse for their heir long before the heir reaches adulthood. The two families make sure to build good relations. A family with several children will do this only for the one that will take over the farm. Still, some times parents can't really force love.

A good heir will have minimum 10 skill points when reaching young adult. They say the kids should have at least 5 when reaching teen, or they will be given to the pirates (it's a joke, but makes kids work their skills).

Sunday is Family Day. This means no major work, but spending at least parts of the day together, perhaps going somewhere, having a good time.

Monday it's fish for dinner in most homes. The Aurbelles say it was always like this, and that it's a sure way to see who appreciates their dear Aspen Bay! For some reason the Maccorocs don't agree.

Number of community lots: 9 (includes 3 fishing spots)

Maccoroc Market (run by the Maccoroc family)
Farmer's Library (used by (active) kids and teens as school.
Maccoroc Terraces (park)
BBC - Belinda's Books & Café (off- and online store, internet café)
Aspen Bay Beach


Please scroll down to see more about the community lots.

Number of residential lots: 20 (includes 7 houses)

Maccoroc Farm (incl family), Farm 2 (vacant), Muggey Estate (incl family), Aurbelle Residence (incl family), Shadow Valley house #1 (incl family), Shadow Valley house #2 (vacant).

Houses from topleft to bottomright: Maccoroc Farm, Studio, Aurbelle Residence, Muggey Estate, Farm (not occupied), Shadow Valley houses. All these 7 houses are included. Interior is functional, but not worked a lot with. Leaving to you to adjust textures and match interior using what objects you have access to.

OBS empty lots: A buckthorn tree has been placed on empty lots to hide the mailbox and trashcan. If you want to play with just 7+ houses, there won't be lonely mailboxes everywhere. Bulldoze the empty lots if you want the correct icon in town view.

Maccoroc family (3 sims, resides Maccoroc Farm at 4 Maccoroc Cliffs), Aurbelle family (5 sims, resides Aurbelle Residence at 2 Aurbelle Headland), Muggey family (2 sims, resides Muggey Estate at 1 Aspen Bay, next to the bookstore) and a couple more families will be available as separate downloads. The 3 main households come in their homes, which you simply place on the correct address. There are furniture and family portraits in there.

Aspen Bay was previously called Simbay - old info and pictures here)
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    BGateGWayBBGateGWayB Posts: 3,828 Member
    edited January 2010
    I'm so interested to see it. I'll gladly test it for you. If people do test them then you make a completed better version is there a way to delete the old one?
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010
    Yes, you can delete the first version by deleting/uninstalling it in the TS3 launcher. But the test game will then also be deleted. Before deleting the beta, you can save households to the bin, and continue their lives in the final version, you will keep their skills and relations within household, but relations between households will be lost.
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    enkeli63enkeli63 Posts: 6,637 Member
    edited January 2010
    Those screens look beautiful! Great job 8) I was wondering about no school--wont the social worker take the kids for not going to school?
    OriginID Starwing6
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    BoyWonder23BoyWonder23 Posts: 393 Member
    edited January 2010
    The game recognises there is no school so as thus the children can't go to school so no fear of the social worker
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010
    I tested with kids and no school, and like BatQueen23 said, it's okay. Kids just don't get any school grade, so that way they can't fail in school either. It gives more time for home schooling, but I guess it's easy to forget to study when you don't have too :-)

    I've tested a new version of Aspen Bay in regular game play tonight. I also added 5 more small residential lots, there is now a total of 12 where of 5 are clean. Took some screens during the testing. Not very good pics, but still some views I didn't post earlier.

    Added lots more trees and texture, and I think the cliffs look much better (less green) in gameplay, but looks a bit flat on this pic. I'll add a few more shrubs and cracks etc to break the lines. This red house I call the Studio, you see the farmland just above. With the fantastic view down to the bay, the Studio will be perfect for a painting artist or photograph. It's a tad more modern and the only house with a pool. Wouldn't recommand having a toddler crawling about up there though :?

    A bit away from the bay is Shadow Valley. Hill faces north, although it looks quite sunny on this pic. Down there in the dump are two cheap houses. There are 2 more empty lots for future needs. These kids are on the way to the Farmer's Library, where they study instead of going to school.

    This is my favourite pic from tonight's session. I tested how long it took this man to walk from top of the cliffs and all the way to the beach on the other side of the bay. He was carrying his toddler, so he walked instead of running. It took them 4.5 hours! And still the sidewalk continues after the beach... When they run they make it in less than an hour, but I guess sims will spend more time at home, or at least focusing on the area on their side of the bay. Non-played sims will of course be all over the place regardless of distances.
    On this pic they almost completed the steep and narrow passage down from the cliffs. In a sec the beach opens on their right side, I love see them walking there. Notice the shadow on the ground to the left (look for the wheel); it's from a carriot standing up on the cliff to the right - they passed it 1 hour ago! I had no idea shadows could visualize this far.

    Oki, all for now.
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    twinsimstwinsims Posts: 69 New Member
    edited January 2010
    Bookmarking this so I don't lose track of it. Looks awesome.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    edited January 2010

    It looks great! I like it very much. :mrgreen:
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010

    I'll post a list of the community lots with pics tonight.

    PS: I'm now at work, seeing that the shadow is much harder to see on a different monitor. So I hope that one wasn't very important to any of you, LOL.
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010
    I'm currently testing 3rd version in game, and I'm glad the two lots I couldn't access propperly now seem to work. While other sidewalks that used to work, needs fixing... urgh...

    As promised, here are some info on 7 of the 9 community lots of Aspen Bay. First, an overview:

    1. Maccoroc Market
    This is a farmer's market, containing displaystands, harvestable food, and 2 builds. It was run by the Maccoroc family for generations, they reside pretty close and come here almost every day to make nectar. The market is still a natural meeting place for the local farmers, but is generally losing visitors to the café down at the beach. Visitors can make nectar, have a bbq, harvest food, play a fussballgame, and of course view the stuff on display. The builds are big enough for future OFB stuff (if we ever get it). In the background you see the two mountains that are called Mah Pah (see number 4).

    2. Maccoroc Terraces (park)
    Once a private garden, founded by some Mrs. Maccoroc of the past. These days a lovely public garden that everyone can enjoy. The Maccorocs ignore the fact that the founder once imported most of the plants to Aspen Bay because she found the traditional vegetation uninspiring.

    3. Farmer's Library
    Located where the Cabb Hills begins, right on top of the steep passage that leads down to the beach. At this small library kids and teens will spend a few days to read up on skills or to practice farming or fishing. There is also a small cabin where anyone can get well rested, student or not. I just noticed that the library isn't really meant for studies (the bookstore is), so eager students might need to bring their own books. Chess, easel, workout, mirror etc is available. In Aspen Bay it's tradition that a child have minimum 3 skills before becoming a teen, and minimum 10 skillpoints when becoming a young adult. Anyone who fails will be given to the pirates (local joke that puts some pressure on the kids).

    4. Mah Pah (for romancing couples who like a great view!)
    Romancing sims, mostly teens and young adults, often frequent the top of Mah Pah. Oh, there is a saying that even an elderly married couple once sat up there hugging, while looking down to the bay. This spot is very small and private (a bit more than pictured), so if more than one sim are already there you will simply leave to not disturb them. Most couples got engaged at Mah Pah, and this is a fact that will never change. Those who were turned down, could at least watch a spectacular view through their tears.

    5. BBC - Belinda's Books & Café (the only rabbithole - with extras)
    When Belinda Muggey replaced the old general store with a modern bookstore (off- and online) and internet café, long traditions were broken in Aspen Bay. Everyone was very upset. One generation later, most locals have now learned to appreciate the exotic coffee, only the Maccorocs teach their children to stay away from BBC.

    6. Aspen Bay Beach
    The sand and the seagulls were always there, but the small plaza was built back when Aspen Bay expected new harbour businesses to bloom. Oh, how wrong they were! The only thing that the future brought was this tiny beach plaza - and the ugly ship wreck. A few activities provided, ie bbq and toddler toys.

    7. Eastern Bank
    One of 3 good fishing spots, this one on the Aurbelle headland is often frequented by the Aurbelles (meaning the Maccorocs will never set foot here). Also includes a few BBQ facilities not showing on the picture. In the background you see a bit of the beach. (More texture to be added)

    All for now... If I were to add just one more community lot, what do you think it shoul be (no rabbitholes)?
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    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    georgiecolloffgeorgiecolloff Posts: 26
    edited January 2010
    This looks amazing... when are you putting this up for exchange? I'm excited :D
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010
    Thank you :D

    I hope to upload it quite soon, I think this weekend might be it. CAW is fun but very time consuming, and someday I just need to say it's done, even though there will always be small visually details that can be adjusted.

    Plan is to upload occupied houses separately for those who like to have the Maccoroc, Aurbelle and Muggey families (and a few more) in there. I like to make background stories, so some of them come with ie family paintings etc. I also played the past generation to have their familytrees, but it turned out familytrees were deleted when the sims got a temporary stay in the sims bin (might have worked better if I saved them in a house, but I can't redo all that). And graves lost their inscriptions (and probably ghost), but well... learning the tough way :-).
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010
    Looks like I'm mostly talking to myself here, but as I see there are a few readers checking the thread, I'll keep posting :P

    I've now added EP compatibility stuff in my first post (good idea, BSIRegina), and I'll edit the first post to make it easier to find short facts, without needing to read the entire thread. I plan to add sections with info on Aspen Bay's history, families and lots for a start - will do so tonight.

    Also, had a crash last night and lost 2 hrs of hyper texture painting, bad me not saving. I've caught up on most of it, though. Main work that remains now is to inspect every building for a final touch. Then I will move in the correct families and pack & upload families in their houses to replace the vacant house that comes with the world. So - a bit work remains, but most of it is pure fun :-)

    This is the final chance to request more specific community lots. More empty lots were added (not really sure how many, but I'll count), so there should be good chances to add your own smaller community lots as you play it.
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    happyjmehappyjme Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited January 2010
    I think your world looks very good. Im looking forward to it. :) Maybe you can add a couple of lots way out in the middle of nowhere :) for loner sims lol
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010
    Hi, there are a couple lots suitable for loners, but right now I added one extra *way out* and will name the address after you, LOL. It's not a nice place, but it's different from the other locations, which might be fun anyway :-)
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    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    Calimero2000Calimero2000 Posts: 1,007 New Member
    edited January 2010
    I really like this world. It's a great idea, just a small village spread out over some hills and mountains.

    Some of the pics look great, especially some in the first post.

    Does it have some sort of park, where there isn't a particular theme going on?

    Happy Simming,
    Calimero :mrgreen:
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    snuttdisnuttdi Posts: 270 Member
    edited January 2010

    I read the CAW threads daily to keep abreast of new developements and progressions. I believe that I posted to your original thread "Simbay". I love the name "Aspen Bay" and am eager to download it when you finish it.

    I am also interested in the families that you created too. I really like the look of your sim families and they really seem to fit in with the type of environment that you created for your world. Looks like alot of fun to me!

    I think that you did a fantastic job of keeping your theme consistent throughout your world. Good job on reworking it for future EP's.

    All in all, you deserve a great big thank you! I know that I thank you and am looking forward to downloading Aspen Bay!

    Thank you!
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010
    Thanks both of you. I hope you won't need to edit your posts after testing Aspen Bay :-)

    Calimero2000: There is a large park, and several small fishing spots with access to BBQ so because there is pretty much nature everywhere I don't think more parks is needed. I'll rather leave it to each simmer to adjust the content of the existing "parks".

    Today I updated with lots of text, seeing it as easier for most to find what they need in the first post. Also added many new small pictures of some of most of the lots - all in the first post.

    Only 2 more days to go!
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    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    animalsrule11animalsrule11 Posts: 43
    edited January 2010
    I LOVE your idea! Aspen Bay looks too cool to be real! If only my game agreed with CAW...
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    Aar2697PAar2697P Posts: 500 New Member
    edited January 2010
    I almost peed my pants when I saw "January 9". I am so excited!
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010

    Edit: oh my, tripple... wht's up with the boards? Hope I'll not be flooding, and especially not with this post, LOL
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010
    tripple :roll:
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010
    Haha, don't pee your pants, there won't be any washing machine in Aspen Bay :lol:
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    snuttdisnuttdi Posts: 270 Member
    edited January 2010

    Jan 9th! Oh boy! I can't wait!

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    yanti68yanti68 Posts: 19,017 Member
    edited January 2010
    Lovely neighbourhood Simmerville! Looks so green all over! Gorgeous! Good job! I would definitely recommend it once you upload it to the exchange. :-)
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    en_GB Anonymousen_GB Anonymous Posts: 283 New Member
    edited January 2010
    I would love to do download it but my laptop is broken :( so I can't but I will eventually for now I shall just rec it.

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